
msnbc.com business - Do you think Millennials are more disadvantaged than previous generations?

I couldn't answer that poll question for one.

I think "millennials", are in a huge bind ... a huge amount of college debt, in order to "better themselves" with college degree(s) so they are not be a burden to society and their families ... isn't that what we want in our society? We want our citizens to take care of themselves.

And their parents, now, who possibly/probably carry even more of that debt as well.

When we were in college, the nearby state college was less than $2000 per year tuition and fees ... on average over 4 years. We lived at home, and worked part time to pay for classes ... the room and board was mostly paid by mom and dad. No debt upon graduation.

But we made great salaries as a reward ... and many of us could afford to send our kids to private universities, but our kids had to take out at least $20K in loans to help pay their part.

My kids are fortunate. The right timing, and career choice is everything ... My youngest started her full-time dream job this month, and oldest getting good raises even now.

My husband lost the job that allowed all this, and is finally under-employed ... but it is clear that among those over 50, it is so hard to find jobs ... using every means available.

So today, my answer depends on which generation I dwell on ... in this family we are doing well, maybe a little more on the boring, cheap side, but things could be worse.

I just know that looking for a job is hard right now, for everyone who needs a job or wants a new job.

No matter who you are, things could probably be even worse, if you honestly think about it and make the beat of it. Or not.

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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