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Melchizedek ~~The visualization of Disclosure~~ 09/05/2012 by Méline Lafont



Continue to persevere. Continue to strive for what it is you believe in and what it is that you desire. There are many things that are possible for you within this universe. Many of these things are only possible for you once you reach a certain level of your advancement. This is how this universe has been designed, and there are many reasons it has been designed in such a way. Some of these reasons have to do with safety and security, and some of these reasons are to give you something to strive for and to create certain goals for yourselves that would motivate you to overcome certain obstacles that would be placed in your way in order to bring out the best in you and to further your spiritual and academic growth.


Not all the obstacles that you have come across have been purposely designed and placed in your way by intelligent sources. Instead, some of these obstacles that you have faced have been created by natural means or by situations that have developed through your choices. Your path has been a gentle mix of these two forces that have acted to oppose your advancement, and they have successfully worked to strengthen your will, your determination and your stamina to withstand everything that this universe can possibly place in your way as you continue on throughout your journey.


We of the higher realms can see clearly from our vantage point just how far you have come and just what kind of challenges you have faced and have conquered along the way. If you could see at this time what we see, you would not allow the few uncertainties and challenges that await you up ahead as you close out the last few miles and the last few days of your journey throughout the lands of duality to discourage you. Instead, you may relish the few obstacles left before you, and excitedly and eagerly look forward to meeting them head on and conquering them like you have done so many times before.


After all that you have been through throughout your long journey that has taken you through so much hardship and struggle, to look towards the days ahead with doubt and worry or fear that you will not be able to rise up to their challenges would fall in the face of reason. There is nothing that awaits you that amounts to anything more than you have already faced so many times before and have lived on to face yet another challenge stronger, wiser and more determined than ever before due to the powers that each successive challenge possessed. Up ahead there are yet more challenges for you, but look beyond them and you will see a stronger you, a wiser you, a more determined and confident you, for that is the prize that awaits you, and that is the reason why today you walk head on into these challenges.


Have these challenges that await you up ahead been carefully crafted by intelligent beings, or have they been created naturally through the thoughts and the choices that you have made and continue to make today? Here once again we have a gentle mix of both of these powers of manifestation. It is not one, and it is not the other, but it is both of these. The challenges that wait before you are as if a series of smaller waves have intersected and have become one, making their way towards you as you make your way towards it. As we have assured you all along, there is nothing to fear and no reason whatsoever for any of you to doubt in any way that you will tame the seas and push through the waves, ship intact, to continue your journey safely and confidently towards your horizon.


We are your friends and your family, and are here in large numbers to assist you in every way that we can and every way that you will allow us to make this as smooth as a transition as is possible, to defeat every obstacle that lies before you, and to make it clear your understandings of what you are experiencing and what awaits you after this chapter of your story is completed. What we are not here to do is do everything for you, and this we have made clear to you on many occasions and through many different sources in the hopes that this knowledge would become part of your collective understanding, so that there will be no misunderstanding when the time comes to meet these challenges that it is you that must stand up to defeat them and that it is not us that you are waiting for to do this work for you.


The challenges and obstacles that await you are not learning tools that have been created, either intelligently or naturally, for us. We have our own learning tools to further our advancement, and some of these are intelligently designed or naturally designed challenges and obstacles. The events that will bring forth better understanding and growth for you are events that are custom designed and tailored just for you, humanity, existing within the 3rd dimension of existence. It would do you no good whatsoever if we stepped in and defeated these challenges for you. This is one of the reasons why we do not merely use our experience and superior technology to intervene on your behalf and make haste in dispensing of each and every obstacle that stands in your path.


There are those of you who are under the misunderstanding that we are here to save you in some way. This could not be further from the truth. We are here in assistance to you, and we are honored to be of service to you in this way. We will not under any circumstances overstep our bounds and take away what has been carefully crafted for you to empower you and gift you through such experience. If we chose to step in and intervene we would be hurting you in the long run, as we would be effectively taking away from you an opportunity for you to grow and to become everything that you wish to become through your journey through the physical realm of existence.


We love you, you are our soul brothers and our soul sisters, and we would never take from you your opportunity to create for yourselves a stronger being, a wiser being, a more determined and courageous being, and take from you your opportunity to slay the beast and bask in the reward for such a valiant and courageous effort. There is a prize that awaits each and every one of you, and if you could see it as we see it you would understand how we would never make any effort to take away from you this opportunity and all the possibilities that are today yours.


We are the Galactic Federation of Light.





As channeled through Greg Giles

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Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Melchizedek ~~The visualization of Disclosure~~ 09/05/2012 by Méline Lafont







A 1 notch downgrade means JP Morgan will have to post in the range of $1-$2 billion in new collateral…on top of the $2-3 billion already reported lost on Bruno Iksil’s hedging trade gone bad.

  • Fitch views JPM’s $2 billion loss as ‘manageable’
  • Magnitude of loss and ongoing nature implies a lack of liquidity

Full release below:

Fitch Ratings-New York-11 May 2012: Fitch Ratings has downgraded JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s (JPM) Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) to ‘A+’ from ‘AA-’ and its Short-term IDR to ‘F1′ from ‘F1+’. Fitch has placed all parent and subsidiary long-term ratings on Rating Watch Negative.

Fitch has also downgraded JPM’s viability rating (VR) to ‘a+’ from ‘aa-’ and placed it on Rating Watch Negative. In addition, Fitch affirmed JPM’s ’1′ support rating and ‘A’ support rating floor. A full list of rating actions follows at the end of this release.

The rating actions follow JPM’s disclosure yesterday of a $2 billion trading loss on its synthetic credit positions in its Chief Investment Office (CIO). The positions were intended to hedge JPM’s overall credit exposure, particularly during periods of credit stress.

Fitch views the size of loss as manageable. That said, the magnitude of the loss and ongoing nature of these positions implies a lack of liquidity. It also raises questions regarding JPM’s risk appetite, risk management framework, practices and oversight; all key credit factors. Fitch believes the potential reputational risk and risk governance issues raised at JPM are no longer consistent with an ‘AA-’ rating.

Still, at the ‘A+’ level JPM’s ratings continue to reflect its dominant domestic franchise as well as its solid and growing international franchise in investment banking and commercial banking. Capital remains sound and compares well with global peers, providing the bank with sufficient cushion to absorb a material idiosyncratic loss event. Fitch believes JPM continues to be well prepared to meet the minimum standards under Basel III.

Like other global trading and universal banks (GTUBs), the complexity of JPM’s operations makes it difficult to fully assess the risk exposure. This trading loss is precisely the kind of risk factor inherent in the GTUB business model. Fitch believes JPM, like other GTUBs, is in a highly confidence sensitive business and the longer-term implications for the firm’s reputation are not yet known. As a result, Fitch believes JPM’s ratings remain at heightened risk for downgrade until the firm’s risk governance practices, appetite, oversight and reputational impact can be further reviewed.



In addition, ongoing volatility and further losses are likely to arise from these positions as the firm unwinds them, creating some uncertainty. The firm’s Value at Risk (VaR) methodology was also changed in first-quarter 2012 (1Q’12) but subsequently reverted back to the original methodology. This resulted in a near doubling of VaR to $170 million, from 4Q’11 VaR of $88 million. The variance emanated from the CIO VaR and a negative $47 million diversification benefit. Fitch believes this also highlights some problems with modeling related to this portfolio.

Resolution of the Rating Watch Negative will conclude upon a further review of how JPM has addressed what Fitch views to be risk management and oversight deficiencies that allowed such a loss to occur. Fitch will also attempt to assess the future earnings and capital impact from these exposures. Fitch will also review the potential implications for market confidence in JPMand reputational damage as a result of this loss on both its liquidity profile and counterparty and dealings.

Fitch believes the Rating Watch resolution could result in a further downgrade of one notch if the risks are not appropriately sized and addressed. The complexity and opacity of these positions may also result in lingering concerns around the firm.

A return to a Stable Outlook will be dependent upon Fitch’s ability to gain comfort with the risk management concerns, potential ongoing nature of these synthetic credit positions and volatility they may create, as well as the reputation issues raised.

Fitch has placed all of the ratings below (with the exception of the short-term and commercial paper ratings) on Rating Watch Negative.





Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Melchizedek ~~The visualization of Disclosure~~ 09/05/2012 by Méline Lafont

Dear Ones,


We, the Pleiadians, have a very Important message for you. It is of highly Importance to visualize Disclosure to make our landings possible. We have seen that the Effects of Visualization Day were Fenomenal and for that we want to achieve the same for Disclosure.
Without the knowledge and acceptance of our Existence, Disclosure and landings on your Planet Earth are not possible. For this is why we ask you to Assist us by Visualizing Disclosure. It will Assist us also by Increasing the Energies on Earth, whom will be preparing the Unawaken souls by simply being send to you all. With this Visualization of Disclosure, these Energies will be faster and stronger than when we would send them from our behalf only.


The first big step would be the Removal of the Cabal, which we are working on as we speak, and then the Changes will be able to occure which Freedom of Speech is one of. This is where Disclosure comes in. Freedom of Speech = Disclosure. Without the knowing about us, we can not introduce ourselves to you for there are many Unawaken souls who would be Frigthened by our Appearances. We wish not to chose for this Scenario for we come in peace and Assistance to you all. We are of Great Importance to you and Disclosure for we are the first Contactees who are the closest to you on Earth. Many of us are already Assisting you on your grounds and are living amongst you all. They are of your Family and wish to help you through the last steps towards Ascension. Some may recognize them as a Familymember but in a subconscious way. All your memories of past lives and your homes in other Parallel Universe, will come to the surface sooner than you think. We are already facing a big Transformation and Time is short-lived.

Everything is speeding up, even your Physical body is undergoing a tremendous change at the speed of Light.


The Energetic Vortexes are becomming a visual Lightborder who will appear most likely in your skies and Oceans. We travel through them in a safe way for you and your Planet. Only we, of the Light, are able to use them. The Dolphins are guarding this with much Engagement. They are the keepers, as you know, of these Energetic Vortexes.

We have a lot to accomplish in a short time, so we have to focus to the next step after the removal of the Cabal and that is Disclosure. This is why we ask you to Visualize these things so it is able to Manifest on a Accelerated Time.

We are the Pleiadians and we want to thank you for your Efforts on Visualization Day, which brought Tremendous Energetic changes that will occur very soon now. If we can achieve the same with Disclosure, you will be able to meet us soon. For we wish not to force this and cause a panic reaction amongst Humankind by doing mass landings on your Planet without Disclosure. That is why Disclosure and Visualization of it is of Importance, to be known by Humandkind. The knowing of our existance by unawakened souls.

I Am Melchizedek from The Great White Brotherhood and we wish to thank you for this opportunity to share you this message. Namaste.

Note from Melchizedek: I would suggest to Visualize this once a day, whenever you can untill the next full moon. It only takes 1 minute a day. Visualize Dislosure through Mainstream Media. It is more important through Mainstream Media than through President Obama because Obama already knows this and is about to Disclose anyway when he is free to speak. The Media is the most needed to focus on. Thank you Méline my sister.

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Saint Germain ~~The visualization effects are coming through~~


Saint Germain ~~The visualization effects are coming through~~
07/05/2012 by Méline Lafont
12 May 2012 - 10:01am |  Meline

Dear Ones,

We have been receiving beautiful Energies from the Super Full Moon yesterday and we derived advantage from this. Even the Visualisation day on the 5th of May caused tremendous changes which we could use to our advantage also. Big things are happening partly thanks to this and we thank you for that. We are full of Joy for this and we see the effects that are Manifesting right now. The Energetic Veils are lifting more and more each day and the time between thought and Manifestations are shortening fast, which is why it is important to know what you are wishing for and thinking of. Keep having Faith my dear ones and stay focused right now because all you wish for, will be manifesting shortly after thinking it. So be Positive and erase every negative thought you might have.

We are approaching Ascension, so the days and time are shortening fast. You will have the feeling that time flies and that you don't have enough time to fill your days. This is because the Illusion of time is fading away very smoothly and it is making place for Endlessness. Everything will be in the NOW moments like we (the other Dimensions) are already living in, and then you all will understand why we always speek to you and refering to the NOW moments. For it is an Eternity that you will live and time will be non existent.
We are on the verge of the Final Breakthrough and we are busy with the last but most Important components of our task. The sky is grey for we are monitering lots of chemtrails as a last and desperate attempt of the Cabal. But do not worry, the Pleiadians are removing them from your skies so they will not damage you in a way that they were supposed to do.

All the Elections will be of a Crusial point this year, the Cabalistic Leaders will drop one by one and it started already by President Sarkozy whom is not to be elected anymore. We are monitering much Joy around the World, for this is the first step that is visible to the 'public eye'. No more behind the scenes Dear Ones, but very soon all visible through the public eye on the Mainstream media. You have al Visualised this on Visualisation day and this is Manifesting in the NOW moment. You may expect these Manifestations that you have visualized soon my dear ones, for the times between Visualisation and Manifesting are of a very short time. This is all thanks to you and we are seeing lots of souls waking up through these Energies and visualisations. These Awakening souls are to see the Light thanks to you all and for this: great job !
We are all co-operating with you and each other to make this happen and you are doing a wonderful Assistance on this. We have been able to dig out some more arrests, whom are to leave soon. It is the most important step right now, for they are blocking your way. The road to Ascension has to be free to go ahead and this will be so, soon.

