
The masks we put on to hide ourselves… | Soul Hangout

This morning I was in skype with Carol, one of my spiritual daughters, and I wrote something about the many layers of masks human beings put on, stuck together in layers, as if on a mission to bury the real you literally out of reality.

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PodOmatic | Podcast - soulhangout's Podcast - Episode 6

It all started with Alice Miller and her book. "The Drama of the Gifted Child" . Meaning each one of us is gifted. Not only a few who escaped the claws of the status quo. I will repeat, we are all gifted, there is no such thing as only a few gifted.

Alice Miller's amazing contribution and almost a century of study about the importance of childhood and the incredible impact of our behavior as adults in children' lives resonated with profound beliefs and feelings rooted in myself through Thought Alignment work, allowing me to go deeper into the study of my own Inner Child.

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