
Wolf Spirit Radio / Free Thinking Radio – With Drake, Bill Wood And Others – 5 May 2012

Here is the Freedom Reigns Radio show on Wolf Spirit Radio News from 3 May 2012. The show is with Drake , Bill Wood and others. You can find here the download link or go tot www.wolfspiritradio.com  and go to radio archive and then the freedom reigns shows and click on the last download link.

The Freedom Reigns radioshow on Free Thinking Radio with the same above is : link to Free Thinking Radio show 4 May 2012

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Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Wolf Spirit Radio / Free Thinking Radio – With Drake, Bill Wood And Others – 5 May 2012

Here is the Freedom Reigns Radio show on Wolf Spirit Radio News from 3 May 2012. The show is with Drake , Bill Wood and others. You can find here the download link or go tot www.wolfspiritradio.com  and go to radio archive and then the freedom reigns shows and click on the last download link.

The Freedom Reigns radioshow on Free Thinking Radio with the same above is : link to Free Thinking Radio show 4 May 2012

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Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Kauilapele – The LampLightGroup Video, Arrest Warrant Article And The Winston Shrout Interview With David Wilcock – 4 May 2012

(Lucas : Use Your Utmost Discernment in everything you hear, see and read. It might not be the truth, the whole truth nor your truth. Seek honest, fair and balanced information.)

[UPDATE 1522 HST: Rumormillnews posted a video which LampLightGroup put together. Click here to view the video in new window.]

Okay, first of all, if you want to get the mp3s from David’s Arrest Warrants Article, click here and download the 107 MB zip folder.

Otherwise, click the links below to download mp3s which I’ve slimmed down (total size, ~21 MB) and split into four approximately 30 minute sections, each about 5 MB. This interview is pretty technical, and involved, and I’m sitting here listening to this and it’s like, half the time I’m saying, “What?” But… I’m still listening, and it’s 100 minutes into it. So all I’m saying is that you may be pulled into the same place I am at, and not be able to stop once you get started.

David says he will put out a transcript of this interview later. Here is a link to Winston Shrout’s website: http://www.wssic.com


MP3s Links (each part = 30 min., ~5 MB)
Part 1a
Part 1b
Part 2a
Part 2b

www.kauilapele.wordpress.com link to original article

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Kauilapele – The LampLightGroup Video, Arrest Warrant Article And The Winston Shrout Interview With David Wilcock – 4 May 2012

(Lucas : Use Your Utmost Discernment in everything you hear, see and read. It might not be the truth, the whole truth nor your truth. Seek honest, fair and balanced information.)

[UPDATE 1522 HST: Rumormillnews posted a video which LampLightGroup put together. Click here to view the video in new window.]

Okay, first of all, if you want to get the mp3s from David’s Arrest Warrants Article, click here and download the 107 MB zip folder.

Otherwise, click the links below to download mp3s which I’ve slimmed down (total size, ~21 MB) and split into four approximately 30 minute sections, each about 5 MB. This interview is pretty technical, and involved, and I’m sitting here listening to this and it’s like, half the time I’m saying, “What?” But… I’m still listening, and it’s 100 minutes into it. So all I’m saying is that you may be pulled into the same place I am at, and not be able to stop once you get started.

David says he will put out a transcript of this interview later. Here is a link to Winston Shrout’s website: http://www.wssic.com


MP3s Links (each part = 30 min., ~5 MB)
Part 1a
Part 1b
Part 2a
Part 2b

www.kauilapele.wordpress.com link to original article

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Remember ALEC! – List Of ALEC Corporate Members Released – 5 May 2012

May 4, 2012
4:14 PM

CONTACT: Common Cause

Mary Boyle, Common Cause (202) 736-5770
Nikolina Lazic, Center for Media and Democracy (608) 770-1343

List of ALEC Corporate Members Released

WASHINGTON – May 4 – The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has long been a secretive organization that does not disclose a full list of its corporate members and donors.

Today, Common Cause and the Center for Media Democracy are posting the most up-to-date list of corporate members available, based on documents obtained by Common Cause and filed with the IRS last week in its whistleblower complaint against ALEC.

This 2011 list of corporations sitting on ALEC issue task forces, disclosed as part of the IRS whistleblower complaint, is available through Common Cause here. The full list of companies that have been involved in ALEC in recent years, updated with the new data, is available here through the Center for Media and Democracy.

