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(NaturalNews) It used to be that when you talked about Big Government conspiring with Big Pharma to use human beings as guinea pigs in bizarre medical experiments, people would look at you as if you were some kind of loon. "Oh, the American government would never do that," they'd say, smug in their self assurance that they are somehow ruled by compassionate, honest government operatives and corporate do-gooders who are always looking out for the public's best interest.Imagine their shock when the thin veil of disinformation was lifted with last Saturday's announcement that the U.S. government was apologizing for intentionally infecting innocent Guatemalans with diseases so they could study the effects of antibiotic drugs (
All of a sudden, all those people who somehow thought medical science was all about protecting people found themselves stunned -- and even ashamed -- to learn that their own government would conspire with the medical industry to intentionally engage in such behavior.
Welcome to the real world, folks. In the real world, governments are the great mass-murderers of our world. Throughout human history, more human beings have been maimed, tortured and murdered by governments than by any other type of organization on the planet. And virtually all of that activity has been justified under the excuse that they were working to "make the world a better place."
That's the same line Big Pharma uses today. All their medical experiments on innocent children, expectant mothers, blacks, prisoners and soldiers are all designed to "help them find new cures," they claim. See the full list here:
Setting the record straight on government-pharma conspiracies
With this recent admission firmly in mind, let's set something straight on the issue of government-pharma collusion.It is now an admitted fact that the U.S. government conspired with the pharmaceutical industry to conduct medical experiments on innocent victims. (This has actually been known for a long, long time, but only now has the mainstream begun to admit to it.) Thus, the U.S. government really does engage in "conspiracies" with Big Pharma. And this means reports of such conspiracy theories can no longer be blown off as mere "conspiracy theories" -- a term thrown around by skeptics who try to pretend there is no such thing as a conspiracy in our world.
A "conspiracy" simply means two or more parties working together in secret to accomplish a particular agenda. Once you understand that, it becomes clear that virtually everything Big Pharma does these days involves a conspiracy of one kind or another... a conspiracy to manipulate the data, a conspiracy to achieve FDA approval, a conspiracy to hide the negative studies, a conspiracy to bribe doctors, and so on. Most of what is called "modern science" is actually made up of multiple layers of devious conspiracies that have yet to be fully uncovered and exposed.
Now that we know the U.S. government has engaged in conspiracies with Big Pharma (because the Guatemala incident is just one of a great many such conspiracies), we can ask the question: "Is the U.S. government still conspiring with Big Pharma today to achieve some particular agenda?"
The medical science conspiracies continue
The answer to that seems obvious to those who are paying attention: YES it is! You see this quite blatantly on two significant issues:#1) Vaccines
#2) Public water fluoridationIn both of these cases, the government conspires to exploit the American people as if they were human guinea pigs. For both vaccines and fluoridation, there is absolutely no hard science to support these toxic chemical interventions as medically beneficial for the masses, and in fact both the fluoride suppliers and seasonal flu vaccine manufacturers will readily admit there have been no legitimate scientific studies conducted that show their products to be either safe or effective. Instead, they are being dumped onto the population as some sort of grand medical experiment to see what happens (and to make a buck).
The U.S. government, as you well know, is fully behind this effort. So are most state and local governments. You see, not only does the U.S. government knowingly use the American people as guinea pigs for medical experiments; it now combines these medical experiments with outrageous propaganda campaigns to try to recruit more people into the experimental pool. Hurry and get vaccinated, everybody! We want to find out what happens when a hundred million gullible people allow themselves to be injected with viral DNA fragments grown in rotten eggs and diseased animals...
Actually, they don't seem to care much what happens to the test subjects (that would be you and me). What they really want to accomplish is the confiscation of obscene profits for the pharmaceutical companies and chemical companies that make such products. The experiment, you see, isn't actually pointless. It has a purpose: To collect more money!
Ask your friends this question
Ask your friends this question: "Do you believe the United States government would conspire with the pharmaceutical industry to secretly infect innocent victims with a deadly disease so they could study the effectiveness of a new drug?"If they answer "no," then they're pretty much in the dark in this issue. Tell them about the Guatemalan experiment. Open their eyes to the reality of the very same government that's now running their health care system. Help them understand that when it comes to health care, you can't trust Big Government with your life because Big Government doesn't really value human life. In fact, they will exploit human lives to provide experimental fodder for the pharmaceutical industrial complex.
An intelligent person, upon realizing the truth about this, will begin to ask new questions about whether it is appropriate for a mass-murdering government to do things like run health care systems; engage in "death panel" decision making; approve dangerous pharmaceuticals as safe; or approve experimental vaccines that have never been scientifically tested. A true skeptic would inevitably conclude that a government which has already proven itself to be a reckless guardian of human life should not be entrusted with administering the entire medical system -- the very same medical system, by the way, that is guilty of covertly using human beings as lab rats in potentially deadly medical experiments.
Letting the U.S. government run your health care is sort of like letting a child molester run your neighborhood watch program. Sure, they'll be watching. But perhaps not in the way you might want them to.
Seriously, we all must ask this important question: If the U.S. government would collude with Big Pharma to infect innocent human beings with deadly diseases just so they could study the effectiveness of an antibiotic drug that would be sold for huge profits, what else are these institutions capable of doing?
The answer to that should be obvious, even if we are reluctant to accept it. Big Government and Big Pharma, if allowed to exercise control over our lives, will destroy our lives by exploiting us for their own dark agendas. It's as true in Georgia as in Guatemala, and if anything, the crimes being committed under the dark umbrella of "medical science" have only gotten worse since the 1940's. Today, Big Pharma has tens of millions of children and adults on psychiatric drugs; hospitals are performing hundreds of thousands of unnecessary surgeries each year; doctors are dishing out billions of doses of dangerous prescription medications... and the U.S. government just looks on and declares it all to be perfectly safe. Better than safe, actually -- it's even good for you!
If you still think the U.S. government is not running medical experiments on human beings, that's because you ARE the experiment.
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About the author: Mike Adams is an award-winning journalist and holistic nutritionist with a mission to teach personal and planetary health to the public He has authored and published thousands of articles, interviews, consumers guides, and books on topics like health and the environment, reaching millions of readers with information that is saving lives and improving personal health around the world. Adams is a trusted, independent journalist who receives no money or promotional fees whatsoever to write about other companies' products. In 2010, Adams launched NaturalNews.TV, a natural health video site featuring videos on holistic health and green living. He also launched an online retailer of environmentally-friendly products ( and uses a portion of its profits to help fund non-profit endeavors. He's also a successful software entrepreneur, having founded a well known email marketing software company whose technology currently powers the NaturalNews email newsletters. Adams is currently the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit, and practices nature photography, Capoeira, martial arts and organic gardening. He's also author of numerous health books published by Truth Publishing and is the creator of several consumer-oriented grassroots campaigns, including the Spam. Don't Buy It! campaign, and the free downloadable Honest Food Guide. He also created the free reference sites and Adams believes in free speech, free access to nutritional supplements and the ending of corporate control over medicines, genes and seeds.
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