An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Why Are Millennials Vital to Health Care? | Healthcare IT News
Before we dive in, it is important to ensure we understand some of the characteristics of the Millennial Generation. The timing of this generation is generally those born between 1978 and 2000 (some say those born after 1980). Some of the characteristics of this generation include:*
- 3/4 have created a profile on a social networking site
- 2/3 say “you can’t be too careful” when dealing with people
- 83% say they place their cell phone on or right next to their bed while sleeping
- 38% have a tattoo, but 72% say they are hidden by clothing
- 56% say they got vigorous exercise in the last 24 hours
*Millienials: A Portrait of Generation Next, Pew Research Center, February 2010
The characteristics carry a strong mix of using technology, incorporating social life into technology, being distinct while shielding some it, and embracing some healthy traits.
“Overall, Pew says, Millennials are confident, upbeat and open to change.”
Study: Millennial generation more educated, less employed, USA Today, 02/23/2010
They are generation next.
Disruption Is Required
The other generations have grown grumpy and more focused on the problems rather than the opportunities. Before you go off on me, I acknowledge this is an over-generalized statement and, for the record, I am not a Millennial (far from it). I am part of the grumpy Baby Boomer generation.
The non-Millennial generations are set in their ways, with a few slivers of success in adopting new technologies and engaging our health care in new ways. We need to take it up a notch; we need to disrupt the non-Millennial mindset.
To make the point, here are some key questions that should be answered:
- How many Millennials are involved in committees for HL7 or other healthcare standards?
- How many Millennials are involved in ONC task forces and committees?
- How many Millennials are involved in the health industry trade groups such as HIMSS, AHIMA, RBMA, SIIM, etc.?
- How many health care provider organizations or trade associations or standards organizations have a mentoring program to bring Millennials into the process and tap their energy and ideas?
- How many Millennials attend healthcare IT trade shows and summits?
The easy answer is “not many.” Many are eligible to attend, meaning they are old enough and educated enough to add a valuable voice to the conversations.
I know, the first response will be “no one is stopping them from coming…” True, but how welcoming are we? How willing are we to involve them in the work that needs to be done and giving them a seat at the policy and standards-setting committees?
Why Do Millennials Matter to Health Care?
The systems, policies, and frameworks we are building today will be used by many Millennials going forward. This is true not only in their own personal health care but in caring for their parents and relatives as they enter their “golden” years. (Yes, they will be caring for us at some point.)
The direction we are setting; the dollars we are spending; and the systems we are putting in place – Millennials will be using for many years to come. We need to ensure the investments are usable for them. We need to ensure that it fits their mold of doing things. We need to ensure we give them the tools and applications to manage care effectively, efficiently, and interactively.
Two additional facts:
- “About 61% of health care organizations in the U.S. and Canada plan to add IT professionals to their staff this year, according to a study by research firm Computer Economics.” (Most Health Care Organizations Aim To Expand IT Staff This Year,, 08/23/2011)
- 37% of 18- to 29-year-olds (Millennials) are unemployed or out of the workforce (see previous Pew Research reference)
More Millennials are likely coming into the health IT workforce. We need to get them involved in as many decisions as possible or, at a minimum, get their input for many of the initiatives.
A final consideration: Millennials are well-networked, meaning they can build momentum around initiatives more quickly than other generations. Using their social networks and communication channels, adoption of technologies required and workflows needed may happen in a timely and encompassing manner.
Adoption can happen, potentially, much more quickly – whether it is an e-patient or i-patient, the reality is we have m-patients (Millennial-patients) who will want to manage their well-being with their data on their mobile device and electronically exchanged with their physicians.
Here’s the point: Millennials have many characteristics that will enable change and innovation with a strong dash of technology-savviness.
What’s Next for Generation Next?
First, this is a call for Millennials to get engaged in our healthcare communities. It is a call to be enthusiastically involved, not apathetically sitting on the sidelines.
Second, this is a call for the other generations to bring in – or move aside – and let Millennials play key roles in the policy-setting, standards-making committees and organizations. We need to embrace generation next now to get their ideas and knowledge.
Organizations need to open their doors.