ALEC has come under increased public scrutiny lately for its extremist agenda to limit voting rights, privatize schools and prisons, weaken environmental protections, and promote ‘Stand Your Ground’ gun laws based on the controversial Florida law at issue in the Trayvon Martin shooting. Amid calls for accountability from civil rights and democracy reform groups like Color of Change, Credo Action, Progress Now, PFAW, Common Cause, and the Center for Media and Democracy, at least 14 major companies, including Proctor & Gamble, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Kraft Foods, Mars Inc. and Coca-Cola, have abandoned ALEC in recent weeks, as have 31 state legislators in 11 states from both major political parties.

Color of Change is urging consumers to reach out to select ALEC corporations to maximize the impact of people’s voices. More information about their corporate campaign is available here.  Their campaign is currently focusing public pressure on Amazon, AT&T, State Farm, and Johnson & Johnson.

“Firms that remain in ALEC, despite its involvement in a scheme to defraud the IRS and its advocacy of legislation that puts private profit ahead of the public interest have some explaining to do,” said Bob Edgar, president and CEO of Common Cause.

ALEC’s member legislators each year introduce about 1,000 bills based on ALEC “model” bills in statehouses across the country. Much of that legislation is drafted by corporate executives and lobbyists; ALEC records unearthed by Common Cause indicate that companies work through ALEC to steer it to passage.

ALEC’s legislative portfolio combines an agenda that favors corporations over consumers and workers – lower corporate taxes, limited environmental protections, and the repeal of worker rights, along with the privatization of Social Security, Medicare, schools, prisons and other government institutions or services – with hot-button social issues. ALEC announced last month that it had disbanded its “Public Safety and Elections” Task Force, the source of its controversial legislation to expand gun ownership and limit the right to vote, although the former legislative leader of that task force vowed that its work would continue through other ALEC task forces.

“ALEC has an extreme agenda through task force meetings where corporate lobbyists vote as equals with elected representatives on model bills to limit Americans’ rights, behind closed doors and without the press or public present,” said Lisa Graves, Executive Director of the Center for Media and Democracy, ALECexposed.org and PRWatch.org.

The ALEC records released today were obtained during Common Cause’s research into ALEC’s lobbying activity. Common Cause filed an IRS “whistleblower” complaint against ALEC last week, charging that the organization has violated the terms of its federal tax-exempt status by engaging in lobbying.

The Common Cause filing includes more than 4,000 pages of previously unreleased emails, “issue alerts,” “talking points,” meeting minutes and other documents detailing ALEC’s lobbying activity.

ALEC calls itself a charity and its leaders insist the group does zero lobbying. ALEC’s tax exemption allows the group’s corporate funders, which supply most of its multi-million dollar annual budget, to claim a tax deduction for their contributions. The Common Cause complaint asks the IRS to investigate ALEC’s activities, collect unpaid taxes, and impose appropriate penalties.


Common Cause is a nonpartisan, nonprofit advocacy organization founded in 1970 by John Gardner as a vehicle for citizens to make their voices heard in the political process and to hold their elected leaders accountable to the public interest.

via www.commondreams.org link to original article

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  • cadesertvoice

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

World Liberation Day! Dream a New Earth Together


' + entry.content.$t + '
  1. wonderful. Let's get this party started :-)


    http://tinychat.com/mu7sk# AS YOU FEEL...





Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

David Wilcock: Winston Shrout MP3s

Japan Shuts Down All Nuclear Power Plants 5/5/12 Japan, from Saturday, for the first time for 42 years, without nuclear power Published: 04/05/2012 (Article translated from German at the Swiss website Blick.ch ) http://goo.gl/6tqdF Tokyo - For the firs

~ The Next Update and The Link to Tonight's Liberation Meditation Event~



Due to the Preparations for this Evening's Event, Our Next Update will Be Sunday May 6th, 2012. Tonight's room is already ready and you can join us now if you would like. We are Providing Entertainment until we begin! We will also embed this to The Website. We will kick our events off at 7:30pm Pacific and at 8:30pm Pacific begin the Meditations.





We Would Love to See as Many Love Beings with us As Possible!!!


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report:http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-earth-daily-truth-report-05-5-5-%E2%80%93-mother-earthheart-already-love


Earth Allie Report: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/earth-allies-5512-300000-arrests-through-world-who-third-co-signator-trillion-lawsuit-who-ar



Love The Earth Allies


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

~ The Next Update and The Link to Tonight's Liberation Meditation Event~



Due to the Preparations for this Evening's Event, Our Next Update will Be Sunday May 6th, 2012. Tonight's room is already ready and you can join us now if you would like. We are Providing Entertainment until we begin! We will also embed this to The Website. We will kick our events off at 7:30pm Pacific and at 8:30pm Pacific begin the Meditations.





