Matthew Ward ~The days of the cabal are over
Arrests imminent; world leaders and ETs negotiating, attendees include Illuminati; areas of progress; Obama; everything based in darkness to cease by year end; interim reform initiation; changes after planet enters fourth density; reason for delay of ET landings; responsibilities to self
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is our joy to tell you that a great deal of major importance is underway. Although some information that could be published very likely won�t be�namely, that a sizeable number of high ranking Illuminati are in line for arrest�most high level accomplishments are known primarily to the participating parties.
In various parts of the world, negotiations are ongoing between representatives of civilizations that are assisting Earth and some of the principals in your governments, banking, manufacturing, military, agriculture, mining, medicine, education, religions, transportation, entertainment�actually, every field that affects life in your world. Considering that spectrum and the level of attendees, you won�t be surprised to know that some within the Illuminati ranks are among them.
The �outer space� representatives enter these meetings looking no different from you, then shift into their natural bodies for a while before returning to their first appearance. As you can imagine, this shifting�actually, the very presence of these individuals from other worlds!�has had profound effects on your negotiators. However, the extraterrestrials� only purpose is to produce profound results�wise decisions by your people�and those are coming about.
The visiting contingent has made persuasive presentations that opened your negotiators� eyes to the folly of proceeding in their respective directions of competition, conflict, corruption, conquest and deception. Some Illuminati in attendance are eagerly jumping on the band wagon; others are less enthusiastic, but since it is abundantly clear that their day is over, they are joining their counterparts who very willingly abandoned ship, so to say.
Knowledgeable discourse and reasonable discussions that lead to expanded awareness and cooperation always are far preferable to more forceful measures. Furthermore, the only means whereby light warriors do battle is with light itself. Enlightenment facilitates smooth transitioning from old systems to new, and that is important indeed; but the greater significance is that it is your leaders in all those areas, not individuals from other civilizations, who are setting the new course for your world.
Considerable progress has been made in the two areas with the most immediate impact�governing bodies and the global economy. From factual reports in your mainstream media, this doesn�t appear to be so, especially regarding the economy. There is much talk and little action in the United States and the countries that you call the Eurozone, all of whose massive debts are increasing by the day.
What this portends for the world, according to your analysts, is ominous. Because they have no idea that today�s situation is the essential prelude to instituting honest and equitable systems, their conclusions are based on history and academic views about how to handle multinational economic matters. Like everything else being forecast on those bases, the economic analyses don�t apply in this era that is unprecedented in the universe.
Much publicity also is given to the many unknowns in various governments. The direction of Egypt�s new leader and how the half of the country that didn�t vote for him will react. Where Iran�s nuclear development will lead. How animosity of longstanding between the Israelis and Palestinians will be resolved. What is going on in Pakistan. How other nations may respond to Syria�s civil war. How menacing North Korea may become. What plans do Russia�s and China�s leaders have. What to do about the impoverished countries in Africa and Latin America.
Because a particular issue is in the forefront of so many minds around the world, we shall speak of it. President Obama will be reelected, and this is no more a matter of politics now than it ever was. Often we have told you that the Golden Age master planners requested this soul from a highly evolved civilization to come to the planet specifically to fill one of the most strategic positions during this phase of Earths� ascension out of third density and entry into fourth. And all of you agreed with this when you enthusiastically chose your own roles in this lifetime.
We also have spoken about the formidable opposition to Obama�s endeavors to bring about greatly-needed reforms in his country and to achieve peace in the world. What we didn�t disclose before is that light warriors came from his homeland to protect him and his family from the band of dark reptilians, also from another planet, that the Illuminati hired to kill the Obamas. This shows the extent of the dark ones� fear that this president would end their long reign, and they are right. Very soon they will have no more means to buy assassins, members of Congress or multitudes of lobbyists�then all will see the light in Obama and herald his wise leadership and actions toward world unity.
Those and other national and international situations of interest or concern can most aptly be described as moving at varying paces toward �the light at the end of the tunnel.� Because the energy momentum of world transformation cannot be slowed or detoured, stability will emerge out of all current turmoil. Ideologies and philosophies that have perpetuated fear and divisiveness are on the wane, and those cornerstones of duality will cease altogether when the planet enters the lower planes of fourth density, around the end of this year.
By then, everything that emits low vibrations will cease. This includes rulers of tyrannical regimes or cultures that deny women God-given and civil rights; Satanists; the controllers of your advanced technologies who have used them for destructive purposes; principals in the Vatican; individuals who still are censoring information or ordering the production of films that glorify war or portray aliens as monstrous invaders.
How can almost inconceivably monumental changes in conditions and behavior come about by the end of your year? Only light-filled persons will be living on Earth then.
In the meantime, there will be confusion and commotion. Many apple carts are going to be upset as changes initiated. There will be negotiations to end combat and the leave-taking of troops, the return of refugees to their homes. Laws, policies, regulations and practices that are unjust or injurious will be overturned, including unfair taxation rates. Redistribution of the wealth in your world will ease, then end the unconscionable disparity between the few and the masses.
Other major changes will come incrementally after the planet enters fourth density. Members of your universal family will be assisting you in efforts that require technologies, such as elimination of all sources of pollution in your air, waters, and soil and other environmental restoration processes as well as new forms of power and transportation.
Your leaders, all of whom will have spiritual and moral integrity, will continue to add or amplify reform measures, and Earth will continue her return to her original paradise self and a moderate climate globally.
All of those differences from life as you�ve known it are dramatic indeed, but it is your expanding consciousness and spiritual clarity that will bring about the most stunning personal changes as you ascend with Earth through fourth density and into fifth. Along the way you will obtain perfect health and re-grow missing limbs and organs. Not only will you overcome the effects common to aging, but those in advanced years gradually will become younger. You will communicate telepathically with souls elsewhere in the universe, travel astrally, and visit beloved people in Nirvana. Through visualization, you will learn to manifest whatever you want.
In short, you will be using the innate powers you always have had as your birthright, and you will take your rightful place within our universal family of multidimensional, eternal souls.
