It all started when I was collaborating with Ari Galper at Unlock the Game coaching his members. Ari Galper’s amazingly human and brilliant 21st C Sales Coaching Program delivered in a magnificent coherent sequenced language based on trust at the human level incorporating the truth to the sales equation.
It became evident very rapidly that just speaking the coherent and sequenced language Ari created for his UTG members would not be enough for success in many people’ cases. Because it is not enough to speak it . You have to think it and feel it before to reach your goal as a marketer to actually connect with your prospect at the human level and are able to set the stage to build trust with the truth. It requires a mindset shift…
( We all have too many years thinking backwards)
It was then when I understood that while the language is quite important and I was so excited about Ari’s content, your thoughts being the motor and direction of your full potential are crucial. If you don’t mean it, it doesn’t mean anything. It is necessary to align the language with the thoughts to actually convey the required message. Believe it or not in my opinion that is a desperately needed training.
Unlock the Game Members were mostly entrepreneurs, financial advisers, insurance agents, internet marketers. It was challenging to help them in 2,008 with the depression, the way the debacle of the economy started to unravel. They needed serious help an a high dose of innovative creativity.
For some people The Internal Dialogue needed to be reviewed in order to achieve their goals, actually articulating their authenticity through feeling and thinking the new language. Not only speaking it.
I started slowly introducing them to the mechanism needed to harness their thoughts to work for them. The mechanism I have been applying for years.
How is it? Well, the first step is to monitor your thoughts . To monitor as many obsolete thoughts as possible. Obsolete thoughts are the ones that are irrelevant to the present time. More likely they are an emotional attachment from the past hurting you and not allowing you to move forward as an adult. Serious!
So I would say to my clients:
“The first step to make sure you can succeed at harnessing your thoughts is to monitor them…like a hawk“. They are creating your reality at will every minute of every day for you. You need a hawk if the task is to monitor as many thoughts possible…
That is the story of how the hawk’s role as the guardian of my own thoughts and my friends and clients thoughts, was transferred to the title of my newly developed program. It was Michelle Finnegan, my coaching buddy at UTG and former UTG GM who suggested it. I had discussed with her the image of the hawk and she loved the symbolism. “Why don’t you name the program after the hawk” she said in one of the multiple conversations we had over the last 3 years. I loved it it too. She was so right! It deserved the recognition because without the attributes that you model from the hawk you are not able to make it. You need a fearless partner with keen vision to catch as many thoughts as possible. :::))) That is the secret.
For the ones of you who don’t know anything about “The Hawk Mindset”, IT IS A Transformational Training for Entrepreneurs who want to become “Thought Masters” and harness their thoughts to work for them instead of against them securing success in their business. The program is divided in 3 fundamental modules.
Module 1: “Thought Masters”
Module 2: “The Seven Pillars of Thought, the Foundation of the Mindset”
Module 3 : “Your Inner Child in charge of your Internal Visionary Team”
My purpose is to inspire you to reconnect with your Inner Driving Force by helping create your Internal Visionary Team. You see, as entrepreneurs we need a Visionary Team. It just makes sense to start with creating your Internal Visionary Team first.
So the idea is to create an internal trinity. The hawk model sitting @ your left hand and your Inner Child sitting @ your right hand. Yes, for once acknowledging that it is not about the right hand or the left hand only any more….it is about incorporating both hands…both brains…the left and the right represented in your hands. Acknowledging the importance of both…makes sense? In other words, Your Inner Child in charge of your Internal Visionary Team and the Hawk model the guardian of your Thoughts.
As I was saying, Module 1: “Thought Masters”, actually empowers you to train yourself to become a Black Belt Thought Master.
The beauty is that the hawk has a lot to teach you.
Because the Hawk IS Messenger, protector, visionary, has keen vision, and is open to new ideas.
So, AGAIN, reinforcing my original visual with the Hawk as the Guardian of your Thoughts within the program to help you monitor them, led me to go a step further and incorporate the hawk in the title. After the name was decided,
the first thing I did was the keyword research of the word “hawk” and found the collective consciousness revealed something far more interesting than I expected. Just google the word “hawk” and you will find a lot of meaningful conversation along with 167.000.000 hits.
It feels to me a lot of people other than me are having a conversation with hawks these days…after all people are awakening to the fact that we are all one and any perception of separation is an illusion. The interesting thing is that I hear more and more persons who are fascinated by the hawk’s message and the numbers are growing…it almost feels like hawks as a species are on a mission to give us a message and we are finally open to receive its call. I love it.
In any case it is time to go back to the basics…Primitive cultures modeled animal behaviors, and transformed certain animals into totems. Powerful symbolism has come in the form of animals and their behaviors throughout thousands of years, transforming them in our teachers. There is a reason for that. Contrary to the across the board educational system, we human beings learn through modeling behaviors, not by being lectured.
The Hawk happens to be the ultimate model to help integrate the right brain and the left brain. In other words to integrate a clear perception of the big picture, critical thinking, and co-creative spirit into your thinking, feeling and speaking. At all times.
Here are a list of 12 excerpts coming from different voices of different people and their perception of the lessons the hawk brings us and about why the Hawk’s sacred message to us is important to be modeled and feels so organic:
1) Keen vision is one of its greatest gifts. Hawks see things others miss.
2) The hawk comes to you indicating that you are now awakening to your soul purpose, your reason for being here. It can teach you how to fly high while keeping yourself connected to the ground.
3) As you rise to a higher level, your psychic energies are awakening and the hawk can help you to keep those senses in balance. Its message for you is to be open to hope and new ideas, to extend the vision of your life.
4) The Hawk is an animal of flight. It soars through the air looking down, and sees everything. It has a larger perspective of what is going on down below. With its keen eyesight, it looks down as it soars through the air looking for its prey. It can see the smallest of creatures below.
5) The Hawk is known as a messenger, similar to the planet Mercury, for the hawk soars close to the Grandfather Sun, as does the planet. When you listen to the power of the Grandfather Sun or Wise Spirit that lives within, you are protected from all types of harm.
6) The Hawk teaches you to be observant and take a close look at your surroundings. It soars with the power to overcome difficult situations. It soars in circles over the life of the earth, asking you to circle over your life and view it from a higher perspective.
7) The Hawk has a distinct cry, one that most people are aware of. Its cry signifies awareness. If you hear the cry of the hawk use your intuitive ability to discern the message and seek the truth.
If a hawk has soared into your life, you require a higher perspective. You need to see the details of what is going on and look at the bigger picture. Take a look at your situation from above.
9) Specifically, the hawk beckons us to hone our focus on the areas that are out of balance in our lives. Recognition is the first step to solution.
10) Furthermore, the hawk is a solar animal which makes it kin to all the attributes summed up by fire and sun. Attributes such as brilliance, clarity, energy, and unification.
11) In Dreams , hawks represent our yearning for freedom and clarity and is often considered a message from the subconscious to use our intellectual power to obtain the freedom we desire in our lives.
12) The hawk asks us to be aware of the power each of us has over others. Further, we must each respect our potential positions of authority (leadership) and honor all those with whom we interact.
Again, these are statements that I selected because they represent your voice. Each one from a different site.
You get the idea ? These excerpts although reiterative, portray the clarity of the idea and how the hawk’s message is penetrating the collective consciousness.
Because of all of those powerful reasons, “The Hawk Mindset” was born…The Hawk will help you align your left brain with your right brain. Harnessing your thoughts to work for you instead of against you. I tell you, I have done it. With myself first and also with numerous people. The beauty is that once most of your determining thoughts, feelings and language are aligned within yourself, to work for you, you become the hawk. His behavior transpires in your actions. Like with Shakespeare after a mindful rehearsal period…You become Hamlet. You are ready for Opening Night. Now you are trained to assert the Hawk’s attributes. It was one training away:
- Attention
- Vision
- Power
- Energy
- Leadership
- Intensity
They are all yours! Congratulations, You have become a Black Belt Thought Master running automatically in your Internal Visionary Team guided by your friend the hawk who helped you understand the oneness of all things and to associate the dissociated inside out. That is why the Hawk is a necessity as your left hand.
I bet by now you are probably thinking, “ok that is the hawk but what’s up with your right hand then…? Why Your Inner Child ?”
your Inner Child becomes internally Your right hand, but that is another story…
Your Inner Child is to become the Head of your Internal Visionary Team. That is Module 3.
Here you can find more information about WHY your Inner Child, your right hand.
If you really want to get into the Inner Child deeper, here is my long sales letter featuring the Inner Child. You will love it! I would love your feedback on it:
So we have covered Modules 1 and 3. I know you have a question by now. If we have covered Module 1 & 3 featuring the hawk and the inner child already, what is Module 2 then…right ?
The reason why I didn’t list its content before is because it is crucial in its position between the Thought Masters guided by the Hawk and the Inner Child Managing your Internal Visionary Team. The middle of the two. The glue between the two. Nurturing and guiding both. The Pillars of Thought, the Foundation of the Mindset.
So, so far we have your right arm and your left arm to guide you, working together to expedite your business success.
What you need now is a foundation of thought. The pillars of your new Mindset. Your new mental model.
Module 2, IS COMPOSED OF The 7 pillars in the Magic Middle Line Between the 50′s. Right in the middle, like the temple of source. I picked 7 universal concepts to help you create a foundation of thought seeded in new cooperative guidelines and conscious co-creative coherence.The Pillars will be your map. Your brand new Thought Foundation.
If you want to know more about the “Seven Pillars of Thought”, Here is a link to my blog talk radio program, where the 7 pillars were spontaneously created. Where I have had 1 different conversation about each one of the pillars with Neal Worthington, while they were revealing to me as Module 2. Little did I know then that that radio program was going to end up being module 2. (I love the creative process) Here they are.the above mentioned pillars of thought. Your foundation of thought.
- Acknowledgment
- Truth
- Fear
- Judgment
- Errors
- Clarity
- Self Responsibility
The Three Modules of “The Hawk Mindset” are becoming 3 books. The Trilogy of Thought. I will keep you posted.
Listen to internet radio with Soul Hang Out on Blog Talk RadioYou want to know more? Join Soul Hangout below: You will receive 3 Inspirational gifts. 2 Audios that you can listen at your leisure. My quotes e-book. “Living in the Present is History in the Making” Here they are.
- Why the Inner Child is to become the Head of your Internal Visionary Team and your right hand. (Audio)
- WHY the Hawk Mindset and the Hawk becoming your left hand (Audio)
- My quotes inspirational e-book “Living in the Present is History in the Making” the foundation of the Mindset, and updates.
P.S. My goal is to inspire you to ultimately Master the Art of the Entrepreneurial Mindset.
P.S.S. Your goal is to rehearse until you are ready for opening night.
The Thought Provoking, Irreverent Pearl Necklace Grandmother of the 21st C. Paradigm Shifter, Poet, Storyteller, Marketer, Visionary, Blogger, Coach. Mrs. Fire
“50/50 The Magic of the Middle Line”, Experience Coaching”
Founder Soul Hangout & Co-Creative Circles of Coherence, Soul Mastermind Groups. Consciously Connecting & Combining Intelligence with a touch of “Curry”. The 7 “C”‘s of the 7 Condiments of Cooperation
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Technorati Tags: 50/50, 50/50 coaching, change, circles, coherence, combining, connecting, consciously, cooperation, entrepreneurial mindset, harness thoughts, hawk, hawk mindset, inner child, intelligence, soulmasterminds, thoughts
An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
So, WHY the Hawk Mindset? | Soul Hangout
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