
My Hero, Alice Miller, psychoanalyst Author, and much more, dies at 87 | Soul Hangout

Alice Miller was one of my heroes of all times. She advocated and proved the idea that Violence is not Genetic.

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2009 March | Soul Hangout

It is good sometimes to look back to see where we were then and where we are now. It gives perspective. Most of the things happening this year. It took longer than anticipated.The beauty is that I have created so many shortcuts for our tribe members in the process..

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The other half Orange and the other side of the Sun. | Soul Hangout

Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful Playful day. You and your Inner Child

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Alice Miller, psychoanalyst and author, dies at 87

Alice Miller, one of my all times heroes, the courageous Mensch who spent all the 20th C advocating for Children. HER FINDINGS "Violence is not Genetic". Her contribution to humanity and the human mind is just invaluable.

I remember the day when I started reading her book "The Drama of the Inner Child" . Suddenly the sky was wide open. Her ideas resonated so much with my own ideas. I can't begin to describe...actually some of my friends would tell you. I kept talking about her for years. Like a broken record. I have written about her in my blog. Every time I have a chance I name her and her amazing contribution.

That was the beginning of my Inner Child Journey. She inspired me to go inside myself and explore how gifted I actually was...somehow giving me permission for what I already knew and had forgotten...and the rest is history. She was who inspired me to embark in this adventure of becoming some kind of midwife who helps people give birth to their Inner Child. It is in her honor for her efforts that I can stand here with this mission today. She gave me the torch. Life was so much easier after I found her. She could have been my mother. I am 61.

One of the things I love the most about her is how she points out there is always an "Enlightened Witness" or a Lightworker behind a neglected or .abused child. The person who gives them their integrity by believing in them. That as a rule is the difference between them becoming a criminal or not.The Enlightened Witness Making the difference can change the outcome.

That is why she inspired me to create an army of Enlightened Witnesses to make sure children can reclaim 100% of their integrity. And we all can go back to innocence, truth, play, creativity and oneness.

This is somebody who confronted the Nazi status quo. Talk about courage. I honor her life, her passion and her dedication to ensure a better and healthier psychological environment for children. Our thoughts create our reality. We have to go with the program and raise the collective consciousness of the Inner Child. Yes Yes Yes, Alice !!! Thank you for persevering until you proved with science what was always in your Heart. You were right on. Violence is not genetic. Violence is not Genetic. Thank you for that amazing torch sister! Rest in Peace.

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UFO | UFO Videos | UFO Sighting | Extraterrestrial | 2010

Interesting article about Astronomers finding Ice and Organic Molecules in an Asteroid Between Mars and Jupiter.

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2009 January | Soul Hangout The Dark Secrets of Sales, only for Sales Professionals

The Dark Secrets of Sales, only for Sales Professionals. The thinking behind the 21st C Sales Mindset.

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Facebook | Lola Koumantzias: Conversations Between Babies - written 4 years ago.

Mothers gather in churches in Australia to share the mothering experience. What a healthy concept. Must read, especially if you are a mother. Enjoy!

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Sodade - Soul Hang Out

My friend Laura Wasson, got inspired with the Condor Energy music and sent me this beautiful song. Enjoy!

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Check out this website I found at facebook.com

Join me in this 40 Days Together In Worldwide Oneness! See you there. Raising the Collective Consciousness of the Inner Child. Erase negative Thoughts!

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Gail Lynne Goodwin: 10 Tips for Creating Remarkable Success: An Interview With Tim Storm

Remarkable people seem to create remarkable businesses. It would be quite easy to create a list of top CEOs who run "normal" businesses, but much more difficult to create a list of remarkable businesses that truly stand out.

In today's tight economy marketplace, standing out, being different, being better -- is what it's all about. If you want to succeed, being remarkable is the only way to go. Today's Inspirational Luminary, Tim Storm, founder and CEO of FatWallet.com is just that and more.

From launching his business with just $100 from a spare bedroom in his home, to creating one of the top Internet businesses, he is considered a pioneer in the industry of online discount publishing.

Even more importantly, this remarkable man is humble, has his priorities straight and is a mentor to many by the example of how he lives his life.

It's rare to meet an incredibly successful entrepreneur who inspires not only by his brilliance, but by the quality of his humility, kindness, generosity and compassion for others. It's no wonder this man is revered by his employees and honored by his peers.

10 Tips for Creating Remarkable Success from Tim Storm:

Be humble.
When we act with more concern for others than for our self, we can't help but succeed.

Core values will keep you on track.
Having core values to use as a touchstone will keep you on track through uncertainty. Tim's core values are integrity, change, commitment, passion, balance, respect and FUN!

Expect change.
Being an entrepreneur is like riding a roller coaster, complete with high highs and low lows. Don't expect it to be easy or predictable and know that change is normal. In between the ups and downs there are stages that one will go through. The key is in knowing what to do when going up the hill and what to do when coming back down. Recognizing where you are on the roller coaster cycle and taking action accordingly will help you succeed through change.

