
Open Letter to Human Beings in their twenties and thirties - Soul Hang Out

Millennials, how and why they are in my heart.

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Anais Nin - Soul Hang Out

Enjoy the words...they go straight to your heart!

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Arianna Huffington: The Imperative Need for America to Become an Innovation Nation

On Monday, I wrote about the troubling state of America's commitment to innovation, spurred by a panel discussion I'd taken part in.

After the panel, I found myself having a fascinating follow-up discussion with a Harvard professor, a psychiatrist, a Broadway producer, a biotech entrepreneur, a business consultant, a film producer, an author, and a jazz musician.

It wasn't as crowded as it sounds since my conversation was with one person, John Kao. In his polymath career, Kao has taken on each of these roles. He now spends most of his time writing, lecturing, and advising governments and corporations on innovation.

Our talk about the importance of developing a "national innovation agenda" and having governments act as "impresarios" creating the conditions that allow a society to move forward in smarter, faster ways, was interrupted when Kao had to put on his jazz musician hat and go on stage to play. In keeping with the innovation theme, he and his fellow musician ended up improvising, to the delight of the crowd.

On my flight home, I started reading Kao's book, Innovation Nation, which he gave me as I was leaving the conference. It was both frightening and inspiring. Frightening because of the details it provides about the ways America is falling behind the rest of the world; inspiring because Kao imbues it with a sense of optimism and great possibility.

Yes, there is much to be concerned about -- evidence that we are heading in the wrong direction ("We are rapidly becoming the fat, complacent Detroit of nations," he writes). But Kao reminds us of all the times in the past America has rallied, marshalling its forces to innovate and rise to meet great challenges.

After Pearl Harbor, America's naval force was decimated. But, Kao points out, just three years later "America had a hundred aircraft carriers fully armed with new planes, pilots, tactics, and escort ships, backed by new approaches to logistics, training methods, aircraft plants, shipyards, and women workers" along with "such game changing innovations as the B-29... and nuclear fission."

Same with our reaction to the Soviet's launch of Sputnik, when "we responded with massive funding for education, revamped school curricula in science and math, and launched a flurry of federal initiatives that eventually put Neil Armstrong in position to make his 'giant leap for mankind.'"

So, even though we currently find ourselves "basking in our faded glory," Kao believes "America has the potential to become the first [Innovation Nation], a blend of enlightened self-interest and outward-reaching altruism."

But first we have to embrace that sense that great things are still possible and that our best days still lie ahead. That mindset is a prerequisite for innovation and getting things done. Without it, the seeds of innovation wither in a soil that is an arid mix of negativism and defeatism. With it, America can put a commitment to innovation front and center, the way countries as diverse as China, Australia, Finland, Singapore, Canada, and India are doing.

This commitment has to come from both the top down and the bottom up.

There are so many amazing things happening at the local level, with citizens and not-for-profits making an unprecedented commitment to the idea of giving back. And we need to do all we can to encourage these initiatives because government alone can never fully address all our social needs.

David Brooks makes a very compelling case for this approach in his column on our "broken society." Brooks focuses on the "communitarian" approach being advocated by conservative British writer Phillip Blond, author of the upcoming book Red Tory.

Brooks details how revolutions on both the left and the right have led to "an atomized, segmented society" -- one that needs to be replaced by a society "oriented around relationships and associations."

Blond's communitarian approach meshes with Kao's emphasis on altruism and innovation that is not solely informed by a desire to invent something that will make you rich, but to invent something that will enhance the overall good of society.

Kao points out that innovation, despite a widely held perception, is not only about science and high tech creations. He cites the rise of micro-lending as a powerful example of a social innovation that works at the grassroots level.

A great illustration of this is the work being done by Vittana, a micro-lending site for higher education. The process is incredibly simple: you find and select a student in need; you make a loan for his or her education (you can commit as little as $25); then, after the student graduates, your loan is repaid. It's a shining example of how innovative non-profits can lead the way -- especially now that so many governments are struggling and cannot be depended on to meet every need.

