
Millennial Students » Hotchick Seating Burgers - Just another WordPress weblog

In reviewing the vast field of information related to technology, most authors highlight the many positive uses of technology. In relation to online degree, online degree college, or in an online degree university, many new programs exist that were mere dreams ten years ago. Students now use laptops, reading programs, countless word-processing software programs, and the internet to gather, learn, and present information.

Most proponents of technology point to the great increase in student motivation over the past ten years. Students at this point in education have grown up with computers and are more than happy to show others how to use them. Students today are those of the millennial generation. The millennials are realistic, optimistic, progressive, loyal, inclusive, collaborative, and scheduled. They have always been consulted. Millennials have always known diversity. They want constant feedback and they want it to be timely and two way. They are great collaborators and see leadership as participative. Millennials were born with technology.

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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