(NaturalNews) Drug companies have gotten so greedy, and the American public so financially distressed, that nearly half of all Americans under the age of 65 who normally take prescription drugs are no longer doing so because they allegedly cannot afford it. This is according to a new report compiled by the Consumer Reports National Research Center (CRNRC), which also found that 63 percent of those in need of medical care are skipping trips to the doctor because of the high costs involved.
Based on a poll that included 1,158 adults over the age of 18, CRNRC found that 62 percent of Americans under the age of 65 avoided getting recommended medical tests in 2012 because of high costs, while just over half avoided getting a recommended medical procedure. In total, more than 80 percent of those polled indicated that they skipped either a medically-related procedure, medical test, doctor visit, or prescription because of the expense.“When it comes to prescription drugs, consumers are spending on average $63 out of pocket every month, which can easily swallow up a big portion of the family budget,” said Lisa Gill, prescription drugs editor for Consumer Reports, in a recent press release about the findings. “It’s even worse for those without insurance for medicines, who pay upwards of $91 a month for their prescriptions.”
The number of adult patients under the age of 65 who skipped a doctor visit because they could not afford it jumped 16 percent last year, while the number who avoided a prescription jumped 19 percent. These same individuals cut various other things out of their lives as well, according to the report, including leisure activities, dining out, and entertainment.
According to the data, 28 percent of adults under the age of 65 with prescription drug benefits said they have cut back on entertainment and dining out because of financial difficulties. And 58 percent of those without benefits, or more than twice the number of those with benefits, indicated a reduction in these activities. Similar cut-backs were also observed among both groups for increased credit card use and a reduction in the amount of groceries purchased.
A similar survey conducted by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation back in June found that roughly 60 percent of Americans avoided the doctor, eliminated or modified the doses of their prescriptions, avoided diagnostic tests, or otherwise altered their normal healthcare regimen to save money. The average cost of health care for a family of four with an employer-sponsored insurance plan also topped $20,000 for the first time ever this year.
Sources for this article include:
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
NaturalNews – Jonathan Benson – Big Pharma’s Profiteering Has Reached The Breaking Point : 45 percent Of Americans Can No Longer Afford Prescriptions – 30 September 2012
Gordon Duff – Press TV : Smackdown – UN Turns Its Back On Israel – 30 September 2012
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at a high level meeting at United Nations headquarters Monday, Sept. 24.
Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:40PM GMT
By Gordon Duff
But today my mind returns to the venomous attacks, the New York Post of Murdoch, the empty threats of Netanyahu, a “dime store Stalin,” and to the very lonely Israeli ambassador to the United Nations who walked out of the General Assembly to quiet laughter.”
For the first time, all western delegations remained seated at the UN General Assembly to listen to President Ahmadinejad chastise Israel.
Every other time the Iranian President had addressed the assembly, the Israeli representative raised a finger and the US, Britain and other western delegations left the room, shuffling out like zombies.
There have been a myriad of issues of late tied to disrespect for religion. New York City is plastered with vicious Islamophobic spew. Racist and religious hatred plastered across the world’s best known city by the vermin that serve Netanyahu and his gang of cutthroats, gangsters and perverts.
Why, might you ask, am I using such a harsh language toward a world leader? The answer is simple. I was awakened today to press responses across the US equally venomous as the films blaspheming the Prophet.
In fact, our investigations show that the origin of the posters attacking Islam, the film attacking the Prophet and the newspaper and television news unleashed against Iran’s President Ahmadinejad are all the same. The pack of bloodsuckers feeding off the American people and the people of the world, now, finally, recognized for what they are, their visible spokesmen, Rupert Murdoch, the Koch Brothers, Mitt Romney, Sheldon Adelson and the AIPAC lobby.
It is one thing for a newspaper to print biased news. However, the control that Netanyahu’s militant extremists have been allowed to go to is unprecedented, even in the “yellow journalism”, America’s “neocon” fanatics and their “bankster billionaire” backers have stooped to.
Today, we have picked out the New York Post, a paper owned by Rupert Murdoch, the same individual that was found culpable for wiretapping, bribery and blackmail involving Britain’s security forces, three prime ministers and key government officials.
For those who don’t know, Murdoch and his empire are the voice of the war against Islam, the bilking of America and the world’s descent into bankruptcy, starvation and totalitarianism. Murdoch is a monster as much as his cohort and fellow puppet Netanyahu and his minion, Mitt Romney.
Today, President Ahmadinejad has specific points he wants to make in what will be his last address to the United Nations. Key among those is the agreement the Non Aligned Nations came to in their conference in Tehran last month.
The United Nations can no longer be bullied into submitting to control by the 5 permanent members of the Security Council who rule over that institution like a gang of thugs. Every nation on earth can come to agreement but if one of the “magic 5” disagrees, generally the United States at the direction of Israel, there is no United Nations, only Israel exercising its financial hold over the US government.
Ahmadinejad’s other issue is that the reality of Palestine must be settled and that territories occupied by Israel are not part of a Jewish state and that there is no international agreement awarding them that control.
However, we will look at the megalomaniacal ramblings of Netanyahu and Murdoch from the New York Post:
“Ahmadinejad’s Yom Kippur UN speech an outrage for New York City
This is a spit in the face to all the tolerant people of this big-hearted city that plays host to the United Nations because no other city on the planet has a citizenry patient and world wise enough to put up with the theater of the absurd that usually plays out there.
You simply do not invite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad……. to the United Nations on Yom Kippur, a Day of Atonement, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. This is not just an affront to the Jews.
We put up with the United Nations because we are the capital of the world. But even New York has to stop and shout that inviting Ahmadinejad to the UN on Yom Kippur explodes the envelope. This is a vile, disgusting, detestable publicity stunt.
Inviting Ahmadinejad to the UN on Yom Kippur is a treacherous piece of stagecraft designed to promote hate for a particular people who helped make this city great – a mean-spirited gimmick that desecrates the memory of 6 million murdered Jews with the histrionic antics of the world’s best-known anti-Semite on the holiest day of the Jewish year.
The United Nations, created as a body to promote world peace, has gone out of its way to create disharmony and division by inviting Ahmadinejad, who will inject more venom into the bloodstream of the world on American shores during a presidential campaign, hoping to poison even the forgiving spirit of Yom Kippur….
Was it the forgiving nature of Yom Kippur that inspired the Hebrew scrawling of “Jesus is a Monkey” on the Christian holy sites across the occupied areas of Palestine?
Please remember, this is a missive with a certain number of blatantly insane ramblings. Since when did a Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur, have anything to do with the operation of the United Nations?
Anyone who hadn’t yet considered Israel as a danger to sanity itself only has to read. I shudder at the term “forgiving spirit” when it punctuates paragraphs of hate mongering and vitriolic.
Is not Israel one of 193 members with a population consisting of .0001 of those represented? Israel has no recognized borders, no constitution. It lives off foreign aid from others while it is the 4th largest arms exporter in the world.