Now then, during the short time before Earth exits third density, the remaining dark ones will make last gasp efforts to cling to their remnants of influence and vast fortunes. Blatant lying by recalcitrant politicians will go on for a short while and so will people�s polarized views about what best serves their personal interests. Earth still must release some negativity through geophysical events. Those situations, however, have been �just life� for so long that most people are inured to acceptance.
What will cause considerable unrest are the shocking truths that will be coming forth, and there will be alarm about the high number of deaths as many souls leave the planet for one reason or another.
That combination is more than enough for the populace to handle emotionally and mentally without adding to the mix strange beings emerging from spacecrafts. It is for that reason that the universal high council decided to delay landings and the extraterrestrials living among you will delay revealing their true identity. The advantages of this postponement far outweigh the fear that is foreseen by a premature introduction of �aliens.�
The council, who are among the most highly evolved souls in this universe, reasonably had expected that sufficient changes would have taken place by now so that members of our universal family would be welcomed by Earth�s peoples. But the stronghold of the darkness has lasted much longer than logically anticipated.
The souls who had agreed to accept deeply dark roles that would offer many millions the chance to complete third density karma, then they would join the light forces, were highly evolved souls themselves. When they entered the agreement, it was with the certainty that their spiritual fortitude would resist the lure of holding to dark ways. Instead, they became enchanted with controlling the masses and amassing grand wealth, spiraled into the depths of darkness and knowingly refused to honor their agreement.
Their powerful global network has kept the great majority of your population in duality and the mentality that keeps minds closed. By no means are these people �bad��they just are stuck in third density�s limitations. Their bedrock beliefs that have been formed by the various methods of mind control include the orientation that if any other civilization really does exist and ever came to Earth, it would be to annihilate the planet�s population.
Even some messages that are telepathically channeled, or claim to be, state that a civilization pretending to be benevolent actually intends to conquer and enslave you. Other messages purport that ETs will evacuate you prior to the cataclysmic cleansing that will devastate the planet, and still others report that degree of devastation but without your rescue. All those kinds of claims are designed to create fear and all are pure nonsense.
That is why we often have urged you to be discerning about information from all sources. Ask within and trust your intuition to tell you what is true and what is not. Developing discernment and learning to trust the messages from your soul to your consciousness not only will eliminate unnecessary feelings of fear, they are upward steps in soul evolvement.
The council knows the collective consciousness of Earth�s residents, thus they know that the arrival of extraterrestrials at this point would panic most people. Not only would that create more negativity for Earth to get rid of, it would strengthen the dark ones�they thrive on fear energy.
At this juncture, it is deemed judicious for you and for your brothers and sisters from outer space to meet closer to the end of the year, when they can join you in full recognition and overtly assist you without any lamentable repercussions. However, that timing is not set in stone�it could be earlier. There is continuous monitoring of Earth happenings and how effectively the light intensity is raising the collective consciousness, and as soon the possibility of widespread fear no longer exists, our space family will join you.
During the interim they will continue using technology aboard their crafts to reduce the toxic effects of chemtrails and other pollutants. They will continue to level out the effects of earthquakes and soften the power of major storms without decreasing the amount of negativity released. They will keep on causing weaponry to malfunction, blocking the most potent aspects of the Illuminati�s weather control technology, and destroying their operations in mammoth underground facilities. Also with divine permission to assist you, they can relocate specified individuals who refuse to step down from the helm of various activities that are against the good of Earth humankind.
Knowing about these major leaps forward and other marvelous life-changing developments to come, you can feel joyous, excited, confident and soundly prepared to surmount whatever challenges you may encounter during the next few months. And those months will seem to fly by�your sensation of time passing faster and faster will keep increasing as the planet continues ascending.
If you are experiencing anomalies that you know are not symptoms of disease, very likely they are the effects of adjusting to the increasingly high energy planes Earth is passing through as well as your cells transitioning from carbon to crystalline. Soon those anomalies will fade away.
You are your first responsibility. This is not selfishness or egotism, nor is it lack of love and caring for others. It is that only you can make decisions that are in line with your instincts and intuition, your soul�s guidance to your consciousness that nudges you into avenues that in your soul contract you chose to experience during this lifetime. This may include changes in relationships, employment, location, group affiliation or other interests and activities.
On a different level, it may be divesting yourself of trivial interests and meaningless pursuits and detaching from the need to garner material possessions. Earth�s Golden Age doesn�t include interests, habits, attitudes or behavior that are superficial or in any way hurtful to self or others, such as jealousy, envy, self-centeredness, spitefulness, bitterness, resentfulness, mean spiritedness, gossiping. If you recognize any of those in yourself, there is time to change. Focusing on your life in the wondrous Age that you are rapidly approaching will enable you to embrace others and life itself with love.
The goal of every soul is to evolve spiritually and intellectually. Pre-birth agreements, which are designed for soul growth of all individuals who want to share the lifetime, are made in unconditional love. When you are experiencing the karmic lessons you chose, you sense that life is flowing smoothly. If heavy restlessness and longing for different circumstances arises, it signifies that the agreed upon experiencing has been completed and it�s time to move on to other contract selections. In the vibrations of the lighter energy planes Earth has reached, both contentment and dissatisfaction are magnified�let the sensations you feel guide your decisions and actions.
In the case of extremely difficult situations, the consciousness doesn�t understand that the circumstances are for learning and growing, but the soul knows it is attaining the balance it needs to evolve. When an individual seriously deviates from contract provisions�say, by excessive control or cruelty beyond what the recipient chose�the suffering soul grows by leaps and bounds and the perpetrating individual devolves. Always, divine grace comforts and uplifts those who are wrongfully treated�that is, in harsh ways they didn�t choose in soul contracts�and �offenders� incur karma that is equally difficult to endure.
Along this line of �offenders,� it won�t be much longer until you know who has been arrested for crimes against humanity and other deeds that have adversely affected life on Earth. These individuals veered far afield from their soul contracts. Some will be convicted and others will die before coming to trial, but none will escape self-judgment. By the physics that governs life in this universe, throughout the life review process in Nirvana, they will feel exactly the same pain and anguish as did all those whose lives their diabolical deeds affected. This excruciating self-punishment process is beyond your capacity to imagine, and so is those individuals� devolved capacity in their next incarnation.
