
FREEDOM PROJECT: RT: Assange loses extraditon court battle, 14 days to appeal... AnaShyNa's picture By AnaShyNa - Posted on 30 May 2012

RT: Assange loses extraditon court battle, 14 days to appeal

Posted on May 30, 2012

Published: 30 May, 2012, 08:00
Edited: 30 May, 2012, 12:27

Assange to be extradited to Sweden, UK Supreme Court rules

Assange to be extradited to Sweden, UK Supreme Court rules

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has lost his marathon court battle in UK Supreme Court. He now has 14 days to appeal the decision.

As a result the whistleblower may be sent to Sweden where he has been accused of sexual assault and rape by two former WikiLeaks volunteers.

Assange says the allegations are baseless and are founded on political motivations after his website released thousands of diplomatic cables and documents sparking outcry from world governments.

There are fears that Assange will eventually be transferred to the US, where he would join Private Bradley Manning, who is currently facing court-martial for handing over classified documents to the whistleblower’s website.


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

An Important Message/ Update from the Post Master General & TRUSTEE of North America


An Important Message/ Update from the Post Master General & TRUSTEE of North America



An Important Message/ Update from the Post Master General & TRUSTEE of North America

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Tuesday, 29-May-2012

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

John Stokes – Scientists Find Extraterrestrial Genes In Human DNA – 25 May 2012

A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.

The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from moulds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader. Non-coding sequences, originally known as “junk DNA”, were discovered years ago, and their function remained a mystery. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is “Off-world” in origin. The apparent “extraterrestrial junk genes” merely “enjoy the ride” with hard working active genes, passed from generation to generation.

Read the whole story at: www.agoracosmopolitan.com link to original article

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They Will Not Control Us! We Will be Victorious! – Removing The Shackles –

Hundreds of lawyers marched through the streets of Montreal on Monday in a nearly silent protest contesting the constitutionality of Bill 78, Quebec’s latest law that attempts to bar the current student protest and strike. Many marchers carried copies of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Hundreds of lawyers march in the streets of Montreal Monday. (Photo: The Canadian Press/Paul Chiasson) “It is one of the first times I’ve seen lawyers protest in public like this…and I’ve been practicing for almost 30 years,” said lawyer Bruno Grenier during the march.

The Montreal Gazette estimates up to 700 lawyers, notaries and other legal professionals took part in the demonstration. The legal group, marching in black robes, moved from the Montreal courthouse to Place Émilie-Gamelin (park), where they joined cheering student protesters from a separate march.

“There are so many vaguely worded parts to this law. It gives an incredible amount of discretionary power to police. It also makes the education minister judge and jury when it comes to deciding if student groups are legal,” said lawyer Denis Barrette.

* * *

The Montreal Gazette: Lawyers protest silently against Bill 78

Although they are sworn to uphold the laws of the land, hundreds of lawyers marched through Montreal streets Monday in a subdued challenge to Bill 78, which limits public protests.

“We don’t want to break the law but we want to contest it,” explained Pierre, a 23-year-old articling lawyer who would not give his last name. He was among an estimated 500 to 700 lawyers, notaries and other legal professionals who marched in their black robes and in near silence from the Montreal courthouse to Place Émilie-Gamelin, where they were greeted by wildly cheering protesters gathered for their own nightly march.

There were several protests Monday night against planned tuition fee hikes and Bill 78. [...]

René Saint-Léger, another lawyer in his 50s, said Bill 78 is also worrisome because it has been enacted for a finite period of time (it expires July 1, 2013). “We will probably be in an election during that time,” Saint-Léger said. “What will happen when someone wants to stage a protest against a minister of the government who is campaigning in a few hours, for example?”

“That could be seen as being against the law.”

* * *

National Post/Canada: Lawyers take to the streets with students for Montreal’s 35th consecutive night of protestHundreds of prosecutors march against the Quebec government’s Bill 78 Monday night in Montreal. Since February hundreds of protesters have been arrested in protests against a planned increase in tuition fees (Rogerio Barbosa/AFP/Getty Images)

As negotiations between student leaders and the provincial Liberals resumed in Quebec City Monday evening after a supper break, more protests took place in different parts of Quebec including Montreal, which hosted its 35th consecutive night of demonstrations.

Lawyers dressed in their courtroom gowns paraded in silence from the city’s main courthouse through the streets of Old Montreal to join the nightly march. [...]

The lawyer said his colleagues wanted to show the public that they oppose a law they “find unjust and which is probably unconstitutional.” [...]

Along the route they were greeted by claps of support and people shouting “merci.”

As they arrived at a downtown park, bystanders surged to shake their hands. Organizer Remi Bourget addressed the crowd using a loud speaker before the legal protest ended.

The nightly demonstration then began with people walking through the streets banging pots and pans. The Montreal police quickly declared the march illegal, prompting a big cheer from the crowd. Police said the march could continue as long as no criminal acts are committed.

www.commondreams.org  by the Common Dreams Staff – link to original article

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They Will Not Control Us! We Will be Victorious! – Removing The Shackles –

My Friends….. the time has come to take our power back!!!!  This is IT. THIS is the time. THIS is the NOW.

All over this glorious planet of ours people are standing up.  They are standing up for all sorts of reasons, but they are unified in one action: THEY STAND UP!

Make your stand how ever you want, but make your stand!  The media controllers are doing all they can to try to convince the world that those standing up are but a few dissonant rebellious youths who just want to make trouble and make a fuss.  BUT…. their control of their own media is very quickly slipping through their fingers.  The news is leaking out so fast now, that the tiny cracks that appeared in the dam last year are now threatening to become a high pressured deluge that will burst from the confines of iron control.

The media is being made a fool of, and they know it. (SEE PICTURE ABOVE)

A media outlet had the audacity this past weekend to say that this protest march was attended by “a few hundred” students:

… either they’ve lost the ability to count, or they’re desperately trying to cover up the reality of hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets, with pots & pans in a peaceful, yet not very quiet, protest in Montreal Canada.

If we make enough noise, they will not be able to ignore us.

As an interesting little side note, Wassailing is a tradition where people gather together to make lots of noise to scare away the evil spirits to help insure a good crop the following year.  The tradition of making loud noises to scare away “evil spirits” is seen through out many many ancient traditions all across the globe.

I’ll get back to this thought in a minute

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Lloyd’s of London preparing for euro collapse ~ Telegraph

Lloyd’s of London preparing for euro collapse ~ Telegraph



The chief executive of the multi-billion pound Lloyd's of London has publicly admitted that the world's leading insurance market is prepared for a collapse in the single currency and has reduced its exposure "as much as possible" to the crisis-ridden continent.


Lloyd's of London preparing for euro collapse

Richard Ward said Lloyd's of London could have to take writedowns on its £58.9bn investment portfolio if the eurozone collapses.
2:50PM BST 27 May 2012

Richard Ward said the London market had put in place a contingency plan to switch euro underwriting to multi-currency settlement if Greece abandoned the euro.
In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph he also revealed that Lloyd's could have to take writedowns on its £58.9bn investment portfolio if the eurozone collapses.
Europe accounts for 18pc of Lloyd's £23.5bn of gross written premiums, mostly in France, Germany, Spain and Italy. The market also has a fledgling operation in Poland.
Lloyd's move comes as a major Franco-German provider of credit insurance for eurozone trade, Euler Hermes, said it was considering reducing cover for trade with Greece because of the risk the country might leave the eurozone.
When a company goes bust, it is often sparked by withdrawal of credit insurance for suppliers wanting to trade with it.
A spokesman for Euler Hermes, Bettina Sattler, told Bloomberg: "The outcome of the new elections in June remains highly uncertain. Consequently, the situation is further deteriorating. The risk of Greece exiting the eurozone has been revived.
"In light of the recent developments, Euler Hermes will most probably have to switch to a more prudent approach. [We have] maintained a high level of cover for [our] customers until today. But now we are confronted with a changing situation."
Lloyd's fears are likely to be shared by a number of European businesses, which are watching developments in Greece.
On Saturday, Juergen Fitschen, co-chief executive of Deutsche Bank, described Greece as a "failed state" run by corrupt politicians.
"I'm quite worried about Europe," Mr Ward said in one of the first admissions by a major UK business leader of the scale of the crisis that would be prompted by a eurozone collapse.
"With all the concerns around the eurozone at the moment, we've got to be careful doing business in Europe and there are a lot of question marks over writing business in the future in euros.
"I don't think that if Greece exited the euro it would lead to the collapse of the eurozone, but what we need to do is prepare for that eventuality."
Mr Ward says Lloyd's had been working hard on contingency planning and had the capability to switch settlement of European underwriting from euros to other currencies.
"We've got multi-currency functionality and we would switch to multi-currency settlement if the Greeks abandoned the euro and started using the drachma again," he said.
Lloyd's has de-risked its asset portfolio in recent years, with investments split equally into cash, corporate bonds and government bonds, mostly in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. "We have de-risked the asset portfolio as much as possible," he said.
The contingency planning comes as German politicians piled the pressure on Greece ahead of elections on June 17.
A conservative member of German chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet said today Germany would not "pour money into a bottomless pit".
On Sunday, Swiss central bank chief Thomas Jordan admitted his country is drawing up an action plan in the event of the euro's collapse.

