
Happy, happy, happy 2011. | Soul Hangout

Happy happy happy 2011!

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The Genius of Jupiter in Pisces from Jeff Jawer's Tarot Blog

We generally think of learning as adding new information to what we know. The data poured into our heads at school by teachers and at home by parents accumulated and grew into pockets of expertise and waves of understanding. The more we accumulate, the more we know … or think we know. But intelligence is not solely about the sum of facts, as any ineffectual genius will demonstrate. It is the ability to apply knowledge effectively or manipulate and express concepts skillfully.

In Astrology, Mercury is the planet of lower mind, the means by which we gather and communicate ideas. Its position in a birth chart represents the manner in which we observe, collect and share information. Someone with Mercury in watery Cancer, for example, must connect emotionally with material to get it while a person with Mercury in earthy Taurus needs concrete examples to maximize learning. While we usually notice cycles such as Mercury Retrograde, the messenger planet normally moves through zodiac signs so quickly that we can’t easily assess their impact on collective thinking. Slower moving Jupiter, though, is a more reliable guide to changing patterns of education.

Jupiter represents the higher mind of meaning, vision and philosophy in contrast to Mercury’s role as data collector. It spends about a year in each sign, providing a clearer picture of how we can assimilate information and turn facts into understanding. Jupiter’s role in education is evident in the Sanskrit name the ancient Indians gave to this planet. It is “guru,” which means teacher.

Jupiter spent the majority of 2010 in Pisces, the super-sensitive, spiritual and imaginative last sign of the zodiac. Pisces is about absorption without effort and knowing without knowing how we know. It is the truth that lives in silence, the dark matter of outer space, and in the junk DNA in our bodies. Pisces is the page rather than the words written on it, so describing what we’ve learned this year can be difficult. It’s not what we’ve added to our databanks, that is, grown our minds, but recognizing the space between words and information, the infinite sea in which everything exists.

In practical terms this means that we’ve been learning by sensing things that we can’t necessarily put in words. This may seem like a contradiction, a trick in which nothing is credited with being something. Yet the wisdom of Jupiter in Pisces in about the relationships between the things we know so that we sense the connections among them. This occurs when we eliminate the artificial divisions the mind creates and recognize that everything is connected. We can recognize this during moments of peaceful reflection, in meditation, when we feel the connective quality of love or the all-encompassing beauty of nature. Music touches this, as does poetry and all great art that lifts us above the separating nature of words and punctuation to feel the unifying force of the universe that some call God.

Jupiter in Pisces is teaching us that spirit is indivisible, so that even in our darkest moments we remember that we are all part of something greater than our individual pain and suffering. It is a lesson of inclusion and forgiveness with gifts of faith and compassion that supersede all the boundaries of language and subject. We learn it when we let go of what we think we know and who we think we are. This surrender of the boundaries of the mind warms the soul and enlivens the spirit. When Jupiter returns to energetic Aries on January 22 (which it visited last summer), we will shift from the receptive stage of opening ourselves to universal mysteries to a new dynamic phase of individual taking action with what we’ve learned.

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This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 28th, 2010 at 1:00 am and is filed under Jeff Jawer, Tarot.com experts, Planets, Astrology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Love this article about Jupiter.

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Center for Natural Healing: what makes for a good poem

How to achieve your Soul's Purpose? | Soul Hangout

Happy Holidays to all my friends and followers across the web. I wish you tons of acknowledgment and mindfully coherent co-creative thinking!!! Love you guys so much!

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AP News: In WikiLeaks wake, whistle-blower bill set to pass

In WikiLeaks wake, whistle-blower bill set to pass

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FILE - This undated file photo obtained by The Associated Press shows Army Pfc. Bradley Manning. No one has been charged with passing the diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks. But suspicion is focused on Manning, an intelligence analyst arrested in Iraq in June and charged over an earlier leak. Following the latest baring of U.S. secrets on the Internet, Congress is poised to pass legislation giving employees in the most sensitive government jobs a way to report corruption, waste and mismanagement without turning to outside organizations like WikiLeaks. (AP Photo, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) - Following the latest baring of U.S. secrets on the Internet, Congress is poised to pass legislation giving employees in the most sensitive government jobs a way to report corruption, waste and mismanagement without turning to outside organizations like WikiLeaks.

