An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
The Super Secret Super Committee
October 26, 2011
The Super Secret Super Committee
Patricia Murphy : "In a city full of professional pundits, leakers, and speech givers, the 12 members of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction are playing against type. None of the members of the so-called supercommittee is talking about how they plan to slash at least $1.2 trillion from the federal budget over the next 10 years -- the charge given to them as a part of the tortured debt-ceiling compromise deal that Congress hammered out in August.""The committee is so secretive that even people whose jobs it is to know everything in Washington -- reporters, lobbyists, and other members of Congress -- know virtually nothing about what the six Democrats and six Republicans have discussed or ruled in or out in their search for cuts to federal spending and a possible rewrite of the tax code."
There are now less than 30 days left until the panel's Nov. 23 deadline to produce and approve a plan.
Daily Kos: #OWS: Oakland down, ahorita, but not out.
(Load)The scene I saw this morning looked like a battle zone. Smashed tents, torn camping gear, dented stoves, clothes hanging from poles, & ripped bags with their former contents of canned food strewn about. Much signage torn down & torn up. Still up on a pole is the handwritten "information" sign. Still attached to that pole also is a sign announcing a "knitting bash" for Oct 29.
Tear gas, rubber bullets or ("bean bag guns"), & somewhere over 100 police in riot gear put an end to the knitting threat.
They haven't put an end to the 99%.
I've been at police riots. I've been at "shantytowns" torn down by riot police. I know what the aftermath looks like. So when I saw Lisa Lockwood's startling diary, I went to look for myself.
The media describes the police action as peaceful. The people I talked to who were there & didn't leave when told to, described it more as a police riot.
When I got to downtown Oakland at about 6:40 a.m. the police lines had several blocks cordoned off. An eerie scene of riot police everywhere I looked. More police vehicles then private cars at first. If you had ID & didn't "look like" an occupier they'd let you through the lines. I couldn't pass.
At 7:30 a.m. the police pulled their cordon back to the immediate barricades around the plaza where the scenes of the earlier battle took place.
At that time there were over 100 police in riot gear. Mostly white. There were only about 20-30 of us on the other side then, mostly POC. It was quite a stark contrast.
It was Oakland.
At first they let us bunch right up against the barricades within inches of the torn & shredded remnants of what had been a open community space. The commons.
I stood mesmerized by the carnage gripping the rails of the police barricade & thought, as did probably others, about jumping over.
Then suddenly they lined up abreast of each other & pushed us back onto Broadway...much to the chagrin of local commuters who for a while couldn't drive by.
All the time, by now daylight, commuters got an eye-full of a very heavy-handed use of police in their civic center.
Still city services hadn't come to take away the ruins of the commons by the time I left at 8:30 a.m.
How long the city will keep paying police to guard the area is anyone's guess. Several homeless people passed by, probably not appreciative of the police barricade seperating them from unopened cans of food now earmarked for the dump.
Several people told me they suspected SF might be raided tonight, after the President's visit.
Today the police were on the wrong side, the ones who showed up for work. They may not be tomorrow.
There's a meeting at the Oakland main library at 4:00 p.m. I'll try to go. I hope you can.
No one I talked to was demoralized by the outsized police presence. Al contrario, people are fired up...& ready to go occupy...again....and again.
Don't count Oakland out. Never count Oakland out.
P.S., if check out Lisa Lockwood's diary on the raid for great links on info, action, & updates on Kossacks arrested. My computer is lagging & I can't post the links here.11:25 AM PT: Just got this this from a friend.
She showed me where media was allowed to stand, so I joined a small group of independent media like myself.Next thing I knew, we were tear-gassed. That explains why the TV trucks left, and explains why they grouped us together.
Originally posted to MBismo VencerĂ¡ on Tue Oct 25, 2011 at 10:53 AM PDT.
Also republished by California politics, Occupy Wall Street, Inherent Human Rights, and Anonymous Dkos.
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A bit of an emergency: The rumor all over Capitol Hill is that the House version of the Internet Blacklist Bill ( DavidSegal 104 comments 234 Recs Here it comes. It's clear that the Republican strategy to protect the 1% from the rising tide of anger is to play Archie Bunker politics, seeking to drive a cultural split between blue collar TomP 47 comments 167 Recs As anyone who notices the rec list or the front page now knows, #OccupyOakland was raided by hundrededs of police this morning about 5:00 AM. I woke up to the news, having thought that the camp was jpmassar 216 comments 189 Recs Just posted on Twitter at 5:00 am PST. Press states sonic canon was used, although he's lost sight of it for the moment. UPDATE: Livestream Lisa Lockwood 459 comments 311 Recs Originally published on Tikkun Daily | Malcolm Gladwell defines a tipping point The Troubadour 53 comments 205 Recs Apparently spurred by the shoutdown delivered by Marine Veteran Sgt Shamar Thomas to NYPD officers in Times Square, more military Occupy groups have been started. The Veracity of the these Roger Fox 126 comments 270 Recs Yesterday, Sunday citisven 40 comments 50 Recs As the world learned Meteor Blades 546 comments 1280 Recs Eric Cantor passed up his planned talk at the the U. of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, to spread his Randian drivel to the future members of the 1% when he found out the audience would include 300 Lefty Coaster 47 comments 108 Recs Why is the GOP so desperate to discredit Occupy Wall Street? Bill Maher may have the answer from last night's New Rule. And finally, New Rule: Republicans have to stop calling the Wall BruinKid 116 comments 283 Recs
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Daily Kos: CNN misses the point of OWS
(Load)Collapse Article --> (Load) (Load) (Load) (Load) (Load) (Load) (Load)I love it when clueless people try to analyze things. I think the FOX-ification of CNN is in full swing. They've replaced their old standbys with attractive people with little depth and a handful of intelligence. It repulses me to no end. What repulses me even more, is their analysis of the 99% movement. They had this person analyze who the 1% of the country really are. She actually divided it into income brackets, and said anyone that made over 350k a year was in the top one percent. She then went on to say that most of them weren't bankers, but were also health care professionals and small business owners. Some of them held stock or investments, but it was a diverse group, and not indicative of Wall Street. Apparently, the average salary for someone working on Wall Street was 320k, just under the threshold. I suppose the implication is that the protesters are just angry and clueless about the real state of the country, and just angry about capitalism and people having Ipads.
Way to miss the fucking point CNN.
The 99% movement is symbolic. They see how much wealth stays at the top, and they also point to the mechanisms that a small group of people use to keep wealth within their special club. This blows that idea that these people are somehow superhuman and better than the rest of us. The 1% is not necessarily the nurse or doctor who makes 350k a year. They would be in the 1% if they are part of an HMO that gives millions to candidates to affect legislation and blocking needed health care reform. The successful small business owner who makes 500,000 a year is not necessarily part of the proverbial 1%. They are if they use their position to browbeat their employees, squeezing their hard earned benefits for their own profit, knowing full well the people under them may not have somewhere else to go. Hell, even the super billionaire is not part of the proverbial 1%, unless they spend their money propping up think tanks that are entirely designed to fit their own agenda, passing off fact and bunk science as truth, simply because the study was done by the "so and so foundation."
The 99% movement is symbolic, and it is designed to start a conversation on the American Dream. "I work hard and do what I'm supposed to, yet there is no end in sight. At least tell me if the American Dream is a lie." The OWS movement is about money in politics, it's about worker's rights, it's about the fact we spend trillions overseas but none on ourselves, and it's about the fact that sometimes, government regulation is a fine thing. Efficiency isn't necessarily to be worshipped and markets correcting themselves don't necessarily lead to good outcomes, it just might lead to a devious person become that much more devious.
Of course, CNN had no flipping clue. They just sat there as if to say, "I don't know what these hippies want either." If you don't get it by now, if you do not see the gross injustices perpetrated in broad daylight all around you, then why-oh-why are you on television?
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Chris Hedges: A Movement Too Big to Fail - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
The Occupy Wall Street movement, like all radical movements, has obliterated the narrow political parameters. It proposes something new. It will not make concessions with corrupt systems of corporate power. It holds fast to moral imperatives regardless of the cost. It confronts authority out of a sense of responsibility. It is not interested in formal positions of power. It is not seeking office. It is not trying to get people to vote. It has no resources. It can’t carry suitcases of money to congressional offices or run millions of dollars of advertisements. All it can do is ask us to use our bodies and voices, often at personal risk, to fight back. It has no other way of defying the corporate state. This rebellion creates a real community instead of a managed or virtual one. It affirms our dignity. It permits us to become free and independent human beings.
Saul: Sink Thankfully Into that Loving Energy Field | The [Occupy] 2012 Scenario
Sink Thankfully Into that Loving Energy FieldYour awareness of the divine energies enveloping the Earth is growing daily and enabling you to strengthen your intent to be visible bearers of the light. Your presence and the intent that you hold are essential aspects of humanity’s awakening process, and are the reason that you are on Earth at this most significant moment in her history. Do not allow any doubts or anxieties about your worth or abilities to distract you from your light-bearing task – because it is essential.
The effects that your prayers and enlightened intentions are having all across the planet are extremely powerful, even though you probably have no personal sense of this. Just accept that what you are doing by holding the light could not be done by anyone but you. Your energy signatures, expressed through the lives you are leading, are brilliant, beautiful, and quite remarkable to behold, and you are greatly respected for the choices you made to be incarnate at this point in Earth’s evolution.
As you live through each day, take a minute every hour or so to renew your intent to behave in a kindly and gentle fashion at all times, and intend to meld that intent with those of all other light-holders. This is a very powerful way to strengthen and intensify the effectiveness of all light-holders, because it amplifies the divine energy field embracing you and willing all to awaken. Humanity’s path to awakening has, over the last three or four decades, grown into a multilane superhighway to Heaven, which all can and will join, and from which there are no exits! Having joined it you are led inexorably to your divine destination.
Humanity’s “adventure” in the illusion has been long and painful, and it has taught you that separation from God is a state that, were it possible, should not even be momentarily contemplated because of the extreme and infinite grief that it would cause, way beyond the horrors of the hell with which some religions threaten their adherents.
There is only God’s divine Reality, in which all of creation has its ecstatic and eternal existence, so there is absolutely no need for any alternative options, as none of them could provide anything you could possibly desire. Nothing else is necessary or could ever be necessary. . . end of story! The illusion was an insane attempt to offer something that Reality could not, and you will never again experience the unmitigated horrors that many of you experience in that non-existent state.
It has been filled with the preposterous hopes and desires of a completely demented mind, which are followed inevitably by the excruciating shock of utter disappointment. Its time is over, and you will release your attachment to it as you awaken into infinite peace and joy, with the wisdom to accept and embrace your eternal state of indissoluble Union with God.
Your moment of awakening is near. The joy and happiness that will envelop you as it occurs is far beyond your ability to conceive as you continue for a short while more to experience the severely limited capabilities imposed on you by your choice to cloak yourselves in human bodies. This illusory state was an exceedingly ill-thought-out idea you had conceived and then developed, because it appeared to offer you interesting and varied experiences unavailable in Reality. As you are now aware, it has been catastrophic as you have fought with, killed, and tortured one another. But there is no “other”! You are One! It is not surprising that it has been painful because you have been attacking – yourself! Fortunately, of course, it is only a nightmare – horrendous, yes, but completely unreal.
Accelerate your movement towards awakening by focusing on the divine flame that burns continuously within each of you. See only that, and not the illusory human failings that your bodily senses respond to. And focus on the abundance of love it offers you at all times. You are surrounded by God’s divine energy field into which you can allow yourselves to sink luxuriously, or which you can continue to resist for a short while longer. Is it not a no-brainer? Relax, accept, and sink thankfully into that loving energy field in preparation for your magnificent, grand awakening.
With so very much love, Saul.
History, A Dusty Old Book or Reality? | Soul Hangout
History, a Dusty Old Book or Reality?
I’ve heard it several times. But this time it hit a nerve.
It was at the Bill Maher’s show. (Thank the gods for Bill Maher)
“But we didn’t know what was going to happen in Iraq”
(What did you say…? I beg your pardon..
What do you mean… we didn’t know…
I’m not with you on this one, maybe another one, but not this one…Not.
Nor are with you all the people who showed up on the streets and protested around the world against the war.
Nor the people and communities who gathered in their houses to share the pain of impotence, looking at each other with dismay and disbelief.
We all knew. We have a relationship with History. We have a sense of human nature.
We know that if foreign people invade our houses with weapons, kill the SOB of our father, plus a few family members, and take our resources from our own home, to give us candy afterwards, we are not going to be happy. After all, is our house and our father. Regardless of how evil he was and how weird our way of living seems to the foreign people who invaded us. We’ve been doing this for centuries. It’s Our blood… Our tribe… Our territory. Basic human needs. If those needs are taken away, there is not much else to lose. Is there…?
We also know that Iraq’s political borders are recent, enclosing diverse and millenary cultures in an artificially marked territory… “A country younger than Paul Newman”, in Bill Maher’s words. Another fact that doesn’t make things better at this point, after the fact . Don’t you think that we should get it by now?
Messing with people’s houses, territory, and blood, will only make them want to die for the cause… is a worthy cause, isn’t it? Wouldn’t we do the same? What else do they have to lose?. It’s just human nature. Somebody interfering with the natural order of things and most primary needs of a group of human beings is not going to become their favorite person, or hero by magic. No matter how much you wish. Not even in 50 years.
“It’s amazing” -said my father-”that the Vietnamese won the Vietnam war with a bowl of rice, rudimentary weapons, and agricultural tools. Americans spent the same amount of money spent in the 2nd world war.”
And we went on to have the conversation about the strength of the human spirit and how the power of fighting to defend your land in your land, changes the rules of the game, putting the forces of power to test. Transforming weakness into power and power into weakness. Facilitating the emergence of a larger power. The power of the human condition. We were talking about it in the 70s…!
“The Vietnam Conflict” happened in our lifetime. Less than 50 years ago. Oblivion to history and the lessons carrying the knowledge of the experience is a pretty alarming thing when it comes from anybody in a position of authority. Unless there are other interests, of course, in which case, the experience becomes irrelevant.
Salvadorean people have a great saying. Trying “to cover the sun with one finger.”is a pretty futile enterprise.
In the nineties, I had a poster in my bedroom with a picture of Albert Einstein that read his quote: “Knowledge is only experience”. I would wake up every day with Albert Einstein reminding me, that my experience was worth living, because it woud derive in knowledge. Exactly as it is. It stayed there, on the wall, for several years. I guess I took it out when the message was incorporated in my system.
History is there, at your disposal, as a huge database of information.How are you going to go through an experience like the Vietnam war, neglect to check the manual, and top it off repeating the scenario not even 40 years later…It’s not even enough time to heal the wounds of a generation. It’s just simple straightforward temerary adolescent thinking.
Mind you, as far as I am concerned, the only group of people who can assert the right of not having a relationship with history whatsoever, are teenagers. They don’t have much historical experience yet. You can’t blame them. They are expressing the omnipotent ignorance of not being able to relate to sufficient points of reference. No pertinent experience, not enough knowledge.
They are the only ones entitled to see history as a dusty old book. They march on the task of breaking the ties with the older generation, riding the wave of their independence with hormonal passion. The growing pains. Endearing behavior to be observed and supported. We all have been there, done that. Yes, I know sometimes is pretty annoying. However, it’s a stage of life to be celebrated. Comes once in a lifetime and it belongs with adolescence, not with middle age.
Not having the awareness of being history in the making today. Disregarding the need to revisit the historical reference of the past, will not make things better in 50 years. The pattern will continue to repeat itself. Leaving you with uncertain hopes rooted in wishful thinking. The alternative is much more attractive and effective. Consulting the database of history and weaving the relationship between personal and world history with action thinking, will bring a sense of completion and satisfaction to your soul. It means you are actively participating in the evolution process.
So, my friend, don’t include me in your we. You believe what you believe, and I greatly respect it, but don’t expect me to share your beliefs. We are not on the same page on this one.)
The Thought Provoking, Irreverent Pearl Necklace Grandmother of the 21st C.
Paradigm Shifter, Poet, Storyteller, Marketer, Visionary, Blogger, Coach.
Founder Soul Hangout http://soulhangout.net2171
Founder of Co-Creative Circles of Coherence, Soul Mastermind Groups. ConsciouslyConnecting & Combining Intelligence with a touch of “Curry”. The 7 “C”‘s of the 7 Condiments of Cooperation
The Thought Provoking, Irreverent Pearl Necklace Grandmother of the 21st C. Paradigm Shifter, Poet, Storyteller, Marketer, Visionary, Blogger, Coach. Mrs. Fire
“50/50 The Magic of the Middle Line”, Experience Coaching”
Founder Soul Hangout & Co-Creative Circles of Coherence, Soul Mastermind Groups. Consciously Connecting & Combining Intelligence with a touch of “Curry”. The 7 “C”‘s of the 7 Condiments of Cooperation
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Happy, happy, happy 2011.
History, a dusty old book or reality?
Becoming a man of knowledge and conquering fear , Please watch this. It will make a difference! .the message of Don Juan – Soul Hang OutLuz Aguirrebena's Profile | Create Your Badge
3 Responses to “History, a Dusty Old Book or Reality?”
- Jennifer Says:
February 14th, 2008 at 11:01 pm eVery well put! I love reading your writing, so keep it up!
- Luz Says:
February 15th, 2008 at 5:54 am eThanks Jennifer, I love reading your writing too! You also keep it up girl, you are amazing. Best to all of you. Happy Valentine day.
- eovaqatffjd Says:
April 16th, 2010 at 1:34 pm esLatdm zkcduaghnxxv, [url=]ykoheecegiec[/url], [link=]jipojbcxnjfe[/link],
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I wrote this on February 11th, 2008. It is incredible how relevant it is now :) When you don't understand history you can't see a purpose in life. It is easy to fall into the profit trap.