
Freedom Project: UK: Lawful Bank Founder, Roger Hayes, Suddenly Arrested


UK: Lawful Bank Founder,
Roger Hayes,
Suddenly Arrested

Make this viral!

Got this from someone I refer to as "African Kabuki" who keeps me up on information from South Africa:

"Roger Hayes is apparently well known UK "Freeman on the Land." He was responsible for the "arrest that judge" incident in Birkenhead when hundreds tried to arrest a judge for treason (see here). 

He is the guy who started www.lawfulbank.com which is a bank totally free of interest and debt - and it is catching on fast. Out of the blue, he was suddenly arrested.

People from all over the world are going crazy about this and rushing to his aid. In fact, it was even brought up in parliament by an MP!"



Secret UK arrest victims case brought up in the EU Parliament MEP Gerard Batten 4th July 2012. MEP Gerard Batten stands up for arrested British Constitution Group chairman Roger Hayes.

In Addition to the above link people have been asked to call in and report the unlawful arrest Here is one such call...


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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