
Your Income Taxes are ILLEGAL

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Your Income Taxes are ILLEGAL

Your Income Taxes are ILLEGAL

So, you think your income taxes go to the Federal Government ??? WRONG !!!

It goes to the Vatican !!!

The money chain = You>IRS>Puerto Rico>England>Rome

Since the Constitution does not allow income taxes, they usurped this law by turning YOU into a private corporation. Your strawman corporation resides in one of 3 places, Guam, Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico. WHY? Because these are territories, not states and  not subject to US constitutional law.

In 1933 Bankers chartered a Corporation in Delaware. This Corporation was known as the Bureau of Internal Revenue. This corporation was not part of the US.
To combat legal action against the BIR, it's offices were moved to Puerto Rico.

In 1953, they changed their name to the Internal Revenue Service and Incorporated as a Puerto Rican Trust. This Puerto Rican Trust fund was a front to funnel funds to the International Monetary Fund.

This monetary trust fund was owned by the Crown of England.
The Bank of England is where your taxes are funneled to.
The Bank of England is majorly owned by the House of
Rothschild. The Rothschilds are the guardians of the
Papal Treasury. 

The CEO of the Bank of England is none other than the Pontiff of Rome. The Pontiff of Rome was given authority over England's Monarchy with the Treaty of 1213 between King John and Pope Innocent III.

The IRS taxes you pay is divided up in this manner:

67% goes to the Crown of England which the Pope is the beneficiary.
23% goes to the 300 shareholders of the Federal Reserve.
10% goes to back to the IRS to pay salaries and overhead.

Not one penny you pay in income taxes go toward the running the Gov of the U.S.

So how does the Gov pay for itself? By collecting other taxes such as gas tax, cigarette tax,
black budget sources such as drug trafficking, gun running, high tech weapons and war, etc..

There is no constitutional law which mandates you pay Income Taxes. This is forbidden in the original Constitution of 1776. However, it is completely legal in the corporate constitution of the Corporation of the UNITED STATES.

You make the Vatican rich by your own ignorance.
Wake up America !!!

before NATO's invasion of Afghanistan
there was no income tax or central bank
in Afghanistan

before NATO's invasion of Iraq
there was no income tax or central bank
in Iraq

before NATO's invasion of Libya
there was no income tax or central bank
in Libya.

now they ALL pay income taxes to
an entity which funnels it to
the Vatican.

every country NATO invades becomes
a slave state to the Vatican.

Thread: Iceland dismantles gov't than arrests Rothschild Bankers !!


Pre-liminary Trust - Unum Sanctum (Latin)
1) Romanus Pontifex (Property)
2) Aeterni Regis (Soul)
3) Convocation (Baptism)

3 components of Vatican rule on earth.
These 3 components make up a combined

Cestui Qui Vie = Latin 666

666 is the number of Vatican rule on earth.

Latin is the language of Lucifer

Santos Bonacci video
Your soul is owned by the Vatican
no matter what religion you practice.
Fast forward to around 15:00

You pay taxes to Lucifer
not to God

when you tithe to the Church
you also pay tithe to Lucifer
since the Vatican is a tool
for Lucifer.

taxes are voluntary, not mandatory
by filling out a 1040 you consent
to be taxed.

the system

Vatican hostile takeover of America
by financial debt Act of 1871.
Corporation of UNITED STATES formed.

when you are born, you are registered
as property of the Vatican by a birth
certificate. stored in Vatican vaults.

then you pay taxes to the Vatican all
your life through legalized fraud
called income taxes.

You are owned by the Vatican
Your soul is owned by the Vatican through religion
Your assets and money is owned by the Vatican
through income taxes.

this is what makes you a slave

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:52 AM


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  1. never filed Income tax, never will. they want my money, they can come pry it from my hands if they have the balls.

  • Have you never been employed, then? All my employers deducted it from my wages before I received them. Most of us never have a choice...


  • Oh no, I've been employed. The last time I worked for someone "on the books" I told them specifically not to with hold the income tax. Other state and city taxes that are legal were ok with me. It was a big stink that had me explaining myself to a team of accountants. In the end, they didn't with hold it and told me I would get into trouble. 12 years later and nothing.

    That job only lasted 3 months as they weren't a good fit for me and I went out on my own. I now own a Green Energy company outside the USA. We have Water Purification/Desalination technology that's 95% efficient, Hydrogen generation that is self sustaining AND safe that only needs salt water, and our bread and butter, wood pellets AND the burners to retrofit and replace Oil/Natural Gas systems.

    The income tax system is a VOLUNTARY system. If you file once, you're in and can't get out. Since I never filed, I was never IN the system. Even IF they come after me, unless I see the law that states YOU HAVE TO PAY, I'm not paying shit. It's an un-apportioned tax and illegal.