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A Clarion Call From Suzan Caroll On 29th May 2012


A Clarion Call From Suzan Caroll On 29th May 2012......


Dear Ascending Ones,
We are the Arcturians wish to speak with you today about your Mission. We will not directly tell you what your Mission is for it is through the process of finding, remembering and fine-tuning your Mission that you will find the Wisdom, Power and Love to live it. Your Mission is not a job that you go to and leave at the end of the day. Your Mission is the reason why you chose to take embodiment during this auspicious era of Personal and Planetary Ascension.

Ascension is not a gift or a reward. Ascension is a choice and a responsibility to be the Master of your thoughts and emotions. If you are not the Master of your own energy field, it is quite difficult to step-it-up into the fifth dimension and beyond. It is your energy field, your consciousness, which will ascend, for your earth vessel is just the container that was necessary for you to adhere your life force to the third/fourth dimensional matrix. One of the important moments of your ascension process is when you remember that you are NOT your body. YOU are the consciousness the fills, and now overlap, your body.

Your earth vessel is the container for your consciousness, and your aura is the magnetic field that can adhere you to your multidimensional consciousness. Your full multidimensional consciousness does not need a container at all in the eight through twelfth dimensions, and from the fifth through seventh dimensions, your container is no longer created by third dimensional elements and fourth dimensional elementals. In the fifth dimension, your container is one of light, as light is ever flowing can transmit its highest expression of unconditional love.

During your process of ascension, your physical and etheric container is becoming increasingly constrictive. You are like a snake that must shed its old skin or a butterfly that no longer wants to crawl and is ready to fly. You yearn to flow, float and instantly transport yourself to the myriad light-based fifth dimensional realities that are increasingly entering your imagination and dreams. You are unsure of the manner in which you will transport and/or transmute your experience of reality into the reality of your dreams and imagination, but how that will occur is beginning to constantly haunt you.

You are being called Home. The Clarion Call has begun, and it grows stronger within every minute of your time. Sometimes this Call fills you with unconditional love and light that shins to colors and a brilliance that you never experienced before the Call entered your Being. Sometimes the Call fills you with calm patience and an inner Knowing that all is well. On the other hand, sometimes the Call fills you with great fatigue and frustration.

This fatigue and frustration is because your earthen vessel has become too small, too constrictive. You tire of the dramas that you once called life and yearn for a reality that is of a calmer, gentler pace. Ambition has left you and possession is an archaic term that bound you to a reality of work and acquisition. The only possessions that you treasure are those which you hold within and those which allow you the security of a safe place to more deeply explore your inner journey.

Hence, you home has become your haven from the hurry, scurry of a reality that you can no longer cherish. Your "yard" and all of nature can no longer be a possession for it is a living being that you lovingly tend, visit and protect. Your birth family and the family of your adulthood may or may not understand the process that lives forever in your heart and mind, but it does not matter to you. You no longer need outer assurance that you are "doing the right thing," or "being a good person." You look inside now to attain that assurance. In fact, now you look inside for everything.

Once reality was outside of you, and your inner life was just an illusion, a fantasy or your imagination. Now, you look inside for guidance, truth and comfort. Those who can accept that you are strangely different than before remain in your life, and those who judge, or even fear your transition, are beginning to phase out of your reality. You are moving your consciousness into a frequency of reality that is more important to you than physical recognition, fame, comfort or acceptance. In doing so, you are finding an independence from that which you once knew as "life."

