Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at a high level meeting at United Nations headquarters Monday, Sept. 24.
Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:40PM GMT
By Gordon Duff
But today my mind returns to the venomous attacks, the New York Post of Murdoch, the empty threats of Netanyahu, a “dime store Stalin,” and to the very lonely Israeli ambassador to the United Nations who walked out of the General Assembly to quiet laughter.”
For the first time, all western delegations remained seated at the UN General Assembly to listen to President Ahmadinejad chastise Israel.
Every other time the Iranian President had addressed the assembly, the Israeli representative raised a finger and the US, Britain and other western delegations left the room, shuffling out like zombies.
There have been a myriad of issues of late tied to disrespect for religion. New York City is plastered with vicious Islamophobic spew. Racist and religious hatred plastered across the world’s best known city by the vermin that serve Netanyahu and his gang of cutthroats, gangsters and perverts.
Why, might you ask, am I using such a harsh language toward a world leader? The answer is simple. I was awakened today to press responses across the US equally venomous as the films blaspheming the Prophet.
In fact, our investigations show that the origin of the posters attacking Islam, the film attacking the Prophet and the newspaper and television news unleashed against Iran’s President Ahmadinejad are all the same. The pack of bloodsuckers feeding off the American people and the people of the world, now, finally, recognized for what they are, their visible spokesmen, Rupert Murdoch, the Koch Brothers, Mitt Romney, Sheldon Adelson and the AIPAC lobby.
It is one thing for a newspaper to print biased news. However, the control that Netanyahu’s militant extremists have been allowed to go to is unprecedented, even in the “yellow journalism”, America’s “neocon” fanatics and their “bankster billionaire” backers have stooped to.
Today, we have picked out the New York Post, a paper owned by Rupert Murdoch, the same individual that was found culpable for wiretapping, bribery and blackmail involving Britain’s security forces, three prime ministers and key government officials.
For those who don’t know, Murdoch and his empire are the voice of the war against Islam, the bilking of America and the world’s descent into bankruptcy, starvation and totalitarianism. Murdoch is a monster as much as his cohort and fellow puppet Netanyahu and his minion, Mitt Romney.
Today, President Ahmadinejad has specific points he wants to make in what will be his last address to the United Nations. Key among those is the agreement the Non Aligned Nations came to in their conference in Tehran last month.
The United Nations can no longer be bullied into submitting to control by the 5 permanent members of the Security Council who rule over that institution like a gang of thugs. Every nation on earth can come to agreement but if one of the “magic 5” disagrees, generally the United States at the direction of Israel, there is no United Nations, only Israel exercising its financial hold over the US government.
Ahmadinejad’s other issue is that the reality of Palestine must be settled and that territories occupied by Israel are not part of a Jewish state and that there is no international agreement awarding them that control.
However, we will look at the megalomaniacal ramblings of Netanyahu and Murdoch from the New York Post:
“Ahmadinejad’s Yom Kippur UN speech an outrage for New York City
This is a spit in the face to all the tolerant people of this big-hearted city that plays host to the United Nations because no other city on the planet has a citizenry patient and world wise enough to put up with the theater of the absurd that usually plays out there.
You simply do not invite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad……. to the United Nations on Yom Kippur, a Day of Atonement, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. This is not just an affront to the Jews.
We put up with the United Nations because we are the capital of the world. But even New York has to stop and shout that inviting Ahmadinejad to the UN on Yom Kippur explodes the envelope. This is a vile, disgusting, detestable publicity stunt.
Inviting Ahmadinejad to the UN on Yom Kippur is a treacherous piece of stagecraft designed to promote hate for a particular people who helped make this city great – a mean-spirited gimmick that desecrates the memory of 6 million murdered Jews with the histrionic antics of the world’s best-known anti-Semite on the holiest day of the Jewish year.
The United Nations, created as a body to promote world peace, has gone out of its way to create disharmony and division by inviting Ahmadinejad, who will inject more venom into the bloodstream of the world on American shores during a presidential campaign, hoping to poison even the forgiving spirit of Yom Kippur….
Was it the forgiving nature of Yom Kippur that inspired the Hebrew scrawling of “Jesus is a Monkey” on the Christian holy sites across the occupied areas of Palestine?
Please remember, this is a missive with a certain number of blatantly insane ramblings. Since when did a Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur, have anything to do with the operation of the United Nations?
Anyone who hadn’t yet considered Israel as a danger to sanity itself only has to read. I shudder at the term “forgiving spirit” when it punctuates paragraphs of hate mongering and vitriolic.
Is not Israel one of 193 members with a population consisting of .0001 of those represented? Israel has no recognized borders, no constitution. It lives off foreign aid from others while it is the 4th largest arms exporter in the world.
