by Love Reporter Angela
Have you looked around lately – within your own life and/or in those around you and the world in general and asked, “What IS this mess, anyway? How is THIS evolution and progression?!” Have you had hours, days, and/or weeks where you’ve started feeling extremely angry, fearful, listless, like you want to crawl out of your skin… and yet have no specific cause for it? And what about being weighted down… have you had moments when you’ve felt as if you’re completely filled with lead, like you’re wearing a suit that makes you feel like you’re carrying an extra hundred pounds or so, and all you want to do is sleep, alternating with spurts of energy that you can’t seem to alleviate?
Yep… I gotcha. Been there, done that… and I do this EVERY DAY; I meditate, I clear, I heal… and I help others do the same, so I’m in the “heightened awareness” place most of the time. I do know how to observe the collective consciousness without becoming lost in it – I’ve become quite adept at it – and yet, a few weeks ago, POW! I didn’t know what hit me!
First a Moment About the Earth
The mind says, OK… we’re “supposed to be” evolving… progressing… getting ready for “Earth 2.0,” ascending… whatever you want to call it. Yet, on the surface, it seems we’re more of a mess than ever: extreme polarities in belief systems, politics, and many other areas; shootings in movie theaters, temples, and consulates; and drugs that produce zombie-like behavior, at the top of the list. Individually, many have the lives they worked so hard to create just crumbling away no matter how hard they fight to preserve it… losing jobs, severing long-standing ties and relationships, succumbing to debt, and releasing much of the “picture” of the life many had thought was their dream. Earth herself has been tumultuous: global extremes in weather, earthquakes rumbling around the world, volcanoes that haven’t been active for decades or more coming back to life, tsunamis, polar ice caps melting away.So, you might ask, “What’s THAT about?”
Several months back, I was shown the bigger picture related to the evolution of Earth – of Gaia herself – and what that entails, as we stand on the ground, here, right now. As within our bodies, our skin, liver, heart, lungs, and all other organs and cells are a part of us (with their own consciousness as well), we are a part of the whole organism of the Earth. I was shown how throughout this existence, part of the exploration and experience of the lessons of duality and the ego have caused us to bleed, at one time or another, into every land of this world. We’ve had wars, we’ve hurt ourselves, we’ve hurt each other, we’ve hurt the other beings here, as well as played with creating imbalance in the organism as a whole. The result: This “blood” – both literal and metaphorical – has seeped into Earth, as so much seeps into our bodies through the skin and then incorporates into our systems.
Through all of this, she has adjusted as well as she could, realigned herself, so she could continue on. So WE could continue on, in some way, shape, or form…. to do the same thing again and again, over and over. To REALLY learn those lessons!
When our bodies do this – forget the unity, forget that all the cells, all the organs have to work together to function optimally – what happens? Disease; malfunctions and sometimes failure of entire organic systems within us. Cancer. Auto-immune disease. Allergies (“irritations”). Many other chronic conditions. And, as a collective part of the Earth organism, “as above, so below”… why do you think we have an overabundance of these types of diseases within our own bodies today?
When we get an overabundance of toxins within the body, what does our body naturally do to rebalance itself? Detoxify; it tries to push all of the dangerous toxins that have become embedded in the system to the surface… to release them and regain balance.
Guess what Earth’s doing? Except this is the BIGGIE… she’s detoxifying because it’s time to get to the next level of evolution, to complete this existence at this level of density, with these lessons of duality. And as a part of this organism, we’re along for the ride!
So what does that entail? Well… all of that blood, all of that disservice and ego-based separation that has seeped into her “system” is coming to the surface… while all of what we’ve done to disservice our own bodies is doing the same, which can exacerbate the situation. So, yes… a lot of rage, resentment, fear, anxiety, regret, guilt, doubt, sorrow, and pain coming to the surface now… to be healed, dissolved, and released, once and for all.
Needless to say, how that affects us is up to the individual.
Can we release all of this productively, or will we allow ourselves to get lost in it?
From another, non-judgmental vantage point, there are many, many souls who have chosen NOT to be here during the peak of this and/or to see it through to completion from “ground zero”; they’ve come, finished the lessons they want to have here, and choose to do the rest elsewhere, outside of this 3D world. So, they are transitioning out; it is a choice they have made, and it doesn’t matter whether they’re home in the shower and fall and hit their head or in public where they get run over by a car or shot. And what this “gunk” coming to the surface does is also provide ample opportunity for groups of souls to go ahead and transition out en masse. Recently, a pretty awakened friend of mine was in a place where she was considering the choice of “walking out”… and she created herself a door where a truck came barreling down the road as she was crossing a busy street and could have easily provided the doorway for her to transition. She told me that she knew in that moment that no matter how it looked… she knew it would be quick and painless; in fact, she knew that her soul would leave her body before the truck ever hit. At that moment… she realized how easy it really can be, and she decided to stay.
I have been guided over the past several months to focus on healing at the collective and mass level… and I am shown, time and time again, how individual challenges and limitations are personal experiences that are directly related to the collective experience. The more we can sit in love and just douse Earth and the collectives and mass consciousness, the easier the transition and adjustments will be.
