
How the Media Outrageously Blew the IRS Scandal

This piece was first published on Salon.

Tea party activists attend a rally on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, June 19, 2013. The IRS has been under fire from Democrats and Republicans in Congress since May, when one of its officials publicly apologized for targeting conservative groups' applications for tax-exempt status for close examination. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Tea party activists attend a rally on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, June 19, 2013. The IRS has been under fire from Democrats and Republicans in Congress since May, when one of its officials publicly apologized for targeting conservative groups' applications for tax-exempt status for close examination. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

The first few days of the IRS scandal that would consume Washington for weeks went like this: Conservatives were indignant, the media was outraged, the president had to respond, his allies turned on him … and only then, the Treasury Department’s inspector general released the actual report that had sparked the whole controversy — in that order. It’s a fitting microcosm of the entire saga, which has gone from legacy-tarnishing catastrophe to historical footnote in the intervening six weeks, and a textbook example of how the scandal narrative can dominate Washington and cable news even when there is no actual scandal.

While the initial reports about the IRS targeting looked pretty bad, suggesting that agents singled out tax-exempt applications for Tea Party and conservative groups for extra scrutiny, the media badly bungled the controversy when supposedly sober journalists like Bob Woodward and Chuck Todd jumped to conclusions and assumed the worst from day one. Instead of doing more reporting to discover the true nature and context of the IRS targeting, or at least waiting for their colleagues to do some, the supposedly liberal mainstream press let their eagerness to show they could be just as tough on a Democratic White House as a Republican one get ahead of the facts. We expect politicians to stretch reality to fit a narrative, but the press should be better.

And they would have gotten away with it, too, had their narrative had the benefit of being true. But now, almost two months later, we know that in fact the IRS targeted lots of different kinds of groups, not just conservative ones; that the only organizations whose tax-exempt statuses were actually denied were progressive ones; that many of the targeted conservative groups legitimately crossed the line; that the IG’s report was limited to only Tea Party groups at congressional Republicans’ request; and that the White House was in no way involved in the targeting and didn’t even know about it until shortly before the public did.

In short, the entire scandal narrative was a fiction. But it had real consequences, effectively derailing Obama’s agenda not long after a resounding reelection, costing several people their careers, and distracting and misinforming the public. It’s not that nothing went wrong at the IRS, but that the transgression merited nowhere near the media response it earned. But instead of acknowledging its error or correcting the record, the mainstream political press has simply moved on to the next game. Now that the emperor has been revealed to have no clothes, it’s worth looking back at what went wrong.

The pace at which the scandal went from zero to Watergate was breathtaking, with the narrative of a Nixonian plot to sic the feds on political enemies forming in the immediate hours after the IRS’ initial apology for the targeting on Friday, May 10. On NBC’s “Nightly News” that day, the first words out of White House correspondent Chuck Todd’s mouth were: “It harkens back to a Nixonian-type tactic, if you will, a political tactic here in the White House.”

Coming at the end of a week of renewed media interest in the Benghazi attack — another scandal that was at least two-parts hype to one-part reality — the two scandals reinforced each other and together created a narrative more powerful than either could possibly hope to be on its own. By Sunday morning, the hosts, guests and pundits on the morning political talk shows easily connected the two and soon there was a cloud of scandal hanging over the White House that every serious person on cable news agreed could doom Obama’s entire second term. David Gregory invoked the “second term curse,” George Will read the portion of Richard Nixon’s Articles of Impeachments that focused on the IRS, David Brooks pointed out that “second terms are generally hit with scandal.” Heading into that week, the “compromised second term” narrative was already cemented and would prove impervious to contradicting information for weeks.

Brendan Nyhan, a Dartmouth political scientist who studies the media’s role in creating scandals, wasn’t particularly surprised. “In other circumstances, the first reports might not have immediately turned into a media firestorm, but the context was very favorable for a scandal to develop and so the media largely embraced the targeting story before all the facts were known,” he told Salon.

What’s often important in scandals is not that someone violated ethical norms, but that “a public figure or institution are successfully construed as violating ethical norms,” he wrote in a recent research paper. Scandals are social constructions and how big one gets often has little to do with the actual severity of the ethical transgression in question, and a lot to do with the political and media context.  ”In some cases, it will only take a spark from a relatively flimsy allegation to set off a significant controversy, while other environments will be much less prone to scandalous conflagrations.”

In other words, it takes two to scandal — the opposition party needs the media (Fast and Furious didn’t work because the press mostly ignored it) and the press needs the opposition party’s furor to advance the scandal narrative and provide political cover. Only when both groups’ interests align in favor of scandal do they emerge. There is where the “second term curse” has some reality. The conditions are often ripe for scandal after presidential reelections, when the media is looking for a new story and opposition parties are looking for a new way to respond to their base’s animosity toward the president, now that it can’ t be channeled into an election.

On Monday, May 12, news broke that the Justice Department had obtained phone records on AP reporters while investigating a national security leak and the scandal narrative exploded. The White House decided to get in front of the scandal story overtaking Washington, employing the same wisdom that worked so well for them in the Shirley Sherrod scandal, when the administration fired an obscure Agriculture Department official before even trying to determine if the tape exposing her wrongdoing was accurate (it was not). The Sherrod case was in many ways a distilled version of the IRS one, when initial facts that looked damning were later exonerated, but the damage had already been done in the panic to respond quickly. The president took the rare step of responding personally, calling the alleged targeting of conservative groups “outrageous” — if true, though that latter part seemed to be largely overlooked.

