
We have a Choice - Soul Hang Out

They call us the Millenials, born between 1982 and 2001. Indifferent, detached, and lazy. We have unlimited access to information. We want instant gratification. Nothing is worth waiting for when you can have it now. We are products of the generation before us, and are plugged in to the system that they have created. Life has become centered around just getting through the day and looking out for number one. We are expected to follow the traveled path and do what everyone else is doing…hoping for the best, preparing for the worst, and thinking that someday someone will solve the world’s problems. We have been programmed to ignore our feelings and emotions, even though in our hearts we know that it doesn’t seem right. Life is not about fearing the future, lingering in the past, and ignoring the present. It is about taking time to enjoy the journey, every step of the way.

I am writing this blog because our world and humanity are at a crossroads. At this point in time we do not know if it will get better or worse. Will there be more war, poverty, hate, argument, and fear? OR, Will there be universal peace, unlimited prosperity, unending love, increased cooperation, and all-around hope?

Our generation is next in line to get behind the wheel of this world, and the choice will ultimately be ours! Imagine with me, if you will, a society in which PASSION and PURPOSE are the engines that drive progress. A place where each individual knows exactly what they were put on this planet for and pursues that goal with the objective of serving their community. Can you see what a shift this would be from the status quo?

As a generation we cannot count on a select few to push us in a new direction. We have to make the collective decision to change the course of history. We are the author and the blank pages of the future are ours to write. The time to begin is now. It is time for each of us to find our purpose, and come together in harmony with one another to cultivate new ideas, release our creativity, and drive innovation. This will bring us down a path of co-creating a new future for this world and all who live in it. This is of the utmost importance and society needs us!

Although aimed at Millenials, this blog is not exclusive. Anyone who is in search of something greater for themselves and their communities is welcome. If you want to find your life purpose and release your passion on the world, please come back often. Small actions can cause enormous change, as the ripples from a pebble can move the surface of the entire body of water. We need to become that pebble and create the change that we want to see in this world.

Thanks for reading,



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Join our Soul Hangout Community. We are voicing change and supporting Millennials. Become a member. Join us. Millennials are the privileged generation with the mindset of the 21st C passing the torch to the most unprecedented changes in the history of the world. Come, join us!!! We need your voice!!!

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