

The 7 Worst Supermarket RipOffs that Affect Your Food Budget

Lithium in Your Drinking Water | Crystal Clear Conservative

…but not a therapeutic amount, that would be like drinking several Olympic-sized swimming pools every minute.  Huh?
Whoa. He really said it, didn’t he?  Well, if it means lower crime, then I guess it can’t hurt, right?

Should lithium be added to our drinking water?
No! Non-therapeutic levels? I don't want to be drugged at any level.

83% (19 Votes)

Yes! Throw in Adderol, and it's a deal!

13% (3 Votes)

I don't care either way because I get drugged by the bottled water I drink

4% (1 Votes)

23 Total Votes
(Voting has closed)

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous


According to Mythology, the mint plant got it's name from the beautiful nymph, Minta. She caught the attention of the Greek god Hades, whose wife Persephone got wind of the infatuation and decided to take matters into her own hands. Persephone transformed Minta into the plant--one that would always be destined to grow in the shadows.




plant mint at the perimeters

of your property for protection:

for prosperity, to enhance

healing of all kinds;

sew mint into pillows for dreams

of romance, healing, good luck


cook with mint to balance hot spices

soothing a tummy ache;breathing

minty essential oil energizes,

opens lungs capacities:

mint's element is air, her planets

are mercury and pluto


she stands for virtue

warm feelings

amidst her cooling nature;

throw a few leaves in your shoes&

walk within a daily healing affirmation:

i embrace healing on all levels of my being




Kate Lamberg

Copyright March 30, 2011

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous