An open space to express, feel, share and co-create circles of coherence. Consciously Connecting and Combining Intelligence.Mastermind Groups. Soul Hang Out The Inner Child Experience
Lithium in Your Drinking Water | Crystal Clear Conservative
…but not a therapeutic amount, that would be like drinking several Olympic-sized swimming pools every minute. Huh?
Whoa. He really said it, didn’t he? Well, if it means lower crime, then I guess it can’t hurt, right?
Should lithium be added to our drinking water?No! Non-therapeutic levels? I don't want to be drugged at any level.83% (19 Votes)
Yes! Throw in Adderol, and it's a deal!13% (3 Votes)
I don't care either way because I get drugged by the bottled water I drink4% (1 Votes)
23 Total Votes(Voting has closed)
According to Mythology, the mint plant got it's name from the beautiful nymph, Minta. She caught the attention of the Greek god Hades, whose wife Persephone got wind of the infatuation and decided to take matters into her own hands. Persephone transformed Minta into the plant--one that would always be destined to grow in the shadows.
plant mint at the perimeters
of your property for protection:
for prosperity, to enhance
healing of all kinds;
sew mint into pillows for dreams
of romance, healing, good luck
cook with mint to balance hot spices
soothing a tummy ache;breathing
minty essential oil energizes,
opens lungs capacities:
mint's element is air, her planets
are mercury and pluto
she stands for virtue
warm feelings
amidst her cooling nature;
throw a few leaves in your shoes&
walk within a daily healing affirmation:
i embrace healing on all levels of my being
Kate Lamberg
Copyright March 30, 2011
We need Writers for long term job | Articles
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Do Women do Twitter Better Than Men? | The Top 10 Blog - StumbleUpon
Do Women do Twitter Better Than Men? | The Top 10 Blog - StumbleUpon
Where to find mentors for business planning?
Where to find mentors for business planning?
Have you always been someone who wanted to own a business? Did you always wonder where to start and how to go about doing things? There are many people who are ambitious and who want to have their own business. The only problem they face is that they do not know who to turn to. Business planning is a subject that has to be taken very seriously. There are many individuals who will tell you their tale of woes just because they did not have good business planning. If you are someone who has come from a background of not having any business experience at all, then it is important for you to hire a business planning expert or mentor. A business planning mentor will guide you through the whole process of owning a successful business. When you own a business, you become a sole proprietor of the whole show. If it’s a success then you reap the benefits and if it is a failure then you face the consequences. In simpler terms you are your own master. When you have no one to be accountable to, you generally have scope for making mistakes. Making mistakes is not a problem, but over looking those mistakes is an issue.
To ensure that this does not happen you have to take the services of a business planning expert. Business planning experts are generally people who have been in the industry of helping people set up their own dream projects. They have studied the market
Where Not to Look for Money -- And Where You're More Likely to Find It
One of the major obstacles entrepreneurs face in starting a business is raising the money they need. It can be the most time-consuming, frustrating and disheartening factor in launching a new venture.
Save yourself some energy and angst by not looking to sources that conventional wisdom would suggest as logical places to find startup capital. Instead, focus on more realistic prospects.Here is a list of places you shouldn't be looking for money, followed by where you're more likely to find it.
At first blush, bypassing banks may sound crazy -- that’s where the cash is. Banks also offer one of the least-costly sources of funding. But banks generally are not interested in lending to start-ups. They seek out established borrowers with a credit history that can help them determine their risk and the probability of being paid back.No matter their lending criteria, which can vary, banks won't lend to a start-up in most cases unless the principals sign a personal guarantee and have assets to back up the loan in case of default. Bankers focus on the negative side of new ventures: How can I recoup my money if the business fails? Their depositors do not expect them to risk their money. For this safe approach, depositors are satisfied to receive a lower return on their money.
- Related: Four Rules for Business Credit
Venture Capital Firms
VC investors can receive tremendous publicity about their big hits with famous high-profit companies. But they expect that most of their investments will fail. Perhaps two out of 1,000 plans a VC looks at will be chosen for investment. VC investors focus on how fast the company can grow and how big it can get.
Before investing in a company, venture capitalists generally want to see:
Proven successful owners
- A team of experienced people
- A business plan whose idea is likely to win out against strong competition
- The potential for high growth and profit within five years
What's more, VCs typically insist on a large equity position and the ability to take over your company if you can’t make your projections.
Credit Cards
The media can tend to glorify the rare individual who starts a company on credit cards. It is a route I would not recommend. Credit cards are debt, not an investment. If you are a start-up or small business not yet earning a profit, it's important to think through how you would pay off the credit-card debt. The odds are good that you won’t, and you will end up with a poor personal credit rating and a frayed relationship with family members you are supporting.But if you earn a profit and need only a seasonal infusion of capital, then credit-card debt might be a feasible option. One caution: Their interest rates are typically very high.
Keep tomorrow in mind. Starting a business that fails is not fatal to your future. It can be a learning experience that future potential investors usually don’t hold against you. But a spotty personal credit rating can damage your prospects.Family
Those closest to you can be a good source of money for start-ups. They know you, are on your side, and aren't as likely to scrutinize your plan like outsiders would. But think twice before accepting family money if you feel the family member cannot afford to lose it and also does not fully understand the risks.
If you don't look for startup funding from banks, venture capitalists, credit cards and family, you'll save a lot of time and aggravation. Of course, with some success behind you, these sources may one day be perfect sources of financing.Where to Look for Startup Funding
Here are some places where you may be more likely to secure the money you need for a new venture.-- Creative savings. Carefully analyze all your money needs and think creatively about how you can get things for nothing or at a lower cost. This review may not be as difficult as it sounds. For instance, consider bartering and ways to lower your overhead expenses. Look for ways to outsource tasks since this can convert a fixed expense into a variable one and you'll pay for it only when you make a sale. Accomplishing things without using cash is the same as getting money -- with the advantage of not paying interest or giving up equity.
-- Angel investors. These backers tend to invest smaller sums and take less equity than venture capitalists and usually make a more meaningful noncash contribution to your survival and growth, such as advice and introductions to others who can help you.
-- Partner suppliers and customers. No equity is involved in these deals, but your objectives are achieved without paying cash. For example, if you have a product that you sell through retailers or work with regular suppliers, make them an exclusive offer, such as a specific time period for free advertising or an agreement to purchase on extended payment terms.
-- Reinvested profits. Scale back on your plans for quick growth and focus your efforts on organic growth where your profits are reinvested in the business as a substitute for raising capital. It is a slower approach, but it can be more profitable and less of a strain on you and your company's well-being.
Where Not to Look for Money -- And Where You're More Likely to Find It
One of the major obstacles entrepreneurs face in starting a business is raising the money they need. It can be the most time-consuming, frustrating and disheartening factor in launching a new venture.
Save yourself some energy and angst by not looking to sources that conventional wisdom would suggest as logical places to find startup capital. Instead, focus on more realistic prospects.Here is a list of places you shouldn't be looking for money, followed by where you're more likely to find it.
At first blush, bypassing banks may sound crazy -- that’s where the cash is. Banks also offer one of the least-costly sources of funding. But banks generally are not interested in lending to start-ups. They seek out established borrowers with a credit history that can help them determine their risk and the probability of being paid back.No matter their lending criteria, which can vary, banks won't lend to a start-up in most cases unless the principals sign a personal guarantee and have assets to back up the loan in case of default. Bankers focus on the negative side of new ventures: How can I recoup my money if the business fails? Their depositors do not expect them to risk their money. For this safe approach, depositors are satisfied to receive a lower return on their money.
- Related: Four Rules for Business Credit
Venture Capital Firms
VC investors can receive tremendous publicity about their big hits with famous high-profit companies. But they expect that most of their investments will fail. Perhaps two out of 1,000 plans a VC looks at will be chosen for investment. VC investors focus on how fast the company can grow and how big it can get.
Before investing in a company, venture capitalists generally want to see:
Proven successful owners
- A team of experienced people
- A business plan whose idea is likely to win out against strong competition
- The potential for high growth and profit within five years
What's more, VCs typically insist on a large equity position and the ability to take over your company if you can’t make your projections.
Credit Cards
The media can tend to glorify the rare individual who starts a company on credit cards. It is a route I would not recommend. Credit cards are debt, not an investment. If you are a start-up or small business not yet earning a profit, it's important to think through how you would pay off the credit-card debt. The odds are good that you won’t, and you will end up with a poor personal credit rating and a frayed relationship with family members you are supporting.But if you earn a profit and need only a seasonal infusion of capital, then credit-card debt might be a feasible option. One caution: Their interest rates are typically very high.
Keep tomorrow in mind. Starting a business that fails is not fatal to your future. It can be a learning experience that future potential investors usually don’t hold against you. But a spotty personal credit rating can damage your prospects.Family
Those closest to you can be a good source of money for start-ups. They know you, are on your side, and aren't as likely to scrutinize your plan like outsiders would. But think twice before accepting family money if you feel the family member cannot afford to lose it and also does not fully understand the risks.
If you don't look for startup funding from banks, venture capitalists, credit cards and family, you'll save a lot of time and aggravation. Of course, with some success behind you, these sources may one day be perfect sources of financing.Where to Look for Startup Funding
Here are some places where you may be more likely to secure the money you need for a new venture.-- Creative savings. Carefully analyze all your money needs and think creatively about how you can get things for nothing or at a lower cost. This review may not be as difficult as it sounds. For instance, consider bartering and ways to lower your overhead expenses. Look for ways to outsource tasks since this can convert a fixed expense into a variable one and you'll pay for it only when you make a sale. Accomplishing things without using cash is the same as getting money -- with the advantage of not paying interest or giving up equity.
-- Angel investors. These backers tend to invest smaller sums and take less equity than venture capitalists and usually make a more meaningful noncash contribution to your survival and growth, such as advice and introductions to others who can help you.
-- Partner suppliers and customers. No equity is involved in these deals, but your objectives are achieved without paying cash. For example, if you have a product that you sell through retailers or work with regular suppliers, make them an exclusive offer, such as a specific time period for free advertising or an agreement to purchase on extended payment terms.
-- Reinvested profits. Scale back on your plans for quick growth and focus your efforts on organic growth where your profits are reinvested in the business as a substitute for raising capital. It is a slower approach, but it can be more profitable and less of a strain on you and your company's well-being.
Alchemy – Can Thoughts Purify Water and Food? « Empowering Transformations For Women
Alchemy is not just changing base metal to gold. Spiritual teacher Jim Self, founder of Mastering Alchemy, states that “alchemy is first recognizing all that is possible, and then transforming one possibility into another. Alchemy is accomplished by changing the frequency of thought, altering the harmonics of matter, and applying the elements of Love to create the desired results.”
In a similar vein, Dr. Emoto, a Japanese subtle energy field (Hado) researcher, teaches that water has a bio-resonance field and is impacted by human thought and actions.
“Hado* creates words. Words are the vibrations of nature Therefore beautiful words create beautiful nature Ugly words create ugly nature. This is the root of the universe.” ~ Dr. Masaru Emoto, author “Hidden Messages in Water”
“Hado” refers to the intrinsic vibrational pattern at the atomic level in all matter. It is the smallest unit of energy and its basis is the energy of human consciousness. Dr Emoto’s water crystal research proves that thoughts and words have the power to change water on a molecular level. He experimented with different words affixed to water jugs, then studied under a microscope as the water froze. The water jugs with positive words like “love and gratitude” created incredibly beautiful and unique crystal patterns like snowflakes. The water jugs with ugly words like “I hate you” would not organize into crystalline structures and remained incoherent and muddy.
Emoto took water samples from a polluted lake in Japan, and you can see how muddy and unstructured it was, when compared with the beautiful clear crystal taken one hour later after a priest prayed. The implications are enormous for our ability to clean up our environment.
Here in Florida, the water is so nasty even my dog Suki wouldn’t drink it. So I spent years researching how to improve our tap water, and now have several systems in place to filter, oxygenate and remineralize it so we all enjoy the taste more and stay hydrated. Since becoming aware of Emoto’s research, you can bet I placed stickers with words like Love and Gratitude on my water container and everyone comments how great it tastes!
Applying the Elements of Love through Chanting
However, this is not entirely a new awareness. In 1990 I lived in a meditation ashram and often did service in the kitchen. We were advised how important it was to maintain a high vibration while handling all aspects of food preparation as our thoughts and feelings would be transmitted to the food. We were asked to remain silent unless necessary, to eliminate gossip and negativity. A beautiful devotional chant was constantly playing that Indian sages concurred that both the melody and the mantras were particularly beneficial during food prep and eating. Even though I really disliked all facets of food prep, I was often in deep states of bliss in that kitchen.
At first blush I admit the rules seemed a bit, well, fanatic. However, I was shown the opposite effects very clearly one day when I was eating out at a restaurant with a fellow ashram resident. We were both feeling queasy towards the end of the meal, even though we ordered totally different lunches, so it did not appear to be food poisoning. The food was not digesting well and we couldn’t quite figure it out.
As we debated what was causing our indigestion, we began to hear shouts emanating from the kitchen, and the crash of pots and pans flinging against a wall. Next the waitress came running out crying-clearly not a happy environment! We immediately understood why we were not feeling well! It was the vibration that was going into the food from the stressed out angry chef, not the food itself.
Altering the harmonics of matter with Reiki
I have been practicing Reiki, a natural energy healing method, for 18 years. In the very first class we learned we could apply Reiki, or universal life force, to our water and food to raise the vibration. I have been applying this healing energy to my food and water for many years, especially when eating out.
For validation, for the past 5 years my partner (and Reiki student) and I would compare notes while applying Reiki to our meals. Our results always matched and some patterns began to emerge. Whenever we prepared food at home, it always held a high vibration and radiated energy back to us. It did not seem to matter if it was organic, vegan, raw or highly processed junk food. It was in our unified field and already seemed to hold a high vibration.
However, when we went out to eat it was quite varied. Sometimes it would take several minutes of Reiki till the food and water felt vibrationally higher. This food would draw energy from my hands like a thirsty desert dweller, and then finally subside and even out. Other times it would feel even and balanced; only requiring a few seconds of energy. On rare occasions the food would be such a high vibration, it would be giving energy back and flow out so strong it seemed to be healing me!
Changing frequency of thought through Intention
Then one day about a year ago, right before I ate I caught a frequent thought pattern-”This food is probably really bad for me”. I spend a lot of time researching natural healing and healthy foods and of course pesticide-free, organic, living and whole food ranks high on my list of “shoulds”-though unfortunately this is not always how I eat. I realized my thoughts are too powerful to be so negative about my food and perhaps, more potent even than pesticides-my thoughts are literally poisoning me! While I may not have control over how pure all my food is, I do have control over my thinking.
That very day we began to install a new intention: “All my food/water nourishes me at the highest level“. While it did not shift over night, we both noticed a significant change in the vibration of all of our food. Now whenever we Reiki our food, no matter where or what we eat, (yes this includes the rare but occasional fast food while traveling) it has a steady and vibrant pulsing giving-back energy!
We are all energetic beings, living in an energetic world, and we all have the power, through our thoughts, feelings, and healing energy, to purify and uplift our food, our water, our planet, our selves! We are all Alchemists!
About the Author:
Rev. Kumari Mullin, JD is the Founder and CEO of Kumari Healing Inc. As a result of her 22-year personal journey of metaphysical mastery, which included studying and living with internationally acclaimed meditation masters, energy healers and spiritual teachers – including animal communication pioneer Penelope Smith – she is now an internationally recognized and highly desired expert and teacher specializing in energetic solutions. One internationally recognized spiritual teacher proclaimed: “Kumari’s purpose is to Teach the Teachers’ Mastery!” As an Author, Professional Speaker, Reiki Master/Teacher, Attorney, Counselor, Animal Intuitive, Retreat Facilitator, Healer and Coach, Kumari has assisted thousands of people and animals worldwide achieve extraordinarily profound transformations.
Kumari Mullin
Kumari Inc.
I am thinking if this is feasible, what can we do with the environment with our thoughts and intentions, is immense.
3/19/2011 » Medicines of Light:
Medicines of Light:
Protection and Healing from Radiation Poisoning, Neurotoxins, Bacteria and Viruses.
A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon
With the earthquake in New Zealand, followed by the earthquake in Japan, it is clear that you have entered a more complex phase of the Chaotic Node.
We wish to impart a method for protection and healing from radiation poisoning as well as other physical conditions. We call this Medicines of Light.
This is obviously related to current events unfolding in Japan, however, as future earth changes unfold, you may face similar challenges in your near future from other locations around the world.
This method will assist you to both protect and heal yourself from exposure, not only to radioactivity, but also to neurotoxins and to mutating forms of bacteria and viruses. From our perspective you can expect to see an increase of these in your near timeline.
The method involves connecting to your Celestial Soul, the BA. This action is to connect to the realms of light that are a part of your being.
Everything that exists in your cosmos can be viewed as a qualification or energetic expression of light—even your densest forms of matter are essentially a form of light.
In this method you connect to your Celestial Soul, holding the intent and expectation that it will impart to you an energetic that protects and/or heals you. You send this intent to your Celestial Soul with the emotional vibration of appreciation or gratitude. This is simply the vibrational resonance that activates this higher aspect of your being.
Once you send this intent conjoined with appreciation or gratitude to your BA, you shift your awareness into your heart chakra, receiving the energetic of healing or protection into the heart chakra. You might experience this energetic as a form of light, or as geometric patterns, or you may feel the sensation of a descent of energy. You may also experience this energetic simply as a thought/feeling.
Once the energetic is received in the heart chakra, it is ready to send.
For this phase you will need some pure water, since water holds this type of information extremely well. Holding a container of water in your hands, through intent, you send this energy that is in the heart chakra down the arms into the hands and through the chakras that are in the center of each palm. The energetic enters the water through this pathway.
We suggest you amplify this energetic by repeating the procedure three times, for a total of three times—two more times in addition to the first. You then drink the water. The water permeates the water element of your body, and the healing and protective qualities eventually enter every cell.
Through this action you are qualifying light, causing it to descend through the central pathway of your body into your heart and sending it into the water element. The consciousness of the water receives this energetic, and when you drink it, the body receives it.
If you find yourself in a situation where you have been exposed to radioactivity you would engage this procedure as we have described it, qualifying the energy that descends from the BA to protect and heal you from any possibility of radiation poisoning. If you have other means to protect yourself, you should obviously engage these as well, but even if you are left with nothing but the tools of your own consciousness, you can protect and heal yourself.
If you have been exposed to neurotoxins you would do the same. If you are in the midst of an epidemic that involves bacterial or viral infections, we advise you to do the same.
As you collectively enter more deeply into this more complex and intense phase of the Chaotic Node, bacteria and viruses will mutate faster. This method will allow you to protect and heal yourself from these mutating life forms.
It is important to understand that you are creating the protection and healing through the powers of your own consciousness. You have direct access to your own light realms. You have the sovereign right to engage the light realms on your own behalf and on the behalf of your loved ones.
If you find yourself in one of these difficult situations we have described, we suggest you take the Medicine of Light—which is the water that you have charged—several times a day, as your intuition guides you.
The physical ramifications of the earthquake activity in Japan and the resulting tsunami are very difficult to deal with. But we wish to shift our attention from the physical to the mental, emotional, and spiritual effects created by such a disaster,
Due to the fact that you are in a Chaotic Node and energies from deep space conjoined with solar flare activity are affecting your energy bodies, you, as a collective, are more affected. What we mean by this is that witnessing the suffering of your fellow humans shatters the heart. There is a recognition that their predicament could easily be yours. This recognition can create an opening in your heart, and it is through the heart—your heart—that higher states of consciousness are realized, and so the earthquake in Japan is, in many ways, an earthquake of the collective heart.
The times before you are not easy. From our perspective, increased earth changes are upon you. But one result of such events is that you are shaken to your roots and the mass hypnosis pauses for a moment. And in such utter and surrealistic devastation, many of you see very clearly that your civilization rests on tenuous grounds. We mean this both literally and figuratively.
And so our advice for this phase of the Chaotic Node is to learn and master the ability to create Medicines of Light for yourself, so that when the time arises, you know how to engage this power of protection and healing that you possess in your very nature. And we suggest you navigate through these times not only with your minds, but with your hearts—and let your hearts be touched, for it is through your hearts that you will ascend the spiral pathway to your own greatness.
The Hathors
March 16, 2011
Tom’s Thoughts and Observations
I have been channeling the Hathors for about twenty years now and started posting their Planetary Messages in February of 2003. And in all that time I have never sensed in them such an urgency to post one of their communications. Usually, I am given several days to dwell on and contemplate their messages before writing my comments. But that luxury does not exist in this moment. They have asked Judi and me to post this particular message as soon as possible, and so I will make my comments brief and to the point.
The central message here is that all human beings have the ability to create what the Hathors call Medicines of Light. And this type of medicine has an inherent capability and potential to protect and heal us not only from radioactive poisoning, but also from the effects of neurotoxins, as well as bacterial and viral infections.
The method is simple and to the point. Since some of you reading this may be new to the whole idea of a Celestial Soul (or BA), let me clarify its location and how to engage it. The BA, or Celestial Soul, is an aspect of your own consciousness that is outside the constraints of time and space. Some of you might refer to the Celestial Soul as the Higher Self. But whatever you call it, your Celestial Soul exists in what the Hathors call the light realms, and this aspect of you is engaged whenever you send it appreciation or gratitude.
Your BA does not have a location in time and space since it is transcendent to both.
But it does have an entry point to your energy field, which is about arm’s distance above your head. If you were to raise your hands over your head and touch your fingertips together, your fingers would be in the vicinity of this entry point. And this is where you place your attention in the first phase of their method for creating a Medicine of Light. (Do note that placing of your hands above your head is only for orientation purposes. You do not actually put your hands over your head when creating the Medicines of Light).
Once you place your awareness in the area of your BA point, you hold in your mind the qualification of light you wish to receive. Let’s say, for example, that you have been, or will be, exposed to dangerous forms of radioactivity and are in danger of radiation poisoning. After focusing your attention on your BA point above your head, hold the intent that the energy that descends from your BA will be an energetic of healing and/or protection from radiation poisoning.
You then send the feeling of appreciation or gratitude upward from your heart chakra to the BA point above your head—as you hold the intent or qualification that the energetic imparted to you from your BA will protect and/or heal you from radiation poisoning.
Next you shift your attention from your BA point to your heart chakra (in the center of your chest beneath the sternum) and then wait to receive the energetic of protection and healing from your BA.
Those of you new to this may need to send the intent or qualification along with the feeling of appreciation or gratitude to your BA several times before you notice a response. But just keep sending this intention joined with the feeling of appreciation or gratitude upward to your BA until you feel a descent of energy. When you feel the descent of energy from your Celestial Soul, shift your awareness to your heart chakra. Allow your heart center to receive this energetic of protection and healing.
You then place your hands around or over a container of pure water and send this energetic received from your Celestial Soul into the water. The energetic of healing and/or protection that has entered your heart center will move down your arms and into the water through the two chakras that are in the center of the palm of each hand.
Repeat this process for a total of three times. Then drink the water.
If you are in a precarious situation, the Hathors advise that you create a Medicine of Light several times a day and drink it according to your intuition.
As the Hathors point out, Medicines of Light have many more applications than just protection and healing from radiation poisoning. You can use these to protect and/or heal yourself from neurotoxins, as well as bacterial and viral infections. Although they did not mention it, I asked the Hathors after they gave this message if the method would work for other physical challenges such as cancer. And they said that Medicines of Light could most definitely be created in the same way to deal with this type of situation—as well as others.
Obviously, if you are dealing with a serious situation such as radiation poisoning, exposure to neurotoxins, and/or epidemics of bacterial and viral infections, you will want to avail yourself of all medical remedies. In other words, this method is not meant to replace medical or public health solutions, but is meant to be an adjunct, something you can do yourself—for yourself.
After giving their message, I asked the Hathors about making Medicines of Light for those who are unable to do it for themselves, like children and pets. They said that you would use the same method, except for the fact that you would qualify the intent for the child or animal you are going to give the Medicine to. For example, if you were creating a Medicine of Light to protect or heal yourself from radiation poisoning, you would send the thought that the energetic you are going to receive from your Celestial Soul is for your own personal protection or healing. If you were going to do this for a child or a pet, you would send the thought that the energetic you are going to receive from your Celestial Soul is for the protection or healing of the being you are going to give the Medicine to, i.e. your child or your pet.
It is here that I would like to interject something. It is far better to teach someone how to create a Medicine of Light than to create a dependency. The ability to create Medicines of Light is an inherent ability in all human beings. It is part of our multidimensional legacy. And to empower someone to do this for him or her self is a service to his or her mastery.
I would personally hate to see this method being used by “healers” to create Medicines of Light for others under the guise that they have some special powers that others do not. This method for creating Medicines of Light is a human birthright, and my feeling is that it should be shared with all persons.
There is much that I would like to share about this simple method for creating Medicines of Light, but philosophical and metaphysical observations will have to wait for another time.
The Hathors are insistent that we post this information and circulate it as quickly as is possible.
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© 2011 Tom Kenyon. All rights reserved.
You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this copyright notice and web address.
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In order to understand what is exactly happening in the Nuclear Plants in Japan!
THE VIOLET ALCHEMISTS SOCIETYIn order to understand what is exactly happening in the Nuclear Plants in Japan! Dear Members, a modified version of original post written by Josef Oehmen, of...56 minutes ago
Fukushima nuclear plant owner falsified inspection records | The Australian
THE Japanese owner of the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant falsified safety data and "dishonestly" tried to cover up problems there.
Tokyo Electric Power Co injected air into the containment vessel of Fukushima reactor No 1 to artificially “lower the leak rate”. When caught, the company expressed its “sincere apologies for conducting dishonest practices”.
The misconduct came to light in 2002 after whistleblowers working for General Electric, which designed the reactor, complained to the Japanese government. Another GE employee later confessed that he had falsified records of inspections of reactor No1 in 1989 - at the request of TEPCO officials. He also admitted to falsifying other inspection reports, also on request of the client. After that incident TEPCO was forced to shut down 17 reactors, albeit temporarily.
Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
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- Fukushima to reconnect power cables Courier Mail, 1 hour ago
- Nuclear crisis worse than feared: US The Australian, 2 hours ago
- Choppers drop water on nuke plant Courier Mail, 12 hours ago
- Reactor 4 nuclear pool a major concern Adelaide Now, 19 hours ago
- Pressure Japan for nuclear fix Courier Mail, 1 day ago
End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.
Dale Bridenbaugh, a GE employee who was not the whistleblower, resigned 35 years ago after becoming convinced that the design of the Mark 1 reactor used at Fukushima was seriously flawed. Five of the six reactors were built to that design.
Mr Bridenbaugh told ABC News: “The problems we identified in 1975 were that, in doing the design of the containment, they did not take into account the dynamic loads that could be experienced with a loss of coolant.”
In a document entitled Lessons Learned from the TEPCO Nuclear Power Scandal, released by the company and seen by The Times, TEPCO blamed its “misconduct” in 2002 on its “engineers' overconfidence of their nuclear knowledge”. Their “conservative mentality” had led them to fail to report problems, the company said, resulting in an “inadequate safety culture”.
In 2007, TEPCO ran into trouble again after misinforming government officials about breakdowns at its Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant, which had been damaged after a magnitude 6.8 quake. In a cable released by WikiLeaks, a US official said: “TEPCO issued a corrected statement on July 18 in which it admitted it miscalculated the amount of radiation leakage.”
WikiLeaks cables also reveal that Japan was warned in 2009 that its power plants could not withstand powerful earthquakes.
The US was highly critical of Japan's senior safety director at the International Atomic Energy Association “particularly with respect to confronting Japan's own safety practices”, according to confidential documents obtained by WikiLeaks. In July 2009, in a cable to Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, the US mission at the IAEA said Tomihiro Taniguchi, the deputy director of the IAEA department of nuclear safety and security, was a “weak manager” and in a cable sent later that year said that the department had suffered because of his “weak management and leadership skills”.
The Times
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New Article by José Stevens
Earthquake, Tsunami, and Revolution
by José Luis StevensWelcome to 2011. Dictators topple in Egypt and Algeria, civil war breaks out in Libya, social unrest boils to the surface all over the Mideast, floodwaters drown towns and countryside from the United states to Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Australia, volcanoes erupt, and now a record breaking and devastating earthquake and tsunami strikes Japan. It is only mid March so fasten your seatbelts for there is much to come.
We have said that 2011 is a water year and certainly the element of water has been creating change everywhere. We also mentioned that water would be hot as we are seeing in the attempts to cool down the severely damaged nuclear reactors in Japan. Aggression is the mode for the year and as you can readily see, aggression is not limited to human expression but, because human emotion and Mother Nature are interconnected, severe aggression affects the intensity of earthquakes and tsunamis. Mather Nature is waking up and in her tossing and turning she will not be gentle. The environment itself will become aggressive because it is on the move and has much to shake up and rebalance.
Because of the emphasis on water, the oceans are a place of particular emphasis and focus during these times. We will learn much from the oceans including alternative resources and how the oceans affect our lives and environments. The earthquake took place under the sea and it is the sea that has caused the greater part of the damage in Japan. This is only the first of many lessons offered by the oceans.
The events in Japan appear to be external to us as we watch with mind numbing fascination the shaking of the land and torrents of water washing away peoples’ livelihoods, their homes, and even their loved ones. Yet the earthquake and the tsunami are also internal events that influence people over the entire planet. They are deep psychic events that shake up our belief systems, wash away the retaining walls in the mind, and shift our collective assemblage points. These internal events are so massive that they spill out into our physical environments and dreamscape reality. When you watch the images of devastation on the television and computer screen, realize that this kind of insta-mega-change is taking place within you at the deepest levels. Certainly there are those human beings who are so shut down as to be unaware of this but if you are the slightest bit awake you will notice that you are not immune to the changes taking place all around the world.
Your dreams may be weird or supercharged, your sleep may be disturbed, extra deep, or unstable, your appetite may be all over the place, and so on. Some of you may notice bouts of extreme fatigue for periods of time alternating with hyper energy and then back again. In addition you may notice ringing in your ears or strange aches and pains with no known origin. These are just a few of the kind of seismic shifts taking place within you and these will most likely increase in the weeks and months to come.
So when you read about what Japan is going through or watch images on your computer screen or on television, realize that these events are happening within us in what appears to be externally over there. There is literally no escape. Now as these events intensify and happen with ever increasing frequency there are those unstable people who will not adjust well. Some of these people will become psychotic due to the stress of change. Others may fall into depression and believe all is lost and the world is at an end. Still others may act out and behave poorly, especially because of the aggressive nature of the times. You will have to decide what is best regarding each occurrence and choose to keep you distance if that seems best. Remember that the news media is prone is dramatize the worst events and the worst behavior so realize that these people will get more than their share of publicity. There will be many more positive events taking place that are simply not newsworthy but they will be affecting you too.
Because we are not separate from events in other places, we are in a unique position not only to be influenced by them, but in turn to influence them in return. Fear is not a helpful response even though it could be seen as normal or a natural human response. Fear only adds to the mass of fearful thoughts being generated by those directly involved in the crisis and those far away who feel it could somehow hurt them. Compassion is a healthy response as is gratitude for being alive and somehow unscathed. There is a most healthy response unique to human beings called reframing. We, among mammals, are unique in our ability to experience something that might appear negative or painful and reframe it as something that may have a positive outcome. In fact, the earthquake and tsunami in Japan are part of a great series of events that will change life on this planet as we know it. Although very limited in relation to the size of the planet, the fact that Japan has moved some four meters and shifted Earths axis ever so slightly will have massive repercussions over time. These shifts are like the grain of sand that shifts on the top of a mountain causing more grains to move pebbles, then stones resulting in an avalanche that changes the face of the entire mountain and valley below it. Because of these shifts, the ones in Sumatra, and other ones coming, there will be changing weather patterns and climate changes all over the world. The result will be a mini ice age that completely changes the weather patterns on this planet for a period of time. This in turn will eliminate species, change agricultural patterns, and create enormous challenges for the human race. Whole cultures will be forced to change.
Now in order to understand the big picture a little better let us focus on what influences us in the greater environment. The galaxy rotates just as the earth does and it rather slowly undulates similar to the motion of a spinning amusement ride. Thus the apparently stable Earth is spinning on its axis, rotating around the sun, and also riding a giant wheel that is rotating as well. During that rotating ride it is moving upward and downward. As it travels through space it is going through different neighborhoods and is exposed to a variety of variables including episodic bursts of radiation communication from the galactic center. Its journey through space is like our journey through life, always being exposed to something new. Right about now the Solar System is passing though the midpoint of its undulation up and down vis a vis the galactic center. This movement is creating huge changes in our Sun and all the planets of our Solar System including Earth. The Earth has begun passage through a dynamic phase where the stellar influences are acting much like a pressure cooker to events within it and on its surface. This pressurized environment will take approximately six months from the spring equinox almost upon us. A pressure cooker is a handy cooking tool in that it accelerates the cooking process vastly but it is also volatile and slightly dangerous in that the pressure can build to explosive proportions. You either end up with a wonderful meal cooked in a fraction of the time or food all over the walls. This is what is taking place on the Earth at this time.
The Spring Equinox will be accompanied by a full moon just to add to its intensity. Expect the weekend of March 20th to be intense to say the least. All this is happening on the heels of Uranus moving into Aries, or in other words unpredictable change powered up to many multiples. Is it any surprise that the earthquake and tsunami in Japan has taken place at this time?
What to expect
Unless you are in one of those drought stricken areas like the American Southwest, carry your umbrella and maybe your wading boots, perhaps even a small boat. There will be lots of water and not just any ordinary water but water in a state of unrest, water on the move. Some way or another some of that water will be hot, perhaps melted from the sides of some volcano or blown out of the ground after some shaking and shifting. Earthquakes are a certainty as Pachamama or Mother Earth purifies herself and readies herself for her own changes. Yes, the Earth is conscious and has its own evolutionary journey just like everything else.
At times you may be experiencing states of confusion where you feel that you don’t exactly recognize the place you call home. When the world goes through such dramatic events as in Japan the assemblage point of the collective shifts, causing everything to look unfamiliar. You may get in your car only to feel that the controls feel unfamiliar to you or it may simply feel a little strange. You may look at a tree that you love and feel strangely flat as if you have no feelings at all. You may find it hard to get your focus and wander around your house getting nothing done. You may feel extremely spaced out or forgetful. At work the projects you have been working on may feel unfamiliar and you might struggle to get back that feeling like you know exactly what they are all about. You may ask, “Why are we working on this?” Watch for your priorities to change when you look at your list of all the things you need to do and you do not feel they are important any more. You might worry that something strange is happening to you but there is no cause for alarm. Nothing bad is happening. These feelings are temporary. You are merely feeling the change of the flow of information that is constantly coming to you through the sun’s rays, the solar winds, and the galactic winds streaming from the center of the Milky Way. These winds and rays are loaded with condensed information, the latest news of the cosmos and what it is up to. As you are bathed in this information it changes you and informs you and prepares you for what comes next.
Although you can try to prepare yourself for the environmental changes coming you would do better by preparing yourself for the massive changes that will be occurring within. Now is the time to become quiet inside. Now is the time to clean out the negativity and dross energies dragging you down. Now is the time to focus on what is most important, your values and your philosophy, your spirituality and what inspires you the most. This would be an excellent time to cease complaining, to erase blaming, to look and see how you can serve in the most effective way. The future does not belong to the individual struggling alone. It belongs to cooperative efforts, everyone working together for everyone’s benefit. It belongs to real humans, not corporations with legal human status. The future belongs not to the corporate shareholder but to the shareholders of the beauty of the planet, those who honor nature and work cooperatively with her.
Be Ready, Be Free
The theme for this month and these times is be ready. Be prepared.
Whatever you are ready for, you will experience. If you ready yourself for war then that is what you can expect. If you ready yourself for starvation then that is what will beset you. If you ready yourself by adjusting your attitude then you will be ready for something inspirational. Move away from fear into acceptance and you will not be in a state of resistance to what is happening. Embrace the changes without, embrace the changes within, and you will find that you are in the flow, not drowned underneath the weight of struggle and resistance.
One of the primary themes of these times is Freedom. Some revolutions will succeed and some will fail. If you want to succeed then it is best to have the motivation to seek freedom to do something fresh rather than simply having the motivation to be free from the old. There is a big difference between the two. Yes, you may want to overthrow the tyranny of your past, of your beliefs, of your habits, of your addictions. That is fine but what do you want to replace them with? What do you want to do with your new found freedom? Have something you are seeking and you will find it.
Now if you look closely at the USA you will find people seeking all kinds of things. Some people want freedom from all taxation, every man woman for herself. Others want the freedom to do whatever they want without any regulations whatsoever. Are these effective motivations? Not really. These are the desires of a child who briefly dreams of having no parents to control them like the story book, “Where the Wild Things Are.” The reality is that without some structure, they are lost. Uprisings around the world are somewhat like this. Unless there is enough of a dream about what to do with freedom, it will be lost again and again. The reason the American Revolution succeeded was that there were clearly stated objectives about what the sought after freedoms were for, to worship freely, to gather freely, to have representation freely and so on. Be ready by knowing what you are looking for.
Another reason the American Revolution succeeded was that the founding fathers were a group of old souls with vast experience who knew what they were doing. A group of loud baby souls in revolt over structure does not a revolution win. Therefore within the United States and other nations there will be much social unrest over many issues and themes. Only mature and old souls have the vision and the wherewithal to get the job done without simply recreating the recent past. As you look around the world and see the various states of unrest and the movements for change you will see that those with vision have a better chance of success.
Most of all remember that revolutions and civil unrest are all symbolic of the revolution within that is now in high gear. Revolution by its very nature is highly uncomfortable and the tendency is to go into heavy resistance. Do you have an inner Gadhafi trying to stamp all revolt out, trying to prevent change from taking place. Perhaps you would do best to let the revolution happen. Let the revolutionaries win for a change. More than likely you need a big change. If you are not happy with the status quo, an inner revolt will probably lead you to changes that will restore your happiness and enjoyment of life. Don’t forget that life is to be enjoyed. The purpose of life is not suffering no matter what you were taught.
Some of you who are highly sensitive to change may feel strange or anxious prior to some big events like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, revolutions, terrorist acts, or events where many lives are lost. Some of you might feel more troubled afterward. Whatever the case, your grounding has most likely been disturbed or lost. Take a warm bath. Extend a grounding cord deep into the earth from your tailbone. Take your shoes off and go outside and plant your feet on the ground for a little while. Say hello to the Earth. Reset yourself just like you might reset an electronic device after much use. No need to get stuck or to remain in an anxious state.
To summarize, more huge events like the recent earthquake and tsunami are a certainty. There will be much social unrest and revolutionary spirit around the world. To try to predict their timing or whereabouts would be sheer folly given the unpredictable nature of our times. Be ready. Be prepared. Realize that all these external events have their parallel in your psyche. Earthquakes are happening within you. Tsunamis are happening to your deep structure. Revolutions may need to take place in your belief systems and in your behavior. Embrace change, open your heart, see how you can be of service. Let go of obsessing about how you can head off disaster or preparing for the worst. Make people glad you are alive. Ahhh, that’s better.
Bret Easton Ellis: Notes on Charlie Sheen and the End of Empire - The Daily Beast
And yet he always managed to show up to work and has not hurt the reputation of Two and a Half Men despite the drugs, the whoring, and the mid-life crisis. Compared to Cruise, Sheen has put on a mesmerizing and refreshing display of mid-life crisis honesty—he’s just himself, an addict, take it or leave it (the Empire regime at CBS decided to leave it no matter what the legalities are). On Piers Morgan and 20/20 and the uncut TMZ interview Sheen doesn’t seem like he’s on drugs. Look, you don’t do drugs and then want to give TV interviews. You do drugs and want to bang hookers in Vegas while smoking a carton of Marlboro Lights and downing three bottles of Patron Silver. You don’t do blow and then chat with Andrea Canning on ABC who looks both horrified and also, um, charmed. (Hey? Wanna know a secret, Andrea? Partying is fun. Addiction is hell but partying is a fucking blast.) These interviews don’t seem erratic to me. (He’s taken various drug tests and passed them all.) The TMZ interview is a major post-Empire triumph and I thought he looked great on CNN. Piers Morgan, after an uneven month (try watching the Empire attitude of the Winklevoss twins and not cross your eyes) seemed, finally, happily excited with Sheen’s aggressive transparency. Compare this to how bored Piers was with Janet Jackson’s Empire interview, complete with evasive pauses that lasted so long you could have rolled boulders through them, and Sheen’s honesty made Piers seem almost positively orgasmic. (Imagine Sheen being interviewed by Oprah. Sheen refusing to bow and apologize to the Empress might actually cause her face to melt off and her head to explode.) Sheen seems like a genuinely interesting person now. Maybe a wreck, but REAL. Transparency: that’s where Charlie’s at—sorry, Dr. Drew, it’s just not as logical as you think it is. So Sheen is in the strange new position of defining what that exactly means for a celebrity in post-Empire.
It’s thrilling watching someone call out the solemnity of the celebrity interview, and Charlie Sheen is loudly calling it out as the sham it is. He’s raw now, and lucid and intense and the most fascinating person wandering through the culture. (No, it’s not Colin Firth or David Fincher or Bruno Mars or super-Empire Tiger Woods, guys.) We’re not used to these kinds of interviews. It’s coming off almost as performance art and we’ve never seen anything like it—because he’s not apologizing for anything. It’s an irresistible spectacle, but it’s also telling because we are watching someone profoundly bored and contemptuous of the media engaging with the media and using the media to admit things about themselves and their desires that seem “shocking” because of society’s old-ass Empire guidelines. No one has ever seen a celebrity more nakedly revealing—even in Sheen’s evasions there’s a truthful playfulness that makes Tiger’s mea culpa press conference look like something manufactured by Nicholas Sparks.
The people unable to process Sheen’s honesty can’t do this because it’s so unlike the pre-fab way celebrity presented itself within the Empire. Anyone who has put up with the fake rigors of celebrity (or has addiction problems) has got to find a kindred spirit here. The new fact is: if you’re punching a paparazzo, you now look like an old-school loser. If you can’t accept the fact that we’re at the height of an exhibitionistic display culture and that you’re going to be blindsided by TMZ (and humiliated by Harvey Levin, or Chelsea Handler—princess of post-Empire) walking out of a club on Sunset at 2 in the morning trashed, then you’re basically fucked and you should become a travel agent instead of a movie star. Being publicly mocked is part of the game now and you’re a fool if you don’t play along with it and are still enacting the role of humble, grateful celebrity instead of embracing your fucked-up-ness. Gaga’s little monsters, anyone? Not showing up to collect your award at the Razzies for that piece of shit you made? So Empire. This is why Charlie seems saner and funnier than any other celebrity right now. He also makes better jokes about his situation than most worried editorialists or late-night comedians. A lot of it is sheer bad-boy bravado—just saying shit to see how people react, which is very post-Empire—but a lot of it is transparent, and on that level, Sheen is, um, winning. And I’m not sure being fired from Two and a Half Men and having to wear those horrible rockabilly bowling shirts for another two years is, um, losing…
What do people want from Charlie Sheen? Knowing more details about the benders and the porn stars and the trumped-up anti-Semitism (well, yeah, maybe, whatever) and being a “womanizer” (what the fuck does that archaic term mean)? What has been labeled “freakery” is really just a bored, pissed-off celebrity whose presence helps make a TV network an insane amount of money and by comparison is paid accordingly. When I tweeted “I love Charlie Sheen” on February 28 after watching him on the Piers Morgan show (and no, I wasn’t being ironic), the number of tweets I received agreeing with me (not ironically) from both men and women was a surprise. (It was the fastest I had been RT’d since something I tossed off about Angry Birds a couple of months ago.) Look, I’m not denying he has drug and alcohol problems, and perhaps even struggles with mental illness, but so do a lot of people in Hollywood who hide it so much better or that the celebrity press just doesn’t care enough about, and I’m not denying that Sheen is exploiting a problematic situation that he has helped create. But you can’t step around the fact that the negativity certain people feel about Sheen has never outweighed our fascination with the hedonism Charlie enjoys and which remains the envy of any man—if only women weren’t around to keep them liars. His supposed propensity for violence against women hasn’t hurt his popularity with female fans either (and if you want to get into what that means then that is a whole other story for another article—or about fifty books. take note.) And, of course, if Sheen was a rock star (another anachronistic term from the Empire), not many people would be paying attention.
Do they really want manners? Civility? Empire courtesy? No. They want reality, no matter how crazy the celeb who brings it on has become. And this is what enflames CBS and the Empire press (but also gives them boners while they’re wringing their hands): Charlie Sheen doesn’t care what you think of him anymore, and he scoffs at the idea that anyone even thinks there’s such a thing as PR taboo. “Hey suits, I don’t give a shit, you suck,” is what so many of the disenfranchised have responded to. Charlie Sheen blows open the myth that men will outgrow the adolescent pursuit of pleasure, the dream of a life without rules or responsibilities; even if they have children, a flicker of that dream always remains. Charlie Sheen: Truth! Score! We’ve come a long way in the last ten days: Charlie Sheen is the new reality, bitch, and anyone who’s a hater can go back and hang out with the rest of the trolls in the Empire’s dank graveyard. No one knew it in 1986, but Charlie Sheen was actually Ferris Bueller’s dark little brother all along…
Bret Easton Ellis is the author of five previous novels including, Less Than Zero, The Rules of Attraction, American Psycho, Glamorama, and Lunar Park, and a collection of stories, The Informers. His most recent book, Imperial Bedrooms.
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