
County Relocalization


 Relocalization is the exact opposite of globalization.

    It is about restoring representative government in our towns, cities and counties and rebuilding them around the best interests of those that call these places HOME!
    It is about locating and supporting the local businesses that are owned by our neighbors.
    It is about buying locally grown fresh food and growing some of your own. Our "just in time" food delivery system was designed to maximize profit for the big corporations, - not provide communities with food security.

It is time to stop focusing on Washington, District of Criminals and pay attention to what is going on in our own back yards.

Did you know this network is growing by leaps and bounds?

The Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE) is North America's fastest growing network of socially responsible businesses, comprised of over 80 community networks in over 30 U.S. states and Canadian provinces representing more than 22,000 locally owned, independent business members. BALLE networks create local living economies through the building blocks of independent retail, sustainable agriculture, local zero-waste manufacturing, and community capital.


 There is an ongoing struggle today that is hitting all communities across the planet. It is globalization and the construction of a 'global corporatocracy'; definition: Of the Corporation, By the Corporation and For the Corporation. This structure is vertaking local business and local cultures. It is negatively reshaping our communities. The globalists (who are monopolists) have been building their global corporatocracy using their control of currency & credit, stock market manipulations and economic warfare. Once they established a global pricing system for commodities and 'world trade polices' their agenda went into high gear. The closing of factories in the U.S., the Savings and Loan debacle, and the mortgage fraud crisis are only the latest escapades of the globalists (the bankers and the robber barons) in a long and tragic attack on the good people of our country.

Addressing 'the global corporatocracy' is long overdue. As I write these words the globalists are seeking to make water a 'commodity' and place it under their control as well.

Relocalization is a growing movement to reverse the negative impacts of globalization. Many refer to this effort as "Going Local". The Relocalization 'movement' has the potential to undo the corporatocracy and allow us to regain control (lawfully and economically) of our own communities also known as 'the localities we call home'. Instead of being just consumers for the global corporatocracy, we seek to create a local credit system, local businesses, and local markets that serve our own communities . . . not the monopolist's corporatocracy. Relocalization is also about resurrecting "home rule" at the county level, so that nonsensical government rules/regulations do not impinge on our rights for life, liberty and the pursuit of economic independence.

Relocalization is a big project with big payoffs!

It is all about restoring The Economics of Health and Happiness.


Example of a County Relocation Project in Ohio

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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