
This is worse than the Church paedophilia scandal”


“This is worse than the Church paedophilia scandal”

The Curia is in a state of panic as rumours circulate about camera phones potentially being banned in the Vatican

Andrea Tornielli
vatican city

“The atmosphere is poisonous, heavy. Some claim that in the future we won’t be able to take mobile phones with inbuilt cameras into the Vatican.” The ban on camera phones is just a rumour that has been circulating around the Secretariat of State in the last few days, which have been the most difficult in the Vatican in recent years. “Somehow this is even worse than the storm caused by the Church paedophilia scandal,” said a priest who entered the great gate of Porta Angelica with brisk fearful steps.






Talking moles

Many outside the Vatican doubt the guilt of Paolo Gabriele, the Pope’s butler and no one seems to think he could have master-minded the leak of documents published in journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi’s book. We do not know the extent of his involvement yet. If the inquiry remains at this level, the doubts will inevitably grow. The net of moles, which allegedly includes a number of people, struck again, giving once more the same motives that had been put forward by the famous investigative reporter in the pages of  “Sua santitĂ ” (His Holiness). The leak of Benedict XVI’s confidential papers could apparently have been an act to help the Pope. Few believe this to be true, mostly because the Vatileaks scandal has managed to besmirch the Holy See as a whole and its image is now in tatters.

Infamous dismissal

Yesterday Fr. Lombardi claimed that there is no connection between the motion of no confidence in the Vatican Bank’s former president, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi and the Vatileaks issue. On Thursday the IOR’s lay supervisory council removed the banker who had been chosen by Cardinal Bertone in September 2009 and who was also a leading writer for Vatican daily broadsheet L’Osservatore Romano as well as a friend of the newspaper’s director, Gian Maria Vian. The next day the committee of cardinals met to ratify the vote, but no statement regarding their verdict has been released as yet. The very harsh letter by Carl Anderson, one of the four board members, containing the reasons behind the dismissal of Gotti Tedeschi, whose professional image has been destroyed, was intentionally published. The banker was also accused of not “ explaining the distribution of certain documents” he kept. The way he was dismissed is brand new in the history of the Holy See and could have major repercussions, if and when Gotti Tedeschi will decide to speak up.


Is it time for the cardinal to retire?

According to the moles, the real target of the Vatileaks operation, is allegedly the Vatican Secretary of State, Tarcisio Bertone. The whole thing would have been orchestrated to pressure him into retiring. However, objectively speaking, the explosion of the Vatileaks scandal seems far too extreme for its aim to be the simple removal of a cardinal who will turn 78 in December. Unless one were to believe (and some do) that the ambitions of those who would like to take his place might be the hidden motive behind the storm that is raging inside and outside the Curia and if we were to look even further, perhaps we would find the power struggle for the succession of the ageing Pope at the root of the problems. Ratzinger wanted Bertone by his side because he trusts him and has no intention of removing him, even though the cardinal himself offered to resign. His management of the Secretariat of State has been the target of heavy criticism. However, as happened before, in times of crisis, the ecclesiastical institution has clammed up to protect its clerics.


Pope's secretary targeted

Fr. Georg Gänswein, Benedict XVI’s personal secretary, is facing a difficult time, since Paolo Gabriele had worked alongside him in the papal apartments for six years. Fr. Georg’s influence has grown in the last two years as have the rumours concerning attempts to drive him away from the Pope, such as his possible appointment as bishop in Germany, now that the Diocese of Regensburg is to become vacant and its current bishop is to become cardinal in Rome and cover a different office. But there are very few who believe that the Pope will get rid of his trusted secretary.

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The marriage of religion, nature, and politics: The “why” behind the new world order

A reader has suggested we have a look at this blog post, and when I did I found it pretty much a left-brained approach to our planetary situation. To my mind, with such an approach there is a lot that simply cannot be understood. There are also several threads running here that to my mind are not defined accurately. There is too much left unsaid, perhaps because it seems this writer never identifies the ‘real’ problem about which she is writing: a cabal has been seeking to control the entire planet - apparently, she does understand the control issue – and is cleverly usurping the positive buzz words of a variety of valuable groups of people working on the ‘real’ issues.

I think the writer delivers partial truth as ‘real’ truth, and the research, which appears to be commendable, does not actually dig into the depths of the reality the cabal has been attempting to foist on us. To me, this article is a hodge-podge of information that is confusing to the uninformed, which seems to come from someone well-versed in our planetary situation, but which, in the end, really says very little. It seems the main thrust of the article is to protect homeschooling education so that Christianity as it is known to her can continue to be taught – at home.

If you have the time, please read this to see how this article comes across to you. Maybe I’ve got it all wrong . . . ~J

22 TuesdayMay 2012

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A Biblical View Agenda 21 Canada

From Roanoke Homeschooling Examiner

“Freedom of choice and basic individual rights are being sacrificed in the interest of the common good, under the United Nations’ agenda for the 21st century, called Agenda 21. Under the veil of feel-good terms like “sustainable development” and “social equity”, a self-described “new world order” is being systematically implemented around the globe, that is organized around the principle that nature is the most fundamental truth, and which requires all spheres of society to conform to that principle, under the government of a ruling elite (the United Nations and the organizations that support it). When faced with evidence of this unbelievable agenda, the natural question that comes to mind is “Why?”

Two Major Forces

Photo credit:morguefile.com

Find out the driving forces behind the agenda of sustainable development

There are really two major engines driving the new world agenda: a quest for control, and fundamental religious belief. What makes this paradigm so dangerous, and effective, is that it merges both forces together under the stated goal of taking care of the environment. The religious background to this environmental agenda is called Gaia, or the worship of the earth. Based on the gaia hypothesis, originally proposed by James Lovelock, this new age religious movement, cosmology, is woven throughout all of the major initiatives, forums, and organizations of the sustainable development agenda. To begin to understand the reasons behind the agenda for a new world order, it is critical to investigate the religious beliefs of the organizations and individuals behind it, and how those convictions undergird an agenda of control.

