
Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a soulful and playful day you and your Inner Child.

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Robinson: A new generation of hope

A generation of Hope! I love it so much! Millennials are the magnificent human beings that will change the world. Their priorities are clear.

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Bob's Blog: Millennials: Now That We're Young Adults..?

About ten years ago, a book was written about a generation graduating from high school and the impact this group would have on the cultural landscape of our nation. Millennials Rising:The Next Generation, written by Neil Howe and William Strauss, was a groundbreaking work that introduced us to the first youth generation of the 21st century. Since that time, other books have been written, research conducted, news programs aired, and TV shows have all highlighted the positives and negatives of the generation we know as Millennials, Gen Y, Netgen, Generation We and countless other names that have been given but have all been rejected by this age group.

Now, ten years since Millennials Rising, we are seeing the first youth generation of the 21st century move into the middle of their young adult years. They are in their late twenties, some married, a few with children, and all are doing their best to make these rough economic times as painless as possible. We are finding that they have similar aspirations as their parents but with their own twist. They expect to be home owners before their first child is born. A well paying job that they enjoy going to every morning. Family (whether their own or connection with parents) is extremely important to their overall adult experience, and they are hoping to achieve, if not more, as much as their parents did at their age.

What are they finding? Well, this isn't their parent's world. Owning a home is not as easy as the Home & Garden channel lets you to think. Jobs? Highest unemployment since the Cubs won the World Series. The family is still important, especially since many have had to move back home because of financial difficulties. And that "living better" then mom & dad dream is quickly turning into a nightmare. What they are finding is the feeling they are in a rut. Moving forward is a little tricky right now and they sense that it's not going to get any easier. What they really are looking for is a way through all this unknown. A guide to walk them through the tough times. Someone to be a sounding board of their thoughts. A Yoda.

As we move into a new century with all its perplexing world views, the Church is debating its role to a younger group of adults and its significance it has in their lives. With the continuing urbanization of America's suburbs, the decline of religion in our country (we do see an increase in going to church but that tends to rise during crisis), and the shifting ethnicity of our culture, the Church is changing and giving young America many options of "doing & being" church, but not many of these options seem to be sticking. To be sure, not all that they believe is necessarily right, and they know this. They are searching for answers, even if the way they search is new to an older generation of church goers.

I have a very deep love for this age group. It mostly comes from knowing so many of them because of my youth pastor years, college staff days, and high school ministries I led. It's all coming full circle for me. Many of them are in their mid twenties and early 30's. Some of them are very close friends. All of them are adults and I can relate to much of what they are going through. I don't think it is up to me to create the church for the 21st century, their Church, and even if I did, once I leave this planet they would redesign it to fit their world. I do believe that it is my responsibility to walk along side them and to help them to walk deeper in Christ. College-age ministries has a shelf life. We can only stay in that time of life for a short period and then we move on to adulthood. The Church needs to be a part of that time of transition for this age group. We can help them through their college years into the next phase of their lives. Call it what you want, passing the torch, handing off the baton...how we mentored and discipled a younger generation will be clear to see for generations to come.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 29, 2010 at 10:28 AM. You can skip to the end and leave a response.

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Beautiful article about Millennials

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Millennials select creativity, globalization, and sustainability as future trends for CEO leadership. | Develop Your Creative Thinking

I love the way millennials think! It is so refreshing to see real priorities and values from the collective thinking of the generation. I love you guys! So much! Great article. Three trends. creativity, globalization and sustainability. See, that is clarity.

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Salvador Dali’s house in Cadaques. | Soul Hangout

Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a Playful and Soulful day, you and your Inner Child.

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Adopt Your Inner Child! | Soul Hangout

Your Inner Child in charge of your Visionary Team. What do you think of that?

Check out this website I found at surveys.verticalresponse.com

After 3 and a half years of research about the Entrepreneur Mindset of the 21st Century, I came up with this idea to ensure Millennials, the Entrepreneurs of the future, identify their passion and start their path to their personal unique contribution, making the difference in the world. If the subject resonates with you, please give me your feedback on this idea. I will be grateful for life :::))) Thanks in advance!

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful and Playful day you and your Inner Child

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day. | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful, and Playful day/night you and your Inner Child.

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Facebook | Lola Koumantzias: The Gulf Call to Sacred Action - with Gratitude to Chantal MUST READ

Important calls about the Gulf Call to Sacred Action led by Deepak Chopra, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Graigg Braden and so many more.MUST READ Big hug!

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day. | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful and Playful day. You and your Inner Child. :)

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day. | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful and Playful day, you and your Inner Child.

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Stewart Nails GOP For Flip Flopping On Escrow Fund (VIDEO)

You got to love Jon Stewart! "Am I the only one that is listening to what you are saying?" LOL I love that phrase. Good day my friends

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Jacob Heilbrunn: Afghan Follies: Obama Versus McChrystal

Is the Obama White House filled with wimps like Vice President Joe Biden and Richard Holbrooke?

That's apparently what Gen. Stanley McChrystal told Rolling Stone magazine, only to apologize today. Biden could be fairly described as loquacious. And Holbrooke, as bellicose. But wimpy? No way. Instead, it sounds as though McChrystal is doing more than simply venting. He's trying to dodge responsibility for the war and pin it on President Obama. His remarks thus crystallize, if you'll forgive the pun, the problem facing the Obama White House, which is that its Afghan surge appears to have failed before it even began.

The signs of failure are everywhere. A shyster Afghan president who's enriching his family rather than rebuilding his country. An American ambassador who believes that the war plan is doomed. And a scorching new report from Rep. John Tierney called "Warlord, Inc., Extortion and Corruption Along the U.S. Supply Chain in Afghanistan" which shows, as the Washington Post puts it today, that the "U.S. military is funding a massive protection racket in Afghanistan, indirectly paying tens of millions of dollars to warlords, corrupt public officials and the Taliban to ensure safe passage of its supply convoys throughout the country..." And now the American General who's heading the effort is tearing down the commander-in-chief.