Millennials need to unabashedly accept, actively challenge, innovatively disrupt, and productively offer better ways to make our health care system work in this generation and beyond.
Why Are Millennials Vital to Health Care?
I believe Millennials will be at the center of numerous health care transformations – much sooner than we may realize.
I believe Millennials have a perspective we need to grasp now. To get started, Millennials need to be on many of the healthcare committees that are in place today.
I believe Millennials will embrace – and demand – better use of technology in the management of their health care.
I believe Millennials have the characteristics to be Whole Health passionate about our system as well as their personal well-being, and we need more people to adopt this mindset.
I believe we owe it to Millennials to involve them in the policies, standards, and technologies for their benefit and, self-servingly, ours.
Jon Mertz currently serves as the vice president of marketing at Corepoint Health. His experience consists of a unique industry mix of healthcare software, IT infrastructure, sales & marketing consulting, and government. Jon has led several marketing organizations, conducting market research, developing customer programs, and working with partners to deliver complete customer solutions. Past companies and organizations include Deloitte, IBM, BMC Software, US Senate, and US Department of Commerce. He blogs at
Eby Way Miracle
So, what's a miracle? Let's find out. The term is usually associated with some form of divine intervention. For me a miracle signifies unexpected relief from emotional or physical suffering. But, maybe what appears as miraculous is not so unusual. Maybe it's all about a positive process of manifesting unlimited possibilities into immediate reality. If this rings true to you, I hope what your read today will help produce more miracles in your life too.
Those of you who have read my Hub about trauma understand that I have experienced much adversity in my life. Are you ready to hear some good news?
I discovered a system or formula that can help all of us recover from any form of adversity. More information about this process is available in my self-help book, The Eby Way.
Everything you need to know about increasing miracles can be summarized in the following four points: honestly face stressful emotions; use positive thoughts to stay in balance; take positive action to overcome any challenge; hold to positive belief systems that give you hope, faith, and peace of mind. How does that sound to you?
Of course my "choose the positive" formula is easier said than done. But there is a wise saying that will help us maximize the skills of healing and recovery: "practice makes perfect." For the sake of this discussion, let me focus on each of my steps as they say, "one step at a time."
#1. Face Feelings.
I'm delighted to report that currently I'm retired as a mental health counselor, addiction therapist, and life coach. I worked in the helping profession for more than 40 years. One miracle I can speak to you about today is that I found a job as an addiction counselor after being unemployed for 18 months!
The Addiction Recovery Center (ARC) hired me last year. I taught my four healing steps to my clients, and the ARC expanded its unique veterans' transitional program from four veterans every 60 days to ten. That's more than a 100% increase. Does it qualify as a miracle?
Practicing a process of facing negative and stressful emotions can be painful and difficult. It actually requires one to identify what you are feeling; take some time to slow down to feel the sting of an unpleasant emotion; and then cultivate a willingness to move on to restoring balance with positive affirmations. In other words: vent; release; and replace with the positive.
#2. Positive Thoughts.
As you might recall, when I lost my job I felt depressed and ashamed. Over the years I have formulated a series of positive thoughts I say repeatedly to restore balance to my mind, body, and spirit. I encourage you to come up with your own approach. But, here is what really helped me:
A. I refuse to poison myself with negative thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
B. I deserve to have a better life today.
C. I have unconditional worth and value.
D. I walk in the Light of powerful wisdom and knowledge.
A really cool thing happened after I said these affirmations daily for 12 months: We were able to purchase our home despite my being unemployed and having bad credit. Sounds like a miracle to me. What do you think?
As it turned out we had been renting our home in a gated retirement community in Cave Junction, Oregon for a year. The owner of our home said he was impressed with us and was willing to carry the mortgage loan if we agreed to become home owners. Yeah, that's right; the American dream came true for us right in the middle of adversity!
#3. Positive Action
My clients have learned that the one skill I encourage them to practice the most is the process of stop and think. This means basically when you are upset, take a deep breath and slow yourself down before you return to self-defeating behavior. I've also learned to apply deep breathing to the power of positive imagery.
When I'm stressed out or having a bad day I take several deep breaths and then I create a mental time-out. In my mind's eye, I return to the Oregon Coast. I'm walking with my wife bare-foot through the crashing surf. The sun warms my face; a crystal-blue sky enhances the sea foam that tickles my feet. Pelicans dive bomb into the rolling waves. People are flying huge multicolored kites that look like rainbow banners, parasails, and strange monsters. The endless ocean looms in front of us framed by a rocky sea-wall on our right and a pine-covered peninsula on the left. Such mind pictures as these can soothe the soul.
#4. Positive Beliefs.
Whatever problem you are facing, it's important to take the steps necessary to overcome it. I might further recommend having a plan A and a plan B. But what I'm talking about here is more significant than going to a 12 step meeting or even attending church. In other words, what do you believe in deep in your heart that will give you relief from all trauma and suffering? For me I call this spiritual process my Love-Light within. My ultimate miracle is that this process works for me. Maybe it can work for you too.
Facing stressful emotions, using positive thoughts, taking positive action, holding to positive beliefs, has taken me through many storms, pitfalls, and failures. Even though we are on a fixed income, I'm retired and we enjoy our life in Cave Junction, Oregon. My wife has overcome and stabilized from a devastating BiPolar disease. She has even lost 90 pounds and she established an OA group in our rustic, small town. Currently I play the piano at the Chateau at the Oregon Caves every other Sunday from 4:00 to 7:00P.M. I'm also eternally grateful for our five adult children, eight grandchildren, and our two dogs.
So, what's a miracle? All of this and more: there is relief from any form of trauma. Just take the steps necessary to maximize the power of the positive over all that is negative.
narcissistic personality - Bing Health
People with narcissistic personality disorder are most likely to seek treatment when they develop symptoms of depression — often because of perceived criticisms or rejections. If you recognize that aspects of your personality are common to narcissistic personality disorder or you're feeling overwhelmed by sadness, talk with your doctor. Whatever your diagnosis, your symptoms signal a need for medical care.
When you call to make an appointment, your doctor may immediately refer you to a mental health provider, such as a psychiatrist.
Use the information below to prepare for your first appointment and learn what to expect from the mental health provider.
What you can do:
- Write down any symptoms you're experiencing, and for how long. It will help the mental health provider to know what kinds of events are likely to make you feel angry or defeated.
- Write down key personal information, including traumatic events in your past and any current, major stressors.
- Make a list of your medical information, including other physical or mental health conditions with which you've been diagnosed. Also write down the names of any medications or supplements you're taking.
- Take a family member or friend along, if possible. Someone who has known you for a long time may be able to ask questions or share information with the mental health provider that you don't remember to bring up.
- Write down questions to ask your mental health provider in advance so that you can make the most of your appointment.
For narcissistic personality disorder, some basic questions to ask your mental health provider include:
- Do I have narcissistic personality disorder?
- Do I have any other mental health conditions?
- What is the goal of treatment in my case?
- What treatments are most likely to be effective for me?
- How much do you expect my quality of life may improve with treatment?
- How frequently will I need therapy sessions, and for how long?
- Would family or group therapy be helpful in my case?
- Are there medications that can help?
- I have these other health conditions. How can I best manage them together?
- Are there any brochures or other printed material that I can take home with me? What Web sites do you recommend visiting?
In addition to the questions that you've prepared to ask your mental health provider, don't hesitate to ask questions during your appointment at any time that you don't understand something.
What to expect from your mental health provider
The mental health provider is likely to ask you a number of questions to gain an understanding of your symptoms and how they're affecting your life. The mental health provider may ask:
- What are your symptoms?
- When do these symptoms occur, and how long do they last?
- How do you feel — and act — when others seem to criticize or reject you?
- Do you have any close personal relationships? If not, how do you explain that lack?
- What are your accomplishments?
- What do you plan to accomplish in the future?
- How do you feel when someone needs your help?
- How do you feel when someone expresses difficult feelings, such as fear or sadness, to you?
- How would you describe your childhood, including your relationship with your parents?
- How would you say your symptoms are affecting your life, including school, work and personal relationships?
- Have any of your close relatives been diagnosed with a mental health problem, including a personality disorder?
- Have you been treated for any other mental health problems? If yes, what treatments were most effective?
- Do you use alcohol or illicit drugs? How often?
- Are you currently being treated for any other medical conditions?
Clearing the Smoke: The Science of Cannabis Part 1 - Soul Hang Out
Innovation to Drive Ad Agency New Business
Break the mold
by Todd Knutson
One of the most thought-provoking and mindset-challenging sessions at the 2011 Mirren New Business Conference was "The Innovators Panel." Why? Because all organizations, including agencies, must innovate to remain relevant.
The chart, below, gives you a simple way to visualize the transformation that needs to take place for real innovation.
Innovator's Quadrant
Same Services for New Clients
New Services for New Clients, with Different People Same Services for Same Clients New Services for Existing Clients
Most businesses and agencies strive to achieve either "same services for new clients" OR "new services for existing clients." The most difficult, risky, and potentially rewarding move, however, is to provide "new services for new clients, with different people." However, to accomplish this transformation you will, over time, have to radically change your business model.
How to Blow Up Your Agency
Here are some of the ideas offered by the panel, which included Ed Boches from Mullen, Winston Binch from Crispin, Aaron Shapiro from HUGE, and Tony Signore from Taylor:
- Stay in tune with start-ups and trends - Listen (see below)
- Host weekly tech "meet-ups" in your office(s)
- Recruit from the hacker community
- Develop an internship program to attract the best and brightest talent
Develop a "Listening Culture"
It's critical that your organization pay attention to what's going on in technology and marketing. Here are 9 ways the panelists suggests you stay current:
- Attend tech panels
- Host tech meet-ups
- Read Wired magazine
- Get outside your industry
- Attend SXSW
- Attend TED
- Teach a class on a college campus (innovation is taking place by those in their twenties; you'll learn from your students)
- Hire a strategy firm like Jump Associates to help you
- Read Tim Brown's Change by Design; and, keep in eye on what his company, IDEO, is doing
As you develop new talent, new ideas, and new services, here are a couple of ways to start getting traction with your existing or new clients:
- Bring new technology in a "lab format" to your clients every month. Teach them. Let them play with it. Experiment. See what happens.
- When you recommend new technology or new services, be sure to explain why it's a good idea to try it out. Most importantly, before deploying it, establish metrics - how you're going to evaluate the experiment.
Lastly, make sure your website matches your capabilities. For example, if you're really good at social media or developing apps, don't tell. Show. Show your capabilities via video. Hire a young film student to tell your story for you. All you need is a 2-3 minute video.
Views: 1278
The andidote for prospecting blockage - Soul Hang Out
If you are a sales person or an entrepreneur, you know what I am talking about... A lot has been said about the 21st C sales and marketing field enduring dramatic changes in the last 20 years due to the transformation in technology and communications. A lot has been said about what I call sustainable money and unsustainable money. Meaning "sustainable money" the one manifested as a consequence of a passion to contribute and unsustainable money the one earned with the focus of money itself...for the only sake of making more money. We know how that one ends up. The optimal example is Wall Street. So, we are shifting the paradigm from competition to cooperation scarcity to abundance secrecy to transparency and separation to community union. Most of all passion instead of fear.
What sales is not about any more is: competition, pressuring people to acquire what they don't need. It is not about secrecy. It is not about the logo and the company you represent any more. It is about you. It is about how trustworthy, genuine and transparent you are.It is in one word being "Authentic" enough will easily attract the prospect and engage him or her in the conversation crafted with the keywords that will connect with the monologue in his or her head. Being "Authentic" means you are able to convey your own USP. The only one that will be completely unique. Because you are not the only one in this world...there is a lot of competition (A regular person is exposed to 2,000 ads a day). But you are the one and only YOU. Why note capitalize on that. You, who not compare to anybody else. That is where the confusion lies...think about it. Think about how effective you can be being completely yourself.
What a relief, ah? I know for myself as a sales person it never felt right in my stomach what some of my managers wanted me to do. Something like approaching people like robots with the logo of my company, treating prospects like ATM machines, and even kicking them when they didn't work with their bully objections. It doesn't work. Get the picture? (Smile) The reality is the whole sales philosophy has many holes and mainly is not sustainable. . It also is so disrespectful that measures up with the metaphor... The problem is that we are so brainwashed by the old mindset that we forgot how to be authentic in a business scenario. Or maybe we never learned. That is the question. Makes sense?
