
Multiauthor Blogging - Collaboration Is Key

Jul 11

You have a blog and you write frequently and consistently. Your writing has a constant voice and many people read what you write. If you introduce other authors to your articles, the popularity of your blog will increase exponentially.

If you are the only writer on your blog, you are undoubtedly under a great deal of pressure if you are writing any more than once a week. The more pressure you are experiencing, the less likely you will be to continue writing on a regular basis. The worst-case scenario may eventually come true: you may stop blogging altogether. So, what can you do to make sure that your blog doesn’t end up that way? Bringing other contributing authors to your articles will make all of the difference to your blog and you will be pleasantly surprised at how popular it will become. Multiauthor blogging, which is a collaborative writing effort in any given blog article, can be a very effective approach. This should not be confused with guest bloggers. Guest bloggers are individuals who write their own blog article, which is posted on someone else's blog.

There are many different benefits to multiauthor blogging.

  • Different points of view: Every writer has a slightly different take on things. A blog article that has many authors will have several different styles (or “voices”) and the more people who contribute, the more variety of experiences they will write about. Different people have different experiences. On the receiving end of the writing, your readers have an opportunity to learn all sorts of interesting pieces of information that they wouldn’t necessarily learn from a single blog writer. The exposure to several different viewpoints is the fodder for stimulating discussions that can lead to subsequent discussions and possibly, business. Through that exposure, your readers will greatly expand their knowledge base in several areas.
  • Greater offerings: Because of the fact that one person can write only so much content, what you are offering online will be limited in quantity. However, if you have many different authors contributing to your blog articles, you can publish and syndicate a lot more and thus increase your professional online exposure and reputation. Another benefit is that your other authors can build their exposure and reputation while you are doing the same thing.
  • Return on investment (ROI): When you first start to blog, you should not expect a large amount of revenue to come in to your business. That aspect takes time before you see concrete results (generally three to six months). You may find that you are spending a great deal of time and energy on your blog in the beginning. If you bring in other blog authors to help you, it will be a lot easier to handle the volume of work that you wish to contribute. The entire process will get easier over time.
  • Sphere of influence: As one person, you have the ability to influence several people. On the other hand, if you are working with other blog authors, your influence plus their influence is really multiplied from what it would be for you alone. The more blog articles you generate, the more influence your blog will have and the more traffic will be generated to your website.
  • Team effort: It is much easier to produce a great deal of positive results when you have the backing and support of several people behind you than if you have to handle everything by yourself. Whether you intend to blog forever or for a shorter amount of time, the approach is the same. Working in a multiauthor blog environment will create a team environment and your content will be buzzing as a result.

The importance of the collective environment

You and your other authors are all responsible for cultivating online relationships and enticing people so that they want to interact online. If cultivated correctly, there is no telling how beneficial those relationships will be.


The beauty of multiauthor blogging is that each author can own his or her own space but at the same time, each author also has the benefit of the rest of the authors. With that in mind, it is important to understand that the author’s content not only represents him- or herself but also represents the blog as a whole. Bringing in other talented authors means that everyone benefits. Having many contributing authors enhances your blog and the positive effects that it will have on your readers.

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About the Author.  

Carolyn Cohn is the Chief Editor of CompuKol Communications LLC. Mrs. Cohn has a wealth of experience in business writing as well as having a strong editorial background. She manages all of the company’s writers, journalists and editors as well as writing, editing and publishing several business articles a week on a consistent basis, which are syndicated globally.

Mrs. Cohn has run several editorial departments for other companies. She has over 25 years of editorial experience and her expertise covers a wide range of media, such as online editing, and editing books, journal articles, abstracts, and promotional and educational materials.

Throughout her career, Mrs. Cohn has established and maintained strong relationships with professionals from a wide variety of companies. The principle that governs her work is that all words need to be edited.

Mrs. Cohn earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo.

Mrs. Cohn is a member of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA).

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