In Jonathan Alter's bestseller about the Obama administration The Promise, he describes how Obama agreed to the 30,000 troop surge on the condition that they start returning in July 2011 and that the Pentagon brass explicitly acknowledge that it had received everything it needed to prosecute the war successfully. So much for that acknowledgment.

The military is retreating on attacking Kandahar. Now McChrystal has handed Obama a crisis in relations with the military. McChrystal said Tuesday, "I extend my sincerest apology for this profile. It was a mistake reflecting poor judgment and should never have happened. Throughout my career, I have lived by the principles of personal honor and professional integrity. What is reflected in this article falls far short of that standard."

The General is on the road to Canossa -- he's been ordered to return to Washington -- but will it be enough to smooth over relations with Obama? Obama doubtless feels betrayed by McChrystal. But perhaps he betrayed himself by signing on to the Afghan war in the first place.

Very interesting information about Afganistan, Obama and the military...when things are not sustainable, they just start falling...

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Today my FB friend Hafiz asked me a meaningful question in the chat window. | Soul Hangout

I just had to share this. It was so precious!

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The National Networker Companies (TNNWC) Blog - Sponsored by TNNWC Group, LLC: BLUE THING #6: Featured Deal of the Week

SHO Has been featured in the National Networker. "Living in the Present is History in the Making" My new E-Book.

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A serious conversation about the oil spill - Soul Hang Out

This is a very clear perception of the reality of the oil spill. A must watch. Time to actively change our collective consciousness.

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day. | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful and Playful day, You and your Inner Child

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How to activate and work with your pineal gland - Soul Hang Out

Many people have asked me about the pineal gland. Here is a very good explanation on how to activate it. The sun plays an important part.

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful and Playful day, You and your Inner Child!

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Let’s talk about Empathy. | Soul Hangout

My latest post! Enjoy!

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Arianna Huffington: Announcing HuffPost Arts: The Curtain Goes Up

I can still remember my reaction to certain works of art -- the first time I saw Mozart's Magic Flute at Covent Garden, the first time I saw Nureyev leap from the ballet stage and hang midway between heaven and earth, or the many times I stood in front of a painting by an artist I'd never heard of before and felt transported beyond my day's ups and downs.

Music, painting, sculpture, film, photography, drama, literature, poetry, dance -- each can become a means through which an artist can speak to us, transcending time and place.

I remember years ago being taken on a tour of the San Diego Museum of Art. Among the many works on display, my attention was grabbed by a small -- almost tiny -- oil painting of strawberries by Renoir. My friend, who wanted me to see the entire collection, was tugging at my arm, trying to pull me into the next room. But I was transfixed by... the strawberry! If art's true purpose is to open the doors of perception, then that uncommon common strawberry had, for that moment, opened mine.

Art has been a big part of my professional life as well, as I wrote books on two of the greatest artists of the 20th century -- Pablo Picasso and Maria Callas.

So I'm delighted to announce that today we are launching HuffPost Arts, a section devoted to covering all things artistic and cultural. Like all of our sections, HuffPost Arts will bring you the latest news. It will also be home to a freewheeling group blog in which artists, critics, curators, and those who love the arts will sound off.

Our Arts section is being edited by Kimberly Brooks, a wonderful artist in her own right, who has been writing passionately about artists and their art since the early days of HuffPost. (You can read Kimberly's blog post about the new section here.)

In fact, I am looking at one of Kimberly's paintings as I write this. It's on my wall, hanging near a self-portrait done by the young Francoise Gilot before she became involved with Picasso -- and long before I got to know her while working on my book about him.

Kimberly and her associate editor Nicole Campoy-Leffler have put together a dynamic section, and recruited some great bloggers. The section also features Patricia Zohn, who has been staking out the Arts turf for many years on HuffPost. And we look forward to having your active involvement with the section, sending tips, posting comments, voting on slideshows, and contributing your own stories and images.

So if you are an artist -- or someone who loves music, painting, sculpture, film, photography, drama, opera, dance, et al. -- check out HuffPost Arts. And let us know what you think.

Great news from The Huffington Post An Art Section!

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day. | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful and Playful day. You and your Inner Child.

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The Holographic pattern in the Univewrse Gregg Braden - Soul Hang Out

This is a beautiful explanation of the holographic nature of the Universe.It makes so much sense.

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Starseed Indigos, do you recognize yourself? - Soul Hang Out

I always knew that the add and adhd were unique.It was clear they didn;t resonate with the left brain oriented school system. So I always said that it was a blessing to be add and adhd,,, Enjoy! It

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Get a 30 min Free “Exploratory-Mind You” Conversation with me. | Soul Hangout

Remember that phrase? “Mind your Parents”?

I am daring to rephrase it. “Mind YOU”,  Not your parents. With all due respect to parents.

Les Brown says “Don’t let someone’s opinion of you become your reality”.  Many times other people including parents have an opinion of  you that simply doesn’t reflect the real you.

Well,  part of what we are doing here, is exchanging that old obsolete thought that took you away from your source,  for the new thought that actually connects you with your source.

Mind you, I am also a parent!  This is about taking responsibility at a collective level. This is about acknowledging the collective Inner Child.  The Golden Inner Child of the 21st C. Bare with me. I’ll elaborate on  that later.

So, you are  an Entrepreneur, right? Or you are thinking seriously in becoming one.

Berny Dohrmann, Chairman of the Board of CEO Space, one of my most admired  mentors  says we are entering  the Entrepreneurial age of passion and contribution. We are  re framing another obsolete thought, that acted as the virus of the mind for centuries.  Separation,  Competition, Secrecy, Scarcity and Fear, ( the insane Corporation Capitalism model),  and  manifesting  the Mindset of  Cooperation, Unity,  Transparency, Abundance and Passion of the 21st C. I  couldn’t agree more.

Of course,  it is easier said than done. We carry the baggage of too many thousands of years  thinking backwards.