Bottom line: It you don't mean it, it doesn't mean anything.
This means that the entire message you create in your head to approach a prospect has to be reviewed, redefined and aligned again.
Let's do this together. A lot has been said also that sales is evolving into a different animal. It is about building relationships and becoming a trusted adviser. It is about being authentic. It is about long term relationship based on trust and truth as one of my favorite sales gurus Ari Galper at Unlock the Game would say. Sales at the human level counting on truth and trust.
Have you by any chance been feeling frustrated by the way because you can't find the right words to communicate and connect with your prospect and engage him in the conversation that matters the most to him or her?
Have you been stuck trying to find the keywords that will open the door to your prospect's mind to converse with you ?
Are you having trouble putting into words what you really feel inside?
It is not your fault...too long of backwards thinking. You just need to articulate your life purpose into a crafted string of words that connect your intentions to serve with the prospect's problem.
In other words, a PASSION STATEMENT.
We can help!!!
Procrastintion and lack of creativity and inspiration can become a thing of the past - Soul Hang Out
I am so proud to present my new comprehensive trans-formative Thought's Training for Entrepreneurs to Master the Art of the Hawk Mindset in 3 modules: "Thought Masters", "The Seven Pillars of Thought, the Foundation of the Mindset", and "Your Inner Child to in charge of your Visionary Team" Now you can ignite your passion and procrastination or lack of motivation will be a thing of the past. Now you can become a Black Belt Thought Master who is able to harness your thoughts to work for you, not against you.
Business in the Third Millenium | Change From Within
Business in the Third Millenium
There is currently a class war between the workers and the ultra-rich, and the rich are winning. That’s unfortunate, because this is not sustainable for anyone. Money, which is nothing more than a piece of paper representing an agreement and a contract, is losing its stability. Investors are moving their wealth into real assets such as gold, metals, food, rice, cafe and everything that has real value. As a consequence, the price of all the commodities is going up. Inflation is going up until people can’t buy what they need for survival. What follows is a super-crash, and I’m afraid this is inevitable. After the crash of 2009, the financial system is starting to melt down again since a few days.
I have said for a long time that the current system doesn’t support the new level of consciousness, and that there is no breakthrough without breakdown. Also, you don’t fight against the system. Instead, you create a new system that makes the old system obsolete. The consciousness level is going up and the banking system is going down. Nothing can stop that. I was asking myself the question: what will businesses look like in the third millennium after we go through all this. I started finding some answers.
First, let’s go down to the definition of some fundamental concepts.
Money: It represents an exchange of value. You can exchange bread for milk, but if you don’t need milk, money gives you more flexibility about how you exchange value. It also allows others to get bread from you when they don’t have anything else you need. Even if currencies melt down, this fundamental principle will always exist.
Wealth: Anything that improves the quality of life. For example, installing a solar panel on an isolated island that doesn’t have electricity brings more wealth to everybody connected to that solar panel. Computers bring wealth by facilitating a lot of tasks.
Bank money: It is a piece of paper that represents an agreement of debt. If you look on any American bill, it clearly states “This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private”. Printing a $20 bill creates a $20 debt + interest. The irony is there is more debt than money in the world, which means it is IMPOSSIBLE to pay back the debts. This creates a never-ending vicious circle sucking wealth. Until the world goes bankrupt… which is happening now.
There is another issue I have yet to hear anyone talk about. We have all the resources we need and have all the technologies to automate all the work. Yet, you can’t have a roof and buy food if you don’t work 40 hours per week at one of the few jobs left. The job doesn’t even need to be useful for society.
In the current system, businesses are wealth-sucking machines. In a higher-consciousness world, businesses will be wealth-generating silos. Imagine if nobody owed anything to anyone and the population owned their lands and resources. A business manufacturing computers will buy some metals and resources and sell computers. There would be no stress to make investors happy. There would be no stress to compete with other manufactures. In fact, they could inspire themselves with the breakthroughs of other computer manufactures. They could easily scale up and down to give people what they need. They would bring wealth to surrounding areas by transforming raw materials into computers. That is, if there was no architectural stress forcing everybody involved to run endlessly like in a rat race.