Israel also holds the United Nations record for the most majority votes to sanction for war crimes and genocide at 116. Whenever backed into a corner, the long admitted trick of the militant extremist elements in Israel is to accuse others of “anti-Semitism” or “holocaust denial.”
This is Wikipedia’s definition of a “Semite:” The term Semite means a member of any of various ancient and modern Semitic-speaking peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including; Akkadians (Assyrians and Babylonians), Eblaites, Ugarites, Canaanites, Phoenicians (including Carthaginians), Hebrews (Israelites, Judeans and Samaritans), Ahlamu, Arameans, Chaldeans, Amorites, Moabites, Edomites, Hyksos, Arabs, Nabateans, Maganites, Shebans, Sutu, Ubarites, Dilmunites, Bahranis, Maltese, Mandaeans, Sabians, Syriacs, Mhallami, Amalekites and Ethiopian Semites.
I have yet to see proof that the move by Jews from Europe and Russia, who have yet shown themselves unable to prove direct ties to any of the groups above, their move into what could and perhaps should be called Palestine is really a displacement of Semites by non-Semites.
The use of Hebrew by the vast majority of Jewish settlers in Israel is learned and there is no continuity of the use of Hebrew in any historical context.
I grew up in a family speaking German and Yiddish, a language reviled by those who refer to themselves as “militant Zionists.”
I miss the language, as one of long centuries of tradition, a language of great warmth and humor, one capable of describing many of the realities of life in a way German, a more sterile tongue was never capable of.
My German family, the Lehman’s of what was then Posen, are long gone, very probably numbering among the 8.5 million Germans that Stalin sent into Siberian camps after the end of World War II.
Sixty million people died in and “around” World War II including 20 million Ukrainians starved to death by Stalin and endless millions displaced during the war by the Soviets to service their factories in the Urals. Up to 40% of those froze to death or died of starvation.
Where historians face reprisals and immediate dismissal is when they question Stalin’s version of the war. History is continually changing and there is a real issue of the holocaust, an area where free discussion of its causes and nature have been criminalized for the obvious purpose of providing “cover and deception” for genocidal crimes that deeply parallel the holocaust itself.
We had two wars in Europe during the last century, the largest in World History that were responsible for the deaths of 100 million people and yet 95% of media coverage and discussion is tied to Auschwitz, a camp where the smokestack for the crematorium was built by the Russians in 1947 and stands alone on a patch of concrete, never adjacent to any building.
Tours are daily. Polish guides explain how the smoke and ashes from 20,000 incinerated bodies per day went through a smokestack that didn’t exist when the camp was used. No one asks why the carefully labeled gas chambers have flimsy wooden doors with glass windows, doors in place since the 19th century.
It is still possible to believe in the holocaust and not be blind or totally stupid.
German law requires a 10 year sentence for anyone who questions any of a thousand different versions of the holocaust. Law requires they all be believed and repeated as do two dozen other nations.
The more important questions of who profited from the war and how they, Jew or Gentile, survived untouched are never asked or answered. War is, as we know, “the mother of lies.”
A second question comes to mind. Should it be a crime teaching Jews that they are a hated and despised people, to make people feel victimized and inferior? Isn’t this a classic method of control, a “psyop” as it is called, a way of manipulating Israeli Jews into accepting an unjust society that a cultured and educated people with progressive values should find abhorrent?
This week, it all focuses on New York; the filthy racist lies are plastered across the city by secretive groups reviled across America. The real people of America can be misled but are clearly at an end when it comes to more orchestrated terrorism and “branded” bad guys.
What an embarrassment it must be that, according to the Department of Justice, the leader of Al Qaeda is a man named Adam Perlman, son of Phil Perlman, whose grandfather, Carl Perlman helped found the Anti-Defamation League?
Al Qaeda is now run by a member of one of the most influential Jewish families in America, a family known for fostering militant Zionism.
Is it now clear why 33 consecutive “number two” Al Qaeda leaders have been killed while Perlman/Gadhan, in reality the paid publicist for Israeli based SITE Intelligence, sits in his apartment in Haifa, supposedly the “voice of militant Islam?”
But today my mind returns to the venomous attacks, the New York Post of Murdoch, the empty threats of Netanyahu, a “dime store Stalin,” and to the very lonely Israeli ambassador to the United Nations who walked out of the General Assembly to quiet laughter.
Sometimes these little signs of sanity and human dignity, mankind showing the smallest signs of awakening, sometimes these things are rays of hope.
« WHY REV. KEVIN ANNETT IS NOT A CON ARTIST - A LETTER | Main | Towards a Genuine Legal Attack on Genocidal and Criminal Institutions: A Statement regarding the Bowman-ITCCS Lawsuit against Church and State »
Greg RenoufVANCOUVER, B.C. - These reports about Greg Renouf from Occupy Vancouver, Occupy Toronto and other Canadian groups have been compiled by Rev. Kevin Annett, acting Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Churh and State (ITCCS.ORG), following Greg Renouf's active in person and online harassment and interference with personnel and supporters of the ITCCS.ORG.
More reports are expected. Thank you. July 15, 2012.
1. Anti-harrasment- Statement from Occupy Vancouver concerning Greg Renouf: http://occupiedvancouver.net/2011/12/19/statement/
Anti-Harassment Statement by Members of Occupy Vancouver
December 19, 2011
The undersigned members of Occupy Vancouver would like to condemn and express our outrage at the actions of an individual who has been representing himself as an official voice of our movement, all the while committing persistent acts of bullying and harassment. Bullying and harassment are forms of active violence that should not be tolerated within our movement. As stated in our basis of unity: “We are also committed to safeguarding our collective well-being – including safety from interpersonal violence.”
Greg Renouf has repeatedly been asked by a wide range of individuals (including respected community activists, lawyers, and journalists) to stop his abusive campaign of harassment against Harsha Walia, a long-time organizer and activist. Yet Renouf presents his personal attacks and persistent harassment of her as “questioning”, and our attempts to explain to him that his behaviour is abusive and bordering on stalking have been ignored. Renouf continues to make unreasonable public demands of her (and only her), writes dozens of daily slanderous and inaccurate posts about her, has attempted to “report” her and others to the Vancouver Police Department and RCMP, viciously attacks anyone who tries to hold him accountable, and is creating an unnecessary climate of division and fear-mongering.
This is not actually an issue of tactics or strategies, which many of us have discussed and debated, and it should be noted that many supporters of diversity of tactics have affirmed and respected tactical non-violence in the Occupy movement. What concerns us is a one-sided campaign of intimidation, aggression, and obsessive fixation with one person (who is not even heavily involved in Occupy) by a man that many other members of Occupy Vancouver also feel threatened by, as his threats are spreading to other individuals. We feel that this is unacceptable and we are forced to speak out against Renouf’s actions. This type of behaviour must stop. Occupy Vancouver should no longer tolerate abusive behaviour from individuals who are the ones actually committing real harm and violence in our movement.
