
J.P. Morgan to Pay $100M to Settle Credit Card Suit | The Galactic Free Press

It is with sorrow that I see these postings.  It is with sorrow that anyone could take this as any kind of Victory.  J.P.Morgan is in fact insolvent.  They rely not on a stack of gold or a sheaf of property deeds, neither do they hold interest in graneries, forests or manufacturing.  They have a Mound of Paper coupled with a plethora of digital 1's and 0's provided by the FED which is backed by the common man.

When they take out their checkbook and write out this loss, or rather when they instruct their monkey in the backroom to bang on the zero key a bunch of times, it is you and me, Brother that pays their Piper.

This is not what Sorrows me. I am sorrowful that we, the Spiritually Healthy, We, the Galactically Aligned are tuning in to this in the first place.

If you dig around a little you will find the story about the Phoenix rising from the ashes.  You will find the story of Shiva.  You will find stories of death and resurrection.

These Stories are actually about the fact that Each Minute is created anew and in that millisecond the Past "dies."

If everyone on Earth screwed their Brain on Correctly, Paradise could be created inside of One Second...All would change instantly.  The Phoenix cannot be unleashed until the Old is thrown into the Fire.  It is the Fire of 'I don't care" about the Validity of J.P Whomever.  I will not use your Fiat Currency.  I will trade my Slave Coupons in for Hard Currency and I will not honor these False Governments.  I will not send my children off to Die in your Wars.  I will not eat unhealthy food. (that was a big topic in biblical times.)  I will ignore the News and plant some Peach Trees.





The I Am

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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