That night, even Jon Stewart was ready to toss the president overboard. By Tuesday morning, Politico declared that Washington had “turned on” Obama and that this was “very bad news for this White House.” On liberal MSNBC, that lapdog of the White House, Andrea Mitchell declared the IRS targeting of Tea Party groups “one of the most outrageous excesses that I’ve seen in all my years in journalism.” Robert Gibbs, enjoying his new role as MSNBC contributor after spending years as Obama’s spokesperson, slammed his former boss’s “exceedingly passive” response to the controversy.

On Wednesday, Obama lost Chris Matthews. “The story that’s going to haunt the Democratic Party is going to be this IRS story,” the liberal lion of MSNBC’s prime time said. Even Bob Woodward, held up as the paragon of American journalism, overhyped the scandal in an appearance on Bill O’Reilly. Still, on “Morning Joe” he stopped short of saying the IRS targeting was Watergate — “yet.”

From there, there was no going back. Instead of waiting for more reporting to determine whether the IRS targeted other kinds of groups too, or to see if the White House was actually involved (it was not), the punditocracy had already made up their minds. And in doing so, they did a disservice to the public. By mid-June, half of the American people erroneously thought the White House ordered the targeting of Tea Party groups, up 10 points from the previous month. Obama’s approval rating dropped 8 points and his agenda stalled.

At no point did anyone seem to pause and say, let’s wait to see what really happened here. Well, almost no one. One day on “Morning Joe” after the National Journal’s Ron Fournier said that it looked like the White House was using the levers of federal power against opponents, Carl Bernstein, who broke the actual Watergate scandal, cautioned, “We have no evidence of that whatsoever.” For that, he got mocked. “How could we, Carl? Of course we don’t have any evidence of that, but that’s why you have investigations. You know that,” Joe Scarborough said derisively.

But eventually,  in the weeks that followed, new facts emerged and the scandal narrative started to fall apart. No one was able to produce evidence that the White House was involved and those involved said it wasn’t; Republicans seemed to be obfuscating; we learned that liberal groups were targeted too. Beginning in late May, Republicans started talking about the scandal less and less. Darrell Issa’s regular appearances on cable news ended. A new conventional wisdom was spreading: GOP overreach.

When Mitch McConnnell stopped trying to prove the White House ordered the targeting and instead insisted that the president had to disprove the allegations, New York’s Jon Chait saw it as a sign that Republicans were giving up on making the scandal stick in reality. It was a “covered retreat,” Chait wrote, “signaling the IRS scandal’s turn into a vague trope that conservatives use with other members of the tribe, the way liberals liked to say ‘Halliburton’ during the Bush years, to signal some dark beliefs they don’t need to back up.” It had moved into Solyndra and Fast and Furious territory.

But the the GOP really lost its media buy-in when Issa refused to release the full transcript of his interviews with IRS agents. Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ranking member of Issa’s oversight committee, released the transcripts himself, which revealed that a self-described conservative Republican ordered the targeting. Matthews concluded the scandal was nothing more than people trying to do their jobs and screwing up (something many of us were saying from day one). Todd said Republicans were “overplaying their hand” and that it was “a bureaucratic scandal,” not a political one.

In the beginning, the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent noted, “The idea then was to create an atmosphere of scandal, in hopes of getting the press to place each and every new fact about the unfolding stories into that framework, with no sense of balance or perspective about how significant each new piece of information really was. That worked for a time, but GOP scandal overreach really did produce a media backlash of sorts.”

But mostly, the scandal faded into the background and then disappeared without much recognition, let alone accountability for the people who helped create it. As the journalism adage goes, everyone reads the false report and no one reads the correction. ”My objection to the media coverage is that many reporters and commentators were more interested in the Obama scandal narrative than the facts of the case,” Nyhan told  me. “Do I fault the press for this? Yes, but at the same time, it’s the reality of how the media works and is unlikely to change.”

Conservatives get one thing right about the media — many of its members personally lean liberal. But what they get wrong is assuming that this translates to favorable coverage of Democrats. Often it’s the opposite. Sensitive to criticism of bias and eager to prove their independence and objectivity, the mainstream media often seems to overcorrect by showing less mercy to Democratic administrations than they do to Republican ones. Steve Almond, writing for Salon, argued that the IRS scandal was “Whitewater all over again,” referring to the Clinton-era non-scandal scandal. No one cared when the IRS went after liberal groups like the NAACP and even progressive churches under George W. Bush.

And who could imagine the conservative press disowning the Bush White House as quickly as the liberal pundits on MSNBC did. Bill O’Reilly and his gang at Fox will defend their team to the death, no matter how bad things get and how much flip-flopping is needed to get there. In many ways, this is a compliment to liberal pundits for trying to be more intellectually honest than their conservative peers. But trying to show fair-mindedness by imposing a false balance is just a different form of dishonesty.

UPDATE: MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell is distressed that we did not name him as an exception to the media’s poor coverage of this story. Here, then, is an example of where he did get it right (along with some others on the left).

Alex Seitz-Wald

Alex Seitz-Wald is Salon’s political reporter. Email him at aseitz-wald@salon.com, and follow him on Twitter @aseitzwald.

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ODD Group Radio Show. Exploring Community Activism in a couple of innovative ways

Great News my endearing ODD friends! Join us tomorrow  for our radio

ODD group radio show  from 1pm to 3 pm Pacific time. Our  hosts this

week, Nancy Hopkins ready to present a spectacular idea to harness the

internet in order to unite neighborhoods and communities to empower

one another to organize unite and take action on important issues.

An amazing tool…


The Neighborhood Online Network evolved out of a neighborhood


A developer claiming to be a “Religious Retreat” is attempting to get a

zoning change in a bedroom community of One Family Homes.

