Remember that phrase? “Mind your Parents”?
I am daring to rephrase it. “Mind YOU”, Not your parents. With all due respect to parents.
Les Brown says “Don’t let someone’s opinion of you become your reality”. Many times other people including parents have an opinion of you that simply doesn’t reflect the real you.
Well, part of what we are doing here, is exchanging that old obsolete thought that took you away from your source, for the new thought that actually connects you with your source.
Mind you, I am also a parent! This is about taking responsibility at a collective level. This is about acknowledging the collective Inner Child. The Golden Inner Child of the 21st C. Bare with me. I’ll elaborate on that later.
So, you are an Entrepreneur, right? Or you are thinking seriously in becoming one.
Berny Dohrmann, Chairman of the Board of CEO Space, one of my most admired mentors says we are entering the Entrepreneurial age of passion and contribution. We are re framing another obsolete thought, that acted as the virus of the mind for centuries. Separation, Competition, Secrecy, Scarcity and Fear, ( the insane Corporation Capitalism model), and manifesting the Mindset of Cooperation, Unity, Transparency, Abundance and Passion of the 21st C. I couldn’t agree more.
Of course, it is easier said than done. We carry the baggage of too many thousands of years thinking backwards.
The thing is, we all need to start thinking the Entrepreneur Mindset, to Become it. It is a muscle that needs to be worked out, steadily, with attention.
Are you an Entrepreneur at heart, starting your journey or in the middle of your project? Are you excited to work on your unique passionate contribution? I am sure you are. Is a great feeling, isn’t it?
- Chances are, you are aiming at becoming an Entrepreneur in the whole sense of the word.
- Chances are you are in the process of becoming your Life Purpose.
- Chances are you are to confront the satus quo more than you ever imagined in your life before.
- Chances are your Life Mission is so important that you need to watch interferences like a hawk.
- Chances are you are counting on your passion and burning desire.
- Chances are you need more feedback than ever. Team players who are in same situation as you, to brainstorm, compare notes and mainly cooperate.
Did you know that 80% of businesses don’t make it through the first 5 year mark? That is another obscene stat in our societies that we have learned to live with. Like it doesn’t matter. People keep going into business blindfolded. Assuming they will somehow land within the 20% that succeed, on a pink cloud. Without a second thought.
Would you like to seriously contribute to break that stat and help others do the same?
Isn’t it time for going to the root cause of our self destructive behaviors, and enhance emotional honesty instead of emotional dishonesty?
Isn’t it time to eliminate emotional attachments from our thinking an decision making capability?
The 21st C requires Visionary Entrepreneurs.
If you want to be a successful Entrepreneur, first of all, you need a Visionary Team. The Team that is going to help you hold your vision. Makes sense?
It could be 3 people or 6 or 9, it will be the team in charge to keep igniting consistently ideas into your marketing funnel and different strings of revenue. This is imperative. Islands in business don’t work any more. One head is not enough. There is what we call information overload, remember? Now is about co-creating coherently in cooperation. From the start.
This is why I invite you, provided the above resonates with you, to have a conversation with me. I have a golden nugget for you. As in from the rainbow of my personal experience. The conclusion of my research. Great value in my life. Great value in my clients and friends lives. It works wonders…
What if you could access a sort of unlimited powerful source from inside you to secure success? From the get go…
With one move.
After a lifetime of research, study and work with my own Inner Child, I have come to the conclusion that what is missing the most in the Entrepreneur’s mindset is right brain thinking.
Think about it. Let’s take only 3 attributes of the right brain for now:
Creativity, the Will to question, and Big Picture Thinking.
Can you imagine an Entrepreneur lacking only those three skills? Just that!
Do you think he/she has the potential to succeed? It would be difficult, right? And we haven’t even started.
How do you come to think like an Entrepreneur using your own right brain attributes ?
That right brain that has been suppressed and mutilated by the virus of the mind. The Mindset of Separation, Competition and Fear, induced by Judgment, for generations.
That right brain that only your Inner Child remembers…
I am convinced that in business and in life, things work if you find your fit. If they still don’t work is because somewhere around the scene is an unhappy and unsatisfied Inner Child sabotaging success, because her belief system is rooted in scarcity and fear.
Here is the thing. A happy and satisfied Inner Child inside will not sabotage anything at all, because will be generating thoughts from the core belief of abundance and joy, not scarcity or fear…
The truth is that to succeed you have to become Fearless.
I have been in business and sales all my life. I have had a perennial passion to understand the human mind for ever. Through the trials and tribulations and different experiences I had over the years, I always felt that no matter how fascinating the business project, or the job felt in the beginning, at some point, the fire of passion subsided. It was difficult to keep it alive. Something was missing. It wasn’t until I started acknowledging my own Inner Child, that I found the missing piece of the puzzle.
The question is how you keep your fire alive. That is my passion. That is what I do best and that is how I want to help you, if you have that problem. Propel your own passion generator.
So, you could say that in a sense you can see me as a midwife.
I help Entrepreneurs give birth to their happy & satisfied Inner Child to lead their Visionary Team, securing Creativity, The Will to question, Big picture Thinking & Success.
Yes, you read correctly. A midwife, who helps people remember what they already know.
Once your Inner Child is born as your child , he/she will be
in Charge of your Visionary Team.
How is that possible?
Actually after you give birth to him/ her, you found yourself the best partner you could possibly imagine. I promise…you and your Inner Child in partnership are unstoppable.
I know. I did it. I could have never achieved what I have achieved so far as an Internet Marketer so far without Grace. That is my Inner Child’s name. Grace. She has been all along the steady motor behind my ever lasting passion. She also was open to invite my left brain to unite with my right brain.
She reinforced my Out of the Box thinking. Her relentless will to question, and her creativity is at the maximum of her potential.
My coaching Method is called “50/50 The Magic of the Middle Line”.
Part of the problem is, that we are led to believe the all or nothing thinking that you somehow have to be either one or the other brain, when in reality you need both brains. The left brain and the right brain. In perfect resonance.
Now, imagine your Inner Child, who in reality is your “Muse”, standing in the Magic Line between the 50’s helping you align the thoughts of your left brain and right brain, in unison. Imagine your Inner Child in the magic line between the 50’s. Uniting your subconscious and your conscious self stringing the pearls of wisdom of the scenes of your life in the necklace of your destiny. Adding coherence to your internal dialogue. Turning it into a partnership inside that disperses clarity of thought outside at all times.
Imagine your Entrepreneurial Experience with no more division inside. Instead, crystal clear clarity and sense of unity.
Can you see the impact you now are creating in the outside?
Look at the financial debacle based on mostly not aligned left brain thinking, and little boxes that do not see beyond their noses. Left brain in complete dissonance with the right brain. It is “contra natura”.
Is it starting to make sense? Remember? Seriously, Mind yourself. (smile)
Perhaps now you are getting curious? Do you want to explore further about how I got to this conclusion?
I’ll be happy to make the case to you. To go deeper. I believe in it so much I want you to be a part of it. I know it will make a huge difference. The difference you are waiting for.
We can continue this conversation on the phone.
You can tell me a little bit about your situation and we can together decide if we are a fit.
We will also journey into the kingdom of your thoughts and identify your Inner Child satisfaction level.
Prior to circling the call in my calendar, there is a survey of 6 questions to help us make the best of our time together. Please answer them from your heart.
Here is The vision, once more.
Your Inner Child in charge of your Visionary Team, aiming at success.
Don’ t you think it is time we break the barriers of stuffy seriousness and bring some joy and fun into the business community? Don’t you agree that is time to play and have fun while we are making a living?
The container for manifesting the vision is one of our SHO Soul Mastermind Groups.
“Co-creative Circles of Coherence” Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence with a touch of “Curry” The 7 “C’s” of Cooperation.
How does it sound…? I’ll tell you more. I promise.
Now, above all, you can decide if this sort of out of the box idea resonates with you. Not your parents.
If that is the case, don’t wait any longer.
Big Picture into action…Inner Child Vision. Find out more. Secure the call! Fill in the blanks below!
See you on the other side!
If you want to know more, go to SHO Homepage. or
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