Thursday 22nd March : Finding the Beauty and Harmony : So here we are…on the other side of the Equinox. Yes, it was a huge shift in energies as we embrace the new flow of energy that will take us to the December portal and further.
Certainly, I am happy that we were able to hold the energy and that all the dire predictions of doom and gloom did not come true. Is it not exciting that we are maturing into our role as Earth Keepers, and that we are able to find that point of balance within ourselves that also manifests as balance in the outer world.
Archangel Michael has reminded me that we are moving towards our first big alignment of the Year, the Venus Transit on the 6th of June. The first Venus Transit in 2004 was a trigger point for many of the shifts and changes that we have experienced in the last few years and that have brought us to this point.
We can expect that this second Venus transit will also be a trigger point for more shifts as we head into our date with destiny in December. Venus is the Solar System body that connects us with the vibration of Love and Beauty and the Divine Feminine. At this time, these energies are rising on the Earth, and we are being drawn towards expressing Love and Beauty in our Lives. Anything that is not aligned in frequency with these rising frequencies is going to come under stress at this time.
You may have noticed in the last few days a sense of irritation and almost anger with things that are not aligned with your own sense of beauty and balance. These disonant energies have always been there, but you will notice them more as the harmonious frequencies of the Venus energy enter the Earth field, and of course, amplified by Jupiter and expanded into our consciousness.
It is also true that as we connect with our Solar System energies more closely as we reconnect with the higher chakras and Higher Consciousness, we will become more aware of the flows of energy within our Star/Sun system Solaris. Right now we are being embraced into the flow of HARMONY and BEAUTY, and everything that is not of this frequency is becoming very obvious.
That is why it may seem like something of a paradox right now, where the increase of harmony mkes you feel more disharmonious, but it is merely the result of seeing more clearly what is not “in harmony” in your life.
The good news, especially for those of you in the North, where Spring is beginning, is that this vibration of Love and Beauty will be felt more and more as the year progresses, and especially around June and the time of the Venus transit.
Connecting with the frequency and energy of Beauty and Harmony will be necessary in this year if we are to make it through the shifts with a sense of equlilibrium and joy. The best place to find this is, of course in nature.
As we reconnect with this frequency of the Divine Feminine in ourselves and in our world, we will more and more realize that it is already there, in nature, and that as we connect with the patterns and harmonies in Nature we also connect with the Divine Creative Intelligence and the frequencies of Divine Love manifest in all of creation.
The Dolphin Angels and Masters are also working with us right now, to assist us to reconnect with these frequencies, and I am working on a project that will help to bring these frequencies into peoples lives through music and sound. The project is called “New Earth Rising : Dolphin Dreaming”, and I will be happy to introduce you to the music and the energies very soon.
Monday 19th March : As we approach the first Equinox of 2012, the energies on Planet Earth are becoming very active and intense and a little unstable. Many people hve noticed this, especially in the wake of a series of Solar Flares that have brought new information and new Light Codes for Evolutiuon into our Planetary and Personal Light Body Fields.
But, at this time, there is more going on than simply Solar Flare activity. The Earth is preparing herself for the alignments and passages of 2012, we are being brought “up to speed” in a very literal way.
Firstly, the Solar Flare activity brought through the new Light Codes that would begin anchoring in the 8th and 9th Dimensions of Consciousness and begin the structuring of the Earth Keeper Councils. This information is received by the Pineal Gland and then the Pituitary Glands in the Body. Both of these glands are in “hyper” mode right now.
This can be compared to a major “download” or “upgrade” in a computer, where the new information requires extensive repatterning and rebooting. Our cells are receiving new instructions and out neural networks receiving new patterns. We need some “down time” to reboot.
I personally spent the week-end in bed just allowing the process. The most likely symptoms of this process are dizziness, as the Pineal is activate to the maximum, inability to sleep also due to Pineal activation, and mood swings and depression, this related to pressure on the emotions and hormonal system via the Pituitary gland.
This energy is being felt by everyone on the Planet in some way, whether conscious or not. And, as if that were not enough, there is another process happening right now. Archangel Michael informs us that the Earth is raising her “base frequency” right now, which means that on the holographic level the frequency rate is rising and everything is accelerating.
This is to facilitate the Earth’s passage through the 2012 Portal at the end of the year. You can imagine it like the Earth lining up to pass through the eye of a needle, the aim has to be just right and the speed just right, so that we all make it through.
What this means on the physcial level is that the lower chakras, the Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus, are all accelerasting their spin. Which in turn means that any old “stuff” still lurking there is being spun off and there is pressure on these chakras. This in turn means that you may feel pain and stress in your body as the body gets used to the increased frequency.
The good part of this, of course, is that the higher frequencies will support the manifestation of the New Earth in the physical plane at the same time that the old stuff is getting spun out of the cycle. We can expect more of the old to fall apart and more of the “new” to start to manifest.
You may feel, a bit like I have, that you are being spun out of the cycle yourself, but hold in there, it is just a time of change, transition and acceleration, like changing gear as you head out onto the open road!
I would also like to say that it is our beautiful children who are assisting us with this change….there are so many beautiful Crystal Starchildren now who have been born in the last ten years and who are “wired” for this acceleration. In fact, they are leading it, and that is why so many children are having a difficult time physically right now.
And another point is that as we accept this acceleration and seek to bring it into balance within ourselves, we are assisting the planet in not having to experience a “disaster” to release this energy.
Remember this time last year, with Japan and the tsunami? This year, let’s hope we can work to balance this energy together with the Elementals and the Dragons so that the Earth can stay in balance.
So, to everyone reading this, hang in there for the next few days and stay balanced. Rest when you need to, look after your physical being, and know that this will pass in a few days! This is our privilege, to carry the energy as Earth Keepers and assist our beautiful Planet in her Journey of Ascension.
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
March 2012 Equinox Report
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