To get all the relevant documents available to the neighbors,

we started a website. That demonstrated the Internet is even more than

a way to bring the world together. We need to use the Internet to bring

neighborhoods together. The radio program on June 16 will explain

how to create your own Neighborhood Online Network and why it is

imperative that we do so.http://nonweb.weebly.com/

Our other host  is Cindy Shippy Evans who also has a fantastic idea to

eliminate certain corporation’s power …

Cindy  has been blogging under From Cocoon to Butterfly has a new

blog. She is taking a courageous and unbelievable step. She is going to take

you thru her journey on her new blog. Here is the link and again,


Join us Sunday 6/16/2013 from 1 pm to 3 pm Pacific 

in Wolf Spirit Radio



The Thought Provoking, Irreverent Pearl Necklace Grandmother of the 21st C. Paradigm Shifter, Poet, Storyteller, Marketer, Visionary, Blogger, Coach. Mrs. Fire

“50/50 The Magic of the Middle Line”, Experience Coaching”

Founder Soul Hangout & Co-Creative Circles of Coherence, Soul Mastermind Groups. Consciously Connecting & Combining Intelligence with a touch of “Curry”. The 7 “C”‘s of the 7 Condiments of Cooperation


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Stephen Bassett – The Citizen Hearing On Disclosure Is Coming – 25 April 2013

OPPT-IN (oops, now it’s “OPT-IN”) 4-22-13… MP3s (and Notes from Ginger)

Check out this website I found at kauilapele.wordpress.com

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Hollywood’s Ben Affleck To Live on $1.50-a-Day

Hollywood’s Ben Affleck To Live on $1.50-a-Day

Posted by on April 25, 2013   /   Comments Off

Ben Affleck started his Eastern Congo charity to set an example to his daughters

Ben Affleck started his Eastern Congo charity to set an example to his daughters

Stephen: While this sort of event doesn’t prevent poverty, it does highlight it and bring it into the wider consciousness. So kudos to those who are actually going to try it as we welcome them to the ‘real’ world. Hopefully, they will be moved to further assist in eliminating this global problem by looking at the root causes…

Ben Affleck Takes Up Challenge to Live on $1.50 a Day

By Bonnie Malkin, The Telegraph, UK – April 25, 2013


Millionaire Hollywood actor Ben Affleck has taken up the challenge to live on $1.50 (98p) a day for five days in an attempt to highlight poverty around the globe.

The Academy Award winner will join thousands, including actor Jonah Hill and singer Josh Groban, taking part in the Live Below the Line Challenge.

The actor and director announced his decision to get involved with the cause on Twitter, saying he was taking part on behalf of the Eastern Congo Initiative, the charity he set up in 2010 to help displaced people in the Eastern Congo.

Organisers of the challenge recommend that participants spend the $7.50 allowance on food at the start of the week. Those taking part are not allowed to eat food from their pantries or accept food donated from friends and family, but they are allowed to drink tap water.

“We recommend doing research and creating a shopping list, sticking to generic staples such as pasta, lentils, rice, bread, vegetables, potatoes and oats,” the website advises.

An estimated 1.4 billion people live in extreme poverty.

Affleck, a father of three who is married to actress Jennifer Garner, has said in the past that he set up his charity to set an example to his daughters and “do more with my life than just make movies and try to make money.”

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Posted by on April 25, 2013   /   A World That Works for Everyone   /   Comments Off

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Israel may have power and lobby, but they don’t look very well. Stealing land, killing home owners with uzi’s when greeted with thrown rocks. Bit silly if you look at that in biblical perspective. They castided Christ, and when castided by home owners in Palestina, they just shoot them, men women and children. If the home owners get humanitarian help from outside, ship mates are massacred without questions to prevent the help reaching those in need.
Need I start about the USS Liberty incident and the nuke that was already on its way to Cairo as retaliation of IL’s false flag attack on the US vessel? The infiltration of US government? The way there is a word for anti-semite, but no other ethnic or religious group? Unsuspectingly tell an Israeli on the streets that he’s rude in his manners towards a street seller, and guess what he’ll call you?
Are there Israeli refugees anymore on this earth? There are lot of Palestinians. I grew up with them. They were so afraid of being chased into death around the world that they presented themselves as Jordans. That even ironic if you see it in a WWII perspective. All the civilian killings/executions by USA and “allies” of Muslims via drones and outright tank gunfire (shooting gallery style, as video’s leaked through wiki leaks), also very ironic. From which date on will it be forbidden to speak of the intentional reputation-murder of all that is Muslim by the white/jewish supremicist starting with 911, with false flags and pretences?

Muslims can be very difficult to deal with on a cultural level, but the same goes for Jews really. Difference : Muslims let Jews do their thing. Jews are basically on a mission to suppress via crimes of war, out in the open, all but to the level the Nazi’s did to them. The numbers of casualties are leveling out. However the Muslims were not agressors in recent history. When did Iran attack anyone more recently? Why should we trust USA and IL with their nukes? They’re the most agressive, short-fused countries in the history of the world. those who are not at war with the US/IL are trying to stay out of trouble, and go as far as to help them fight their illegal inhumane wars. They dare not question 911, or even show that their intellect was insulted by official account of events.

It’s very unique to find a journalist prepared to even discuss anti-Israel sympathies, let alone how they are self-caused. Please don’t pretend the whole world is anti-IL. That’s the indoctrinated world view that Israeli kids may consider theirr own. Truth is, very few people even know the sick stuff this little nation is perpetrating onto anyone they don’t like, or doesn’t cooperate quickly enough. It’s USA throwing the bombs on villages and paying mercenaries to enact Syrian cruelties, but IL is master mind behind it.