The Elections of America will be the most important one, for Disclosure is in their hands. Obama is of the Light as most of you know, he is a Starseed of Sirius and is assisting us and you for this matter. He is being blocked by little muppets of the Cabal families but he is about to freely speak very soon. You may know for sure that he is aware of our plans of Assistance & Disclosure and he is NOT against it. It is just a matter of removing the Cabal first before he can speak free. We want to ask to Visualise Disclosure now, for this will be the next step. After this everything will be different again and changes are about to be amongst you all to be able to live in Harmony together with each other. Harmony is the secret of a good future and no war will be allowed, for it will simply not exist anymore. We will all see each other again after eons of time and for this we are feeling excited. Most will not recognize us due to the lack of remembering, but we still know you all very well, my Dear Ones. Your family is awaiting you impatiently, so to speak, and they are watching you grow into Ascension. Use your thoughts very well and keep on Visualizing changes that you want to occur for they will Manifest, so use them wisely.
I am Saint Germain.

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

FREEDOM PROJECT: JPM Crashing After It Convenes Emergency Call To Advise Of "Significant Mark-To-Market" Losses In Bruno Iksil/CIO Group


JPM Crashing After It Convenes Emergency Call To Advise Of "Significant Mark-To-Market" Losses In Bruno Iksil/CIO Group

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/10/2012 16:50 -0400

Out of nowehere, JPM announced 40 minutes ago that it would hold an unscheduled 5pm call to coincide with the release of its 10-Q. Rumors were swirling as to why. The reason is as follows:



  • JPMORGAN SAYS CIO UNIT HAS SIGNIFICANT MARK-TO-MARKET LOSSES - "Fortress balance sheet" at least until Bruno Iskil gets done with it.
  • "As of March 31, 2012, the value of CIO's total AFS securities portfolio exceeded its cost by approximately $8 billion"

As a reminder, the CIO unit is where Bruno Iksil was making $200 billion-sized bets. Basically JPM has suffered massive losses at its CIO group most likely due to its IG/HY positions held by Iksil.

In Corporate, within the Corporate/Private Equity segment, net income (excluding Private Equity results and litigation expense) for the second quarter is currently estimated to be a loss of approximately $800 million. (Prior guidance for Corporate quarterly net income (excluding Private Equity results, litigation expense and nonrecurring significant items) was approximately $200 million.) Actual second quarter results could be substantially different from the current estimate and will depend on market levels and portfolio actions related to investments held by the Chief Investment Office (CIO), as well as other activities in Corporate during the remainder of the quarter.


Since March 31, 2012, CIO has had significant mark-to-market losses in its synthetic credit portfolio, and this portfolio has proven to be riskier, more volatile and less effective as an economic hedge than the Firm previously believed. The losses in CIO's synthetic credit portfolio have been partially offset by realized gains from sales, predominantly of credit-related positions, in CIO's AFS securities portfolio. As of March 31, 2012, the value of CIO's total AFS securities portfolio exceeded its cost by approximately $8 billion. Since then, this portfolio (inclusive of the realized gains in the second quarter to date) has appreciated in value.


The Firm is currently repositioning CIO's synthetic credit portfolio, which it is doing in conjunction with its assessment of the Firm's overall credit exposure. As this repositioning is being effected in a manner designed to maximize economic value, CIO may hold certain of its current synthetic credit positions for the longer term.


Accordingly, net income in Corporate likely will be more volatile in future periods than it has been in the past.


The Firm faces a variety of exposures resulting from repurchase demands and litigation arising out of its various roles as issuer and/or underwriter of mortgage-backed securities (“MBS”) offerings in private-label securitizations. It is possible that these matters will take a number of years to resolve and their ultimate resolution is currently uncertain. Reserves for such matters may need to be increased in the future; however, with the additional litigation reserves taken in the first quarter of 2012, absent any materially adverse developments that could change management’s current views, JPMorgan Chase does not currently anticipate further material additions to its litigation reserves for mortgage-backed securities-related matters over the remainder of the year. 

All of this is coming form the just filed 10-Q. The full link is here

Call dial in: (866) 541-2724 in the U.S. and Canada; (706) 634-7246 for international.

Stock now down 5% after hours dragging down ES 7 points with it.

Some segments from the 10-Q as we peruse it:

  • A one-notch downgrade in the Firm’s internal risk ratings for its entire wholesale loan portfolio could imply an increase in the Firm’s modeled loss estimates of approximately $2.0 billion.


and just for some clarity on how this occurred. We know the poisitions that Iksil held were in IG9 (more likely to be tranches) but this $2bn loss comes from a tiny 12bps decompression in the index - which means the DV01 must be huge...(as we already knew given the massive rise in net notional that we warned about)...


This is the Investment Grade credit index series 9 - which is the most active tranche-related index and was the index that Iksil had driven massively rich to its fair-value...

Chart: Bloomberg


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous