
The Archons By UFOTV(c) – And – Alfred Lambremont Webre – A Interview With Robert Stanley And Laura Magdalene Eisenhower – Excorsing Hidden Controlers – 16 September 2012

Due to Cobra’s recent release of postings describing The Archons, I thought I would compile some additional information on these demented entities who access our world through our minds.  

Alien Invaders From Space

From UFOTV®, accept no imitations. Were ancient, Bronze Age civilizations taken over by sophisticated, parasitic extra-dimensional entities who manipulate the human mind to this day for their own evil purposes? Gnostic texts from the time of Christ may hold the key to the greatest conspiracy in ALL human history!  Be patient with this video…more facts are shared after the second quarter compilation of photos conveying all the inhumane behavior we have undergone.

Uploaded by on 26 June 2011.

Exorcising hidden controllers with Robert M. Stanley and Laura Magdalene Eisenhower

Uploaded by on 14 November 2011

www.galacticconnection.com link to original article

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John Ward – Bernanke’s ‘New-Style’ QE – Why It Won’t Produce An Alternative Future : Without Massive Debt Forgiveness And A New Capitalist Model, There Is No Alternative Future – 16 September 2012


The futurists of the 1950s and '60s promised us flying cars that have yet to arrive. Now, VW is at least steering us in the right direction

While Google is getting a license for its self-driving Toyota Prius, Volkswagen is looking even further into the future, imagining a two-seat hover car, much like the vehicles that so many futuristic movies and TV shows disingenuously promised. The vehicle concept, unveiled at the Beijing Auto Show, is a product of VW's innovative "People's Car Project," a 2011 Chinese crowdsourcing design contest that drew 119,000 submissions.

Check it out The Week.

Photo: YouTube

All the top stories from The Week.

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Conscious Life News – Ross Pittman – How Humanity Can Quickly And Easily Eliminate Evil – 16 September 2012

Amit Goswami

Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D.

Are people predisposed to commit evil acts because of the way their brains are wired, which causes them to lack empathy and compassion for their fellow human beings?  For those people, who are typically classified as psychopaths, can their brains be re-wired to care about others?   Is there a way to permanently rewire the brain circuitry of human race en masse to create brain circuits of love and compassion?  It appears that the answer to each of the above questions is yes, as detailed in the two videos shown below.

The first video is titled “Can We Eliminate Evil?”  It was a recent episode of Morgan Freeman’s Through the Wormhole on the Science Channel. While the entire episode is fascinating, the most interesting part begins shortly after the 25 minute mark.  In Zurich, Dr. Christian Ruff stimulates people’s brains with electricity in area that causes them to have more concern for the well-being of others.  Dr. Ruff found that the electrical stimulation can make people (like psychopaths) much more compassionate.  The problem is that the behavioral changes are temporary – they persist for only about 20 minutes after the stimulation stops.  The important thing is that science has demonstrated that by stimulating areas of the brain (which effectively alters the brain circuitry), it can positively affect behavior and actually cause people to care about others.

Uploaded on 19 July 2012 by

‘The second video is an interview with Dr. Amit Goswami, author of many books including “How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization: A Few People Can Change Human Evolution.”  For more about Quantum Activism, see the article “Become a Quantum Activist.”   Watch the last ten minutes of the video below, titled Dr Amit Goswami ‘Consciousness, Quantum Physics and Being Human’ , starting at the 50:15 minute mark, and then read the notes about the video below that.

Uploaded on 1 September 2012 by

50:15 Iain McNay: How do you put this together – you’ve got this book “Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization” – how does this come together on a practical basis?

50:30 Dr. Goswami: This is, of course, I feel is the most important thing today for ALL thinking people, ALL feeling people,ALL people who want to integrate their lives – like I did – have to face up to… The faulty ideas of scientific materialism – that consciousness does not exist except as brain phenomenon and that matter is everything – what those ideas have done is to undermine those values that are the purpose of evolution, which is what makes living worthwhile.

51:05 Dr. Goswami: Consciousness gives us values. If you denigrate consciousness, then our values will automatically be denigrated. Does the brain have values?  Material scientists have tried to bring values back in through evolution.  But, they cannot do it because matter cannot process meaning, let alone values.  These things are subjects of scientific proof today.  We should give up on scientific materialism if we want to save civilization. Unfortunately, scientific materialism is very entrenched today. You have to realize that.

51:45 Dr. Goswami: But then, you have to recognize the power of activism.

52:00 Iain McNay:  How is quantum activism a way forward when it seems, from our media anyway, that the way forward is a long way away – if there is one.

52:25 Dr. Goswami: This is what people need know. It [a way forward] does seem remote today.  But, there are two answers.  First of all, it seemed remote when two scientists, Descartes and Francis Bacon, were struggling against the power of the church.  It seemed very remote then, didn’t it?  So, it means nothing that it seems very remote. Several decades ago, it seemed remote that communism could ever break down in Russia.

53:00 Dr. Goswami: So, how the movement of consciousness works is actually by jolt – by surprises.  This is what the nature of creativity is.  So, that’s one answer…. It will be creative; it will be a revolution. It will be some kind of nudge. Big changes come abruptly, suddenly – even social changes.

53:20 Dr. Goswami: The other aspect, which should be very hopeful for everyone, is that it does not take very many people to do it.  Rupert Sheldrake first had this intuition.  He published several books in the 80s where he put forth the idea that only a few people are needed to change the collective, because changes that we make in our brain involves what Sheldrake calls morphogenetic fields.  These fields are responsible in some way – I call them blueprints of biological forms.

54:00 Dr. Goswami: So, when we change the brain and make a positive emotional brain circuit of love (for example), the morphogenetic field …, which is the blueprint of that brain, becomes associated with love and will therefore it will become a loving morphogenetic field.  It is a changed morphogenetic field.

54:15 Dr. Goswami: That change, I was able to show, Mark Mitchell and I, that change in the morphogenetic field is NOT stored in the brain, but is stored nonlocally. Quantum memory is nonlocal memory – outside of space and time – everywhere and nowhere. Since it is nonlocal memory, anyone on Earth, irrespective of time and space, can access it.