Now, On to That Leaden, Listless Feeling You Might Be Experiencing…
Since I’ve been guided to do collective clearing/healing after collective clearing/healing, there was a point, about a week-and-a-half ago, when I started thinking, “Were we CRAZY to plan all of this, to do all of this all at once… with so many here right now who haven’t even opened their eyes even a slit toward Awakening? This is nuts… how can we do this?” I could FEEL how many have no idea right now; I could FEEL the work yet to do. All I could think was, “I’m SO DONE with all of this!” (Note: I also actually, for the first time ever, asked for a “door to transition,” and was provided one by my ever-present guide, Archangel Ezekiel, THAT NIGHT… why I chose not to take it is a story for another day…)
I’ve been staying ever-present, calm, clear, and watching the growing freneticism of many… who are fighting harder and harder to hold on to that which doesn’t serve them, because they believe that’s what they’re supposed to do. I’ve been watching and helping others with their pain, anger, resentment, fear… and as much as I LOVE what I do, there were some days I was starting to get tired.
And then, last weekend… wow, the heaviness set in. I became distracted… I didn’t want to meditate, didn’t want to connect… and as much as I love to work out, I felt like I had lead running through my body! There were a few days when all I wanted to do was sleep (luckily over an uneventful weekend); and yet, I simultaneously felt like I was about to crawl out of my skin, uncomfortable, edgy… I started thinking, “What the heck is all of this about? I KNOW this feeling… but I can’t quite place it, either…”
I’ve had the blessing of having a steady stream of client sessions, so I set that up for myself well (from the Higher Self, along with my guide family, obviously)… because regardless of how I feel, I make sure I do everything I can to ensure that I’m open and clear for the work I do with others. So, I at least continued doing SOME self-work, which was helpful. One day, I didn’t have sessions until later in the afternoon; I had planned to go to the gym in the morning, didn’t make it. Then I thought I would hop on the elliptical at home; never made it. And I was feeling edgier and more impatient than ever. Finally, about midday, I heard, loudly, “GET OUTSIDE.” So I went out into my yard and sat in the grass. I actually started feeling EVEN EDGIER… and felt like I needed to get to a waterfront. So I took my dog, and we went to a nearby lake, to trot the 3 miles around the trail along the perimeter. As we progressed, I just practiced an exercise I suggest to quite a few clients – simply BREATHING into my heart, and expanding my light.
Losing all thought… simply focusing on the heart. Expanding the light, connecting with the nature around me. Through this, there was an extraordinary number of dragonflies that were swarming around us the entire time – green, blue, white, brown, you name it, zipping right up to my face and then away, zipping around us, hovering nearby (for those who don’t know the “message of the dragonfly”… dragonflies help to bring in LIGHT).
And all of that time, I thought, “This feels SO FAMILIAR…”
Shortly after that, the discomfort ebbed away, and I felt a LOT better… and able to attend to my sessions throughout the evening.
That night, I went to sleep with the intention of connecting to understand WHAT THE HECK was going on. In the dream, I was at my acupuncturist’s office, and she was talking to me about someone else who was being “pinned” on the table. She was telling me about how the person’s symptoms would flow and ebb… just like she was in labor to deliver a child.
In the middle of the dream, a HUGE light bulb went off for me… THAT’S IT! I remember thinking in the dream. It’s the Earth… she’s in LABOR!
When I woke up, fresh from that dream, I realized immediately that the stages of what I had been going through myself were JUST LIKE being in labor to deliver a child, without the pain (of course, I had forgotten… it HAS been more than 14 years since my last go of it! LOL)!
So… when you look back to the section I wrote before this, about Earth and her detoxification… let’s also add that she’s now at the equivalent stage of being in labor to “birth” a whole new version of herself. The part to be aware of is that since we are a part of this organism of Earth, guess what? We will all have our individual ways of playing that out. We’re all detoxing that which doesn’t serve us, and now we’re TOTALLY “ripping off the Band-Aid” to get to this next level of existence… but HERE’S THE AWESOME NEWS: That means we’re ALMOST THERE!
After considering all of this, you might ask, “Yikes! What does this mean for me? Does that mean that my life is going to implode? Is it all going to fall apart?” That’s a good question… are you willing to let go of that which doesn’t serve you and SEE it as what is Highest and Best… or are you going to try to cling to the familiar (regardless of how miserable it is) and make it a painful transition? Can you take some time out for yourself every day – yes, every single day – to simply get in 15 minutes of clearing the mind and breathing into you heart? Can you take some time every day to send love and healing to the Earth of which we’re a part? Can you go through one day – just ONE DAY to start – without judgment of any kind toward yourself and others? Can you stay completely fluid to what’s going on around you, without giving any energy to resistance? The more we do for ourselves, the more we practice acceptance and fluidity, the more we release that which doesn’t serve us with grace, ease, balance, harmony, and joy… and the more space we create for ourselves to let in what DOES serve us in the Highest and Best way, from the individual to the collective.
And the easier and quicker our “delivery” in to a new, fresh, higher vibration Earth will be. :-)
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Ascension? Really? With All of This Mess Around Us (and Within)? Some Thoughts to Consider
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