Maintain your balance.
Create opportunities to recharge. Do what you can to take your mind off of business occasionally and set aside what preoccupies you most of the time. Like a unicycle, balance happens in all directions, forward, backwards and from side to side -- but you can't be balanced if you're not moving.

Don't be afraid to try.
You can achieve anything by taking the first step. Baby steps add up to experience and results that one can't fathom at the beginning of the journey. Understand your limitations but don't dwell on them. Remember, it all starts from not being afraid to try.

Adversity happens but take action anyway.
If you maintain the belief in yourself that you're going to find a way, you become unstoppable. Learn to succeed during the tougher times. Remember that races are always won on the uphill, so keep going! Don't allow someone else's restrictions to keep you from following your dream. Go in the direction that you want to go, move and grow. That's all you can really do, for it's the only thing you can touch. You can plan for tomorrow but you can only DO something today.

There's always a silver lining.
Even in the most challenging of times, there is always a silver lining when you learn from your experiences. If you don't understand "why" in the moment, trust that you will be able to see it later. When things happen that you don't understand, learn from them, as they will come in handy later. Adversity is an absolute waste if we don't learn from it.

Pride leads to happiness.
Do something that makes you proud! When you look at your accomplishments and see how many lives you've touched, the journey is worthwhile, regardless of how many mountains you've had to climb.

Charter your own course.
Don't live by someone else's rules. Do what makes you happy and follow your dream, even if that means you don't fit into the normal "box". Risk being called "crazy."

Experience is more valuable than possessions.
In the throws of great success, remember ... toys are fun but the things with the greatest value in life are not the things that one has to dust off each week. Create a life of experiences. No matter what happens, no one can ever take away the memories. When you do fun things in life, you create experiences that will help expand your view on life. If you're doing the same thing all the time, you don't grow!

Thanks for the great words of wisdom Mr. Storm. You continue to inspire me today and every day. ☺

We invite you to listen to today's FREE Inspired Interview with host, Gail Lynne Goodwin, Ambassador of Inspiration from InspireMeToday.com and today's guest, Tim Storm. Also, we invite you to check out our daily FREE inspiration! Thank you!

Follow Gail Lynne Goodwin on Twitter: www.twitter.com/inspiremetoday

Fantastic article about the Mindset of success. Enjoy!

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Slide FunSpace on Facebook

Check out this website I found at apps.facebook.com

My dear friend Eva Luna sent me this video. She has the ability to penetrate deep in my heart. I want to share it with you all. For the ones of you who love that river in the South Cone, "Rio de la Plata" ,it captures the Heart Condor Energy of the Andes Mountains, and the festive sea Ports. Thank you so much Eva Luna de mi vida Enjoy!

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day. | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful and Playful day! You and your Inner Child!

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The Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven - Soul Hang Out

Moonlight Sonata by Bethoven was composed as the musician was grieving the death of his Mentor and a blind girl, a neighbor said to him she would love to be able to see only to see the moon. So he composed the musical notes of the moon for her, so that she could hear it through his eyes. A beautiful story. Enjoy! and enjoy the full moon.

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Sonata Claro de Luna by Beethoven - Soul Hang Out

To honor the full moon tonight. Sonata Claro de Luna de Beethoven.

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A Public Pillow Fight in Union Square

NST Online MIND & SPIRIT:The child within us

Here is another Inner Child story. For you and your Inner Child

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A Tear And A Smile by Khalil Gibran

A tear and a smile. A beautiful poem by Khalil Gibran

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful, Playful day, You and your Inner Child

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Bloggers: Are You Writing In Your True Voice? - Entrepreneurs-Journey.com by Yaro Starak

I’ve been working with a private client recently to help with her blog (hello Pat from GolfGurls.com), and through our time together she reminded me of a common challenge many new bloggers face.

Perhaps this is not so much a mistake as an adjustment that needs to be made as you begin the process of establishing your blog identity.

Many bloggers start out by applying a frame to how they think about their blog. This frame affects your writing style, causing you to feel the need to project a certain image with your words. This is a false image placed on top of who you really are, often applied because you believe it necessary to ensure you come across as professional. You want to make the “right” impression.

Chances are you are doing this right now when you write content to your blog without even realizing it.

Most of us, as we go through the schooling system, and then secondary education and on into employment, are instructed how to write. As an academic you should write with a certain style, reference your ideas and conform to set standards. Journalists also have their own set of standards, as do professionals in all kinds of industries from doctors to accountants.

Drop Your Preconceptions: Be Yourself

Bloggers aren’t taught how to write. The most common piece of advice we are given is to “use your own voice” when you publish content. This is good advice, but it’s not easy to implement and takes practice to master.

The challenge is not learning how to write in a certain style as a blogger, rather it’s to drop any preconditioning you’ve adopted that impacts how you write.

Bloggers rarely begin as professional writers. We’re just every day people who decide to share our ideas about a certain subject. As a result, when you start your blog, it’s quite possibly the first time you’ve ever written for a public forum.

The idea that people will read your words immediately causes you to put up a shield, a conditioning over your writing, causing you to self-censor and even alter how you express yourself.

Selective self-censoring is necessary because your blog should have focus and stay on topic, although you can be very liberal with how much personal information you share. It’s up to you of course how much you share, but in my experience, most people are overly concerned with what they talk about on their blog because they are driven by fear. Fear of what people will say, what they can do to you if they know certain things about you and a fear of standing up and saying what you think, are major roadblocks to authentic expression.

Once you drop the preconditioning you will find it much easier to write. When you do not filter what you say through a false image, finding flow-state and creating content that people love becomes fluid. Your expression is clear because you’re writing in your true voice.

How To Drop False Frames

The challenge here is identifying the frames you’ve applied to your writing. Your natural writing style is going to change, especially early on when you first begin blogging. Practice does make a difference, so the more you write, the easier it becomes and you will start to gain a better feel for who you are as a writer.

In my case I began writing my blog using what I considered my true voice, taking what was in my head and putting it into words. This has served me well for a long time, and largely my writing style hasn’t changed over the years.

I’ve been told on many occasions that people enjoy reading this blog because it’s as if I’m there talking to them in person like a casual conversation. This in many ways is my strength, my ability to clearly express myself based on what I am really thinking, however that doesn’t mean I haven’t had to adjust how I write over the years.

I’ve definitely noticed, especially as my audience has grown, that my writing and topic choices have changed. Knowing that several thousand people read your words is at times daunting. It’s a big responsibility to have influence, and yet at the same time you want to be true to who you are.

Even when your audience is small at the start of blogging, I recommend you ask yourself if you are writing within a frame. While it’s not always appropriate to write how you speak, as a general rule of thumb, if your writing is very divergent from how you speak, then you’re likely off the mark and over-conditioning yourself to fit some kind of preconceived notion about what is acceptable.

Authentic blogging works because people come to like you for your ideas, your opinion and how you express these things through your writing. If you’re not being authentic, people will know and you will know because building a repeat audience will be difficult.

While you practice being yourself with your writing, don’t forget the rules of good blog content. If you need a reminder, go read over my article on Pillar Content.

Controversy, teaching people how to do things, presenting strong opinions, offering thought-leadership in your industry – all of these formats will always be good structures for quality blog content, but it’s your ability to use your authentic voice while using these formats that matters.

I can’t teach you how to be yourself, but I can explain some triggers I’ve applied to my writing. These are filters and techniques I use that I believe improve the quality of my content. Not all of this is about my style, but even if it’s just basic grammar changes, it can help.

  • Talk to one person when you write. When I started blogging I imagined a crowd of people I was writing to (all my subscribers). Today I write to just one person – you.
  • Write in active voice. I still have to edit my content for this all the time. I tend to default to “have” and “will be”, and other passive voice phrases, rather than present tense like, “I am” and “are”.
  • Tell stories. My entire blog is based on this principle. I tell stories from my life, from other people’s lives and use stories as triggers for ideas.
  • Read over your writing and if anything sounds funny to you, change it. Your intuition is a great barometer for what is working and what is not. I find it very helpful to read my writing at different times of the day, as how I feel can dramatically impact how I write.
  • Don’t change too much. Editing is good, perpetual fussing over every phrase is not.
  • Drop the perfectionist hat. I publish mistakes all the time, yet people still read my words. Enough said.
  • Don’t try to cover too many ideas in one article. I tend to ignore this advice and as a result write long articles, but that doesn’t suit most people. In general if your content focuses on one main point, which you can realistically explain in 1,000 words or less, you’re doing great.

What I’m teaching here is not a science, it’s an art, hence even giving you a list of dot points to follow and some ideas that might help you self-analyze your writing, is not enough. This is something that is unique to you, that I can’t teach. You have to feel your way to what works and you will know it when it does. Simply put, it will be more fun to write once you find your true voice.

Enjoy your writing.

Yaro Starak
Authentic Communicator (most of the time)

P.S. I just received this email from one of my Blog Mastermind members and I felt it appropriate to include along with this article as it reinforces the idea of finding your true voice and not holding anything back for fear of judgment.

Dear Yaro,

I have just received Lesson 27 so my lessons are complete. I haven’t finished them all but this doesn’t matter. I have much to look forward to.

When I began I was not happy with the niche I had chosen and looked around for other easier niches. Played around so to speak because if the truth be known I did not want to ’stand up and be counted’. I much prefer being the quiet achiever. That means I can do what I want and nobody will challenge me.

However to cut a long story short I too am now willing to share myself and my experience with others. Inspired by you and the way you share yourself.

As a result my blog is now on page one of a few search engines including Google, Yahoo, Bing and AOL for the keyword – phonics for kids – www.phonicsforkids.net.

My attitude changed and I really got stuck into providing information. As I did this my resolve to share grew. I am no longer reluctant to talk about what I do. My business is now working. Stage 2 is about to begin.

So I would like to say thank you for your superb lessons and presentation. The personal growth for me has been amazing and I haven’t begun to master blogging yet. Also thank you for the customer service I received as well.

Kindest regards and best wishes,

Marilyn Martyn

So true about blogging. A must read for bloggers. Yaro is always right on target
Thanks Yaro

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Passive Aggression, the Niceness trap for Pushovers. | Soul Hangout

I know many of us know what we are talking about here. Big hug and enjoy!

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A Fanciful Flight Into the World of Poetic Prose - Soul Hang Out

My friend Phoenix, shares her writing soulful journey with us and gives us a piece of her poetry. Enjoy!

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At Peace | Soul Hangout

At Peace, a beautiful poem by Amado Nervo, the Mexican Poet. Enjoy!

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a soulful and joyful day you and your Inner Child. Love and Light my friends.

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Never Enough Rumi - Soul Hang Out


My friend Daphne Wysham reporting from Cochabamamba - Soul Hang Out

World's People Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth Seems hopeful! Enjoy!

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day. | Soul Hangout

Happy Sunday my friend! Have a soulful and playful day. You and your Inner Child

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Your Time is Limited - Soul Hang Out

“It’s only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth—and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up—that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.” Elizabeth Kübler Ross

I don’t know if it’s my age or just an odd springtime melancholy that has my mind wandering to the brevity of life. Odd—when I was younger, I never stopped to consider just how short life really is. Back then, life seemed to be a long never-ending highway. Now that I’m older and looking toward the winter of my life, I can see that the highway is a hell of a lot shorter than I had imagined.

Now, I know that young people don’t want to stop and consider the brevity of life. Hell, most older folks probably don’t either. But, in my humble opinion, until one truly stops and takes an accounting of the distance they have come, they will never be able to properly navigate the distance that lies ahead of them. How can a person find his/her true north if he/she has never even looked at the path that lies underneath his/her feet?

Sad to say, too many people spend their precious time just struggling to get through. I understand that bills have to be paid; children have to be clothed and fed; and bosses have to be appeased. These things are all parts of our journey. But, and this is the important thing to remember, they are just parts. They are not the whole. My life, your life, is not just about paying bills, feeding children, and appeasing the boss man. My life, your life, is so much more than that.

To me, life is an awe-inspiring miracle. I am humbled to be here on this planet at this time in history. The thought that I probably only have twenty-five years left here makes me feel a little sad. Don’t feel sorry for me. This sadness is a good thing. It has imbued me with a sense of awesome gratitude. I am so very grateful for my life, and I am grateful for every step of my current soul journey. Has my journey been easy? I’d be lying to you if I said it was. To be perfectly honest, at times, I have found my life journey to be grueling and painful. Of course, it has also been exhilarating and joyful. But, and this is a big but, it has NEVER been boring.

My life has been my greatest teacher. Its lessons have expanded my heart and accelerated my spiritual evolution. Yeah, I’ve been pissed off and pissed on; but in hindsight, I can see that it all had a weird kind of cosmic purpose. I’m a better person for it all. Yes, I said all—and no, I will not go into what is included in the “all” of all. I’m old enough to realize that I have a limited number of present moments in which to abide, so I refuse to allow myself to dwell in the past.

We are here on this planet to learn. Our lessons may not be fun. Sometimes, they may even hurt. To be honest, I have a feeling my lessons would have been a lot less painful had I just quit struggling and allowed myself to go with the flow. But, then again, the virility of youth does tend to blind a person to the effects of unnecessary struggles. For some odd reason, youth, in and of itself, seems to predispose most human beings to fight first and ask questions later.

Ah . . . but the Universe is not mocked! Balance must be maintained. What was pushed into the dark ethers of youth will manifest itself, as it must. Like the cycling of the seasons, the cycling of humankind will not be abated. When the unbending imperviousness of youth gives way to the more yielding permeability of middle age all of these unanswered questions seep to the surface. “Who am I?” the man in the mirror cries. “Why am I here?” the woman asks. “Is this all there is?” they both wonder. Answering these questions is never easy. But not to answer them is not just an act of cowardice; it is an act of self-abandonment.

Several years ago, I decided to take responsibility for my own life. I chose to love myself enough to start answering the hard questions. The answers I received forced me to start making changes in my life. It has not been easy. I have had to make some tough choices—choices I never thought I had the courage to make. With each choice to love myself and honor my own life, however, I grew stronger. I know I will need this strength as I step more fully into my true self. But I am prepared to do whatever it takes to live MY OWN LIFE! Are you?