The new age spiritual movement of Gaia

One of most influential NGOs (Non-governmental organizations) allied closely with the U.N. and intimately involved in their creation of agenda is the Temple of Understanding (TOU), located in The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. This organization’s objectives are, according to its website, “developing an appreciation of religious and cultural diversity, educating for global citizenship and sustainability, expanding public discourse on faith and ecology, and creating just and peaceful communities”. Most importantly, although not explicitly stated by the TOU, the cathedral is the center of cosmology, or the worship of Gaia. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine is not only home to the TOU, but has also previously housed the National Religious Partnership for the Environment, the Lindesfarne Association and the Gaia Institute, which are all proponents of the gaia hypothesis.

Among its many globally-influential board of directors members is the Reverend Thomas Berry, the most prominent evangelist for the gaia hypothesis. The Wanderer Forum Quarterly describes the man’s religious philosophy: “Thomas Berry, C.P. claims that it is now time for the most significant change that Christian spirituality has yet experienced. This change is part of a much more comprehensive change in human consciousness brought about by the discovery of the evolutionary story of the universe. In speaking about a new cosmology he reminds us that we are the earth come to consciousness and, therefore, we are connected to the whole living community – that is, all people, animals, plants and the living organism of planet earth itself”. In Berry’s own words, according to The Florida Catholic (February 14, 1992), “We must rethink our ideas about God; we should place less emphasis on Christ as a person and redeemer. We should put the Bible away for 20 years while we radically rethink our religious ideas. What is needed is the change from an exploitative anthropocentrism to a participative biocentrism. This change requires something more than environmentalism.” Gaia has become much more than simply a scientific hypothesis. It has transformed into a religious movement which is the driving force behind global social change.

To help illuminate the beliefs of Gaia, as propogated by the TOU and many U.N. leaders and organizations behind the new world order agenda, it is helpful to review a U.N. report calledShared Vision, from the 1988 Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders for Human Survival, which was founded by the Temple of Understanding. In summarizing the speech given at the conference by James Lovelock, founder of the Gaia hypothesis and author of Ages of Gaia, the report details, “…Lovelock’s contribution is to suggest that life on earth regulates its environment as if it were one huge organism. The name given to the organism – and the idea – is that of Gaia, the Greek earth goddess.” According to the report, Lovelock said, “She is of this Universe and, conceivably, a part of God. On Earth she is the source of life everlasting and is alive now; she gave birth to humankind and we are a part of her.” The report indicates that Lovelock…”…likened the current global warming to the first signs of a fever, but is worried that we are not allowing Gaia to recuperate”. In other words, Earth, as one huge organism, is seen as one with God. By doing damage to the Earth, humans are, according to this belief, damaging God. It is this spiritual conviction which provides the rabid determination behind the environmental movement, and the objectives of sustainable development.

Global Forum: Where religion of nature meets the politics of control

The 1988 Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders for Human Survival began the marriage between religion and environmental objectives on a worldwide scale. From this conference, many additional forums around the world were organized to bring together world leaders in government, environment, religion, and science for the purpose of collaborating around the goals of sustainable development. The National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE), created in 1993, came out of these global meetings. The NRPE developed a plan for “integrating issues of social justice and the environment” which included education and action kits to religious congregations around the world, training programs for religious students and leaders, and a variety of other worldwide actions specifically targeted to ensure that religious groups adopted the goals of this globalist environmental agenda. Worldwide religion, the objectives of sustainable development, and the Gaia movement all became wedded together into a tapestry which could only be woven effectively through broad-scale, worldwide control.

Religion of nature meets politics: Robert Muller

Dr. Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General to the U.N. and member of the Board of Advisors to the Temple of Understanding (which founded the Global Forum), gives evidence to the marriage of Gaia with the movement of sustainable development in his paper A Cosmological Vision of the Future from 1989: “Now we’re learning that perhaps this planet has not been created for humans, but that humans have been created for the planet…We are living Earth. Each of us is a cell, a perceptive nervous unit of the Earth. The living consciousness of the Earth is beginning to operate through us…We have now a world brain which determines what can be dangerous or mortal for the planet: the United Nations and its agencies, and innumberable (sic) groups and networks around the world, are part of the brain. This is our newly discovered meaning…we are a global family living in a global home. We are in the process of becoming a global civilization…The third millennium should be a spiritual millennium, a millennium which will see the integration and harmony of humanity with creation, with nature, with the planet, with the cosmos and with eternity.” This key U.N. leader, in charge of creating policy on a worldwide scale, shows how cosmological faith drives an agenda for a global community, in the interest of protecting the god of nature. When the scope of this religious conviction becomes clear, it is easy to understand how it leads to an agenda of globalized control, in order to align the actions of human society toward elevating the goals of taking care of Gaia above all else, including the people who are a part of her.

Muller won the UNESCO Prize 1989 for Peace Education for his World Core Curriculum, an educational initiative to make students into global citizens who take care of the planet. According to Muller’s website, robertmuller.org, Muller says, “The entire humanity must be reprogrammed through a right global inducation (Latin ex-ducare, to lead out, in-ducare, to lead into)”. Just what is this U.N.-endorsed global education, as created by this proponent of Gaia?  Muller explained the reasons behind his World Core Curriculum in a 1995 speech to the College of Law at the University of Denver: “I’ve come to the conclusion that the only correct education that I have received in my life was from the United Nations. We should replace the word politics by planetics. We need planetary management, planetary caretakers. We need global sciences. We need a science of a global psychology, a global sociology, a global anthropology. Then I made my proposal for a World Core Curriculum.” The first principle of the curriculum is: “Assisting the child in becoming an integrated individual who can deal with personal experience while seeing himself as a part of ‘the greater whole.’ In other words, promote growth of the group idea, so that group good, group understanding, group interrelations and group goodwill replace all limited, self-centered objectives, leading to group consciousness.” Muller’s influential philosophy is the perfect example of how nature-centered spirituality and an agenda of worldwide control go hand in hand with the United Nations and its supporting organizations.

Religion of nature meets politics: Maurice Strong

This religious conviction and political agenda of control is shared by, according to many accounts, the most powerful man in the world. Maurice Strong was Secretary General of the U.N.’s Rio Earth Summit in 1992 (where Agenda 21 was adopted), and former Executive Director of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). According to Henry Lamb, one of the most researched writers that exists on the issues of globalism, “He, perhaps more than any other single person, is responsible for the development of a global agenda now being implemented throughout the world.” Strong, a billionaire and a brilliant, phenomenally influential U.N. bureaucrat, is a devotee of earth-bound spirituality aligned with the Gaia movement. To help illuminate the scope of his influence, consider that he has served in a multitude of key international positions, including Director of the World Economic Forum Foundation, Chairman of the Earth Council, Chairman of the Stockholm Environment Institute, Senior Advisor to the President of the World Bank, Chairman of the World Resources Institute, and, most interestingly, Finance Director at the Temple of Understanding. Strong and his wife, Hanne, created the Manitou Foundation in 1988 “to provide land and financial support to qualified spiritual organizations, earth stewardship programs, and related educational opportunities for youth and adults” according to the Crestone Institute. Their 200,000 acre ranch near Crestone, Colorado, known as Baca Grande, is now a new age spiritual center run by Strong’s wife.

Strong co-founded the Earth Charter Commission with Mikhail Gorbachev in 1997. This document, which has been endorsed by the U.N., reveals the spiritual nature of the agenda for sustainable development. In its preamble, the Earth Charter states, “We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace…The protection of Earth’s vitality, diversity, and beauty is a sacred trust“.  After addressing the fact that “the benefits of development are not shared equitably…” (the communistic principle of redistribution of wealth from the haves to the have-nots), the preamble goes on to express: “The emergence of a global civil society is creating new opportunities to build a democratic and humane world. Our environmental, economic, political, social, and spiritual challenges are interconnected, and together we can forge inclusive solutions…The spirit of human solidarity and kinship with all life is strengthened when we live withreverence for the mystery of being, gratitude for the gift of life, and humility regarding the human place in nature“.  Strong’s comments in his opening address at the Rio Earth Summit summarize his philosophy clearly: “It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light… We must therefore transform our attitudes, and adopt a renewed respect for the superior laws of divine nature.” This is not simply an idealistic agenda, but a deeply rooted spiritual belief about nature as god. And it is an agenda, driven by religious conviction, and intricately interconnected with a plan for a tightly controlled global society, that is being propagated by the most influential individuals and organizations on the planet.

The modern face of Gaia and the environment: Al Gore

Former Vice President Al Gore is a devotee of Gaia, and the modern face of the environmental movement. Gore has been involved with the Temple of Understanding, including giving a sermon at its annual celebration of St. Francis, a ceremony whose Blessing of the Animals included blessings for an elephant, algae, and a bowl of worms and compost. According to a 1994 publication by the Cathedral at St. John the Divine, at this sermon Gore asserted, “God is not separate from the earth”. Gore’s famous book, Earth in the Balance, has three chapters devoted to the “Earth Goddess”, and on page 259 he writes, “”This we know: the Earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the Earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all.” The theme repeats itself: a pantheistic, new age belief that the earth is god, and humanity is here to protect her above all else.

Why does this matter to homeschoolers?

Fundamentally, the new world order is about global control, driven by an environmental paganism. Few people realize that the deceptively attractive goals of “taking care of the environment” are fueled by new age religion. A religion that, despite all of the politically assuaging terms like “social justice” and “religious inclusiveness”, is being force-fed into every arena of society, in environmentally friendly green bites. The religious agenda behind this agenda is anti-Christian at its core, and anti-democracy. Many Christians choose to homeschool specifically because of the freedom it provides to ensure that their spiritual values are inculcated in their children. For example, Laura Griffith, Director of the local Botetourt chapter of the homeschool group Classical Conversations, expresses her reasons for educating at home: “We homeschool because we believe it is the responsibility of the parent, not the civil government, to train their child in the way they should go. We want to have a biblical worldview incorporated in teaching our child. All subjects point to God and to leave Him out of the learning process would go against our beliefs.” This agenda not only leaves God out of the process, it redefines god completely. It exchanges monotheism (the belief in one God) for animism (the belief that everything has a soul) and pantheism (that all things are manifestations of God). And, as evident by its universal policies of control, it is not content to be “inclusive”. Homeschoolers, and all Americans, (Christian or not), must wake up to the driving forces behind the agenda of sustainable development, before the entire world is forced to bow down to the god of the earth.

To read Globalism: The environmentally friendly threat to freedom, click here.

To read The new world order of sustainable development: How will it affect us?, click here.

To read The global agenda for education: The World Innovation Summit for Education, click here.

To read Behind the U.N.’s global agenda: The driving forces of socialism and control, click here.

To read Implementation of the global agenda for the transformation of society: How does it happen? click here.


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The Three Rogue Nations: Producing Order Out Of Chaos

The site, Cosmic Convergence, has some eye-opening articles. This is their newest article, and I recomment it to you. ~J

Posted on May 26, 2012
Source: cosmicconvergence2012

When Corrupt Governments Are Formed and Maintained To Oversee State-sponsored Criminal Enterprises

Israel, Colombia and Pakistan share something in common which can only be properly explained when looking at the world geo-political chessboard through the lens of the New World Order (NWO) leadership. Each of these nations plays a pivotal role in their respective regions of the planet. Their roles are decidedly different from what you might expect of a sovereign nation, especially since they are engaged around the clock in so much illicit and clandestine behavior.

Of course, we all know that Israel was artificially created to drive a HUGE wedge into the oil-producing and political power structure of the Middle East. All the Arab and Muslim nations in that region are ‘perfectly’ controlled by this one tiny country possessing undeclared nuclear weaponry. Only through British and American coercion could such a theft of land from the Palestinians have been blessed by the United Nations in 1948, the year that the modern State of Israel was made official.

