
Does Your Social Media Manager Have A Curfew? | The VAR Guy

While I’m really excited to see companies incorporating social media into their channel I see a couple vendors hiring recent college grads and expecting them to take on the “Social Media Strategy.” Gen Yers, also known as Millennials, are bringing some amazing things to the work place with their tactical use of social media. However, I have a few questions about the mind set here…

… They include:

  • How well do recent graduates know the channel?
  • I don’t like the term social media “strategy,” there are SM tactics you add to your marketing/sales/product strategies.
  • Should a 22 year old (unless they are uber intelligent) be building any strategy for a Fortune 500 company?

Cisco released a video of The Most Interesting Member of the Cisco Channels Crew. I love this guy!  Smart, funny, and with multiple retweets, shares, and comments it is obvious he did his job well. My guess is he and Cisco Global Channel Chief Keith Goodwin aren’t behind closed doors discussing Cisco’s Global Channel Strategy.

And by the 23 followers he has on twitter and a recent tweet,  “Oops…I shouldn’t have drank so much coffee! 0_o” it is obvious that Cisco gets that as well. Tap into Millennials for idea generation and content creation that draws partners and customers in…makes your company see more “human” or humane depending on your current reputation.

Social media is truly something where every single member of your organization needs to be involved.

  • Sales should be using LinkedIn to push valuable content to prospects
  • Marketing should use platforms to push messaging and create that great content
  • Executives should be building their thought leadership platform
  • Channels should be using social media to build better relationships with partners and more importantly provide partners with the social media tools they need to reach out to prospects as discussed in my previous post

Having one person own your social media activities no matter what their age?  Never a good idea!

Hiring a Millennial to be part of the team and bring fresh creative ideas to the forefront?  Awesome.

Contributing blogger Heather K. Margolis, the Channel Maven, has led channel programs for major IT companies. Follow The VAR Guy via RSS; Facebook; Identi.ca; Twitter; and via his Newsletter; Webcasts and Resource Center. Plus, visit www.VARtweet.com.

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