President Barack Obama is expected to sign the bill, and it is viewed by supporters as a way to discourage leaks of classified information. It would give intelligence agency whistle-blowers a way to raise concerns within their agencies instead of giving classified materials to WikiLeaks or other outlets, which is illegal.

Without protections spelled out in law, whistle-blowers risk being fired or demoted for informing their chains of command about misconduct, according to Tom Devine, legal director at the Government Accountability Project. That leaves no alternative to anonymous - and potentially damaging - leaks unless whistle-blowers are willing to jeopardize their careers, he said.

"Until this law is passed, WikiLeaks will continue to be the safest option for whistle-blowers unwilling to engage in professional suicide," said Devine, who is coordinating support for the bill from a coalition of more than 60 public interest and advocacy groups.

The Senate is expected to approve the bill this week and send it to the House, where Democrats are planning to pass it quickly.

In an e-mailed statement, White House spokesman Josh Earnest called the bill "landmark legislation" that the Obama administration hopes "will be passed promptly."

The bill would not protect WikiLeaks or anyone who improperly reveals sensitive information. On Sunday, WikiLeaks, which uses the Internet to expose government secrets, released thousands of classified State Department documents, leaving federal officials fuming and scrambling to contain the damage.

No one has been charged with passing the diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks. But suspicion is focused on Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, an intelligence analyst arrested in Iraq in June and charged over an earlier leak. Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday the Justice Department will prosecute anyone found to have violated U.S. law by giving government documents to WikiLeaks.

The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act bars workplace reprisals against employees at the CIA and other intelligence organizations for telling their superiors about illegal activities, abuses of authority and dangers to public health or safety, according to a draft of the legislation.

The bill also requires the director of national intelligence to set up a special review board to resolve cases involving whistle-blowers who believe their security clearances were suspended or revoked as punishment for speaking out. This would mark the first time employees with clearances will be able to dispute an agency's decision regarding access to classified information.

It also gives expanded whistle-blower protections to civil service employees outside the intelligence agencies, including thousands of Transportation Security Administration baggage screeners and headquarters staff. The rights extend to employees who challenge the censorship or misrepresentation of federal research.

Whistle-blowers outside the intelligence agencies would also be able to seek a jury trial in federal court to appeal dismissals or demotions. An earlier version of a House bill extended this provision to intelligence employees. But Obama administration officials objected, arguing classified information would be compromised if these cases were heard outside a classified setting.

In a bid to draw attention to the risks whistle-blowers now face, Devine's organization prepared a report detailing the ordeals of 12 government officials whose employers sought "to enforce secrecy though repression."

Among them is Thomas Drake, a former National Security Agency official who reported "massive fraud, waste and abuse" in agency surveillance programs to the NSA inspector general's office. Drake's reward, according to the report, was an indictment in April under the Espionage Act for allegedly making unauthorized contact with a newspaper reporter after he had exhausted all other means for disclosing the problems he witnessed.



Government Accountability Project: http://www.whistleblower.org/

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Facebook | Lola The Greek Goddess's Photos - Wall Photos

Propuesta de Luz
TU REALIDAD! ☼¨El MUNDO y la REALIDAD que EXPERIMENTAS... Queridas Almas, Propuesta de Luz, Namaste! Adjunto le pasamos estas lineas...
2 hours ago

This is written for you, please don't miss it. Big hug my friends on both sides of the sun!

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Facebook | Messages - (no subject)

Check out this website I found at facebook.com

This is from my friend Divyaa...so much truth in these words. Enjoy!Aand have a great weekend

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Conquering Cancer With a Soul - Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies | Pdazzler

Book Review:  Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies – Ani Kaspar

Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies

“Pelicans, Coconuts and Butterflies” is a breast cancer survivor’s story by new author Ani Kaspar.   I have read dozens of cancer survivor’s books and articles over the last 21 years.   When I came across Ani Kaspar’s account on Facebook I had just met with a friend whose wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.   I noted Pelicans, Coconuts and Butterflies was Ani’s account of dealing with her own personal breast cancer challenge and thought the book may be a great gift for my friend’s wife.

When received I sat down to review Ani’s story prior to posting it off to my friend.  I was not prepared for the marvelous personal accounts of diagnosis, facing of daily challenges and the ultimate triumph incorporated into Ani’s story of her struggles.   Ani Kaspar’s ability to show her human side, intertwined with the spirituality required in chapter after chapter left me unable to sit the book down.  I can only describe her story telling abilities as masterful.