We Would Love to See as Many Love Beings with us As Possible!!!


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report:http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-earth-daily-truth-report-05-5-5-%E2%80%93-mother-earthheart-already-love


Earth Allie Report: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/earth-allies-5512-300000-arrests-through-world-who-third-co-signator-trillion-lawsuit-who-ar



Love The Earth Allies


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Wes Annac – The Pleiadian High Council : Melding Away The Energies Of Separation

Wes Annac – The Pleiadian High Council : Melding Away The Energies Of Separation

 – 5 May 2012

by GLR  Wes Annac-

So very many of you dear souls on Gaia’s surface have been discovering the energies of the higher realms that are leading you ever closer to your beautiful and marvelous ascension into higher states of knowledge, perception and consciousness.

The Light that has been held but remained unrecognized in much of humanity is being shown to you all as the darkness and egotistical blocks employed during your daily perception and consciousness have been themselves unraveling and becoming exposed, and as your own egotistical shells become exposed you are also exposed to the Light you have carried within that has gone unnoticed by so very many on your world for so very long.

The lower dimensional experience of duality and perceived separation was indeed to call for a veil of forgetfulness, but the extent to which this veil has been employed by so many on Gaia’s surface who originally came to transcend such veils has made this entire exposure process a bit more difficult, for your dark have vastly taken advantage of the fears in humanity.

[Much of] humanity fears continually an outside enemy who is unfamiliar to them, attacking them and threatening their Lives. This is taken advantage of with so very much of the propaganda that is given in each and every facet of the mainstream perception and to all those who follow and subscribe to such deception, and this propaganda has convinced many people to feel and act a certain way, usually a way that will see such souls in a position of helping line the pockets of the cabal, both energetically and physically.

Your dark have taken advantage of your fears by publishing and putting out through their mainstream so much propaganda about seeming alien invaders, and we can say that the demonization of certain races and classes of religious believers has been for the purposes of getting any soul who will subscribe to such propaganda, aligned against the group of souls who your dark would want you to fear.

In the case of finding a scapegoat for their mass act of destruction that you have marked by its date, 9/11, [the dark] Created a fear in the majority of Americans who have been unawakened by pointing the blame on entire races and cultures of people who share this world with you, but who many unawakened souls in the United States have not and do not know anything about.

Your dark knew that there were and still are so very many souls in your United States who still feel, perceive and enjoy feeding separation based on the color of skin or on the differences in religious beliefs, and they know as well that there are many souls in the United States who will act recklessly toward a perceived enemy if a perceived enemy is created, which is why these souls took to blaming Muslims for the acts that the dark perpetrated against peoples [in the United States] whom they have openly claimed so very many times to be aligned with.

Many may see this message as being in favor of the many acts that are currently being perpetrated in the Middle East, and some may assume that all the violence and destruction going on in this region is because of the religious beliefs of Muslims and their perceived want to jump to extremes to fight for such beliefs, and we say that this is simply not so.

The Middle East on  your world is a very active spiritual center and contains within it so very many important and potent gates of energy which bring through the Logos energy forming and Creating your bodies and your entire realities and indeed your entire spirit complexes as well, and your dark know  how important these areas are to the evolution of humanity which is why they have deliberately perpetrated mass acts against the souls existing in these areas, while at the same time setting up false regimes and puppet dictators who gain the trust of so many souls existing in these regions who buy into the propaganda and feel within themselves that they must go to any extremes to protect their beliefs and gain a good grace of their prophets.

It would be a blatant stereotype to assume that each and every soul in these regions are involved in this type of conflict, as most are simply scared and uneasy and simply want to make it through the next day and to the next meal with their Lives and the Lives of their families intact.

Many souls in the United States direct much hate and anger and negativity to these souls who are themselves experiencing destruction and a poor state of Living that was purposefully perpetrated by the dark souls on your world who have again, wished to nearly destroy these very important spiritual centers and hotbeds of activity.

We should say that this area of your world has always been a very potent area of activity, but the majority of activity that has occurred in these areas has indeed been positive because of the advanced spiritual nature of these areas and because of the energy gates that have always been bringing through energies purer than the energies given to many area of Gaia’s surface in any given, more recent time along your many histories.

