Florida Senator cements his place as a neo-con poster child
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Bilderberg Group elitists who are considering Marco Rubio to become Mitt Romney’s running mate were probably enamored by Rubio’s “foreign policy chops” during a Brookings Institution speech yesterday in which the Florida Senator cemented his place as a neo-con poster child by calling for a US-led military assault on Iran and Syria.
Speaking of Iran, Rubio stated, “We should also be preparing our allies, and the world, for the reality that unfortunately, if all else fails, preventing a nuclear Iran may, tragically, require a military solution.”
He also said that Syria should become a target for “American leadership,” in the context of ignoring UN mandates and sending in American troops to directly help rebel fighters who, as we have documented, are being directed by Al-Qaeda terrorists.
“You need the center of gravity to instigate this coalition (supporting opposition groups in Syria) and move forward with a defined plan,” said Rubio. “In the absence of American power and American influence and American leadership, it’s hard to do that.”
Rubio’s zeal for committing the United States to yet more unaffordable and pointless wars is likely to get him in the good books of the Bilderberg Group. It also went down well with the Brookings Institution, an establishment think tank that openly admits in its own memos that the “responsibility to protect” humanitarian ruse is merely a crude pretext for long-planned regime change in Syria.
The Telegraph’s Tim Stanley points out that Rubio is basically firming up his spot as a poster child for neoconservatives who are petrified at the fact that Ron Paul and Rand Paul have brought a large percentage of the Republican Party back to its non-interventionist roots.
“It’s hard not to be troubled by Rubio’s all-encompassing vision of American hegemony,” he writes. “Especially if you’re not American. Another quote: “What happens all over the world is our business. Every aspect of [our] lives is directly impacted by global events. The security of our cities is connected to the security of small hamlets in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.”
“Apparently, if some goatherd in the mountains of Afghanistan loses one of his flock to a landmine, the consequences for Topeka, Kansas could be terrible. The absurdity of the theory that literally every security problem in the world is a direct threat to the United States is but one example of Rubio’s naïveté. In his vision, America never makes mistakes and everyone loves it. Small nations regard the US as their protector against bigger nations, whose wickedness is irrational.”
- A d v e r t i s e m e n t
During his speech, Rubio also took time to praise the ridiculously contrived ‘Kony 2012′ fad, which as we vehemently documented at the time was nothing less than an effort to grease the skids for the U.S. military invasion of Africa.
“So Rubio is campaigning for the vice president slot in the Republican Party by promising to embroil our country in two major Middle East wars, and moreover to do so without the backing of international law,” writes Juan Cole. “But this step is precisely the mistake George W. Bush made in Iraq, and it meant that the US was mostly on its own in fighting, dying and paying for that war. Syria is 2/3s the size of Iraq, and Iran is 3 times more populous, so Rubio is committing us not only to bear more thousands of war dead and badly wounded but also to spend trillions in distant Middle Eastern deserts.”
As we reported earlier this month, a story by veteran Washington Post columnist Al Kamen explained how Rubio was looking to “boost his foreign-policy chops” by following around the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to international summits as a means of building his internationalist credibility.
Kamen more than subtly suggested that Rubio could be a favorite of the Bilderberg Group, which he described as “uber-secret global power brokers”, a collection of financiers, politicians, CEOs, academia and media bigwigs, who routinely have an influence on the U.S. presidential election, picking Barack Obama’s VP in 2008 and John Kerry’s running mate in 2004.
Earlier this week, Rubio hit the campaign trail with Romney, described by observers as appearing like “a running mate audition,” just days after making a Freudian slip when he told a forum, “Three, four, five, six, seven years from now, if I do a good job as vice president — I’m sorry, as senator — I’ll have the chance to do all sorts of things.”
Bilderberg’s influence on U.S. presidential elections is well documented. During the June 2008 Bilderberg meeting in Northern Virginia, the press lost track of the whereabouts of both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Reports subsequently suggested that the two had got together for a “private meeting” in Northern Virginia, which almost certainly meant they had both attended that year’s Bilderberg confab.
Veteran Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker yesterday confirmed that our report earlier this week that Bilderberg are almost certain meet at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel in Chantilly, Virginia from May 31st to June 3rd.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
41 Responses to “Bilderberg Favorite Rubio Calls For Attacking Iran & Syria”
- Super Duper Man 1776 says:
American Dystopia Reply:
April 26th, 2012 at 2:23 pmMy position is if your going to vote, vote for Paul whether or not he’s still in the race or vote for Obama because he can’t be re-elected and it would make an opportunity for Rand in 4 years.
Romney is a totally unacceptable candidate adding Rubio who is ineligible to be President or Vice President because neither of his parents were U.S. citizens, well that’s just the icing on the cake.
boone1 Reply:
April 26th, 2012 at 2:59 pmRubio was born in America but his parents were not.They did not become citizens until four years after Rubio was born.So he cannot be the VP OR run for president.me i will write in RON PAUL. LIVE FREE OR DIE.
rootboy Reply:
April 26th, 2012 at 3:04 pmWow, I’m impressed with Rubio ! siding with the neo-con talking points of aggression and imperialism. Mittens : Please choose him for your “mate” ! This only solidifies the viability of a Paul 3rd party run where we have : A Luciferian incumbent dictator Obama cabal, Mittens & Rubi neo-con puppets, and RP -> restore America NOW !
spinnaker1 Reply:
April 26th, 2012 at 4:02 pmHi Boone1….your statement about Rubio’s citizenship qualifications is incorrect. Note:
The Constitution does not define the phrase natural-born citizen, and various opinions have been offered over time regarding its precise meaning. The Congressional Research Service has stated that the weight of scholarly legal and historical opinion indicates that the term means one who is entitled under the Constitution or laws of the United States to U.S. citizenship “at birth” or “by birth,” including any child born “in” the United States, even to alien parents (other than to foreign diplomats serving their country), the children of United States citizens born abroad, and those born abroad of one citizen parent who has met U.S. residency requirements.American Dystopia Reply:
April 26th, 2012 at 6:05 pm“We must depend on the general law relating to subjects and citizens recognized by all nations for a definition, and that must lead us to the conclusion that every person born in the United States is a natural-born citizen of such States, except that of children born on our soil to temporary sojourners or representatives of foreign Governments.”*
Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, James F. Wilson of Iowa 1866
Neither of Rubio’s parent’s were citizens when he was born. So even though Rubio was born here and is a citizen he is NOT a natural-born citizen and can not be President or Vice President as the 14th Amendment states.
The reason for the 14th amendment was to insure we were not lead by President with divided loyalties.
Because if that were to happen we could end up with a president who would start his presidency by traveling world apologizing for how badly America treats other nations. Then he might insult our oldest ally by returning a bust of one of their greatest prime ministers who was also one of our greatest allies, because 64 years earlier that nation may have mistreated a foreign citizen in another country to whom that president has ties though his non American father.
A President like that might well decide other governments or international groups like the UN or NATO could order our troops to…I don’t know invade Libya without congressional approval.
A President who is no more loyal to America as any other nation might broker agreements with foreign nations then declare them law though executive order without ever considering the will of the congress or American people, after all he’s a world citizen and our will is only one consideration.
Peace Frog Reply:
April 26th, 2012 at 9:08 pmI hear ya SDM…being awake makes you aware…the voting is rigged…their candidates are
pre selected
Scorpion Reply:
April 27th, 2012 at 6:17 amRubio is a complete wuss; I mean you can look at the guy and tell he is a baby face, he has probably never even been in a fight…….yet, this fool wants to start a war with Iran? I’ll tell you what, he should go put himself on the front lines then. It amazes me how the warmongers never want to go into combat themselves, easy to send someone else to die?
Any American soldier who fights for the likes of Rubio or Romney gets what he deserves, I mean pleeasee, it is so ridiculous to die fighting a war for some millionaire who is no where near the battlefield.
- Vengeance says:
There’s no soul behind his eyes…
Carol Ann Reply:
April 26th, 2012 at 4:10 pmGeneral Wesley Clark March 2, 2007
About 10 days after 9/11, Wesley Clark went to Pentagon-saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. Reveals US PENTAGON plans to attack and take over 7 countries in 5 years, now going into the fifth year, 2012, Iran.
WE made decision “going to war” with IRAQ September 2001. Have a willing, easy led military and can take down GOVERNMENTS. Memo-How are we going to take out 7 countries in 5 years? What are the countries? IRAQ, SOMALI, SUDAN, LEBANON, LIBYA, SYRIA and IRAN (In case you are wondering what links these countries together, they were countries without an international bankster Central Bank. They were sovereign, autonomous; some had no need for the fiat money system because of their resources. The “blood and treasure” crowd could have access to abundant natural resources and GOLD by bombing them back to the Stone Age. Plus they could establish their beloved fiat banking, wealth confiscation, system). Wesley Clark utube video
Wesley Clark 11/14/2011 CNN interview “whether that was the specific motivation for the Coup or not…always been attitude somehow intervene and use FORCE…saying how IRAN is a threat and that something must be done…same guy…. (best to view both videos in chronological sequence to see how they do things).
“Pentagon financial war games research James D Rickards, author of CURRENCY WARS-Who would win, SDRs or GOLD?” thus posits James D Rickards, author of CURRENCY WARS,( the first two chapters of describe a special Pentagon financial war game that took place in 2009 over two days between ‘America’, ‘Russia’, ‘Europe’ and ‘China’). (Remember, majority of GOLD is the hands of the international banksters through the “blood and treasure” and fiat debt based system which itself guarantees wealth confiscation). “According to the report, the Army has spent time on financial market trading floors with JP Morgan and others, in the hopes that they can learn more about how a financial and economic attack may occur, and what the ramifications of such attacks on US stocks and bonds may be. “The Army, in a year-long war games series called Unified Quest 2011, is looking at a variety of possibilities and how to deal with them, including:•the implications of “large scale economic breakdown” inside of the United States•how to maintain “domestic order amid civil unrest”•and ways to deal with fragmented global power and drastically lower budgets. Clearly, the U.S. government is making contingency plans to deal with a worst-case, all-out-collapse scenario of not only the economy, but our social and political systems.” (Joke isn’t it! The source of the problem IS the FEDERAL RESERVE and international bank cartel).
The REAL POWER base worldwide is the international bankster fiat money system cartel and its bully enforcer the PENTAGON with its mercenary troops. Hope the MILITARY of each country worldwide will realize that when the dust clears they will just be bled or become fodder for show trials of the NWO “elite”. This chess game where the pawns just massacre each other is old as the American Revolution and before. The weapons have gotten so overwhelming though that even they are threated now. All we need is a couple rogue NWO “insiders” to push the nuclear button to annihilate the earth and everyone on it. But of course the” pride of them” that would “do it to us” is working overtime. They think they can still pull off another a controlled demolition. Wouldn’t it be great if the military would hand those warrior like monger “old geezers” artillery and a few some bombs and let them duke it out against each other and let the rest of us live in happiness and peace with an honest banking system.
Truly, “the LUST for MONEY is the ROOT of all evil” 1 Timothy 6:10 (how timely)
My prayer is that the military who really love this country and its ideals will wake up.Dandroid Reply:
April 26th, 2012 at 5:26 pmFuck Rubio!
Scorpion Reply:
April 27th, 2012 at 7:31 amWhen I look into Rubio’s eyes, I see a wimp. Physically, I could probably eat him for breakfast and I’m not a big guy. I’ve seen the eyes of gangsters, killers, soldiers, and this guy isn’t hard. He hasn’t been in sht and it is obvious he has been pampered his entire life. It is ridiculous that a guy like him is talking about starting wars with two countries, wars that his weak ass will not personally participate in. And what is even more crazy is that you’ve got genuine tough guys like Pat Tilman who will go get themselves kill for wusses like Rubio……..welcome to the twilight zone.
- coastx says:
We should be preparing the US for the reality that preventing a nuclear British motivated Armageddon HERE may require militia action.
Rubio talks like a fucking pervert, no wonder. He also looks like a paedomorph. Connection?
In the meanwhile, I think Bilderberg should hold it’s meeting stateside somewhere near Iran with the building they are in marked with a huge letter “X” painted on the roof, for their security…
Hutaree/Oath Keepers!
- Ho of Babylon says:
I’m shocked, I tell ya, shocked. At least, I’m shocked if there is anyone whoever doubted he was a Bilderberg pawn.