  • In the late 1970's due to a literal mafioso gestapo bullying type experience with the IRS - big burly thugs (HUGE bar bouncer types) in black suits standing on either side of my SOON to be "FORMER" tax accountant - I began a 20 year research and investigation of the IRS. EVERY thing reported in this article - and MORE - is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The tactics of the IRS, nothing more than an unlawful COLLECTION AGENCY, to force the people to continue making these payments are successfully accomplished through instilling FEAR. The IRS's modus operandi includes, among many similar tactics, UNLAWFUL 'assessments' of what you SUPPOSEDLY owe them - LITERALLY CREATED OUT OF THIN AIR WITH NOTHING LEGAL TO BACK THEM UP and unlawful 'liens' and 'seizures' of your salary, assets and properties. AGAIN, THERE ARE NO LAWS NOR CAN LAWFUL DOCUMENTATION BE PROVIDED TO YOU TO BACK THESE UP! TRY GETTING IT! YOU CAN'T! IT DOESN'T EXIST! The IRS also has used battering rams to knock down home and office doors, placing armed agents (thugs) around homes and offices - knocking doors down and windows out - and shooting in or entering along with other types of unlawful fear and tyrannical tactics. All of this keeps 'the people' from even listening to the TRUTH much less joining together en masse and REFUSING to be their VICTIMS any longer. Along with the IRS thugs, even EMPLOYERS are acting UNLAWFULLY as COLLECTION AGENTS!! Recognizing that most of the employers are also subjected to this unlawful 'tax' scheme, they, too, must stand down and refuse to continue to commit their unlawful acts against the people through withdrawal of the 'taxes' from the pay of their employees and forwarding it on to the IRS. People, WHEN WILL YOU HAVE HAD ENOUGH? JOIN TOGETHER EN MASSE, SAY "NO!" AND PUT A STOP TO ALL OF THIS THIEVERY!! I stopped 30 years ago. Yes, it takes guts but there is power to put a stop to this by sheer numbers refusing to be bullied any longer. There should be a class action lawsuit by all who have been subjected to this fraud against the Vatican, the IRS, the IMF, et al, to return all monies stolen from each plus interest along with compensation for damages, pain and suffering. If EVERYone would do this, ALL could be released from this thievery, have more funds to cover needs and wants, and get rid of what should NEVER have been. THERE IS NO 'LAW' REQUIRING ANY AMERICAN TO PAY PAY 'INCOME TAX'!! AMERICA, WHERE IS YOUR GUTS???


  • A few comments are in order here. A very good piece of work but a couple of misstatements that stood out to me. 1) Where it mentions 3 places: Guam, Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are territories and not states so they are not subject to the US constitution presumes that the states are; the states aren't either, at least, not the original one. And the government doesn't even pay any attention to their corporate constitution; they only give it a little lip service, once in awhile. 2) Near the end, where it says I am owned by the Vatican; I've got news for the Vatican; "I aint owned by anybody or anything!" I am an American Citizen NOT a citizen of the UNITED STATES. Note, the difference in the word citizen. After American, the word Citizen has a capital "C", a noun; only a living thing like me, can be a capital "C" citizen. Now the phrase: "citizen of the UNITED STATES," is a prepositional phrase and the word "citizen" is a pronoun; which means it could be a person, place or thing (such as a corporation). And the word "of" is a preposition meaning, for example: belonging to, property of, etc. And the all capital phrase: "UNITED STATES," signifies that it's not a country; it's a corporation. Check: "Blacks Law," and find out what it means when words are in all capital letters. I'm not a citizen of McDonalds or Safeway, or General Motors and I'm definitely not a citizen of the UNITED STATES. It aint a country; it's a corporation and a piss poorly run one at that. America is the country NOT the UNITED STATES, Inc. So I'm not owned by the UNITED STATES, Inc. either.

    And like the comment, made above, I don't pay State or federal taxes either; they are a fraud, i.e. extortion, just like all bank loans except for with bank loans they don't call it extortion; it is called conversion. A little nicer way of saying extortion but FRAUD, just the same.



    1. To all who want to terminate the IRS Scum Bags out of your life, it is as simple as collapsing the Estate/Trust, by coming forward as the live man/woman. For a simple administrative process got to notice-recipient.com This is your starting point. Click on the video's section and watch "Change is on the Horizon" Part 2. Also go to the sub-heading "THE CURE" on the same site. I have already terminated $189,000.00 Lien they had on me for a years. Also go to suijuis.me and see how to the proper documents for FREE. This is no B.S. This process essentially collapses the TRUST.
      It is so simple most people Don't get it. see the video above by Santos Bonnacci "The vatican ows yous soul. He is dead right. They have declared every one civilly DEAD. That is why I came forward as the live man and collapsed the TRUST. Everything registered with the USA Inc is considered abandoned PROPERTY until you the live man step Forward. If you are sick and tired of getting beat, COLLAPSE THE TRUST. peter-eugene


    2. A trust contains property or it would not exist. I would not want to collapse it. I believe that bankruptcy is a way of keeping the trust open, because all bankruptcies contain a Trustee to administer it.
      I believe (so that's without fact or proof) that when one files for bankruptcy, all the supposed creditors pop out of the woodwork and they divy up the assets in that trust among themselves and it takes 10 years to have anything of value in it again...and that may be why you can't file for 10 years.

      If they can divy up the assets, and a Trustee knows how to do that, they why can't they divy the assets to me the true Creditor.

      I, myself, won't file bankruptcy no matter how much I am squeezed or encouraged to do so because so many other Americans did the same thing, blah blah blah (that's a statement of what I won't do, it has no bearing on what someone chooses to do and I'm not judging anyone whether they do or don't.)

      Can you explain Pete-eugene? Were any assets given to you from the trust when it was collapsed? Did you go to a W8-Ben form or maybe do something special with an I-9 form for employment and stop using the social security number all together? Whatever answer you can provide would be appreciated.


  • Opinion, verify yourself, because I am not your God so it's not my job to educate you on what you should know...I am only giving opinion that can be proven as fact or dis-proved if you can.

    The one TRUE distortion in all of this is 'YOUR SOUL belongs to the CREATOR'
    The Vatican is not the CREATOR. They only thing they created is a corporation using paper. Paper does not equal Soul...inequal...so Vatican controls paper that controls a corporation that has a name that is spelled in all CAPS and that is what your parents wrote down as how they would spell 'what you are Called', on paper...paper is not you...you are not paper...no man owns any man otherwise that would be slavery and slavery is against Divine Law and against Man Law (ie Constitution).

    These groups tell people they are controlled by paper and folks get impotent and can't move because they believe it.

    Not true. The Creator created the Soul and is the one true owner.

    Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's....his paper, his corporation, his obligation. IRS is attached to the corporation and they tricked us into thinking we own the corporation and are bound by the obligations created against the corporation...which is a person...look up a Black's Law dictionary...hold it in your hand and look up the definition of person and it's a corporation...and then look at every statute and code written that they are written for persons and individuals, including the IRS tax code...and look up individual and it says 'a person who.....' which is still a person.

    Then look up People, then look up State, and you can see that they told you half truths so you would think you knew the whole truth, but you'd be inactive on your freedom because you will believe the lie in which is part of the word be.lie.ve.

    When you walk around saying you are a citizen, you are agreeing to be part of the lie by your words and deeds. A citizen is a person, is a corporation.

    When you agree to be a person, don't get made because the corporate Constitution is for persons and not People...(two different things).

    There is no way you can make them give you the rights of the People (sovereign) or even recognize the rights you have as a People (sovereign) if you are going to believe you are a slave over some paper (birth certificate or otherwise) and you are going to admit you've accepted a subordinate role in their corporation and you accept their leader as one who can guide and control the things you do.

    They call you an enemy and you stay. They call you a terrorist and you stay. They say they can kill you and you stay. They say they can detain you forever and ever and you stay.

    All opinions. Do you research. Prove it wrong, and don't listen to unknowns, I don't care if they give a name or initials...do not let them guide you in your belief...get your own knowing...be adults...grow up...get out if you chose, or stay and be silent and accept your choice.


  • Opinion of another sort.
    Remember the drug campaign a long time ago....Just say 'No'.
    It's that simple...if they ask on a piece of paper if "you are"?
    Yes or No?....just say no.

    You'd be surprised how many opportunities there are to say 'No'. Every new commitment that could lock you into their system, you can just say 'no'. And you can send the voter registration card back. You write on the back of it, "Please take me out of the system" and sign it...and when they receive it, whether you drop it off or mail it, they will do as you requested, and 'Bam!', you have started to detach from the umbilical cord that binds you into some oppressive stuff.

    Check your employment records, they probably have an emergency contact page online where you can update your emergency contacts or your home address, it may even be on paper....it may ask you 'again' if you are? just say No.

    As you stop being, so shall you be freer to do the things you can for your life without interfering with others who want to do the things they can with their life.

    Sovereign does not step on another and tell them what to do with their life. That's up to their Creator to guide them or call them home...it's not for us to judge what they do as long as they don't interfere with you.

    When you can learn to let people live, and you can learn to live without being in their business and telling them what they can or cannot do (as you are not their Creator), you are truly walking the talk and living the life as the Christ tried to teach us.

    They will get their judgment, and it doesn't come from you, so let it be.

    Learn to say No, because as you point to others for what they do, there are things you do that you didn't know were causing certain other things to happen to you because of what you do.

    Are you a XX xxxxxxx? Yes or No? Just say No.

    Back out of those attachment contracts, find one that can replace it that isn't so attached. Wonder why illegals have more freedom? It's easy for them to say No when they fill out those forms.

    Learn from those you perceive as your enemies...they are not your enemies, they are your brothers and sisters and they are here for a reason, just like you are here for a reason.

    The Divine Plan is greater than your mind can comprehend.

    Do as you desire, but at least know what your desires are and act upon them without oppressing or interfering with another's desires.

    Bless to you all.


  • Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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