At the same time, you are finding a new definition of "life" that flows into that which you once knew, but expands far beyond the limitation, illusions and barriers that were once a part of your daily reality. Every now and again, fear trickles into your consciousness and you feel it like an anchor that traps you in a sensation of reality that closes your heart and dampens your mind. Fortunately, your connection with your higher frequencies of expressions can reach into your memory and remind you who you REALLY are.

Yes, you are remembering who you are now. As past/parallel 3D realities begin to flood your awareness, the grand significance of "being alive" takes on a new meaning. Death is no longer a fear of extinction, but only an interruption in your present expression of reality. As you feel the great transformation within your self, as well as the promise of consciously creating a new, higher expression of reality, you treasure the life that had once been a burden filled with fear and challenge.

You remember now that fear was a choice of your attention and challenge was an initiation that pushed you further along your path of ascension. However, ascension is no longer a "path," nor is it a "process." Ascension is your every thought, every emotion and every choice of reaction, response and behavior. Ascension is a constant release of that which has been completed, and a continuous recognition of the reality that YOU are creating.

Everything that happens in your live now is a component of your ascension, and there is no person, place, situation or thing that is more important than your personal and planetary transmutation back to SELF. Challenges are becoming opportunities for growth. Fear is becoming that which you relentlessly transmute into love. And, time, which once captured you in duties and obligations or allowed you a moment of happiness and love, is blurring into the NOW.

Hence, the spaces in-between:
"Who you are and who you are becoming,"
"What you desire and what you are experiencing,"
"Where you are and where you are going,"
"How you get there and how you have already arrived" and
"Why your life is changing no matter what you DO"
are being erased from your perception. The space in-between is no longer a barrier that you must "work through," as it was before.

With the Mastery of your Energy, you can instantly transmute any situation by simply remembering who you are. However, within the moment of your NOW, part of "who you are" is your physical encasement, as well as the physical encasement of your Mother Gaia. Therefore, just as the snake must remain still in order to shed the skin that has become too small, just as a caterpillar must disappear into its cocoon in order to become a butterfly, you need to "shut down" your physical operations as often as is necessary.

Remember, you are not just adapting to a new body. You are, also, adapting to a new planet and a new reality. With your every choice and decision you enter a new spectrum of possible realities. Many of these realities are of a much higher frequency. Therefore, you must calibrate your consciousness to these higher frequencies of reality with you every thought and emotion. Unfortunately, some situations still lower your consciousness and you must fight to release your fear and remember your SELF. After these challenges, you will need to rest. In both cases, there is a constant need to be still so that you can integrate the new and to release the old.

Furthermore, you are releasing time-bound third dimensional thinking and learning/remembering to think multidimensionally. You are also releasing the judgments and conditions of human love and learning to live in unconditional love. If that is not enough, you are transmuting not only this physical reality, but also all the physical realities you have ever experienced on the body of Gaia. Last, and definitely not least, you are transmuting the planet Herself.

Yes, the planet is a She, a being of form. She, Gaia, wishes to return to the fifth dimension where She can unite with Her Divine Complement, a formless being of Spirit. Together, they can again become a Multidimensional Star. She has been your Mother for countless incarnations, and you have chosen to serve her again and again. Now, person and planet, as ONE Being are returning to their Higher Expressions. Your Divine Complements are also lining up at the threshold of the fifth dimension to be rejoined as your Galactic and Celestial ancestors reach out to embrace you.

We have prepared a table for you, the candles are lit and the music is on. The party is starting, and we are ready to embrace you!
The Arcturians


The above message is channeled through my Arcturian SELF. This message is from my human self. Since time is almost gone to me, I can't remember when the above message came in, but since then I have been pulling through extreme amounts of higher light. I think that I have been in the process of "fine-tuning my mission," or, at least I thought so then. However, the first and second day after running this high frequency energy, I felt like a limp rag. It guests came over to see us. That should make me happy, which it did, but it did not add any energy to my consciousness. I felt like an empty vessel.

In other words, it was down to the fine-tuning part of our Mission, which is to make sure that that we integrate what we have experienced into our daily lives. Sometime, at least to me, the ascension process feels like a roller coaster ride. The up swings are amazing, blissful, euphoric, and fun. However, the down swings are exhausting, confusing, and strangely sad. I am not sure what the sadness is about. Perhaps, the sadness is the loss of my best friend - fear.