Knowing what lies ahead for them and understanding that they are the weakest links in the eternal chain that is our soul family will let you more easily feel forgiveness. The high vibrations of forgiveness, like all other godly expressions, are soul growth in action.
Lighted souls throughout this universe are beaming love and cheering as you joyously travel this home stretch to Earth�s Golden Age.
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Matthew Ward ~The days of the cabal are over | The Galactic Free Press
BREAKING NEWS: Italian Financial Police Searches the Vatican It 's the first time in history, almost touched the diplomatic incident | The Galactic Free Press
Italian Financial Police Searches the VaticanIt 's the first time in history, almost touched the diplomatic incident
(google translation)
17:45 - For the first time the Italian police came to the Vatican for a search. Touched the diplomatic incident when finance has sifted through the records of the Institute of the Immaculate Hospital and dermatology San Carlo, which refer to the congregation of the "Sons of the Immaculate Conception", in an investigation a hole of more than 800 million euros.The men of Yellow Flames, coordinated by the prosecutor Michele Nardi, waited hours before the authorities of the Papal States gave their green light, after repeatedly asking strict compliance with the procedures laid down by the Treaty of '29 church and state. The investigations include investigations on the financial scandal that hit the two hospitals.
The story so far has involved 4 people, including Father Franco Decaminada, father, master of the institution for years, then was forced to resign just because of the happy financial management. He is accused of conspiracy, aimed unwarranted approval and a series of tax offenses. Also searched the headquarters of the provincial head of the congregation, Father Paritanti.
The Italian Minister of Economic Development, Corrado Passera, is under investigation: the Banca Intesa, which was the CEO, got abusive and illegal tax benefits. | The Galactic Free Press
The Italian Minister of Economic Development, Corrado Passera, is under investigation: the Banca Intesa, which was the CEO, got abusive and illegal tax benefits.
In recent years, while the current minister was the CEO of the bank, some banks, with Intesa in the first line, bought by the handful what in slang is called "tax products". Or financial products that "are intended for the sole purpose of obtaining tax benefits abusive or illegal". In a nutshell: the bank makes a profit millionaire and the public purse should pay the bill.
You can read the details here:
Unfortunately in Italy the ministers enjoy immunity, but the news I think is equally positive in view of future developments .... :)
Un grandissimo abbraccio dall'Italia
One Love
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7~5~12 ‘Arrests [removals]Gather Momentum’ | The Galactic Free Press
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7~5~12 ‘Arrests [removals]Gather Momentum’
Duty, honor, courage. These are the attributes of the men and women who are today on your front lines making the arrests that your people of Earth have demanded and that are opening the door to freedom, sovereignty and prosperity for every man, woman and child who calls your planet Earth their home. What we are seeing in your world the last few days is a monumental site to behold, as doors are being broken down that have stood between you and the world that you all deserve, a world that has been possible for all of you for a very long time. We are delighted to report that the arrests of the members of your criminal cabal are proceeding and are proceeding smoothly and efficiently, with no problems, delays or obstacles presenting themselves that will slow or hinder in any way the delivery of the new world that, by decree, the people of your world demand for themselves and their families.We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are also involved in our own way in these arrests. We are issuing updates in the form of bulletins to your troops and law enforcement officials who are on the front lines, and we are, through the means of our technology, keeping them abreast of the movements and whereabouts of those of your cabal who may try but who will not succeed to delay the inevitable which is their apprehension and incarceration into the same internment camps that they have constructed through the pilfering of your hard earned money for your arrest and incarceration in the very near days ahead if you did not obey each and every command that they chose to make. How ironic life can be, can it not dear ones? Do you see the lesson in this for those who have plotted and schemed against your people? We hope that they do see this irony, and we hope that from all this they can derive some sort of lesson that will assist them on their continued journey, no matter where it shall take them, which in many cases will be someplace far from you and your new world.
These men and women of your criminal cabal have very harsh lessons to experience before them now. This is the way it must be, and this is the way that they have chosen for themselves to learn what is necessary for a being to prosper, to grow and mature, moving on to new, more joyful, more educational and more fruitful experiences. Do not for a moment feel sadness for these beings, as all beings receive the experiences and the lessons that they need, and these beings are no different from any other beings in this universe in this regard. They have made their beds and now must lie in them, this is the bottom line, and there are other lines as well to read from this wonderful script. There are lessons in this play about love, about tolerance, about understanding, about equality, about righteousness, about doing others wrong, about greed, about peace, prosperity, determination, courage, guidance, friendship, hope, dreams, futures, and our universe as a whole and as an entity all in itself, living and breathing, thinking and delivering just what it is a being needs for him or herself to better him or herself, to strengthen him or herself and to grow, gaining wisdom, knowledge and experiences that will lift them up and out of a current existence that they are growing out of like an old pair of shoes when it is time to experience more of what this universe offers them.
What is being offered many of you at this time is a new beginning, a fresh start, a new world to call your home, free from the carnage, from the violence, from the pollution, from the never ending mounting problems and difficulties, shortages, conflicts, struggle and strife. A new world created and designed from scratch, right from the purest dreams, hopes, intentions and prayer of those children who will now call this new world their home. Are you, our Creator’s children, ready now to experience the blossoming of your new home now that the cabal’s days are surely numbered indeed and soon the playing field will be clear for us of the higher realms to come down from our positions in your skies and meet you face-to-face and begin restoring your planet to the immaculate condition she belongs to be in, deserves and has earned, just as you, her children, have earned and deserve? If you are ready, then we are ready. This is how it is, and this is how it has always been. We will not keep you waiting one moment longer than you have to wait.