The bonus is after 20 plus years of cancer education I was learning useful medical information without being preached to or taught in a scholarly way.     The cancer tips, facts and figures were so skillfully intertwined into Ani’s story that picking them up was second nature.    Hopefully, you can tell I’m giving Pelicans, Coconuts and Butterflies my unqualified endorsement and suggesting it be in everyone’s library, cancer patient or not.

Author Ani Kaspar

Excerpt:  Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies

“Yesterday, my double mastectomy surgery was scheduled.  My surgeon is one of the best in the nation, a Susan B Komen fellow, with a resume that would shame Linus Pauling or Nickolai Tesla.  I canceled our appointment to radically transform my breasts.  Also about a month ago, I canceled the surgery to remove my uterus and ovaries.  Michael and I argued for months about my second thoughts, my fearful thoughts of surgery.  The eternal feminine prevailed.  I changed my mind.

I’ve been told by medical-professional friends of mine I can now look forward to being fired as a patient by both surgeons – both women in their late thirties, making handsomely healthy livings dissecting women’s bodies.   Whatever.  The day before each surgery, every cell in my body begged for me to cancel.  Maybe I am a coward.  Maybe I am simply sane.  I must listen to my body.

Now, a year after diagnosis, I remain committed to my original plan of action.  Natural cancer cure or natural death.  How relieved, freed, right I feel.  Every cell has stilled itself, relaxed into the rightness of my choice.  My loving-life cells could not weather the trauma of such invasive surgery.  My femaleness, my very being, cried no.  My soul’s shaking won.  My heart’s powerful love won.  My cell’s wisdom won.  I rest in truth.  God/dess knows the truth, lives the truth of life, of death, of rebirth.  Today I am that victorious God/dess   I am God/dess today.”

Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies – Conquering Cancer With Life of Soul

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Elie Wiesel: Ground Zero mosque should be used to bring Jews, Christians and Muslims together

Why brands must start caring about something other than themselves

Myspace targets millennials with new redesign | RICG

Earlier today, News Corporation relaunched its social network, Myspace, with a new emphasis on consumers between the ages of 13 and 35. The move comes as rival social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, continue to steal users away from Myspace.

According to company president Michael Jones, the social network originally attracted young consumers who were interested in listening to and discussing music, movies and television. The redesigned site has been positioned to better to emphasize this content, and will focus on getting rid of clutter that has accumulated over the years.

"Over time, Myspace got very broad and lost focus of what its members were using it for," Jones told the New York Times. "Our [new] focus is social entertainment. Niche players have long staying power."

Appealing to a smaller audience may improve the value of the platform to the digital marketing campaigns of entertainment companies.

While Myspace still has more than 120 million members worldwide, its popularity has been declining over the past few years. According to Nielsen, usage of the social network is down 31 percent this year in comparison to 2008, while Facebook and Twitter saw double-digit gains.

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Solo Practice University™ | Blog | Meet New SPU Columnist - Jack Whittington, JD Candidate 2011

Wordpress Blog Services - Generational Differences and Parenting

Customers 1st: NACCM 2010: How Leaders Must Empower Employees: CareerBuilder.com Focuses on People, Process and Culture

Presented by: Mike Hargis, CAREERBUILDER

-Millennials are 2-3x more accepting to new technologies
-Millennials prefer structure for their day
-Millennials would rather work as a group than as individuals

How do you retain Millennials? Trust, balance and structure

Career builder only keeps people in their call center for 24-36 months, otherwise they get burnt out. Create a fun environment with degrees in psychology, philosophy, then go on and invest in their training. They do at least 3 events a year to build leadership, such as “Extreme Events”. They reward by creating videos. Employees share these videos, and it makes it easy to attract the right type of people to your company.

They’ve created an App to refer candidates on Facebook. By sharing content, they were able to successfully communicate to more people

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Babson Entrepreneur Professor: Taking No Risk Is Biggest Risk Of All

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Dr. Julian Lange
Dr. Julian Lange

Dr. Julian Lange, one of the foremost authorities on entrepreneurship in the country, spoke with CRN Editor News Steven Burke about the entrepreneurial traits that allow companies to succeed in the rapidly changing technology market.

