
Entrepreneurs Teaching Entrepreneurship | Doug Richard's School for Startups

The Naked Business

Friday 16th July 2010, 10:47am

Entrepreneurs Teaching Entrepreneurship

Nancy Fulton Mazur, Editor of School for Startups

Doug’s habit of hiring entrepreneurs to teach entrepreneurship often to leads to a bit of extra-curricular excitement here at School for Startups.

  • A film I made last year was just made an official selection by the Action on Film festival happening in Pasadena California this month.  Next week I find out if I made an award winning political film.
  • Triona is currently a finalist in ‘The Challenge 2010’, a competition run by Australian Business & Qantas. She’s a member of Team Two, competing against two other teams to produce the most outstanding networking event for young professionals here in London. It’s going to be a pretty spectacular event with food, drink and great company. If you happen to be in London, and you’re looking for a great event to hang out at, we obviously recommend this one  thefutureleadersfete.wordpress.com. You can buy your ticket’s here http://www.australianbusiness.co.uk/eventdetail.aspx?eid=28.
  • Kaja is studying Economics and Business at University College London. This is her final year, and she just set up a sole trader business to provide some research services for an international media firm.
  • Mark Boyd, who has just this weekend graduated from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, is receiving a first class honours degree in Marketing. While at university, Mark mastered affiliate marketing, search engine optimisation, pay per click marketing and social media optimisation and managed affiliate marketing campaigns for the likes of Sky, LoveFilm, Betfair, Amazon UK and Hotels.com. He was recently added to the affiliate marketing experts at AffiliateDoctors.com.
  • Alex Webb, who has been coaching in the UK and internationally for more than a decade, is about to  run a 1 week summer netball camp for 10 – 14 year olds in Bermuda in concert with two UK coaches and with the help of 5 Bermuda coaches. You can learn more about her on www.springcoaching.co.uk.
  • Vanessa Knight, until recently, worked as a sole proprietor building commercial websites for artists and designers, and also owned an incorporated company, called 100% Creative, which sold graduate art and design works online. She recently took part in the City’s Top Model Entrepreneur competition.

All that’s in addition to working full time for School for Startups.  We routinely work 50 to 60 hours a week which is something we share with most of you.

In founding School for Startups, Doug has consciously chosen to hire effective entrepreneurs to support his entrepreneurs.  I think this is due to his core belief that entrepreneurship is a skill that can be taught and must be learned.  I’ve certainly heard him say that what is wrong with most government and academic programs that purport to teach entrepreneurship is that they are led by people who’ve never, ever, started and run a successful self-sustaining business.

I suppose it is obvious that you can’t teach what you don’t know.

In working with School for Startups, I see that each of us brings a great deal of first person experience to the table . . .

  • The wide range of businesses we’ve run
  • Our understanding of the challenges entrepreneurs face
  • All the solutions we’ve individually come up with to meet those challenges
  • The business relationships and networks we’ve created

. . . all feed into the work we do for Doug’s social enterprise each month.

It is why we have such a broad range of things ongoing at any given time.

  • Live events, like the upcoming MADE in 48 HOURS hands-on course in Sheffield,
  • Online training delivered all the time through S4Stv.
  • Articles and entrepreneurs guides released four to six times a week
  • Books to support our classes
  • Initiatives to expand our support like the upcoming Mentor group
  • New charity, social enterprise and competition activities we undertake to help the communities we work in

It is our wide range of skills and resources, and our desire to help new businesses get off the ground, that lets all those things happen each and every month.  It’s why our events routinely receive at 95%+ satisfaction rating on every occasion.  We know how to help the entrepreneurs we’ve chosen to serve . . .

Our diversity really is our strength.

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