
Ambassador of Possibility · Think of all the people...

*Originally posted to facebook

I know that all of you have lives of your own to lead with jobs to keep, families to raise, and places to be, but in spite of everything, you still found the time to click the “Like” (or the late “Become a fan”) button at the top of my page.  I want to express my gratitude and thanks to all of you because last week my fan page reached 25,000 fans! 

Whenever you connect with someone like me, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Tony Robins, or anyone in the field, you are acknowledging the power of intention and it’s ability to create peace, unity, and abundance for all, even on Facebook. By taking this one small, simple action, you are not only propagating my message and me, you are also propagating a mindset of abundance, unity, and peace.

Thank you all for being one of the very special people who have set their intention toward a greater purpose, happiness, freedom, and possibility!  You are truly special, and I am glad to be a part of your day.  Suggest an empowering Facebook page to a friend today, even if it’s not mine, and help to bring someone a step closer to their goals and greater purpose! 

Humbly yours,

Mark Victor Hansen

P.S. Perhaps in a thousand years, the next time we reach 8/9/10, there will be 25 million of us with the intention of creating peace, unity, and abundance for all.  It is here. It is available. It is possible… and it’s waiting for you to take action!

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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