54:45 Dr. Goswami: The vision is that if enough of us become conscious that we need to change, which we are capable of (we are capable of the creative experience; we are capable of turning our creativity inward to create brain circuits of love), and we do it in communities and do it in groups in such a way that nonlocality will be facilitated [in that the morphogenetic field becomes conditioned with love].  These nonlocal fields are then available in the future and are used automatically, without effort, by everyone.  So, we develop people to have brain circuits of love, which will propagate into the future through nonlocal means.

The nonlocal morphogenetic love fields will then cause the collective to permanently develop brain circuits conditioned for love.

As John Lennon said in his song Mind Games: “Love is the answer and you know that for sure.”

www.consciouslifenews.com link to original article

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John Ward – Bernanke’s ‘New-Style’ QE – Why It Won’t Produce An Alternative Future : Without Massive Debt Forgiveness And A New Capitalist Model, There Is No Alternative Future – 16 September 2012

(Lucas : Comment on this article titel: There are for sure other models than capitalist models to create a new alternative future that need not be communist or socialist labeled. The already in place and working for some time alternative exchange and money systems all over the world are example to that.  Keywords:  sharing, value backed  or accepted as such in a chosen form, in service of  the community and for all its needs, commerce without debt and interest. It seems being stuck in the old paradigm system, makes thinking out of the box/ matrix needed.  Commerce does not equal whatever people like to label on things. If the premiss is sharing all wealth and abundance in harmony and peace a new system will be different from all that have been around for centuries. Maybe if people see things different, have a new mindset, awaken,  there is no need for money and systems at all.)

The US public debt climbed to $14.58 trillion at the end of August 2012. This made it slightly bigger than the $14.53 trillion size of America’s GDP in 2010.

I typed that fact in bold because I’m beginning to wonder what it takes to make global citizens wake up to the fact of America’s depth of indebtedness. The planet’s pivotal economy will, from here on in, be required to make an extra 10cents on the Dollar export profit each year – at the rate of the total deficit in turnover – to start paying off any of the debt. (And that assumes interest rates and import tariffs stay exactly as they are).

Here’s another fab factoid:

The deficit – that’s the annually accruing debt – is now perilously close to being 10% of GDP. This means that, even if earnings stay as they are, the USA will be treading water before it earns a single cent by the end of 2023.
The only way in which that extrapolation is simplistic involves the assumption that things will remain as now. That is highly unlikely: America faces the same global depression as the rest of us, and is losing share of global trade every year. The United States is piling up foreign debt and losing export capacity, and the growing trade deficit with China has been a prime contributor to the crisis in U.S. manufacturing employment. Between 2001 and 2011, the trade deficit with China eliminated or displaced more than 2.7 million U.S. jobs, over 2.1 million of which (76.9%) were in manufacturing.
A total of 453,100 jobs were lost or displaced from 2008 to 2010 alone — even though imports from China and the rest of world collapsed in 2009 during the height of the global financial crisis.
Neither QE1 or QE2 changed that situation to the slightest degree. But Ben Bernanke declared last Thursday that he’d do “whatever it takes” to lower stubbornly high unemployment with a third bout of QE. I’m told that this bout will be different and better. But if so, why wasn’t it tried at the 1 & 2 stages? And will it be different? I doubt it: and Reuters agrees with me (my emphasis):
‘By giving an open-ended commitment to pour money into the market for mortgage-backed securities, the Fed will likely keep on supporting stocks and other asset classes by keeping returns low on MBS. Investors in search of yield will have more reason to buy equities and to lend money to companies. Peter Hooper, an economist at Deutsche Bank in New York, thinks the Fed’s bond buying program will add at least a half a percentage point to gross domestic product over the next year, largely by boosting stock prices and making people feel more wealthy. “The main transmission mechanism is through the stock market,” Hooper said.’
Sounds like the same-old-same-old to me: the stock rises will increase bonuses and dividends for the rich, piling yet more money into the already obscenely wealthy 3%. And the money will be lent to large multinationals, to fund mergers and kill/move offshore yet more US jobs. Ratings agency Egan-Jones has this to say:

‘The Fed’s new round of quantitative easing, or QE3, will hurt the U.S. economy. The Fed’s plan of buying $40 billion in mortgage-backed securities a month and keeping interest rates near zero does little to raise GDP, reduces the value of the dollar, and raises the price of commodities. From 2006 to present, the US’s debt to GDP rose from 66% to 104% and will probably rise to 110% a year from today under current circumstances; the annual budget deficit is 8%. In comparison, Spain has a debt to GDP of 68.5% and an annual budget deficit of 8.5%.’

At Jackson Hole in 2011, Bernanke told his audience that the Fed “has lots of alternative strategies still to be tried”. Is this latest repeat seen as an alternative, or is Benny waiting until he’s more double-dog certain that Armageddon is the only alternative to some creativity being applied to the problem?

Look across the Western world: in the UK, over £400bn has been thrown at QE, to no effect. The expenditure has dwarfed any savings made by Chancellor George Osborne, and the economy continues to flatline, with the only job creation occurring thanks to lower wages and  shorter hours. The debts of all EU States (but especially the southern members) are astronomical: Greece has no chance at all of repaying hers, and both Spain and Italy are heading down the same road. If Germany commits to being the last resort saviour of the eurozone, its fiscal probity will implode. But Mario Draghi is now set to embark upon  ‘unlimited’ bond buying…aka, QE.

Bernanke, Osborne and Draghi are pissing against a Tsunami. The Establishments have run out of ideas, and people around the world know it: that’s why the megamoney has started investing bigtime in property and gold. Because fiat currencies are being eroded by treasury thinkers who believe (along with the risk-taking banker/bondholder axis) that somehow, over time, the populace can be used to monetise their fantasies.

None of this matters any more. The calculations of the self-styled clever are so hopelessly out, so ridiculously poorly thought through, the elastic will snap and create a hyperinflated global slump long, long before any of the crazy obligations they took on have been soaked up by the mugs. Only then will somebody with courage wake up to the only solution: wind the debt/surplus clock back to zero, or face a future in which nobody can afford to export, because nobody can afford to buy.

