10 Natural Memory Loss Remedies
posted by Samantha, selected from Tonic Sep 19, 2010 9:08 amMemory loss is one of the downers of getting older. If life were fair, more rich experiences would mean more rich memories. But, of course, the brain ages too, and its ability to retain and relish often wanes.
There are, however, some great natural ways to bolster your brain’s ability to remember. Here they are:
Eat Regularly — The brain is only 2-3 percent of the body’s weight, but takes up 20 percent of its energy, so giving it the fuel it needs helps it function optimally.
Super Foods — Spinach, strawberries and blueberries are called “super foods” because they strengthen the brain. Eat lots of them.
Drink Hot Beverages — Tea and coffee stimulate the brain and help it access memories more effectively.
Avoid Alcohol – Like it or not, booze is bad for the brain’s memory banks.
Take Vitamins — A good regimen of supplements, especially folic acid, will help you remember better.
Herbalize — A variety of herbs, such as gingko biloba, have been shown to help improve memory retention.
Stress Less — Trying to alleviate stress in your life, through relaxation or meditation, helps your brain retain.
Play More Games — Mental games, like crossword puzzles and Sudoku, sharpen your faculties.
Exercise — Many reasons to do this, one of which is it keeps your brain healthy.
Get Regular Sleep — Getting your slumbers on a regular schedule is good for your noggin.
You can read more in-depth description and medical citations about these remedies at LifeScript.com.
Bottom line: A life full of activities that strengthen your mind is a life more fully lived and more finely recalled.
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222 comments add your comment0 [render:contentloaded] => 0.032005071640015 [render:tokensbuilt] => 0.032052040100098 [render:end] => 0.032063961029053 ) -->thanks. it is very useful. putting so many things in life everyday it has become a habit to forget
If I could figure out some way to eliminate the 'hot flashes' of pre-menopause, I'd DEFINITELY drink more coffee, tea and enjoy once again some home made soup. Up for suggestions here. Thanks for a very good article!
Take all this stuff with "a grain of salt" (not literally), do the research and form your own judgments about what works, stay as healthy as you can, stay mentally and physically active, and be nice to your brain.
Being an elder does not have to be the end of all things good.
A renowned psychiatrist, whom I much admire, said that our lessons as we grow older are the lessons of letting go of all things until death itself claims us. On this issue I disagree.I will be 68 in October and these are golden years for me. No, I don't have much money. My family is one daughter in Oklahoma. But these are golden years for me. I am active in volunteer and church work. I am busy and happy. I eat right, exercise and take my supplements. I have time to do the things I really care about. There aren't that many years left. I'm using what I have to the utmost. And I am happy.
I occasionally imagine I have crossed over to the other side and I am at the Beema Seat of Christ. What will I wish I had not done? What ammends would I make if I had one more day? What will I wish I had done? If I had one more day to live, what would I do? If only I had a second chance!
Praise God! I do have a second chance. I'm back on Earth, haven't crossed over yet. This is my one more day. Then, lookig to Jesus for direction, I LIVE that day to my utmost. And give HIM thanks.
I'm not just letting go of things. I am making choices. What is really important? I do it. What FUN!
It's a great way to live!I
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10 Natural Memory Loss Remedies | Care2 Healthy & Green Living
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