
Lawsuit in India to get their Gold back from The Bank of England and the Bank for International Settlements


THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2012

Lawsuit in India to get their Gold back from The Bank of England and the Bank for International Settlements

GATA has an article up about a lawsuit having been filed in India. The suit is demanding India's gold be brought back into the country from The Bank of England and the Bank for International Settlements (Geneva).

It seems there was a law from 1934 saying India had to hole 85% of it's gold in the country, but it has 46% of it outside the country now being held in England and Switzerland. Now, we all know that The Bank of England is a driving force behind the manipulation of Gold and the BIS is a Rothschild's banks and they had sold all kinds of gold a couple of years ago on paper to various countries including India.

What is funny is the Reserve Bank of India did not show up for the hearing for this lawsuit and they have not responded to it. Remember, people in Germany and Switzerland have requested their gold back from the U.S. a couple of months ago. Now we have the country of India who by law is suppose to hold 85% of it's gold in the country but has not.

All of this will likely go on for years, because we all know the gold is not where it is suppose to be for the various countries. If anyone actually believes gold is being safely stored in the U.S., England and Switzerland for other countries and has not been touched or sold off, then I have great tungsten to sell them.

From the article linked above:

A technocrat-turned-public interest litigant, Raghunath Shankar Kelkar, has challenged the Reserve Bank of India's move to deposit abroad 265.49 tonnes of gold out of its total stock of 557.75 tonnes by filing a public interest litigation in the Bombay High Court and has demanded that the precious metal be brought back into the country according to the provisions of the law.


Kelkar, 56, who used to manufacture computers, has filed the petition as he found that

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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