At that moment – who knows? – it might occur to the mercantile globalism fanatics that we need a real alternative.

www.hat4uk.wordpress.com link to original article

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Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Conscious Life News – Ross Pittman – How Humanity Can Quickly And Easily Eliminate Evil – 16 September 2012

(Lucas : Comment on this article titel: There are for sure other models than capitalist models to create a new alternative future that need not be communist or socialist labeled. The already in place and working for some time alternative exchange and money systems all over the world are example to that.  Keywords:  sharing, value backed  or accepted as such in a chosen form, in service of  the community and for all its needs, commerce without debt and interest. It seems being stuck in the old paradigm system, makes thinking out of the box/ matrix needed.  Commerce does not equal whatever people like to label on things. If the premiss is sharing all wealth and abundance in harmony and peace a new system will be different from all that have been around for centuries. Maybe if people see things different, have a new mindset, awaken,  there is no need for money and systems at all.)

The US public debt climbed to $14.58 trillion at the end of August 2012. This made it slightly bigger than the $14.53 trillion size of America’s GDP in 2010.

I typed that fact in bold because I’m beginning to wonder what it takes to make global citizens wake up to the fact of America’s depth of indebtedness. The planet’s pivotal economy will, from here on in, be required to make an extra 10cents on the Dollar export profit each year – at the rate of the total deficit in turnover – to start paying off any of the debt. (And that assumes interest rates and import tariffs stay exactly as they are).

Here’s another fab factoid:

The deficit – that’s the annually accruing debt – is now perilously close to being 10% of GDP. This means that, even if earnings stay as they are, the USA will be treading water before it earns a single cent by the end of 2023.
The only way in which that extrapolation is simplistic involves the assumption that things will remain as now. That is highly unlikely: America faces the same global depression as the rest of us, and is losing share of global trade every year. The United States is piling up foreign debt and losing export capacity, and the growing trade deficit with China has been a prime contributor to the crisis in U.S. manufacturing employment. Between 2001 and 2011, the trade deficit with China eliminated or displaced more than 2.7 million U.S. jobs, over 2.1 million of which (76.9%) were in manufacturing.
A total of 453,100 jobs were lost or displaced from 2008 to 2010 alone — even though imports from China and the rest of world collapsed in 2009 during the height of the global financial crisis.
Neither QE1 or QE2 changed that situation to the slightest degree. But Ben Bernanke declared last Thursday that he’d do “whatever it takes” to lower stubbornly high unemployment with a third bout of QE. I’m told that this bout will be different and better. But if so, why wasn’t it tried at the 1 & 2 stages? And will it be different? I doubt it: and Reuters agrees with me (my emphasis):
‘By giving an open-ended commitment to pour money into the market for mortgage-backed securities, the Fed will likely keep on supporting stocks and other asset classes by keeping returns low on MBS. Investors in search of yield will have more reason to buy equities and to lend money to companies. Peter Hooper, an economist at Deutsche Bank in New York, thinks the Fed’s bond buying program will add at least a half a percentage point to gross domestic product over the next year, largely by boosting stock prices and making people feel more wealthy. “The main transmission mechanism is through the stock market,” Hooper said.’
Sounds like the same-old-same-old to me: the stock rises will increase bonuses and dividends for the rich, piling yet more money into the already obscenely wealthy 3%. And the money will be lent to large multinationals, to fund mergers and kill/move offshore yet more US jobs. Ratings agency Egan-Jones has this to say:

‘The Fed’s new round of quantitative easing, or QE3, will hurt the U.S. economy. The Fed’s plan of buying $40 billion in mortgage-backed securities a month and keeping interest rates near zero does little to raise GDP, reduces the value of the dollar, and raises the price of commodities. From 2006 to present, the US’s debt to GDP rose from 66% to 104% and will probably rise to 110% a year from today under current circumstances; the annual budget deficit is 8%. In comparison, Spain has a debt to GDP of 68.5% and an annual budget deficit of 8.5%.’

At Jackson Hole in 2011, Bernanke told his audience that the Fed “has lots of alternative strategies still to be tried”. Is this latest repeat seen as an alternative, or is Benny waiting until he’s more double-dog certain that Armageddon is the only alternative to some creativity being applied to the problem?

Look across the Western world: in the UK, over £400bn has been thrown at QE, to no effect. The expenditure has dwarfed any savings made by Chancellor George Osborne, and the economy continues to flatline, with the only job creation occurring thanks to lower wages and  shorter hours. The debts of all EU States (but especially the southern members) are astronomical: Greece has no chance at all of repaying hers, and both Spain and Italy are heading down the same road. If Germany commits to being the last resort saviour of the eurozone, its fiscal probity will implode. But Mario Draghi is now set to embark upon  ‘unlimited’ bond buying…aka, QE.

Bernanke, Osborne and Draghi are pissing against a Tsunami. The Establishments have run out of ideas, and people around the world know it: that’s why the megamoney has started investing bigtime in property and gold. Because fiat currencies are being eroded by treasury thinkers who believe (along with the risk-taking banker/bondholder axis) that somehow, over time, the populace can be used to monetise their fantasies.

None of this matters any more. The calculations of the self-styled clever are so hopelessly out, so ridiculously poorly thought through, the elastic will snap and create a hyperinflated global slump long, long before any of the crazy obligations they took on have been soaked up by the mugs. Only then will somebody with courage wake up to the only solution: wind the debt/surplus clock back to zero, or face a future in which nobody can afford to export, because nobody can afford to buy.

At that moment – who knows? – it might occur to the mercantile globalism fanatics that we need a real alternative.

www.hat4uk.wordpress.com link to original article

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John Ward – E-Zone Civil War : How The Eunatics Are Creating A Divisive Financial Control System

Banking control in one camp, fiscal control in the other. “Sorted,” say the neocons

German finance minister Schäuble sits in his little Wolfschanze this morning, a less than happy wolf-cub. Earlier this year, his boss Angela Merkel did the Grand Tour of European capitals and delivered what they both thought was a done deal: for Herr Schäuble to be the Obersturmbannführer of all things money in the new Fiskalunion being created by Berlin-am-Brussels.

He is still going to get the leadership role, but the chances are it will be diluted by two things. One, the chances are we will never get to FU, hurrah. And two, even if we do, the banking control will lie in the hands of the European Central Bank, aka Mario Draghi. Having spotted this one coming down the road, Schäuble has spent much of the last 72 hours explaining why ECB control is both misguided and hasty. Well he would, wouldn’t he?

