
For Heavens Sake, Don’t Believe Me 2012 July 13

I feel the need to say a bit more following my article on Assad and Ghaddafi, (1) based on your emails.

It’s a kind of convention that we follow that we look to certain sources – commentators, insiders, lightworkers – for material upon which to base our own world view. We’re always going to do that. I don’t say that the impulse is mistaken. I love listening to Jesus, Archangel Michael, SaLuSa, Matthew Ward. Others love listening to whomever they resonate with.

Listening to someone is one of the ways we gather the information that shows us the way forward in this everlasting-learning experience we call life, that culminates with our realization of our true identity as the Divine. We grow and grow and grow, expand and expand, and finally break free of all chains and see who we always were.

But certain things are incumbent on us as we listen, I believe. One is to evaluate the level at which commentary is pitched. So to say that Assad is right and the U.S. is wrong, for instance, misses the point for me. The discussion is pitched at a dualistic level. It isn’t for me a question of whether a dictator is right and a diabolical agency like the CIA is wrong or vice versa. It’s a question that all social institutions which oppress the people must go. None of them can stand in a world that is bound for individual sovereignty.

Approaching the matter from a viewpoint that takes one side or the other is a feature of polarity. Even though I’m not offering myself as very advanced in unitive thinking (undoubtedly I’m not), I still want to approach the matter from the holistic or unitive point of view.  Supporting one dictatorial regime and opposing another will no longer work. All dictatorship must go.

And the second point is that I’d like to caution us against simply adopting a viewpoint holus bolus and then becoming close-minded from that point on. We need a finer brush than that. To form an opinion and then shut our minds down turns us into lemmings. We all then follow the herd right over the cliff. And it doesn’t matter for me that the viewpoint we’re following is a “lightworker” viewpoint. There are many lightworkers who behave as lemmings – the “lock and load” militia are an example. They’re fighting for freedom and lynching a cabalist in the name of freedom is just giving the dark ones what they deserve.

The new paradigm is the divine qualities, as far as I know.  The divine qualities include freedom, wisdom, reflectiveness. In my opinion, an action taken in the name of a divine quality which proceeds by viciousness or violence cannot stand. It invites karma and comes undone rather rapidly.

And perhaps the last thing to remember, if you’ll permit me to say so, is the need to check out all you hear with the inner voice. The inner voice is our direct connection to our Higher Self. That connection nurtured, we’ll be guided by our angels, our Higher Self, the archangels, whoever sees that we’re listening.

I don’t think we get to hang up our brains, our consciousnesses, and our discernment at the door and simply assume the brains, consciousness and discernment of another. Spiritual evolution does not proceed that way, I think.

We have to do the heavy lifting for ourselves. But for heavens sake, don’t believe me. It’s a matter, like so many others, that you need to decide for yourself.


(1)  “Assad, Ghaddafi, CIA, NATO – All of Them will Go,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/07/assad-ghaddafi-cia-nato-all-of-them-will-go/



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