At the same time, the problems our society -- and, indeed, much of the world -- is facing are too monumental to be solved solely by the for-profit and the not-for-profit private sectors. We still need, in some ways more than ever, the raw power that only big government initiatives -- and big government appropriations -- can deliver.

In my previous post, I outlined three big innovation ideas (increasing broadband access, spurring green jobs, loosening immigration policies that restrict the entry of talented foreigners) our government should focus on.

President Obama clearly understands the importance of an innovation agenda. In announcing the kick off of his Educate to Innovate campaign -- a nationwide effort to move American students back to the top in science and math education -- he made the point that "this nation wasn't built on greed. It wasn't built on reckless risk. It wasn't built on short-term gains and shortsighted policies. It was forged on stronger stuff, by bold men and women who dared invent something new or improve something old -- who took big chances on big ideas, who believed that in America all things are possible."

We've had much discussion about whether this will be an American century or one dominated by China or some other foreign power. Kao believes America will still be an "indispensable nation" but that innovation will go global.

"The next big ideas can now truly come from anywhere," he writes. "Talent is not confined to any culture or geography. No one has a monopoly on ideas. And that will make the world a thrilling place to inhabit, one in which the catalytic nature of diversity and the power of innovation on a planetary basis may well unleash the full potential of human beings to better themselves and to create a world well worth living in."

On the title page of his book, Kao quotes Winston Churchill: "The American people always do the right thing after they've tried every other alternative." Right now, we are largely trying every other alternative. Time to do the right thing.

Excellent article about the Imperative Need for America to Awaken to the fact that reform and innovation are the way to lead.Enjoy

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21st C Thinking in this School in India - Soul Hang Out

Fantastic innovative revolutionary approach to education getting amazing results in a school in India Enjoy!

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PodOmatic | Podcast - soulhangout's Podcast - Episode 7 Conversation with Neal Worthington about our experience as parents of 3 boys and 3 girls

Sharing the conversation with Neal Worthington about parenting, re-parenting and how to reclaim your full identity, after the experience of parenting 3 boys and 3 girls,

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New Progressive America: The Millennial Generation

Passing the torch to millennials is such a privilege. Their mindset is already in the future. They will be a key factor in the paradigm shift. If you are a millennial pat yourself in the back and give us your contribution. We need it.


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Sometimes when we touch, the honesty is too much /Dan Hill - Soul Hang Out

This is one of my favorite songs. Friday night reminiscing Enjoy!

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A thought or two about parenting and re-parenting | Soul Hangout

We have started the first Soul Mastermind Circle last week. I am honored and grateful to be able to contribute to the Cause of the Inner Child. Seems to me too many people in their adulthood are showing behaviors of children these days, without knowing it themselves. Including people in power, actually affecting millions of lives...continue

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What does the symbol of the Triangle means to you? The sacred geometry of the triangle - Soul Hang Out


You in my September Igor Krutoy - Soul Hang Out

Beautiful music, beautiful video. Relax and just enjoy!

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The Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor - Soul Hang Out

The Condor from the South is going to fly up North with his heart guiding him to meet the Eagle of the North in the Middle who will fly down South with her mind, like the flow of backwards in time. flying to their mating each other's half to make a whole. 50/50 In the zero zone. And they tell that that is the moment where the fun will start! Enjoy my friends!

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The three “R”s… « Marketing with renewed vision

Recently Cory Treffiletti, president and managing partner for Catalyst SF, wrote a quick article on the three “R”s of marketing, and got things back to basics.

To go over them real quick they are; recency, resonance and relevance.

Recency is the amount of time that passed since the last time your particular target market saw or heard from you. Resonance is how you rang in their ear…did you make an impressino? Did you get their attention?

And then relevance…were you what they were looking for? If not at that time, now? Do you still have relevance in their mind?