Perhaps, the sadness is a realization that life, as we have known it, is ending. Sadness is not always a bad thing. In fact, sometimes it is a way to honor that which is no longer is in our life. Perhaps, the sadness, that could not be felt before because it would be too overwhelming, can finally come to the surface to be released. Maybe it is the same with the anger, fear, anxiety and depression. Maybe they can only come to the surface of our consciousness after we have experienced truth, unconditional love, bliss and joy. Whatever the reason is, I think that it is important that we honor all our emotions, even if they are fear-based.

As our consciousness expands, so do our emotions. Therefore, many of our feelings do not feel identical to emotions because they are of a much higher frequency. In our multidimensional experiences, light and sound, thoughts and emotions are not separated. They are ONE experience. It is the combination of light/thoughts and sound/emotions that allows us to move our conscious experience of reality beyond the invisible threshold that has trapped us in the third dimensional illusions.

Now that these illusions are being popped open to reveal the truth, anger is a frequent guest in our emotional world. How could we have been so stupid, so scared, or oblivious to believe those obvious lies? This is, of course, a self-judgment that is NOT based on unconditional love. However, with time swirling in and out our reality, it is easy to forget that the world we lived until, well, until NOW was based on illusion. Just a few years ago, the truths that are common (to anyone who reads the Internet), were absolutely impossible for almost everyone to believe.

Then, there were those of us who forgot to forget. We had to monitor our every word so that we did not reveal what would be ridiculous or blasphemous to most of those around us. Perhaps, our sadness is the sorrow of years, in fact lifetimes, of isolation from others and from our SELF. As we become more intimate with our true SELF, we are able to become more intimate with others. As we become more honest with our SELF, we can be more honest with others. And, as we remember more about our SELF, we remember more about our Mission.

Thus, the fine-tuning of our Mission is actually the process of fine-tuning our relationship with a vaster expression of our SELF. This SELF is not just our higher expressions of our Multidimensional SELF; it is also the first expressions of our human self. I have found that remembering what I have always loved, such as Nature, gardening, laughing with a best friend, being with loved ones (even when I am too tired to fully engage) is what I have always loved. Different people have different loves, and I think doing exactly what we love is the best way to fine-tune our Mission.

In fact, in order to find the basis of our Mission, we can look back into our childhood and remember what we always loved as a child. Our Divine Child is the part of our human self that as never forgotten our Mission. We can also look at what our main problems, which have been constantly repeated in different forms and dramas, to see that which has been blocking us from BEING our Mission. If we can stop judging ourselves for having the same problem, again, and unconditionally love, forgive and accept ourselves, the problems are often resolved or often vanish.

Once we have forgiven, accepted and loved ourselves-unconditionally-we suddenly find the "time" to DO what we LOVE. In fact, doing what we love is one of the most important things that we can DO for our Mission. When we allow ourselves to do what we love, we FEEL love deep within our core. When we FEEL love within our core, we become solid, grounded, steady on our ever-changing Path. With this commitment to our SELF, we no longer forget to water the flowers, walk the dog, call the grandkids, lay in the sun, read our favorite book and spent lots and lots of time with people, animals, plants and activities that we LOVE.

Choosing love is what fine-tunes our Mission. When we choose love, especially unconditional love, we can see life clearly, without condition, without limitation or separation. Choosing love allows us to remember our Spirit and shine it out for all to see. We have hidden, kept silent, lied and ran away for myriad lifetimes because it was too soon to live in love. It was not safe to tell the Truth and we had NO guidance, except that which we found within. Now, our inner and outer lives are merging into ONE, and there is not place to hide, even if we wanted to.

The time that we have awaited for more lives than we could count has come into our NOW. Oly, Oly, oxen, free, free, free. It is time to come out of hiding and be our SELF. Yes, we may be exhausted the next day, or week. Yes, it is a risk. Yes, it could all be "just our imagination." But what if it isn't? What if everything that everyone is saying was true and we were too afraid to stand up and be counted? Now, that would be my greatest fear. Therefore, here I AM in the NOW of Personal and Planetary Ascension.
Where are you?