Likewise, the British artificially created Pakistan to perform the same chaos-producing function throughout south-central Asia. Only in the wake of Indian independence could such a Muslim nation have been formed through the granting of statehood to Pakistan by India in 1947. It has been in the middle of every regional conflict ever since by design of the World Shadow Government. The significant role that Pakistan plays vis-a-vis India, China, Afghanistan, Iran and other nations throughout the region is indisputable. That they possess nuclear weapons is again no accident.

Columbia was created as the drug capital of Western Hemisphere to perform a similar function throughout Central and South America. Even though it came into its own more recently than the other two during the sixties and seventies, it was being prepared by the world powers shortly after the end of WWII. Columbia has enjoyed remarkable success as an NWO bully for as long as drug running has been conducted. From its strategically located launchpad at the junction point between Central and South America, Columbia has controlled the drug trade throughout the entire continent – to the North and the South – until now.

Afghanistan, Mexico and Lebanon

There is a dimension to this geo-political game which is often overlooked. These three rogue nations work in tandem with three other nations (often against their will) in their respective regions. In each case the tandem nation is used by the superpowers to sow seeds of great distraction and major confusion. Running interference in this manner permits the real culprits to get away with a lot more than they would otherwise be able to.

What better way to create order out of chaos than to marry drugs and war wherever there’s a convenient fit. What we find is a very well-planned intersection between war-making and drug running. If there’s not a real combat war going on, they simply create aWar on Drugs or leftist guerilla war. Makes no difference who the new fabricated enemy is as long as enough pandemonium and mayhem is created to give cover for the drug running.

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Why does the World Shadow Government destroy its own home (planet)? – thanks to DA

This is a long essay; I have just finished reading it. It was worth every minute. Please, try to find the time to read it. Hugs, ~Jean

Posted on May 24, 2012
Source: cosmicconvergence2012

Don’t these people live on the same planet, work in the same world, and play on the same turf as the rest of us?!

Don’t they drink the same water, eat the same food, breathe the same air?

Truly, the leaders of the World Shadow Government (WSG) have soiled their own nest in ways that are forever irremediable and irreversible. Sounds totally crazy, does’t it? That’s because it is! However, the question still remains —–>

Why? … WHY?! … … WHY ?!

If ever there was a 64,000 dollar question, THIS IS IT.

Why would TPTW (The Powers That Were) destroy their own home … ruin their own living environments … spoil their own stretches of beautiful and pristine beaches, and mar their mountaintop enclaves. Does acid rain somehow avoid their hidden chalets? Do oil spills decide not to wash up on their private shorelines? Do the different vectors of dissemination of radioactvity conveniently discriminate in their favor?

If there is one question which permeates every nook and cranny of the alternative internet culture and is asked more than any other, this is the one in 2012. Why do those who populate the peak of the New World Order hierarchy pursue an agenda of relentless planetary destruction?

There are three primary reasons why the World Shadow Government has permitted the unmitigated and ongoing destruction of the planetary environment … on every level … in every sphere of life … on every continent … in every ocean. There are in fact more than just these 3 reasons, but these are the prime movers. These are the underlying, overarching explanations, which simply cannot be refuted.

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New World Order NWO – Peter Vereecke, Belgium – thanks to A.

Published on May 26, 2012 by 

Former mayor in Belgium, Peter Vereecke awakened 10 years ago to a new reality and have ever since actively participated in letting people know what he has found out regarding NWO, Vaccins, Chemtrails, Food and more.

For more videos and to support the tour visit http://www.JuicyLivingTour.com

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  • Eleven11

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The War on Gays – by Chris Hedges, May 28, 2012

Source: Truthdigg

The sentencing of Dharun Ravi for the hateful abuse that may have driven his gay roommate at Rutgers, Tyler Clementi, to commit suicide, or Barack Obama’s public acceptance of gay marriage, prevents many of us from seeing that life for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people is getting worse—much worse.

No one understands this better than the gay activist and pastor Mel White. White, along with his husband and partner of 30 years, Gary Nixon, founded Soulforce, an organization committed to using nonviolent resistance to end religion-based oppression. White and hundreds of Soulforce volunteers protest outside megachurches that preach hatred and bigotry in the name of religion. White travels to communities where young gays, lesbians, bisexuals or transgender people have committed suicide. He holds memorial services for them in front of the church doors. He accuses the pastors of these churches of murder. His books “Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America” and“Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tell Us to Deny Gay Equality,” are two of the most important works that examine the innate cruelty and proto-fascism of the Christian right. White, more than perhaps any other preacher in the country, has pulled young men and women back from the brink of despair, from succumbing to the tragic fate of Tyler Clementi. And White is scared.

“What kind of environment creates a Dharun Ravi who would carry out that kind of bullying, as well as a kid like Tyler who would become a victim of that kind of bullying?” White asked when I reached him by phone at his home in Long Beach, Calif. “It is society. At its heart it is the church. The churches should be convicted, not just Ravi. He’s just an extension of the hatred that people feel about this threat, this gay threat. Pope Benedict XVI should be on trial. Richard Land from the Southern Baptists should be on trial. Religious leaders, Protestant and Catholic, should be on trial. They made this happen, but too few Americans make the connection.”

White applauds President Obama for taking a personal stand for marriage equality. But he also notes that the president’s statement was accompanied by a reiteration that states have the right to determine their own policies toward marriage.

Despite gains by gays in the wider culture, especially in the entertainment industry, and despite the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” the civil rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people in most states are deteriorating, White is scared.

“Married gays in the military are miserable,” White said. “They can get married, but they can’t have any of the rights of other married military members, including housing or travel. They can give their lives but they get so little in return.”