However, in these times you dark wish to take your ascension away from you by any means that they can, and a part of doing this is Creating violence and Creating and feeding separation in these areas where some souls of such areas will respond and react to the energies that are given in such purity.

They know that there are some souls in each and every world culture that can be manipulated into fulfilling their dark agenda and being controlled by them somehow, and this is why they churn out propaganda through each and every figurehead that they install in the surprisingly sparse countries in which they still have control over.

Your dark have of course, tried to install their own puppet dictators and perceived leaders of the people in nearly each and every country that has come to be on your world, and the building up of many countries have been because such countries were given the choice and made the decisions to align with the cabals and the agendas of the cabals in exchange for the funds to build up their countries.

Some of the countries in your current society that were once prosperous but that are now experiencing lack on a grand scale, are in some cases countries that originally aligned with the cabals and the cabal-owned United States, and through ‘business tactics’ that are designed to aid the cabals and only the cabals, these countries were bankrupt and bled of any type of prosperity that the cabals gave them through ‘allowing’ them the funds to build up their countries.

Even the United States as a country was built up and given the funds to do so, and the souls who received these funds and the gold and began building up the United States while promoting it as a super country and the best country in the world among so very many; these souls began keeping and hoarding all of the prosperity for themselves while sitting atop their empires that had been Created with greed and through stolen assets that were supposed to be paid back to the countries and souls giving such assets.

As you have been hearing through genuine and influential truthseekers and researchers, the cabals have instead taken to defrauding the bonds that were given in exchange for the gold given [and stolen] that was originally supposed to build up the United States, and then have the prosperity branch out to begin benefitting other countries and begin building up other countries so that all of your world can experience Peace and prosperity.

The United States was chosen because of its rich history in those believing in freedom fighting for such freedom, and because the resources utilized in the United States with its many potent and needed areas of producing vegetables and fruits and so very many other things.

Once the United States was built up, it was decided that Europe would begin to be built up even more as well, more than they had already been built up at that point. The souls designing the plans made it so that the countries that they wanted built up the most would get built up and conquer the rest of the world, and they would do so by lending money to countries whom they know could not pay the debts back, to build up their countries and experience the prosperity that was given to the very souls who built up the United States to such levels of prosperity, by other countries and entities possessing the funds to do so.

Of course, you have heard of all of the wealth that was stolen from so very many in earlier eras of your current history, but it must be understood that even those assets stolen were not enough to cover fully the building up of the United States, and funds were borrowed that were never returned in exchange for the building up of the United States and the spreading of such prosperity.

But of course, such prosperity never spread and instead, the souls who are now stubbornly sitting on such funds have taken to bleeding other countries and entities dry while enforcing brutally a cover-up of your true history and of all that has been done to your world.

The moving and disbursement of funds and the gaining back of the original Lighted funds that were stolen and used for the benefit of the cabal and for the hurt of humanity; these matters are being overseen by your Ascended Masters as they come through to the Earth Ally teams who are putting such projects together and beginning to bring this money back.

Indeed, you will hear many genuine reports from our Earth Allies in the immediate period ahead as the exposure of just what is happening and their own ability to talk about the changes in a greater depth become more and more of a reality.

While previously, these souls have been forced to stay hidden in the shadows whilst going about their work for the Light and for the planet and whilst communicating with the Ascended Masters and many other ascended souls who are helping them with the relocating of the funds that will see the glorious new temporary financial system enacted on your world, these souls will now be able to come to the fore of the perception of your general public in more real ways especially on your internet, and this is wonderful for the exposure of all that has been happening on your world has needed to be garnered for so very long.

All along this wonderful and emotional journey, there have been many timelines and Divine deadlines and dates set forth for these changes to happen, and all of them have been aligned with your Cosmic Calendar and with the Divinely sanctioned and ordained schedule of when these events can be manifested but wouldn’t quite need to be, as well as when these events were nearer to needing to be manifested and when these events would absolutely need to manifest as Gaia truly cannot wait any longer.

You are reaching the last option given above at this current point as the depth of the time and space that has been moved through is so very vast in relation to how to the original plan was to pan out, and the moving of humanity and of the surface of Gaia into extremely pure states of consciousness is now being met as you reach the many crucial and important dates and months along your Cosmic and planetary calendars that see the beginning physical changes first such as disclosure, physical Earth changes and the giving of advanced technologies, and then the more spiritual and esoteric and mind boggling aspects which are to take place after such physical events.