As is Wolfie’s way, he didn’t utter a peep during the formal FinMin session. But immediately afterwards, he was all over the media like a rash. Leading the criticism of the ezone’s “rush” toward central monitoring, he of course found France, Spain, Italy and the European Commission pressing for speedy action. The German finance boss had pre-lobbied his Nord-Europa neighbours, and so they fell in behind his line…which was that:

“…it will take time to build the sizeable apparatus required…We plead very much that stress tests be conducted before systemically-relevant banks get transferred from the national supervisor to the European,” he told reporters yesterday in Nicosia, Cyprus.

No stress tests were mentioned to his Member-State colleagues in the negotiating room. But then, he is renowned in Germany for telling the media first, and his allies second.

Ah yes, another of those hugely reliable stress-tests. Should take ooooh um, at least two months to organise. By which time his forces may well have regrouped. Or not. You see, I stick to my view expressed a couple of months ago: the balance of power has changed in the EU.

All this hands, potentially, far more influence to Lens Weidmann, and those Bankfurters of similar mind to the Slog’s Maulwurf. Effectively, they can now persuade a wider audience that what they foresaw is coming true. But it also puts Merkel on the spot. Or back on the pot, depending on your viewpoint. I really cannot see Weidmann allowing Draghi to order his banks around directly. It may well be wise, in fact, to expect his resignation sooner rather than later.

Unless Berlin launches a counter-attack – and fast – these events will add fuel to the argument that sees Germany leaving the euro before Greece. Either way, if the ECB plan goes through, the eunatics will have created an innately divisive control system whereby the banks are run by one tendency, and the Exchequers by another. So we’ll get a sort of strictly austere pauperisation of populaces and welfare budgets alongside a never-ending stream of banks bailed out by printing the money used by the paupers.

Somewhere, a neocon is laughing ’til he wets his pants.

Footnote: The Brussels bureaucrats have awarded themselves a 6% pay rise.

www.hat4uk.wordpress.com link to original article

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Letting Go of Old Beliefs, By Ben-Arion


So many things to "believe." Which one is right and which one is wrong? Never put a minute of energy into something which does not resonate in your heart fully. The heart is an excellent guide. It´s like a filter which transforms heavy energies into Lighter ones.

We can learn to feel beyond the Drama and transform our lives by choosing again, in every moment! What you choose will affect others in many ways; your thoughts will be broadcasted and amplified by your feelings, which in turn will invite many others to take the step to "self mastery.”

Remember that you don´t have responsibility for other peoples choices or beliefs, but your heart awareness will plant seeds of change in
everything you do.

Self Mastery is all about knowing how your feelings, thoughts and actions interact with each other. Additionally, know you are a Creator and that you have Self-Responsibility. You affect everything around you.

Be in charge of your life and create Love in every moment.

Beliefs will keep you from finding what was always there. Beliefs cannot change in an instant, but to be aware that you aren't your beliefs is a huge thing. Leave the battle and enter the Freedom of Being, right now. For a long time I’ve felt that we have gone past the fear and the worry. We can’t get away from informing people of what has happened in our world and what is happening now. This will of course include Negative bits and pieces which we should forgive, because nothing can STOP this
Revolution of LOVE.

Lightworkers are not here to be "Worry-workers". Shine your Love and know that you are safe and that you are here to "anchor" the Cosmic Energies and manifest the transition into a New Cosmic Paradigm.

The Age of Confusion

People will believe in all sorts of things the coming years, the most crazy things, so it’s important to BE IN THE NOW and know that you aren't a "Random" being, also knowing TRUST is a part of you. The ego will do its best to get you to believe things which lacks importance and drain you in vain. Focus on things that Supports your vision here on earth which in turn will inspire others. Be an example to others in confusing times, this is when you are needed the most. The more confusing things become on this planet the more we know things are Transforming. It’s like getting rid of an old shell that has filled its purpose.

There is nothing to be found in all of this confusion; it’s like a storm of Feelings that plays itself
out, which in turn will invite higher energies. The future is in your making so don't believe ANYTHING you hear of what will happen. People posting Doomsday scenarios are just a little lost on their path and have gone into the "EGO beliefs" and creating a Projection of their inner fears instead of Love from
their Heart of Hearts.

A "master" is humble in his or her journeys and knows that the outside isn't always what it seems to be. Beliefs can be used as "brainwashing" because they can become a part of your identity. The Media industry knows how to implant beliefs into your everyday life. It’s nothing new.

Brainwashing cannot occur if you are "anchored in your heart."

Meditation and Relaxation will help you to "catch yourself" drifting into "La La Land" of impulsive thoughts and beliefs. Instead of Re-Acting from Ego based energies you can Act from a Heart centered focus.

Don´t know what to believe in, that's good. Believe in nothing and embrace everything! Beliefs are like Buildings, they can be "torn down" and replaced.


Our confusion will become TOTAL confusion if we stick to the idea that we are powerless. We are the ones who choose what to focus on in our life, not someone else.

The "EGO MIND" can feel worried at times. If you start to get confused by your Environment or other people’s beliefs, I would suggest you take a break, knowing what others say is not always what you should believe in. Otherwise, we will eventually drain our own energy because there can be a lot of confusion that is projected into their and other people’s lives, which could be easily absorbed.

Be grounded, choose with your heart and you are safe, ALWAYS!

Everything exists and what you focus on will Grow. As we all know at this moment, like attracts like. If you Dive into something with your mind perhaps you start to believe in it, and that's when you will attract even more, which might "convince" you that what you believe is true.



Copyright © Ben-Arion. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include the following links at the top of the article: http://www.AshtarCommandCrew.net  and  http://www.BenArion.com



Copyright © Ben-Arion. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include the following links at the top of the article: http://www.AshtarCommandCrew.net  and  http://www.BenArion.com


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

~ The downward spiral of the cabal~

A general Comment and overview from SaS concerning the downward spiral of the cabal, September 16, 2012


There are two aspects of this controversy that many, in the Lame Stream Media, have overlooked. As this issue is “revealed” to us, there are two classical poles of contention, on the one hand you have “The West” with all of its many alliances and undisclosed, private compacts engaged in “business as usual.” From this perspective, we observe that political elements of each regime continue to fascinate us with their abject stupidity and amoral depravity. Banks continue to rape and pillage their own people as well as those of their client states. War is ruthlessly raged against a defenseless and undescribable body politic with little in the way of tools and tactics that can be deployed against the machinery of conquest other than their own fragile bodies. Disinformation is spread like a fetid salve upon the wounds of public awareness.

On the other hand, a tsunami of opposition and courageous resistance is building against these interlopers. There are 196 countries in the world today. Of those 196, we read that some 140 nations have begun to follow the “Non-aligned” movement. Of the 56 remaining countries, some 30 nations seek neutrality, leaving the infamous “G20″ to argue the fate of the world amongst themselves. Of that group, the countries aligning themselves in opposition to the NWO such as Russia and China are gathering a host of worried subordinates to their influence. This leaves roughly the “G5″ (The United States, the U.K., France, Germany, and Italy) to do most of the dirty work of the Cabal. These countries have been cut off from the currency exchanges and are now being isolated from the commercial trade markets. Granted, my observations are crudely categorized and I’ve little in the way of verifiable references to underwrite my assertions but, I am certain that most of you can see the same thing that I’m seeing in the way of “patterns of development.”

The United Nations is wholly owned by the Global Crime Consortium and represents their interests in securing hegemony and world domination. Most of you, I think, will agree to the veracity of this assertion. Given this obvious fact, what do you suppose was the effect the meeting of the non-aligned nations had upon this Global Crime Consortium? Why abject terror, of course. The meeting did far more damage to the NWO folks than meets the eye. It went even farther in its scope and purpose than just moving Iran into the light as a victim of contrived circumstances. It not only offers some protection to Iran as a major player on the International stage, but that meeting of the non-aligned nations signaled the beginning of the end of the influence and efficacy (if indeed it ever had these aspects) of the United Nations–BLOW NUMBER ONE. It also endorsed a common commercial trade strategy that would permit its participating nations to employ to circumnavigate all these idiotic “free trade” agreements negotiated by cabalistas over the years. These agreements are not free in that they ultimately award control of the signatory’s national gross domestic product to … yes, the same G5 bullies that have been consuming vast quantities of the world’s limited resources (for free) for the last several decades now.

The Non-aligned movement is a “shot across the bow” of the cabal’s one remaining dreadnaught of coercive influence: International Trade. Let me give you an example of how it works. You’ve all read Ben’s columns wherein he would often explain how Japan shipped all that product to the U.S. in exchange for U.S. dollars. Saudi Arabia was coerced into agreeing to a similar “trade agreement.” So were many South American nations, African nations and many of the nations of Indochina, Australia, and New Zealand.

Given the fact that the Federal Reserve has held the interest rate for banks borrowing money from it (the Prime Rate) at Zero (0) percent, what does that make the U.S. Dollar worth on currency exchanges throughout the world? That right! You guessed it! Zero. China took the first bold move to permit non-aligned nations to engage a completely different financial exchange paradigm that is based on real value instead of “perceived” value. There will be other programs in the near future that drive more nails into the coffin of the NWO. So, you see, the meeting of the Non-aligned Nations in Iran was something very much bigger than a “breadbox.” It was the beginning of the end of “This System of Things.” From there on out, everything that the NWO attempts will be frustrated because the balance of all the illegitimately accumulated wealth that they now have in their possession will be jeopardized by any insane, outrageous, or contentious action on their part. Their wealth exists primarily as electronic figures in a system of automated management unique to just the countries that they control. As their influence continues to evaporate, the resources required for them to maintain their dominance and hegemony will dissipate as well.

They’re all in trouble now and they know it. They can threaten and flex their rotting hulk of a military machine all they want. Their resources cannot be replenished so they would have to fight any war that they wanted to start with only those resources that they have in their inventory. Without the ability to replenish those resources (for free through the currency exchanges) they’re toast… or, to put it the way I think Poofness would put it: “They’re the grass and the Non-aligned movement is the damned lawn mower!

Love and Light,

SaS :o



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Several Arrests at Occupy Wall Street March

The New York Times - Colin Moynihan, 9/15/12

Robert Stolarik for The New York Times

Several police officers accompanied the protesters as they marched toward Zuccotti Park on Saturday, arresting some.

On the first of three days of events planned for the one-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, about 250 people marched down Broadway from Washington Square toward Zuccotti Park, accompanied by a large number of police officers on foot, in marked and unmarked cars, and riding scooters.

At two points along the way, police officers plunged into the crowd and made arrests on sidewalks. Further arrests followed after the crowd reached its destination. In all, it appeared that at least 15 people were taken into custody. Police officials could not immediately provide information about how many people were arrested and with what they were being charged.

To read the rest of this story, visit NYTimes.com.

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Reiki Doc : All Aboard!. My Tour Today aboard a Craft

Doctors With Reiki Sunday, September 16, 2012

All Aboard!.

This morning I went was invited to come aboard a light craft!  It was unexpected. I was actually taking a shower at the time, and as I was rinsing my hair, one of my guides, the Handsome one with a beard and most kind eyes who wears an ivory colored space suit. I have spoken to him for almost ten years in this outfit, and seen him at the helm, as a visitor. He has shown me one of their chairs, which has no legs or support from below. It is Jesus. And he is so kind and magnetic to be around, I have been ready to start his fan club all this time! He is gorgeous. Smart. Courageous. And nice.

J: Think yourself aboard! 
C:  I did, all of a sudden, whoosh! I was inside. The lights overhead were pretty, and bright, like in the OR. Next I marveled at the fresh air! It was like one mountaintop! How do you get all this fresh air when you are on a ship?
They were pleased, and excited to show me their new filter technology. It is also what they have been using to clean up the atmosphere on Earth from all the chemtrails.

There was one big round room, with about ten to twelve chairs full of people, looking at me. Something went 'boop!' and next thing I new I was in my own space suit. It was the same design as Jesus' but purple. It felt silky soft against my skin, not tight or binding. How do you go to the bathroom in this? I asked.

J: You won't be needing to go to the bathroom any more.
C: oh.

I felt like I had to welcome them, or bring a hostess gift because I was invited aboard. I thought of milk and cookies, and they popped up on a tray in my hands. We take these after school when coming home. They are very welcoming. I like oatmeal raisin, but these are chocolate chip. I manifested Oreos, oatmeal raisin, the italian Stella D'Oro assortment box. But nothing felt 'right'. I looked around at everyone politely holding their milk and cookie, but not eating or enjoying it,

All at once I understood how barbaric a gift this seemed. How crude. How antiquated.
I panicked. I manifested cotton candy! I manifested ice cream on a stick. Nothing was right, and I started crying uncontrollably.

Gently, I was shown a mental picture of native Americans offering gifts to the Europeans, and how they were accepted as crude signs of hospitality from someone less evolved, and accepted with the intent in mind,

I also discovered that the nicest gift is a thought of appreciation.

It dawned on me that this might be a longer term visit.
My kids!?
Boom! Right next to me in matching purple suits.
Mom? Relatives?
I was shown they would have holographic images of me, and would never know that I was gone.
Would it really be me? With my heart? Or some high-tech cut-out life-size poster?
It would really be me. They would be happy. And I could go and visit anytime I wished.
They were instantly there, behind me, not in matching purple suits. I was warned the fifteen baby rats would eat a lot, and must not get loose.
Can you imagine the Galactic rat problem we would bring to other shores?
I was not sure if they were serious or not. I said I understood.

Mentor or something, please? To get used to life here?
Boom. In steps Ross (my twin flame) in a matching purple suit. He embraced me and the children alike, totally accepting of us and the furry feathered family.
At this point all the survival, all the guard, all the stress of being Lightworker ground crew just broke loose. I cried in his arms. Can I just be a woman now? Is it over? Can I relax. Will you help me to remember who we are?
He showed us on a romantic date, in earth clothes, like in a Paris cafe.

Then I saw figures shaping up to the right.my guardian angel. My reiki guides! It was time to say goodbyes. I didn't take it well. They promised we could have coffee together and catch up. I profusely thanked them for their service to me.

Then my consciousness was back in the shower. This happened in like, three minutes, all that I have written.

Later today, I was guided to meditate in the sunlight on the patio at work. I am on L and D, so I had the time.
Guess what? I went aboard again! This time, the roof.ceiling was like a dome. It could show anywhere, t
For now it was the stars in the sky. They showed me the technology how they listen to anyo e they want. It reminded me of how mom saw the two families on her space trip she wrote about, one huddled in Dickinsonian fashion, in a hovel in those times, and the other at the hearth. She had me read her diary of her event once. 
Before I had to go, they had a gift for me. A caramel apple on a stick, with no nuts, just the way I like it. They were all holding one, the ten I their chairs, with a big heartfelt smile just for me.


Reiki Doc


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

To Help Restore Your Faith in Humanity

The Ascended Masters: You are Initiating Everything


The Ascended Masters: You are Initiating Everything

Posted by 

-By Love Reporter Wes Annac-

Can you feel what has been commencing on your surface, dear souls?

Can you feel the strides that you are reaching and the willingness of the higher realms to make ourselves known within the fore of your perceptions? Your realities and perceptions have been in the midst of a continual shifting process for some time as you pair together what you recognize as pure [higher dimensional] reality, with what you recognize as realities that only feed former ways of being and by performing this pairing, you are finding higher dimensional perceptions that are quite literally upgrading your temples [as you realize what no longer works for you].

As you grow into purer perceptions of what reality is, you naturally begin to be exposed to all that which you have held dear to your hearts but which has been feeding in yourselves, a prevalent lower dimensional experience.

No dear soul is ever judged for the choices that they wish to make along their paths and all of you are Loved infinitely, by us and by our dear Creator and we know that despite the actions you have made on your path, you are all finding the realms of Source and will eventually be existing within the pure realms of our dear Creator, wherein you will experience a total unity with the energy that you truly are within.

We ask you to consider the idea of existing with no wish for an identity, and we wish you to know as well that if you do not wish for such an experience, you can stay within the realms that do not yet garner such an experience until you find yourselves comfortable with experiencing the next stage and octave of growth and consciousness.

Imagine feeling and being the pure energies of Source, and needing nothing else.

Rest assured, dear souls, you will go through a plethora of stages and octaves of harmonic reality still before you find yourselves in the realms wherein you will take no identity or memory, and simply exist as Source. Many of you have many, many ‘Lives’ and stages planned-out for yourselves that include existing as planets and stars which help to Create and sustain reality for beings existing within a lower consciousness.

Upon entering the realms of the fifth dimension and upon entering realms that many of us speaking to you [naturally] exist within, you will find the desire for service-to-others as being fashioned into helping others to evolve. As you yourselves evolve into even purer realms than those of the fifth dimension, you will find your desire to serve others in their growth become so strong that you will quite literally want to host Life within yourselves and on the surface of your structures, so that you can assist the souls who will be existing upon you to evolve by quite literally hosting their experiences.

Many of you will indeed choose to exist as planets and Suns and you will realize upon doing this, the collective, connected nature of all planets within their respective Solar Systems.

You will find upon ascending to the fifth dimension that your entire Solar System is quite connected and that even those planets who have been hosting lower dimensional Life and disconnected societies throughout their history, have at their higher dimensional cores retained a strong and connected bond with the rest of their Solar System. It is truly quite a beautiful unity and it is one that you are all to understand in the time ahead as you absorb continually-pure Light energies, which you are assimilating into yourselves at present quite marvelously.

We have made the decree after holding meetings with the Highest Coucils overseeing your world’s ascension, that the energy you are being given now be increased each time it is sent down to your world rather than the energy only being pumped-up in purity along [synchronistic and important] dates.

We are doing this in preparation for a mass opening of gates of energy all around your world. This [mass opening of portals] has been known of and discussed for quite some time, and you dear souls can see our discussions of it at this time as a simple confirmation that it is indeed to occur.

Indeed, this opening of energy gates throughout your world for all to see and feel in yourselves has been planned for every bit as long as your dear Earth has hosted your Life along the [lower] stages of growth which are to end ultimately with the openings of such gates, and this will see the collective of Earth initiated into a higher dimensional consciousness and into realms that are being tailor-made and fashioned by you dear souls in every moment with your thoughts, feelings and actions.

You are to find the opening of such gates as quite literal representations [and results] of the opening of your chakras, as these gates of energy are indeed the chakras of dear Mother Earth and you will find that many of them exist within the sky and atmosphere of dear Gaia. Many of these gates are as well where your Galactic brethren can be noticed at times zooming in and out.