Lange is not only the Craig R. Benson Professor of Entrepreneurship & Public Policy at Babson College, but a successful entrepreneur himself, having worked as president and CEO of Software Arts alongside the the inventor of the personal computer spreadsheet, Dan Bricklin, and VisiCalc spreadhsheet co-developer Robert Frankston in the early days of the PC industry.

Lange has worked with a wide range of companies from startups to Fortune 500 firms on how to drive entrepreneurial skills throughout an organization. He has also written extensively on entrepreneurship and the challenges and opportunities posed by the Internet and is the author of "Entrepreneurs and The Internet." Lange spoke with CRN after delivering a keynote at the Fast Growth Awards event earlier this month.

Where do you see the biggest mistakes being made by companies that were once entrepreneurial and have forgotten to apply those same instincts to move ahead?

Sometimes over time people forget to follow that maxim -- if it ain't broke, break it -- because they have been successful. They rely on some of the things that have made them successful and they can continue doing that and become somewhat shy of taking the risks that they need to take.

NEXT: It's Good To Make Mistakes

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COD Receives $166,787 for Center for Entrepreneurship — Glen Ellyn news, photos and events — TribLocal.com

The Illinois Community College Board recently awarded a $166,787 grant to College of DuPage to support the FY 2011 Workforce Development Grant: Business and Industry Services Component. Funding will be used by COD’s Center for Entrepreneurship to support operations of the Small Business Development Center, International Trade Center and Procurement Technical Assistance Center from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011.
The Center for Entrepreneurship provides training and individual counseling services to entrepreneurs and small business owners/managers. The SBDC provides consultation and assistance on topics ranging from financing, management, acquisitions, planning, organizational structure, business launch and other issues critical to business growth and survival. Access opportunities for organizations interested in securing government contracts are promoted through the PTAC, and expert guidance is provided for Illinois companies seeking to export products and services.
Continued funding is contingent in part on success performance outcomes. In FY 2010, 76 entrepreneurship seminars and workshops were conducted for 1,132 participants; 926 individuals obtained management counseling; 432 businesses received counseling services and 407 contracts worth more than $85 million were secured; 602 small businesses were started, expanded or retained in the area, creating 213 jobs and retaining 350 jobs; and employment and training services were provided for 125 unemployed individuals.
In addition, a variety of workforce and economic development collaborations within District 502 were significantly enhanced, including the Minority Small Business Growth Initiative with Northern Illinois University that engaged 300 minority and woman owned businesses in a variety of technical assistance and training activities.
For more information, call COD Grants Director Carol Anglet at (630) 942-2461 or
e-mail anglet@cod.edu.

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How Can We Enable Entrepreneurship in Business School? | GroundReport

How Can We Enable Entrepreneurship in Business School?


Rachel Sterne    October 28, 2010

In late June, I received a message from the gracious Rajeev Kohli, Chairman of the Marketing Department at Columbia Business School.  Contacting me through Meetup, an online platform for self-organization where I run the Future of News meetup, he asked if I had interest in teaching a course on social technology to MBA students.  

I discovered later that Professor Kohli had found and watched my TEDx talk on citizen journalism as the fourth estate on YouTube.  The eight-minute presentation, which originally streamed live on Livestream, piqued his interest, and he decided to contact me. 

Several months later, I'm excited to introduce Social Media and Entrepreneurship, a new course for Columbia MBA candidates in Spring 2011 (read the syllabus). 

In this experiential course, content equals structure:

  • As they read about Facebook and social networks, students will share thoughts and ask questions on a Facebook group
  • As they learn about successful Twitter marketing campaigns, they will tweet, and follow a Twitter list that is a mandatory component of the syllabus.  
  • And students will influence the industry and shape the startups they study, through blogs and a course-long 'Startup Challenge' that requires them to design, execute and analyze a social strategy for helping tech companies achieve a specific goal.

The course will apply the fundamentals at the core of GroundReport and my digital consulting work - transparency, engagement, iteration - to the education process, creating a space for students to learn new tools, teach each other, talk to seasoned industry veterans (including Dennis Crowley, Jack Dorsey, Scott Heiferman, Alexa Hirschfeld, and Erick Schonfeld), and ultimately, be entrepreneurial.  

With this announcement, I solicit your help.  I would like to invite thoughts and questions, fears and hopes, for a course that leverages social technology as it studies social technology. How can we enable disruptive entrepreneurship in a conventional business school context?