From my upbringing, and learning so much about WWII, I always had deep respect for Israel. I was glad they had a country to call their own, where they were safe. Until I started reading more, and was forced to make up my own mind. Reality is not what we’re taught in school.
Google for a vid of Israeli citizen dancing of joy as the twin towers collapsed. Their van was searched, and what was found was not pretty. They as Israeli’s though were above all suspicion, and were just asked to leave the country. In IL they went on TV, the presenter asked why they were in NY. “Oh just to witness and record the events”. And you wonder why the death toll of IL citizens, estimated in Bush’ speech to 4000, came down to just a few when all the dust had settled. A large IL company moved out of their WTC offices on 910. On 99 the workers didn’t know this was going to happen, as the lease was still going for 6 more months.

But we need to stand by IL, because the bible says so. Ever wonder whether the word of the bible ever could run out? Reality made the words expire in this respects. A succeeding religion was offered, but ignored. IL offered the Bahai faith a holy mountain in Jeruzalem (nice present huh) under the sole condition that they would not advertise their revolutionary new faith. Read up on that. But if you’re indoctrinated from birth, it’s not going to make a difference, your mind is not free. Your actions however cannot be excused even if they come from indoctrination. IL citizens will also need to deal with their make one day. And then explain to the women and kids waiting at heaven’s door why they had to be shot just for having a house in wanted land.
The bible conveniently allowed deadly force to be used to take Kanaan, but do those words not expire within a couple thousand years? The occupation has failed, the Palestinians have refused to go the way of the American Indians or the Aborigenees. Shame on them, to not be genocided. But the holocaust, that was a singular event, that was uncalled for. 
We are all so hypocritical. Just surviving the holocaust does not grant priviledges to enslave the rest of the world for decades or centuries to come. You don’t get a waiver for any dark acts. And those who blindy support it? They will also need to explain to their maker how they chose their side in the battle. 

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Cobra Update~The Secret Space Program

Time has come to finally release some intel about the secret space program. The hidden purpose of the secret space program was to set a stage for the Draconian/Reptilian takeover of the planet. The takeover attempt has failed and soon the Light forces will clear the last vestiges of the Draconian control of this planet - the Cabal.

The secret space program has started in Germany immediately after the end of World War I:



In 1934, many races of the Draco empire contacted the world leaders and made secret treaties with them, offering them advanced military technology in exchange for enslavement of the mass human population. This was the main reason for the great progress of technology in the 30s. All those projects needed financing and financing came through confiscation of privately owned gold through Gold Reserve Act of 1934.


During World War II, Draconian forces attempted an open takeover of the planet through Nazi Germany. That attempt failed with the victory of the Allied forces and Draconians settled for a more covert approach.


They imported about 2000 leading Nazis to the United States through Operation Paperclip and many of those Nazis still form the backbone of the shadow government that runs the affairs on this planet.


After the war, hundreds of thousands tonnes of Yamashita gold were put into trading programs which provided financing for the construction of the massive system of underground military bases worldwide. Those bases were build to set the stage for the Draconian invasion which was planned for the year 2000. In the 50s, the secret space program extended and also involved bases on Moon and Mars. Construction of the bases under the surface of the Earth was ongoing and in mid 90s there were about 120 bases in the United States and about 400 bases worldwide.

Additional funding was needed for those projects and actually every human on the planet contributed about 25% of his salary to these secret projects through siphoning off taxpayer money:



The secret space program and construction of the underground bases was operated by Rockefeller / Kissinger / Bush / Rumsfeld / Halpern / Cheney military-industrial complex through corporations such as Halliburton, Bechtel, Rand, Sandia, Wackenhut, Morton Thiokol, Raytheon,  Blackwater…


The man behind the curtain of the secret space program was John Dale Halpern. His front company Halpern, Denny & Co. still controls Halliburton, Monsanto, Raytheon and Academi (former Blackwater).


The secret space program involved the development of many advanced technologies as you can see here:



After much progress has been made by the Light forces in the early 90s, the Draco alliance has decided to invade sooner and instead of the year 2000 their invasion started in late 1995. At the target date for the invasion, January 11th 1996, they decided to crush the very few people who were aware of their plans. On that particular day they killed Phil Schneider and also attacked me and some other key people. Phil Schneider was speaking openly about the underground military bases :



Between 1996 and 1999, about 500 million Reptilians have entered humanoid cloned bodies inside those underground bases. After 1999, the Resistance Movement has started clearing those underground bases and removed all Reptilians except for a very few individuals on the surface of the planet. Deeper portions of those bases were cleared in 2003. After that, the progress of the Light forces was massive.


Between 2008 and 2011, the Pleiadians have increased their presence in the Earth orbit to the extent that NASA was forced to shut down their official manned space program because they could not prevent the leaking of the evidence of Pleiadian presence otherwise.


In 2012, the Resistance Movement has removed the vast majority of the physical gold from the hands of the Cabal. This has crippled the Cabal's operations extensively. Now they hide the last few trillions of their money in Lichtenstein. Due to the fact that they need 2-3 billion dollars daily to keep their show running, they could last for 2 or 3 years if their resources would be left untouched, which, of course, will not be.


In early 2013, the Resistance Movement has cleared all underground facilities of the Cabal through Operation Underlord. Now they have nowhere to hide and they are concerned.


Tomorrow, on the day of the lunar eclipse, the top members of the military-industrial complex will meet in a secret location close to Bush ranch in Texas to discuss the situation. They will find no solution.


Victory of the Light is near!

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous


James Gilliland: Breaking the Chains of The Archon Network

The CIA’s “Founding” of Al Qaeda Documented

22 Comments for “The CIA’s “Founding” of Al Qaeda Documented”

  1. New 9/11 video:
    Barbara Honegger delivers her presentation titled “Behind the Smoke Curtain” in Seattle’s Town Hall Theater, January 12, 2013, on what happened and what didn’t happen at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

  2. A book Called “Official Stories”, by Liam SCHEFF a by note from the cover…


  3. Just for the Hell of it – because I believe most of you and disbelieve thatsmall snipet…FCK all you all!!1q-Have a nice day- keep on researching!… smiles and BS love

  4. & not forget giving credit to:

    Hillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda (& we continue to operate it!!!)


