Gen Ys are lazy. Gen Xers are whiners. Baby Boomers are workaholics. With all the trash-talking and stereotypes going on, it’s no wonder people think we can’t all get along! This week’s chat focused on what’s behind generational differences in the workplace.
Each Tuesday at 12:00 pm CT, Becky Benishek (@MyPath_MP) and Amanda Gulralski (@bizMebizgal), publisher and cofounder of online magazine and Gen Y career expert and speaker, host an hour-long Career Chat on Twitter (#careerchat). Joining us again were Jill Perlberg, Lesley Weiss, and Mark Jelfs from the MyPath team. You can learn about upcoming topics and submit your questions by following @MyPath_MP and @bizMebizgal.
Next week, the focus is on internships. Wondering how to land an internship or how to make the best of the one you have? We’ll answer those questions and get into the nitty-gritty of what internships are really like, including how to ensure you’re not stapling paper for three months. Join the #careerchat group and the panel of interns we’ve organized next Tuesday, August 17th.
August 10, 2010: Generational Differences
Question 1: What do you think is the biggest difference between the generations?
On differences and generalizations:
bizMebizgal: The biggest difference is generation Y’s lack of soft skills. Gen Y does not know how to communicate face to face
Jill_Perlberg: Perceptions. Gen Y’s are considered lazy, but maybe they’ve figured out a quicker way to get things done.
TECMidwest: Every generation brings their own experience to the table. It’s very important to keep an open mind.
bizMebizgal: Gen Y does not have the experience they need yet to help people keep this open mind when working with them
buzzandrea: It’s also important to remember these are generalizations – not all Boomers, Xers, Y’s, etc … share same traits.
Jelfster: If you believe the stereotypes, Boomers are washed up, Gen X selfish, Gen Y lazy – not very helpful pigeon-holing.On entitlement:
thatwoman_is: The level of “Ownership or that things are due to you.”
Jill_Perlberg: Entitlement tends to be a big one. What you are “owed” vs. what you’ve earned.
thatwoman_is: I love they can be open. But entitlement and right to be “open” to a fault w/o thought is challenging
bizMebizgal: I hate the word “entitlement” and that is one of the favorite words of Gen Y!On technology:
Jill_Perlberg: For younger generations, it’s inherent in everything they do. For older generations, it’s new.
bizMebizgal: Gen Y’s use of technology has taken away the skills to communicate across all generations. Lol is not understood by everyone.
thatwoman_is: Some babyboomers are afraid to embrace technology – and therefore they are not embracing communicating w/everyone
MyPath_MP: I agree. Depends on the industry too. I know #boomers who are far ahead of the game when it comes to tech!
bizMebizgal: Absolutely but when they receive emails like text messages, I am sure that discourages them from getting involved
thatwoman_is: Not all babyboomers are afraid. I actually embrace technology more than my 32 yr old son. I text, DM, IM, SKYPE
Jelfster: Some are. There’s assumption that because they are in twilight of career, they’re not interested in training.
WomensAlly: we are in the age of technology, it is all about who can master it better/ more efficient
bizMebizgal: 68% of Boomers agree PDAs & mobile phones contribute to a decline in proper workplace etiquette; 46% of Gen Y workers think so.
thatwoman_is: And that is a shame. It makes it difficult for boomers like me who are in this space and seen as “antiqued.”
bizMebizgal: I definitely agree but you are few and far between. I like it when boomers embrace technology and adapt.
Jelfster: Older workers may not be ‘tech savvy’ but their experience cannot be replicated or replaced.
MyPath_MP: Good point! Just because things may be done differently now doesn’t invalidate experience behind it – quite the opp.
WomensAlly: Nothing can replace experience
Jill_Perlberg: Agree. One thing older gen’s have is experience–office politics, sticky situations.You can’t learn that in school.
thatwoman_is: I think anyone’s experience can be replicated and everyone can be replaced. It’s learning 2/b appreciated/respectedOn sharing traits:
Jill_Perlberg: Is there a feeling that boomers, X’ers have busted their butts and want the same things that Y’s are getting out of school?
buzzandrea: I’ll admit that it feels that way sometimes. I also feel as if my generation gets lost at times.
thatwoman_is: Older doesn’t mean smarter and experienced. And younger doesn’t mean easier to grasp technology. It’s confidence.
buzzandrea: I agree! I am an Xer, but I tend to carry traits of Millennials.
bizMebizgal: Ha! I am a Gen Y and I have traits more like an Xer.
thatwoman_is:LOL I’m a boomer and tend to have traits of an Xer![]()
On what everybody wants:
Jill_Perlberg: According to AARP, all gens want similar things: flexibility, career dev, and recognition.
LesleyMWeiss: Exactly. And every generation, when entering the workforce, wanted to change things from the status quo
Jelfster: I would add to that ‘respect’. Seems this is in short supply in an inter-generational sense!
MyPath_MP: So far what’s coming clear is that there is definitely a skewed perception among & between gens.
thatwoman_is: This true. No one generation has the key or is the key. We have many keys!On receiving feedback:
Jill_Perlberg: I’ve heard that Gen Y’s are not good at receiving feedback…is it receiving or how it’s given?
bizMebizgal: I have coached several Gen Yers & they don’t like hearing you are not good at something. Makes it difficult
thatwoman_is: Receiving feedback — I don’t think all Gen Y’s are like this. Generally it’s true. They want to “justsaying” but dont’ want to #justlistentomyresponse
bizMebizgal: ur right, Im Gen Y, 81. I like receiving feedback. Younger Gen Y, college students, high school not so much.
karolynliberty: Sounds like not good at receiving*critical* feedback. We’re hungry for meaningful praise
MyPath_MP: Excellent point. Feedback should give you something to work with.
WriterChanelle: We love receiving feedback! We just like it in the moment. Not explosive outbursts 5 months later in a review
WriterChanelle: The problem comes when we’re expected to know what we’re doing wrong.
Jill_Perlberg: Yup. But being able to give feedback to someone as hard as them being able to accept it–no matter the age
WriterChanelle: That is true. Reception of feedback is dependent upon person not generation
ASQ_Trish: think we all like positve feedback, but what about negative
Jill_Perlberg: that’s exactly my point–not easy for any gen. but my own exper is that y’s are not keen on getting the critical fb
MyPath_MP: Constructive criticism helps more than positive feedback.
Jelfster: Some firms don’t give honest feedback to older workers for fear of hurting their feelings. Does them a disserviceTakeaways:
WomensAlly: There are no failures – just experiences and your reactions to them. -Tom Krause
Jelfster: As demographics change, we need to incent boomers to stay in work longer. Need to engage older workers.
WomensAlly: Learn from the leadership role models in your life.Question 2: What are the traits of #GenX, #GenY, #Boomers?
On differences:
MyPath_MP: And is there a difference between “young” #geny & “older” #geny, for example?
Jill_Perlberg: I think there are diff within a gen. A 20 yrold and a 30 in the same gen are way different.
PaigeHolden: I totally agree, but I think life experience has more to do with that than anything else.
ASQ_Trish: Sometimes Gen Y are a little too reliant on tech. Sometimes its much better to get up & talk to someone rather than email.
PaigeHolden: Good point. I have to remind myself to do that every day.
karolynliberty: there’s always individual variability but i think diff bt old/young millennials is only bc youngers arent adults yet
Jelfster: Boomers: Idealistic, loyal to company. X: Pragmatic, loyal to career. Y: Spontaneous, loyal to purpose.
Jill_Perlberg: Boomers-personal interaction Y’s -social responsibility and w/l balance/technology, X’rs-a mix of all of them.
WriterChanelle: Agreed. Many complain that GenY does nothing and wants everything, but I just don’t see that as true.
thatwoman_is: Back in the 60′s & 70′s when we were “young” boomers took on social responsibility. Ecology, the war, sexism
buzzandrea: I think its a lot of things – from mode of communication to level of directness to respect for work, etc
karolynliberty: younger = expected to be more deferent. “respect for work” is interesting, what do you mean by that?On emailing and texting vs phone & face time:
karolynliberty: over-use of email by millennials? I hear this at work and really don’t get it. isn’t it ruder to phone/face instead? That is, requires their time right NOW but ermail is asynchronous… no?
ASQ_Trish: it depends – if it’s a quick little emails – no prob. But if they go on forever – get up
karolynliberty: OK, that works. Think I’ve been doing the opposite…
ASQ_Trish: had some occasions when co-works never email though too.
karolynliberty: never email? *staggers back* I just don’t know what to say.
MyPath_MP: Just seen @BrazenCareerist: The average Gen Y-er sends/receives >740 text msgs/month. Preferred means of comm?
PaigeHolden: I definitely prefer text messages/email. Don’t like talking on the phone or checking voicemail.
Jill_Perlberg: may work with people who prefer in person convo’s. We all need to blend to be successful.
MyPath_MP: Does texting/email seem more immediate and more personal than phone/vmail? Or just more efficient?
LesleyMWeiss:I think email seems less pushy to younger people–phone calls and face to face require attention RIGHT NOW
karolynliberty: Less pushy, completely agree. Seems to imply I am more important than everything you have to do if I call/stop by!
PaigeHolden: For me, it’s more efficient, immediate and less intrusive. I’ve never been a big talker.
bizMebizgal: If you don’t like talking, how do you deal with confrontation in the workplace when you are forced to talk.
PaigeHolden: Don’t like talking and not being able to are two diff things! I’m capable of talking things out and often do
bizMebizgal: Good! Just don’t lose those skills as well. They often fall by the wayside.
PaigeHolden: Actually, it’s my friends who know to text or email me. In business, you have to put preference aside.
Jill_Perlberg: I like phone or personal conv. because the wrong tone/message may come through email or txt.
ASQ_Trish: tone of an email…funny how a quickly written email can mean something you didn’t intend
WriterChanelle: Email is more efficient. Phone calls allow people to ramble and get distracted.
WomensAlly: text messaging does allow for the quick answers to questions too short for a phone call
bizMebizgal: I am such a strong believer that face to face is the best way to work. Technology makes it quicker but face to face builds.
WomensAlly: face to face allows for a deeper connection, but no one seems to have the time for that these days
bizMebizgal: they also don’t see the importance of building that relationship.On making sacrifices:
MyPath_MP: Does #GenY feel like they’re making more sacrifices to “get along” than #Boomers, #GenX, etc?
WriterChanelle: I’ve never felt that the world owed me anything, and I know many my age who feel the same.
thatwoman_is: I get that more often w/my new brand unGeeked _ some feel they are entitled to participate & challenge why not
bizMebizgal: Wow really? Like speak and lead sessions? Do you find it more with Gen Y than any other generation?
thatwoman_is: YES! I couldn’t believe how many ppl approached me after unGeeked feeling entitlement and noted I didn’t give back.
buzzandrea: I actually feel as if I am expected to make more sacrifices, especially for older generations
karolynliberty: re:sacrifices do you think that’s mainly based on age (family first so the singles stay late to work on deadline)
bizMebizgal: I am Gen Y. I also know a lot younger Gen Y that feel everything should be handed to them bc it always has been
WriterChanelle: They’re ruining it for the rest of us good GenY’ers. But, hey, is it their fault? They didn’t raise themselves.
WriterChanelle: GenY I believe. Took a 1am biz call yesterday
Jill_Perlberg: Doing calls at all hours,is what you do if your job demands it. I don’t think it’s generational. I did them at 22 and at 33On changing dynamics:
Jelfster: Will be fascinating when boomers retire, Gen X become managers and Gen Y workers. How will work practices evolve?
bizMebizgal: A whole lot of meshing going on. I think all generations have strong attributes that can bring to the table
Jelfster: Young workers don’t respond well to “In my day, we were up at 3am, down coal pit til 8. You young’uns don’t know you’re born!
ASQ_Trish: What I love about someone who’s been at a company for a while – Well….we used to do it like this
karolynliberty: Esp. as the reason we can’t change the policy : We changed it once before, and got this
ASQ_Trish: no kidding! the history is good – but we need progress
Jill_Perlberg: love it.. espec. when it was something, then new, then back to old…which way is up.
MyPath_MP: People need to embrace change, but for right reasons (not just to say Hey, we’re embracing chg)
karolynliberty: Change for change’s sake is what younger workers’ ideas are often dismissed as
MyPath_MP: Excellent point. Comes down to perception again. People need to take a step back and listen.
WriterChanelle: Blech…lol. I don’t get why people bring up “what used to” sell, do, say. That’s the past. It’s not done anymore.
LesleyMWeiss: I think it’s important to learn from what’s been done/said/tried in the past–and what failed and succeeded and why
MyPath_MP: Agree! Reinventing the wheel often doesn’t work so well.
ASQ_Trish: true – we don’t want to repeat a mistake from the past. But let’s try to move forward
thatwoman_is: What is funny, boomers had to deal w/our parents when we were on the forefront of emails, fax and over sized car phones
Jill_Perlberg: I adapt to both my mom and colleagues. And in many cases, they adapt backTakeaways:
TECMidwest: The amount of professional experience influences your traits. Some people are more eager to learn.
SarahHofmann: Give us 5 years, and we’ll have experience. Inevitable to any generation, not necessarily a generational trait.
LesleyMWeiss:A 30 yr old and a 40 yr old are the same generation in a different way. There’s more of a continuum than the labels imply.Question 3: About that work-life blur: Which gen finds it more manageable?
On generational challenges:
karolynliberty: work/life blur (or the lack of a slash altogether) seems like much more of a millennial thing, yes?
edcabellon:I’m not so sure. I know many Gen X-ers (including myself) who still have challenges with work/life balance.
karolynliberty: OK – sounds like the “balance” part might be less important for Millennials who smush it all together. Maybe?
edcabellon: “balance” is also defined so many ways. Having “access” to everything may be a double-edged sword.
karolynliberty: access is a double edged sword? Beyond fear of judgment re:other online activity, what’s the downside? Honest Q!
edcabellon: The downside is that not everyone has access. We assume that everyone does, but there’s a digital divide.
Jill_Perlberg: Everyone struggles–especially once you’ve been in a role without flex and then try to get later.
bizMebizgal: I am a strong believer in work/life balance.u need to recharge the batteries however work will sometimes come first.On tech-savvy balancing:
Jelfster: If you’re tech savvy you can balance better – can go home at 5 then log on later from home if needs be. Or email from B’berry.
ASQ_Trish: I would actually think that of younger workers. seems more true in my experience
karolynliberty: yeah! Skype from the game if absolutely necessary.On deciding between personal and professional demands:
Jill_Perlberg: Scenario: kid’s soccer game at 5:00, emerg. mtg called at 4:30, do you go to the mtg or the game?
WriterChanelle: There are many factors in that decision. Are you the only one that can go to the game? How many have you been to?
WriterChanelle: Can the time of the mtg be changed? Can you call into mtg from game (on mute)? How participatory do u have to be
Jill_Perlberg: I agree-My parents missed a # of my games, but I understood why, when they did come it was really special
bizMebizgal: My parents came to every sporting event I did however things didn’t change for my dad until he was the boss.
bizMebizgal: Gen Y is used to time management. They like dipping their hands in a lot of stuff. Must get everything done, so they find a way.Open questions
karolynliberty: Let’s bring up email etiquette… I keep hearing that shorter is better?
bizMebizgal: It depends what needs to be covered. I like keeping it short and then following up with a call for more detail.
LesleyMWeiss: I think it’s better to send one long email than a million short ones. Content is key.
MyPath_MP: Concise, to the point, bullet your ideas out if you hv to–make yourself understood. What do you think?
karolynliberty: yet others’ tweet-emails are unhelpful and my dissertations are frustrating
karolynliberty: Maybe using Google Wave would make them OK, but the 20 message thread they produce is… sigh.
ASQ_Trish: to the point is best, no bold or all caps
bizMebizgal: Keeping emails to 140 characters is a NO!!
karolynliberty: I like bullets! Use of underline/italic/bold to highlight the main points in a long email usually just irritating
Jill_Perlberg: Boomers like more background info to make sure they understand the entire situation. I summarize first & add detail belowJill_Perlberg: Who is more eager to accept change? Does gen. matter?
Jelfster: Cos. need to adopt more flexible mindsets and adjust work arrangements to leverage the multi-generational workforce effectively.
And, finally…
WriterChanelle: We all have our flaws. Let’s work together to fix them
thatwoman_is: Older doesn’t mean smarter and experienced. Younger doesn’t mean easier to grasp technology. It’s confidence.
karolynliberty: Millennials Need Input.
thatwoman_is: We focus too much on [work-life balance]. There w/never be a balance. Just give-give of time on both ends.
Jelfster: We need to concentrate on the value of the individual versus their age. Unacceptable to stereotype by any other criteria.
karolynliberty: Would love direct actionable negative feedback.. not traditional office politics that we really don’t understand yet
bizMebizgal: Technology is part of every aspect of GenY lives. And that means lines between professional time & personal time can get fuzzy
WriterChanelle: Sometimes Gen Y are a little too reliant on tech. Sometimes better to talk to someone rather than email.
thatwoman_is: I think like race – the different generations have plenty of similar traits – we just focus too much on differences.
Jelfster: Regardless of age, new management and a rapidly changing business world can leave a worker uncertain of their priorities
WriterChanelle: Common sense isn’t common!Links & resources:
From karolynliberty:
“Financial Help: Millennials Versus Baby Boomers” on Brazen CareeristFrom WriterChanelle:
Email etiquette: Email Tone checking software on Tech CrunchFrom bizMebizgal, on
If Gen Y ruled the office
Gen Yers & Baby Boomers — Happy Together?
Techno Gap Face Off: Gen Y vs Baby BoomersOn MyPath:
Lindsey Pollak’s podcast on Gen Ys and the generational gap
Lindsey Pollak’s research on Millennials: Parents basements are crowdedSpecial thanks… To our top participants, @WriterChanelle, @karolynliberty and @thatwoman_is, and to @TrendsMilwaukee for putting #careerchat on the map.
Join us next time on Tuesday, August 17, 12 PM CT. Follow along with #careerchat! Watch @MyPath_MP and @bizMebizgal for upcoming topics.
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Generations all working together: Stereotypes, (Mis)Perceptions & Workplace Dynamics | bizMe
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