Israel also holds the United Nations record for the most majority votes to sanction for war crimes and genocide at 116. Whenever backed into a corner, the long admitted trick of the militant extremist elements in Israel is to accuse others of “anti-Semitism” or “holocaust denial.”
This is Wikipedia’s definition of a “Semite:” The term Semite means a member of any of various ancient and modern Semitic-speaking peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including; Akkadians (Assyrians and Babylonians), Eblaites, Ugarites, Canaanites, Phoenicians (including Carthaginians), Hebrews (Israelites, Judeans and Samaritans), Ahlamu, Arameans, Chaldeans, Amorites, Moabites, Edomites, Hyksos, Arabs, Nabateans, Maganites, Shebans, Sutu, Ubarites, Dilmunites, Bahranis, Maltese, Mandaeans, Sabians, Syriacs, Mhallami, Amalekites and Ethiopian Semites.
I have yet to see proof that the move by Jews from Europe and Russia, who have yet shown themselves unable to prove direct ties to any of the groups above, their move into what could and perhaps should be called Palestine is really a displacement of Semites by non-Semites.
The use of Hebrew by the vast majority of Jewish settlers in Israel is learned and there is no continuity of the use of Hebrew in any historical context.
I grew up in a family speaking German and Yiddish, a language reviled by those who refer to themselves as “militant Zionists.”
I miss the language, as one of long centuries of tradition, a language of great warmth and humor, one capable of describing many of the realities of life in a way German, a more sterile tongue was never capable of.
My German family, the Lehman’s of what was then Posen, are long gone, very probably numbering among the 8.5 million Germans that Stalin sent into Siberian camps after the end of World War II.
Sixty million people died in and “around” World War II including 20 million Ukrainians starved to death by Stalin and endless millions displaced during the war by the Soviets to service their factories in the Urals. Up to 40% of those froze to death or died of starvation.
Where historians face reprisals and immediate dismissal is when they question Stalin’s version of the war. History is continually changing and there is a real issue of the holocaust, an area where free discussion of its causes and nature have been criminalized for the obvious purpose of providing “cover and deception” for genocidal crimes that deeply parallel the holocaust itself.
We had two wars in Europe during the last century, the largest in World History that were responsible for the deaths of 100 million people and yet 95% of media coverage and discussion is tied to Auschwitz, a camp where the smokestack for the crematorium was built by the Russians in 1947 and stands alone on a patch of concrete, never adjacent to any building.
Tours are daily. Polish guides explain how the smoke and ashes from 20,000 incinerated bodies per day went through a smokestack that didn’t exist when the camp was used. No one asks why the carefully labeled gas chambers have flimsy wooden doors with glass windows, doors in place since the 19th century.
It is still possible to believe in the holocaust and not be blind or totally stupid.
German law requires a 10 year sentence for anyone who questions any of a thousand different versions of the holocaust. Law requires they all be believed and repeated as do two dozen other nations.
The more important questions of who profited from the war and how they, Jew or Gentile, survived untouched are never asked or answered. War is, as we know, “the mother of lies.”
A second question comes to mind. Should it be a crime teaching Jews that they are a hated and despised people, to make people feel victimized and inferior? Isn’t this a classic method of control, a “psyop” as it is called, a way of manipulating Israeli Jews into accepting an unjust society that a cultured and educated people with progressive values should find abhorrent?
This week, it all focuses on New York; the filthy racist lies are plastered across the city by secretive groups reviled across America. The real people of America can be misled but are clearly at an end when it comes to more orchestrated terrorism and “branded” bad guys.
What an embarrassment it must be that, according to the Department of Justice, the leader of Al Qaeda is a man named Adam Perlman, son of Phil Perlman, whose grandfather, Carl Perlman helped found the Anti-Defamation League?
Al Qaeda is now run by a member of one of the most influential Jewish families in America, a family known for fostering militant Zionism.
Is it now clear why 33 consecutive “number two” Al Qaeda leaders have been killed while Perlman/Gadhan, in reality the paid publicist for Israeli based SITE Intelligence, sits in his apartment in Haifa, supposedly the “voice of militant Islam?”
But today my mind returns to the venomous attacks, the New York Post of Murdoch, the empty threats of Netanyahu, a “dime store Stalin,” and to the very lonely Israeli ambassador to the United Nations who walked out of the General Assembly to quiet laughter.
Sometimes these little signs of sanity and human dignity, mankind showing the smallest signs of awakening, sometimes these things are rays of hope.
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Gordon Duff – Press TV : Smackdown – UN Turns Its Back On Israel – 30 September 2012
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