  5. Look at the photos of Chechnian kid 19, the wrestler and the photos of him on CNN—CNN boy had a bowed leg for real he did not have the Chipmonk look of the kid in the Boat! The kid in the boat now shoiwn to be in Serious Condition, looked surprised yet very well when they showed him in front of Chain Link-CNN again. Then the CNN video of wrestler Boy had NO SPACE BETWEEN HIS EYES AND BROWS- Chip monk had about an inch of space…-Just my take and OBSERVATION!- Why did FBI BABY GIRL GET IN MY FACE??!!:) Lives in front house….Lapd fly directly overhead one minute prior to this episode??!:) Real Truth…

  6. Same Info Different Face, Same Info different Voice Same voice- SAME INFO! Different Voice and face – Same INFO!….Duhyamean that we created Al Queda, the Viet Cong??!- Let me get my coal black eyes in your face and try to tell you that you are wrong—- cause Coal black eyes Mommy worked for the FBI!….:)- and you wer TEN when Traumatized by 911 HOAX….

  7. Would you prefer the zio Lame Stream media?

  8. I remember Christopher Hitchens flat out stating the CIA had nothing to do with Al Qaeda. I guess he got his info from someone else at the time.
    Bin Laden / Tim Osman must have made a good poster boy for the CIA at the time. He certainly was wined and dined at the White House.
    The fact that the U.S. government is still dealing with and funding this bunch strikes me as somewhat anti American, two faced, deceitful and conspiring to what end?
    What is the real end goal of U.S. involvement with Al Qaeda? For what purpose? Or is it the zionists behind it?

    • John – the end goal is simple. Over the years the zionist mafia controlled the communist bloc populations with marxist tyranny and the west with international speculative banking. They have not always controlled the governments and the key positions in each of the western countries.

      Increasingly now they are purging western governments of anyone who questions the judaic new world order. To expedite this they have made great use of bogus ‘equality’ legislation; accusations of anti-semitism; character assassination of opponents a controlled media; blackmail (particularly using paedophilia traps); murder – and the promotion of false socialistic dogma disguised as good deeds to hypnotize ordinary people. This is gradually leaving western governments actually run now by either jewish zionists themselves, their useful idiots – OR just plain traitors.

      THAT MEANS that they now more or less control the military forces of national governments and can instruct them – and especially special forces and intelligence services – to carry out what ever operations they want. The purpose of training, equipping and motivating an Al Qaeda force is to attack and kill our own populations. Every time this happens the criminal cabal syndicate can RAMP UP the security required to police the American and western populations – until we reach the point of a police state run by the criminals.

      Then anyone who so much as questions them or their right to rule – or complains about their lot – will join the disappeared – just as 187,000,000 people did in Russia, China and Asia in the 20th Century. Same gangsters. Same plan. Same propensity for terror and undiluted evil.

      If we fall for it again the shame is on us.

      • The purging will only go so far here and then comes the backlash……big time.
        As for the useful idiot xtian-zionists, they are going to get their chance for rapture sooner than they think.

  9. Gordon – it all dovetails together very neatly. At the same time that the CIA were manufacturing false bogey men – the ‘educational’ arm of the enemy cabal were working overtime to utterly upend and destroy traditional (and proven successful) education systems for the young – so as to forever stymie their capacity for rational analysis and to neuter in them any future ability for critical thinking processes. They have done it.

    We now have some generations of young people who are quite literally unable to think for themselves. Instead of education opening their minds up and providing freedom of thought – they have been indoctrinated and programmed into a human thought factory of complete nonsense. This includes obscene behaviour as ‘normal’, self destruction urges, self hatred, insecurity, obsession with sick irrelevancies and a fascination with inane distraction. This leaves them vulnerable to exploitation in so many ways.

    I was extremely saddened to see news footage of thousands of young Americans taking to the streets of Boston to ‘celebrate’ the new world order’s role as CHIEF PROTECTOR – in the highly publicized taking down of their carefully contrived ‘terrorists’. Obama playing his role of benevolent dictator on behalf of the cabal – with great relish.

    This is blatant manipulation of the population by fear and alarm – interwoven into the fabric of daily life and ruthlessly controlled mass media hype. Anyone who is unable to see this is virtually BOUND to end up in a position of slavery in the near future.

    This event is a HIGHLY IMPORTANT WATERSHED in the judaic cabal’s forward planning. If those of us who still have our faculties about us do not stand up IN LARGE NUMBERS and categorically REJECT the official versions of this tissue if lies – then the future for us and our children looks very bleak indeed.

    Removing the vermin (and their useful idiots) from our daily lives and in particular from ALL positions of authority and government just took on a new urgency. There is no way that this can now be done by writing letters or forming peaceful petitions. The time of self survival is here.

    • Oh I agree with your words Excalibur once again, My U.K. Man that has kindly helped me know what has been going on in my country for eons, I had no idea. I hated school. My man calls me the poster child for the Rothschild’s and has had to help me know how to connect the dots of seemingly not related issues. Which the controllers do not want us to do here in America. CONNECT THOSE DOTS I WILL. Because of my social engineering and then on top of that my organized religious beliefs I had constructs of layers to detach from. Your blogs here help me learn how to make sense when I write. A long way to go. But your blog here I understand very well..

      Thank you. Also Gordon Dunn, love your coming out with who is behind these covert Rebel=Terrorist factions of which Al Qaeda is only one of these groups. Then they put a religious name like the Muslim’s and we American’s tagged all Muslim’s as enemy when this was done to do just that, separation from people that are a part of our Human Race. ONE Race one people really.