"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." (Steve Jobs)

I know this is not my normal blog. I don’t really even know why I’m writing this. I just know I have to write it. I guess I just want to encourage each one of you to be true to yourself, to walk your own path, and to find your own true north. If you want to write, write. If you want to dance, dance. If you want to paint, paint. If you want to write poetry, write poetry. Whatever your heart is telling you to do—you need to do it, and you need to do it now. You are only allotted so much time here on this planet. And believe it or not, you came here bearing gifts. Gifts that only you can bestow. The world is waiting for you. Your time here is limited, so put on your dancing shoes, and shine bright.

“Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to give birth to yourself.” Andrea Mathews

Nuff said . . .

© 2009 Phoenix Rising. All Rights Reserved.
Individuals may copy this post for noncommercial use without permission provided that this post is used in its entirety and carries the Phoenix Rising copyright notice and the following link back to this blog: www.phoenixrisingwriterscorner.blogspot.com.


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A great eye opener article by my friend Phoenix, who is an amazing writer and thinker.. Enjoy!

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a soulful and playful day. You and your Inner Child.

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Thank You for this Conversation | Soul Hangout

The Internal conversation and the thoughts to build an Experiential Experimental Coaching Tribe. 50/50 The Magic of the Middle Line.

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I LOVE YOU VIDEO - a Gift From Sivan Garr | Lightworkers World

I love you, I love you, yes I love you. Please keep this video in a safe place and watch it as soon as you can...you will find out how lovable you are. Enjoy Happy weekend!

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a soulful, playful day you and your Inner Child!

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Revelation with Michael Beckwith, Sue Morter and many more - Soul Hang Out

Living in the Revelation with Michael Beckwith Enjoy!

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PodOmatic | Podcast - soulhangout's Podcast - Episode 8 Ari Galper Founder of Unlock the Game, with Luz / The thought provoking conversation behind cold calling

Episode 8 Ari Galper Founder of Unlock the Game, with Luz / The thought provoking conversation behind cold calling
April 19, 2010 06:43 PM PDT

Hi my dear friends. I have been struggling to create a podcast in the last 2 weeks. The truth is I am literally doing a lot of projects at once. So, I was revising my blog, and realized there are several nuggets that even though were recorded time ago, have that quality of the perennial and are very valuable and helpful conversations. They are waiting to be listened to. So, while my schedule gets more flexible I can bring you all those conversations. A little bit of history. That way you can know me better and also go deeper into the process of aligning your thoughts and "Giving Birth to your Inner Child"

If anyone is involved in sales or is an entrepreneur, this is a must listen podcast. It is conversation between Ari Galper, one of my mentors and myself about the subtext and the thoughts in the new Mindset of Selling.

For the ones of you who don't know Ari, he is the founder of Unlock The Game, he has created a a new Mindset and language for selling, based on the truth and connecting at the human level.
I have been a sales person for most of my life and was so happy to find Ari.

I found Ari after I quit my corporate job at The Washington Post. I can't begin to tell you how excited I was with his philosophy and his program. Well, yes I can tell you because I called him and expressed from my soul how impressed I was with what he was doing, naming his magnificent program. He said "Nobody has talked about my business like that, not even myself". The rest is history. I became one of his coaches and worked on developing products around the inner dialogue when it comes to sales.
Here is my program: The Chambers of the New Mindset in Sales. 2 Sessions to get rid of the fear of cold calling.


If you are a sales person and want to align your thoughts and your language to your relationship with the prospect, this is a great start.

Here is my affiliate link with UTG for your information if you feel compelled to know more about Ari's program.




The Thought Provoking Irreverent Pearl Necklace Grandmother of the 21st C.Paradigm Shifter, Visionary,

This is great information for Sales people and Entrepreneurs. Enjoy!

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Thanks Seth Godin for Naming the Dream of the Future | Soul Hangout

Seth Godin published his visionary book at the end of 2008. I always thought this is a book we all must read. "Tribes" The Business Model of the 21st C. Enjoy! It also goes with a little of history about SHA Enjoy! and allow inspiration to invade you.

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Good morning my dear friend, have a soulful, mindful curious and playful day. You and your Inner Child as one.

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Deepak Chopra: Crossing a Spriritual Divide

This is an important finding. Looks we are in the right track.

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The Pineal gland and its hidden codes. - Soul Hang Out

People have been asking about the Pineal Gland. Here is a great video about it. Enjoy!

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Inspire Confidence in Young Women by Creating a One of a Kind Magazine | Pepsi Refresh Everything

Let's help my CEO Space friend Grace make the mark to start her contribution to inspire confidence in teenage girls. Thanks!

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Inner Child quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a soulful day! You and your Inner Child. Remember you are one.

