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Greg Giles – Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light (30th July) – 31 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
In harmony we will rise to any challenges set before us as we together begin the renewing of our bonds, our ties, our relationships, our love and service to each other, to this universe and to our Creator, the Creator of all things that we enjoy, that we love, that we cherish, that we save within our memories that have brought us happiness, pleasure and even pain sometimes, as all our experiences have brought us closer to the oneness of it all in this universe, closer to each other, closer to our higher selves and closer to our Creator who began all this for us to enjoy, to learn, to grow, to experience existence, experience life here in his magnificent universe.
It is time to now begin the next steps on our journey together, steps that will bring you into a brand new world, a brand-new universe, for you will be leaving behind everything that you have come to know as your reality, for nothing will be the same for you once you step out through that door in the near days ahead, days that are approaching very rapidly for you as time is quickening. Can you feel this, dear ones? Can you feel that time is collapsing on itself, that it is becoming powerless against you and your will? Time is disappearing, evaporating, vanishing, and will very soon for you matter no more as time will have run out, if you will, and you will find yourself emerged in more of a ‘timeless’ state of being. This is what you have to look forward to, and we suggest to you to not count the minutes, days and hours until all of this begins for you as when you do this you are empowering time, you are giving time power, you are giving time domain over you. You are giving time a right it does not naturally possess, for time is not a governor, is not a ruler, a king, a God, a Creator. Time is but an abstract, an aspect, a product of yours and our creation.
We, the beings that inhabit this wonderful universe created time so we could experiment with it, to better experience and understand our universe, ourselves and each other. This is all time is. Time is no more than this, but it is also no less than this. We say to you do not make time more than it is. Do not believe for one moment that you cannot conquer time, for time is already conquered, as we have created it and we have never given time any powers over us in any way as this was never part of our dream and vision for this particular creation. Releasing the shackles of time will be incredibly liberating for you, for you will not age as you do at this time, you will not tire as you may at this time, you will not have certain deadlines that you struggle to meet, although you will still have remnants remaining of what you have come to know as time, we wish to be clear on this.
It is not as if you are graduating into a complete void where there are not things to do and a time and a place to do them, for their certainly are. There will always be times, dates and places to travel to that will take a certain amount of time to get there. We do not wish for you to miss understand us when we say that time will change for you, as time will still exist, it is just that the rules, the parameters, the laws that govern time will change for you. Do you understand this, dear ones? Do you understand that there will always be certain aspects of time, certain powers of time, certain laws of time, certain instances of time. Time will always exist as the concept that it is, it is just the concept itself that will experience metamorphosis for you as you exit the lower dimensions and enter the higher above you, if you will, although dimensions are not stacked on top of each other either, they are more within each other if you could imagine it in that way.
We would like to discuss with you what is you will be doing with much of your time once you exit the lives that you have grown to know so well. A new start for many of you may be rather jolting in a way, mildly shocking we can even say for some of you, as ending old ways and beginning new ways is always a challenge to be taken seriously. We wish for you, dear ones, who are following our messages to think about how it is you will handle saying goodbye to so much that you have grown so accustomed to. Will you be able to make this transition smoothly, or will you experience some bumps in your world, finding it difficult to release so much of the familiar? We will be there for you, offering our guidance and counseling for those of you who may find this transition a little challenging and could benefit from the assistance of those who have gone on before you and have experienced just what you are about to experience, not once, but even many times before.
Although this will be a glorious experience for you, an exciting experience, an adventurous and fun experience, it will also be a new, strange and mysterious and at times challenging experience for many of you. We wish you to as best as you can prepare yourselves for what will be a great change for you. It will not be a subtle change by any means, as much of what you have grown to know as the norm will dissipate, making way for many new things that you will have no or very little memory of. Do you see how this certainly can be a little bit of a mild shock for some? We certainly can understand this, and we wish to as best as we can minimize what can be an unsettling experience and allow you to proceed into your new lives as smoothly and as soundly as is possible.
To do this, we feel it is best to describe a little what it will be like for you when you exit this reality for a new one, a different one, a higher one, a freer one, a more exciting and adventurous one. One of the things you will be shedding are the constraints that have been put on you here in this dimension you call home today. There are so many constraints upon you; money, age, health, gender, discrimination, geographical considerations, your jobs, your families. These are all constraints, shackles it could even be said, although we understand how you love your families and you may love the area in which you live, this is not what we mean. What we mean is you have ties to these areas of your lives, ties that cannot easily be cut, allowing you to roam free wherever it is you would like to go and do whatever it is you would like to do. This is one aspect of your life that will surely change for you, as once you emerge into the higher realms you will have no ties they cannot be removed to allow you to soar anywhere and everywhere it is you would like to be, to see, to experience.
Yes it is true you have families on this side as well who love you very dearly, but you do not have families in the sense that you need to work every day to support them or stay home to raise them or a mix of both, as this is not part of your new reality. Many of you will also find yourselves in new careers, this is also true, but you will have plenty of time, freedom and resources to travel wherever it is you would like to and do whatever it is you wish to do as you will not be tied down to a job that commands so much of your lives as you may have today.
These are some of the considerations we would like you to think about today, for although many see this as a blessing to be able to cut ties with some of these things we have discussed, you may be surprised that there will be many of you who find letting go of all these things or some of these things a great challenge, as they have never known true freedom from these aspects of their lives that have demanded so much of their time, energy, focus and resources. We just wish you to think about this today, and think about how you will feel and how you will handle this emotionally when the ties to all that may in some way hold you down today from experiencing what it is you wish to experience and traveling to where you wish to travel are untied for you forever. Please think about this today and prepare yourselves, for although freedom is a joyous blessing and gift, true freedom can also be quite challenging for some when this gift is opened for the first time in eons, or maybe even the first time ever.