Your Galactic brethren have a cloaking feature accompanying their ships but we say that this is not always what you dear souls who experience the sightings of their ships are seeing whenever they ‘disappear’; at times you are quite literally witnessing such ships going in or coming out of your specific reality structure through gates of energy that are to be fully opened and made known on your world in the immediate time ahead. You are to feel connections and openings in yourselves get much stronger and more expansive as you discover the innate abilities that you have always carried within.

Some of you are beginning to expose these abilities as you are just beginning to discover them, while others are on a fast track to Mastering such abilities as you learn to Master the balance that is essential for you to keep during your experiences that lay ahead.

There are to be many different entities vying for your attention in the days ahead as the old ways become exposed to you dear souls and the lower entities find themselves not wanting to be transmuted. You will find distraction after distraction, external stimuli after external stimuli and all of these happenings will be quite designed to take your attention away from your unfolding higher dimensional perceptions and experience, as you are entering a time at present that is very important to your overall growth.

As always, we implore you to keep the balance that you have worked so hard to find within yourselves as this balance will be essential to your realization of all that is no longer in resonation with your continually-ascending bodies and spirits.

You may find quite volatile emotions and former heart sets coming up for your review at times, and this will happen in a way that, for the specific growth of all of you, will attempt to get you to either realize or continually feed that which propagates it; as a wish on the part of what is surfacing to stay within your sphere of experience [rather than being transmuted] is meant to act in accordance with your growth.

You will see such times as literal ‘testing periods’ wherein you can find what parts of yourselves are ready to transmute the lower and former mindsets and heart sets and be able to find and maintain the essential balance that will see you transmuting such former aspects of yourselves, without becoming attached to them in a manner that would see you feeding them and continuing to bring them through yourselves.

You are all tested every single day of your ascending Lives along your path, and especially at this time each bit of testing that you go through is essential to the development of your Multidimensional Self. As you hold the focus and balance that is allowing your former pains to be transmuted, we are working to maintain a connection and interaction, even if only on an energetic and not inherently personal level, with each one of you who can find yourselves open to our presence and to the specific assistance that we will be giving.

You are all encouraged to call upon Archangel Raphael at any time you are feeling that your continual processes are getting too difficult, as this soul has trained specifically in the avenue of assistance with transmutation and healing pain for quite some ‘time’ and will be effective and helpful for you dear souls in such avenues.

External things have helped many of you to cope with the lower dimensional Earthly experience and with the continual transmutations you are performing quite Masterfully at this time, you are to find even the ‘need’ to utilize any time of external stimulation or validation of your unfolding higher dimensional experience, to be quite a bother or chore to continue to feed as you find that you wish instead to simply feel the Multidimensional energy of Source that will be coming through yourselves at all times.

Meditation will assist you greatly in finding the energies being given to you at this time and we happily note that many of you note while you are meditating, that the energies do indeed seem to be increasing in purity as you find yourselves much better-able to access such energies and we say that it is indeed becoming easier for you to access and attain these energies because you have deserved to [access them], dear souls!

You have been performing the work that is seeing you access these energies [and the accompanying limitless realities] in the pure and clear ways that you have wished to and we ask you dear souls with Love and respect, to realize that there are no more physical, concrete ‘knowings’ for you to experience and feed; as the energies coming to and through you now are tearing down quite literally and energetically, any perceptions of normalcy that have been fed on your world.

Concrete mindsets will become no more as you find that truly anything is possible. You will find that even that which you have assured yourselves of as a reality may be more hollow than you have realized and you will find that no concrete mindsets exist within yourselves anymore as you find an expansion and understanding of infinity that sees the feeling of ‘impossible’ completely erased from yourselves.

The unveiling of the fifth dimension on your world quite literally signifies the end of duality and the end of any type of limitation in general. No longer will you find yourselves limited in any avenues of your Lives and no longer will you find yourselves inhibited in working with the higher realms and finding a higher dimensional experience, as you will find that you are the higher dimensions.

You are as well, a combination of all that you have experienced throughout the lower [and higher] dimensions and this is why many of you will see former aspects of yourselves whenever looking at yourselves from an outward point of view. You will see former aspects, pains and mindsets as they come up for review and you will see as well that since you no longer wish to feed such mindsets, the parts of yourselves that such mindsets kept locked away begin to become freed and expressed through your continually-evolving body structures, and this is something that is already happening to many of you at present.

Many of your continually-fed mindsets and many of the very actions you have fed and seen as normal, are being exposed as having been fashioned by you in an effort to cope with the lower dimensional experience and as this happens, your pure, Golden Selves are able to shine forth without any limitation or inhibition in their ability to do so.

We ask you to bathe in the real, clear and pure waters of your perceived imagination and to realize that every interaction that takes place within your imagination is a real action that has been manifested in realms past your current, physical perception.

Feel yourselves all maintaining your new realities as the old breaks down around you. This is indeed a theme that has been discussed endlessly [the old breaking down and the new becoming known] and this is because as you break through the former parts of yourselves coming up for transmutation, it is very important for you dear souls to have a good grasp on this subject and on this process which is occurring through your bodies and spirits at this time.

It is good to have a foundation of information laid so that you dear awakening souls can begin to understand many aspects of your ascension that have baffled some of you. It is important for you to understand the mechanics that are driving your Creation and as well for you to understand the mind and heart sets you bring through, which are continually Creating your reality every single moment of your beautiful existence.

Many of you wonder why you seem at times to be hit with ‘walls’ of difficult events manifesting along your Lives and we tell you that these happenings occur in accordance with the freewill-based and karmic energies you have brought through yourselves and they are as well attempting to expose you to the walls that you have put up within yourselves whenever willfully and at times, unknowingly employing lower dimensional mind or heart sets and [finding] the resulting experiences within your Lives.

You are all picking up on the energies given out by yourselves and by the entire collective as well and this is why there have been the few on your world with negative intents, who have wished to manipulate the overall collective consciousness and by doing so, manipulate each individual and you dear souls are breaking through this collective programming as you are witnessing it in action all around you.

Indeed, we could not even understand the Earth experience in as real of a way as you dear souls can whilst you undergo your experiences, but many of us have spent time on your world in a plethora of Lives and as a result, can peek back into our own experiences upon your world. However, do understand that [besides taking such Lives] we do not choose to lower our consciousness further than the fifth dimension, as doing so would likely see us drawn too far down and this is something that we do not wish to Create for ourselves.