We say to your men and women on the front lines clearing the way for this reunion to continue your brave efforts and continue to knock down those obstacles that stand before humanity and their new, beautiful, prosperous and free global society that will cater to the needs of every man, woman and child no matter where it is they live. A world that will allow each and every dream a being has to take wings and take flight, a world that will feed every hungry mouth and a world that will quench the thirst of every being whether it be a thirst for water, for knowledge, for freedom, for prosperity or for artistic expression. Whatever it is a being shall need or desire for themselves to prosper and to enjoy their world will be provided. There is no ceiling, there are no limits on what will now be offered you once those who have worked and schemed so hard for so long to deny you just about everything you could ever need or want are removed from your society to where they can no longer plot and scheme any longer against you. This is our promise to you; we will never allow these beings to walk freely the face of your Earth until a time when they are fully and completely purified and rehabilitated. This is the way it must be and there shall be no other way, you have our word, the word of your friends, families and cosponsors of your new and unlimited world.
Taking account of what is transpiring on the front lines, we will report to you that we now see many arrests taking place simultaneously, where at one time these arrests were few, scattered and far between. We see the momentum picking up as more troops and more agencies zero in on their prey and move in for the capture but not the kill, and this is important, as these beings deserve their right to fair and just rehabilitation services just as all the men, women and children who today languish in your prisons deserve a second chance at true rehabilitation programs and not the barbarism of medieval- like imprisonment behind bars and in small cells surrounded by no one who can shine light upon them to lead them out of the darkness that is their presence state of mind or condition. We, among many precious gifts, will offer you improved state-of-the-art rehabilitation programs that will effectively alter a beings desire to commit the crimes that they have been incarcerated for.
In the cases where crimes have not been committed against another individual, these beings will be released from their imprisonment after an examination has been performed on them to make sure they have not succumbed mentally or emotionally to the vibration that pulsated around them throughout, what is in many cases, a long incarceration. This preventive measure must be taken, as your new world will be a world of peace, of safety, of tranquility, where every being no matter where it is they live can walk the streets at any hour of the day or night without hesitation, without taking a risk for their safety or well-being. This is a huge project we will undertake with you, and just as all our other projects, we will require the assistance of a great number of you who are stirred within their hearts at the site of so many men, women and even children locked away behind bars for mistakes they have made, a mistake that in many cases has cost them their freedom for the rest of their natural lives.
We of the higher realms do not take what some of these beings have done to others lightly; please understand this, as all crimes against another are serious. We, however, have certainly different views of rehabilitation and justice, and we look very forward to sharing these methods and practices with you in the days ahead which now look to be approaching very rapidly as we continue to see a mounting number of arrests of your criminal cabal and associates that so many of your world have longed for with great eagerness and anticipation. As we have said, we would like to see you, the people of Earth, celebrate these arrests as a signal to your brethren that these arrests are good news and the news that your people have waited a lifetime for and even beyond into many past lifetimes.
Your world has not experienced the kind of freedom that awaits now just a short time ahead in many eons of time. Your world has not been free from these beings for many thousands of years beyond your current understandings of the beginnings of your ancient civilizations. We will share with you in great detail the true history of your planet, and you will discover for yourself how long it truly has been emerged in darkness due to these beings and their harmful agenda to control every facet of this entire world, including the thoughts, actions health, wealth, emotions and dreams of every being that was not one of them. We say to you it will be soon now when these arrests reach a peak and more of those that will be arrested are already incarcerated, finding themselves behind the bars and fences of the internment camps they had designed and built for you.
Until we speak again, we say Godspeed to the men and women on your front lines who are doing their parts to make all that is possible for your people become a reality. You have our greatest appreciation for the work you are doing, and we wish you to remember that we are here in support of you and we will do all that we can to make sure no harm comes to you from any outside forces that may wish to interfere in some way with these proceedings .
We are your friends and your family in support of your mission to purify your world of those that have for so long plotted and schemed and have succeeded to oppress your people. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.As channeled through Greg Giles English - Spanish - Brazil - Bulgarian - Croatian - Dutch -German - Greek - Hebrew - Polish - Japanese Portugal - Romanian - Russian - Slovenian -Swedish - Traditional Chinese - Hungarian French Turkish
ECB cuts eurozone rates to record low of 0.75%
5 July 2012 Last updated at 07:09 ETJapan panel: Fukushima nuclear disaster 'man-made'
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The BBC's Mariko Oi in Tokyo: ''It was a disaster... made in Japan''
The crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant was "a profoundly man-made disaster", a Japanese parliamentary panel has said in a report.
The disaster "could and should have been foreseen and prevented" and its effects "mitigated by a more effective human response", it said.
The report catalogued serious deficiencies in both the government and plant operator Tepco's response.
It also blamed cultural conventions and a reluctance to question authority.
Continue reading the main storyAnalysis
Mariko Oi BBC News, TokyoWhile the report is highly critical of all the key parties, it digs even deeper. The panel called the disaster "Made in Japan", because the mindset that allowed the accident to happen can be found across the country.
It flagged up the bureaucracy's role in both promoting and regulating the nuclear industry, and also cultural factors such as a traditional reluctance to question authority.
The report was expected to use strong language, but not many thought it would be this harsh.
The panel also found that there was a possibility that the plant was damaged by the earthquake, contradicting the official position that only the tsunami contributed to the disaster.
It could put further pressure on the government, which recently authorised the restart of two nuclear reactors in western Japan. They were declared safe in April but the plant also sits on top of a fault line.
The six-reactor Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was badly damaged after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems to reactors, leading to meltdowns and the release of radioactivity.
Tens of thousands of residents were evacuated from an exclusion zone around the plant as workers battled to bring reactors under control. Tepco declared the reactors stable in December 2011.
Members of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission were appointed to examine the handling of the crisis and make recommendations.
The investigation included 900 hours of hearings and interviews with more than 1,000 people.
'Insular attitude'In the panel's final report, its chairman said a multitude of errors and wilful negligence had left the plant unprepared for the earthquake and tsunami.
"Although triggered by these cataclysmic events, the subsequent accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant cannot be regarded as a natural disaster," it said.
Continue reading the main storyKEY FINDINGS
- Collusion and lack of governance by government, regulators and Tepco
- Insufficient knowledge and training within Tepco
- Lack of preparation on part of government, regulators, Tepco, and prime minister's office to allow adequate response to accident of this scope, including mounting effective evacuation
- Laws and regulations based on stopgap measures in response to previous accidents - need comprehensive review
"It was a profoundly man-made disaster - that could and should have been foreseen and prevented."