Until this harassment stops, the undersigned members of Occupy Vancouver will not participate in any Occupy Vancouver meetings or gatherings where Greg Renouf is present. Since Renouf characterizes anyone who speaks out about his behaviours as part of “Harsha’s gang of supporters”, it should be known that most of us are not formally affiliated with any of the groups that Harsha is part of and many of us are actually new to activism through Occupy Vancouver.
Bob Ages
Maryann Abbs
Robin Anderson
Virginia B-H
Carla Bergman
Lisa Barrett
Riaz Behra
Cameron Bode
Sarah Beuhler
Joe Bowser
Rory Breasail
Clayton Bromley
Fathima Cader
Kat Code
Stephen Collis
Charles Cox
Nathan Crompton
Gareth Davies
Anna Dayley
Didi Dufresne
Nassim Elbardouh
Levi Elijah
Emma Ellison
Britta Fluevog
Caelie Frampton
Grant Fraser
Rachel G.
romham padraig gallacher
Lauren Gill
Peter Gill
Rob Gordon
Fancy Graham
Kate Gram
Kelsey Grimm
TL Habbs
Dayla Hart
Courtney Harrop
Peter Haywood
Robyn Heaslip
Michael H. Hejazi
Terri Hobbs
Sema Ibbetson
Erin Innes
Jordan Jack
Gregor Jahn
Reg Johanson
Dana Kagis
Mathew Kagis
Ian Ki’laas Caplette
Charlotte Kates
Danielle LaFrance
Andrew Longhurst
Andrea MacDonald
Ian MacDonald
Lindsay McGregor
Gerrard MacKinnon
Blake MacLeod
Alex Mah
Tracey Mann
Anthony Mayfield
Eli Mills
Sabrina Anne Modder
Patrick Morrison
Robert (Bobbo) Olson
Isaac K. Oommen
Christina Panis
Earle Peach
Jay Peachy
Maria Persdotter
Richard Porteous
Lindsay Porter
Jasmine Rezaee
Isaac Rosenberg
Eddie Rothschild
Sandra S.
Daniyah Shamsi
Chris Shaw
Stephanie Smith
Naava Smolash
Aaron Spires
Macdonald Stainsby
Rianne Svelnis
Tammie Tupechka
Aaron Vidaver
Chris Waddell
Catherine Welsh
David Wilde
Eve Wilensky
Sasha Wiley
Danielle Lee Williams
Mark Wilson
Maxim Winther
Mya Wolf
Miranda Wolfe
Tash Wolfe
Rita Wong
Usman X
Sandra Yee
Sabina Zahn
Community Solidarity Working Group*
Consensual Housing Working Group** CSWG and CHWG are eleven members of Occupy Vancouver who commit to coming to a General Assembly in person to discuss and consense on a proposal if needed, but do not feel safe sharing personal information in this atmosphere of harassment.
If you are part of OV and wish to join us please send your name to: ov.anti.harassment@gmail.com
2. Reports on Greg Renouf including information about hate against women, sexual harrassment, etc.:
3. Article banning Greg Renouf from both Occupy Vancouver & Occupy Toronto,. #3 on their list says Renouf was banned because of the same thing Renouf is doing to Rev. Kevin Annett and personnel and supporters of the ITCCS
: These attacks or harassment activities currently include:
(1) calling or otherwise reporting activists to police and other law enforcement,
(2) continually emailing and tagging women in social media forums who have made it clear they aren’t interested in further conversation. This includes commenting on-side in situations where other abusive people are engaged in abusive or harassing commentary.
(3) constantly writing articles (many of which are either inaccurate or libelous) to denigrate or “expose” activists or journalists who disagree with him or challenge his harassing behaviors,
(4) making sexualized references about women and queer activists, which includes referring to women who have complained as “bitches” or derogatory jokes about “bitch slapping” women he doesn’t like,
(5) attempting to attend or crash meetings or events where it has been made clear his presence isn’t welcome on account of such abuse,
(devil) continually attempting to debate “black bloc” tactics where this is clearly not otherwise being discussed, contemplated, or engaged,
(7) other activity not specifically mentioned here, but which would otherwise clearly count as abuse or harassment.TORONTO STATEMENT AGAINST GREG RENOUF, PASSED APRIL 9, 2012
The undersigned Toronto community groups and organizations have felt the need to show a united front in condemning the actions of an individual trying to associate himself with Occupy Toronto, who has repeatedly refused to leave community organizing and social spaces while committing persistent acts of bullying and harassment. Bullying and harassment are forms of active violence that should not be tolerated within our movements.
Greg Renouf has been asked by wide range of people within the community (including respected community activists, lawyers, and journalists) to stop his behaviour and aggressive campaign of harassment particularly against women who are long time organisers and activists. Yet he continues to present his personal attacks, threats and persistent harassment as efforts to expose some imagined ‘conspiracy’ against him. Attempts to explain to him that his behaviour is abusive and unacceptable have been ignored.
Despite having been banned by both Occupy Toronto and Occupy Vancouver, Renouf continues to force himself into community organising and social spaces surrounding both. He has also lied about those whom he is targeting, has made sexualized derogatory comments about women in these communities, has repeatedly threatened and also reported others to the police for preposterous allegations, has viciously and obsessively attacked those who have tried to hold him accountable, and is creating an unnecessary climate of division.
We feel this situation is unacceptable and it is now necessary to speak out. After almost six months of this behaviour, we are taking decisive action. Such abusive and harassing behaviour should not be tolerated within our movements.
Therefore, Mr. Renouf will be excluded from any of our meetings or events for an indefinite period of time. Before the exclusion is lifted, there must be at least sixty continuous days without further attacks or harassment.
These attacks or harassment activities currently include:
(1) calling or otherwise reporting activists to police and other law enforcement,
(2) continually emailing and tagging women in social media forums who have made it clear they aren’t interested in further conversation. This includes commenting on-side in situations where other abusive people are engaged in abusive or harassing commentary.
(3) constantly writing articles (many of which are either inaccurate or libelous) to denigrate or “expose” activists or journalists who disagree with him or challenge his harassing behaviors,
(4) making sexualized references about women and queer activists, which includes referring to women who have complained as “bitches” or derogatory jokes about “bitch slapping” women he doesn’t like,
(5) attempting to attend or crash meetings or events where it has been made clear his presence isn’t welcome on account of such abuse,
(6) continually attempting to debate “black bloc” tactics where this is clearly not otherwise being discussed, contemplated, or engaged,
(7) other activity not specifically mentioned here, but which would otherwise clearly count as abuse or harassment.As such, until this campaign of abuse and harassment stops, Mr. Renouf’s attack articles are removed from his blog, and until Mr. Renouf acknowledges his actions to be harmful, the undersigned individuals and organizations affirm the following:
(1) We will not tolerate Mr. Renouf’s presence at any of our meetings or events
(2) We will remove our endorsements from any events or groups that allow or facilitate Mr. Renouf’s participation
(3) We will encourage our members and allies to leave those groups and events which allow for his participation.Mr. Renouf will be excluded from any of our meetings or events for an indefinite period of time. Before the exclusion is lifted, there must be at least sixty continuous days without further attacks or harassment.