We are working with your Agarthan brethren on the announcements and at the same time, on the exposure of us and our craft in your skies as while we must be careful not to interrupt the freewill of the souls on Earth who are not yet ready to see us or perceive of our forms or the forms of our ships, we must still adhere to the timetables we have been given and we have established alike, and we are working with your Agarthan brethren on the announcements in relation to the Inner Earth and to us ‘extraterrestrial’ souls who do not exist in your inner world [currently] but who still feel such a close and Loving bond with humanity.

As you can see, dear beautiful souls of the ascending surface of Gaia, each and every group and hierarchical-based section of us ascended souls helping to bring about the ascension of Gaia and the events that are to precede the ultimate ascension of Gaia; we are all covering different facets of these changes and of the events which are to precede these changes just as you are all individually occupying yourselves and your hearts and minds with different aspects of this ascension and again, of the events which precede this ascension.

Try to think and feel dear souls, of what lies ahead of you at this point for the future that you are being led to exist in now is so very pure, is so very Lighted and Loving and Harmonious; dear souls we could give you every positive label and word in the book but even they will not do justice fully to the explanation and the understanding on the part of humanity, of just how heavenly and wonderful and Lighted these realms of consciousness and experience really, truly are for we are so very happy [in these realms] that it truly cannot be expressed with your words and labels.

We are quite happy and appreciative of the fact that we ascended beings are not bound to your world and labels and styles of behavior and communicating, but at the same time we are happy to funnel our energies and have them come through you dear beautiful souls who then transmit our energies and communications into the various languages that each and every scribe of our energies speaks.

We can feel the Love in our scribes when bringing our messages through and the Love of the souls receiving the messages alike, and we ask you all to continue feeling this Love and your Loving energies that have been laying the foundation for disclosure and for your ascension this entire time, as has been expressed.

The dark cabals on your world have not wished for you to feel and feed Love in any of its forms, which is why they have again promoted separation through perceived races and established conceptual beliefs in much of humanity. We can anticipate that there will be many souls who are too steeped in their beliefs to go against what they have ingrained in themselves to be realty, and this is so for so very many souls who are steeped in religion and in the beliefs of separation that have been enforced through your cultures and through continual propaganda.

Separation and judgment is melting away now in much of humanity as you all begin to come together and realize that you are the same beautiful energy of Oneness and of Love, simply existing in seemingly different forms.

You are truly no different from your neighbor or even from those you perceive to be too unawakened or too steeped in their beliefs which you perceive to be judgmental. Indeed, the beliefs that so many on your world follow can be seen as judgmental but at the same time, these souls truly and strongly believe in what they are bringing forth at any given moment which is why it is so difficult for one to reach a soul who is a bit too deeply ingrained in the beliefs of separation between humanity.

Again, the concept of aliens and a fear of aliens and anything different from much of humanity has been fed and played upon. Your dark have even purposefully taken to calling any soul who is in the United States without going through [legal] methods established by the dark, ‘illegal aliens’.

This is because when much of humanity who is already prone to judgment hears such a term, they feel in themselves the separation and the feelings that the group of souls or soul in question is different from them and must be hated for it. It may be a bit difficult initially to break so to speak, the propaganda that has been placed over the eyes of so many dear souls who possess Lighted energy but who are simply directing such energy in the wrong avenues of Life; avenues that will gain them much negative karma and see them hindered in their growth as a soul.

We ask you now at this time, to begin to let your perceptions of separation between any types of souls fade away from you and we ask you to heal and integrate the energies of separation that even some awakening souls may still feel and enforce in relation to certain subjects or issues.

There are certain souls who are on the payroll of the Illuminati to go onto many spiritual websites and cause discontent, and when one finds oneself interacting with such a soul who seems so very angry and who they feel may be one of those who are paid to give disinformation, simply give this soul Love and respect for indeed, a small fraction of the souls putting out the propaganda on the internet are being paid to do so and so very many souls who are doing so honestly believe in the propaganda they are giving out and honestly believe in the need to question and use their own beautiful sense of discernment, which should never be looked down upon or chastised.

Indeed, it is only the problem of the souls who are paid to go onto websites and cause discontent, who will take the opportunity to question and use it as an excuse to put out their own tinted versions of the propaganda that they have been given by their employers to spread onto many spiritual websites.

Even the souls who are paid to do this are still souls and are still behind their surface experiencing ascension, just as every soul on Gaia’s surface in each and every form that such souls take, currently are.

We ask you to send these souls as much Love as you can so that they can use and integrate such Love and believe us souls, those deeper parts of themselves that exist past hate and ego will use and integrate your energy, and they can use this energy to be better able to break down and expose their own lower and fearful energies which keep their perception away from their own continual and expanding experience of the higher realms.

Each and every one of us ascended beings Love you all so very much, and we ask you now to begin enacting the disciplines and the methods of Love in yourselves that will see you better able to feel and access this Love for yourselves at any time.

For many who are becoming open to our energies, you are now finding your abilities to have communications with us and gain connections with us at any given time as your abilities are increasing, and we say that this is both wonderful and has been meant to happen.

Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.

www.wesannac.com link to original article

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous


Periodic Reminder that President Obama Serves the Light

2012 May 5
Posted by Steve Beckow

I will be away on a Vipassana meditation retreat May 8-13, 2012


Folks, the following story appears on NESARA News, which I’d like to comment on and set the record straight.


Martial Law Executive Order by Obama


Obama Has Signed ANOTHER Martial Law Executive Order — Click below to DEMAND Congress STOP Obama’s “Emergency Powers” Executive Order: https://secure.conservativedonations.com/rm_martial-law/?a=2565


ALERT: Obama’s preparations to institute MARTIAL LAW IN AMERICA are coming together quickly — he has now signed ANOTHER “Executive Order”, this time to take control of America’s domestic natural gas production!

It’s getting WORSE — we MUST STOP HIM NOW!



It’s sad that even lightworkers are ill-informed of the President’s knowledge and intentions. As if it were not enough that the Right has agreed to do everything possible to misrepresent the President and block any initiatives that he might bring forward or get behind, we too flood the Internet with allegations against him.  It really does fall to us to set the record straight.


I invite people to read news of President Obama’s actions at this time from a knowing that (1) the President is in contact with the galactics,  (2) he supports Disclosure, (3) he knows about Ascension, and (4) many of his actions at this moment are not aimed at “the people” but at the cabal.


Let me support some of these contentions. Suzy Ward wrote me late last year and told me that the President supports Disclosure but has been asked by the galactics themselves to stay his hand until the Illuminati are rounded up. She said:


“If you saw Matthew’s last message, you know that Obama is totally aware of the presence of ETs.  He can’t announce this because of the ‘power bloc,’ but it’s also ET advice to wait a bit longer so those on the planet can continue to dismantle the Illuminati anonymously.” (1)


 In midsummer last year, Matthew Ward wrote Austrian lightworker Russ Michael and reminded us not to be misled by the rampant misrepresentation of the President.


“Repeatedly I have described Obama’s highly-evolved soul status, spiritual and moral integrity, purpose and intention to help create a peaceful world, and both Hatonn and I have spoken about the powerful and relentless forces Obama has been up against all along.


“With the light intensity in this energy plane Earth has reached, people who are light-receptive know which information about him is the truth and which isn’t; people who have not responded to the light will believe the lies and won’t be convinced otherwise by any additional comments from either Hatonn or me.” (2)


SaLuSa is unequivocal in his support for the President.

“Dear Ones, you are wonderfully loyal to those you respect and we are pleased that many still hold President Obama in high regard. That is in spite of continual attempts by the dark Ones or those who do not understand his position to show him in a bad light.


“Be aware that he is a great Being of Light, who is having to play a role that requires him to ‘play’ along with the dictates of those who advise him. He has achieved a degree of success even although he has faced opposition all along. He needs your continued support and love, and you will see him blossom and take charge once he can fully implement his own policies without interference.” (3)


When James Rinks supported the rumor that the President had stolen $400 billion, SaLuSa again expressed support for the President.

“If you find that you cannot trust a source of information, then set it aside and trust in those that you have faith in. Most messages of disinformation also include some truths, which makes them more difficult to understand.


“You have been informed from a number sources already that President Obama is the one chosen to lead you through the coming period.


“His work cannot fully commence until the restraints upon him are removed so bear in mind that he is under much pressure to follow the advice he is being given.


“You will see the real man and exalted soul that he is come to the fore when he is able to fully express himself as a Being of Light.” (4)


I could go on and on citing the testimony of the galactics and masters asking us to rally behind the President, but let me cite only one other source: the Arcturian Group.


“Your president is an evolved being, but he is not being allowed to bring through many of his enlightened ideas at this time, but he will.  Send him Light, dear ones, for he is now facing so many obstacles to his way of seeing and doing.” (5)


If you want to read the testimony of many others from the Company of Light, perhaps go here: http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/fc/account1.html#barack1


Folks, we’re virtually the only people on the planet who know the real story about the President so it falls to us to hold the light in support of him. Look how long we’ve done that and look how many have abandoned him.


Please don’t be misled by the frantic denunciations that even lightworkers take up and understand that his manoeuvering at this time is probably being done in consultation with the Company of Light and is designed to bring the curtain down on the Illuminati.

Of course we won’t know till later exactly what his plan is or why he does what he does. But he doesn’t serve the dark. He serves the Light.



(1) Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Nov. 8, 2011.

(2) Matthew Ward through Suzy Ward to Russ Michael, June 28, 2011.

(3) SaLuSa, Nov. 14, 2011, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_...

(4) SaLuSa responding to allegations made by James Rinks that the President had stolen $400 billion, from The 2012 Scenario, June 28, 2011, at http://stevebeckow.com/2011/06/salusa-responds-to-allegations-against-preside...

(5) Arcturian Group, March 19, 2011, at   http://weareallone.com



Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

FREEDOM PROJECT: World Liberation Day - Last Update IN 5 HOURS 27 MIN...


World Liberation Day - Last Update

Our moment of breakthrough has arrived. We will gather and create a resonance field for our freedom. 





Many groups have designed their own visualizations for this event. This is ok if they are so guided, but it would be better to use the exact visualization I have specified, to create the most effective result. You can find it here:

After the World Liberation Day, our liberation process will continue. It is a global process that will culminate in our actual liberation. Hereby I am issuing a call to all people wanting to be free to actively participate. The process that Drake is speaking about and has started in the US is now spreading worldwide. If you want to actively participate in assisting to create freedom for your own country, please contact Freedom Reigns group that is supporting Drake’s efforts at their email

Victory of the Light!

Posted by at 3:23 AM


1.  Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.

2. Visualize civil authority arresting central banking criminals such as Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and other members of this Cabal such as Henry Kissinger, etc.  Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly .Visualize the world finally being free from financial slavery, free from all evil dictators and corrupt politicians.

3. Visualize bright new future for humanity, with new and fair financial system put into place, with all debts canceled, prosperity funds for humanitarian projects released, advanced technologies introduced, ecosystem healed and human beings finally being free from all oppression.

Disclaimer: the date of this visualization (May 5th) is most likely NOT the date when these mass arrests will be taking place. 


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

~A PRAYER FOR AMERICA~ Thank You for Sharing~

    O God Aton of Light, Creator of the human races, King of Wisdom and the One Source of all, we rejoice that your Spirit lives within us.



We forgive ourselves and our fellow men for our complacency in America in allowing this great nation to be over-run with evil [ignorance]. We ask your Spirit within us to forgive us. Many times we have done nothing, while Satan's[ minions] workers in their attempt to rule the world have taken away the unalienable freedoms you gave to us.


We ask now for the Hosts of Heaven to come and stand against the [ignorance]evil forces. We ask that your Spirit awaken our Earth Shan people to Truth, and that they shall pray for this nation. We ask that all people shall begin right-living according to the Laws of God and Creation. May each individual be empowered to make a strong stand against the "lies" and darkness.


By working with the creative Power of God Aton within us, we believe that America can once again  be a shining Light of Truth to all the world. We believe that this nation can be a people of right-living. We believe that this has already begun.


We order now through our God Spirit that all evil[ignorance] forces on Earth Shan be removed and cease to exist forever in Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda's name---that they not hinder any longer our battle for freedom and Truth. We give the Lighted Realms permission to assist us in making this so.


We ask for your protection as we confront evil[ignorance. We ask for your courage and wisdom as we act, and we ask for your power to accomplish our mission.


May our original Constitution and our Bill of Rights be so re-established in the Republic of the United States of America.  May the Laws of God and the Creation be established as the Supreme Law of this land.   May we again become "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all."  We walk in faith, believing that this shall be done.


Fill this land and our world with your Spirit of Love, and Hope, and Peace, and Joy. This is our prayer to our God-Spirit within us, to God Aton of Light. We pray this in the name of Esu (Jesus) Immanuel    Sananda---and in Heaven's sequence. Not our will, O God, but in all things let Your Will be done. So Be It!


            (Updated May 5, 2012)





Commentary from The Galactic Free Press:


~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

FREEDOM PROJECT:FCC Asked To Pull Rupert Murdoch's Fox Broadcast Licenses After Phone Hacking Report ... 27 IN ALL ....


FCC Asked To Pull Rupert Murdoch's Fox Broadcast Licenses After Phone Hacking Report
The Huffington Post

An ethics watchdog group is calling on the FCC to revoke Fox's broadcasting licenses in the wake of the bombshell phone hacking report released on Tuesday.

The Guardian reports that Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (Crew) has written to FCC chairman Julius Genachowski asking that he withdraw Rupert Murdoch's licenses on the grounds of character. The news comes one day after Parliament came to a damning verdict about Murdoch's handling of the long-running phone hacking scandal at News Corp.

On Tuesday, the Culture, Media and Sport committee concluded that he was "not a fit person" to run a major international company, and that he "turned a blind eye and exhibited willful blindness to what was going on in his companies and publications."

Crew director Melanie Sloane argued that the report had major implications for American regulators. "If they are not passing the character standard under British law, it seems to me that they are not going to meet the character standard in America," she told the Guardian. Current FCC regulations require that media owners must have good "character" and serve the "public interest."

Thus far, however, the agency has kept its distance from the drama surrounding Murdoch's British properties. When the scandal broke last July, Genachowski maintained that phone hacking should be investigated, but did not say that the FCC would launch its own probe.


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Egypt’s Military Declares New Overnight Curfew, Orders Arrest of 300

Egypt’s army imposed an overnight curfew around the defense ministry in Cairo on Friday after protesters clashed with troops there during demonstrations against the country’s military rule. (Reuters)

Egypt’s military declares new overnight curfew, orders arrest of 300

Al Arabiya News, 05 May 2012


Egypt’s army imposed an overnight curfew around the defense ministry in Cairo on Friday after protesters clashed with troops there during demonstrations against the country’s military rule. (Reuters)

By Al Arabiya With Agencies

Egypt’s ruling military council said it will impose an overnight curfew on Saturday in the defense ministry district for a second successive night and ordered 300 people detained over deadly clashes between troops and anti-military protesters in Cairo.

The curfew will go into effect between 21:00 GMT on Saturday and 04:00 GMT on Sunday, the official said.
Military prosecutors, meanwhile, said the 300, including nine journalists, “will be held for 15 days pending investigation” into clashes in the Abbassiya district on Friday that left two people including a soldier dead and at least 300 injured.

A security official confirmed the number and said more arrests could be made on Saturday.

The military prosecution said it would release all women detained in Friday’s clashes.

“The military judiciary has decided to release all the women,” he said. He did not say how many women were detained, but activists put the number at between 14 and 17.

After hours of questioning overnight, those held were accused of assaulting army officers and soldiers, assembling in a military zone and preventing members of the armed forces from carrying out their work, the source said.

They all denied the charges.

Friday saw fierce clashes between anti-military protesters and troops near the defense ministry.

The clashes erupted just three weeks ahead of Egypt’s first presidential elections since a popular uprising ousted president Hosni Mubarak last year.

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

World Liberation Day - Last Update


World Liberation Day - Last Update

Our moment of breakthrough has arrived. We will gather and create a resonance field for our freedom. 


Many groups have designed their own visualizations for this event. This is ok if they are so guided, but it would be better to use the exact visualization I have specified, to create the most effective result. You can find it here:

After the World Liberation Day, our liberation process will continue. It is a global process that will culminate in our actual liberation. Hereby I am issuing a call to all people wanting to be free to actively participate. The process that Drake is speaking about and has started in the US is now spreading worldwide. If you want to actively participate in assisting to create freedom for your own country, please contact Freedom Reigns group that is supporting Drake’s efforts at their email

Victory of the Light!

Posted by at 3:23 AM


1.  Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.

2. Visualize civil authority arresting central banking criminals such as Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and other members of this Cabal such as Henry Kissinger, etc.  Visualize this process taking place worldwide peacefully and smoothly .Visualize the world finally being free from financial slavery, free from all evil dictators and corrupt politicians.

3. Visualize bright new future for humanity, with new and fair financial system put into place, with all debts canceled, prosperity funds for humanitarian projects released, advanced technologies introduced, ecosystem healed and human beings finally being free from all oppression.

Disclaimer: the date of this visualization (May 5th) is most likely NOT the date when these mass arrests will be taking place. 


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous