
Earth Ally Rain~ How to remove the Cabal~

That's a good point, Guest.

There happens to be a gulf, or a grey area, or this "sundog" of a time before the arrival of this new age!. I know the New Age will manifest but at what cost?

What is the course of action that will remove the the Cabal?

Of,course whatever action taken will be Done in LOVE.

We just want to be unified in our actions.

I was thinking about this during my meditation. I didn't want to but there it was...

Anyway, here's what I know:

I AM WE ARE here to help Mother Earth=Heart and humanity ascend. How do we do that? By raising our vibration. How do we do that? LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.


It's really no more complicated that that. This is what Mother and Father God tell us every day. Why do you think they keep talking about LOVE? Because that is the answer to everything! If you want to help remove the cabal, send LOVE. Be LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Does it matter if Cobra says there is no such thing as containment? Not if you are busy being LOVE in action. That is all I WE have to do. BE LOVE IN ACTION. That is how we are unified. What is the one thing Cobra and the Angels and the Ascended Masters and Mother and Father God have ALL asked us to do?

BEAM LOVE. Cobra has asked us to meditate and the others have asked us to send our LOVE to the Cabal as well. If you're confused about mass arrests - it doesn't matter. Send the Dark Heads your LOVE and ask them to rejoin us in the LIGHT.

There's your answer. AGAIN. LOVE. Be LOVE. Send LOVE.

Forget about the differences in the messages and focus on what they have in common.
Look into your HEART. All these things lead you to the same place: LOVE. ALL roads on this path lead to LOVE.




Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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