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous



An Important Message/ Update from the Post Master General & TRUSTEE of North America

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Tuesday, 29-May-2012

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~29~12 The Release of the Golden Energy

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~29~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Release of the Golden Energy



A Tree in Inverewe Gardens by Andrew McMillan Tree of Gold


Greetings Love Beings,


WOW... The Energies have been intense and will continue as we Prepare for Our Upcoming Eclipse, Full Moon In Sagittarius, and after this the Venus Transit.This Incoming Energy is All about the Feminine Energy of Pure Unconditional Love and True Compassion.


Feild of Gold

Today we have released the Golden Energy onto the Planet for Complete Balanced Harmonics. For us to to release this, a huge amount of blocked energy had to be released yesterday.



Here is what Lisa Gawlas Shared in Her Latest Blog from this Morning:


 "I could feel the feminine vibration so strongly and each face made up of clouds were crying gold tears.  Their tears streaming down to the ground.  I could feel a deep deep sadness in these tears, in the faces of the collective Divine Feminine… the mother energy, but also, a deep heartfelt desire too.


I already knew what day it was in the USA, Memorial day, a day to remember our war dead, our war wounded and to honor the men and women still out there killing and being killed for……???  Oh yeah, we dress it up and call it “freedom” or I don’t think we could live with our selves.


In these feminine faces, I could feel the love of the mother.  The blood of our children that seeps into the earth.  The tears fell like golden rain." End of Quote


Here in the States everyone was focused on Memorial Day and sadness. What we accomplished is, we used this Energy to release smoothly this blocked Energy. Now, we will see a smooth transition for Everyone. In President Obama's Speech for Memorial Day he mentioned the Words "Welcome Home, Welcome Home"!!! Indeed this Is Humanity's Destiny. Home Into the Light!






Earthquakes are shaking Italy today they have had over 100 Quakes with their Largest at almost a 6.0. Dutch is reporting, this was due to fracking they were doing in these Areas.We had Many Reports of deaths and this event has Left thousands homeless. We also had Earthquakes In Russia and Fugi. Weather events are also increasing with Tornado's appearing in Canada, and over the central US. Florida will Be receiving some Heavy rains from A Subtropical Storm. They are saying it will not be a hurricane. June 1st is the Official beginning of Hurricane Season.


Daily Sun: 29 May 12

Sunspot 1492 poses a continued threat for C-class flares. Credit: SDO/HMI


The Sun is active with C Class Flares and a Huge Coronal Hole carrying powerful Solar wind will be arriving to the Planet around May 31st. This will be a Great Boost to this Already Powerful Energy Coming In.


Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report: 




Daily Blue Star UFOs Report:



Earth Ally Report: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/earth-allies-2852012-message-galactic-federation-light-free-energy-zones


A Brilliant Reading about The Balance of the Feminine and the Masculane http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/message-archangel-zadkiel-june-2012-balanced-light-divine-masculine-and-divine-feminine


Everyone on this Planet contains Feminine Energies.The Female is 51% Feminine and 49% Masculine and Vice Versa in the Male. A Male is 49% Feminine and 51% Masculine. So, Right Now Everyone will be bringing forth this Balance within themselves. The Feminine Energy is being Balanced First through the Venus Transit and then following this will be the integration of the Masculine Balance completed at the Solstice. This Will Bring in the Unity Energy Needed to end forever the cycle of imbalance, which has created much chaos, pain and suffering on the Planet.


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A Declaration Of Freedom From The Tyranny Of The World Shadow Government


A Declaration Of Freedom From The Tyranny Of The World Shadow Government – 29 May 2012

Posted on May 29, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

A New Declaration Submitted to the US Federal Government

To: The President of the United States, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and US Supreme Court

Submitted by: We, the People, of the USA and those oppressed by American Militarism

Date: May 28, 2012

There comes a time in the affairs of humankind when it becomes necessary to throw off the yoke of tyranny which has insidiously taken over the governments of the world. That moment has arrived, as this still new millennium has ineluctably placed demands on We, The People, to stand in our own truth and take back our power. Herein lies the demands that We, The People, speak to power with indomitable conviction and undeterrable resolve.

We, The People of the USA, inaugurate this global civil enterprise through these uncompromising demands made directly to the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the United States Federal Government. As but a single collective representative of the world body politic, we implore the community of nations, and all peoples everywhere, to undertake this same endeavor wherever the need to break free from tyranny has become self-evident.

We, The People of these United States of America (USA), do solemnly take back our rights, liberties and powers, which are considered by all righteous governments to be inalienable, from an unlawful and tyrannical US Federal Government that has wrongfully and systematically encroached upon the inherent rights of its citizens.

We, The People, acknowledge the wrongful usurpation of powers, as well as jurisdictional and legal necessities originally possessed by the fifty Sovereign States of the USA. Through a longstanding pattern of legislation of unconstitutional law, these inherent powers have been unlawfully stripped from these Sovereign States. Each State is now fully empowered to retain their original sovereign status as established by the US Constitution.

We, The People, demand that the US Federal Government immediately cease and desist from legislating, executing and adjudicating all law which is not in strict compliance with natural law, common law and constitutional law. Furthermore, we demand an expeditious review of all US Federal Statutes in order to determine their fitness in this regard.

We, The People, demand that the US Federal Government immediately cease and desist from all illegal enforcement actions against its citizens, as well as citizens of other nations, which are in obvious contravention of international law, scriptural law, common law and US constitutional law. Toward this end, we demand the immediate closure of the extra-judicial detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, as well as the Parwan Detention Facility (formerly known as the Bagram Theater Internment Facility), and all others that operate outside the rubric of both the US Criminal Law Code and Uniform Code of Military Justice.

We, The People, demand an immediate and permanent suspension of each and every law, statute and rule/regulation that is in violation of divinely ordained human rights, civil rights, and constitutional rights. Especially where these rights are violated in the course of the repugnant state-sponsored administration of torture by the US Federal Government and its proxies in “safe” national havens around the world, we demand immediate termination of such inhumane and unacceptable conduct.

We, The People, demand an immediate cessation to all war-making activity around the world. This includes the immediate withdrawal of troops from the illegal and undeclared wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This demand also includes the many wars being waged by proxy through covert agencies (CIA), as well as by all corporate, mercenary entities such as Wackenhut and Xe Services (Blackwater). The US Government will immediately end the illegal and abhorrent practices of rendition, as well as the extrajudicial killing of foreign citizens by drones and any other means utilized in foreign lands.

We, The People, further demand that all economic and financial warfare being waged against the perceived enemies of the USA be permanently ended. The relentless manipulation of the financial/economic markets of the world, to include equity, bond, commodity, real estate, derivative and currency, must cease without exception. Furthermore, the US Federal Reserve (privately owned, international crime syndicate) must be placed in a temporary receivorship, as its collection agency, the IRS, is dissolved and reconstituted as a lawful revenue-collecting entity in order to carry on the affairs of State.

We, The People, demand that the aerosol spraying of chemtrails in our skies, fluoridation of our water supplies, and the irradiation and chemical poisoning of our food be stopped. The EPA, FDA and NIH will be re-chartered, as will all other agencies and departments which have profoundly violated the public trust. The critical Departments of Homeland Security, Treasury, Energy and Interior will be subjected to an immediate review and reorganization in the interest that the People will be served first, not the corporatocracy which has been unduly enriched for many decades.

We,The People, demand a planned and orderly dissolution of the current US Federal Government. It has become apparent to all citizens, that there has been a multi-decade and ongoing pattern of illegal conduct throughout the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the US Government, which has been deemed to be in profound and fundamental violation of the US Constitution, as well as other foundational governing documents. Both the Public Trust and Social Contract have been irreversibly broken through this intractable and unlawful behavior, as the sacred Governing Documents of this once great nation have been left in tatters. We aim to see them restored to their rightful place and, over time, greatly improved upon to reflect the evolving realities and emerging needs of a rapidly changing world.

We, The People, demand the planned election and appointment of a law-abiding transitional US government, which will assume the proper, timely and thorough administration of all duties and responsibilities starting with strict compliance with the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This transitional government shall override all powers and perceived rights of governance which have been unlawfully arrogated unto the US Corporation and executed through the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).

Finally, We, The People, demand that a TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION be established in order for the suppressed truths regarding all matters of State that have taken place without the People’s knowledge and consent, and which have unduly put the American people at great risk and in substantial jeopardy, be given a full airing within the body politic.

We, The People, have spoken, and we expect a substantive response to these demands in the immediate future, whereupon the appropriate re-establishment of this Constitutional Republic may proceed forthwith. A national conference to discuss a Restore American Sovereignty Plan will be convened with all deliberate speed.

www.takebackyourpowernow.wordpress.com link to original article


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