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day. | Soul Hangout

Have a joyful, playful, innocent curious Sunday. You and your Inner Child. A big hug my friend.

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Bob Marley on Love - Soul Hang Out

In the mood for the Caribbean wizard of love and peace? I want to love you! For ever and we are one. Have a soulful Saturday, you and your Inner Child in communion. To feel the oneness of all things. :)

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The Inner Child Inpirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a soulful and mindful day my friend. You and your Inner Child.
Here is to both of you.

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Adios Nonino - Soul Hang Out Astor Piazzola

In the mood for Piazzola tonight. Somebody else?

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Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS

This is why I love Bill Moyers. Check this. The plain ugly truth about health care. The story of a young Doctor advocating for an alternative that would humanize Health Care. Enjoy!

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The Power of Now Can Heal the Past. A Gift from my Son | Soul Hangout

Have a meaningful weekend my friend. You and your Inner Child.

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a meaningful day my friend. You and your Inner Child!

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You are magnificent, brilliant in your divinity - Soul Hang Out

Helping you remember that you are magnificent, brilliant in your divinity. Good evening, good morning my friends. Enjoy!

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Rumi Poet of the Heart His life - Soul Hang Out

Rumi, the Poet of the Heart. His story, his legacy. He became the most sold poet in the West. Enjoy! Have a great afternoon!

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day. | Soul Hangout

Have a wonderful day my friend. You and your Inner Child!

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2008 July | Soul Hangout

“So, how did the conference go”? I asked my son after he got in the car when I picked him up from the airport.

He had spent the last 4 days attending his company’s annual GM conference.

He had spent the last seven years escalating the corporate ladder in an upscale casual restaurant corporation with close to 150 restaurants in the country.

Those early days he started working as a waiter in one of their restaurants in the Washington DC metro area seemed so far away.

“It was pretty good mom, you know, I realized that I can’t compete with the big cities any more. I will never be able to make their numbers in a small town. And that’s alright with me. I chose to stay in this city in California in order to stop moving around. That was a conscious decision my wife and I made to give our son the stability that our family needed. I am happy with that decision.”

But there is still something else I can do. I can focus more on the hospitality area and become the first in the country in hospitality. Best service. That is perfectly feasible.”

He was always in love with his job, his company and his product. Ever since that day after working as a waiter for 6 months, he got promoted to expo manager.

“This is what I want to do with my life mom -he said – I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I want to escalate the corporate ladder with this company. I love it.”
“But darling, it is the restaurant business, you know what that means, no life. Remember my experience with restaurants and food?” – I answered. – It is the most thankless field on the planet.”

“Yes, but you are the one who taught me the love for food, mama” -he said- We both laughed, that was the end of the conversation and the rest is history.

He always wanted to provide the very best he could. His constant inner source of motivation had gotten him to become a General Manager within 5 years in the company. His career had demanded him moving around in the previous years from Washington, to Philadelphia, San Francisco, San Jose and Hawaii.

His wife was already putting up with the restaurant hours. Which you know, are pretty long and don’t include free weekends. She deserved to be in a stable place where she could build her own life with her child. I can imagine the everyday life she experienced in a new city when her husband was working all the time, and they would have to leave in a few months. No time to even make friends. Not fun.

Now she has a job, is starting a new career and a lot of friends. They still would like to spend more time together. They were able to do that only one day a week. However, their different schedules provided their son with quality time from both of them. He went to day care just to fill the gaps, not as a routine. And spent one full day with both of them.

A couple of months went by since that conversation at the airport. I was back home and he calls me one evening. He says: “Mama, would you say that I am a genius? ” “Of course, you know you are.”-  ” Well, as of now I am the sixth in the country in hospitality. The VPs and CEOs are telling every GM nationally to follow my example. ” Hes said laughing. He was so excited…I was too!

He does many things to achieve those results. He is a great leader, a great manager, he understands team work, he is enthusiastic, He has organizational skills, he is dependable, he is human, and on top he is bilingual. But above all he has a passion for what he does. That is the key.

Among all those attributes there is one thing he does that strikes me as a major element to his success.

Now, anybody who has worked in the restaurant business before, knows how stressful and thankless it can be. Especially in a restaurant like his. He has 300 employees under him. Very busy.

He spends a lot of the time walking the floor. Sensing everything that is happening. Present, supporting his staff by pitching in with help when is needed. Participating with them. Consciously co-creating coherence.

When he sees a bus person or a bartender with a sad or worried grin on his or her face, he says Hey! Francisco, let’s have a cup of coffee.

He sits with that person in a corner at one of the tables outside in the patio and asks if there is anything wrong and if he can help in any way. It turns out that they end up having a conversation about the solutions to the problem at hand, if there is no real solution he will help them move on. Because he cares. weather it is, a personal or work related matter.