After six months of investigation, the panel concluded that the disaster "was the result of collusion between the government, the regulators and Tepco" founded in the failure of regulatory systems.
It said that the situation at the plant worsened in the aftermath of the earthquake because government agencies "did not function correctly", with key roles left ambiguous.
It also highlighted communication failures between Tepco and the office of then Prime Minister Naoto Kan, whose visit to the site in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake "diverted" staff.
The report said regulators should "go through an essential transformation process" to ensure nuclear safety in Japan.
"Japan's regulators need to shed the insular attitude of ignoring international safety standards and transform themselves into a globally trusted entity," it said.
Continue reading the main storyFukushima disaster
- Reactor cooling systems damaged after 11 March earthquake and tsunami
- Explosions occurred on 12-15 March at four reactors after gas build-up
- Tepco engineers injected seawater into reactors for cooling
- Contaminated waste-water leaked on several occasions
- Meltdowns later confirmed at three reactors
- Tepco declared 'cold shutdown' - meaning reactors were stable - in December 2011
The report made several recommendations including:
- Permanent parliamentary monitoring of the nuclear regulatory body
- Reforming the crisis management system, with more government responsibility for public welfare
- Reforming nuclear energy laws to meet global safety standards
- Monitoring nuclear operators and developing a system for independent investigative bodies
All of Japan's nuclear plants were shut down in the wake of the disaster. But on Sunday the first reactor was restarted in the town of Ohi in Fukui prefecture.
The restart sparked large protests in Tokyo but Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda urged support for the move, saying a return to nuclear power was essential for the economy.
The government is continuing to assess whether other nuclear plants are safe to be restarted.
Verdict due in Argentina baby theft trial
5 July 2012 Last updated at 10:18 ETVerdict due in Argentina baby theft trial
The prosecution has called for 50-year sentences for Reynaldo Bignone and Jorge VidelaContinue reading the main storyRelated Stories
An Argentine court is due to deliver its verdict in the trial of former military leaders accused of overseeing the systematic theft of babies from political prisoners in the 1970s.
Ex-leaders Jorge Videla and Reynaldo Bignone face long terms if convicted.
They are on trial with six others for the kidnap of some 34 children.
At least 400 babies are thought to have been taken from their parents who were being held in detention centres during the 1976-83 military rule.
Thursday's verdict is the culmination of a trial that began in February 2011.
Continue reading the main storyAnalysis
Vladimir Hernandez BBC MundoThe stealing of babies from imprisoned left-wing activists during military rule left deep scars in Argentina.
And the shock became all the greater when personal stories behind the crime came to the fore.
Francisco lived 32 years of his life wondering why his father beat him so regularly.
Victoria found out that her adoptive father was involved in killing her biological father but she decided to stay with him.
Each person reacts differently to the truth, the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo say.
"But the lie cannot last forever," says Rosa Rosinbit, one of the Grandmothers.
It is the first time that Argentina's military leaders have faced charges of operating a systematic plan to take babies from their parents who were then killed or "disappeared".
The defendants also include five other ex-officers and a doctor, who delivered many of the babies.
Prosecutors have called for 50-year sentences for Videla, 86, and Bignone, 84, who are already serving lengthy terms for human rights crimes.
More than 100 children given for adoption to military or police couples have been reunited with their biological families.
The Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, an association that works to uncover the real identities of the stolen children, believes several hundred babies were abducted.
However, some of the children have said they would rather not know their origins, especially if the information implicates their adoptive parents in illegal acts.
Human rights groups say that during military rule, known as the "Dirty War", some 30,000 people were killed or made to disappear by the armed forces in their campaign against opposition activists and left-wing guerrillas.
Steve Beckow – Archangel Michael: Mass Arrests Are Never Compassionate And Will Not Be Used With The Cabal – 4 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
As readers know, I had a personal reading with Archangel Michael today (July 4) through Linda Dillon (see audio below).
I asked him to tell us why there were discrepancies between what he says and what a galactic source held in such high esteem by us all (SaLuSa) says. Here are his answers.
SaLuSa says that arrests will take place and AAM sayd that containment will take place. Why are the versions different? I asked for as much detail as possible in his answer.
Here is the tape:
Archangel Michael on Containment, July 4, 2012
He replied that he didn’t want to appear to be in contradiction to SaLuSa. He said that what he was giving when he discussed containment was very sacred information on how the Company of Heaven is proceeding and will proceed in divinely intervening to address and contain a massive system of egregious behavior that has never been of love or light.
Our planet, he said, has a very poor track record of handling such things as mass arrests in a kind, loving and beneficent matter. And he cited the Holocaust as one example and I added the Japanese American and Canadian internments. People were herded in ways that were never kind or loving. These actions have never been in alignment with universal law. Regardless of how many people say they want to do the mass arrests in calm and peaceful ways, many people will still look for revenge and retribution.
The mechanisms we have in place for such mass arrests have normally, generally and historically involved actual and spiritual violence and brutality. Where do you intend to put all these people [the cabal]? he asked. (Remember how many people have said to put them in the same FEMA camps that they intended to put us in.) How do you intend to take care of them? Our plans were not loving or of the higher-dimensional reality.
Archangel Michael has asked that mass arrests do not take place but they cannot override our free will. But he asks that what we do come from a place of compassion and forgiveness. He reminded us that we were talking about a mass action. There was no evidence that the archangels see that we would not generate more cruelty in carrying it out.
The archangels have heard the argument that we need to see arrests so we feel safe and so that our collective heart begin to heal knowing that we are secure and punishment has been given. He asked if this is not exactly what our enslavers would say?
He asked us who we thought would be in charge of such a massive undertaking? It would be those who seek control and that is what we are breaking away from. Is it possible to have mass arrests? Yes. Does it accord with the archangelic will? No.
I asked him if there would be some arrests and he said there would be some because we wanted them. He asked us to look to those one who were being contained and look at what they are doing with that change of heart. I asked him if John Roberts was one (having taken the lead from a reader’s question) and he replied “Yes.” I asked him if I could release that information and he said “Yes” again.
He said that those who were contained can now return to the Divine Plan of their heart. I asked if someone could be contained and still carry on as a Supreme Court Judge and he said, “Oh, yes. In fact it can be very beneficial, can it not?” If action is of love, light, peace or transformation, then that love can enter out into the world. If it is of hatred, greed or limitation, it cannot. Think of containment as “heavenly rehabilitation.” They are penetrated, more than we can imagine, with light and love until that is all that remains.
They don’t necessarily want people to be removed from their positions. If they remain in that position and become the true light of love, then they are uniquely positioned to create massive change and that can be beneficial for the whole.
There’s some who will simply be arrested because that’s what we want to have happen. They’ll number perhaps less than a hundred people because most cabalists will be contained rather than arrested.
I asked why SaLuSa doesn’t mention this in his messages. And he said that this was information that wasn’t readily available to him. I asked him if SaLuSa did not know of it and he replied, no, it wasn’t that. It just wasn’t SaLuSa’s purview to speak of it or undertake it. It was an action undertaken (exceptionally rarely) by the archangels, what he calls “the Mighty Ones,” the Company of Heaven.
He asked us not to assume that the galactics have access to everything that the archangels do. There is not a divided effort. It is simply not something that SaLuSa is in a position to address just as the AAM does not like to address the issue of mass arrests. The galactics are aware of it but it isn’t something they are claiming that they’re doing.
He asks us to watch the changes. It won’t take long. He asks us to be observers, not militias or paramilitaries making mass arrests. Our job is to observe and report. He asks us to watch for changes in the ways the leadership shifts in their understandings and actions. These are our litmus tests. We are in partnership with the archangels, reporting on what occurs to the human collective. We are the observers and reporters. (So start up your blogsites, people.)
How the galactics and intergalactics would go about collecting those who’ve wronged humanity and abandoned universal law would be far different and far more gentle and peaceful than anything humans would do. The archangels have moved away from the usage of human language because of the imprints and collective memories whenever we speak of “mass arrests.”
How long do we have to wait before the speaking of the galactics and the archangels is reconciled? He said the archangels would speak to the galactics right now and we could expect to see in the channeled messages that come up very soon some alteration in the explanation of what is anticipated.
I told him also that there were readers who were greatly annoyed because they’ve waited so long for any tangible or visible evidence of something happening (the example of John Roberts will help) and now they hear the archangels saying that these containments will happen but they don’t present tangible evidence. Readers and listeners feel impatient. Could he address this please?
He said the archangels understand what it means to wait but he reminded us that our time of waiting has not been for eons or a lifetime or even a portion of this lifetime. And he asked us to look for changes within ourselves, our families and our towns. He said few of us would wish to hear that request. But he is the archangel of truth as well as the archangel of peace.
He advised us to look at the skies and at what is available to us in our secondary media. Look at the changes we are witnessing in people’s belief system.
He requested that we maintain our balance. He acknowledged that we are on the firing line and tired of saying that things are changing and then having no large, tangible evidence. But the tangible evidence is within us: how we see, how we feel, how we know.
But he believed he was correct in saying that we did not want things to change so fast that it created hardship and scarcity. He suggested that we were given many situations everyday – public and private – and he named several of them – that were tangible. He advised us that we think there is always a plot but there is not on their part or on the part of humans.
Even as unreliable as some of our news sources are, we can look to those who are trusted and note the changes. I asked him who we could follow. He said that we could follow this “platform” (the 2012 Scenario), BBC News, Stephen Cook – and here I chuckled and he responded “Yes, but I need to say this because they need to know that there are voices of truth and balance and reality” – and he added Diane Sawyer.
He asked me not to hesitate ever to ask him the hard questions and with that we ended.
So I do hope that this additional information bridges some of the gaps the original interview left. We don’t have continual or constant access to someone like Archangel Michel and I know that can lead to frustrating situations.
But we have enough here, I believe, to start looking around us and observing the changes taking place. Don’t expect mass arrests because they are not supported by the archangelic realm. And correct people who say that the absence of mass arrests is evidence that all this is fraud and fakery. It is not. The archangels are following a different plan than the one we want. It is more beneficial, compassionate and just.
Evidently, then, the changeover from cabal rule to planetary freedom will be accomplished by containment and not by mass arrests.
We will publish a transcript as soon as it’s available.
NaturalNews – D. Holt – GlaxoSmithKline Admits To Criminal Pharma Fraud In 3 Billion Dollar Case – 5 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
(NaturalNews) British registered company, GlaxoSmithKline, faces $3 billion in penalties after pleading guilty to the biggest health care fraud case in history. GSK admitted that physicians had been bribed to push potentially dangerous drugs in exchange for Madonna tickets, Hawaiian holidays, cash and lucrative speaking tours. They also admitted distributing misleading information regarding the antidepressant Paxil. The report claimed that it was suitable for children, but failed to acknowledge data from studies proving its ineffectiveness in children and adolescents.
GSK faced charges that they had used the gifts to sell three drugs that were either unsafe, or used for purposes that were not approved. The first drug, Paxil also known as Seroxat, was touted as safe and effective for children and adolescents. The ineffectiveness of Paxil, and the link to suicides, meant that it was banned for kids under 18-years-olds in 2008.
The second drug, Avandia was used in Britain to treat diabetes until it was withdrawn due to safety fears, including increased risk of heart attacks. The US government claimed that GSK had attempted to conceal the data surrounding the dangers.
The third drug, Wellbrutin is used in the UK for treating depression, but it was alleged that GSK had recommended physicians used it for ADHD, lost libido and as a slimming aid. None of which were approved uses for the drug.
The moral code of Big Pharma companies exposed
Sir Andrew Witty, chief executive of GSK said “Whilst these offenses originate in a different era for the company, they cannot and will not be ignored. On behalf of GSK, I want to express our regret and reiterate that we have learned from the mistakes that were made. We are deeply committed to doing everything we can to live up to and exceed the expectations of those we work with and serve. In the US, we have taken action at all levels in the company. We have fundamentally changed our procedures for compliance, marketing and selling.”
