
Freedom Project: July 1, 2012- More than 400,000 took to the streets in Hong Kong Today!

July 1, 2012- More than 400,000 took to the streets in Hong Kong Today! Solidarity with our brothers and sisters! 

More than (400,000) Hong Kong citizens later hit the streets in an annual mass July 1 protest, sending a defiant message to China's leader that the city cherishes its freedoms in the face of perceived Beijing meddling in its domestic affairs, and calling for unfettered democracy in 2017. "Hong Kong's human rights record has backtracked," said one of the demonstrators, Theresa Cheng, a 20 year-old university student. "Freedom of speech is shrinking and reporters are facing more obstacles."source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/07/01/us-hongkong-china-idUSBRE86000T20120701

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