Whenever bringing our words or impressions through, you dear souls are extending parts of yourselves out to beginning-thresholds of the fifth dimension that we are able to meet you upon and this is why one with a fully cleared-out temple or at least one who is making the honest, tried and true effort in themselves to bring through a communication, will be capable of reaching such thresholds and reaching our energies and impressions.

You dear souls make your energetic ventures ‘up’ to such planes, even if only temporarily, upon cleansing your bodies and spirits and being able to bring the purest possible stream of our energies through yourselves that you dear souls can.

Many of you who are quite far along your paths at this point are noting that you are again, seeming to be met with unending difficult moments in your Lives wherein events seem to ‘pile up’ on you and we say that you are undergoing some of the most rapid and as a result, difficult, cleansing experiences of all that is no longer in resonation with the realms of the fifth dimension which, with the recent strides reached along your Calendar in conjunction with the strides which are about to be reached, are seeing you closer to such realms than ever before.

You have the opportunity to feel your closeness with the realms of the fifth dimension now, as your surface and you all have been traveling throughout the fourth dimension, on varying levels for each of you.

Even many who are branded unawakened have been venturing the beginning-realms of the fourth dimension for longer than they realize and those of you who are undergoing a considerable awakening at this point are able to act in accordance within yourselves and with the dates being reached to actively assist in bringing through the energy that is decreed to come through on such dates.

You are all beginning to collectively work within the realms of the astral and you have long been working within your dream state to help your world and your bodies to ascend.

While many of you only remember the ‘lesson phases’ of your dreams wherein you and your Guides construct sceneries and places for you to go in your remembered dreams that are meant as encoded message and lessons; while many of you only remember such ventures which take place most notably in your morning time while your bodies lay sleeping, you are performing much more work than you realize within the astral realms of your world and within realms quite beyond the astral.

As your bodies lay sleeping you are all out visiting a plethora of realms, many of which are past the vicinity of your Earth, which you discover upon reaching your higher dimensional selves after having departed [for the night] from your bodies.

There are many souls who choose to stay within the astral realms of the Earth and many who choose not to access their higher selves upon exiting their bodies, but those of you who are awakening at your surface at this point are seeing a rapid understanding each and every night that your bodies lay sleeping, of your higher selves who you are becoming increasingly, and we ask you dear souls to understand that your day time is the hardest period for you at present.

We say this because upon experiencing even a day with much difficulty, you depart your bodies and undergo the most amazing and for you, long and intense healing sessions and higher dimensional travels. Dearest souls, you are literally remedying yourselves and all of your Earthly ventures upon leaving your bodies at night, and you are as well communicating actively with us, with your Galactic brethren and most importantly, with each other.

Each and every dear soul on your world who is directly assisting the ascension of your world via the internet, television or any other means; you all hold routine meetings [with us and yourselves] as your bodies lay sleeping on how you are to coordinate exactly what is written by you all or given through you via channeled means, to ultimately assist the awakening Lightworker public in better-understanding a plethora of issues.

Some of you remember these dreamtime interactions with others but for the most part, the majority of you do not remember your ventures and many have not remembered fully the dreamtime interactions between fellow bloggers, truthseekers, channelers and in general, anybody on your world at present who is bringing-forth Light and truth for the general public to benefit from.

Many of you have also been convening to plan methods that will see you accessing the Light ships and Motherships of your Galactic brethren whilst your bodies lay sleeping, and we encourage wholeheartedly this practice as you are quite literally remembering real experiences as they commence.

Indeed, many of you dear souls have, in your sleep time taken to cutting meetings short and finishing up the [dreamtime] tasks you had set out for yourselves so that you could consciously remember inhabiting a Starship of your Galactic brethren!

In essence, dear souls, you are enacting the change that you have wished to enact for yourselves and this is [one reason why] there has been a decreed push-back on the issuing of disclosure until a certain needed time.

You are Creating the change that you have wished to see, one interaction with each other at a time and as you connect to spread awareness in the strong and pure manner that many of you are at this time, you are Creating a strong karmic energy for yourselves which is also aiding in the collective being able to understand and absorb many truths in this initiatory period directly before disclosure on your world.

Rest assured dear souls, you are existing within a temporary initiatory period before many exciting events begin to burst forth on your world and it is simply that this period has been expanded so that you dear souls could yourselves break through the matrix of the lies of the dark and the false realities that they have Created for you, which you are doing quite wonderfully at this time.

We wish for this truth not to be misunderstood or distorted into claiming that your Galactic brethren have not disclosed themselves solely because your dark have had too tight of a grip on your world, as while this has been a slight factor, [the reason] has actually been quite the opposite.

It was seen how wonderfully you dear souls were and are breaking through the darks trickery as you realize the existence of a plethora of other realities and you find the true hollowness of the realities that the dark have Created for you. The dark souls have long meant to be exposed to you dear souls and they absolutely will be, and until the biggest disclosure announcements begin to come forth we say that it is you who are bringing forth the exposures of the dark; not us, and not your Galactic brethren either.

It has been explained, the Godhood of Man, so routinely that many of you have quite accepted and began to understand in more positive ways, the true powers of Creation that you hold within.

You are all realizing that your energy need not be lent to an outside source as you begin to find an inner-peace and harmony within, and the efforts of your Galactic brethren as well as numerous other beings [who speak] via channeled communications are meant to assist you in finding our energies for yourselves, as our energies help to expose you to the specific signature of our frequencies of energy and you begin to pick up on them more and more as you find a personal connection with us and guidance from us.

It is you dear souls who are initiating everything and while we and your Galactic brethren have done much to assist the inevitable events that are about to commence on your beautiful blue world, do not let yourselves believe for a second that we have acted alone in this effort. We truly could not have done anything on your world without the awakening of you dear beautiful souls and your resulting desire to spread your awakenings and your truth, which is the truth of our Creator, to every dear soul on your world who has existed within a false matrix of reality.

We Love you all so very dearly and we encourage you to encourage yourselves; especially if you are submerged within dull or off-putting moments in your Lives. You are bringing forth every last bit of change that you have wished to see and this change is boosted with the efforts you are making now, which are to expand exponentially in the time ahead.

Remember dear souls, you are the ones you have been waiting for.

Thank you to the Ascended Masters.




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