Banks and speculators currently own over 90% of the lands and resources of the planet. This system MUST break down for lands and resources to go back to the people, and it is currently happening. Now it’s time to think about what you want to create next.
These two aspects differentiate wealth-generating silos from wealth-sucking machines:
- Reducing obligations as they give power away and create structural stress
- Increasing independence which allows individuals to growLet’s look into specific aspects of businesses and how they could work
Funding. There are currently three main options: personal funding, private investors and stock market. Personal funding creates no obligations but brings very limited leverage. Private investors bring some obligations but terms can be negotiated. The stock market brings a lot of obligations in terms of competitiveness and the business MUST suck up as much wealth as possible to remain interesting on Wall Street. In order to reduce obligations, businesses should work with personal money or private investors with careful agreements that reduce stress and obligations. Stock market is obsolete and dangerous.
Employees. Businesses currently hire employees who work in fear of losing their security. Millennials such as me can’t stand full-time jobs and can be 4 to 10 times more productive when working part-time without restrictions. Businesses in the third millennium should work only with independent workers and reward them for their work. There is a big difference between fear-based contract and reward-based work.
Governments and regulations. They are the result of the culture of the population. Change from within instead of trying to change the world. Once people’s culture evolves, the organizations will evolve. Once the organizations’ culture evolves, the governments and systems will adapt.
Not very long ago, a man’s salary was enough to feed a family. Now, both the man and the woman work and they’re still short on money. If the system was better organized, with all the technology we have, one man working could easily feed his friends and family, or up to 10 people. These other people could then contribute to the world in more creative ways. Not because they have to, but because they want to. Arts and music would come back to improve the experience of life of everybody.
The best way to navigate through the shifting world is to imagine what the world will look like after the shift and to organize your life as if it had already happened. The faster a new system is created, the easier the transition will be.
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"Transform Within to Attract Women." Stop by for YOUR no cost Copy Today!
Tags: 2012, abundance, breakthrough, business, change from within, concrete results, consciousness, cooperative capitalism, emotional intimacy, freedom, millennial generation, millennials, raw charisma, relationships, science of spirituality, sexual magnetism, spiritual freedom, spiritual system, spirituality, third millennium, transform within, Unified Field Theory, unsatisfying results, wealth, world evolution
This entry was posted on August 9, 2011, 4:59 pm and is filed under Life Purpose and Business, Relational Dynamics, Social Environment, World Evolution. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Millennials Are Here, Whether IT Likes It or Not | Interviews
Carl Weinschenk spoke to Elizabeth Herrell, vice president and principal analyst for Constellation Research.
The emergence of powerful devices and networks is throwing multiple challenges at IT departments. For one thing, millennial workers are crashing the gates and using these tools — whether the IT department signs off on it or not. The question isn’t whether these devices should be allowed. They are being brought into the workplace, whether or not they are authorized. The real question is how proactively IT adapts to both secure them and optimize their value.
“You can’t bring them [younger workers] into a work force and expect them to be satisfied with more traditional communications tools that don’t relate to how they communicate socially and how they want to communicate in a business environment.”
- Elizabeth Herrell
- VP and Principal Analyst
Constellation ResearchWeinschenk: What are the ramifications of millennials and Generation Y coming into the workplace?
Herrell: The ramification is that the IT department must become aware of the total work force needs and no longer consider one-size-fits-all when developing a strategy to upgrade communications systems.
It used to be when workers got on board they got a telephone and a PC loaded with software. Because we have younger workers who are much more engaged in different devices, that is no longer the case. Younger workers are adept with the Internet, smartphones, iPhones, tablets and other devices. You can’t bring them into a work force and expect them to be satisfied with more traditional communications tools that don’t relate to how they communicate socially and how they want to communicate in a business environment.
Weinschenk: What does an IT department need to do?