US attorney for Massachusetts, Carmen Ortiz said: “The GSK sales force bribed physicians to prescribe GSK products using every imaginable form of high priced entertainment, from Hawaiian vacations to paying doctors millions of dollars to go on speaking tours, to a European pheasant hunt, to tickets to Madonna concerts.”
This is the biggest settlement in the history of drug industries, ahead of the 2009 Pfizer case in which it was fined $2.2 billion for promoting four drugs for unapproved uses. In 2010, GSK paid $96 million to a whistle-blower who exposed contamination problems and a management cover up in Puerto Rico.
The practice of pushing drugs for unapproved uses is endemic within the drug industries. Two of the largest drug companies have been caught and fined huge amounts for chasing sales targets using any means necessary. It proves that the health of customers, even children, ranks lower on the companies’ agenda than profit. Using bribes to get doctors to prescribe drugs shows a complete lack of moral fiber from both sales teams and the doctors. After this case, surely the doctors also need to face the courts for their conduct.
Whilst the amounts of money seem to be a huge punishment for GSK, the settlement is merely a slap on the wrist for a company whose market value is $133 billion. Can we trust another multinational that promises to clean up its act, when others have promised the same, only to behave just as recklessly but much more surreptitiously.
Sources for this article include:
http://bottomline.msnbc.msn.comAbout the author:
D Holt is currently involved in research in the UK into the mechanisms involved in healing due to meditation, hypnosis and other ”spiritual” healers and techniques. Previous work has included investigations into effects of meditation on addiction, the effects of sulfites on the digestive system and the use of tartrazine and other additives in the restaurant industry. new blog is now available at or follow on twitter @sacredmeditate
John Ward – Diamond’s Amnesia At The Select Committee : A Reaility Injection – 5 July 2012
How the man in love with a bank launched a fund that screwed the customers
Blind man’s bluff fails dismally
There are times when the Right leaves me just as frustrated as the Left in its willingness to excuse anything – rather than give way and accept that the other side has a point. After three hours of sleep-inducing, wriggling, jargobollocks from Diamond Bob – a man so obviously covered in self-exculpating slime, he made Nixon look like Snow White – Dan Hannan offers this smart-arsed, half-arsed tweet:
‘So, chaps: still think that what the financial sector needs is more regulators?’
His smug, Tory point is that the regulators didn’t stop Barclays from behaving like hobgoblins who were rejected by the other goblins for being too heavy on the hobbing and goblinning…so why have regulators? Hurrah! And like most Conservative observations, it plays the human nature card in a sort of anti-Hobbesian context: ‘we’re all nasty and brutish, so go for it: bring on the Christians – and let’s make sure the lions have nothing to eat beforehand’.
But to the closed Tory mind, the reality that every deregulation from drink to employment has been laid onto a suppuratingly awful soci0-economic culture (and thus failed miserably) has yet to dawn. Poor Dan is still locked in the dark night of Baroness Thatcher’s soulless philosophy.
What Bob Diamond did today was start on Lieborgate where James Murdoch left off on Hackgate: excuse me sir I didn’t quite catch the question, I love my company, no I was not told that sir, if I can just refer you to this paragraph here, what these people did was totally reprehensible….on and on it went, although this time the TSC’s response was considerably less indulgent. His thinly disguised display of arrogant subservience went down like a cip of cold sick, and left nobody – but nobody – in the room in any doubt about the nature of this shady man’s character.
So perhaps this is the right time to remind people of that of which the Diamond Geezer is capable.
Diamond Bob was a little light on character judgement himself when it came to forming a partnership between Barcap and Geneva-based investment outfit Avendis a few years back.
Avendis Capital was founded in February 2001 by four partners – Eric de Sangues, Yannis Bilquez, David Benichou and Marco Rigo. In 2002 the company diversified into investment management and launched Avendis Enhanced Fixed Income, described by de Sangues at the time as one of the world’s first ‘correlation hedge funds’. The use of a meaningless four-syllable jargon word there is par for the course with Eric: in 2005 he gave out with this complete wobbly-bollocks to Hedge Weekly:
“The fund develops relative value strategies in the capital structure of synthetic static CDOs through 2 different approaches both quantitatively driven. Bespoke static Synthetic CDO Tranches are used to build exposure to investment grade credit idiosyncratic risk [and we] trade Standard index tranches of iTraxxIG and DJ CDX IG. The strategy takes advantage of structural dislocations in the correlation market, and increased liquidity of the Index Tranche market, to generate alpha through momentum and mean reverting relative value trades in the capital structure.”
There are a great many former Barcap/Avendis investors who would give a lot for just one chance to exert some structural dislocations closely correlated with Eric’s neck, but anyway Barcap’s Diamond Geezer liked the cut of his jib, and in 2006 together they launched a fund called Golden Key.
Golden Key was a type of structured investment vehicle (SIV-lite) pioneered by Barclays Capital. So Diamond can’t wriggle put of this by citing ‘bad advice’: Avendis was merely the vehicle for something Barcap had already invented. It was based on toxic mortgage crap: and as this was already a known risk, one could debate for hours as to Barclays’ motives for wanting a vehicle not called Barclays to market it. Certainly, shifting several billion in radioactive isotopes off the books is never a bad idea.
The whole thing turned to poo-poo quite quickly.
On 30th November 2007, Yannis Biquez was arrested by the Geneva police and charged with offences involving ‘betraying the confidence and embezzling the money of investors’. He was eventually found guilty of embezzzling $20m in 2008, but just three weeks after his arrest, Barclays Capital lent Avendis $1.5 billion. The reason given to the shareholders was ‘severe liquidity troubles in the financial markets’, something of an understatement as the loan was equal to the value of the entire assets under management by Avendis.
Barclays shareholders may well ask themselves whether this was an entirely wise move in the circumstances. While regulators might wonder if other agendas were in play.
On November 2008, there was more bad news: the authorities issued fines totalling €100,000 against Avendis Capital SA, for ignoring short-selling rules issued by the EU. This was also the year that the company’s investors got together to sue Avendis…. because they believed BarCap had used the SIV-lites, via borrowings, to take the toxic securities off Barclays’ accounts. The case alleged that Avendis directors and senior Barcap investors all conspired to carry out this dumping of cancerous junk, but I’ve no idea what gave them that idea. Heard in New York,
Barclays hired a smart lawyer to find a hole in itthe case was thrown out on a technicality.After reading yesterday’s news about the outbreak of speech impediments among the accused, Terence Corcoran at the Financial Post described Barclays and Diamond as ‘the victims’ in all this chicanery. While I posted something similar myself last week, I didn’t run to calling them victims: they are victims in roughly the same way that Hamas are victims: they had some pretty outrageously anti-social ideas long before Paul Tucker & Co gave them any more.
But there we have it again with the Left-Right-Left-Right robotics. Tom Watson’s commendable attack on Newscorp has not extended to Trinity Mirror. For the Left, every attempt by Israel to defend itself against anti-democratic illiberal Islamism is suffused with evil. For the American elite, every shit on the planet is fair game as an ally potential so long as they’re willing to defend US interests. Boris Johnson defended Newscorp’s indefensible behaviour on te grounds of the accusations being ‘left wing poppycock’.
What enables the bad guys to win more often than not is that the good guys tend to be (a) more interested in their families (b) busy doing socially good stuff elsewhere (c) modest (d) endlessly tolerant and, above all, (e) hopelessly divided by loyalty. I wish more of them would wake up to how they are being played like a dopey salmon on a strong line.
Noah Shachtman – Danger Room – Feds Look To Fight Leaks With ‘Fog of Disinformation’ – 5 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
Pentagon-funded researchers have come up with a new plan for busting leakers: Spot them by how they search, and then entice the secret-spillers with decoy documents that will give them away.
Computer scientists call it it “Fog Computing” — a play on today’s cloud computing craze. And in a recent paper for Darpa, the Pentagon’s premiere research arm, researchers say they’ve built “a prototype for automatically generating and distributing believable misinformation … and then tracking access and attempted misuse of it. We call this ‘disinformation technology.’”
Two small problems: Some of the researchers’ techniques are barely distinguishable from spammers’ tricks. And they could wind up undermining trust among the nation’s secret-keepers, rather than restoring it.
The Fog Computing project is part of a broader assault on so-called “insider threats,” launched by Darpa in 2010 after the WikiLeaks imbroglio. Today, Washington is gripped by another frenzy over leaks — this time over disclosures about U.S. cyber sabotage and drone warfare programs. But the reactions to these leaks has been schizophrenic, to put it generously. The nation’s top spy says America’s intelligence agencies will be strapping suspected leakers to lie detectors — even though the polygraph machines are famously flawed. An investigation into who spilled secrets about the Stuxnet cyber weapon and the drone “kill list” has already ensnared hundreds of officials — even though the reporters who disclosed the info patrolled the halls of power with the White House’s blessing.
Read the whole story at : link to original article
Bank of England boss' suicide 'induced by cost-cutting' A Bank of England manager stabbed himself to death | The Galactic Free Press
Bank of England boss' suicide 'induced by cost-cutting'
A Bank of England manager stabbed himself to death because of the extreme pressure he felt about cost-cutting at work, an inquest has heard.
Christopher Dymond was a manager at the Bank of England before his deathChristopher Dymond’s body was found in a secluded car park, alongside a note to his wife, Sharon.
His father, Denis Dymond, 80, told an inquest in Chelmsford: ‘Our over-arching view is that Chris’s death came about because of intense anxiety which was work-related.
'He was let down in the duty of care by his employers.'
A post-mortem examination revealed the 52-year-old died from self-inflicted stab wounds to his chest and cuts to his arms.
The father of three was reported missing by his family on April 21 after they were unable to contact him.
Police discovered his body a day later near Brentwood in Essex, four miles from the Dymond family home.
Coroner Caroline Beasley-Murray recorded a verdict of suicide.
She said: 'It is patently clear from what Mr Dymond expressed in the note that he was suffering extreme anxiety about work related matters.'
Banking Regulators Drop Libor … Adopt New Standard – 5 July 2012
Banking Regulators Drop Libor … Adopt New Standard – 5 July 2012
Posted on July 5, 2012 by lucas2012infos… New “Limor” Standard More Accurately Reflects Banking Practices
Given the loss of confidence in the big banks in the wake of revelations that they have been manipulating the world’s most important economic benchmark – Libor – regulators in the U.S. and UK have announced that they will abandon Libor and adopt a new standard. In the run up to the change in standards, Bank of England chief Mervyn King hadcalled for a benchmark based on actual transaction prices.
King’s theory was that Libor – which stands for London Inter Bank Offered Rate – is supposed to measure that interest rates which banks actually offer to loan each other money. But regulators on both sides of the Atlantic considered such a scheme too cumbersome and “lead-footed”. Disgraced former Barclay’s chairman Agius (who until 2 days ago was also head of the British Banker’s Association), JP Morgan boss Dimon (a class A director of the Federal Reserve) and others who can easily wear conflicting hats as regulators and bankers – while holding pristine moral standards and doing God’s Work – have all suggested a more realistic standard. The new standard – announced today – would promote growth, reduce bookkeeping costs, and free regulators from having to whisper from the sidelines. It also more accurately reflects current banking practices. They call itLimor (pronouced “LieMore”). Unlike it’s predecessor, Limor – Let’s Immaculately Makeup Official-sounding Rates – reflects the prevailing view of the political class and top mainstream economists that bankers are saints who can do no wrong, whose every movement and release of gas creates jobs and stimulates the economy … in the same way that flowers spontaneously grow wherever a holy man walks. Since these great men have only the best interests of the little people in their heart, letting them make up the appropriate Limor rate will benefit the world, as the great Invisible Hand guides the markets to their divine destiny. Indeed, anyone calling for “objective” benchmarks or talking about so-called “justice” – like these heretics or these – are so lacking in faith that they should be excommunicated from the land of milk and honey.