The thing is, we all need to start thinking the Entrepreneur Mindset, to Become it. It is a muscle that needs to be worked out, steadily, with attention.

Are you an Entrepreneur at heart, starting  your journey or in the middle of your project?  Are you excited  to work on your unique  passionate contribution? I am sure you are. Is a great feeling, isn’t it?


  1. Chances are,  you are aiming at becoming an Entrepreneur in the whole sense of the word.
  2. Chances are you are in the process of  becoming your Life Purpose.
  3. Chances are you are to confront the satus quo more than you ever imagined  in your life before.
  4. Chances are your Life Mission is so important that you need to watch interferences like a hawk.
  5. Chances are you are counting on your  passion and  burning desire.
  6. Chances are you need more feedback than ever. Team players who are in  same situation as you, to brainstorm,  compare notes and mainly cooperate.

Did you know that 80% of businesses don’t make it through the first 5  year mark?  That is another obscene  stat in our societies that we have learned to live with. Like it doesn’t matter. People keep going into business blindfolded. Assuming they will somehow land  within the 20% that succeed, on a pink cloud.  Without a second thought.

Would you like to seriously contribute to break that stat and help others do the same?

Isn’t it time for going to the root cause of our self destructive behaviors, and enhance emotional honesty instead of emotional dishonesty?

Isn’t it time to eliminate emotional attachments from our thinking an decision making capability?

The 21st C  requires Visionary Entrepreneurs.

If you want to be a successful Entrepreneur, first of all, you need a Visionary Team.  The Team that is going to help you hold your vision.  Makes sense?

It could be 3 people or 6 or 9,  it will be the team in charge to  keep  igniting consistently  ideas into your marketing  funnel and different strings of revenue. This is imperative.  Islands in business don’t work any more.  One head is not enough. There is what we call information overload, remember?  Now is about co-creating  coherently  in  cooperation. From the start.

This is why I invite you, provided  the above resonates with you,  to have a conversation with me. I  have a golden nugget for you.  As  in from the rainbow of my personal experience.  The conclusion of my research. Great value in my life. Great value in my clients and friends lives. It works wonders…

What if you could access a sort of  unlimited powerful source  from inside you to secure success?  From the get go…

With one move.

After a lifetime of research, study and work with my own Inner Child, I have come to the conclusion that what is missing the most   in the Entrepreneur’s  mindset  is right brain thinking.

Think about it. Let’s take only 3 attributes of the right brain for now:

Creativity, the Will to question, and  Big Picture Thinking.

Can you imagine an Entrepreneur lacking only those three skills?  Just that!

Do you think he/she has the potential to succeed?  It would be difficult, right? And we haven’t even started.


How do you come to think like an Entrepreneur using your own right brain attributes ?

That right brain that has been suppressed and mutilated by the virus of the mind.  The Mindset of Separation, Competition and Fear, induced by Judgment, for generations.

That right brain that only your Inner Child remembers…

I am convinced that in business and in life, things work if you find your  fit. If they still don’t work  is because somewhere around the scene is an unhappy and unsatisfied Inner Child sabotaging  success, because her belief system is rooted in scarcity and fear.

Here is the thing. A happy and satisfied Inner Child inside will not sabotage anything at all, because will be generating thoughts from the core belief of abundance and joy, not scarcity or fear…

The truth is that to succeed you have to become Fearless.

I have been in business and sales all my life.  I have had a perennial passion to understand the human mind for ever. Through the trials and tribulations and  different experiences  I had over the years,  I always felt that no matter how fascinating the business project, or the job felt in the beginning, at some point, the  fire of passion subsided. It was difficult to keep it alive. Something was missing. It wasn’t until I started acknowledging my own Inner Child, that I found the missing piece of the puzzle.

The question is how you keep your fire alive. That is my passion. That is what I do best and that is how I want to help you, if you have that problem.  Propel your own passion generator.

So, you could say that in a sense you can see me  as  a midwife.

I help Entrepreneurs give birth to their happy & satisfied Inner Child to lead their Visionary Team, securing Creativity, The Will  to question, Big picture Thinking & Success.

Yes,  you read correctly. A midwife, who helps people remember what they already know.

Once your Inner Child is born as your child , he/she will be

in Charge of your Visionary Team.

How is that possible?

Actually after you  give birth to him/ her, you found yourself  the best partner you could possibly imagine.   I promise…you and your Inner Child in partnership are unstoppable.

I know. I did it. I could have never achieved what I have achieved so far as an Internet Marketer  so far without Grace. That is my Inner Child’s name. Grace. She has been all along the steady  motor behind my ever lasting passion. She also was open to invite my left brain to unite with my right brain.

She reinforced my  Out of the Box thinking.  Her relentless will to question, and her creativity is at the maximum of her potential.

My coaching Method is called “50/50 The Magic of the Middle Line”.

Part of the problem is, that we are led to believe  the all or nothing thinking that you somehow have to be either one or the other brain, when in reality you need both brains. The left brain and the right brain.  In perfect resonance.

Now,  imagine your Inner Child,  who in reality is your  “Muse”, standing in the Magic Line between the 50’s helping you align the thoughts of your left brain and right brain,  in unison. Imagine your Inner Child in the magic line between the 50’s. Uniting your subconscious and your conscious self stringing the pearls of wisdom of the scenes of your life in the necklace of your destiny. Adding coherence to your internal dialogue.  Turning it  into a partnership  inside that disperses clarity of thought outside at all times.

Imagine your Entrepreneurial Experience with no more division inside. Instead,  crystal clear clarity and sense of  unity.

Can you see the impact you now are creating in the outside?

Look at the financial debacle based on mostly not aligned left brain thinking, and little boxes that do not see beyond their noses.  Left brain in complete dissonance with the right brain. It is “contra natura”.

Is it starting to make sense? Remember? Seriously, Mind yourself. (smile)

Perhaps now you are getting curious? Do you want to explore further about how I got to this conclusion?

I’ll be happy to make the case to you.  To go deeper. I believe in it so much I want you to be a part of  it. I know it will make a huge difference. The difference you are waiting for.