Please share your views via GroundReport, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Quora - wherever you feel inspired. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Tags: Entrepreneurship , Columbia Business School , Columbia , Social Media

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Most Job Seekers Fail to Employ Social Media - Technorati Blogging

Most Job Seekers Fail to Employ Social Media

Wake up, job seekers. Sixty percent of you aren’t using social media in your quest to land a position, according to MicroTrain, a professional training and job services company.

That means the 40 percent of job hunters who are using social media—sites like LinkedIn and Twitter—hold a decided advantage over their behind-the-times counterparts. As James Ellis, director of professional services at MicroTrain, pointed out, many job postings on Twitter and LinkedIn never appear anywhere else.

Social media specialist and author Dan Schwabel noted recently that the old approach to finding a job—“developing a resume and cover letter, locating jobs on and submitting your resume to corporate sites and job banks, and crossing your fingers in hopes of receiving a call from a hiring manager—is, for the most part, a thing of the past.”

So, what’s the “thing” of the present and future? Certainly, nothing can replace job fairs, in-person networking and other traditional job-hunting tools. But social media definitely should be in your toolbox. As MicroTrain emphasizes, adopting social media tools helps build your personal brand.

What can you do to establish or enhance your social media presence?

  • Create a profile on LinkedIn if you’ve haven’t already. If you already have a profile on the site, make sure it’s updated. Also, sign up for LinkedIn groups in your chosen field.
  • Be active on Twitter. Follow folks from your targeted industry and engage them in online conversation. Don’t simply send tweets about your job search.
  • Set up an online resume. Free sites such as Emurse.com and Weebly.com can help you accomplish this.
  • Launch a blog through a platform like WordPress.org or Blogger.com. Ideally, your blog should concentrate on something related to your career. If you’re pursuing a job in health care, it may not do you much good to blog about sailing.


Holly Paul, U.S. recruiting leader at accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, recently told Medill News Service: “Social media is a great way to learn about different employers as well as build professional networks that will help create opportunities and open doors.”

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Impact of recession on Millennials’ career expectations

Four Key Millennial Trends From a New Edelman Study - AdAgeStat - Advertising Age

Are You Ready for the Millennials and the Social Workplace? | it's Josip not joseph.com - by Josip Petrusa

Millennials Don’t Want Enterprise IT to Party Like It’s 1999 | ZapThink

There’s an invasion coming. In fact, it’s already under way, and you probably haven’t already realized that you’re about to be taken over. That’s right – Generation Y has entered the workforce (as anemic as it currently is), and is bound to become the dominant part of your enterprise within the next 10-15 years. What does this mean for your organization? How are the needs of Gen Y different from that of existing markets? And why does this have anything to do with Enterprise IT? The answers are below, but rest assured, the emergence of Millennials in the workforce is every bit a crisis point for your IT planning as dealing with the downfall of EA Frameworks and Cyberwarfare, albeit with most likely a positive ending.

What makes Gen Y different?

Wikipedia’s Generation Y entry provides some needed detail on what exactly we’re dealing with here:

Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation, Generation Next or Net Generation, describes the demographic cohort following Generation X. Its members are often referred to as Millennials or Echo Boomers…commentators have used birth dates ranging somewhere from the mid-1970s to the early 2000s, but most agree on birth dates between 1982 and 1995. Members of this generation are called Echo Boomers, due to the significant increase in birth rates between 1982–1995, and because most of them are children of baby boomers. The term Generation Y first appeared in an August 1993 Ad Age editorial to describe teenagers of the day.

Ok, so they’re baby boomer spawn. Big deal? Well, not necessarily. Without exception, Gen Y’ers (let’s use the term Millennials from here on to simplify the writing) have grown up entirely in the information age. They don’t know a world without computers, cell phones, and MTV. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were already fighting by the time they were born, and the term minicomputer never even entered their lexicon.  But what makes the Millennials most relevant for the enterprise is that their experience of IT is primarily with the vast rate of change happening on the consumer side, rather than in the enterprise.

It’s not just an inherent technical fluency that separates Millennials from their peers. Milennials emerged in a world where instant communication in the form of email, texting, instant messaging, social networks, online gaming, virtual worlds like World of Warcraft and Second Life, and online sharing platforms such as YouTube were the norm. Because much of their lives were conducted in the public sphere, the notion of personal privacy has eroded. Will Millennials have the same respect for corporate information as that of their less publicly verbose colleagues?