Occupy Toronto Feminists’ Committee
Occupy Toronto General Assembly
Occupy Toronto Marshals’ Committee
Community Solidarity Network
Ladies Anarchist Solidarity Society
Common Cause Toronto
CUPE 2073
Greater Toronto Workers Assembly – Feminist Action Committee
Occupy London (Ontario) General Assembly
Includes info about women hate, sexual harrasment etc...
Hate article against Greg:
noticed that Greg was filming protestors4.
Anti-Harassment Statement by Members of OccupyVancouver
DECEMBER 22, 2011
The undersigned members of Occupy Vancouver would like to condemn and express our outrage at the actions of an individual who has been representing himself as an official voice of our movement, all the while committing persistent acts of bullying and harassment. Bullying and harassment are forms of active violence that should not be tolerated within our movement. As stated in our basis of unity: “We are also committed to safeguarding our collective well-being – including safety from interpersonal violence.”
Greg Renouf has repeatedly been asked by a wide range of individuals (including respected community activists, lawyers, and journalists) to stop his abusive campaign of harassment against Harsha Walia, a long-time organizer and activist. Yet Renouf presents his personal attacks and persistent harassment of her as “questioning”, and our attempts to explain to him that his behaviour is abusive and bordering on stalking have been ignored. Renouf continues to make unreasonable public demands of her (and only her), writes dozens of daily slanderous and inaccurate posts about her, has attempted to “report” her and others to the Vancouver Police Department and RCMP, viciously attacks anyone who tries to hold him accountable, and is creating an unnecessary climate of division and fear-mongering.
This is not actually an issue of tactics or strategies, which many of us have discussed and debated, and it should be noted that many supporters of diversity of tactics have affirmed and respected tactical non-violence in the Occupy movement. What concerns us is a one-sided campaign of intimidation, aggression, and obsessive fixation with one person (who is not even heavily involved in Occupy) by a man that many other members of Occupy Vancouver also feel threatened by, as his threats are spreading to other individuals. We feel that this is unacceptable and we are forced to speak out against Renouf’s actions. This type of behaviour must stop. Occupy Vancouver should no longer tolerate abusive behaviour from individuals who are the ones actually committing real harm and violence in our movement.
Until this harassment stops, the undersigned members of Occupy Vancouver will not participate in any Occupy Vancouver meetings or gatherings where Greg Renouf is present. Since Renouf characterizes anyone who speaks out about his behaviours as part of “Harsha’s gang of supporters”, it should be known that most of us are not formally affiliated with any of the groups that Harsha is part of and many of us are actually new to activism through Occupy Vancouver.Bob Ages
Maryann Abbs
Robin Anderson
Virginia B-H
Carla Bergman
Joy Bartlett
Lisa Barrett
Riaz Behra
Cameron Bode
Sarah Beuhler
Clayton Bromley
Fathima Cader
Kat Code
Stephen Collis
Wayde Compton
Charles Cox
Nathan Crompton
Gareth Davies
Anna Dayley
Levi Elijah
Emma Ellison
Britta Fluevog
Caelie Frampton
Grant Fraser
romham padraig gallacher
Lauren Gill
Peter Gill
Kate Gram
Kelsey Grimm
Dayla Hart
Peter Haywood
Robyn Heaslip
Michael H. Hejazi
Courtney Harrop
Sema Ibbetson
Erin Innes
Jordan Jack
Gregor Jahn
Reg Johanson
Dana Kagis
Mathew Kagis
Edward Lacarte
Ian MacDonald
Gerrard MacKinnon
Lindsay McGregor
Alex Mah
Tracey Mann
Anthony Mayfield
Ruth Meta
Eli Mills
Sabrina Anne Modder
Isaac K. Oommen
Jay Peachy
Maria Persdotter
Richard Porteous
Jasmine Rezaee
Isaac Rosenberg
Eddie Rothschild
Daniyah Shamsi
Chris Shaw
Stephanie Smith
Naava Smolash
Tammie Tupechka
Aaron Vidaver
Chris Waddell
Catherine Welsh
David Wilde
Sasha Wiley
Danielle Lee Williams
Tash Wolf
Maxim Winther
Mya Wolf
Usman X
Sandra Yee
Sabina Zahn
Community Solidarity Working Group*
Consensual Housing Working Group** CSWG and CHWG are eleven members of Occupy Vancouver who commit to coming to a General Assembly in person to discuss and consense on a proposal if needed, but do not feel safe sharing personal information in this atmosphere of harassment.
If you are part of OV and wish to join us please send your name to: ov.anti.harassment@gmail.com
Occupied Vanoucer, Dec. 30 2011: Thank you for reposting. An additional 35 people have signed onto the statement since it was first issued on December 19th.
Greg Renouf
Occupy Vancouver & Occupy Toronto statements
- This Man is Dangerous: Greg Renouf: http://thismanisdangerous.wordpress.com/2012/03/12/this-man-is-dangerous-greg-renouf/
- This Man is Dangerous: Greg Renouf (pt.2) http://thismanisdangerous.wordpress.com/2012/03/21/this-man-is-dangerous-greg-renouf-pt-2/
- Anti Harassment Statement made by members of #OccupyVancouver http://thismanisdangerous.wordpress.com/greg-renouf-this-man-is-dangerous/greg-renouf/
- Marshalls Committee: Notes from February 22, 2012 meeting – #OccupyToronto http://thismanisdangerous.wordpress.com/greg-renouf-this-man-is-dangerous/marshalls-committee-notes-from-february-22-2012-meeting-occupytoronto/
- Toronto Statement Against Greg Renouf, Passed by #OccupyToronto GA, April 9 2012 http://thismanisdangerous.wordpress.com/greg-renouf-this-man-is-dangerous/toronto-statement-against-greg-renouf-passed-by-occupy-toronto-ga-april-9-2012/
"We also look at a new blog targeting a dangerous "occupy" activist Greg Renouf who has in multiple ways (misogynist, sexist, racist, classist, colonial) harassed women of colour and threatened police violence against dedicated social justice warriors. a campaign to stop his destructive ways and barr him from social justice spaces. see http://thismanisdangerous.wordpress.com for more info."
This Man Is Dangerous: Greg Renouf (pt.2)
UPDATE: Greg Renouf banned from all Occupy Toronto events
link: Statement Against Greg Renouf, Passed by #OccupyToronto GA, April 9 2012
* * * * * * *Greg Renouf has, since being banned from #OccupyToronto by both the Marshalls’ Committee and the General Assembly (GA), has decided that for some reason the bans are illegitimate and he has declared that he intends to start showing up for GA meetings again. this is a problem.
We also know that Renouf recently attended a workshop put on by Tools For Change (sponsored by the very Ruckus Society that he, as part of his broader conspiracy theory, claims is a shill for the 1%).
Obviously we have not done a good enough job at explaining to people in our communities, the kind of threat that Renouf poses, and how important it is that we not let him into our organising and social spaces.
Here is a new picture of Renouf (as he currently looks), and a link to our original post about him.
We have also been contacted by, not only one or two of his remaining allies, but by a right wing blogger as well, whom Renouf seems to have recruited to his cause. Both his existing allies and this new found friend are all demanding “evidence” be provided of Renouf’s harassment. we still firmly believe that it is more than enough to provide evidence of his behaviour in the form of accusations against him made by women in our community, along with more than a hundred people who have signed on to statements demanding that Renouf be removed from community spaces. that said, we did imply in our original post about Renouf that we would provide more documentation about his misogynist and racist harassment and bullying of community organisers, so here it goes.
this is but one of several comments Renouf has made of an explicitly sexualised nature. we are only including one pic (as proof that he does this), and have removed anything that might incriminate or denigrate his intended target. This type of commenting is derogatory, demeaning, and misogynist, and is emblematic of Renouf’s approach to dealing w women whom he is targeting.
Renouf has, on multiple occasions used rhetorical reference to the once immensely successful and still exceedingly disgusting “Girls Gone Wild” franchise. Below is but one example to prove that he does this. we should not have to explain that to project this reference onto a female target is an obscenely misogynist action, and is an explicit sexualisation of those women whom he is targeting.
Renouf making more explicitly sexualised comments
one of the common accusations made against renouf is that his targeting, and much of his political bullying are racist. we are not going to track down “evidence” of Renouf’s anti-native comments that he made repeatedly in Vancouver. and we’re not going to give you screenshots that are evidence of his white supremacist arguments about reverse racism, which are at the core of much of his targeting.
Renouf has blogged extensively against the anti racism march in Vancouver, and has made many public comments calling one the march’s lead organisers a “racist.” his entire basis for this is rooted in a fundamental belief he seems to have that “identity politics” constitute “reverse racism.”
well, there is no such thing as reverse racism, and people who deny the politics of identity are essentially actively working to reinforce systems of white supremacy. here are some links to articles/blogs that might explain all this (i found these w a really quick search–if someone wants to send a better source, feel free). this blog, however, is not about converting racists, it is about alerting communities to the presence of dangerous people creeping in their neighbourhouds. we dont have to convince racists that they are racist in order to do that; we just need to keep them out.
A Look at the Myth of Reverse Racism, Tim Wise, June 2002
http://RaceandHistory.comDiversity Training, Shakti Butler, University of Delaware, August 2007
http://TheFire.orgA Message from an Editor to Racist Whites…, Ikonoclast, April 2011
http://peopleofcolororganize.comReverse Racism? I Dont Think So, Brown Grrlz Project, February 2012
http://thebrownggrrlzproject.tumblr.comand, for those who might read this and might be serious about being part of communities of resistance, about being part of communities that are actively engaged in organising for social justice, in addition to the above links, here is another great resource for you: The Ally’s Toolkit. this web page is full of links and is useful for people who want to learn how to be better allies and to deal with their own identity as individuals who are part of larger communities that we all need to be accountable to.
The Ally’s Toolkit:
allystoolkit.tumblr.com9. GREG RENOUF AS POLICE COLLABORATOR
by JulianIChim
So today i decided today to back up some of my friends and support them at this demo in toronto which took place as a result of police brutality and criminalization that the occupy toronto movement and poor people have been facing at the hands of the state. I decided to wear a shitty disguise not because i wanted to hide my identity but rather because of what the bandana symbolizes, after all how many activists in TO or the dub have a cane, a huge nose and have a very distinct cough? As soon as the demo started i noticed Greg Renouf filming activists and decided to do something about it.
Now for those of you who dont know, Greg Renouf is not your typical activist. While some “peaceful” protestors will criticize and attack the black block tactics there main goal and aim is to fight the system or have some other sort of goal eg. economic and social change. Renouf is a classic case of an agent provocateur, in other words his goal is not to build or change anything but rather to criminalize attack and destroy the movement. Some of the highlights of his career include harassing wimmin organizors in Vancouver, calling cops on people like Alex Hudert for no good reason, making up storys to throw activists in jail and calling child protection services on mothers who organize.
In other words, he is not a peaceful activist whose pissed off at “black Block tactics” but rather a willing or unwilling state agent whose sole raison de etre is to attack and criminalize other activists. No wonder that during the whole march he was walking right next to the police and hiding behind there lines.
When he was confronted and we started to peacefully block his camera, he reacted by making comments like you must have been sexually assaulted by your dad, or making very misogynist comments to my female comrades, saying sexual shit about my family members etc.
While most people were getting really pissed off at this guy who feels comfortable running his mouth in front of cops, but isnt so lippy when the cops are not around i just responded with a simple fuck you etc. cause with idiots like him you cant really argue with cause his politics are simply police politics, eg. we hate activists, love cops and have no serious political thoughts or arguement. misogyny racism and elitist bullshit is all he could say because thats all he knows and has no analysis becuase he is not a political person.
Ironically his main comment who are you here for was the same question that cops asked other protestors making his relationship to the state more obvious. Several times he threatened to remove my mask using force, and at one point threatened to shove a flag pole up my friends ass, showing how his commitment to non violence only applies to those who are attacked by the state.
People who collaborate with the state and put people at risk conscientiously to impose there views on a movement or to settle scroes and personal vendettas have no place in our movement and must be actively oppossed. Renouf is not a peaceful protestor gone wrong but rather a state agent and should be treated accordingly
Posted at 11:34 PM | Permalink
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Urgent Update from the International Common Law Court of Justice
Posted by nowisthetimeus on September 19, 2012
Seattle, Washington State, America
September 20, 2012Criminal/civil charges have been filed with referenced evidentiary weblinks against officials of the Washington State corporate government, as well as media corporations operating in Washington State, for perpetrating/enabling systemic financial/constititutional fraud and treason.
The allegations in these legal actions specifically expose what has been called the CAFR scam, with its implications of fraudulent unnecessary budget cuts to government services at all levels of government all across America as a result of theft by the private Federal Reserve System. These are accompanied by related allegations that the Washington State Constitution of 1889, as well as the present US corporate government, are fraudulent, and that failure to disclose this constitutes treason on the part of state corporate government/media officials.
These criminal/civil charges have been filed with the Federal Grand Jury of the Ninth District Court, the FBI, the Offices of the King County Sheriff, and that of the Seattle Chief of Police and Seattle City Prosecutor here in Seattle . They have also been filed in the state capital of Olympia/Thurston County with the Offices of the Thurston County Sherriff, the Thurston County Prosecutor, the Olympia Chief of Police and the Olympia City Prosecutor.
Copies of these charges’ Proofs of Filing can be seen below. All civil/criminal charges filed at the local level were hand-delivered, with receipts signed at the front desk for documentation of filing. Those filed at the federal level even if local, as well as those filed at a distance in the Washington State capital of Olympia were filed via certified mail.
Those charges filed with the Federal Grand Jury were filed without return receipt to better ensure that they would reach the Foreperson without the interposition of possibly compromised court clerks or US attorneys; accordingly, a copy of the screen shot from the delivery tracking portion of the US Postal Service website has been scanned to show such proper filing, with delivery on September 10, 2012.
It should be mentioned that two attempts to file these charges with the King County Prosecutor’s Office were unsuccessful. In both instances, clerks connected with this office rejected the packet of charges. They stated that sovereign citizens did not have the right to file criminal charges, and that all civil charges against the state need to be filed as a civil lawsuit at the sovereign citizen’s expense — now $400 — with the district court to be decided by state corporate government-appointed judges. This clearly no-win proposition for the plaintiff was immediately rejected by this plaintiff.
All of the filings of these charges been done in such a way to ensure as well as is possible that appropriate action might be taken on the part of law enforcement/judicial agencies located in Washington State, and that if it is not, that such derogation of duty will become immediately and publicly apparent, as seen in the paragraph above concerning Proof of Public Disservice by the King County Prosecutor’s Office.
Since the term “United States of America” is now often considered to denote the bank cartel-controlled federal government corporation, many geopolitically savvy sovereign citizens prefer being called “Americans” and their country “America”, even though we share the North American continent with other nations. This dichotomy illustrates the gravity of the issues being discovered in this document, and is the reason that the terms ” America ” and “Americans” are herein being used instead of ” USA ” and ” US citizens” to denote our nation and its legitimate inhabitants.
Media corporations operating in Washington State are, possibly for the first time in recorded history, included in such a legal action. It finally needs to be publicly acknowledged and acted upon that corporate media distortions and omissions in reporting the news as agreed upon in their corporate charters have long enabled such ongoing criminal activity on the part of corrupt corporate government officials in this state and in others throughout the world. This was also done to remind both media corporations and the public that, besides prosecution of their executives, corporate charters can be legally rescinded as a form of capital punishment for capitalist corporate entities whenever their corporate charters are repeatedly and reprehensibly violated, as many have been in recent memory.
It is hoped that these public legal actions will help create a template by which empowered sovereign citizens everywhere can draft their own like public legal actions based on their own situations, research and laws, and they, like sovereign citizens in Washington State, can themselves publicly file these charges with their own law enforcement agencies to help expose and systemically extirpate this ancient ongoing theft of planetary resources.
Other sovereign citizens of Washington State are cordially invited to print out these charges and file them with their own local law enforcement officials, as well as forward them to their elected representatives, to Washington State media and to their fellow citizens, so that general knowledge of such systemic evil and what can successfully eliminate it can rapidly be increased.
For it is only by such peaceful but effective means that the satanic international bank-based corporate crime syndicate that presently controls most of the governments of this planet will ultimately and forever be defeated.
WCSS 9-5-12.doc
Against the following Washington State corporate government officials:
Governor Christine Gregoire, Treasurer James McIntire, Attorney General Robert McKenna, Washington State Investment Board Legislature Liaison Rep. Sharon Tomiko-Santos, Budget Director Martin Brown, President of the Senate Lisa Brown, Co-Chairmen of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, Senators Edward Murray and Joseph Zarelli, Speaker of the House Frank Chopp and Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Ross Hunter, as well as top management of mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State, the following criminal/civil charges are alleged:
1. Systemic Ongoing Financial Fraud Against the People of Washington State
1.01 That the abovementioned Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State have knowingly and repeatedly concealed the existence of approximately two-thirds of state monies shown in the Washington State Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, (CAFR) while misrepresenting the remaining one-third of these monies as the entire “state budget” since at least the mid-1940s;
Websites/links on CAFRs/CAFR Scam
1.02 That Washington State corporate government officials have invested the two-thirds of state monies concealed in the CAFR in institutional corporate Wall Street investments, rather than in investments that would directly benefit the people of Washington State, such as investments in small businesses with the much greater amount of employment, personal prosperity and government tax revenues they would provide, in infrastructure maintenance that would provide widespread employment as well as for the general welfare, or in a public state bank, which, as in the State of North Dakota since 1919, would eliminate state economic downturns altogether;
Websites on Pubic Banking
www.wapublicbankproject.org www.publicbanking.org www.webofdebt.com
1.03. That, next to institutional investments in the US government corporation’s increasingly devalued financial instruments — the collateral damage from the recently revealed LIBOR scandal (LIBOR=London Interbank Offered Rate or “LIBER” (Latin for “Unregulated”) —
the state corporate government’s largest investments are in the corrupt international banking cartel directly responsible for the global depression of 2008, in which the global economy, as well as that of Washington State presently remain;
1.04 That at least eighty-five percent of the state’s investments are in foreign governmental or quasi-governmental entities and transnational corporations; few of them are in any entity located within Washington State , or in any headquartered in America ;
1.05 That of these transnational corporate Wall Street investments, a disproportionate number are in predatory transnational corporations other than the predatory transnational banks, in which the majority of the people of Washington State, if sufficiently informed, would not want their money invested as a matter of ethical and/or environmental principles; this includes institutional investments in BP, Shell, Keystone XL, Dow Chemical, Massey Energy, Cargill and Monsanto;
1.06 That the Washington State government has a grave conflict of interest by aggressively promoting by both executive order and legislation the products of industries in which they have large investments, such as the pharmaceutical cartel and its bioweaponized vaccines, in which it has institutional investments of over one-half billion dollars;
Why the Washington State Government Is a Ruthless Vaccine Pusher
1.07 That the Washington State government has a grave conflict of interest by failing to proportionately tax those Washington State-located transnational corporations in which it is heavily invested and/or whose favor they wish to obtain;
1.08 That the Washington State government has a grave conflict of interest by investing in foreign manufacturing competitors while failing to invest in those which would provide manufacturing employment and infrastructure for the people of Washington State;
1.09 That the Washington State Investment Board (WSIB) — the financial arm of the Washington State Legislature headed by the state treasurer — employs financial advisors of questionable competence and integrity, including accused war criminal former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright and the infamously corrupt investment firm of Goldman Sachs — never consulting with those who offer any alternative economic perspectives and solutions, including those employed within the Washington State government itself;
1.10 That the WSIB plotted in the spring of 2006 to alter the Washington State Constitution so that the fulsome Washington State Education Fund — derived from regular fees paid by the state’s resource extraction industries of mining, fishing and lumbering — could be used in the future for institutional corporate Wall Street investments, rather than as before being kept safely in trust;
1.11 That to achieve this diversion of state funds in trust, the WSIB quietly placed on the state ballot Issue 4215, which proposed an amendment to the Washington State Constitution allowing the state higher education funds to be used in corporate Wall Street investments;
1.12 That the majority of voters in Washington State, deliberately kept ill-informed by state corporate government officials and mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State, passed this stealth measure by a large margin in November 2006, to be ratified as a constitutional amendment by the state legislature in January 2007;
2006 Washington State Voters Guide Writeup on State Issue 4215
1.13 That, since early 2004, the WSIB has deliberately invested a large portion of its institutional investment portfolio in derivatives and credit default options (CDOs), the most opaque, unstable investment instruments imaginable;
1.14 That, due to the corporate bailouts and banking cartel-engineered depression of 2008, as well as the WSIB’s prodigal, imprudent corporate Wall Street investments, the Washington State Education Fund now has been depleted by half, due to the resulting devaluation of institutionally invested stocks and bonds;
1.15 This has served to radically increase tuition and student loan indebtedness while radically decreasing the availability and quality of higher education to the people of Washington State ;
1.16 That all of this occurred less than two years after Issue 4215 was stealthily and deceptively introduced by the WSIB, passed by the majority of voters, and its related constitutional amendment approved by their state legislators;
1.17 That the amount of the people’s money deliberately being squandered in volatile institutional corporate Wall Street investments is at least eighty times the amount of the alleged state budget deficit of approximately $1 billion, which this invested money could have easily eliminated if used responsibly;
1.18 That the abovecited Washington State officials continually demand increasingly exorbitant taxation and licensing fees from the already deliberately financially stressed people of this state;
1.19 That they do this is while being entrusted with massive amounts of the people’s money, yet knowingly and willfully withholding and purloining it for the benefit of the private international banking cartel and those who secretly control it;
1.20 That the immediate motive for this treasonous fraud perpetrated by the abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office and mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State against the people of this state has been their greed for both wealth and power, accepting lucrative bribes, kickbacks, campaign contributions, loans and lucrative advertising contracts, as well as enhanced monies from personal investments from the corrupt international banking cartel and other corrupt transnational corporations;
1.21 That the actual underlying motive of these corporate state government officials’/media corporations’ corporate contributors has been, besides huge profits, the financial destruction and enslavement of the people of this state;
1.22 That therefore the Washington State corporate government budget and its budget deficit are now, and have been since at least the mid-1940s, fraudulent;
1.23 And therefore all budget cuts made on the pretext of this fraudulent state budget deficit that now threaten the general welfare — including the health and wellbeing of the disabled and disenfranchised, the cutting of public library, public transportation and public education services and those budget cuts which threaten to privatize all of the Washington state park system — are therefore criminal.
Websites/links Providing Evidence of the CAFR Scam in the Washington State Corporate Government, Including the Washington State Investment Board’s CAFR With Analysis, and Similar Recent Budgetary Fraud Exposed in the California State Parks System
http://nowisthetime.us www.sib.wa.gov
The Spokane Spokesman/Seattle Times Columnist: Washington State Parks Now on Their Own
CAFR Scam Exposed: California State Parks Department Had $54 million While Asking for Park Volunteers and Cutting Park Services
2. Deliberate Denial of Remedy, Indicating Complicity in Criminal Conspiracy
2.01 That the above-cited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State, have failed repeatedly to disclose publicly that the figures contained in the Washington State Annual Comprehensive Financial Report — not those in what they claim as the annual budgetary document — are the most accurate declaration of actual state corporate government funds;
2.02 That the abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office have failed to provide to the public clear comprehensive summaries of the fraudulent, unnecessary budget cuts made to each and every state cabinet department and its programs to obfuscate their negative impact on the general welfare of this state; and the abovecited mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State have failed to demand and report on such essential information;
2.03 That the WSIB has deliberately invested the people’s money in volatile corporate Wall Street investments knowing that it would never be returned to them, not only because their inherent risk, but because of ongoing fraudulent and insidious federal corporate confiscation of these funds, upon which the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in this state, as well as state corporate government officials, have continually refused to report to duly inform the public;
2.04 That all individual and institutional investments, after being registered by a stock broker with the Depository Transaction Clearing Center (DTCC) — an obscure subsidiary of the privately owned Federal Reserve System doing business as (dba) the sardonically named Cede Inc. — become the tacitly ceded property of Cede Inc., with the people thereby rendered mere “beneficiaries” rather than owners, of their own investments;
2.05 That thereafter the people can be denied access to the dividends of these institutional investments at any time by the Federal Reserve corporation and those who secretly control this privately owned alien entity;
Who Really Owns Your Money: The Depository Trust Clearing Corporation
Here Is Where Some of the Washington State Corporate Government’s Institutional Investments of the People’s Money Actually Went After It Was Stolen by the Federal Reserve Through the DTCC:
Final Federal Reserve Audit Results Posted on September 4, 2012:
$16 Trillion Stolen from the American People to Enrich the International Banking Cartel
Exhaustive Study Finds Globalists Hiding $32 Trillion in Secret Off-Shore Bank Accounts
2.06 That the above-cited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in this state have repeatedly failed to enact/accurately report historically proven remedies to the state budget deficit — such as proportionate corporate taxation, state investment in small business, physical/technical infrastructure and a public state bank, while utilizing prudent trusts and investment instruments — although being fully and repeatedly informed of the benefits of these remedies;
2.07 That all of the above constitutes deliberate denial of remedy and complicity in criminal conspiracy.
3. Ongoing Systemic Constitutional Fraud Against the People of Washington State Tantamount to Treason
3.01 That the abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State have failed both to reveal and remediate the fact that the present Washington State Constitution of 1889 — latest amended by state investments-related Issue 4215 in 2006 — is fraudulent, automatically rendering invalid all legislation and executive orders enacted by officers of the current spurious state government corporation, specifically those dealing with its governmental financial system;
3.02 That the original state constitution enacted via due process by the people of Washington State in 1878 is indeed the actual Washington State Constitution, but was treasonously confiscated and held hostage by the banking cartel-controlled United States Corporation of the District of Columbia (DC) through the calculated failure of the US Congress to act upon it for eleven years until it was quietly replaced by the one of 1889 that had been drafted and enacted by spurious means;
3.03 That this banking cartel-controlled federal corporation had quietly been put in place during the upheaval of the cartel-engineered American Civil War/Reconstruction Period, during which the common-law US Constitution and Bill of Rights was stealthily replaced by unconstitutional statutory/commercial law and executive orders under the rubric of President Abraham Lincoln’s declaration of martial law at the beginning of the American Civil War in 1861 that has continued unrescinded to this day;
3.04 That the Washington DC-based United States Corporation then proceeded by various methods to subvert sovereign US states into becoming corporate subsidiaries of the federal US corporation;
3.05 That one of the methods used was for the de facto board of directors of the federal United States Corporation, the US Congress, to refuse to ratify any lawfully enacted state constitution under the ruse of political partisanship unless that new state constitution incorporated the treasonous agenda of the federal government corporation;
3.06 That such an example is the fraudulent Washington State Constitution of 1889, which diverged from the original of 1878, insofar as it omitted any acknowledgement of sovereign state citizenship and of alloidial personal property rights that the banking cartel-controlled US Corporation ultimately intends to eliminate in America and throughout the world;
3.07 That this has resulted in American government at all levels — including that of Washington State — being since the Civil War the public enabler/enforcer of the subversive, sinister agenda of the international banking cartel and those who secretly control it, to the extreme detriment of the people of this state and of this nation;
3.08 That concerning all of the abovecited treason and its potential remedies, the abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State have failed in their duty to even minimally inform the public.
The Fraudulent Washington State Constitution and Its Relationship to the International Banking Cartel’s Clandestine Control of the US Government Since At Least 1861
Articles on the History of the Fraudulent Washington State Constitution
The International Banking Cartel’s Takeover of the US Government Using the Civil War
Historic Quotations Concerning US/Global Corporate Government
The abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and their surviving predecessors in office, as well as the top management of mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State need to be summarily investigated, and then potentially arrested and prosecuted for criminal financial/constitutional fraud and treason against the people of this state;
And the people of Washington State need publicly to acknowledge and examine their own complicity in the criminal and treasonous actions/inaction of their abovecited state corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as of the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State, through their own self-absorbed denial of, and disinterest in, the long-corrupted governmental and public information systems of this state and of this nation.
I hereby declare that all of the above statements are, to the best of my knowledge, true and accurate.
____________________________________ ___________________________
Rebecca Em Campbell-Plaintiff Date
Seattle, Washington State America
Proofs of Filing.pdf
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MERS Is Dead: Can Be Sued For Fraud: WA Supreme Court Countdown to banks forcing Congress to protect MERS in 3,2,1... --- State Court Ruling Deals Body Blow to MERS Reprinted with permission. (Reuters) - The highest court in the state of Washingto
« Watch Obama's U.N. Speech (Full Text, Video) | Main | Fed's Fisher: "Our Job Is Not To Provide Ritalin To Traders" »WednesdaySep262012MERS Is Dead: Can Be Sued For Fraud: WA Supreme Court
Countdown to banks forcing Congress to protect MERS in 3,2,1...
State Court Ruling Deals Body Blow to MERS
Reprinted with permission.
(Reuters) - The highest court in the state of Washington recently ruled that a company that has foreclosed on millions of mortgages nationwide can be sued for fraud, a decision that could cause a new round of trouble for the nation's banks.
The ruling is one of the first to allow consumers to seek damages from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, a company set up by the nation's major banks, if they can prove they were harmed.
Legal experts said last month's decision from the Washington Supreme Court could become a precedent for courts in other states. The case also endorsed the view of other state courts that MERS does not have the legal authority to foreclose on a home.
"This is a body blow," said consumer law attorney Ira Rheingold. "Ultimately the MERS business model cannot work and should not work and needs to be changed."
Banks set up MERS in the 1990s to help speed the process of packaging loans into mortgage-backed bonds by easing the process of transferring mortgages from one party to another. But ever since the housing crash, MERS has been besieged by litigation from state attorneys general, local government officials and homeowners who have challenged the company's authority to pursue foreclosure actions.
A spokeswoman for MERS said the company is confident its role in the financial system will withstand legal challenges.
The Washington Supreme Court held that MERS' business practices had the "capacity to deceive" a substantial portion of the public because MERS claimed it was the beneficiary of the mortgage when it was not.
This finding means that in actions where a bank used MERS to foreclose, the consumer can sue it for fraud. If the foreclosure can be challenged, MERS' involvement would make repossession more complicated.
On top of that, virtually any foreclosed homeowner in the state in the past 15 years who feels they have been harmed in some way could file a consumer fraud suit.
"This may be the beginning of a trend," says Elizabeth Renuart, a professor at Albany Law School focusing on consumer credit law.
The company's history dates back to the 1990s, when banks began aggressively bundling home loans into mortgage-backed securities. The banks formed MERS to speed up the handling of all the paperwork associated with recording the filing of a deed and the subsequent inclusion of a mortgage in an entity that issues a mortgage-backed security.
MERS allowed the banks to save time and money because it permitted lenders to bypass the process of filing paperwork with the local recorder of deeds every time a mortgage was sold.
Instead, banks put MERS' name on the deed. And when they bought and sold mortgages, they just recorded the transfer of ownership of the note in the MERS system.
The MERS' database was supposed to keep track of where those loans went. The company's motto: "Process loans, not paperwork."
But the foreclosure crisis revealed major flaws with the MERS database.
The plaintiffs in the Washington case, homeowners Kristin Bain and Kevin Selkowitz, argued that the problems with the MERS database made it difficult, if not impossible, to determine who really owned their loan. It's an argument that has been raised in numerous other lawsuits challenging the ability of MERS to foreclose on a home.
"It's going to be very easy for consumers to say they were harmed because it's inherently misleading," says Geoff Walsh, an attorney with the National Consumer Law Center. If consumers can't identify who owns their loan, then they don't know whom to negotiate with, and can't even be certain of the legitimacy of the foreclosure.
In a statement, MERS spokeswoman Janis Smith noted that banks stopped using MERS' name to foreclose last year. She added that the opinion will "create confusion" for homeowners in the state of Washington while the trial courts consider its effect on pending cases.
Meanwhile, MERS is attempting to remake itself. The company has a new chief executive and a new branding campaign. In Washington D.C. federal lawmakers have recognized the need to create a national mortgage-recording database that would track all U.S. mortgages. MERS is lobbying to build it.
The case is Bain (Kristin), et al. v. Mortg. Elec. Registration Sys., et al., Washington Supreme Court, No. 86206-1.
Court revives mortgage debt class-action lawsuit vs Goldman - Reuters
Reader Comments (6)
Sep 26, 2012 at 3:31 PM |chunga
It is time for Jamie Dimon - and by implication - Hank Paulson and other JPM, WF, BOA & Morgan Stanley C-level executive to be prosecuted, indited and jailed for a spectrum of FELONIES including Fraud, RICO & SEC regulations, Conspiracy and complicity in Forgery (MERS). let the games begin...A 'thumbs DOWN' throughout the Coliseum!Sep 26, 2012 at 4:17 PM |JosephConrad
ChungaHas there been any analysis on this ruling that you can point me to?
Sep 26, 2012 at 4:30 PM |DailyBail
here is a thought - maybe I am just a simpleton when it comes to money but how about the bank keeping and maintaining the loan that originally did the closing.this whole mortgage selling business never made any sense to me and seems like it is just trying to make money out of nothing.
but I guess that is the norm these days just print money make money for doing no work.
Sep 26, 2012 at 10:04 PM |suezz
Where do we sign up for this class action lawsuit. Countrywide in AZ refused to work with us on remediation becaused we were not behind "enough" on our mortgage; then when we were Countrywide told us they could not help us; and they would not help us with a short sale. We were robbed by Countrywide. We now believe that Countrywide didn't even own the note that was wrapped up in a bundle of MERS securities and were sold as toxic debt by Wash Mutual back to Countrywide. Now we are in an apartment after lsoing all the sweat equity from our home of 15 years. We were robbed by Wasington Mutual and Countrywide!Sep 27, 2012 at 1:00 AM |Strayhorse
This will not confuse people at all. When someone says "Oh this will confuse" they mean we don't want you to know what they are up to. MERS is a scam operating under a greed filled idea of bank/corporations to steal from us.We are intelligent people that can read the fine print. Boycott banks and move your money to a credit union.
Sep 27, 2012 at 9:54 AM |Jane Dodd