Herrell: I think the first thing is to understand how workers communicate today. Today, younger workers prefer texting to email. They believe in speaking back and forth to find real-time information. They believe using email is slow and cumbersome. Younger workers today usually will send a voice message to tell the person that email is important and they need to read it. They do this because they are not expecting colleagues to read their email. If they really want to talk to them, it will be in a text message. This is what changed. This is their normal way of communications.
Weinschenk: This suggests a huge change in the way IT operates.
Herrell: I think it is already [has changed]. What we have is the consumerization of IT, which means the IT department no longer dictates what is going to be used. The proliferation of other devices brought in by younger workers now is part of the work force. IT is struggling. They are asking, “Do we support them?” Well, they must. IT has to go from behind the curve to ahead of the curve. They must start realistically looking at the needs of workers and not let them be pulled along because they are too slow. Younger workers will bring their devices to work [regardless of what IT does].
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Update about the "Hawk Mindset" - Soul Hang Out
One on One You and I entering the fascinating world of your thoughts to harness them to work for you...not against you.
Walter E. Jacobson, M.D.: How to Succeed in Business by Spiritually Trying
If we continually procrastinate and sabotage ourselves to the point of not getting the lives we want, we need to re-program our subconscious minds, because it is not our being a victim of bad luck or some more concrete scapegoat that is getting in our way. It's us.
When one self-improvement effort after another has failed to deliver us our aspirations, it behooves us to keep our Shakespeare in mind. Particularly, that "the fault, dear Brutus, lies not in the stars but in ourselves that we are underlings."
Point being: We can be masters of our fate or victims of our fears, fantasies and foolishness. We can continue to know what we need to do and not do it, and not get where we want to go. Or, we can recognize that everything we've tried hasn't worked, so we best do something different.
In order to do something different, best we know the root cause of the problem and then design a unique and effective solution.
The root cause is self-sabotage. Consciously, we want to make money, make friends, lose weight, get healthy and fit, find our soul mates and partners, and by golly we're gonna start tomorrow morning for sure, you betcha. This time I really mean it.
New Year's resolutions come and go. Again and again. Year after year. Unconsciously, our resistance to change is great, and our resolve to put into practice the principles and techniques we've learned is weak. The resistance wins out, any attempt at establishing a habit of behaviors, a pattern of focused thoughts and exercises all devoted to the achievement of expressed goals, fails sooner or later.
We're back at step one, with another healthy dose, so to speak, of guilt, shame and self-loathing that we've failed another attempt to attain our goals, whatever they might be.
Why is the unconscious resistance to change so great? It's because of what I just made reference to: guilt, shame and self-loathing. Buried deep in the unconscious mind is the belief that we are not good enough and don't deserve abundance and success.
That core thought compels the subconscious to act in ways that creates that reality. We experience a world that reflects that self-concept that we are not worthy. Rather than attracting success, happiness and prosperity into our lives, we attract accidents and potholes.
If this premise is correct, then we must change our core thoughts about ourselves that compel our subconscious mind to do our bidding if we are to attract the life we want without resistance, negativity, obstacles and unpleasantness.
We must rid ourselves of the unconscious guilt, shame and self-loathing. Not a simple task. Nonetheless, a worthy one. And the way to do it is to be of service to others, to engage in estimable acts towards others as best we can without conditions, exceptions or expectations.
As we esteem others through our respect and service to help as best we can, we are esteeming ourselves and sending our subconscious the message that we are good enough. But that's not enough. We must forgive ourselves as well if we are to eliminate the deeply submerged guilt and shame.
As we forgive others, which involves letting go of our harsh judgments of them, we are actually forgiving ourselves, letting go of our harsh judgments of ourselves. It's Confucius's law of reciprocity. It's a "golden rule" sort of thing. It's the way this world of ours works. It's all projection. People are mirrors of our thoughts. Trust me, there's a lot of that going around.
As we forgive others, we forgive ourselves. It's as simple and as difficult as that. Esteem others, let go of judgments, resentments and anger, forgive others (for they know not what they do), among other things, and be of service to others.
We get out of ourselves. We get out of the crazy thinking in our head that makes us feel alienated and frightened. We help others. We count our blessings. And guess what? Things get better. Life gets better. Life has greater meaning in addition to greater clarity, direction, transformation, happiness, contentment and good fortune.
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