Likewise, Millennials leverage the power of these mass communication and sharing platforms to revolutionize the way marketing and information sharing is done. Viral marketing, flash mobbing, internet memes, and spontaneous meetups are not only the new social cliques and in-culture of the generation, but the primary way trends are shaped.

This is all backed up by research. In a seminal report by Junco and Mastrodicasa, they cited the following results of a survey of the Millennial group:

College students, born between 1982-2003, used technology at higher rates than people from other generations. In their survey, they found that 97% of these students owned a computer, 94% owned a cell phone, and 56% owned a MP3 player. They also found that students spoke with their parents an average of 1.5 times a day about a wide range of topics. Other findings in the Junco and Mastrodicasa survey revealed 76% of students used instant messaging, and 92% of those reported multitasking while IMing.

But the far biggest impact on the emergence of Millennials in the workforce is that their expectations of what enterprise IT can do for them and the company is very different than their older peers. In the eyes of Millennials, they can get sophisticated IT stuff done without the IT department — in fact, many already have. So enterprise IT departments: prepare to win the hearts and minds of the Millennials lest they find competition for your services.

How will this impact Enterprise IT?

Millennials see IT as a tool to get things done. For them, however, they have a choice between using the tools of their daily lives (mobile devices, online applications, social networks) or the tools of their business lives (what we currently consider to be enterprise IT). As such, organizations need to understand the core needs of this critical user group:

  • Physical boundaries no longer exist – The fact that enterprise systems and data are behind a firewall are of little concern to folks who are very used to Cloud and SaaS-based system, mobile applications, and virtualization writ large. Location agnosticism is a must for future enterprise IT systems. This need is echoed in the Global Cubicle Supertrend, which forms a core part of ZapThink’s 2020 Vision of Enterprise IT. The Global Cubicle represents that realization that the enterprise is no longer confined to the physical boundaries of the office, and all the implications this has on IT and governance.
  • Mobile as a first-class participant – The days of treating mobile apps as a red-headed stepchild or third-class citizen in the enterprise IT landscape are over. There are far more reasons to make enterprise capabilities available inherently on mobile apps than not. Especially when your users spend more time on mobile systems than they do on the ones the enterprise IT department creates.
  • The Need for Immediacy – The “now” generation wants instant access to data and functionality. And they want it in a consistent manner regardless of the device they use or location they are at.
  • The Era of Function over Form is Over – The market has already proven that functionally equivalent (or even functionally poorer) applications with superior user experiences prevail over functionally superior, but user experience poor applications. Sound familiar? Well it should – most enterprise IT applications have utterly appalling user interfaces that are only modest improvements from the 1970s green screen era. Web based applications are 1990s hold-overs. It’s time to rethink the enterprise app.

How can enterprise IT address these needs? Fortunately, both the technology and know-how exist to solve these problems. As is often the case, the solution is most often design and architecture-centric and less-so technology centric. If someone sells you a Millennial Integration App, you should run quickly in the other direction. Instead, you should adjust your IT development and operations practices to meet the above needs:

  • Provide Immediate Gratification – Provisioning of IT capability has to be as immediate and agile as possible. Data and functionality have to be available and immediate regardless of device or location. The enterprise IT organization has to realize that it is in competition for the hearts and minds of the business users.
  • Design for Location and Device Agnosticism – Design for consistency of experience and action regardless of location and device. This emphasizes truly loosely-coupled Services & SOA design principles. If you haven’t been paying attention to loose coupling for the last 10 years that we’ve been talking about it, you should start now. Designing for loose coupling significantly complicates testing, security, privacy, and governance, but we’ve drilled down on these topics many times before.
  • Create a Compelling User Experience – User experience is no longer a luxury. You are competing with online, social, and mobile experiences. There is increasingly a fuzzy line between business & consumer IT. So, start learning from Apple, Amazon, Google, and Facebook’s examples and eliminate the Digital Divide.

This sounds like a tall order, but it shouldn’t be anything new for enterprise IT departments that are already looking ahead to the next generation of applications and value creation for the enterprise.

The ZapThink Take

The impact of Millennials entering the workforce becomes a crisis point only if organizations turn a blind eye to the different experiences and needs of this age group. The days of enterprise IT departments having sole control of the pace and scope of IT innovation in the organization are long gone. Millennials already know that they have sophisticated, highly usable, and instant IT capabilities available at their fingertips and online, so why should they be bothered when the comparatively slower and less-sophisticated enterprise IT department can’t get their needs met? A smart enterprise IT department will realize that internal as well as external market forces impact the scope of what they need to get done.

Those that ignore the changing internal dynamics of the workforce will face a crisis point when the new generation takes increasingly more senior management positions. Those that see the emergence of this savvy audience as a good excuse to increase the pace of innovation will not only save their own jobs, but continue to make the enterprise IT department a champion and engine for innovation in the enterprise.

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Competition Doesn’t Exist For Me Because » Competition, Millennial, becauseI, Graduatirement, Generation, Bless » Small Business Internet Course

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Competition Doesn’t Exist For Me Because

Posted in Management & Strategy | October 24th, 2010

Competition Doesn’t Exist For Me Because

What is your outlook on competition in life and business?

Competition doesn’t exist for me because…I live in a world of abundance. There will always be enough of everything everywhere for everyone every time.

Competition doesn’t exist for me because…the subconscious mind rejects for itself whatever it despises in others. I wish for others everything I wish for myself. I wish for others the highest level of happiness, success, and prosperity in college, life, and business.

Why? Why not? Besides, if you despise another’s wealth or success or anything he/she has accomplished, you are feeding negative thoughts to your own subconscious, which ultimately leads to the prevention of any wealth, success, or accomplishment you may so desire for yourself. This is not just talk, it’s a proven fact.

Competition doesn’t exist for me because of my mission. My mission is to provide TONS of knowledge and profitable opportunities through a unification of passions and intelligence solely for the advancement, progression, and success of my entire Millennial Generation; and ultimately revolutionize the entire educational system so that happiness and success are commonly achieved, passions are pursued, and poverty is conquered.

So if any other individual is successful and devoted to changing the lives of our Millennial Generation for the better, then my mission is ultimately being fulfilled! If we all took action to the extent of what we are most capable of, my mission would be complete!

Competition doesn’t exist for me because…the only one I compete with, in order to continuously reach unmatched levels of greatness, is with myself! Who better to compete with, than the person who holds you back and pushes you to the top of your success? The only person who has the power to do that is yourself. No one else. NO ONE. The more you think about what you think of yourself, rather than what others think of you (an irrelevant roadblock), the better, happy, and more successful life you will live.

<strong>Competition doesn’t exist for me because</strong>…I love you and live in a world of ultimate unification. Loving others simply means wanting deeply to see the best for others, as you would yourself. Unification of our generation is the key to elevation. No matter what route you take, which venture you pursue, or whatever your beliefs and passions are, unifying for a greater growth for all is always better than struggling to grow individually.

The term ‘self made’ is powerful yet heavily confused. In basketball terminology, let’s say you’re a jump shooter. You decide whether you want to sit on the bench and watch, pass the ball, or take a shot. Once you decide to take the shot, and build up enough courage (through countless practice), you finally shoot. You are the self-made shooter, but ‘people’ are the ‘ACCURACY of the Shot!’ Without that you won’t score no matter how hard you try! Why compete with your accuracy, when you can unify with it and score every time?

Competition doesn’t exist for me because…it promotes keeping up with the Joneses; one of the top key contributors to the prevention of building true wealth, success, or happiness. I once read that, “the fastest way to fail is to try to impress people all the time.” People constantly lose themselves trying to find out how to keep up with others. If you find yourself in this race, get out immediately because you will never be happy no matter how much money you have. Strive for excellence, and do so righteously and for your own preference. ‘Keeping up with the Joneses’ is a hell of a drug. Definitely say no to this drug!

Competition doesn’t exist for me because. I don’t want it to exist for you!

I Love And Appreciate Everyone! God Bless!

Stefan G-Prez Johnson is the President and CEO of Graduatirement, LLC, an evolutionary business of success for the entire Millennial Generation, which shows students all around the world how to graduate college and retire professionally simultaneously! His mission is to help everyone, especially Millennials, reach their ultimate individual success, happiness, and prosperity in college, life, and business by providing tons of knowledge and profitable opportunities, and ultimately revolutionize the entire Educational System so that happiness and success are more commonly achieved, passions are pursued, and poverty is conquered. Join the successful movement at The Graduatirement Website Here. We love and appreciate you!

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