
Scott Mowry – Worldwide Sea-Change Continues To Rapidly Unfold For The People Of The Earth – 18 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

After America’s great Fourth of July holiday came and went, many were left feeling greatly disappointed that reports of impending mass arrests of the world-wide dark cabal by US military forces never materialized as had been anticipated.

US Pentagon still ready for mass arrests?

Self-proclaimed Pentagon spokesman Drake had stated emphatically on the Global Voice 2012 radio broadcast of June 27, 2012 that a “green light” had been issued by the military to begin a sweeping take down of the world’s cabal forces, no later than July 4, 2012. Yet the expected great fireworks show was nowhere to be seen.

Then on his radio show for Sunday, July 15, 2012, Drake called upon ordinary citizens to begin to take action and carry out the arrests but he was summarily kicked off the airwaves by Blog Talk Radio only to return again on Monday, July 16th for a follow-up show.

It is possible Drake has miscalculated the Pentagon’s plans as was alluded to in a subsequent post by David Wilcock on June 29th entitled, “The ‘Green Light’: Wouldn’t It Be Nice?. Admittedly now, the veracity of Drake’s sources has come into question, causing much consternation, frustration and anger to ensue among the faithful since the passing of yet another professed deadline.

Yet in the grand scheme, this is only a minor setback as many have failed to recognize or even acknowledge the vast multitude of transformations and profound changes that continue to unfold within our world on a daily basis.

Despite the lack of a massive arrest scenario as speculated by others beyond Drake, such as David WilcockBenjamin Fulford, etc., many historic, unheard of developments continue to occur in our world. These events are proving, beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is enough substantial evidence of a titanic sea-change within the ranks of the power structures of the world, growing more and more evident by the week –– if not by the day!

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