The needed conversation to relief the tension. To acknowledge the human being within the hard worker. Then he says: “Now you can go out there and show your best face to our guests.”

And he or she smiles and nods. Simply because after that conversation he or she feels a lot better.

A parenthesis of support and humanity is what makes all the difference. Just a little parenthesis, a small window, to remind them he doesn’t forget they are human. He shows  his gratitude. I have to say it is a natural for him.

Corporate measures hospitality with mystery guests who relentlessly come unannounced out of the blue. He doesn’t have a clue if any of his staff at any given moment is talking to a guest or the corporate messenger on schedule.

He can’t afford to have his staff pretend they are happy all the time by not acknowledging their human needs. He understand that to get the real results it has to be genuine. Besides if they feel good at work, they obviously are going to reflect it on the customer, making the experience of every single guest as pleasant as it can be.  With consistency.

They are giving a lot. He gives back. A 50/50. Then he doesn’t have to worry about the mystery guest. He is focusing on his employees’ contentment. His team. The little parenthesis of humanity of support that makes all the difference.

The team who will respond to his kindness with more kindness to his guests. Across the board. The team that got him to the 6th in the country. Another example of numbers made by people.

This endearing story leaves me thinking that if I was a bus person or a dishwasher at a very busy large upscale casual restaurant operation I would like to have my son to be my boss.

I spent 6 hour sitting at the bar in my last visit watching the operation. It was a pleasure.


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My son's story, a true story.

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a wonderful day my friends!

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Who am I ? Rumi - Soul Hang Out

A beautifu video. Enjoy!

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout

Have a wonderful day my friends!

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I am happy to be me - Soul Hang Out

This is a must see video explaining clearly the power we have to consciously co-create a new world just changing the way we think. Also changing the way we feel. Starting , confronting the status quo.

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day | Soul Hangout


We have a Choice - Soul Hang Out

They call us the Millenials, born between 1982 and 2001. Indifferent, detached, and lazy. We have unlimited access to information. We want instant gratification. Nothing is worth waiting for when you can have it now. We are products of the generation before us, and are plugged in to the system that they have created. Life has become centered around just getting through the day and looking out for number one. We are expected to follow the traveled path and do what everyone else is doing…hoping for the best, preparing for the worst, and thinking that someday someone will solve the world’s problems. We have been programmed to ignore our feelings and emotions, even though in our hearts we know that it doesn’t seem right. Life is not about fearing the future, lingering in the past, and ignoring the present. It is about taking time to enjoy the journey, every step of the way.

I am writing this blog because our world and humanity are at a crossroads. At this point in time we do not know if it will get better or worse. Will there be more war, poverty, hate, argument, and fear? OR, Will there be universal peace, unlimited prosperity, unending love, increased cooperation, and all-around hope?

Our generation is next in line to get behind the wheel of this world, and the choice will ultimately be ours! Imagine with me, if you will, a society in which PASSION and PURPOSE are the engines that drive progress. A place where each individual knows exactly what they were put on this planet for and pursues that goal with the objective of serving their community. Can you see what a shift this would be from the status quo?

As a generation we cannot count on a select few to push us in a new direction. We have to make the collective decision to change the course of history. We are the author and the blank pages of the future are ours to write. The time to begin is now. It is time for each of us to find our purpose, and come together in harmony with one another to cultivate new ideas, release our creativity, and drive innovation. This will bring us down a path of co-creating a new future for this world and all who live in it. This is of the utmost importance and society needs us!

Although aimed at Millenials, this blog is not exclusive. Anyone who is in search of something greater for themselves and their communities is welcome. If you want to find your life purpose and release your passion on the world, please come back often. Small actions can cause enormous change, as the ripples from a pebble can move the surface of the entire body of water. We need to become that pebble and create the change that we want to see in this world.

Thanks for reading,



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Join our Soul Hangout Community. We are voicing change and supporting Millennials. Become a member. Join us. Millennials are the privileged generation with the mindset of the 21st C passing the torch to the most unprecedented changes in the history of the world. Come, join us!!! We need your voice!!!

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Inspire Confidence in Young Women by Creating a One of a Kind Magazine | Pepsi Refresh Everything

Hi my friends, please vote for my friend Grace and her amazing project to help teenagers with publishing a very unique magazine. :::))) Thanks so much!

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Claim your mind...be you - Soul Hang Out

Interesting message of how to claim your mind and be yourself in this world. Enjoy!

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Op-Ed Columnist - Worlds Without Women Must read Article


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Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times

Maureen Dowd


Times Topics: Roman Catholic Church

Readers' Comments

Readers shared their thoughts on this article.

When I was in Saudi Arabia, I had tea and sweets with a group of educated and sophisticated young professional women.

I asked why they were not more upset about living in a country where women’s rights were strangled, an inbred and autocratic state more like an archaic men’s club than a modern nation. They told me, somewhat defensively, that the kingdom was moving at its own pace, glacial as that seemed to outsiders.

How could such spirited women, smart and successful on every other level, acquiesce in their own subordination?

I was puzzling over that one when it hit me: As a Catholic woman, I was doing the same thing.

I, too, belonged to an inbred and wealthy men’s club cloistered behind walls and disdaining modernity.

I, too, remained part of an autocratic society that repressed women and ignored their progress in the secular world.

I, too, rationalized as men in dresses allowed our religious kingdom to decay and to cling to outdated misogynistic rituals, blind to the benefits of welcoming women’s brains, talents and hearts into their ancient fraternity.

To circumscribe women, Saudi Arabia took Islam’s moral codes and orthodoxy to extremes not outlined by Muhammad; the Catholic Church took its moral codes and orthodoxy to extremes not outlined by Jesus. In the New Testament, Jesus is surrounded by strong women and never advocates that any woman — whether she’s his mother or a prostitute — be treated as a second-class citizen.

Negating women is at the heart of the church’s hideous — and criminal — indifference to the welfare of boys and girls in its priests’ care. Lisa Miller writes in Newsweek’s cover story about the danger of continuing to marginalize women in a disgraced church that has Mary at the center of its founding story:

“In the Roman Catholic corporation, the senior executives live and work, as they have for a thousand years, eschewing not just marriage, but intimacy with women ... not to mention any chance to familiarize themselves with the earthy, primal messiness of families and children.” No wonder that, having closed themselves off from women and everything maternal, they treated children as collateral damage, a necessary sacrifice to save face for Mother Church.

And the sins of the fathers just keep coming. On Friday, The Associated Press broke the latest story pointing the finger of blame directly at Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, quoting from a letter written in Latin in which he resisted pleas to defrock a California priest who had sexually molested children.

As the longtime Vatican enforcer, the archconservative Ratzinger — now Pope Benedict XVI — moved avidly to persecute dissenters. But with molesters, he was plodding and even merciful.

As the A.P. reported, the Oakland diocese recommended defrocking Father Stephen Kiesle in 1981. The priest had pleaded no contest and was sentenced to three years’ probation in 1978 in a case in which he was accused of tying up and molesting two boys in a church rectory.

In 1982, the Oakland diocese got what it termed a “rather curt” response from the Vatican. It wasn’t until 1985 that “God’s Rottweiler” finally got around to addressing the California bishop’s concern. He sent his letter urging the diocese to give the 38-year-old pedophile “as much paternal care as possible” and to consider “his young age.” Ratzinger should have been more alarmed by the young age of the priest’s victims; that’s what maternal care would have entailed.

As in so many other cases, the primary concern seemed to be shielding the church from scandal. Chillingly, outrageously, the future pope told the Oakland bishop to consider the “good of the universal church” before granting the priest’s own request to give up the collar — even though the bishop had advised Rome that the scandal would likely be greater if the priest were not punished.

While the Vatican sat on the case — asking the diocese to resubmit the files, saying they might have been lost — Kiesle volunteered as a youth minister at a church north of Oakland. The A.P. also reported that even after the priest was finally defrocked in 1987, he continued to volunteer with children in the Oakland diocese; repeated warnings to church officials were ignored.

The Vatican must realize that the church’s belligerent, resentful and paranoid response to the global scandal is not working because it now says it will cooperate with secular justice systems and that the pope will have more meetings with victims. It is too little, too late.

The church that through the ages taught me and other children right from wrong did not know right from wrong when it came to children. Crimes were swept under the rectory rug, and molesters were protected to molest again for the “good of the universal church.” And that is bad, very bad — a mortal sin.

The church has had theological schisms. This is an emotional schism. The pope is morally compromised. Take it from a sister.

Sign in to Recommend Next Article in Opinion (11 of 31) » A version of this article appeared in print on April 11, 2010, on page WK12 of the New York edition.

Church, and their perception and actions towards women. Enjoy!

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The Magnificently Captured Beautiful Places On Earth A must see(Earth Hour Special) @ SmashingApps

Out standing photography of our beloved amazingly striking and beautiful Planet Earth. Don't miss it. A big hug to you my friend!

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That's what friends are for - Soul Hang Out With all my love to each one of you.

This is my favorite version of the most amazing song ever composed honoring friendship! Here is to you all my friends! While you are in Soul Hangout, you can subscribe

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Inspire Confidence in Young Women by Creating a One of a Kind Magazine | Pepsi Refresh Everything

Avatar Grace Hatton

I want to Inspire Confidence in Young Women by Creating a One of a Kind Magazine

Vote for this idea

A great project by a CEO Teenage Graduate. Please vote for her!

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Starseed Indigos, do you recognize yourself? - Soul Hang Out

Many of us feel like we are different. Have a different perception of the world. Like we don't fit. Check this out. Here might be your response. Enjoy!

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