
Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies » Vibrant Voices

Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies

Conquering Cancer with a Life of Soul

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Vibrant Voices

Vibrant Voices on Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies

Supporters and thought leaders share the insights gained from reading this powerful book and give voice to Ani’s Compassionate Cure for Cancer®

 One Woman’s Inspiring Journey to Find a Natural Cure for Breast Cancer
~by Tyler R. Tichelaar, Ph.D., author of the award-winning Narrow Lives

Like a good novelist, Ani Kaspar starts her non-fiction memoir “Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies” in the middle of the action. We first meet her in the emergency room, struggling with breast cancer and septic shock, hooked up to an IV with a temperature of 105, and struggling to breathe while an unconcerned nurse does little to help her.

While this powerful opening scene is a bit in your face, it is understandably and appropriately so. The book’s style becomes gentler and more poetic as it continues, but Ani never fails to express her righteous frustration along the way, both with men who have difficulty loving her because of her illness, and with a health care system that seems more interested in making a buck than finding humane ways to fight breast cancer.

While breast cancer has long been a concern for women, this book is timely in its look at health care and insurance during the ongoing debate on health care reform. That any woman should have such inhumane and limited options as chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery, and have to pay such outrageous amounts of money to survive leaves the reader sympathetic, angry, and even fearful for his or her own medical future. Ani explains, “My medical insurance is dismal. After working since I was sixteen, succeeding in my personal and professional endeavors, after contributing to my country, to its people, to its economic stability, health insurance for me, an American woman, is wretched.” By the end of the book, we learn that she has paid more than $250,000, and while her cancer now appears to be benign, it can always return. No wonder, as Ani notes, 75% of bankruptcies in the U.S. are filed as a result of medical bills.

After this startling, attention-grabbing introduction, Ani takes us back to the previous year, describing how she left working on Wall Street to move to the Southwest and live a healthy life, a life where she managed risk to keep herself safe and healthy, even having any metal fillings in her mouth removed to avoid toxicity. So how, she must ask after being so cautious about her health, could she suddenly get breast cancer?

She has many answers for this—some the fault of the government and human failure to take care of the environment, while others are the result of stress she experienced. She waged war on Wall Street, not so much as a financial advisor, or as a high-powered career-oriented person, but as a woman seeking to be treated with respect in a man’s world. She won that battle, and in turn, lost her career.

Weapon-of-mass-destruction stress management is necessary to transcend such a career loss. Choose a word, any word. Meticulous tension for nine years was my life. Worth nine breast cancer spots.”

Ani asked herself, now that she had cancer, what should she do. She could not agree to chemotherapy or the other violent means to cure her body by using poison to fight poison. Instead, she sought natural healing, energy healing, and alternative therapies because, “The disease doesn’t frighten me—it’s the treatment, the horrifying, barbaric, perverse treatment that frightens me the way it does most cancer patients. And rightfully so.” Ani provides a great deal of support for her decision by noting that less than 4% of women treated for breast-cancer do not see a recurrence of cancer within five years, and chemotherapy is only effective in three-percent of treatments. Furthermore, breast cancer is largely the result of earlier health care mistakes as Dr. John Goffman has explained, “Our current estimate is that about 75% of the current annual incidence of breast cancer in the U.S. is being caused by earlier ionizing radiation, primarily from medical sources.”

Ani’s decision to seek alternative natural healing is unusual in the United States, but she notes that in Japan, Germany, and Russia, a large percentage of cancer patients don’t go through chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery but seek less invasive methods of treatment. Furthermore, she firmly believes that today’s health care industry is profit-driven, while before Nixon’s administration, health care was not-for-profit. Now doctors can reject patients if they can’t pay, and the treatments used are often less effective than profitable. Ani refused to let her body be part of this corporate greed in the health care system:

I know natural cures exist. I know our current health care system cannot profit from them because they cannot be patented, and that’s why every sector of the system pursues the invasive protocols that bring in so much money. And I also know that even our own conventional world medical community has the heart, the brilliance, and the astounding financial resources to deliver a humane cure to all cancers. Because I know these truths, I will not allow one moment of profit from my body. I refuse to allow you, the conventional medical community, to treat my body until you do it humanely."

From here, we follow Ani in her quest for natural healing, as well as her efforts to write her book, to share what she has learned, and to eliminate stress from her life while finding balance in a loving relationship with a man. She visits Lake Atitlán in Guatemala to escape the criminality of her country and a life sick with breast cancer, to heal and be at one with her soul. Her writing becomes poetic and meditative, and the beauty of the natural world around her inspires her words. At times, her style reminded me of another Anne—Anne Morrow Lindbergh and her classic meditative book “Gift from the Sea.”

Ani finds and loses love throughout her efforts to heal her cancer. She strives for lasting relationships, something to which her readers, male and female, will be able to relate. She finds the courage to love and seek love even in the face of her illness, and she learns how to love herself. Toward the end of her journey, she tells us,

Today, I know the past four years were the best years of my life. With each mind-bending, spirit-expanding twist and turn came only another opportunity for my heart to open farther, for me to love more, for our gracious, holy Gaia to lead me to her boundless heart of love.

Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies” is many things. It is a memoir; it is the journey of a woman through cancer. It is a call to women to want the best in treatment: “Nothing else but the very best treatment options is our human right.” It is a shocking look at the health care system. It is a love story.

A long time has passed since I’ve read a non-fiction, prose book that is so poetic and so beautiful—surprisingly so considering its ugly topic. The fear, pain, questioning, and hope that fills a woman with breast cancer is an impossible thing to understand without suffering from the dis-ease oneself, and yet Ani Kaspar brings us as close to understanding it as I think possible. Her ability to share honestly her experiences and emotions in such a revealing and invigorating manner makes this book simply astonishing.

For more information about Ani Kaspar and “Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies” visit www.PelicansCoconutsandButterflies.com

~Tyler R. Tichelaar, Ph.D., author of the award-winning Narrow Lives

Accept the first chapter of Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies and join the Compassionate Cure For Cancer®. Receive updates on Ani’s humanitarian efforts and learn more about how you can help.

"What is most poignant about this book is its courageously self-revealing nature. Such authenticity! Perhaps the greatest cancer of all is our insiduous tendency to hide our truth under a bushel of shame. Kaspar brings her truth out of hiding, and by sharing the painstaking details of her own healing, she invites all of us into the light right along with her. Simply put, this wonderful book is ‘to live for’. Divine perspiration!"

~Jeff Brown,
Author of Soulshaping: A Journey of Self-Creation

"Ani Kaspar has chronicled her experience of cancer and healing, as well as her evolution to bliss and a ‘life of soul’ in her new book, Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies. Often poetic, she expresses her personal struggles and then moves to share the benefits of her hard won knowledge. Any woman diagnosed with breast cancer will find a wealth of compassion, information, and celebration in Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies.

~Ralph W. Moss, PhD
Cancer Decisions®

"Ani Kaspar is a spiritual warrioress who has opened the window of her beautiful soul to the world. Read Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies and be reminded that we each have the capacity for self-empowerment and healing, in every aspect of our life."

~Debra Secunda
International Wellness Speaker
RawFood DVDs

“Ani Kaspar knows what it takes to beat cancer. She is a remarkable woman with a powerful story. Let her insight and wisdom inspire you to take a healing journey of your own.”

~ Chris Bledy,
Author, Beating Ovarian Cancer

“I applaud the courage and wisdom Ani Kaspar made in claiming her power to help her body heal naturally with organic, raw, living foods. There is no doubt she chose the best possible way to support her body to do what it was created to do—heal itself. I know Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies: Conquering Cancer with a Life of Soul will be an inspiration to many others and will bless countless numbers as her story travels the globe. Congratulations Ani! Thank you for telling your amazing story.”

~Brenda Cobb
Living Foods Institute

Learn about Ani’s journey firsthand
get your copy of the book here.

"Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies is beautifully written and richly informative. Heartfelt, Ani’s story of her struggle through breast cancer will touch all readers, not only those with cancer. Support is nearby for all of us. We need to have friends, family, others going through cancer, and a book like Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies to ‘conquer cancer with a life of soul,’ as Ani would say."

~Ann Fonfa
The Annie Appleseed Project

"What an inspirational story and woman! Ani Kaspar is a living testament to overcoming obstacles, thinking outside the box and never giving up. Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies is a must read!"

~Kate Raidt 
Author, The Million-Dollar Parent

" Ani Kaspar has been on a heroine’s journey ~ deep down into the darkest of the dark. She faced one of our fiercest modern dragons, cancer. Triumphantly, she birthed to the other side, wiser, stronger, more deeply connected to the pure beauty that is the essence of all life. How blessed we are that she wrote of her journey, lighting the path for each of us. Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies is a book that will save lives. quot;

~Chameli and Arjuna Ardagh 
www. AwakeningWomen.com  

"Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies is a wonderful companion for anyone facing a diagnosis of cancer. It is the story of one woman’s courageous and defiant commitment to a path of deep healing and wholeness in the face of medical industry’s prescribed approach to ‘the cancer patient.’ Thank you Ani for sharing your sacred journey with the world."

~Erica Elliott,MD
Environmental Physician
Co-author of Prescriptions for a Healthy House.

"Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies is a “must read” for everyone who is alive on this planet – cancer or not. We are dealing with myriad toxins that did not exist in our grandparents day. We must arm ourselves with the tools necessary to combat these unwanted invaders. Ani has shared her courgeous story, a powerful, intimate one. She shows us how our emotional life impacts our physical and spiritual well-being. She articulates well how we must integrate the body, mind and spirit in order to lead a balanced life, to be true to our own life of soul. I cannot wait for her next book!”

~Bette R.

"Poetry capturing waves, and Central American hideaways, and desert mountain paths, and lovers, and lovemaking, and Struggle. Five Star Struggle and Tantric Bliss……it’s all here and more. Life is full of struggles. Life is struggle, but there is beauty as we embark on challenging journeys, and it is this beauty that Ani Kaspar deftly delivers in her memoir.

Ani is a passionate warrior, artist, writer, lover, and teacher. A woman who tirelessly demands the truth and the best from her life, her companions, her lovers, her relationships, and her LIFE. Unwavering in her quest to find a true cure for her cancer, she researchers and strives to come up with the perfect cure. She sees her conditon as a reflection not only of her physical state, but one reflective of her spiritual and psychological as well. No stone left unturned in her relentless search for a cure that makes sense, not cents for the insipid medical machine.

Ani fights her cancer and the career-minded doctors who disseminate chemotherapy mindlessly like a sword-bearing princess. She searches for love and connection from her men, and in her home. She delights in nature, in animals, in organic food, and soulful moments.

I loved to read Ani’story. Ani was my teacher. She transformed the way I exercised, ate and thought. Ani gave me a new look on life. In her book she gives it again, in the words she painstakingly and beautifully weaves across the pages of this most heartfelt gift of a book. This is a journey of life lived fully.”

~Candy J.

"Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies goes way way beyond a human soul dealing with cancer (and overcoming may I add). Ani’s book is about authenticity, how to look into the mirror of yourself and then go beyond the personality issues that get us bogged down in being wounded. Now she stands on the other side of the ‘mirror’ in her true authentic power. It is this power that will take Ani and the rest of us humans who so choose, forward to create the world we choose to live in.

This book should be in every school, every library and book club all over the globe.Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies shouts out: STAND UP AND BE COUNTED! Thank you Ani.”

~Hazel M.

"Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies spoke volumes to me. I live with a chronic cancer condition. I felt like Ani was speaking directly to me. I consider myself very lucky to not have an option for chemotherapy at this point in time (it’s considered to be ineffective for my disease), and I too take matters into my own hands. My tumor markers and levels remain very low and I credit it to my lifestyle. Reading Ani’s book reinforced my thoughts and helped me gain the confidence that I am doing the right things for my cancer, my body and my soul. The book is well documented, provides backup for Ani’s statements and tells a gripping story that is all too relatable.

Ani tells an honest story of what a breast cancer patient endures in today’s medical system. Not only do we learn of her disease, we learn about her life and we all know that cancer not only affects our health, but our entire lives. I found myself waiting to see what would happen next on Ani’s journey. I shared her pain, her fears, her hopes and her incredible honestly. Page by page, I was drawn in to her experience. Ani understands the current state of the cancer community, as well as our treatment dilemma, and she details it beautifully, while at the same time is able to descriptively explain to us just how cold our current health care system can be. I’m glad for it and she inspires me to continue on my own path. I remain encouraged and confident that I have made the right decisions when it comes to my own care.

I applaud Ani’s efforts and her courage. Stepping outside of the traditional box and exploring ideas that aren’t socially accepted in our country today takes a lot of bravery. Ani is a strong woman that knows what works. If you or someone you know is struggling with cancer or another illness, this book is a must read.”

~Rebecca M.

"Pelicans, Coconuts and Butterflies is a breast cancer survivor’s story by new author Ani Kaspar. I have read dozens of cancer survivor’s books and articles over the last 21 years. When I came across Ani Kaspar’s account I had just met with a friend whose wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I noted ‘Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies’ was Ani’s account of dealing with her own personal breast cancer challenge and thought the book may be a great gift for my friend’s wife.

When received I sat down to review Ani’s story prior to posting it off to my friend. I was not prepared for the marvelous personal accounts of diagnosis, facing of daily challenges and the ultimate triumph incorporated into Ani’s story of her struggles. Ani Kaspar’s ability to show her human side, intertwined with the spirituality required in chapter after chapter left me unable to sit the book down. I can only describe her story telling abilities as masterful.

The bonus is after 20 plus years of cancer education I was learning useful medical information without being preached to or taught in a scholarly way. The cancer tips, facts and figures were so skillfully intertwined into Ani’s story that picking them up was second nature. Hopefully, you can tell I’m giving ‘Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies’ my unqualified endorsement and suggesting it be in everyone’s library, cancer patient or not.”

~Paul D.

"I loved Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies. From the moment I picked it up, I could not put it down. I was hooked, not only on the inspirational story, but on the beautiful language. Congratulations Ani. You’re a survivor in so many ways.”

~ Susan O.

“Ani tells a compelling and powerful story of her journey with breast cancer. Told with honesty and good humour, she writes about the choices that are available to everyone if we just learn to support our bodies. Ani is one of a growing number of people who reject the barbaric treatments given to women with cancer. Conventional medicine is not winning the war on cancer. Too many women still are taken from us too early. Ani has an inspirational message for anyone who has been touched by cancer, which is too many of us. God bless you Ani for sharing your message. I wish a long and very happy life.”

~Gabby M.

Pelicans, coconuts & Butterflies is Ani’s personal account and magical journey into finding her self, daring to challenge the medical authorities and listening to her own body, where the answers lie. This is where mastery occurs. Woven into her story are moving love affairs, betrayal, heartbreak and resolve. This book is not just about a woman’s victory over cancer naturally, but about every woman’s quest to find her authentic self, to empower herself and THRIVE.”

~Jenny Y.

“Ani’s story takes you through the emotional, physical, spiritual,and suspense of what’s next, where to go, how did I get here, and then to an understanding of what is going on all around us. The story, information, and enlightenment obtained when reading the book will affect the way you do things from that moment on. Thank you Ani. I will recommend this book to my clients and my friends. I only hope they will get it sooner rather than later, when there is time to learn and take some positive action for themselves. You are an angel for bringing this work to life.”

~Denise A.

“As a fellow cancer survivor, Ani’s book touched my heart and soul. I relived many of my struggles and triumphs as I followed her life before, during, and after treatment. ‘Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies’ is a remarkable journey that combines advocacy with self-discovery. Ani shares with us her physical and emotional healing, and enduring courage in the face of adversity and uncertainty. Cancer is a life and death struggle. But, it is also a great teacher. Ani fought her battle with gentle dignity and compassion. She combined conventional and alternative treatment to create a recipe for healing that is larger than the sum of its individual parts. A must read for all cancer patients and their care-givers.”

~Kathleen O.

“Brilliant! Beautifully written, poignant, heartfelt and informative ~ a must read! Everyone woman should read this book and pass it on, buy it for a friend and or loved one. Ani’s a inspiration and delightful. I LOVED reading Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies.”

~Christine T.

Learn about Ani’s journey firsthand
get your copy of the book here.

Vibrant Voices for BodybyBliss™

Real people share real results and triumphs with BodybyBliss.

“Since 1995 my health was in steady decline. Diagnosed with CFIDS, diabetes and fibromyalgia, I suffered daily a life of almost no life, taking medication after medication to function. A 25 year friend who completed the BodyByBliss program shared with me her incredible results, and when I was diagnosed this year with a serious, life-threatening illness, I decided to investigate BodyByBliss. Conversations with Ani lead me to know how important cleansing and detoxification were if I was to recover my health.

The program was not easy. It required a level of commitment and discipline I didn’t apply previously to my health, to my well-being. Ani recommended a three-month cleanse for me, with a very specific program to follow. Within six weeks, many of my illnesses seemed to disappear, and my general practitioner reduced or eliminated my medications. Now into my third month of BodyByBliss, I prepare to see if my serious illness still is with me. I doubt it – I feel healthy, filled with energy, happy and eager to continue my healing journey. And I lost 42 lbs., as well as recovered a youthfulness I thought was forever gone.

Ani is a God-send. Her support, knowledge, and positive attitude time and again brought me back to myself and my responsibility for my own healing. She has become a dear friend. The program she designed was extremely comprehensive. I can’t imagine healing without her. I strongly recommend anyone with any diagnosed illness work with Ani to successfully complete their journey to health.”

~Linda C., 62-year-old retired college professor, Atlanta, GA

"On and off for the last seventeen years I have suffered from low-energy, insomnia, and slight depression. In the last four years, I have had weight gain, continuous hunger, back and waist fat, puffy eyes, non-stop stomach aches and no energy. I had no idea what toxicity was until I began my BodyByBliss journey and realized how much poison I carried in my body.

The BodyByBliss program has left me feeling more energy, without continuous hunger pains, able to sleep at nights, with shining, sparkling eyes, and without depression! My bonus is that I weigh fifteen pounds less! 

Ani was there for me when I had many questions. She needed to slow my process down and adjusted my program. Her knowledge in the field of health and well-being is amazing. Her commitment to her client’s well-being is beyond commendable. The program is a challenge but I have learned a lot and look forward to staying healthy.”  

Sat~Nam (True Identity to know my true identity).  

~Lorraine R., ageless Executive Assistant, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM 

Discover your Bliss here www.bodybybliss.com

“For years I was aging badly – tired, colds, sinus infections, headaches, arthritis. You name it I had it in one way or another. I thought it was stress. I thought it was genetics. I thought it was a lot of things and spent years with alternative practitioners, only to have some symptoms subside and others show up.

A friend who had worked with Ani referred me to BodyByBliss. After a few conversations with her, I decided to give the program a try. She warned me the program wouldn’t be easy. I didn’t look forward to what seemed to be a radical change in my life. But I knew if I didn’t do something, my 50s would be a lot worse than my 40s, and they seemed like my 60s!

After about ten days of discomfort, I started to feel better. My aches and pains, headaches, tiredness, lack of enthusiasm in life were gone. My program was for four weeks, and by the end of two weeks I felt like a new person.  By the end of the program I lost 28 lbs. and felt like a new man. Not only did I feel ten years younger, but I looked younger – a lot younger. My family and friends were so pleased to see my health return after many years of chronic problems.

Now I maintain the program about 50% of the time, eating only organic foods, and juicing at least once a week. I refer everyone I know to BodyByBliss. I can’t thank Ani enough for her vast health knowledge, deep commitment to her clients, and natural kindness. If angels exist, she’s one.”

~Stephen M., 48-year-old Software and Systems Designer, Seattle, WA

"After a laparoscopic surgery in March ‘06 I was advised by two doctors that I should have a hysterectomy, due to extreme fibroids, cysts and endometriosis. I was having extremely painful menstruation. I had no energy. I had no enthusiasm for life, was extremely emotional, and just did not feel well.

However, I was resistant to the idea of a hysterectomy. I found Anne through a friend who had success with the BodyByBliss cleansing program. My friend had energy and a glow. She experienced weight loss of more than 20 lbs. when she did the program, after working out for I don’t know how long without results.

I wanted to know what she had done. I wanted an alternative way to heal. Anne designed a specialized cleansing plan for me, and though difficult at first, as I had major detoxing to do, I am at a place now where I have energy, enthusiasm, vitality, a sense of well being and "alignment" with myself. The pain I was experiencing with menstruation is minimal and I am much less emotional around that time. I lost those 12 + lbs. I could never seem to lose, too. I also had huge grief in my life. I feel that the BodyByBliss program helped me release much emotional pain around that grief.

As I continue now to eat 75% raw and juice at least once a week, I find I am feeling better all the time. Anne is a blessing in my life. I have found bliss through BodyByBliss."

~Danna C., 46-year-old Real Estate Executive, Santa Fe, NM

“Several years ago at age 36, I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. My physician put me on five different pharmaceuticals to manage the endless symptoms. He told me there was no cure. I would struggle, he said, for the rest of my life with these debilitating illnesses. I tried almost every alternative therapy available. Only some worked some of the time. All were expensive and required an investment that time would deny. 

My 54 year-old cousin Lauren worked with Ani for more than three months to regain her health. She told me all about the BodyByBliss program, and how it worked miracles for her. For the first time in her life, she felt calm, peaceful, and strongly healthy. She was sick since she was a child. After speaking with Ani, I decided to dive in. The results have been more than I could’ve dreamed of.

The Chronic Fatigue and FMS remitted 90% or more, in only four weeks. I look and feel so much younger. Thirty-two pounds melted away and no more meds! I am happy, at ease, and excited about a life without disease. After reflection during my program, I began exploring a new career, one I’ve dreamed of since I was a teenager.  My family relationships feel healed, too. They are filled with more love, tolerance, and harmony. My program was specific for CFIDS and FMS, chronic disorders. Now I eat mostly living foods, drink wheatgrass every day, pray regularly, exercise daily, and practice mindfulness. Never do I want to experience either disease again.

Ani’s knowledge and dedication are inspiring. She is a true healer and a great teacher. My whole family learned how to better appreciate that our bodies are of service to us and deserve our service to them. Her spiritual approach and her intuition are extraordinary. I recommend BodyByBliss to anyone who wishes to improve their health and life. I’ve introduced Ani to my CFIDS/FMS support group now that I no longer have to go! Thank you Ani for saving me from a life of illness.”

~Elizabeth R., 38-year-old mother of three graced children and wife to the best man on earth, Sun Valley, ID

"Since working with Ani about a year ago, my life is transformed. Ani is an amazing teacher. Radiant health has returned, my relationships are more rewarding and my career has blossomed! When I was referred to her by a friend who worked with her years ago and still experiences the positive results of Ani’s teaching, my life was exhausted.  

After twenty years of raising two beautiful children, working full-time in a highly competitive industry, and living my husband’s mid-life crisis, my life was burnt ~ to a crisp. Ani worked tirelessly to design a personalized program that rejuventated my mind, body and soul. And together, we did it! I have a whole new life.   

Thank you Ani for your beautiful dedication. You’re such an inspiration. You’re a well-deserved angel in my life.”"

~Beth C., Entrepreneur, Dallas, TX

“Ani Kaspar you are the most inspirational God/dess in my world! BodyByBliss (TM) is the most comprehensive, yet personalized whole being rejuvenation program my friends and I have encountered. And we know the best, and the rest. It would take pages to communicate effectively what working with Ani has done for me and my friends. Many pages.

Ani’s training at Hippocrates Health and Optimum Health Institute and her affiliation with the Tree of Life forms as a branch member the bedrock of her mind-boggling knowledge and soulful guidance. Her life training, via Wall Street, as a self-empowered God/dess and through serious breast cancer, is invaluable. She knows and it shows. If you want your life to bloom, let Ani tend to your garden, with her boundless love.”

~Jessie G., Software Designer, San Mateo, CA

“I have known Ani for a number of years and admired her approach to her own cancer. Now in 2010, after a diagnosis of breast cancer, a mastectomy, and two sessions of horrific chemo, I reached out to Ani. Without hesitation, she worked closely with me to determine how best to proceed. She designed a custom holistic cleansing and rebuidlling program that considers the body, mind and spirit. I believe Ani is the Martha Stewart of healing.

In only three weeks, I feel like a new person. I am energetic and stronger every day, and am at about 75% of what I was in 2009. I am actually running again. Three weeks ago I could barely walk to the kitchen to make some tea! Using the best bio super foods, organic veggies, “gifts” from the sea and powerful supplements, colonics, lymphatic cleanses and more, we have are creating a healthy me!”

~Bette R., Fine Artist, Santa Fe, NM

Experience your Bliss here www.bodybybliss.com

"More than five weeks ago, Annie and I sat down to map out a course of action to turn my low-energy, depressed, flatulent, bloated, over-weight, arthritic self into something far more appealing! I had been working out 5-6 times a week for quite sometime. Nothing seemed to be working to lose weight and to make me feel GOOD. I was struggling to just feel some semblance of my former happy self.

What ensued was a well orchestrated program that has left me 15 pounds thinner, flatulence free, off hormone replacement therapy, pain-free, healthier, and happier. I have found an exuberant version of me. What I have now is a true appreciation of what it is my body both deserves and now demands. 

Annie’s knowledge is impressive; her commitment to my well-being was both genuine and generous both in terms of time spent and effort given. Annie has changed my life. I truly have my BodyByBliss."

~Candy J., 46-year-old Independent Film Producer, Santa Fe, NM

"For six months, I’ve researched alternative ways to manage my chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, insomnia, and blackouts. After ten years of physicians not helping me, only prescribing drugs that made my conditions worse, I felt hopeless. I wanted also to lose 100 lbs. I found BodyByBliss and Annie via a chat room, where I could tell, by reading her messages, how committed she was to wellness and health.  

I started BodyByBliss two months ago. In only two weeks, my chronic fatigue lessened, my insomnia and fibromyalgia nearly disappeared (bare traces of it now), and my blackouts stopped completely. I’ve only lost 30 lbs. so far, but I continue to be committed to the program. The other results have been too immediate and too good not to continue.  

Annie has been there for me when I had endless questions. She changed what needed to be changed, adjusted my program as we went, continually monitoring my progress or lack thereof. I always feel as though I am in loving, highly competent hands.  

I would recommend BodyByBliss’s program and Annie to whomever truly wishes to heal themselves with the most natural methods available. The program is not easy, but being sick is far worse. I feel like a new person and committed to being a healthy me!"

~Leva D., 30-year-old Real Estate Executive, Reno, NV

“Since the birth of my last child, my health was never the same. Sinus infections, allergies, arthritis, and hypoglycemia were the diagnoses traditional medicine gave me along with too many medications. Last winter, when I contracted pneumonia, I was hospitalized. I knew I was very sick. Three children, a stressful profession, and a demanding marriage had taken their toll. I knew I had to do something very different if I was to be the healthy and happy woman I once knew.

The god-mother of my last child and a school friend worked with Annie more than two years ago. I recalled her telling me the program turned her health around.  At the time, she was diabetic, overweight and suffered from low energy, insomnia, and acne. When I called Lauren to talk about her experience, she told me how the BodyByBliss program saved her life.

I am now into the third week of my program. I have my life back and more. I feel deeply happy, strong, and vibrant. I feel like myself without medication! My BodyByBliss program is for six weeks. The arthritis, allergies, and sinus infection are gone. Next week, I test for blood sugar levels and hypoglycemia – it feels like my blood sugar levels are normal. No headaches, no afternoon fatigue, no cravings for sweets. I recommend Annie and her work to anyone who wants to recapture the happiness and health of their life.”

~Carol G., 36-year-old CPA, mother and wife, Mill Valley, CA

Find your bliss here www.bodybybliss.com

Vibrant Voices for Intuitive Sovereignty IS™

Transformative experiences from IS™ students.

“Ani’s IS program is a must-do. I have been a student of a number of spiritual and self-help disciplines throughout the years. Many forms of meditation and yoga have brought me inner peace and wisdom, but IS brought me even closer to my true, authentic divine self, the source my personal responsibility and power. My level of awareness has deepened, my consciousness has expanded. My health and relationships have improved, and my career is transformed. I am grateful for finding the power of IS.”

~ John H., Attorney, Denver, CO

“I always thought my intuition was strong, but IS proved to me my intuition is paramount to reclaiming happiness. After five sessions with Ani, I almost couldn’t believe how much I had abandoned my true self, the truth of my being, of my soul. IS is a remarkable tool for everyone and so easy once you practice the exercises.”

 ~ Karen J., Computer Software Designer, Palo Alto, CA

“IS helped me find my way through a long and strenuous divorce. After thirty years of being someone’s wife, and the mother of four children, I felt lost, unable to center myself and find joy in life. Ani’s coaching and the specific IS exercises opened my eyes—and my heart—widely maybe for the first time in my life. Now I know what I want, what brings me joy and how to live a full, happy, and empowered life.”

 ~Janine P., Graphic Artist, Austin, TX

“Ani’s IS exercises are brilliant life-savers. Without working with Ani and her unique approach to our own inherent well-spring of knowledge, my husband and I would probably be divorced. Within ten sessions, we understood each other. We could communicate, interact and BE with each other without judgment. We reignited our love and our passion. We loved instead of fought.

We were lucky. We were able to meet with Ani twice weekly, personally, on her sacred veranda in Porta De Sol. Her intuition unraveled years of confusion between us. Or as she would say ~ she simply saw helped us open to our truth. We recommended friends and family members to her over the past year, and still see her on occasion. We believe every body needs an Ani. We love you Ani!”

~Paul and Janice F., Lovers, Porta Del Sol, Puerto Rico

“Three months ago after being unemployed for more than a year, I was heading for a complete break-down. A friend who consulted with her years ago when he was experiencing a hard time in his life, referred me to Ani and the IS method. Well. Without hesitation here’s the truth: I have never felt more empowered, more grounded or more able to do what I am now doing with my life ~ starting a new business, being my authentic self in all of my relationships and “moving in grace” toward my highest dreams.

Ani is a compassionate, loving woman who has triumphed in the face of wild adversity. She reaches out to you, teaches you tenderly, and holds a ‘graced space” for you as you rediscover your deepest, true self. I’ve been a part of the healing/New Age movement for more than twenty years, and never experienced anything like what Ani is. Ani is a God/dess and a God/dess send.”

~Steve K., Journalist, Boston, MA

“Ani, thank you for being the beautiful soul and sensitive woman you are. Without your boundless love, the IS approach, and your endless patience, I may not have made it through breast cancer. I mean it. Your soulful work should be taught around the world, to all people who are challenged by life’s more interesting events. You’ve pulled together such an easy way to return to truth, to be your deepest love and your innate grace. You helped me save my life. Can’t thank you enough!!! I love you mi amor.”

~June W., Interior Designer, Phoenix, AZ

Find your own Intuitive Sovereignty here.


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