“Class difference is at the heart of understanding sexism and homophobia,” White said. “Class difference is based on sexism. It is based on homophobia. It is based on men who want to stay in power. And men who want to stay in power go to church. They sit in the front pews. They are generous, loving and faithful. They give away a tiny little bit to keep these churches going. Which is why I stand with the Occupy movement. At least I know I’m with people who will be on my side.”

White and Nixon left Virginia for California a few weeks ago because the culture, he says, had become increasingly inhospitable to gay couples. In distressed communities across the country there is a correlating rise in intolerance, hate talk and homophobia.

“When I moved to Lynchburg it was a blue city, in spite of Liberty University being there,” White said. “We had an amazing progressive woman, Shannon Valentine, as our state representative. She visited our home. We had a progressive mayor and a progressive City Council. In 2008 everything went to hell. Our new attorney general, Ken Cuccinelli, is crazy. He talks about putting cameras up vaginas [as part of a trans-vaginal ultrasound procedure that would be required by law of all women seeking abortions]. We had so many possibilities until 2008. Then it suddenly ended. Unfortunately, more and more this is reflected across the country. The reversal came with the collapse of our financial system. Suddenly everything blue was seen as costing too much money, including helping the poor. There was a revolt led by Fox News and its allies. It’s difficult to find a restaurant or bar in Lynchburg that isn’t playing Fox News. People quote Fox as though Fox is the arbiter of truth. In fact, Fox is the enemy.”

The long-term unemployment, the collapse of housing prices, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the draconian cuts in social spending have created a climate in which the vulnerable, the different, the marginal—from Muslims to undocumented workers to homosexuals—are blamed for the nation’s decline, White argues. This climate is fueling a culture of hate. Right-wing candidates, channeling the rage and frustration of a beleaguered working and middle class, use marginal and oppressed groups as scapegoats. And, White says, those who disseminate this culture of hate lie about the positions and records of liberal elected officials such as Shannon Valentine.

“The lies against her were heinous,” White said, “but the Christian right is convinced that if you have a call to save the nation you are allowed to lie, because the ends justify the means. Jerry Falwell lied on a regular basis. We lost Shannon Valentine. We lost so much that was good about our state after that election. And this is true almost everywhere.”

The culture of hate feeds off the frustrations and feelings of betrayal among the impoverished, the unemployed, the underemployed and the hopeless. And the longer the expanding underclass is ignored, the longer we refuse to define what is happening to us in our corporate state as a vicious class struggle, the more the culture of hate spreads. The dwindling culture of tolerance, confined now mostly to white, urban, college-educated members of the middle class, because that group refuses to engage in the struggle of class warfare, unwittingly abets the economic dislocation that is empowering the increasingly potent culture of hate.

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  • seventhvoice

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25 Signs That The Smart Money Has Completely Written Off Southern Europe

When it comes to the financial world, it is important to listen to what the “smart money” is saying, but it is much more important to watch what the “smart money” is actually doing.  The ultra-wealthy and those that run the biggest financial institutions on the planet are far more “connected” to what is really going on in financial circles behind the scenes than you and I could ever hope to be.  But if we watch their behavior we can get clues as to what they think is about to happen.  As is the case with so many other things, if you want to figure out what is really going on in Europe, just follow the money.  And right now, money is rapidly flowing out of southern Europe and into northern Europe.  In fact, some large corporations are now pulling the money that they make in Greece during the day out of the country every single night.  It is becoming increasingly clear that the upper crust of the financial world considers a Greek exit from the euro to be “inevitable” and that it also considers much of the rest of southern Europe to be a lost cause.  Unfortunately, a financial collapse across southern Europe is also likely to trigger another devastating global recession.

Even though all the warning signs were there, very few people actually expected to see the kind of financial crisis that we saw back in 2008.

But it happened.

Now very few people actually expect another “Lehman Brothers moment” to happen in Europe although the warning signs are all around us.

Sadly, most people never want to believe the truth until it is too late.

The following are 25 signs that the smart money has completely written off southern Europe….

#1 Lloyd’s of London is publicly admitting that it is rapidly making preparations for a collapse of the eurozone.

#2 According to the New York Times, top global law firms are advising their clients to withdraw all cash and all other liquid assets from Greece….

So their advice is blunt: Remove cash and other liquid assets from Greece and prepare to take a short-term hit on any other investments.

“My personal view is that it is irrational for anyone, whether a corporation or an individual, to be leaving money in Greek financial institutions, so long as there is a credible prospect of a euro zone exit,” said Ian M. Clark, a partner in London for White & Case, a global law firm that has a team of 10 lawyers focusing on the issue.

#3 According to CNBC, large numbers of wealthy Europeans have been moving their money from banks in southern Europe to banks in northern Europe….

Financial advisers and private bankers whose clients have accounts too large to be covered by a Europe-wide guarantee on deposits up to 100,000 euros ($125,000), are reporting a “bank run by wire transfer” that has picked up during May.

Much of this money has headed north to banks in London, Frankfurt and Geneva, financial advisers say.

“It’s been an ongoing process but it certainly picked up pace a couple of weeks ago We believe there is a continuous 2-3 year bank run by wire transfer,” said Lorne Baring, managing director at B Capital, a Geneva-based pan European wealth management firm.

#4 The President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Charles Plosser, says that the Federal Reserve is advising money market funds to reduce their exposure to Europe….

The Fed and regulators have tried to stress to money market funds, for example, to reduce their exposure to European financial institutions.

#5 The yield on 10-year Spanish bonds is rapidly moving toward the very important 7 percent level.

#6 Many multinational corporations that operate in Greece are now pulling their funds out of the country on a nightly basis.

#7 Juergen Fitschen, the co-CEO of Deutsche Bank, has publicly proclaimed that Greece is a “failed state“.

#8 The head of the Swiss central bank has admitted that Switzerland is developing an “action plan” for how it will handle the collapse of the eurozone.

#9 The European Commission has urged all member states to develop contingency plans for a Greek exit from the euro….

Last week, the European Commission said that it has asked member states to make plans to deal with a potential Greek exit, ahead of a second round of Greek elections on 17 June.

#10 PIMCO CEO Mohamed El-Erian says that a Greek exit from the euro “is probably inevitable“.

#11 Spanish stocks continue to drop like a rock.

#12 The percentage of bad loans on the books of Spanish banks has reached an 18 year high.

#13 Late on Friday, the Spanish government announced that banking giant Bankia is going to need a 19 billion euro bailout.

#14 Standard & Poor’s downgraded the credit ratings of five more Spanish banks to junk status on Friday.

#15 Moody’s downgraded the credit ratings of 16 Spanish banks back on May 17th.

#16 According to the Telegraph, “struggling European banks could be seized and controlled by Brussels as part of secret plans being drawn up”.

#17 The head of equity strategy at Societe Generale, Claudia Panseri, is warning that European stocks could fall by as much as 50 percent if Greece leaves the euro.

#18 Economist Marc Faber is warning that there is now a “100% chance” that there will be another global recession.

#19 There seems to be an increasing attempt to pin the problems that Greece is now experiencing on the behavior of Greek citizens.  The following are some of the shocking things that the head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, said in a recent interview….

“Do you know what? As far as Athens is concerned, I also think about all those people who are trying to escape tax all the time. All these people in Greece who are trying to escape tax.”

Even more than she thinks about all those now struggling to survive without jobs or public services? “I think of them equally. And I think they should also help themselves collectively.” How? “By all paying their tax. Yeah.”

It sounds as if she’s essentially saying to the Greeks and others in Europe, you’ve had a nice time and now it’s payback time.

“That’s right.” She nods calmly. “Yeah.”

And what about their children, who can’t conceivably be held responsible? “Well, hey, parents are responsible, right? So parents have to pay their tax.”

#20 According to the Telegraph, an unidentified member of Angela Merkel’s cabinet has stated that Germany simply will not “pour money into a bottomless pit”.

#21 This week the Bank of England is holding a “secret summit” of global central bankers to address the European financial crisis….

The summit will be dominated by central bankers including the host, Sir Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England. Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, and Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China, have been invited.

#22 According to Zero Hedge, a major German newspaper is reporting that a Greek exit from the eurozone is a “done deal”….

The Greece-exit is a done deal: According to the German economic news from financial circles EU and the ECB have abandoned the motherland of democracy as a euro member. The reason is, interestingly, not in the upcoming elections – these are basically become irrelevant. The EU has finally realized that the Greeks have not met any agreements and will not continue not to meet them. A banker: “We helped with the Toika. The help of the troika was tied to conditions. Greece has fulfilled none of the conditions, and has been for months now.”

#23 According to CNBC, preparations are quietly being made to print up and distribute new drachmas should the need arise….

British banknote printer De La Rue is drawing up plans to print new drachma notes in the event of a Greek euro exit, according to an industry source with knowledge of the matter.

The world’s biggest security firm G4S expects to be involved in distributing notes around the country.

#24 Citibank’s chief economist Willem Buiter is warning that any new currency issued by the Greek government could “immediately fall by 60 percent“.

#25 Reuters is reporting that a planning memo exists that suggests that Greece could receive as much as 50 billion euros to “ease its path” out of the eurozone.

If Greece does leave the eurozone, the cost to the rest of Europe is going to be astronomical.  The following is from a recent article by John Mauldin….

The debate among very knowledgeable individuals and institutions as to the future of Europe is intense. There are those who argue that the cost of breaking up the eurozone, even allowing Greece to leave, is so high that it will not be permitted to happen. Estimates abound of a cost of €1 trillion to European banks, governments, and businesses, just for the exit of Greece. And that does not include the cost of contagion as the markets wonder who is next. Keeping Spanish and Italian interest-rate costs at levels that can be sustained will cost even more trillions, as not just government debt but the entire banking system is at stake. Not to mention the pension and insurance funds. If the cost of Greece leaving is €1 trillion, then who can guess the cost of Spain or Italy?

As I have written about previously, a Greek exit from the euro would cause the “bank jogs” that are already happening in Spain and Italy to accelerate.

The problem in Europe is not just government debt.  The truth is that the entire European financial system is in danger of melting down.

Unfortunately, there are no more grand solutions on the horizon and so things are going to continue to get worse for Europe.

As I have talked about so many times, the next wave of the economic collapse is going to start in Europe, but it is going to deeply affect the entire globe.

During the next major economic downturn, the official unemployment rate in the United States will rise well up into the double digits.

Once that happens, perhaps many more Americans will finally figure out that they should have been paying much more attention to what was taking place in Europe.

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Q&A: Philadelphia Fed President Charles Plosser

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Charles Plosser spoke Saturday with The Wall Street Journal’s Brian Blackstone in Eltville, Germany. Mr. Plosser discussed risks to the U.S. from the Greek crisis, the Fed’s tools to contain any fallout and the central bank’s evolving communications strategy.

On whether Europe could have a significant effect on the U.S. economy:

Plosser: Europe is clearly near recession. That impacts the U.S. in part through trade. That has negative impacts but Europe is not our largest trading partner at the end of the day. The thing that people really worry about is you have some financial implosion in Europe and markets freeze up and you have some serious financial disruptions.

There are several ways this could go. At one level the U.S. has been trying to insulate itself from that risk. The Fed and regulators have tried to stress to money market funds, for example, to reduce their exposure to European financial institutions. So on a pure exposure basis I would say U.S. financial institutions are taking the steps they need to ensure that if there’s really financial distress in Europe it doesn’t necessarily lead to distress for them as an institution.

People have made the analogy that an implosion in Europe would be a Lehman Brothers-type event. It might be a Lehman Brothers-kind of event for Europe. And if the market is sort of indiscriminate in whom they withdraw funding to, you could have indiscriminate funding restrictions on U.S. institutions just because everybody’s scared.

There’s another scenario that is exactly the opposite. There might be–and you already see some of this–a flight to safety. So rather than the markets freezing access to short-term funding for U.S. institutions, you could have a flood of liquidity that gets withdrawn from European institutions, if that’s who they’re worried about, and floods into the United States. That’s exactly the opposite problem.