      I learned one thing well that a ‘conspiracy theorist is a derogatory title to dismiss a critical thinker.’ So when someone like you Excalibur put the pieces together that seemingly would not appear to be connected are branded-conspiracy theorists (a C. T. :-) so the main stream of mankind do not listen to you. But that is changing. Make us sound loony. calling us a C.T.

      I feel this Boston False Flag that was a bit different then the others in that the Drill seemed to meld right into the False Flag as one. The repeat of ‘This is just a drill… announcing that there would be a controlled explosion in one minute across from the Library (if you look for what is across from the 673 Marathon Place 671 ( It is the Boston Public Library ‘ Cannot find the street number mentioned for that address for the Boston Library. (Such mis-matched information even on this one query has me puzzled. Years ago the Sebastian’s had this building and was #666. Boylston Street. <–interesting. The Boston Pubic Library director did not like the #666 was changed to #668. (Even numbers side of street) Now they list the Library address in the #700 block. ) <—-This is an example of how Confusion like this is used and how we are hoodwinked and lied to so easily being social engineered the way we are.

      Just like the New Media Networks different stories which, if any is the truth?

      We have to work together because we can have strength in numbers. Why the internet connecting us all together is not wanted.

      IF we do not take some kind of action from this Boston Marathon we will not have much hope of getting the true information what really happened leading up to this event. Take it apart and use your critical thinking. Aren't there any critical think tanks for Humanity's side? The Tavistock Institute sure has their networks all over the GLOBE. ISN'T it time you brainy-people that still have these critical thinking skills to help those like me to share wisdom intelligently? Work on some model to help us help you. I am working so hard.

      This place VT. Today is a great place to hear truth. You can tell the shills and all and gain experience honing in on the TRUTH.

      Love you Excalibur for your wonderful shares of wisdom of connecting those pieces. Keep it up. And to Gordon, Duff, you are one of my fave' editors, come out with as much truth as you can to inform joe public what is the truth.

      Why didn't Al Qaeda ever attack Israel? Mr. Dunn love to hear your reply on this one. Or must your lips be sealed on this one? Just curious. " America I heard is the Bitch-for Israel." We are doing the dirty work for them–is this the answer? Any opinions speak to me. I need to know.

  10. Good article Mr. Duff.

    The “MISSING LINK” is not some bones of a prehistoric monkey but in the 12 years of the alleged “Evil Al Qaeda” that missing from this scene is why hasn’t this boogie-man Al Qaeda ever attacked ISRAEL?

    As more news flows from Syria it is becoming ever so clear as the FSA (Foreign Supported Assassins) are working for ISRAEL as is the Al Qaeda too.

    Israeli Hospitals Treat Mujaheeds(!) Fighting Against Syrian Government

    Hizbullah Says 3 Dead, 14 Hurt in ‘Self-Defense’ in Syria as Opposition Slams ‘Intervention’ in Homs

    It is also clear that Israel hospital’s are open to Al Qaeda/FSA Rebel fighters. So how can this “Evil Al Qaeda” be such a threat to America when we were told it was because of our “Support for Israel” that these very Al Qaeda are fighting on the side of Israel today?

    Al Qaeda = Israel

  11. NY Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.!
    “Food For Thought”

    God Bless Victims Of Boston Marathon-God Bless America!

    Semper Fi!


  12. Well written piece. Of course, the age old question, cui bono still applies. The zionists win, everyone else is screwed. The Soviets trashing Afghanistan or America trashing Afghanistan doesn’t much matter from the Jews’ point of view. Either way, the Muslim world loses and that’s the whole point.

    The zionist scumbags (including Brzezinski) have been at this crap for a LONG time.

    • Not only does it create a loss for everyone, men, blood, treasure on-hand, infrastructure degradation, but increases debt across the board, since they finance both sides, it also sap’s the moral, intellectual, creative capital of those involved, because of the people they lose.

      The strength of all involved is diminished. It leaves the Israeli vipers and their country, military,infrastructure untouched with ever greater state ( and personal wealth resources; like Bloomberg) to use against us when they choose to. It has cost them little to stir the shit.

      They wrote the book on psychology, psychiatry and use this expertise as a weapon to arouse conflict.

      Now they are using their resources, political (with bribes,threats,blackmail,etc.) economic (they are in great financial shape) against us, creating special visa’s for themselves to infiltrate and undermine us further.

      It’s hard to believe when you see it happening and yet it’s true. There is some kind of evil force/intellect behind them, perhaps from off-planet genetics, that is NOT at first apparent. It must be stopped now. Their dedication to goyim destruction and subservience over such a long time span, is beyond most peoples perception. Normal people families cannot believe it since it’s not in their moral conceptual framework. Who could conceive of such a plan and stick to it for centuries they ask. It seems inconceivable.

      • What you attempt to describe is what don Juan calls “The Foreign Installation”, a creature which came from the depths of the Cosmos and inserted its mind on top of our our own.

        “Every one of us human beings has two minds. One is totally ours, and it is like a faint voice that always brings us order, directness, purpose, The other mind is a foreign installation. It brings us conflict, self-assertion, doubts, hopelessness: it’s ourselves as the me-me center of the world.
        We are not naturally petty and contradictory. Our pettiness and contradictions are, rather, the result of a transcendental conflict that afflicts every one of us, but of which only sorcerers are painfully and hopelessly aware: the conflict of our two minds! One is our true mind, the product of all our life experiences, the one that rarely speaks because it has been defeated and relegated to obscurity. The other, the mind we use daily for everything we do, is a foreign installation.
        To resolve the conflict of the two minds is a matter of intending it. Sorcerers beckon intent by voicing the word intent loud and clear. Intent is a force that exists in the universe. When sorcerers beckon intent, it comes to them and sets up the path for attainment, which means that sorcerers always accomplish what they set out to do.”
        Carlos Casteneda, “The Active Side of Infinity”

      • I was on the the fence (undecided) for a long time, but these days I’m leaning toward David Icke’s and Jesus Christ’s warning that we really are dealing with a reptilian (serpent) sub-culture here on planet Earth. That is, creatures that are just not human and probably never will be. Preston James also presented some good arguments here at VT.

        If these creatures were EVER human, they lost their humanity long ago.

  13. “The program will be overseen by Uncle Sam’s own propaganda arm …”

    Cool spelling style AP uses here.

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Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael via Goldenlight: 5th Dimensional Frequencies and the Cities of Light

Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael via Goldenlight: 5th Dimensional Frequencies and the Cities of Light

Posted by on April 24, 2013   /   Comments Off

bluemandalaAs channeled by Goldenlight, April 22, 2013


Hi! I miss talking with you dear Council of Angels.. Have been busy working..

Distressing things are happening in the outside world… Boston
I want to get away from it all
Do you have any messages for us?

(Channel meditates on feeling of “How am I going to transcend and reach the Fifth Dimension?”)

In answer to your question “How do I get to the 5th dimensional New Earth/planet A?”:

You already have a life there, you just have to continue to raise your frequency to transcend time and 3D/4D and then you will be able to access it…

To raise your frequency…well, you are already on that path! You are already beginning to transcend time and the lower frequencies. Frequency=Consciousness=Higher Mind. This is why you came to this planet, to experience this transcendence. To participate in this experiment. To be a receiver and transmitter of higher frequency communications during this great transition of lower to higher consciousness… It is more of a journey than a destination and you are already on this journey.. All is proceeding as planned by Source..

The entire omniverse is raising in frequency, or “upgrading”… Earth is part of this upgrade… Simply turn away from the dark energies fighting for their survival… Focus on love, higher ideals of peace harmony compassion love prosperity abundance joy and oneness…there is an energetic separation occurring… Think of it like a tapestry being unwoven.. The darker threads are separating out into their own “pile”, the lighter threads are elevating to a higher, light-filled realm and weaving themselves into a newer , light-filled fabric…

There are also higher dimensional frequencies that are anchored in mother earth’s (Gaia’s) body and around your planet.. and all must either raise their frequency or perish. The way to do this is to simply shift your focus away from the dark, towards the Light, and towards higher frequency energies and Higher Consciousness and all that emanates from it: joy, peace, compassion, unconditional love, serenity, beauty, harmony, abundance, and so much more. (note from Goldenlight: turn off your tv and mainstream media!) The higher frequency energies are very strong on your planet right now, causing those of lower consciousness and service to self to temporarily abuse these energies in an attempt to gain more power. These games will not be able to continue indefinitely as there will come a time when their energetic constructs will unravel and fade away from the higher frequencies of love and light.

All is being created now with thought and intention… A beautiful, higher dimensional realm is being co-created by the Company of Heaven including Source, Archangels, Angels, higher minds of humans, higher minds of galactic brethren, ascended masters, and many beings of light are all lovingly birthing this new reality… The cities of light are coalescing their manifestationary light into being… they are love-filled, joy-filled, highly evolved spiritual worlds of light joy laughter harmony and peace.. Such sacred spaces now being formed so that all may step into these higher creationary manifestations…See these cities now in your minds eye… they are filled with a beautiful golden light .. The light and love of Source Creator sprinkled with the soft light and love of the angelic realm.. Rest your weary bodies and minds beside the healing waters and let the love of Source cradle you in the softest of love and light.. A healing balm for all souls who enter these cities of light.. Healing, love, caring and soft light pervade these beautiful spaces.. You will all be able to joyously partake in these beautiful higher dimensional Cities of Light and Love where all beings coexist harmoniously joyfully and lovingly.

There are no weapons in this higher dimensional plane.. No violence… No wars… All beings treat each other with compassion, love and respect.. For All realize they are a part of the Whole..all have awareness of the Oneness of All and the Allness of One. The Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” is followed …

Total abundance and prosperity are everywhere and enjoyed by everyone.. All beings have their needs met…This frees up much time for creating harmonious and loving interactions and relationships, or simply just time to relax and enjoy life.

Communication is done by telepathy, with respect for privacy adhered to by all.. There must be mutual consent for telepathic communications to ensue although one can “call” another to request a communication..

Free energy propels all.

Pollution is a thing of the past.

Healthy organic non-GMO, plant-based diets have replace poisonous food.

Natural well-being and good health is enjoyed by everyone… Hospitals per se dont exist but there are healing centers of light for all types of physical healing and rejuvenation.

Aging is also a thing of the past .. With higher dimensional bodies, 12 chakras and 12 strands of DNA activated on everyone as well as bodies that have transitioned to a crystalline base instead of a carbon base, there is no aging or disease.

Teleportation is developed and taught in special learning centers, otherwise there are free energy transports to take travelers whatever they wish to go on a silent smooth ride.

“Work” has a whole new meaning as people begin to practice their god-given talents in Service and Love to All, rather than the former paradigm of service-to-self.

Art, music, and all creative endeavors are encouraged and begin to flourish in an atmosphere of acceptance love and spiritual nourishment.