- The Cynic says:
Not only is our country Run Like A “Soap Opera” . . . they also get their Images (Bwight Shinee Faces) and so-called Speech’s from Central Casting . . .
XXX . . . is best they could rate with all their clothes on.
- Liberty Dawn says:
Wonder why he’s not calling for the invasion of Mexico so we can “stabilize” that corrupt government.
Philippe Reply:
April 26th, 2012 at 2:51 pmThe drug profits are just too important. It’s what keeps the stock market afloat when unemployment is so high. It’s what funds black projects and gives the police something to do instead of investigating their bosses.
- warzonepartizan1502 says:
ANYONE who beats the drums for war should be scooped up and dropped off on the front lines of said war along with their wives and children.
- noahrocket says:
I was cheated out of the right to properly run for the U. S. Senate in my home state of Florida by a corrupt election process. My family has lived in Florida for thousands of years so I love the state. Please speak out against the corrupt system so people like me who will represent the best interest of the people, can be elected to office.
- samy says:
Now there are two fakes. Fake Pres trying his best to stomp all over our Constitution and now his little lap dog Rubio just repeating what daddy Obombya and Mittens says. They are the same. You won’t be getting anything different in Mitt – he’s a New World Order Bullshit artist too and his only goal is to stip the life out of this great country for profit. Get the hell out of Iran and the Middle East and leave them to battle till the end of the world! We do not belong over there and we want the 800 bases shut down. Send our men home and stop fleecing us of everything while you find 10 thousand other ways to kill us, humiliate us, rape us in airports, take over our property, kill our livestock, destroy our food supply with GMOs, destroy our health with millions of deadly prescription drugs, destroy the future for our children by promoting mass abortion, forced abortion (Detroit), put enough flouride in our water and other products that gives them autism on a massive scale now and mental problems that wouldn’t happen if the babies weren’t given up to 21 g-damned vaccines before they even get out of the f-ing hospital. That alone should tell you to have your child at home or a place where this isn’t happening. And the stupid women just let them do it – they don’t even question it because they think we can trust the medical system. Just wait till Obombya Care starts killing off millions because the bastards will not cover much. They just want more money, more money, more money – and it’s our g-damned hard earned money. FU WA!
- nvg says:
Send this Chicken Shit baby to the Army
Peace Frog Reply:
April 26th, 2012 at 9:00 pmcan’t…he’s not an American citizen
- Nebuchadnezzar says:
Are we helpless against Shylocks?
Who can help us against their plots?We are tired of their puppets.
God the almighty may help us to kill those puppets. - writer125 says:
Instead of attacking Iran & Syria, we should attack him. And forgot about him burning in hell, let him burn right now. And then we can throw out the ashes. Unfortunately, he and Romney are going to win, because everyone is sick and tired of President Otrama and his stupid shit. And everyone is going to vote for this idiot and Romney because they don’t know any better. NWO,OWG, here we go.
- treetrimmer says:
If we would have gotten McCain we would have already been at war with Iran years ago would have already attacked Suyria and killed twice as many women and Children in Lybia, would still be in Iraq and probalby would right now be living in a stone age as a result of WW111. So even though Obama is a commie born in Kenya usurper I guess we are better off with him.
- badger747 says:
Really, why vote for Mittens and Ruby Oh ticket vs Obomber?
Obomber is a Neo-con puppet waging Islamic wars, and that is exactly what a Mittens/Ruby Oh support
Obomber is for Universal healthcare and so was/is Mittens?
None of the above assholes would cut the Military Industrial Complex or cut the Budget. (oh forgot, Mittens would slow the spending down)
And the good DR Paul is vilified in the media and called a Whakco by Richard Haas on national TV, while MICHEAL Medved calls the the good DR paul Dr Demento daily on his radio show.
Why? Because he would cut foreign aid to Israel? And, cut spending in the budget.
Who is the Whacko’s I ask?
Who is carrying water for a special interest.
The tribe is the tribe
- Nebuchadnezzar says:
I will vote for My Gun.
I trust him more than these puppets. - bumper sticker says:
Did anyone follow the MSM primary voting tally last Tuesday evening in those 5 big NE states? Seems like they came and went with very little notice. They are hand picking the candidates for u
American politics, just wind it up, like the toy monkey with the banging cymbals.
Click link. - WALLYnWV says:
I’m just waiting for a leader to step forward and get the revolution on the road.
hammerhead Reply:
April 27th, 2012 at 5:41 ambe careful what you wish for ……..germany wished for a leader , and got hitler.
- machspeed says:
Another Tea Party NeoCon phony. Let this chicken shit mother fucker be the first on the front line.
- burntumbra says:
Romney/Rubio in 2012……..WW3 in 2013……..perpetual war oversea’s and police state marshall law in America, a Bilderberg wet dream.
- marga says:
Obama’s real interest is in science and if he had things his way that is where he would go. But if he has too he will run for president again just to stop America from being drug back to the 16th. century. Fuck you white male slave owners who is behind all this war mongering. We gonna open the prison and let those people haunt you down. But don’t worry they wont kill you. You’re not worthy of it. We gonna let you live with your consciousness if you got one left. if not, well then you’re already dead.
- libertyorslavery says:
Take one look at the man boy… this is the kind of person that is allowed. As for him being a Fl Senator… that only confirms his real masters. Romney already a pathetic puppet… I don’t think he has a clue… he will take orders like the last 9 Presidential Readers for the Banking Cartel … .
captain obvious Reply:
April 27th, 2012 at 1:06 amI’ll say it.. he looks like something that just stepped off the POODLE LINES charter busses that park in the big lot across the street from all the little B&B’s along Bohemian Ave, the roadway to the Railroad Ave entrance of Bohemian Grove, in Monte Rio California.
Scorpion Reply:
April 27th, 2012 at 6:24 amROFL, I couldn’t agree more. Marco Rubio looks like a complete and total sissy; this pampered kid has probably never even been jumped or gotten into a street fight, and he is talking about starting wars with Iran and Syria? LOL, and you mean to tell me, there are American soldiers that will die for the likes of him and Romney!? Gawd, you’d have to be one STUPID motherf**** to go die for any of these guys!
It just kills me how all these warmongers like Cheney, Bush, Rubio, etc, have never been in battle and in the case of Bush and Cheney dodged the draft. I mean, Alexander, Julius, Caesar, and Napoleon were nobility but these men were actually on the front lines, fighting with their men and risking their lives. Alexander the Great is said to have compared battle wounds with his men. Napoleon had horses shot out from under him by cannons. Now compare these guys to…….Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney…….LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!
wiggins Reply:
April 27th, 2012 at 6:41 amEven old Adolf fought in the trenches as a corporal in WWI.
- Scorpion says:
Thank you wiggins! We need to go back to the days where the leaders who start wars actually fight in them, not sitting back in a tent or in some air conditioned White House or Parliament building. I mean look at these “world leaders,” guys like Nicolas Sarkozy, Obama, etc, I mean these men are complete spineless weaklings! None of them have seen combat…….who are they to initiate it?
And you’ve got genuine warriors like Pat Tilman who will go get themselves killed for Machiavellian worms like Rubio. The way I see it, if you’re going to die for a man in battle, die for someone like Alexander the Great or Napoleon. At least they will be right there with you, and may themselves be killed. The truth is, all wars are staged. If American soldiers simply stood down, no conflict with Iran or Syria could materialize. That is another thing Americans should consider boycotting……their military!
- barbers28 says:
my friend’s half-sister brought in $19367 past month. she been working on the computer and moved in a $413700 house. All she did was get fortunate and put into use the advice leaked on this web site NuttyR|ch.c0m
- Matzo Man says:
He knows what to say so I’m guessing he is “pre-made” to be one of THEM, meaning they can blackmail him. I don’t want this warmonger to be in ANY office!
- badger747 says:
Unscrubed thought. Not allowed. Foul. This accurate history is not allowed.
According to most/all of present day main stream media accounts, Hitler was simple scum. Not a brave soldier risking his life for the Rhineland, and then betrayed by Rosa Luxmburg and company when they signing the peace treaty of Versailles . (these people did not risk her life in the trenches of WWI!)
Hitler was a not a man, EVER! NEVER WAS. Was not even human.
Never was never willl be in todays media .He Arrived, only, immaculately, from the devil ass during a long farting session.
Hitler was a dictator, not a good guy.
Remember, all of us came from the same place.
The game goes on
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