We can continue this conversation on the phone.

You can tell me a little bit about your situation and we can together decide if we are a fit.

We will also journey  into the kingdom of your thoughts and identify your Inner Child satisfaction level.

Prior to circling the call in my calendar, there is a survey of 6 questions to help us make the best of our time together. Please answer them from your heart.

Here is The vision, once more.

Your  Inner Child in charge of  your  Visionary Team, aiming at  success.

Don’ t you  think it is time we break the barriers of stuffy seriousness and bring some joy and fun into the business community? Don’t you agree that is time to play and have fun while we are making a living?

The container for manifesting the vision is one of  our SHO Soul Mastermind Groups.

“Co-creative Circles of Coherence”  Consciously Connecting and  Combining Intelligence with a touch of “Curry” The 7 “C’s” of Cooperation.

How does it sound…? I’ll tell you more. I promise.

Now, above all,  you can decide if this sort of  out of the box idea resonates with  you. Not your parents.

If that is the case, don’t wait any longer.

Big Picture into action…Inner Child Vision. Find out more. Secure the call!  Fill in the blanks below!

See you on the other side!

If you want to know more, go to SHO Homepage.  http://soulhanguot.net or http://soulhangout.net/2171


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I would love some feedback on this idea. Especiall from Entrepreneurs. Please leave me a comment on http://soulhangout.net Thanks in advance!

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day. | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful and Playful day, you and your inner Child~

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Mid-life is when we deny or embrace the soul | Comment | London Free Press

In early childhood we are who we are in a straightforward, direct way. We love and trust life and other people spontaneously. We are uninhibited, so nothing is held back or hidden.

However, usually due to conditional love given to us by our parents, we learn quickly that certain things we say or do will be rewarded, and other things will be ignored or punished. We learn to hide certain parts of ourselves in order to be loved by others.

As we move through adolescence toward adulthood, we learn even more that we have to repress parts of ourselves in order to be tough and competitive and stand on our own two feet in the world. Our ego must become strong so that we can survive.

In childhood and adolescence, the repressed parts of ourselves get buried in our subconscious mind. However, in mid-life, which can extend anywhere from forty to sixty-five years of age, we have less energy to hold all this subconscious material down.

Weighed down with mortgages, jobs, parenting, and other responsibilities, and aware that they may not live a lot longer, people in mid-life often suddenly feel an urge to rediscover the freedom and spontaneity of their inner child or inner adolescent. Their subconscious, repressed parts start to emerge in their dreams, daydreams, fantasies, or in a general sense of restlessness or meaninglessness. They might have a powerful urge to write poetry, start a rock band, buy a motorcycle, have an affair, quit their job, or leave their marriage.

At this point, according to the great twentieth-century psychologist Carl Jung, a person has three basic options. They can keep soldiering on, keep repressing all these seemingly irrational urges that are coming up, keep cutting off essential parts of their soul -- and end up with an ulcer, stroke, or heart attack, or become cynical and bitter and slowly die spiritually.

Or, at the other extreme, they can let the subconscious urges flood them all at once so they are overwhelmed and become a mid-life crazy person who throws out all they have worked so hard to build, irresponsibly destroying their marriage, family and career in the process.

The third option is to allow the subconscious, repressed parts to have a voice, listen to them, and let them into the conscious mind a little at a time so that we are in control of the urges rather than the urges controlling us. We can look at our urges and decide rationally which would be wise and which would be foolish to act on. This is the healthiest option, to slowly integrate the repressed parts of our self back into our life without destroying the life we have built so far.

Jung called this third option "individuation." It is our true self calling us to let go of our ego, calling us to integrate our conscious and subconscious minds, so that we become a whole person again. In Jungian terms, this is what spiritual growth is all about. Wholeness equals holiness.

In religious terms, the person who pursues the third option may be considered by some to be a "holy fool." The holy fool has reached "second naivete," that is, they let their inner child play through them in a mature way. This letting our inner child out may seem foolish to the person who has become cynical and bitter, just as continuing to be responsible may seem foolish to the person who has chosen irresponsibility.

As Jesus said, in order to enter the kingdom of heaven we must become like little children.

To grow spiritually, we are not called to become immature and irresponsible, that is, childish. We are called to become directly loving and trusting once again, that is, childlike, but in an adult way. According to Jung, this is the essential work that needs to be done in mid-life.

Bruce Tallman is a London spiritual director. www.brucetallman.com.

Great article, about soul, midlife, and inner child work. Enjoy it.

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Perahia's Kinderszenen : NPR

Beautiful article about Schumann's Inner Child. The Inner Child muse within. Enjoy

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful and Playful day

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Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Amstrong in Heaven - Soul Hang Out

Today, it's been 7 months that my father died and 6 months my mother died. They are whispering this song in my ear (((♥ ))) In the mood for Ela and Louis with Heaven? Good day my dear friends on both sides of the sun. Soulful day! ♥ ♥ ♥

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day. | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful and Playful Sunday

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One conspiracy I do believe in….

One conspiracy I do believe in….

….is the conspiracy to suffocate you in paralyzing mental garbage and global negativity.

I don’t generally buy into conspiracy theories… but I do believe in cosmic episodes of stupidity and planned mass mediocrity.

The #1 conspiracy of the modern world is to choke your brain with sewage and kill your spirit with overwhelming feeling that you are small and insignificant and helpless.

I almost *never* watch the news. I figure if there’s something I absolutely have to know about, somebody will call me and tell me about it. That theory has worked pretty well so far.

But on Monday I was in a restaurant and CNN was on. Couldn’t help but gawk at the endless parade of catastrophes.

I know that CNN is “normal” to most “normal” people. But don’t forget, most normal people accomplish fairly little in their 70+ trips around the sun. Those of us who are going somewhere in life have better things to do than listen to relentless droning about 147 tragedies that we have no ability to solve.

Right now, especially with the Gulf oil spill, the world is AWASH in negativity.

You as an entrepreneur MUST fight this. Proactively. Because if you don’t it’ll kill your business, kill your sales, kill your dreams and everything you really care about.

Watching CNN while you eat breakfast is like visiting a cholera epidemic at a refugee camp and letting sick people drool on you. Then changing their bedpans and rubbing your eyes and licking your hands.

Listen up: The mass news media is NOT your friend.

They exist for the purpose of selling you fear, paranoia, and prescription drugs.

Not only must you protect yourself from the constant, incessant paralysis of depression, you need to combat it with your customers.

You need to tell them what’s GOOD. You need to greet them with a smile and with encouragement.

You need to talk about what’s HAPPENING.

You need to celebrate little tiny victories EVERY SINGLE DAY. (More on that at www.perrymarshall.com/positivefocus).

And… when you have a major victory in your life, you need to telegraph it to encouraging people who will celebrate it with you. Because GOOD NEWS is NEWS INDEED.


Perry Marshall

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About the Author

Entrepreneur Magazine says: "Perry Marshall is the #1 author and world's most-quoted consultant on Google Advertising. He has helped over 100,000 advertisers save literally billions of dollars in Adwords stupidity tax."

He is referenced across the Internet and by The Washington Post, USA Today, and the Chicago Tribune.

Last 5 Posts by Perry

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Comments on One conspiracy I do believe in…. »

  1. June 4,2010

    Sally @ 8:14 am

    Hi Perry, sometimes it’s just seems like the world is filled with doom and gloom and that’s all that interests people.

    I no longer watch the news or read newspapers because I found them too depressing, and quite scary at times.

    Like you said, if it is something really important, someone will let me know.

    To share a bit of my own good news, I got an a-ha moment last night regarding my online business, maybe won’t excite anyone else, but it was life changing for me, so I am celebrating it all the same.

    Sally :)

    • June 4,2010

      Perry @ 8:23 am

      Go ahead and share it… it is good news, after all!

  2. June 4,2010

    Michael Hiles @ 8:47 am

    Awesome Perry. We put our TV in the barn 3 years ago. Haven’t missed a single thing.

  3. June 4,2010

    Margaret Agard @ 8:48 am

    Boy do I agree. We don’t even have a television which helps considerably. (and guess what? on 9-11 someone called us to tell us about it. worked for us)

    Here are two things we do to celebrate the positive – as a couple we tell each other what’s going well AND we randomly play the “thank me” game – you say “I want to be thanked for______ (some simple thing you did like took out the trash) and your partner says, “Thank you for ____________.” You get to ask for 5-10 thank yous. Works great!

  4. June 4,2010

    John Strazza @ 8:49 am

    Agreed! what else can I say .. you are so right .. We see people walking into our business on certain days with shoulders slumped and we know the evening or morning news must have caused the bad vibe .. the oil spill has certainly added to this bad feeling so many walk around with .. thanks for the great article here Perry, it gave me clarity and hope to combat this with even more good news here at our place business and our online presence … js

  5. June 4,2010

    Carole Carlson @ 8:50 am

    Right on, brother! This is my favorite rant. When I was 35 years old and thought I knew everything…ha…news was a downer even then. Deciding there was more out there for me, I purchased a tape series called “The Seeds of Greatness” by Denis Waitley. It changed my life, and spurred me on to become an entrepreneur. One of the things he said that I have put into practice is…don’t listen to the news…it’s almost all negative. And I haven’t ever since, even though friends and family think that because of my decision, I’m not socially responsible. The other thing he taught was “as long as you’re green you’re growing…as soon as you’re ripe, you start to rot. This has helped me in life to listen to others like you, Perry, who have proven success and emulate you, listen to you, and pat you on the back once in a while. Good rant!

  6. June 4,2010

    Peter @ 8:53 am

    Hi Perry,

    A brave argument that’s sure to get a range of reactions – but I have to agree 100%!

    How great would it be to tune into a news programme that said “nothing wrong today… go out and achieve something”.

    Never gonna happen!

  7. June 4,2010

    Norman @ 8:54 am

    Nicely said!

    I couldn’t agree more, there is intent behind the news, and it’s not to inform. Treat it like you would toxic waste.

  8. June 4,2010

    Colin Pape @ 8:57 am

    Excellent post Perry! You hit the nail on the head…

    That is very much inline with our manifesto that can be read here:


    Particularly after the second heading ‘Why support local business?’

    We plan on doing something about all of this negativity and will try to help people focus on the good they can be doing in their community…

    Of course, everything is economically driven at the core, so that’s why we’re doing it through local shopping…

    We’ve had some big wins here in the past couple of months that we’re getting ready to share with the world… If everything goes according to plan, it’ll help people cut through the doom and gloom and make a positive, productive impact with their time and energy…

    Thanks Perry, for all of the insights and encouragements you’ve shared through your writing over the years… It has helped us to just stay positive(.com)… :)

    Wishing you all the best and many more years of success!


  9. June 4,2010

    Geri Igou @ 9:03 am

    LUV YA, Perry. You are my kind of guy. This one about TV spreading doom and gloom was right on. I grew up on the California beaches. We contended with tar balls all our life. Never thought anything about it. It was pretty common to see birds, etc drenched in oil. Never gave it a thought. Its the world we live in. There is sun, hurricanes, oil, rain, snow, fires, landslides, whatever. Who was it that promised us a life time rose garden? So what’s the big deal? Just deal with it and get on with your life.

  10. June 4,2010

    Michael in the UK @ 9:05 am

    I think it’s a conspiracy to make people STUPID!
    I’m the same, i now leave the TV off when i get up in the morning to go to work. The negative stories and the shady people involved etc really wind me up emotionally and get me stressed out. Now it is just so easy to get negative and discouraged with this kind of perspective on things. It is hard sometimes to keep positive and keep pushing towards your dreams. It’s a fantastic world and there are great people like your good self Perry but we really do need to be very aware of what is going on around us and in the media and be the one in control of our own lives, calling the shots…

  11. June 4,2010

    William Davis @ 9:06 am

    Thanks for the positive “pick-me-UP!” BTW – I happen to work for a Sewage Utility so where people there are the kindliest and friendliest I’ve ever had the privilege to be around in a work environment. However, once you focus on the news, whether on the Internet, TV, or radio, it is difficult not to be ‘drowned’ by it all. Keep up the good work/fight. Thanks again for making my day.


  12. June 4,2010

    Andriy @ 9:06 am

    I don’t have tv at home for last 3 years. After we moved to our new place me and my wife decided that we would better spend time together going watch movie somewhere then watch those “zombie box”

  13. June 4,2010

    Alan the Anonymous @ 9:09 am

    Good point Perry. However the wretched misery of rolling news media is not exclusive to CNN. The culturally biased BBC TV News is as bad or even worse – by the time they’ve put you through the news-mill with their hand-wringing news reports, I feel like shooting myself. They’re notorious for their left-wing anti- American anti-war anti-Israeli pro-women pro-children pro-gay skewed TV news coverage. Little pieces of theater, one after the other, not news.

    So I never watch breakfast-time TV news, ever.

    PS I have indeed bought a little moleskine book in which I write a small note every day (most days anyway) when something nice happens, no matter how small.

    Keep smiling :-)

    Alan W

  14. June 4,2010

    Gary Bloomer @ 9:11 am


    Thank you for this.

    Ever heard a headline that tells us “Airliner Lands Safely: Family and Friends United For 50th Birthday Party”? No, course not. Or ever heard “Puppies and Kittens Make People Smile on YouTube”. Nope. It’s all doom, doom, doom.

    The thing about news is this: garbage in, garbage out. Negativity goes in, negativity comes out, and in EVERY facet of business, life, and relationships
    the same holds true.

    The human brain cannot hold two opposing thoughts in focus at the same
    time. Nor can two objects occupy the same space.

    To combat this, replace every negative news story or opinion with two positive stories or opinions.

    Try it. It works like magic.

  15. June 4,2010

    Karen DeCrane @ 9:12 am

    I read something once – maybe even here – that made a profound difference in my attitude. That as a salesman I was not “selling” I was SHARING the good news with my potential customer about a solution to their problem.

    It really worked! That attitude comes through and people respond to it favorably. Not surprising in the world of mass fear mongering.

  16. June 4,2010

    Charlotte @ 9:14 am

    One question: if we do not keep ourselves informed about the things that are going on, how are we supposed to be able to participate in our own governance? If you don’t know that Massey Energy, for example, was entirely responsible (criminal negligence) for the recent WV mining disaster (29 men died there), how can you apply pressure to your congressional representatives to make them enact new laws to prevent future disasters?

    I understand not wanting to bathe in negativity all day, but if we allow the miscreants to do their worst without any consequences whatsoever, the world will soon arrive at a place where our businesses do not matter and are not needed. Nobody will want a website when they have to spend all day searching for food.

    Just seems far too “head in the sand” for me.

    • June 4,2010

      Perry @ 9:48 am

      I bet you 0.001% of the total people who saw the WV miners story contacted any legislative person about correcting the legal problems.

      If you’re going to be actively involved in government then find out what’s going on and act on it.

      And by the way If you’re active in government then you need to tune into information sources that tell you what’s really going on – not 2 minute soundbytes – so you can intelligently get involved in the local city council or write informed letters to people in gov’t offices.

      But that’s not what most people do. They just get hypnotized by the negativity. That’s WORSE than burying your head in the sand. It’s just impotence + misery.

      If there’s nothing you can do about it, you don’t need to go out of your way to find out about it. Spend your time learning about the things you CAN change.

      • June 4,2010

        Charlotte @ 9:52 am

        Thanks for replying, Perry.

        “I bet you 0.001% of the total people who saw the WV miners story contacted any legislative person about correcting the legal problems.”

        I did, repeatedly. I live in West Virginia. My stepfather was a coal miner.

        I submit at least 4 petitions/week to Congress and I call my representatives weekly. They’re probably tired of hearing from me, but I am fully convinced that if nobody keeps pressure on them, they will do whatever they want to do.

        Luckily, many West Virginians agree with me. There is now a big “Prosecute Massey for Manslaughter” billboard ad campaign going on:


        • June 4,2010

          Perry @ 10:04 am

          Good on you for doing something. And I gotta say…. I bet you didn’t have to watch TV to find out about this when it happened. Spend less time watching TV and more time being an effective activist. It raises your personal power.

          And I’m sorry this happened to people in your community.


          • June 4,2010

            Charlotte @ 10:09 am

            Haven’t had cable/TV in a decade. WV hills prevent antenna reception, so I couldn’t even get TV that way when it was possible (before HDTV).

            TV kills – I use the internet and consider the source.

            Rock on. Thank you.

    • June 4,2010

      Kelli Smith @ 12:32 pm

      Hi Charlotte,
      I tend to agree with both you and Perry. There are causes that are really important to me personally… environmental, animal rights, etc… and I do risk taking on the negativity by knowing about those things. But, I work really hard not to let what I know get the best of me. I think limiting your exposure is the key. Know about the things that are important to you. I absolutely spend a portion of my life working (writing letters, making calls, volunteering) about issues critical to my happiness… and taking that action DOES make a difference. But, I definitely limit my exposure to mass media news. I haven’t watched an actual news broadcast in about 10 years. I have trouble with depression already, and taking the news out of the equation helps make sure I don’t focus on only the negative in the world. I do enjoy watching TV… but I make sure it’s the stuff that enhances my life in some way (learning) or that I just find really entertaining. Yes, it’s a waste of time… but I’m okay with that in moderation… and I’m very successful in business. I’m not one who believes you have to give it up entirely to make a difference… just watch in moderation. Like everything else in life.

  17. June 4,2010

    Gloria Jean @ 9:19 am

    I love your writing style. Its original and unique and so fun to read. I like to rant a lot myself. And of course,you are right, the news is quite depressing and disgusting. If I do watch it, I try make a point not to take it seriously. It does give you clues to what the evil empire is spreading to their motives and next moves. Oh and yeh, I’m a conspiracy theorist.

  18. June 4,2010

    Jeremiah Baker @ 9:31 am

    Hi Perry!

    Amazing. I can’t agree more. I NEVER watch the news and when I tell this to people they give me all kinds of grief.

    “You have to know what’s going on!” etc, etc, etc.

    I am with you, the news does not spread a positive situation at all.

    My feeling is that I get “no” value from the news so I don’t watch it.

    I don’t blame TV in general, because we all can control what we watch and “don’t” watch. It’s our choice.

    I like your point about focusing on what you can control and be positive.

    Thanks again,


  19. June 4,2010

    Shelley Ellis @ 9:37 am


    I needed to get this email from you…but I wasn’t always addicted to the news. 911 changed that. I probably should have gotten therapy after 911…but I didn’t. My husband, Andy (Dallas firefighter), was on duty that day. I was 70 miles away in Glen Rose. My kids were in school. When the building collapsed, I literally walked outside and collapsed sobbing in the yard because I saw all the firemen in that building…I knew they were in there and my heart was ripped apart for them, their families, co-workers and friends.

    From 911 forward, CNN would stay on 24/7. I only turned it off to sleep. Then I finally turned off the TV but kept CNN up in a window on my computer as long as I was online.

    You started talking about this topic a while back and I started backing off. I didn’t keep it up all day…but I still checked it multiple times a day. Slowly, I’m starting to fight my addiction…and yes I know its an addiction…a fear that I’m going to miss something important.

    But the breakfast quote really hit home. I really needed some tough love and consider that email a kick in the butt.


    • June 4,2010

      Mike @ 10:09 am


      I can totally identify with your post. Before 9/11 I periodically checked the news. But after 9/11, I became addicted to the point where I constantly keep a browser window open to check on the news. I know I need to wean myself away from that. I find myself occassionally feeling stressed and having a hard time planning long-range goals because so much of the news makes it seem as if there won’t even be a future, LOL.

    • June 5,2010

      Jo @ 1:01 am

      Shelley, I share your anxiety. I’m American but have lived in New Zealand for the last 10 years, so I learned of 9/11 only when I turned the news on when I got up. Since then, it stays on all day, just for fear I’ll miss something.

      To make matters worse, I’m a New Orleanian, and had it not been for TV, I wouldn’t have learned of either Katrina or the oil spill promptly.

      Because I watch doesn’t mean that I like the coverage they deliver, but I think I have learned to read between the lines and recognize exaggeration for melodramatic effect well enough to separate the wheat from the chaff for the most part.

  20. June 4,2010

    Mike Stewart @ 9:42 am

    Shelley Ellis shared this link.

    How refreshing to read your thoughts Perry! I completely agree. I enjoy the debate of politics, but the depressing awareness of negativity is constant! If I so desperately needed news that should impact my attitude, I am sure I will find it from others on Facebook…

    Just like how I found your post!

    Mike Stewart

  21. June 4,2010

    Kim Snyder @ 9:44 am

    I was reading your little rant this morning nodding my head at each and every point! I loved it! And I shared with a few TV viewing friends of mine.
    I don’t watch the news and I for sure won’t watch CNN! I have gone somewhere for lunch and they had CNN on. I sat with my back to the tv set cause it was ruining my lunch with all that negative energy that was focusing everything on everything wrong with the world.
    Who was it that calls the media “drive-by media”? they give you their opinions and forget the news.
    I remember when the president was going to give his state of the union address, and everyone was telling you what he was going to say, their opinions about it, wow why bother listening to the speech!!
    Just once I would love a day of only good news, they would choke trying to do the reporting.
    Bad news sells I guess.. Not for me I got better things to do..

  22. June 4,2010

    Joseph Ratliff @ 9:45 am


    LOL, conspiracy.

    I went to a “required” meeting with my son’s teacher yesterday, and saw first hand the effects of what you describe above.

    You could see the “emptiness” in the teacher’s eyes.

    I asked her if she was having a great day, and it’s almost as though the message “didn’t even reach the intended recipient.”

    She started talking about all the “bad news” on TV,the economy, the paperwork, the…the…the…

    It’s a sad thing for me to see so many people who live in an empty shell they call their lives. :(

    Great post Perry.

  23. June 4,2010

    Alan @ 9:51 am

    Dead right Perry, here in Ireland the news isn’t as negative as the US, but it is more or less the same everywhere.

    I try not to listen, used to have the news on in the background of the office, but usually have Abraham Hicks on YouTube now.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing.

  24. June 4,2010

    Dave Doolin @ 9:53 am

    This may sound flippant, and maybe it is, but I just love playing the sound track to Conan the Barbarian when all this bad news comes around.

    “Doom doom doom doom doom doom” pound the kettle drums.

    For some reason, it makes me feel better.

  25. June 4,2010

    Ed Keay-Smith @ 10:06 am

    Well said Perry!!!!

    Sometimes I think you can read my mind mate!

    I watch about 30 mins of news a month and even that is forced on me when I am at someone else’s home.

    Its just nasty stuff!


    Ed Keay-Smith

  26. June 4,2010

    Stephen @ 10:33 am

    Your’re preaching to the choir Perry when you write on sujects such as this. That’s why I love your content, my man! We’re brother’s from a different mother.I don’t even have a TV any longer. (**My favourite movie is ‘Into the Wild’. The kid that burnt his money, told his ostentatious parents to take a flying F#$&K and moved to Alaska.)

    People that don’t know me well, think I’m nuts, a contrarian. I admit it proudly! (But I know I would fit right in at one of your seminars or Ken McCarthy’s.) By the way, John Carlton’s latest post on the BS educational system and values is bang on as well. You guys get me through the day! It is comforting to know, I’m not alone.