A lot of times we think everyone should have what we’ve got to offer, and forget that a return on customer is a constant changing or adapting to what your customer or client needs at that time.

I was asked once what my definition of Quality was, after a bit of thought, I answered, “The best possible product or service given to the customer at that moment in time.” It could have been by most terms described as a cowardly answer as it seems to take no solid stance or no real posture to relevancy. I beg to differ though, if you have a mind set to adapt to what your customer wants when they want it, your competitor however strong a brand they may be, may lose that customer or client to you simply because you resonated in their ears a lot more than the familiar brand they are used to and with a product or service that is the one niche they are loking for, Can this be a curse too? yes, let’s be honest you have to have something that everyone will associate you with as far as a brand they can recognize or identify with.

An advantage to being that type of “quality” though, is the ability to adapt to your suctomers needs through constant metrics and testing to see what your market is looking for and giving it to them at that moment in time, There are some Business Intelligence tools that can help with that, and then sometimes it will take a bit more of just watching and listening to the marketplace to see what everyone wants or needs. Get in front of them and make your offering.

All in all though making sure your three “R”s are in order and continual, your business stands to profit the most when everyone knows you have what they want. Driving behavior is the key. If you can effect mass re-programming, you stand to profit well!

Find yours and Keep it Rolling!

The 3 "R'"s of the year. Recency, Relevance, and Resonance Love this article

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Soul Hang Out, Latest Post. /The month of March, Spring, Autumm and the Eagle and the Condor Prophecy

Our generation is here to help begin this age, to prepare through different schools to understand the message of the Heart!

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The Blue Pill or the Red Pill - Soul Hang Out

So what is it going to be for you? The red pill or the blue pill? Now is about what we can do about what we graciously ignorantly allowed to happen.

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Seth Godin on Tribes. Creating a Movement - Soul Hang Out

Tribes- The business model of the 21st C This is why I love Seth Godin. For his vision and the clarity of his thinking.

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Love, Light , Unity - Soul Hang Out

Light Workers of the world Unite and acknowledge yourselves ~

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Soul Hangout » Blog Archive » It’s the thoughts, stupid!

"Luz is a precious gift to the world. She has single handedly changed hundreds of lives of our Unlock The Game Inner Circle members. She has an effortless and natural ability to help people see the truth of why they are struggling and then provide a logical path to happiness, authenticity and success. If you get the chance to work with Luz (I know she has a long waiting list of clients), then grab it while you can!"

Ari Galper - Unlock The Game Founder

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It's the thoughts, stupid...not the economy...

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The National Networker (TNNW) Blog: BLUE THING #5: Featured Company of the Week

I was featured in The National Networker! As one of the companies of the week!

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The masks we put on to hide ourselves… | Soul Hangout

This morning I was in skype with Carol, one of my spiritual daughters, and I wrote something about the many layers of masks human beings put on, stuck together in layers, as if on a mission to bury the real you literally out of reality.

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PodOmatic | Podcast - soulhangout's Podcast - Episode 6

It all started with Alice Miller and her book. "The Drama of the Gifted Child" . Meaning each one of us is gifted. Not only a few who escaped the claws of the status quo. I will repeat, we are all gifted, there is no such thing as only a few gifted.

Alice Miller's amazing contribution and almost a century of study about the importance of childhood and the incredible impact of our behavior as adults in children' lives resonated with profound beliefs and feelings rooted in myself through Thought Alignment work, allowing me to go deeper into the study of my own Inner Child.

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Science and Spirituality are part of the same equation - Soul Hang Out

Beyond Einstein is a book that tries to explain the basics of superstring theory. Michio Kaku analyzes the history of theoretical physics and the struggle to unite a unified field theory.

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2008 February | Soul Hangout

I've heard it several times. But this time it hit a nerve. It was at the Bill Maher's show...

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PodOmatic | Podcast - soulhangout's Podcast - Episode 6

It all started with Alice Miller and her book. "The Drama of the Gifted Child" . Meaning each one of us is gifted. Not only a few who escaped the claws of the status quo. I will repeat, we are all gifted, there is no such thing as only a few gifted.

Alice Miller's amazing contribution and almost a century of study about the importance of childhood and the incredible impact of our behavior as adults in children' lives resonated with profound beliefs and feelings rooted in myself through Thought Alignment work, allowing me to go deeper into the study of my own Inner Child.

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Son aquellas peque~as cosas - Soul Hang Out

A treat for Hispanic speaking people and any other who would enjoy. Joan Manuel Serrat

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Alice Miller on violence is not genetic. - Soul Hang Out

Alice Miller is one of my heroes! She did almost a century of research on violence and childhood.. Her brave and consistent message is in part reflected in this video Enjoy and remember. Violence is not Genetic!

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2008 January | Soul Hangout I quit my job 9 months ago and I am ready to give birth

...and this is the story of how it all started, or should I say I was pushed to step into my Soul Purpose! Enjoy!

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TVE al paso del desafio del siglo 21 Excelente video - Soul Hang Out

TVE toma el liderazgo para contagiar a la gente con entusiasmo la necesidad de arreglar lo que no funciona en comunidad.. Si no lo hacemos nosotros juntos quien lo va a hacer

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Soul Hang Out,~Does Passion carry the right to charge?~

How many times have you had the conversation about your job, and what you do for a living with your friends. You know how it goes. You are very unhappy...

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PodOmatic | Podcast - soulhangout's Podcast - Episode 5 /I want to share My Mayan Calendar reading experience with you. & its connection to the Inner Child.

Hi my friends,
First I want to say, Thanks! For bearing with me and my authenticity, while I stumble and dust off the dust through the first steps to get more acquainted with the art of pod-casting! You guys are great!

I want to share something with you. A few weeks ago I received an email that read this:
With my birth date on the subject line.


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Zorba the Greek ZORBA - Soul Hang Out

My father's favorite movie of all times. Zorba the Greek. He died on Nov 6th 2009 . Four months ago. This is in his honor. It depicts the JOIE DE VIVRE he carried throughout his life. Enjoy! Thanks for sharing.

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David Wilcock and the planetary evolution we are facing - Soul Hang Out

David Wilcock is a great 21st C Leader. Great person to follow.

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PodOmatic | Podcast - soulhangout's Podcast - Episode 5 /I want to share My Mayan Calendar reading experience with you. & its connection to the Inner Child.

Hi my friends,
First I want to say, Thanks! For bearing with me and my authenticity, while I stumble and dust off the dust through the first steps to get more acquainted with the art of pod-casting! You guys are great!

I want to share something with you. A few weeks ago I received an email that read this:
With my birth date on the subject line.

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PodOmatic | Podcast - soulhangout's Podcast - Episode 5 My reading of the Mayan Calendar according to my birth date by Mark Borcherding

Hi my friends,
First I want to say, Thanks! For bearing with me and my authenticity, while I stumble and dust off the dust through the first steps to get more acquainted with the art of pod-casting! You guys are great!

I want to share something with you. A few weeks ago I received an email that read this:
With my birth date on the subject line. Pretty fascinating. Enjoy!

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PodOmatic | Podcast - soulhangout's Podcast - Episode 4-Re-Parenting the Inner Child in Conversation with Mary Bogdan The 3 crucial benefits.

Here is the conversation with Mary Bogdan, I promised you. With regard to "Re-Parenting the Inner Child"
Find out about all the benefits you get by Re Parenting your Inner Child.
Find out how the action of Re Parenting your own Inner Child can make you the best parent in the world and erase most self doubts and self judgment in the process.

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A great commercial by McDonald with regard to the Inner Chile. - Soul Hang Out

Too bad it is advertising fast food. I wish it was from Walt Disney... :)

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