We are your free brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light. We love you all, dear ones.As channeled through Greg Giles link to original article
Benjamin FulFord – Full Update – Why The West Is Now Under Nazi Rule And Why The Elite Are In Denial – 31 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
A visit to Canada and long conversations with bankers, newspaper editors and others still living inside the “mainstream” story about world events has exposed a deliberate state of factual denial about what is really happening in the Western terrorist states. The editor of a major North American newspaper, for example, made it clear to this writer that he needed to believe the official story about 911 and everything else the Western terrorist governments were saying because the alternative would be to radically restructure a world view he created over a lifetime. The bankers and other “elite” also fervently pushed the truth about things like “global warming based on CO2″ but immediately stopped the discussion and changed the subject when evidence was presented showing it was a fraud. The head of a major medical research laboratory, for his part, made it clear that openly researching subjects like bio-weapons (HIV, SARS, “bird flu” etc.) being spread by the cabalists would mean and end to his research institute’s grants and unemployment for him and his colleagues.
What these highly intelligent and thoroughly indoctrinated Westerners all share in common is a financial interest (jobs, salaries and high social status), a family to support and a fear that openly discussing the fascist coup d’etat that took place in the West would lead to unemployment, poverty and ostracism. However,when certain key words and phrases are avoided (for example by discussing “oligarchs” instead of “cabalists”) it is clear their world view is beginning to fall apart despite their deep personal need to cling to the “official” Western story. They are like loyal lifetime card bearing communists speaking in wavering voices of their loyalty to communism just before the fall of the Soviet Union.
The coming autumn chaos will force people like this to finally confront reality.
The newspaper editor, for example, was, after much discussion, willing to agree that 911 might have been an inside job but that he had trouble conceiving such a massive conspiracy as being possible. However, when he was given the detailed financial historical background (Green Hilton Memorial, the BIS, the lawsuits against the Federal Reserve Board, the fact the Patriot act is nearly identical to the Nazi constitution etc.), he expressed a willingness to start exposing this stuff in his newspaper. This writer has agreed to provide the paper with fact-checkable articles that will expose the cabal. If all goes well, systematic exposure of the financial fraud behind the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank etc. will begin being published by this paper starting in September. At that time, the paper will be named and links to the articles will be sent to readers. However, the editor of the paper may find that “pressure from above” may force him to back-pedal on his offer to help expose what is really happening.
The head of the medical research team, for his part, promised to discreetly check from a scientific standpoint, if it was really true that SARS and other recent diseases were man made bio weapons. However, he may find that too much diligent research will lead to a visit from alphabet agency heavies or from the people controlling his grants. We shall see. This award winning researcher and his team were one of many who had their funding cut off in recent years until they agreed to stop further research into life extension. Instead he is now being forced (by fear of losing financing) to do research into diseases that will require expensive drug therapy to “treat.” If his team can find alternative funding he says they will go back to life extension research.
The bankers were a harder case to deal with but they did admit that rampant greed and incompentence has thoroughly imperilled the entire banking system. They also expressed surprize that mass arrests of prominent bankers had not begun. Until that happens, they said they will continue to “follow the money.”
One thing that all these highly educated and intelligent “elitists” showed is that as soon as the ultimate source of money in the West changes, people with a strong financial interest in the status quo will change their stripes overnight. In other words, they will change their worldview or at least their public worldview to suit whoever controls their paychecks.
That is why the current ruling cabal is doing absolutely everything in their power to prevent the control of the creation and distribution of Euros and dollars to be taken away from them. They know that as soon as that happens, the entire house of cards they have built up will collapse. They will continue to fight, kicking and screaming, to preserve the status quo until the very last.
Nonetheless, as the saying goes, denial is not a river in Africa and the unavoidable fact remains that the historical rights to most of the world’s gold (the ultimate basis of the BIS and central banking in the West) do not belong to the cabalists who have been using them. Even if the Western central banks say they are no longer on a gold standard, they still do not have money because the Western countries as a whole have been borrowing from the rest of the world for the past 30 years. The line of credit that made this possible is now drying up and many Western countries have come to the realization they no longer make very much actual “stuff,” they can use to trade with the rest of the world.
In other words, the vast majority of the world’s money that is backed by physical reality (real estate, factories, commodities, manufactured goods) is no longer under their control and that their fraudulent derivative money is being shunned. The 150 nation BRICS alliance is holding almost all the cards now.
The best available intelligence at this point still indicates that this autumn will be a time of major change. The entire Western financial system may be held together with duct tape and rubber bands until the regime changes expected in China and the US in November. However, there is a big September financial deadline that may force changes sooner than then.
Next week this writer will be back in Asia and will be meeting with Chinese and North Korean officials and will report on these meetings. The Chinese have already said that new North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un was “getting too big for his boots.”
There will also be detailed discussion on the nature and history of the Japanese secret society known as “yatagarasu” or the three legged crow based on information obtained during discussions with members of this group in Tokyo and Kyoto.
Wes Annac – The Hathors Of Earths Solar Astral Planes : Purer Light Energies, Instated Veils And Barriers And The Expansion Of Humanities Perception – 31 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Note: In this message, references are made by the Hathors to ‘spectacular displays in [our] skies’.
I want to be clear that they are not referring to the possibility of a mass decloaking of Light Ships after the August 4th deadline has come and went; they are referring to a mass displaying of the pure energy which has been Creating our reality and which is being given in purer increments as we evolve.
To the best of my knowledge, these energetic displays are only to be made far after the initial disclosure and Contact periods.
Think, the Aurora Lights. Can you imagine such a spectacular display all throughout our skies?
Quite an energetic stride the collective of humanity has reached, while many of you still go about your days and continual experiences as if events have not changed pace in the manner that they have. We should explain dear souls. The energetic strides and dates alike that have been reached along your Cosmic calendar have called for the releasing of energy that is so very pure and that you have not yet felt, witnessed or experienced whilst on your world [in your current Lives].
Many will point out that this admission is given often and this is because the process of sending this Light energy to your world in continually purer doses each time, is one that must allow a steady realigning of this Light along steadily-purer increments and frequencies every time, and along newer alignment dates reached on your Cosmic calendar. We are able to release this energy in much purer increments and along much purer frequencies than we were previously able to give to your world and to the realms within Her which are not yet based in the realms of the Light that are now being assimilated by each and every one of you.
You have noticed and will continue to notice an uptick in the delivering of channeled communications by sources within the higher realms.
Our messages will increasingly more become those of celebration and [will be centered around] the fact that the Light and the intents and missions of the Light have reached an apex and victory-point upon your world, and the issuance of such messages of victory are not, for us, based or hanging on the removal of the influence of the dark souls on your world for this will be one small yet completely-necessary step in the overall integration of purer Light energies on the part of your world and you all.
Indeed, upon the removal of those souls and the energetic, vampiric-type entities who have employed them and who have employed much of humanity to divulge into and indulge in lower mindsets and heart sets for so very long; the removal of the influence of these souls will see much automatic expansion on the part of humanity as the lower influences of these souls have literally blocked-up and filled the chakras of those on your world who have been influenced the most.
This, dear souls, is how darkness assimilates itself into the human structure; by filing the chakras and blocking the Universally pure energies from reaching your chakras. It is very important now that you begin to work toward clearing the residue that has been steadily built up within the minds and hearts of you dear souls for so very long, and you will find along the way many souls who have done extensive work to clear this residue and to heal the traumatic events that have accompanied this residue.
You will see these souls as examples of what the experience of consciousness will be like for one who has found an expanded and open perception and state of mind. Abilities that seem superhuman by the majority of the collective of humanity will be discovered and utilized quite enthusiastically, and one can recognize many souls who seem to have superhuman abilities that the majority do not [yet] possess. (1)
Many of these souls as well can be recognized as finding an opening within themselves that has seen them able to utilize abilities of a higher intelligence and of higher realms that again, the majority of the collective do not quite understand how to access or utilize. The opening of the perceptions and chakras of humanity is again, a process that is performed slowly and steadily as we do not wish to tip the collective energetic balance.
The dark souls on your world have attempted to influence this balance so very much by Creating natural disasters with their technology that has instigated the removal of mass, dense energies on Gaia’s surface. The dark souls have always known that initiating disasters would cause the collective energies of any given area to be healed on a mass level but they hoped to replenish and surpass such energies with the manifesting of events which would fulfill such an agenda.
Following suit with the discussion of the turn in theme of many channeled communications, you may as well notice the discussions of the dark souls on your world waning more and more as we in the higher realms find less of a necessity to discuss these souls or the final actions in which they are still planning, yet know in their hearts and minds will not succeed.
The influences of these souls is again, being diminished significantly while the influences of the beings employing them has for long been unwinding and becoming exposed to those who have continued to allow such energies to be expressed through themselves.
As this happens, the souls who once happily garnered and fed former and destructive mindsets will realize the need to let go of and integrate the energies that led and drove such mindsets, and as so very many of you discover the need to integrate while getting rid of such former mindsets and heart sets, the collective energies are shifted in a way that is in alignment with the freewill of the collective and will not tip the energetic balance [during this shifting] in unstable ways or in ways that would pose any type of threat to the collective of Earth.
This evolution is to be seen-out without any massive loss of Life that many ancient predictions throughout your history have proclaimed, as the souls of such societies were looking into timelines that had not yet been completed and such futures were not yet ‘set in stone’. Dear souls ,the only concrete future that has been ‘set in stone’ on your world is that you are all to ascend and evolve back into the natural and pure states of consciousness you were once happily and joyously inhabiting with each and every one of us who now wish to assist you in finding these realms again.
The collective has had to experience traumas before in order to heal collectively-manifested density but this time around, your ascension is to progress as declared without any long-standing difficulties or wars presenting a threat to your evolution or to your Lives. The need not to fear these changes coming about has been expressed endlessly and will continue to be expressed as it is so very important for you all to know this in the immediate future, whenever much collective energy seems to be unraveled as so very much startling truth is given to your world.
This truth that we speak of is quite inevitable as it is itself a natural manifestation of the ongoing evolution of humanity.
The Light energies being given to your world are in the very near future, going to call for an event which will vastly shift the collective consciousness and perception in quite profound ways, yet in ways that have been needed.
This natural result of the Light energies hitting your planet in increased frequency, which is a process that we are overseeing and helping many others to oversee; the event caused by this process has been long known and prophesized and the dark souls on your world have wished to utilize the needed manifestation of this event and turn it into an event that would be devastating toward the collective of humanity.
However, this is not the purpose of the manifestation of this event and will not be allowed by any forces to come to fruition. No dear souls, the worst events on your world that the dark have been and will be able to orchestrate in your recent times have been the attacks on the American World Trade Centers, in your year 2001.
This event was itself a monumental clearing event of very dense energies, for the collective of humanity has behind the loss and sadness, exchanged much energy in realms beyond your perception and many advanced souls have used the opportunity to see the delivering of much purer and more potent Light.
This Light is that which we are continuing to send you in increased purity and the plan for the delivering of this Light in the pure ways it is now being given to you is one that was greatly and vastly accelerated after the event spoken of above.
This [event’s happening] was around the time that we made the choices to inhabit the higher astral reams of your Earth and assist with the bringing-through of this energy and with the manifesting of this energy through the realms of the Earth and since our beginning-inhabitance of these realms, we have ourselves developed quite a strong and pure bond with the Earth and few feel such a Love for each and every one of you dear souls who are ingrained within the Earth experience, many of whom are doing so for the ultimate purposes of helping the collective to advance and ascend.
This ultimate evolution and ascension is again, why we have chosen to inhabit these realms and assist in the ways that we have been with your ascension and one potent method of delivering these Light frequencies to Earth in increasingly pure measures is that of utilizing sound tones and frequencies to deliver such Light to you.
You will find on your internet and be able to use many tones and frequencies that will see your chakras better-aligned with the incredibly pure energies now being given to you which have been turned up in purity and intensity very recently and will continue to be, and you will find as well on your internet specific tones and waves of such sound frequencies for specific chakras as the utilization of such tones in the specific ways spoken of, will see each chakra aided and helped in specific ways and the ultimate aims of this assistance is to help you clear out your chakras and the egotistical, dense residue built up in and around your chakras as well as to help you to expand your chakras and, after having transmuted this residue, be able to assimilate Light energies of a much stronger and purer frequency.
As you go through the catalysts in your growth that will see you better aligned with these continually pure energies, you will find yourselves Lighter, with more enlightened and clear minds, and you will find yourselves again, with so very many abilities that would at present boggle your minds.
You will find yourselves as well existing within an Eden that will be so heavenly and harmonious to exist within, as the structure of these higher realms is one that adheres to the expanded and enlightened states of consciousness of all who exist within and Create such realms.
There are specific stages and octaves along one’s growth and the realms of the fifth dimension are considered much purer than the realms of the third [especially the Earth’s third dimensional realms], as these higher realms are much easier to move around in and while one experiences a much more slow and steady growth of the self whilst within the higher realms, many souls have chosen these realms to assist the Earth from rather than directly incarnating onto the Earth because there is still much that one is able to perform for your world from the realms of the fifth dimension, by taking part in mass collective [Lighted] rituals and mass collective beaming and gifting of Light to the Earth.
These rituals are performed all of the time and since Earth is beginning to reach the dates along Her and your growth cycles that will see the filter completely removed from this energy as it is sent down to your Earth in incredibly pure ways, Creating spectacular displays in your skies; each and every one of us who have been working to bring this energy to you will make ourselves known as well, only of course whenever the frequency of your world matches the resonance of our energies and of the unlimited energies which will be making themselves known in your skies, whenever humanity as a whole is ready to see such a thing.
You are beginning to ride steadily purer waves and planes of energy as you are traversing the energies that we are now and have been giving you. Up to this point, the energies you have been receiving have been dense enough to match the Earth experience and all that has been unfolding on Gaia’s surface but now, the will of the Light is being made known as we are being given Divine Decrees by our own
Guides within dimensions purer than those which we traverse, to continually pump-up the purity of the energies we are receiving from the realms of your Sun, which we send to you to integrate such energies into your realities via the specific frequencies and heart sets that you let into yourselves to be integrated and fed as reality.You see, dear souls, you have set up various different types of barriers within yourselves, and your realities are filtered substantially through these barriers depending on the power and potency of them, [which depends on] how much a dear Earth soul is establishing and feeding them. Many of you have built up barriers that do not serve to block or inhibit your Earthly experiences and ascension too much or in too bold of ways, but some dear souls have defined themselves entirely by the very conceptual restraints and barriers in which they have established and set up for themselves.
We say that following suit with those who have built themselves up around limited mindsets will only see ultimate disappointment and hardship for one, and there will be many seeking counsel in the immediate period ahead on your world because their own established notions and constraints on what the experience of reality is supposed to be will have been quite shattered by such a time.
Indeed, the physical truths which you are going to hear and learn about are only small facets of the overall truth that Heaven has for you dear souls. The Company of Heaven wishes to expand the perception of humanity in every single avenue; in your mathematics, in your science and philosophies, in your technology; dear souls we could go on and on. However, an area of expanding your science will have to be that of integrating the spiritual and seemingly-esoteric knowledge into your understanding and perception of physics.
Dear souls, we are sending you energy which structures and Creates your reality after having been sent and funneled through your temples and squeezed through your perceptions and conceptual constraints, and just how this is done would not be able to be tracked, documented or understood by your limited mainstream sciences.
This is because the process that is gone through to send this energy to you is one that does not adhere to your modern established laws of third dimensional physics, and thus would not be accepted as plausible. This reason and many others is why the collective perception of humanity will have to be expanded exponentially, at first with many physical truths and revelations before we begin to help you understand some of the truths that will be a bit more intricate, complex and difficult to understand at first.
We say that by the time these revelations are made known on a wide, collective scale, the very perceptions of the majority of humanity will have been expanded to the point of you being able to understand even the complex revelations that the Company of Heaven has for you dear souls to absorb.
Even those deemed unawakened may choose the path of the Light rather than the continual path of the third dimension, and may find themselves experiencing the resulting expansions and you are noticing now, many souls whom one would not expect beginning to open up to the truths and energies of the higher realms in their own specific and individual ways.
Each and every one of you has found the truths of the higher realms and of the beings existing within the higher realms, in your own unique ways. Do not ever assume that a soul deemed unawakened cannot be catapulted into understanding Universal truths in their own ways.
For many dear souls on your world, the knowledge of ascension and of the Light forces at work to help you to ascend is preceded by an understanding of the corruption taking place on your world at present. Many begin to understand that your reality is in no way what it has seemed to be for so very long and as this is understood and accepted, your perception is automatically expanded.
Whenever the collective Guides of any earthly soul see an opportunity to help such a soul expand and begin to evolve, this opportunity is taken and every soul who is awakened at this point is finding their
Guides working overtime to help them to expand their perceptions and gain the resulting higher dimensional mindsets, heart sets and abilities.As your perceptions begin to gradually expand, your Guides begin to send you signs in the physical which will adhere to your freewill limits in that you have the choice to understand and choose whether or not the signs you would receive from your Guides are genuine.
The Guides of many Earthly souls have chosen to make their signs known in quite bold ways and in ways that adhere as well to the individual themself and the mind sets and heart sets the individual had been letting through themself. Synchronicities are very common signs that the Guides of you dear Earth souls Love to give you, and the various forms in which synchronicities take have their own different frequencies and meanings, the majority of which are meant to give a positive signal and higher dimensional ‘reaction’ of sorts to an energy of thought or feeling that one had just let through themselves.
You will find so very much assistance from beyond the veil as you begin to open up to these veils and the very real barriers they have instated within yourselves, and as this mere knowledge and understanding is brought about, so are your perceptions expanded even more in ways that see you better able to break through this barrier and veil completely, and find the shining Light of the higher realms; of heaven.
You will find as well, so very many ascended Guides and fragments of the overall higher self of any Earthly soul, who will be happy to make your acquaintance once again and have you realize our presence around you and within your chakras.
While you inhabit the Earth sphere within Earthly bodies at this point, within your bodies and within your spirits are specific instated energy centers; specific chakras, which help you connect with personal aspects of the astral realms and of your own heavenly Creative lands.
You have the power and potential to access these lands at all times and if one makes one’s intent for it to be so, one could even find a direct communication with one’s Guides in these realms.
Your personal astral realms are just that; personal realms of your own in which you can manifest and Create all that you will [to be Created] and desire. We must caution one whenever interacting with such realms, not to bring forth negative emotions or intents through oneself, as you will always find yourselves interacting with and manifesting the energies that you allow through.
This includes any energy of intent, and the intent you give out will see you naturally interacting with a being of similar vibration or intent. As you make positive manifestations, intents and efforts, you will find not only more clarity in interacting with and perceiving of these realms, you will find much more Light accompanying your manifestations as well.
You will begin to notice and feel impressions and ‘backgrounds’ or landscapes so to speak, and you will find yourselves able to perceive in a much greater depth and with a much greater clarity than you have been able to thus far and you will begin to recognize this as acting in accordance with the aforementioned expansion that you are bringing through yourselves, integrating and allowing your chakras to express.
Your Multidimensional selves are making themselves known to you as [they assist in ascending from] the third and fourth dimensional grids which are themselves coming down in increased acceleration, and as your Multidimensional self begins to find an interaction with you, this soul helps you to expand your perceptions and to work through the egotistical blocks and the blocks that have been caused by unhealed pains and issues throughout your Earthly experience.
You are given so very much assistance from your higher selves, from your Guides and from various funneled-down facets of your higher selves. Along with this assistance, you will find a willing contact with and assistance from a plethora of different ascended souls, as we are all a United collective and we have similar goals in mind in that we all wish to see the ascension of the Earth play out in the ways that our Heavenly Creator has decreed such ascension to progress.
At present, communication ‘time’ is so very limited, especially when compared to the sheer volume of revelations you are going to be receiving in the immediate period ahead.
As has been discussed, every piece of channeled material being given at this time is simply laying a foundation for truths and insights of a much greater nature and depth. For now, we are happy to assist in laying this foundation of information and of Love, as you are feeling as well the energetic signatures of the ascended souls giving every channeled communication, and you are using such Lighted energy as you integrate it into yourselves and allow it’s healing and expanding properties to be brought forth from within yourselves.
This occurs whilst you receive a foundation of information that will see you all better-able to understand and be prepared for the information and the revelations you are to be given. We give our Love to every dear soul absorbing this communication, and we remind you that you are all Loved beyond measure, infinitely.
Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.
(1) Right as the Hathors made this statement about discovering our superhuman abilities and as I rediscovered it whenever opening this message for edit, a good friend named Joe Eigo came to mind. I think this soul is a shining example of the Multidimensional abilities that can be garnered in an enlightened soul.
If you want to know who he is and what he does, perform a simple internet search or check out Joe’s blog for yourself:
Here is as well, a Wikipedia page on dear Joe:
As he would say, aim for ascension!
~Sheldan Nidle Update~ A Time of Great Activity Awaits You~ | The Galactic Free Press
12 Manik, 5 Pop, 9 Ik
Dratzo! We return! Your transitioning world is moving from the old dark reality that is familiar to you, to a new one filled with Light, Love, and prosperity. In recent years the dark cabal has been doing all it can to stem the tide of this shift and maintain the control it has enjoyed for so long without opposition. However, this is no longer possible. The Ascended Masters have acted globally according to divine decrees to move your realm into Light, and these actions are exerting pressure upon the cabal, which is compelling it to reveal some of its fraudulent methods of doing business, thus demonstrating its habitual, arrogant modus operandi. These revelations are providing the grist for their eventual prosecution. Some nations, like Iceland, have already begun the legal process of disassembling the power structure built up decades ago by this cabal. Many other nations will soon follow suit. We are monitoring this, and our liaison officers are supplying reams of incriminating data to those who are in charge of investigating this large, unruly cabal.
Panic continues to mount within the ranks of the dark and we expect several key arrests to follow soon. True to form, it is still relying on some tremendous manufactured crisis or event to allow it to escape. As we have said, this we will not permit. There are presently several serious 'incidents' brewing in the Middle East and South Asia, and our observation teams are watching them closely. This time an incident will not be used as a means for preventing or even delaying what Heaven decrees! No longer will the cabal be permitted to use its old bag of tricks to get its way or to save its hide. We are stopping even the cabal's most desperate plots from manifesting, which means that the corrupt and sorry old system is at an end. The divine moment arrives for these rascals to be identified and isolated from the pack, allowing profound alterations to take place globally. Freedom, prosperity, and joy will define the reality that is to see you through to your ascension to full consciousness. The time is almost upon you for a number of wonderful events to manifest before you.
The Lighted realms are preparing a most remarkable world for you. Your seemingly endless journey through this vale of shadows with its grievous burdens and travails is at an end, and a new world of abundance and consolation and gladness beckons you. We, together with Heaven, welcome you with open arms and full hearts. It is time to say good-bye to a world that is coming to a timely conclusion, a world that engulfed you with discouragement and heartache. As of now, it can no longer be seen as all-powerful or immutable; instead, a new and much friendlier world is taking shape. Set aside any qualms you may have about what lies ahead for you, or any doubts about the new world. You are sitting in the front row, witnessing the birth of a most amazing new realm.
Feel its joy surrounding you, and revel in the energy that wishes only to be of service to your true needs and desires. Peace, Love, unity, and unending joy are its hallmarks. In each corner of the globe, this nascent society will embrace and honor each one of you!
Galactic societies, like the one you are embarking upon, are characterized by harmony and noted for the enthusiasm of each member to serve the greater whole. Here, you are surrounded by those who wish you well and who invite you to add your unique gifts to a collective that ensures that your life flows ever onwards into greater and greater joy and fulfillment. Before your return to full consciousness, we wish you to experience the immense joy and deep inner happiness which bless our daily existence. Our ships will be open for you to visit, and there you will be able to personally feel the satisfaction and gratification that distinguishes life in galactic societies. Our Motherships radiate a sense of deep well being and cheer that can give you a foretaste of what you will be immersed in during your return to full consciousness in the Light Chambers. In our societies, ritual and 'spiritual soul-dancing' come together to celebrate our lives and we bask in the exhilaration that is the joining of individual with communing souls.
Blessings, dear Hearts! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with much to discuss. Presently, we are completing the final series of talks with our associates, the major thrust of which is to terminate the procedures which are delaying the start of the announcements. These will be delivered by our associates who will proclaim the new financial system and the many new transitional governments around the world. These broadcasts will lead quite quickly to a worldwide disclosure of our existence and benevolence. It is important, at this juncture, that we also bring in our Inner Earth and space families, as it is together that we have formulated the detailed scenario that will bring all of you to a full awareness of what has been so busily happening around you. Soon, full transparency will be brought to bear on matters past, present, and future, and one of the first issues requiring transparency is the many ways you can participate in cleaning up Gaia's land, water, and air.
Restoring Gaia is part of a collective movement which allows surface humans like us to return to the divine grace originally extended to Earth's Lemurian colony nearly 900,000 years ago. As the distorted 'facts' of our history are reestablished, you can begin to revel in what the future has in store for us, starting with returning this glorious homeland to her rightful place in our hearts. Then we can take the great prosperity soon to be given us to reacquaint ourselves with who we really are: a great unity of souls who share this sacred place with each other. Societies in the past have dishonored our pledges, and so we will use this moment to establish a much wider pledge that will be the foundation for a new star-nation.
This is a hallowed moment. It is a divine prelude to a new era that will see our sacred service extended not only to this new star-nation but equally to all physicality. This transition period is ready to end and a time of great activity is poised to envelop you. We, the Ascended Masters, intend to carry out this cavalcade of changes in a tempered manner, and so we are putting a great deal of pressure on the cabal to relent, or else face the unfortunate consequences of their recalcitrance. We are closely watching the hot spots around the world as they reach a boiling-point, and are fully aware that the cabal intends to ramp them up until some form of initiative on our part is deemed essential. It is ill-advised for the dark to believe that its old ploys can still win the day. This is because, verily, a new day has dawned for all!
Today, we brought you another message about what is happening. A new initiative is in the works which will bring peace and Light to this world. Our fleet is stepping up its direct interaction with the dark, and this period of prolonged quiescence is about over! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One, and Be in Joy!)
Mish/ Mike Shedlock – 100.000 Workers In Spain Will Not Be Paid Because Regional Government Of Catalona Is Broke – 31 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
This month, the Government of Catalona cannot tackle payments owed to hospitals, schools, residences, social organizations, and children in care centers and workshops. These are the services provided by entities, public and private, funded by the Government but managed not depend on it.The move affects up to 7,500 associations and some 100,000 workers, according to the third sector.The news that the Government could not meet its commitments this month was confirmed on Monday after several days of negotiations with the affected entities. Sources from the Departments of Health and Welfare explained ten days ago it “could not meet the payments this month.” Welfare, however, has ensured that other non-contributory pensions paid or the minimum income.
The federations that warn-grouped after an emergency meeting with Social Welfare that many of them are on the verge of “collapse” in a situation “unprecedented”. And is that the default is added to other cuts that have affected the sector this year, as 56% of the budget on labor market policies.
The Catalan Association of Relief calculated that 63% of companies cannot meet the payroll this month. To alleviate this choke, Acra has asked for help from families, proposing that advance a couple of months of contributions.
This is not the first time that the Government is obliged to defer payment of the concerts. It happened last September when he could only address 65% of the amount and the rest was paid by the end of the year.The idea that Spain can avoid a complete sovereign bailout seems pretty absurd at this point. The solution, of course, is a combination of default, a eurozone exit, work rule reform, and pension reform, but so far there is no rational discussion of those ideas at the highest levels.
Mike “Mish” Shedlock
www.globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.comlink to original article
Steve Beckow – Lightworkers As Designated Drivers – 31 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
The crew of An Hour with an Angel was discussing matters after the show Monday. One of the things we commonly agreed on was that we have to address the difficulty presented by the hugely exciting events in the offing, and the relationship of excitement to drama, and snapback, etc.
We’ll be posting an article from Linda Dillon on the human propensity to control. Linda made the point in our discussion that drama itself is an attempt to control. We blow up, growl, snarl and harangue, all in an effort to steer the person where we want them to be.
For me drama is the leaving of life consciously experienced and the taking up of life unconsciously experienced. It’s a return to our conditioning, our programmed way of being, all the routines and acts and numbers that we encapsulate in the phrase “old-paradigm relating.”
The relationship between drama and excitement, as far as I’m aware, is the same as that between drama and drink or drama and any other mood-altering factor. Excitement releases us from our ordinary constraints and we can do things we’d never do otherwise. In the hands of people who aren’t playing by the rules or who are turned against events rather than for them, we run the risk of being manipulated. And drama, as Linda said, is where we can be led to.
Drama hooks up with and feeds into known rituals like the rush to judgement (kangaroo courts, lynch mobs), ostracism (expulsion, exile), sacrifice, etc. Excitement can turn into frenzy. When we’re excited as a group and take up drama, bad things can happen. So we as lightworkers, in my opinion, need to keep our excitement below a certain critical limit to avoid being swept up into something that can quickly and easily go in an unintended and regrettable direction. We are, if you will, the designated drivers for Disclosure.
And the problem is that we face a time of unparalleled excitement just ahead.
Long ago (or so it seems now) Archangel Michael spoke to this matter in a personal reading I had with him. He said it was fine to get enthusiastic and even excited for a while, but there is a level of excitement – perhaps abandon – that is counter-productive and can leave us exhausted and vulnerable to snapback. His counsel was to enjoy the excitement but to know our limits.
I feel moved to add to that encouragement to wait for the actual event of Disclosure before becoming excited, rather than becoming excited about the prospect of Disclosure or by the announcement of a date or the presumption that a date has been announced. Any seasoned veteran of these themes has been through many dates announced for Disclosure that haven’t materialized. The snapback of disappointment can trigger vasanas in us that can have us throw angry accusations around, leave the group, and make any number of moves that we regret when we’ve calmed down again.
In fact, if I could take that point a further step and caution people against saying anything they might regret generally in the days and weeks ahead. The manner in which the mind works, according to Werner and others, is that we tend to “make right” whatever we say. So if I say, “You’re a fool,” I tend to find reasons after the fact to prove myself right in that judgment. I tend not to disavow what I said. Instead I tend to extend it and reinforce it. The answer to that is not to say things in the first place – not judgmental things, anyways.
We seem so close now to what we’ve been waiting for all these years. And, yes, it’ll be an historic occasion when it happens. But if we as lightworkers can make a special attempt to stay within safe limits of excitement, we may be better able to serve the collective. If we can keep our heads while all about us are losing theirs, as Rudyard Kipling said, we can anchor the upcoming events so that any unexpected turns in the road can be negotiated.
Lucas – Disclosure, Timelines And Right Or Wrong – Forget Duality, Here Comes Oneness – 31 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
Dear ones,
I have told you before about the shift that took place in the balance for the light forces that make the end of our timelines imminent as all is spiralling down the vortex of rebirth or reset to its origin again. We are going back to oneness even if we think or experience being on another road toward that goal. Duality and all the different timelines, multi or inter-dimensional, parallel or not are coming to the endpoint or better said new beginning as One. All need for discussions and commentaries and negative ambiguities will end if you see this this way.
Your heard Bill Brockbrader/AKA Bill Wood talk about the timelines one and two in his video some time ago. I have explained my way what is going on. It looks like, in the seemingly still existing duality thinking, that people are right or wrong, but it is not. There is no right nor wrong. You all are right and no-one is wrong. But all rights and wrongs are just part of that bigger picture you will not perceive yet and is called Oneness. In Oneness there is no duality and all just Is.
Therefore see that despite all our differences and experiences we will all proceed to our common end-goal. Focus all together on the common end-goal and not about who is right or wrong. It is irrelevant. The end goal is our common goal. If you let go of duality you will see there is but one outcome. Returning to unity in unconditional love, peace and harmony in a never-ending abundance as the Divine, Creator, God has decreed.
I will not go into or be busy with all the different opinions of SaLuSa, Steve Beckow, Cobra and so many others. Disclosure will come as will the abundance program and our renewal of the governmental systems and earth’s healing. With help or not from the ET and Inner-Earth friends, WE have the power within our hearts to manifest that change. We are the ones we have been waiting for so long, just wake up and see this. We all will work on our levels and timelines, spiraling down the vortex of oneness to the endpoint that is also the beginning of the new. There is no need to attack or hurt anyone or judge others for their truths. Your truth is yours and it is OK as it is.
See your desire and longing for change and call for freedom and sovereignty of our humanity from the duality force called the dark. Look beyond our “thought of conflicts” towards a new vibrational level that will be our common goal. If you see the oneness as the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel and focus on it the last chapters of this closing book, we will make it all together as One and maybe ‘sooner’ than you think.
My hope is you will stop fighting and arguing and stop knowing everything better, being annoying commentators and or being the so-called gurus or educated teachers or erudite eloquent speakers or writers that have name or fame. You are nothing of the sort at all. It is enough to BE. But as I always have said even you can discern this writing of mine and have your thought or opinion on it, just keep that to yourselves if you have learned maybe one thing from what I have been talking about here. If you must differ than leave at ‘that’. All after ‘that’ is not beneficial in any way.
I wish you all a good journey that we all need to make in the best way we can together. Let us keep the common goal in mind and not that what seems to separate us. We need to let go of the old paradigm and make place for the new to come in Unity. So forget duality here comes Onenes.
Love and Light,
(c) 2012 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the blog mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
Good Banks Turn Bad: Barclays, Libor and Me | The Galactic Free Press
Arianna Huffington
Posted: 07/26/2012 12:57 pm
It's looking like arrests are imminent in the Libor scandal, with U.S. and European investigators closing in on more than a dozen traders. It is impossible not to be outraged by flagrant deception: For at least four years -- from 2005 to 2009 -- Barclays Bank, among, apparently, many others, intentionally manipulated the interest rate benchmark Libor (the London Interbank Offered Rate), to which trillions of dollars of financial instruments, including millions of mortgages, credit card rates, and small business loans, are pegged. In the last week of June, Barclays reached an agreement with British and American regulators to pay a $450 million fine, and three top officials of the bank, including CEO Robert Diamond, resigned.
Just how serious is the scale of this fraud? Some say that the amount tied to Libor is $360 trillion, some say $500 trillion, while others put it as high as $800 trillion.
To read the rest of this story, visit Huff Post.
Anonymous Hacks IRS Database -- Publishes Romney Tax Returns
Late last night, the mysterious group of hackers known as Anonymous successfully hacked the main database for the Internal Revenue Service. The group appeared to have a singular target- Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Romney has been criticized by both parties for his failure to produce more than one past tax return. According to Ann Romney on ABC’s “Good Morning America” they had no intention of ever disclosing the contents on those returns: “We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life”. Anonymous however, seems to have thought that we “the people” might want to know a little more about the man who seeks the White House.
The Anonymous attack successfully retrieved 25-years worth of Romney’s tax returns and published them without permission on major websites throughout the Internet. The majority of these websites removed the returns within minutes, however it was too late to completely protect the candidate’s already tainted image. We at Free Wood Post were able to examine Romney’s 2008 tax return and found that he had good reason to fear its release. The 2008 return paints a picture of an extraordinarily wealthy man, whose low tax rate and bizarre itemized deductions will surely raise many questions as to his suitability to be President.
Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul stated last week that “there has been no year in which Romney paid zero taxes”. In 2008, this was true. He earned $23,425,316 and paid $412.18 in federal income taxes. This calculates to a federal tax rate of 0.0018%. How did Romney get his tax burden so low? According to his return, he had approximately $23,407,000 in itemized deductions. These deductions ranged from $78,923 for “Toupee Creators Unlimited” and $41,826 for “Spray-on tan services” to a $3.8 million dollar write-off for a trip to Las Vegas with potential campaign donors. The Romney family also paid salaries to their numerous employees including, two yacht captains, three pilots for their private jets, two professional dog walkers, one toupee stylist and a “live-in contortionist”. What someone does with a live-in contortionist, one can only speculate. However, the $891,064 Romney spent on an “EWS Donor Party at the Pennsylvania Mansion” might give us a clue. While the return does not indicate what “EWS” stands for, given that the deducted supplies for the party included “Venetian masks, alcohol, lubricant and various Egyptian leather accessories” it was most likely an “Eyes Wide Shut” party.
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In addition to his wild nights, Romney also deducted health related expenses. These included $127,000 for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for a condition termed “Pseudologia fantastica” also known as Compulsive Liar Syndrome. This may explain why the Republican nominee’s views seem to change dramatically depending on his audience. In fact, his recent string of political gaffes may be the direct result of his inability to keep up with the many competing “truths” he has spoken over the past year. According to noted Psychiatrist Bryan King, “Pathological liars seem utterly sincere about their lies, but if confronted with facts to the contrary, will often just as sincerely reverse their story.” According to Politifact, a news organization that researches the veracity of politician’s statements, only 16% of Romney’s examined statements were found to be completely true.
While the 2008 tax return only gives us a brief glimpse into the life of Mitt Romney, it is unlikely that the other 24 years would have given us his complete financial picture. Given that Romney has several secret tax havens in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and until recently Switzerland, we will likely never know the extent of his holdings or of the other unorthodox appetites he quenches with that money. However, the Anonymous hack did succeed in giving Americans a better understanding of the Republican candidate.
Check out more from Orbson Rice:
Romney: New Yahoo! CEO “Mayer belongs at home with her baby not running a company”
Romney: “I am a Proud Member of the National Association for the Advancement of White Men”
The Walking Red: The Truth About Florida’s “Zombie” Attack
Orbson Rice is a deeply disturbed professional Writer and Editor. He is also the “Creator” of the blog “The Orbson Oracle” which is thoroughly offensive, often thoughtful and occasionally funny. Stroke your mouse and visit the Oracle to read more or befriend him on Facebook.
Photograph of Mitt Romney courtesy of Adam Glazman
Photograph of Guy Fawkes Mask courtesy of Anonymous Editor
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OpEdNews – David Swanson – NBC Invents War-O-Tainment – 30 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
If you’ve watched the Olympics on NBC you’ve probably seen ads promoting a war-o-tainment reality show cohosted by retired U.S. General Wesley Clark, co-starring Todd Palin, and with no apparent role for reality.
The ads brag about the use of real bullets in a way that promoters of the new Batman movie probably wouldn’t try. But the chances that any of the celebrities engaged in “war competition” on NBC’s “Stars Earn Stripes” will be shot and killed is essentially what it was for John Wayne, as he promoted war while dodging it (even if nuclear weapons testing got him in the end). and Just Foreign Policy have set up a website at to push NBC to show the real cost of war, and to help get them started.
“Stars Earn Stripes” is being produced by the TV “genius” behind Donald Trump’s “Apprentice” and “Sarah Palin’s Alaska.” (Husband Todd Palin is a “Stars Earn Stripes” co-star.) NBC is promoting the show during its Summer Olympics telecast as the next big sporting event. But the sport it’s exhibiting is war.
On “Stars Earn Stripes,” celebrities will pair-up with members of the U.S. military to compete at war-like tasks, including “long-range weapons fire.” Only there won’t be any of the killing or dying.
Our wars kill huge numbers of people, primarily civilians, and often children and the elderly. NBC is not showing this reality on its war-o-tainment show any more than on its news programs. Other nations’ media show the face of war, giving people a very different view of war-making.NBC news programs have repeatedly used retired generals, pretending independence but getting their pro-war talking points from the Pentagon. See New York Times: Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand and Glenn Greenwald: The Pulizer-Winning Investigation That Dare Not Be Uttered on TV .
In the United States, our tax dollars are spent by the billions each year marketing the idea that war is a sport and associating the military with sporting events. Media companies like NBC are complicit in the propaganda. While 57% of federal discretionary spending goes to the military, weapons makers can’t seem to get enough of our tax dollars. In the spirit of transferring veterans’ care to the realm of private charity, “Stars Earn Stripes” will give prize money each week to “military-based charities” in order to “send a message.”
One of NBC’s corporate parents, General Electric, takes war very seriously, but not as human tragedy — rather, as financial profit. (GE is a big weapons manufacturer.) A retired general hosting a war-o-tainment show is another step in the normalization of permanent war. And consider for a moment who that retired general is. During the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia commanded by Gen. Wesley Clark, civilians and a TV station were bombed, while cluster bombs and depleted uranium were used. Had Clark done these things for another nation, NBC would probably favor his prosecution and certainly not employ him. See Democracy Now! Confronts Wesley Clark Over His Bombing Of Civilians . is asking NBC to stop treating war as a sport, and to air an in-depth segment showing the reality of civilian victims of recent U.S. wars, on any program, any time in the coming months. We’ve provided some resources to help NBC research and show the reality of war, at
Current TV – Jennifer Granholm – The War Room – What’s Working: Food Bank Brings 17 Million Pounds Of Produce To Hungry Families – 30 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos
“Food is food when you’re hungry, but it’s hard to beat fresh food,” says Allen White, assistant operations manager at the San Francisco Food Bank. The food bank’s “Farm to Family” program pioneered the connection between local farms and regional food banks to bring fresh food to low income people. Food is distributed at the food bank, but also in farmer’s market style stands within communities. “If I would have to buy this, I couldn’t afford it…
Tune in Weeknights at 9e/6p on Current TV : Comment – In my home country The Netherlands the concept of the Food Banks exploded over a 15 years and is growing bigger by the day. The need for food is great amongst those who can not survive due to the crisis and staggering debt and or by not having enough earned income to live on. Yes this is the reality of this world. We have already forgotten that we those who always said to be the first world countries are becoming our own third world countries. Poverty and malnutrition, beggars and people not able to come by on a pension or pay the health care bills and insurance (even punish for it by having fines) that is what we have come to. A world we should be ashamed of as there is enough on this world for everybody. Only now the privileged, the corporate states and companies own the people. Yes we are their debt slaves. We pay the bills for their criminal financial system that owns the judicial and democratic farce of representation called parliament or congress and senate the people and therefore the lawmakers, they own the law enforcement if it is military and police. They own our food and others supplies and utilities.Yes your are really slaves even if you thought this was abolished long ago. When Do you realize that there is need for action in peaceful ways to changes this. We still have the power people only you should remember and act like it. By boycotting, by civil disobedience, by not following unlawful and unjust orders, statutes, bills, laws, by keeping our oaths to serve the constitution and its people not our own pockets and interests.)
GSK whistleblower says Glaxo Marketing VP 'Sir' Andrew Witty was deeply involved in massive criminal cover-up | The Galactic Free Press
Friday, July 27, 2012
by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) The recent landmark ruling against drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which as we recently reported led to a massive criminal fine of more than $3 billion and a guilty plea by the company of committing felony crimes.
(, was followed by an apology from GSK Vice President of Marketing "Sir" Andrew Witty for the company's "past" failures. But according to whistleblower Gregory Thorpe, the apology is meaningless, as Witty had been working for GSK during the years when the company was proven to have been engaged in illegal activity, and was more than likely involved in it.
To read the rest of this story, visit Natural News.