    Listen I live alone, work, read biz books and want to get very good at this ‘internet marketing’ thing. That’s about it for me, my son is 26 and doing fine. Materialistic women turn me off, so a good woman is hard to find. But I stay hopeful.

    What you are talking about in this post is the: SINGLE, GREATEST THING A PERSON CAN TO TO KEEP THEIR SANITY RIGHT NOW. Stay positive but to do that effectively, you need to ‘tune out’ all the BS. Which means avoiding the ‘media whores’ as I call them.

    Unfortuneately, most people cannot because of the choices they’ve made. I was lucky, I got a second chance and didn’t make the same mistakes.

    My response to your BP post was vindictive, I realize that. All you said was correct. But the Corporate mentality has to stop, it’s so selfish and arrogant. People should get a list of every company that BP owns and NEVER buy a single thing from them again! (** I’ll never be able to fully explain how much I hate Corp’s. and that ’suck up’ mentality)

    I know that ‘we’ (entrepreneurs) counteract that ‘Dilbert Cube’ mentality, so let’a all rock on, spreading the word!

    Keep it coming, Bro


    • June 4,2010

      Mike Stewart @ 2:42 pm

      Stevo, that would be called “ethical consumerism”… but to do so would require us to realize that crony capitalists need to be brought to justice! Fraud and Greed should not go unpunished.

  27. June 4,2010

    Co de Naam @ 10:34 am

    Hi Perry,

    As a scientist and a European, I can tell you whole-heartedly: you are so right. This whole society is set up to keep everybody “under control” so to speak (and the papers, mags and TV play a big role in it) and if you try to be independent, there is a lot of rules you run into that are put there with the sole purpose to discourage you. I recently read On Wings of Eagles from Ken Follett again about your fellow American Ross Perot. Now, as a human being you might agree or disagree with the guy, but he is a perfect example of someone who totally disagreed with all the rules and took responsibiliby for his people that were imprisoned in Iran at the time. If everyone would have that attitude towards life and the government, the governing powers would think twice to pull stunts on us. People tend to think they are “small” but this is just one story about how 1 guy made a difference in the lives of others (and there are a lot of examples out there). Anyway, I liked your message and had to think about this Ken Follett book all of a sudden, because I think we can all learn something from it. Do well Perry!


    Co de Naam

  28. June 4,2010

    David Rothwell @ 10:44 am

    Great post as ever Perry.

    I started my professional working life as a TV engineer (electronics and audio was my passion) so I used to *have* to watch TV 8 hours a day, even though in those days we only had 3 (!) channels to choose from, and they didn’t transmit programming all day either!

    So the last thing I wanted to see on my return from work was – more TV. It used to drive me mad that my friends would just turn on the TV, and then – watch it.

    Fast forward 35 years and although I enjoy TV (in small doses, I watch maybe 3 hours a week, usually late at night when everyone else has gone to bed) I’m very selective of it.

    I was married once to somebody who had the habit of switching on the TV as soon as she got up in the morning. I’m not married to them anymore ;-)

    Across the street from my study I can see the flicker of the TV screen in my neighbour’s house from the corner of my eye – whenever they are in the house, the TV is on. Company perhaps? Yuck!

    And when I visit an office where they have several TV screens showing the “breaking news” all day every day it just drives me nuts.

    I used to read the BBC news web site every day, several times a day. Like one of your readers said, I’ve weaned myself off this now, and I’m trying to avoid constant news exposure except for a quick glance on my iphone browser when I get up.

  29. June 4,2010

    Paul Aaron Travis @ 10:55 am

    Great call, Perry.

    It is so much easier to curse the darkness than to light a candle, that the media get caught up in outdoing one another.

    Why curse than create, when we are born as creative beings? I believe our socioeconomic/educational structure punishes kids who “color outside the lines” because they make less reliable workers in the factories.

    So I’m excited about the next few decades and how the planet’s new nervous system (the Internet) will enable not only political but psychological change :)

  30. June 4,2010

    Kathy Castrigno @ 10:56 am

    The metaphor about the refugee camp is the best I have heard in months. I have not had a TV for over 12 years and although I miss some quality programming – most of it is pure mental junk food and I love a mellow home. Thanks Perry

  31. June 4,2010

    Greg @ 11:08 am

    Hi Perry,
    I haven’t watched the news since awhile before the first gulf was. It was obvious then that it can’t be trusted as each national news broadcast left out info that might reflect negatively on themselves or affect national support(read:CNN).
    Others in my family watch it all the time and I watch it befuddle them.
    I’m not overly smart but I believe wholeheartedly in the conspiracy for many years now. Make peeps feel helpless to change anything sends a powerful subliminal message that screams “TRUST US!-AFTER ALL WE’RE YOUR APPOINTED LEADERS AND WE KNOW WHAT WE’RE DOING”…..OR “TRUST US COZ WE IN TV-LAND REALLY KNOW WHATS GOING ON IN THE WORLD, SO WATCH THIS NEXT COMMERCIAL (read:visual re-programming assault) AND GO BY SOMETHING TO MAKE YOURSELF FEEL BETTER”.

    It makes me sick to watch others parrotting the “news”, shaking their heads, shrugging and saying “what are we to do?”.
    Turn it off. Thats what you need to do buddy!!!!!

    Sorry for ranting – 20 years pent up frustration on the subject I guess.
    Really love your stuff Perry. Keep it comin’, pls, we need it.

  32. June 4,2010

    Jason @ 11:19 am


    You are so right. The purpose of the news is to depress you and then show you commercials of anti-depressants.

    It is easy enough to get depressed when things are not going your way. But add in the news and it can cause you stay in bed all weekend.


  33. June 4,2010

    Leslie @ 11:36 am

    Perry -
    How true, and how refreshing to hear your courageous voice saying “ENOUGH!!!” I haven’t owned a TV for seven years and it has been a great blessing. If enough people chose to boycott the insipid drivel that passes for entertainment the advertisers would pull out and maybe something good would happen, such as reading books and talking to each other again, such as noticing what’s going on in our homes and

    Posted via web from soulhangout's posterous