On which scenario is more likely:

Plosser: I don’t have the answer to that. The first point I made about U.S. institutions reducing their exposure to Europe, that tendency tends to move me into the camp where U.S. institutions are not as at risk and therefore it might be more the flood of liquidity than the drying up of liquidity. That’s one of the uncertainties that we just don’t know the answer to.

On what the Fed can do to limit any fallout from Europe:

Plosser: It can only react. The swap lines we have with the European Central Bank are one way to support U.S. dollar funding in Europe. I don’t think a flood of liquidity is a huge problem. That would be manageable. The bigger problem is if it dries up for everybody. The Fed still has the tools it used during the crisis. We have the discount window and we have the ability to lend to financial institutions at a penalty rate against good collateral. And we have on the shelf some of the tools we used during the crisis: the Term Auction Facility and longer-term lending through the discount window to help mitigate that. So I think we have the tools at our disposal if they become necessary.

On whether the Fed is captive to events in Europe:

Plosser: We’re not captive. It’s just harder to read the data. I think that Europe is just throwing a lot of noise into the system right now. The markets seem to be more sensitive about what’s going on in Europe than what’s going on in the U.S. It makes it tougher to extract signals on our own economy. If you’re trying to use U.S. interest rates as a signal about the U.S. economy, in part it’s getting swamped from these liquidity flows from Europe.

On how Europe affects his economic forecasts:

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Government Orders Youtube to Censor Videos

Eddie | 27 May 2012
Source: ConsciousnessTV

In a frightening example of how the state is tightening its grip around the free Internet, it has emerged that You Tube is complying with thousands of requests from governments to censor and remove videos that show protests and other examples of citizens simply asserting their rights, while also deleting search terms by government mandate.

The latest example is You Tube’s compliance with a request from the British government to censor footage of the British Constitution Group Lawful Rebellion protest,  during which they attempted to civilly arrest Judge Michael Peake at Birkenhead county court.

Peake was ruling on a case involving Roger Hayes, former member of UKIP, who has refused to pay council tax, both as a protest against the government’s treasonous activities in sacrificing Britain to globalist interests and as a result of Hayes clearly proving that council tax is illegal.

Hayes has embarked on an effort to legally prove that the enforced collection of council tax by government is unlawful  because no contract has been agreed between the individual and the state. His argument is based on the sound legal principle that just like the council, Hayes can represent himself as a third party in court and that “Roger Hayes” is a corporation and must be treated as one in the eyes of the law.

 The British government doesn’t want this kind of information going viral in the public domain because it is scared stiff of a repeat of the infamous poll tax riots of 1990, a massive tax revolt in the UK that forced the Thatcher government to scrap the poll tax altogether because of mass civil disobedience and refusal to pay.

When viewers in the UK  attempt to watch videos of the protest, they are met with the message, “This content is not available in your country due to a government removal request.”

We then click through to learn  that, “YouTube occasionally receives requests from governments around the world to remove content from our site, and as a result, YouTube may block specific content in order to comply with local laws in certain countries.”

You can also search by country  to discover that Google, the owner of You Tube, has complied with the majority of requests from governments, particularly in the United States and the UK, not only to remove You Tube videos, but also specific web search terms and thousands of “data requests,” meaning demands for information that would reveal the true identity of a You Tube user. Google claims that the information sent to governments is “needed for legitimate criminal investigations,” but whether these “data requests” have been backed up by warrants is not divulged by the company.

“Between July 1 and Dec. 31 (2009), Google received 3,580 requests for user data from U.S. government agencies, slightly less than the 3,663 originating from Brazil,” reports PC World. “The United Kingdom and India sent more than 1,000 requests each, and smaller numbers originated from various other countries.”

With regard to search terms, one struggles to understand how a specific combination of words in a Google search can be considered a violation of any law. This is about government and Google working hand in hand to manipulate search results in order to censor inconvenient information, something which Google now freely admits to doing.

You Tube’s behavior is more despicable than the Communist Chinese, who are at least open about their censorship policies, whereas You Tube hides behind a blanket excuse and doesn’t even say what law has been broken.

Anyone who swallows the explanation that the videos were censored in this case because the government was justifiably enforcing a law that says scenes from inside a court room cannot be filmed is beyond naive. Court was not even in session in the protest footage that was removed, and the judge had already left the courtroom.

The real reason for the removal is the fact that the British government is obviously petrified of seeing a group of focused and educated citizens, black, white, old and young, male and female, go head to head with the corrupt system on its own stomping ground.

In their efforts to keep a lid on the growing populist fury that has arrived in response to rampant and growing financial and political tyranny in every sector of society, governments in the west are now mimicking Communist Chinese-style Internet censorship policies in a bid to neutralize protest movements, while hypocritically lecturing the rest of the world on maintaining web freedom.

Via a combination of cybersecurity legislation and policy that is hastily introduced with no real oversight, governments and large Internet corporations are crafting an environment where the state can simply demand information be removed on a whim with total disregard for freedom of speech protections.

This was underscored last year at the height of the Wikileaks issue, when Amazon axed Wikileaks from its servers following a phone call made by Senator Joe Lieberman’s Senate Homeland Security Committee  demanding the website be deleted.

Lieberman has been at the forefront of a push to purge the Internet of all dissent by empowering Obama with a figurative Internet kill switch that he would use to shut down parts of the Internet or terminate websites under the guise of national security. Lieberman spilled the beans on the true reason for the move during a CNN interview when he stated “Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too.”

Except that China doesn’t disconnect the Internet “in case of war,” it only ever does so to censor and intimidate people who express dissent against government atrocities or corruption, as we have documented.  This is precisely the kind of online environment the British and American governments are trying to replicate as they attempt to put a stranglehold on the last bastion of true free speech – the world wide web.

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  • metaretriever2

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Great cartoons on the news this morning

From: http://www.businessinsider.com/cartoons-facebook-ipo-2012-5#-25

Notice from where this sentiment is emerging!  Yes, Jean, that’s right from Queen Breatrix’s very own NETHERLANDS!  Kind of puts a new spin on all of this “Bilderberg” mind-control stuff, doesn’t it? [SaS]

From: http://www.businessinsider.com/cartoons-facebook-ipo-2012-5#-10

From:  http://www.businessinsider.com/cartoons-facebook-ipo-2012-5#-11

This is more evidence of the “BEGINNING” of “The End.”  The public has had enough.  [SaS]

From: http://www.npr.org/2012/05/15/152680000/double-take-toons-can-you-bank-on-it

This, from the mainstream media, does not bode well for Wall Street!




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Source: Take Back Your Power Now
Posted on May 28, 2012

A New Declaration Submitted to the US Federal Government

To: The President of the United States, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and US Supreme Court

Submitted by: We, the People, of the USA and those oppressed by American Militarism

Date: May 28, 2012

There comes a time in the affairs of humankind when it becomes necessary to throw off the yoke of tyranny which has insidiously taken over the governments of the world. That moment has arrived, as this still new millennium has ineluctably placed demands on We, The People, to stand in our own truth and take back our power. Herein lies the demands that We, The People, speak to power with indomitable conviction and undeterrable resolve.

We, The People of the USA, inaugurate this global civil enterprise through these uncompromising demands made directly to the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the United States Federal Government. As but a single collective representative of the world body politic, we implore the community of nations, and all peoples everywhere, to undertake this same endeavor wherever the need to break free from tyranny has become self-evident.

We, The People of these United States of America (USA), do solemnly take back our rights, liberties and powers, which are considered by all righteous governments to be inalienable, from an unlawful and tyrannical US Federal Government that has wrongfully and systematically encroached upon the inherent rights of its citizens.

We, The People, acknowledge the wrongful usurpation of powers, as well as jurisdictional and legal necessities originally possessed by the fifty Sovereign States of the USA. Through a longstanding pattern of legislation of unconstitutional law, these inherent powers have been unlawfully stripped from these Sovereign States. Each State is now fully empowered to retain their original sovereign status as established by the US Constitution.

We, The People, demand that the US Federal Government immediately cease and desist from legislating, executing and adjudicating all law which is not in strict compliance with natural law, common law and constitutional law. Furthermore, we demand an expeditious review of all US Federal Statutes in order to determine their fitness in this regard.

We, The People, demand that the US Federal Government immediately cease and desist from all illegal enforcement actions against its citizens, as well as citizens of other nations, which are in obvious contravention of international law, scriptural law, common law and US constitutional law. Toward this end, we demand the immediate closure of the extra-judicial detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, as well as the Parwan Detention Facility (formerly known as the Bagram Theater Internment Facility), and all others that operate outside the rubric of both the US Criminal Law Code and Uniform Code of Military Justice.

We, The People, demand an immediate and permanent suspension of each and every law, statute and rule/regulation that is in violation of divinely ordained human rights, civil rights, and constitutional rights. Especially where these rights are violated in the course of the repugnant state-sponsored administration of torture by the US Federal Government and its proxies in “safe” national havens around the world, we demand immediate termination of such inhumane and unacceptable conduct.

We, The People, demand an immediate cessation to all war-making activity around the world. This includes the immediate withdrawal of troops from the illegal and undeclared wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. This demand also includes the many wars being waged by proxy through covert agencies (CIA), as well as by all corporate, mercenary entities such as Wackenhut and Xe Services (Blackwater). The US Government will immediately end the illegal and abhorrent practices of rendition, as well as the extrajudicial killing of foreign citizens by drones and any other means utilized in foreign lands.

We, The People, further demand that all economic and financial warfare being waged against the perceived enemies of the USA be permanently ended. The relentless manipulation of the financial/economic markets of the world, to include equity, bond, commodity, real estate, derivative and currency, must cease without exception. Furthermore, the US Federal Reserve (privately owned, international crime syndicate) must be placed in a temporary receivorship, as its collection agency, the IRS, is dissolved and reconstituted as a lawful revenue-collecting entity in order to carry on the affairs of State.

We, The People, demand that the aerosol spraying of chemtrails in our skies, fluoridation of our water supplies, and the irradiation and chemical poisoning of our food be stopped. The EPA, FDA and NIH will be re-chartered, as will all other agencies and departments which have profoundly violated the public trust. The critical Departments of Homeland Security, Treasury, Energy and Interior will be subjected to an immediate review and reorganization in the interest that the People will be served first, not the corporatocracy which has been unduly enriched for many decades.

We,The People, demand a planned and orderly dissolution of the current US Federal Government. It has become apparent to all citizens, that there has been a multi-decade and ongoing pattern of illegal conduct throughout the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the US Government, which has been deemed to be in profound and fundamental violation of the US Constitution, as well as other foundational governing documents. Both the Public Trust and Social Contract have been irreversibly broken through this intractable and unlawful behavior, as the sacred Governing Documents of this once great nation have been left in tatters. We aim to see them restored to their rightful place and, over time, greatly improved upon to reflect the evolving realities and emerging needs of a rapidly changing world.

We, The People, demand the planned election and appointment of a law-abiding transitional US government, which will assume the proper, timely and thorough administration of all duties and responsibilities starting with strict compliance with the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This transitional government shall override all powers and perceived rights of governance which have been unlawfully arrogated unto the US Corporation and executed through the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).

Finally, We, The People, demand that a TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION be established in order for the suppressed truths regarding all matters of State that have taken place without the People’s knowledge and consent, and which have unduly put the American people at great risk and in substantial jeopardy, be given a full airing within the body politic.

We, The People, have spoken, and we expect a substantive response to these demands in the immediate future, whereupon the appropriate re-establishment of this Constitutional Republic may proceed forthwith. A national conference to discuss a Restore American Sovereignty Plan will be convened with all deliberate speed.

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