(NaturalNews) This is it, folks: the final chapter of America’s great financial blowout has begun. The Federal Reserve’s decision to announce “infinite” quantitative easing has now put us all on the path of infinite money creation. With up to $85 billion in monthly money creation — including $40 billion a month in purchases of mortgage-backed securities — the Fed is now wholly committed to the creation of new fake money to cover old fake debts. Mathematically, this financial death spiral can only end in sheer catastrophe.
This massive money creation tactic is the Fed’s last-ditch plan to desperately try to save the economy. “I think the country should have panicked over what the Fed is saying that we have lost control,” said Ron Paul, “and the only thing we have left is massively creating new money out of thin air, which has not worked before, and is not going to work this time.”
Peter Schiff added, “This is a disastrous monetary policy; it’s kamikaze monetary policy.” (End Of the American Dream)
And he’s right. It’s suicide. It’s also highly offensive to anyone who can actually do math… which, sadly, isn’t that many people these days.
Steal from the poor to give to the rich
Quantitative easing, you see, is essentially the Federal Reserve creating money and then handing it to the richest banks. Meanwhile, all that new money floating around erodes the value of the dollars in the hands of the working taxpayers. So their grocery bills go up. Their fuel costs go up. Their daycare costs increase and their utility bills creep ever skyward.
But the rich banksters are simultaneously rolling in FREE Fed cash, and instead of actually lending this money out and doing something useful with it, they crank up their own executive bonuses to make sure they get paid while the rest of the economy crumbles. And why? It’s simple: Because people are crooks, and if they get handed $40 billion a month in free money, they’re just going to grin and say, “How can we get MORE?”
That’s the credo of the banks: MORE!
When you’re out of a job and looking for honest work just to put a roof over your head, the bank is repossessing your house and screaming “MORE!”
When you can’t make that car payment and you have to start riding the bus with the minimum wage masses, the banks scream “MORE!”
When you’re trying to put healthy food on the table for your own family, and you see food prices ratcheting higher and higher as the value of your hard-earned dollar erodes, the banks scream “MORE!”
This mantra is all they know. The top global banks do not operate on compassion, benefit to society, fairness or even anything resembling lawful activity. They simply hornswaggle their way into the receiving end of ALL the money: Mortgage money, bailout money, government money and of course Fed money. That’s the game, you see: Screw the whole world and everybody in it. There’s MORE to be had!
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Natural News – Mike Adams – Infinite Quantitative Easing (QE3) Now Initiated; The Final Chapter Of America’s Financial Blowout Has Begun – 17 September 20
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