
Big Announcement: David Wilcock’s Weekly TV Show! –

by David Wilcock
Source: Divine Cosmos
April 10, 2013, 11:33 pm

Finally! After 14 years of running this website and only a handful of videos ever released, you can now see David Wilcock every week — in a new, completely uncensored and unrestricted television show — on Gaiam TV!



Positive changes are happening — for those with eyes to see. Regardless of the increasingly faltering efforts of the negative to throw our planet into chaos, things keep on working out.

I’ve been hearing the same screeching voices of fear ever since the day I got online — back in November 1995 — but hardly any of these doomsday scenarios have ever come true.

Even in cases where disasters have occurred and fatalities have been suffered, society itself has continued forward — and the world is not a place of disaster and pain.


Despite the positive changes, lying is still a very powerful part of the world we live in. So many lies are being told every day that it boggles the mind.

Corporate media was a well-oiled, highly respected and covert lying machine for many years — but it is increasingly breaking down and becoming irrelevant, thanks to the Internet.

The lying must stop. You need to know the truth. Now. Today. This minute. No more lies. No more fear. No more denial. The truth will set you free — and can literally save our planet.

After all these years, I am very grateful to announce Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock, a half-hour-a-week TV show you can enjoy — with a new episode every Monday at 7PM.

No lying. No censorship. No restrictions. No agenda — except to help transform your life, by sharing the strongest wisdom teachings I can provide.

I have already begun releasing some of my best material in this show — material which, up until now, was only accessible at my all-weekend events.

The cost, per month, is significantly less expensive than anything else I offer — at $9.99 — and you start out with a 10-day free trial, with unlimited access to everything.

Every country in the world can access this program.

The image quality is HD — significantly better than YouTube. If you are a Mac user and have trouble installing Silverlight, you can default to Flash.

Click Here to continue reading.

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