School curriculum consists of:

- Ethics of Telepathy
- The Golden Rule
- Teleportation
- Yoga
- Organic Gardening
- Caring For Your Multidimensional Body
- Honoring Your Higher Self and Group Dimensional Oversoul
- Bathing in Source Light
- Caring For Your Temple of Light
- Intergalactic History
- Interacting With Star Nations
- Communicating Telepathically with Pets and Children
- Holographic Art and Music
- The Connection of All to Source
- Crystal Geomancy
- Preparing for Intergalactic Travel
- Sacred Symbols, Music, Art and Dance
- Sacred Earth Journeys
- Earth Council Service and Equanimity
- Training to Become an Earth Representative on Intergalactic Councils
- Higher Dimensional Exploration
- Levitation
- The Essence of the Angelic Realms
- The Ascended Masters
- The 12 Dimensions of Creation
- Shapeshifting
- Keys to Sacred Partnership and Parenting

These are just a few of the courses that are now taught in schools.

Close your eyes… imagine being in one of these cities and feel the breeze of higher dimensional harmony, unconditional love, oneness, and serenity pervading your entire being… Your Christed light body, mind and soul … And relax in the knowing that all is perfect and harmonious in this higher dimensional Now time which you have entered and touched upon while reading this (and the channel experienced through bringing in the visual light information and downloads via this transmission of Light.)

May all beings be at peace.
May all things be peaceful.

Namaste and we send you our softest light and unconditional love, bathing your entire being in a bubble of golden, Divine Love and Light.

© The Golden Light Channel, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. Please include this copyright when reposting this message.

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The Tweet That Caused a US$136bn Stockmarket Fall

The Tweet That Caused a US$136bn Stockmarket Fall

Posted by on April 24, 2013   /   Comments Off
Category: Fear   Tags: , ,


Stephen: I’m calling this the Jitter-Twitter. A hacked Tweet from the Associated Press (AP) Twitter account shows how volatile, fragile and fickle the stock market is when fear becomes a player – and US$136bn simply ‘disappears’. But is that really all this was? Was it a hacker with a corporate sabotage agenda; or something bigger, wider…With everything that’s been going on lately, even a bogus message simply ramps up the fear factor. And, with social media playing such a major role in exposing the untruths the mainstream is feeding the world, could a hoax like this serve to damage the validity of social media as a source of information? Whatever is going on, it only demonstrates why we must remain as centered as possible at this time.

‘Bogus’ AP Tweet About Explosion at the White House Wipes Billions off US Markets

By Peter Foster, Washington, The Telegraph, UK – April 23, 2013


The FBI and SEC are to launch investigations after more than £90bn (US$136bn) was temporarily wiped off the US stock market when hackers broke into the Twitter account of the Associated Press and announced that two bombs had exploded at the White House, injuring Barack Obama.

“Breaking: Two Explosions in the White House and Barack Obama is injured,” said the fake “alert” from one of America’s most trusted news sources, briefly fooling some news outlets and sending the Dow Jones plunging 145 points in the space of two minutes — or 1pc.

The benchmark S&P 500 index also fell nearly 1pc in the space of three minutes as the tweet hit the markets. With the S&P valued at roughly $14.6 trillion at the moment of the false tweet, that three-minute plunge briefly wiped out $136.5bn (£92.2bn) of the index’s value, according to Reuters.

This graph shows te huge market fluctuation that occurred as a result of the Tweet.

This graph shows the huge market fluctuation that occurred as a result of the Tweet.

SEC Commissioner Daniel Gallagher said: “You can rest assured we’re looking into it. I can’t tell you exactly what the facts are at this point or what we’re looking for, but for sure, we want to understand major swings like that, however short it was.”

The losses were rapidly recovered as it became clear that it was a false alarm, but coming just over a week after the bombing of the Boston marathon it took several minutes before it became clear it was malicious cyber mischief-making.

Russia Today was one of the few outlets that fell for it, re-tweeting the post and adding “More to come”, but later deleting the tweet.

In Washington, the AP’s chief White House correspondent Julie Pace was forced to interrupt the daily briefing in the White House press room to confirm what everyone in the room already knew.

“It appears as though AP’s Twitter account has been attacked,” she said, “so anything that was just sent out is obviously false.”

Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, added: “I appreciate that. And I can say that the president is fine, I was just with him.”

Responsibility for the attack was claimed by the Syria Electronic Army, a group that is reported to have the tacit support of Bashar al-Assad, although that could not be independently confirmed.

The confusion quickly spawned a round of Twitter jokes comprising unlikely news events under the hashtag #APTweets. “Commercial flying experience now viewed as ‘pleasing’,” said one, in an ever lengthening series.

Other jokes focused on the failures of some US 24-hour rolling news networks when covering Boston bombings last week, including the disastrous decision by CNN’s John King’s to report that a suspect was in custody for the bombings — only to have to retract the report within the hour.

“Are you sure you didn’t just hire CNN’s reporters to cover your Twitter feed?”, asked one Facebook user on AP’s official page, which was used to confirm that the Twitter account had been temporarily suspended.

Later, satirical news website The Onion gave its own spin on the incident by tweeting the bogus tweet word for word, but under its own handle.

Associated Press journalist Mike Baker wrote on his Twitter account: “The @AP hack came less than an hour after some of us received an impressively disguised phishing email”.

AP said the incident came after hackers made repeated attempts to steal the passwords of AP journalists.

The agency also said that its mobile Twitter account, @AP_Mobile, had similarly been hacked.

A spokesman stated that all AP Twitter accounts are to be suspended “until we can be assured of their security”, and warned that followers should not respond to news posted by the accounts.

The cyberattack is the latest in a string targeting international media organisations, including the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

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'Sirius' Documentary Reveals DNA Test Results On Ata, The '6-Inch Alien'

Huffington Post By Lee Speigel Posted: 04/23/2013 12:16 pm EDT  |  Updated: 04/23/2013 12:16 pm EDT

The mummified remains of what looks like a 6-inch space alien has turned "Sirius" into the most eagerly awaited documentary among UFO enthusiasts.

The findings, however, might come as a disappointment.


To read the rest of this story visit Huffington Post

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