
Private Prison Corporations Are Modern Day Slave Traders

The Corrections Corporation of America believes the economic crisis has created an opportunity to become landlord, as well as manager, of a chunk of the American prison gulag.

April 29, 2012 | The nation’s largest private prison company, the Corrections Corporation of America, is on a buying spree. With a war chest of $250 million, the corporation, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, earlier this year sent letters to 48 states, offering to buy their prisons outright. To ensure their profitability, the corporation insists that it be guaranteed that the prisons be kept at least 90 percent full. Plus, the corporate jailers demand a 20-year management contract, on top of the profits they expect to extract by spending less money per prisoner.


Full Story (alternet.org)

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous





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Declan of the Pleiades: An Ambassador of Peace and His Perspective On Disclosure. By, AuroRa Le. April 30, 2012.

Declan of the Pleiades: An Ambassador of Peace and His Perspective On Disclosure. By, AuroRa Le. April 30, 2012.


I am Declan, a Pleiadian and an Ambassador of Peace with the Galactic Federation of Light.  I am your treasured Brethren, AuroRa, though you have temporarily forgotten me!  At this time,  I function as one of many who operate as cultural liasons, if you will, at this time when we seek to make our presence known to you, in the not-so-distant days to come.   Ours are Light Teams, arriving as scouts with the intention of studying and assessing your changing social climate.  Walking the walk and getting the lay of the land, as you would say.  Being Humonid Pleiadian, we are able to blend in. We are able to adjust our physical vibrations and take the necessary steps which allow us to visit for very short periods – a day or less – and move among the populace unnoticed.  For the most part, our physical appearances are much the same, and this fact alone should speak volumes!  We travel to Earth in order to determine when the timing will be right for the Great Reveal.  Do you feel you are ready?  Do we feel that you are at a place in your development where you can effectively handle both the ups and downs of Disclosure?


Light Teams are everywhere;  in every country, city, cultural and ethnic grouping.  We number in the thousands, and embark from the the fleets of ships which are sheltered by the lovely cloud formations in your skies.  Unseen by Human eyes are also hidden stargates, which enable us to come and go in such a way as to cause no fright nor raise an alarm.  We interact with you in ways that will allow us to thoroughly study your progress, and empathetically experience and address your most pressings thoughts and concerns;  your hopes and dreams for the New Earth.  In this way we may also live the linear experience firsthand.  Many of our teams bring with us Brethren of differing planetary origin, other than Pleiadian, who are possessed of the grand ability to shapeshift their form at will, yet still tolerate the discomforts of the third density.  Such a gift as theirs also allows them to assume the appearance of children and freely move among the Crystalline and Golden ones – as it is they who are to be the cornerstones of the new societies to come.  It is Teams such as these who choose to pass among you as family units.  In a lighter vein, you may look upon us as Galactic tourists, engaged merrily on holiday, partaking of the native fare and soaking up the local color.  After all, Earth was originally deemed The Vacation Planet, was it not?


  So, should you happen upon us and know us for who we are, please embrace us as family and share a lively reminiscence or two!


Referring back to the topic of Disclosure, we see those in our ranks, of a decision-making capacity, vacillating back and forth about the timing of such an important step.  This would account for the many “missed” opportunities that have passed by, quiet days with seemingly nothing of note going on.  I can assure you there have been many, the most recent of which occurred this February past.  Trust me when I say that we wholeheartedly desire for Disclosure to occur, and we are closely charting your progress in order to determine when the time for our reunion is right.  The research and findings of the Light Teams will aid in determining the safest time for us to step out of the background and make ourselves known to our families on Earth.  It is far less about what is convenient for us, but more our valid concern about the the panic our sudden appearance could cause, along with the following ensuing chaos. 


Oh, I can see and hear what you’re thinking, AuroRa.  You think, “Tell us what your teams are actually learning about us, Declan.  What do you believe would happen if we had Disclosure right now?”  And I say to you that mankind is close, so very close, but the time is not right today – at this very moment of our conversation.  You must remember that all of humanity is not at the same level of awareness as many of you who are reading these words.  We happily see you embracing your Divinity in an ever-expanding, rapidly ascending manner;  something we find quite remarkable, really.  The planet you live on is a colorful mosaic of differing mores and cultures.  There are certain areas of your the Earth where it’s inhabitants have been ready for Disclosure for quite some time – the indiginous people being an example of this.   And of course  there are all of you, the Lightworker community, who wait with baited breath for us to shed our cloaks and illuminate your skies.  Your faith in us, and infinite patience warms our hearts and is respected by all who know you.  Know also that your chosen roles as ‘awakeners’  is the very thing which brings the day of disclosure closer, and the ascension process to it’s full fruition.  Your tireless diligence is bringing humanity together, and one by one they will all surely come to the light.  We are just as anxious, maybe more so, for our reunion to come about, as from where we sit we can see the whole picture.  However, do not forget that as magnificent and love-filled as our reunion will be, there is also a potentially less attractive flipside. 

Your dear Human Brethren have been blinded and misled for so long that many are unable to discern fact from fiction.  Approach them with compassion and know that it is by no fault of their own.  So many still struggle beneath the weight of crippling dogma, fear, lack, and poor self-worth.


  Illusions, all. They are part and parcel of the web of false matrices which are at this moment being dismantled by you,  piece by piece.  These dear souls cannot remember their own perfection.  They cannot wrap their minds and hearts around even the most remote possibility that what you and I are saying is true.  Very, very soon the mirage will vanish and all they think they have ever known will disintegrate to dust before their eyes.  They will feel betrayed, hurt, embarrrased, foolish for believing a lifetime of untruths. 


For some, their pain will cause them to act out in violence and aggression.  They will feel completely justified in this.  Destructive emotions such as these have the potential to spread like a contagious disease, and the very last thing we should ever want is for the shock of our appearance to add fuel to the proverbial fire.  Do know that we are even now doing much to minimize the effects of  the changes taking place upon your planet. But we must tread gently.  We must allow for more to place themselves on the enlightened path.  We must do what is best for all beings of Earth.


The Old Guard is perched at the edge of a precipice which is set to give way at any moment.  It is inevitable.  Your true history is slowly coming to be known.  It is our deepest desire to be by your side at this time, standing hand in hand.  You are our family.  I, Declan, have walked incarnated, as you have, for so many lifetimes.  I waked miles upon the soil of Gaia.  How well I recall the power of Human emotion.  Love and loss, elation and sorrow, comfort and pain, passion and loneliness.  Invaluable lessons, every one.  Indeed, they each serve to make us stronger.  I come forward today to remind you of our kinship and to reassure you that we are here, so close, and in your lives in ways that you might never have imagined.  Stay strong, and be in peace.

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous


The Olympians and the Central Council of the Galactic Federation of Light

What Sources Say We’ll Ascend on Dec. 21, 2012?

What Sources Say We’ll Ascend on Dec. 21, 2012?

2012 April 30
Posted by GLR~ Steve Beckow

How do we know that Ascension will occur on Dec. 21, 2012? Who said it will? Various galactic, celestial and spiritual sources have. Why don’t we review their evidence to see who supports that date as the time of Ascension.


On Feb. 24, 2012, SaLuSa told us: “That you have a date for the completion of this cycle is wonderful, as it means you have something to set your sights upon as you count the days that remain.” (1) On some occasions, SaLuSa places the time at the end of 2012: “Nothing will stop the Ascension process from finally manifesting at the end of 2012.” (2) Elsewhere, he actually names the date as “the 21st of December,” 2012 (3) and “21.12.12.” (4)

Celestials like Archangel Michael support the same date for Ascension. Here he speaks through Celia Fenn on the matter: “Beloved Ones, you are all invited to be present at the Grand Ceremonies of Inauguration of the New Earth Reality on the 11/11/11, the 12/12/12 and the 21/12/12.” (5)


The angels that speak through Magenta Pixie have named the same date as the time for Ascension: “We have spoken much of the date 21st of December, 2012, and indeed, that date, the culmination of the Ascension process, is a significant one.” (6)


Matthew Ward put the time of Ascension at the end of 2012:  “It is Earth’s destiny to leave third density when a universal cycle opens an astral window at the end of this year.” (7)


“The highest universal council created the master plan for [Earth's] transition out of third density and the return to fifth, where Earth’s soul originated and remained even as the accumulating negativity caused her body to spiral downward.

“The plan included the joint efforts of evolved beings from other civilizations with selected persons on Earth and a timetable for the planet to be out of third density, the end of your year 2012. Even though time—which in reality is the prevailing energy frequency—is passing more quickly by the day, Earth’s timely arrival at the threshold of what was named her Golden Age is certain.” (8)


SaLuSa reveals that “the solar cycle was planned to complete in 2012.” (9) On another occasion, he identifies Dec. 21, 2012 as the day the Mayan calendar ends, though he adds that history does not also end on that date.


“Word of the year 2012 being an important one is spreading, but unfortunately because the Mayan Calendar ends on the 21st of December, it is being taken by some people as the end of the world. That of course naturally evokes fear amongst you, but with the coverage given by the Internet we feel that it will soon be understood that the ‘end’ is but the beginning of a new cycle.” (10)


Not only did SaLuSa agree that the Mayan calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012; he also held that a galactic alignment would occur on that day and be instrumental in bringing about Ascension:


“As things unfold this year you will see plenty of proof in respect of our part in the build up to Ascension. It is real and divinely decreed to take place with a high point due to the powerful alignment on the 21st. December 2012. From thereon you will continue to evolve into even higher dimensions, each one more beautiful and peaceful than the one before.” (11)


Kryon, who first spoke of Ascension in 1989, also supports the theory that it’s the galactic alignment of that date that will presage or cause the shift.


“So now we will review yet again, in a more succinct fashion than ever before, the changes that we began to speak of in 1989. … The shift before you is a shift of Human consciousness. It coordinates with the Galactic Alignment, the precession of the wobble of the earth, bringing into alignment that which you see as your sun aligning with the center of the galaxy. This represents the profound prophecy from the ancients. Something is happening regarding the evolution of Human consciousness. If you were to assign an attribute to it, it would be that which is a speed-up of vibration.” (12)


The same contentions are made by others who draw on Mayan calculations. Reba Cain, for instance, says that “the Mayan Long Count Calendar marks a cycle of 5,125 years … ends on December 21, 2012.” (13)  Mayan elder Carlos Barrios tells us that the date was named by the Mayans as well. In an article by Elaine Seiler, Barrios is quoted as saying:


“Anthropologists visit the temple sites and read the inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It’s just their imagination. Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed.”


“We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth Changes.” (14)

Seiler gives Barrios’ interpretation of what we might expect on Dec. 21, according to the Mayan predictions:


“The indigenous have the calendars and know how to accurately interpret it — not others. The Mayan Calendars comprehension of time, seasons, and cycles has proven itself to be vast and sophisticated. The Maya understand 17 different calendars such as the Tzolk’in or Cholq’ij, some of them charting time accurately over a span of more than ten million years. …


“At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree remembered in all the world’s spiritual traditions.


“Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the Earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration. Carlos reminds us: ‘This process has already begun. Change is accelerating now and it will continue to accelerate.’” (15)


Well-known spiritual author Diana Cooper also ties the date not only into Mayan and other native calculations but into events that began with Atlantis. She gives a vivid picture of what will happen on that day.


“2012 marks the end of a 26,000 year astrological period as recognized by the Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, Maoris and most of the ancient cultures.  December 2012 is also the final end of the experiment of Atlantis.  This took 10,000 years to set up, lasted for 240,000 years and is taking 10,000 years to tie up all the loose ends, so the 260,000 year experiment ends on 21.12.2012.

“Then we start a double transformational shift as the planet and all on her, including humans, rapidly move towards ascension.  This is the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth that there has ever been in the entire history of the planet and beings from all over the Universes are watching in awe at what is happening on Earth.


“There are two cosmic moments occurring, one at 11.11 on 11th November 2011 and the second at 11.11 on 21st December 2012.  These are instants of total silence throughout the Universe when the portals of heaven open pouring in new divine energy – and unimaginable things can happen.  Vast numbers of people will awaken psychically and spiritually.” (16)


We’ve already heard sources like SaLuSa and Carlos Barrios say that history does not end on Dec. 21, 2012. In fact it was common for our sources to say that Dec. 21 is not a final but a beginning date. Here is the Arcturian group through Marilyn Raffaelle on the subject in their inaugural message of 2012: “We wish you all a very happy 2012 — the year so many have been waiting for for so long. Be aware that not all is going to suddenly appear different on December 21, 2012.” (17)


They remind us that Ascension is simply another step in realizing the purpose of life – awakening to our divinity – rather than simply beautifying the planet.


“This is an ongoing process of light which is dependent upon you, dear ones, dependent upon the activity of light flowing onto the planet though the awakening of souls to their divine nature. These times are about awakening to your divinity, not simply about making the world a more pleasant place to live.” (18)


The theme that Dec. 21 is a beginning rather than an ending date can be found in SaLuSa as well. “Bear in mind that the 21.12.12 is a major upliftment,” he tells us, “yet only the beginning of another cycle of experience. However, it is for your civilization the opportunity to leave duality, and not continue re-incarnating in the lower dimension.” (19)


Matthew Ward also reminds us that the date is an entrance, not an exit: “The arrival of the popularized date of December 21, 2012, does not mean that Earth humankind will have entered an era of complacent stability.” (20)


Thus “the countdown to Ascension has started,” according to SaLuSa. (21)


“The energies around the world continue to build up, and are carried by the grid that is lifting up the Earth. All is preparing for the final thrust of energy, that will propel it into the new level of expression and out of duality. It will also fulfill the promises of a new Age that will be unlike anything you have experienced previously. and truly bring about a heaven upon Earth.” (22)

We can see that a range of sources, from Mayans to masters, galactics to celestials have named the date of Dec. 21, 2012 as one on which a galactic alignment opens an astral window and allows this planet and its inhabitants to increase their frequency from that of the Third to that of the Fifth Dimension. Not all sources and scholars agree on the same date, but a significant body of credible sources do.



(1) SaLuSa, Feb. 24, 2012, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(2) SaLuSa, Sept. 5, 2011.

(3) SaLuSa, Jan. 20, 2012.

(4) SaLuSa, Oct. 31, 2011.

(5) Archangel Michael, “Endings and Beginnings: The Sacred Union of Divine Light,” through Celia Fenn, July 25, 2011, at http://despertando.me/2011/07/25/ascended-maestres-despertando-20110725-archangel-michael-through-celia-fenn-endings-and-beginnings-the-sacred-union-of-divine-light/.

(6) The White Winged Collective Consciousness of None through Magenta Pixie, May 15, 2011, at .

(7) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 4, 2012, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm

(8) Matthew’s Message, May 8, 2011.

(9) SaLuSa, June 29, 2011.

(10) SaLuSa, Jan. 20, 2012.

(11) SaLuSa, Feb. 11, 2011.

(12) Kryon, Live Channelling, Boulder, Colorado, Sunday, January 16, 2011, as channelled by Lee Carroll, at http://www.kryon.com/k_channel11_boulder.html.

(13) Reba Cain, “The Mayan Calendar: What You Need to Know,” The Awakening Shift, Feb. 19, 2011 at http://www.theawakeningshift.com/tag/carl-calleman/.

(14) Elaine Seiler, “2012 Will Not be the End of the Word,” April 21, 2011, Transformation Energetics, at http://transformationenergetics.com/2011/04/2012-world/

(15) Loc. cit.

(16) Diana Cooper, “Why is 2012 so important?” at http://www.dianacooper.com/2012/ .

(17) Arcturian Group, Jan. 8, 2012, at http://www.weareallone.com

(18) Loc. cit.

(19) SaLuSa, Oct. 31, 2011.

(20) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 21, 2009.

(21) SaLuSa, Feb. 24, 2012.

(22) SaLuSa, Jan. 19, 2012.



Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

UntitledBuy your way to Heaven! The Catholic Church brings back indulgences

Avey Owyns

"The message of indulgences is foolishness to those who don't believe."

This is a blatant twisting of scripture, which states that the GOSPELS is foolishness to those who don't believe, not every tradition the Catholic Church forces upon its unfortunate followers.

Please provide scripture highlighting the validity of indulgences and purgatory.

3 minutes ago Report abuse Permalink rate up rate down Reply

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous





In numerology, the language of numbers and their symbolic meaning, numbers and dates are added together to obtain the true meaning or essence. For example the year of 2012 is 2+1+2 = 5 showing the overall essence of 2012 is the five energy. May being the fifth month and 2012 being a five year, the triple portal date of 5-5-5 IS significant. Take just a moment to reflect upon the number 5, which in numerology represents major change at the most primal meaning and translation.


Of course 2012 would be a 5 year! It makes perfect sense as we move into the next grand cycle under the Galactic Mayan Calendar. This entire year is about grand transformation.


May 5, 2012 also is full moon, the Wesak moon to be exact, celebrating the birth and ‘enlightenment’ of the Buddha. Again a very powerful and significant date. The Buddha energy and teachings are all about compassion and balance as we navigate this duality existence within the 3D reality of life. It is the Buddha, the Cosmic Councils of Light and many other councils who are communicating from the higher realms the importance of this date. So why aren’t more talking about it?


The pure beauty of the symbology is magical. The first 5 within the triple portal date represents the COSMIC, the second the DIVINE HUMAN as the vehicle, the third MOTHER GAIA. You can begin to see the balance and symmetry in the perfection of this date. Five, which represents major change, reflects what is happening within the grand design of our evolution, as we move into higher states of conscious awareness. As we come into alignment with the galactic center, new Light frequencies, information and emanations from the core of our solar system will be available. We have not been in this alignment for approximately 26, 000 years. THIS TRIANGULATION, PLANETARY POSITION MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO RECEIVE NEW SPECRUM'S OF LIGHT WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE. This is what makes this time in cosmic history so special.


These new spectrum’s of Light are information, technology and communication from the galactic core, which are designed to EXPAND OUR UNDERSTANDING OF OURSELVES AND OUR PLACE WITHIN THE SOLAR SYSTEM, GALACTIC FAMILY AND COSMIC HEART AND MIND.


This portal of the 5-5-5 begins a new transmission of codes which more effectively communicate the concept of ‘As Above, So Below.’ The understanding that ALL emanates from Original Source energy. That we are all part of the whole. That each manifestation is a pure mirror reflection of our thoughts, thus creating our reality. The new codes will amplify the knowledge and ability to understand the Light frequency, which creates the structure and manifests it into a physical expression within our world. It will bring through the next level of understanding that WE create our reality.


The 5-5-5 portal is paramount. New spectrum’s of Light will become available on this auspicious date from the Cosmic Galactic Core. These Light Codes and information will usher in the next stage of DNA activation and energy blueprint configuration to enable this expansion in human consciousness. We as the physical way showers, code carriers and Star seeds will be the “Portal” in which these codes anchor into our reality. As we stand upon Gaia, we will be the portal which grounds this Light into physical manifestation.


At the purest form, Light is Source Energy. Light codes are a pure form of communication from Source. They are a configuration of mathematical and frequency sequencing, the universal language of our universe, making distinct and precise ‘information packets,’ which are recognized and translatable by the human energetic/physical structure. These packets work directly with the physical and multi-dimensional DNA to activate and trigger memory and conscious understanding.


Light codes work on many levels, a small sample of what they are designed to do is… They trigger physical memory for the body to hold, integrate and interpret Light to transform your cellular structure into a crystalline configuration. They activate your multi-dimensional memory to connect with your Higher Self /Soul Essence and remember who you are. They release and restore ancient wisdom from other star systems and Gaia herself. They also bring future technologies and knowledge into our conscious awareness on an individual and collective level. But ultimately they are designed to help humanity (all sentient beings) remember we are all part of Source energy and Divine.


The energy, Light codes will pulse from the Galactic core, through our physical bodies and into Gaia. Then Gaia, as our celestial host, will transmit through our physical portals, back to the Galactic Core/Source intelligence our level of Light quotient and our readiness to hold the next level of DNA Light codes. This pulsing between the Cosmic Core, the Physical Body/Blueprint and Gaia will continue throughout the day and across the globe as the light information downloads into the energy matrix of those able to anchor it into their systems. Are you ready?


As the codes anchor into the Light matrix of those holding sufficient Light quotient, the cellular structure and DNA will once again take a Quantum up shift.


These codes will begin to activation within the DNA/RNA of the Star Seeds, Code Carriers and Light workers who signed up to be the forerunners to anchor this for humanity. Between the dates of May 5 and Dec 12, 2012, those anchoring these codes will prepare the human blueprint/matrix to reconfigure and hold this level of awareness. The Light matrix has many components such as the Merkaba, Ka Body, the Light body, etc., but in it’s purest and most encompassing state, it is the structure which interprets the information from ‘Source Light’ and makes it comprehensible to the human mind. Our promise and role is to prepare our Light Matrix to hold this light and information at a sufficient level, and in enough numbers, so the blueprint can be expanded into the planetary grids. Thus making it accessible to all of humanity. This level of Light within the Human Matrix will be necessary to prepare the masses for the influx of Light coming when the 144 Crystalline Grid structure fully comes on line 12-12-12.


This is a major preparatory assignment that many signed up for. ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? Our physical systems are reconfiguring at the cellular level to reconnect to the Cosmic Heart and Mind. To shift into a level of perception that allows for a clear understanding of ourselves as Divine Beings of Light and our existence within the Cosmic whole.


We ARE the portals of Light!

Gather together with other Light workers and anchor this Light as the Divine Human vehicle that you are. All places upon Gaia are sacred! However, if you can gather on the Power Places, on the Vortex’s, on the significant ley lines of Gaia your ability to more fully anchor this energy will be enhanced. (


The call is being sounded. We have all been working towards this assignment for years. We have continued to follow the promptings of Spirit to be in service to humanity. Gather with your soul family, celebrate the full moon energies of Wesak and the Buddha, dance, sing and honor your role as a multidimensional Master of Light.

When you add the numbers of 5-5-5 you get 15. 1+5= 6. The essence energy of a six is HOME and FAMILY. We are part of the Cosmic Family of Light!


Our place within it will be more fully realized as the new Light codes activate within our DNA and our memory of who we truly are comes into our awareness. 2012 is a transformational year! Live Your Light!

Posted by Ram Arjuna 4-30-12

Ram Arjuna's Page

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

No More Sleeping

The excerpted material in the following is from an interview with James of the WingMakers conducted by Kerry Cassidy and archived on her website.


Human Mind System

Three primary functional mechanisms:

  • Unconscious (genetic) mind-all humanity
  • Subconscious-family bloodlines
  • Conscious-individual

“Copy of the human family folded inside a copy of your parents and bloodlines, placed into an individualized expression: you.”

Social and cultural engineering keeps you conformed to the HMS.

Humans are both dimensional and inter-dimensional.

First Source is all of us. Collective us. First Source is the human collective freed from the HMS.

First Source divided itself into individualized expressions-us.

Seduced to give up inter-dimensional life by Annunaki. We were Atlanteans at the time.

Sovereign Integrals operate within the soul (astral body) and are subject to the HMS. Even at death, the Sovereign Integral is not released from the HMS. This supports Joshua and his posts as an elite family member. We are in prison and cannot escape until we keep our knowing at our next death.

God as separate from us created by Annunaki. Savior/master environment.

Saviors take on many forms including 2nd coming of Christ, spirits, ETs, angels.

Each of us is our own and only savior. Only we can shut down the HMS. We awaken to our Sovereign Integral consciousness. This is what happened to me in April 2011. Similar to Joshua’s explanation. Mass awakening will free humanity, hopefully.

“It is well past the hour that humans wake up to what they are participating in and learn how they can stop it – one individual at a time. We are the key to our dilemma and we must learn how to deactivate the suppression matrix so we can awaken to the Sovereign Integral consciousness, live within its behavioral intelligence, and release ourselves from the grip of the mind and human instrument.”

“Those who extol hope and light, I can only say that you will be disappointed if your hope is contingent on anyone, save yourself, to facilitate change in this world.”

“The change I want to see in the world is that people begin to see themselves as multidimensional beings whose core is the Sovereign Integral that is the distillation of First Source in a singular, human expression. If people were only in tune with this frequency, they would understand that all is united in oneness, equality, and truth. This is the definition of the Grand Portal as it has been disclosed by the WingMakers mythology for the past ten years.”

“Each individual is a portal unto themselves, and this portal is the access point to the inter-dimensional worlds of the Sovereign Integral, where the human instrument, like a space suit, is finally removed and the individual realizes their true, infinite nature. And in this realization, understands that everyone –

EVERYONE – is equal in this state, and in this equality we are ONE. The Grand Portal is when humanity stands-up as ONE BEING to this all-encompassing realization and then we transcend the suppression framework and express as Sovereigns.”

James does not expound on Ascension. His analysis is quite correct, but he omits any discussion about Gaia asking for and receiving Divine help. He doesn’t speak of groups of entities coming to the aid of humanity to assist in our release from the HMS. (Oath Keepers, White Knights, White Dragon Society, ETs.)

“2012 is a single page in the “book” called the Era of Transparency and Expansion. The life of deception–the era of veils over veils over veils–is dissipating provided enough people rise up within themselves and honor the Sovereign Integral within by expressing its truth. But to do this, people must become attuned to its consciousness apart from the HMS, and this is the course of action that people must engage in.”

The previous paragraph describes our end to deception provided enough people awaken. Lightworkers are part of a system to help all of humanity wake up. Large surges of energy from our sun are helping to raise consciousness levels.

“First Source has limited moves on the “chessboard” because humanity is sealed inside a prison where the guards and warden of the prison control the money system and hold and distribute the power among themselves. The spiritual and religious leaders are equally caught up in the prison, occupying the more righteous sections, but still within the same prison. The inter-dimensional beings like ascended masters and angels are also imprisoned though their freedoms seem near-infinite when compared to the human inmates.”

The above paragraph clears up a great deal of confusion for me. Adamu says the inter-dimensional beings exist in the STS/STO duality realm of existence and not in the 5th dimension. Inelia Benz says that certain inter-dimensional beings are STS entities. Allendale was exposed by Laura Tyco as not being ascended. It has been written by ascended masters that they themselves have not ascended into unity consciousness. They are here to assist us but haven’t yet made it themselves.

3rd dimension-humanity

4th dimension-STS/STO polarity realm

Unity consciousness (5th dimension)

“Earth/Nature + Individual Preparation = Sovereign Integral Realization.”

“Thus, the initial point of self-realization must be aligned to the realization itself.”

This describes the moment in April 2011 when I woke up. I finally became aware of whom I was and that we’re trapped in a prison erected by the Illuminati. Both of these realizations must occur at the same time. This awakening was more than likely planned in my last soul contract.

Simply, the HMS is being removed for us by benevolent helpers. After the removal, it will be time to pursue our Sovereign Integral state. This will take many years, but the evil obstacles that held us back will be gone.

James may or may not have known about aid coming from Divinity or that the Galactic Federation was given the task of helping us. Dr. Neruda explicitly states in his interview that the Galactic Federation could not be eavesdropped upon and that their motivations and goals remain secret to his organization.

James may or may not have known that disclosure would be an integral part of this journey. He makes no mention of humanity reuniting with our stelan family, either before December 2012 or after.

“The beings inside the prison are both human and inter-dimensional; the prison is of the physical and inter-dimensional worlds. It encompasses both. It is not as if humans are in the prison and then upon death they break out and go directly to an enlightened state enjoying the fruits of heaven. No, the consciousness that you express in this world will accompany you into the next dimension. A human is equally capable of leaving the prison as an entity in the inter-dimensional domain; remember equality and oneness is not a condition of environment or vibratory domain.”

The above paragraph hits the nail on the head! 3rd dimensional life and 4th dimensional life are enclosed in the prison. Awakening your consciousness to this limitation frees you. Will sleeping humanity be allowed to travel directly from 3rd dimensional life to unity consciousness (5th dimension) in December 2012?

I don’t know. But what I understand now is that James cannot know the desires of Divinity. We are all one and are God, but each of us as an individual cannot predict what God will do with our species.


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous



Monday, April 30, 2012

Things to Be Aware Of

My dear ones. Today will be the last message that mentions diet. Many of you are enjoying the gift of mana now. Are you managing well with it? Yes? Of course. I would not advise anything that could not keep you healthy. Those who have not begun the fresh food diet are missing an amazing experience.

Beware of the negative messages that come to you from friends, neighbors, family, etc. All are the gift of testing your commitment for following your own truth. Freedom from outside influences will be important in the next days, as many calls to ascend will be negated by those not abe to commit to ascension on their own.

Feel the density between the two ways of being—the anchor and the one being given the light. Very different energy. Close the door on negativity, nothing is bad. Everything has some value; all disturbing conditions are great learning opportunities. See how you deal with them and drop your negative attitudes in the process.

Share the happiness you are feeling. Anchoring light is a great gift to all, including the one who is the anchor. Please dump all of the distrust your mind has towards future events. Nothing has altered other than the management that distributes dense actions that call negativity into those choosing to be negative. Everyone can become an energy drain or an energy generator—one choice is all it takes.

Service to the light requires the release of all dark negative attitudes. These attitudes dim the light of all in their auric area. Children delight others with their cheerfulness. Be child like. Give this non-attached attitude to the controllers and they cannot defeat you in a chance meeting.

Contracts to deliver drugs to many countries are being dismantled. No more control driven addictions are going to attack those who are bringers of the light. We have been able to destroy these contracts by deleting them on the main contract holder's memory circuits. None of his detailed plans for world domination are going to be activated. Plan to ascend before these destroyed memories are reconstructed.  After the ascension we will activate them again. No details about how we do this are to be given. No questions on this subject please.

Fight with the dark and all will grow denser. Pay no attention to the dark and no darkness will touch you. Brothers and sisters, change the level of light in any direction and everyone goes along with that altered contraction or gift of light. Be a giver of drama and drama will lead you to your death. Be a giver of awareness, grace and new ideas and you will light up the whole materialized world.

Peace is now the most challenging detail facing all of the Masters who are going to ascend. Being an example of peace in all circumstances will lead more to ascension than drama can. No drama is appropriate in those who are unattached to results. Give all of your drama to the divine to handle. May we all celebrate ascension before the days of darkness.

Are you doing the controllers' agenda now? Are you negative against the current things being led to your attention? If so, no graduation can occur for you. Give up denial and all of your non-angelic goals and desires. Angels aren't seeking to get their own desires fulfilled, they go where they are needed.

Go to the light in your heart, as this is where ascension will begin. Bring with you all of the happy dreams you can conceive of, as we can make them your new condition of being. Ascension is just around the corner.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Benjamin Fulford 5-1-12…”Chaos on multiple fronts as controlled implosion of financial cabal continues”

Benjamin Fulford 5-1-12…”Chaos on multiple fronts as controlled implosion of financial cabal continues”

Posted on April 30, 2012

Commentary from Kauilapele's Blog:

Okay, here we go. Thanks to Ben for this continuing update from his end. He mentions the Pentagon says no moves will be made on arrests until the all is in place for the new financial system. (This validates what I have felt for some time. My sense is that it will be arrests first, then currency revaluations and the new financial system, followed by more “out in the open” ET disclosure, followed by clean up, followed by grand parties (see the last post). Be patient, you dinar dong holders!).


[Please note, from my end, I do not feel that the statements about "Obama" and his activities are anywhere near the whole picture. The "O"-man is likely playing out several roles at the same time, so you could say pretty much anything and think you are correct. I personally give much more weight to, and trust, the messages about Obama from SaLuSa and Matthew and Ashtar on the Road, for example, than Ben's reports. There's a much bigger picture here.]

To me the most promising aspect in all this is that he reports the signs of the continuing collapse are everywhere. And he outlines them below. Enjoy the reading (and please comment to Ben directly, if you have statements or questions at http://benjaminfulford.net).

“…although there is still talk of mass arrests taking place to clean out the corruption and gangsterism that has taken over the Washington D.C. political process, it still has not happened. A growing number of people both within and without the military and agencies are growing impatient with the delay. However, the word from the pentagon is that it will not move until all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed in the new financial system.


“In Europe, meanwhile, signs of collapse are visible for all to see. The crisis in Spain, imminent regime change in Holland and France, arrests all over Europe and the implosion of the big banks are there for all to see either in the corporate media or on the internet.”



  • …what we are really witnessing is the controlled implosion of the criminal cabal that took over the Western financial system and nearly destroyed Western civilization.
  • …the cornered cabalists are certainly planning a massive new terrorist attack (possible tagets [targets]: Tokyo, Rome, London) in an attempt to stay in power.
  • One sure sign of change for those still clinging to the old power paradigms is the joint military maneuvers linking the Chinese, Russian and US armed forces.
  • …a joint US and Russian force is preparing to storm the Nazi cabal base under Denver Airport.
  • The split between the Obama faction and Sabbatean gangster faction is one such example.
  • …both MI6 and CIA sources say the murder attempt against Obama was a hit ordered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and top North American Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel.
  • In any case, Netanyahu and his messianic faction is now finally being renounced by mainstream Jews and Israelis… the real Jews are finally taking action against the fanatical messianic gangsters who have been terrorizing them.
  • …although there is still talk of mass arrests taking place to clean out… Washington D.C…., it still has not happened… the word from the pentagon is that it will not move until all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed in the new financial system.
  • In Europe… signs of collapse are visible for all to see. The crisis in Spain,… Holland and France, arrests all over Europe and the implosion of the big banks are there for all to see either in the corporate media or on the internet.
  • In Asia, meanwhile, a lot continues under the surface.
  • This saber rattling was accompanied by a farcical show in North Korea… [the] “provocative rocket”. However… no foreign guests were present and the entire launch area was covered in fog… The best guess is that the entire thing was a giant publicity stunt.
  • The best guess for fundamental regime change in Japan and the West is that the month of May will be characterized mainly by the continuing collapse of the old world order. There is plenty of talk about big events in June linked to the liberation of the West and Japan.
  • The White Dragon Society… has begun a systematic campaign on multiple levels to overthrow the cabal. There will not be much to see at first but just wait.


Chaos on multiple fronts as controlled implosion of financial cabal continues
by Benjamin Fulford, May 1, 2012


The prevailing theme these days seems to be chaos in the West but what we are really witnessing is the controlled implosion of the criminal cabal that took over the Western financial system and nearly destroyed Western civilization. Among the events associated with this collapse were: a fake missile launch in North Korea, the ongoing cover-up of a botched assassination attempt against Obama, multiple liens being placed on cabal-controlled central banks, a trilateral commission meeting in Tokyo, unprecedented military maneuvers and more.


We are entering a very dangerous period as the cornered cabalists are certainly planning a massive new terrorist attack (possible tagets [targets]: Tokyo, Rome, London) in an attempt to stay in power. Military, police and other action against cabal power centers is also picking up pace.


One sure sign of change for those still clinging to the old power paradigms is the joint military maneuvers linking the Chinese, Russian and US armed forces. On the one side rogue pentagon forces working for the cabalists trying to steal Asian gold stashes were confronted by joint Chinese and Russian forces. On a different front, a joint US and Russian force is preparing to storm the Nazi cabal base under Denver Airport. These military maneuvers make it clear, if nothing else, that it is now better to think of geopolitics in terms of transnational factions than it is to think in terms of nation states.

The split between the Obama faction and Sabbatean gangster faction is one such example. The murder attempt against Obama in Columbia by members of his own secret service early in April is a good example.


The corporate propaganda press is only reporting this as a “prostitution scandal.” However, both MI6 and CIA sources say the murder attempt against Obama was a hit ordered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and top North American Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel.


Obama is not publicly naming them because if he did so, stories about the murder of his homosexual lovers in Chicago and other Obama secrets would start appearing in Sabbatean gangster propaganda outlets like the Jew York Times.


The Sabbateans, for their part, are putting out stories on internet chat boards claiming the whole assassination attempt was planned by amateur rogue agents.


In any case, Netanyahu and his messianic faction is now finally being renounced by mainstream Jews and Israelis. The most public sign of this was former Israeli Internal Security Chief Yuval Diskin denouncing Netanyahu and his colleagues as incompetents with a messianic complex. Unlike other such comments, this was widely quoted in the corporate propaganda media. It seems the real Jews are finally taking action against the fanatical messianic gangsters who have been terrorizing them.


US protest movements like Occupy Wall Street are also gearing up for what is expected to be a summer of discontent. The organizers have been waiting for warm weather and that weather has arrived.

Meanwhile, although there is still talk of mass arrests taking place to clean out the corruption and gangsterism that has taken over the Washington D.C. political process, it still has not happened. A growing number of people both within and without the military and agencies are growing impatient with the delay. However, the word from the pentagon is that it will not move until all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed in the new financial system.


In Europe, meanwhile, signs of collapse are visible for all to see. The crisis in Spain, imminent regime change in Holland and France, arrests all over Europe and the implosion of the big banks are there for all to see either in the corporate media or on the internet.


In relation to this, the White Dragon Society was asked to relay the following message: A US agency “cleaner,” by the name of “Leftie,” has been sent to Italy to “remove scum.” Presumably this refers to the hygienic risk posed by clumps of bacteria to be found in Italian public facilities.


In Asia, meanwhile, a lot continues under the surface. The cabal sub-committee known as the Trilateral Commission met last week in Tokyo. The public discussions were fairly low-key but there was a lot of talk about the value of underwater resources in the South China Sea. This was accompanied by pentagon and allied military maneuvers around China and provocative statements by various cabal assets about tiny territorial disputes with China.


This saber rattling was accompanied by a farcical show in North Korea. Hundreds of cabal luminaries and other international guests were invited to North Korea for the 100-year anniversary of Kim Il Sung. As one of the highlights of the festivities, the guests were all taken to see the “provocative rocket” North Korea was about to launch. However, at the time of the so-called launch, no foreign guests were present and the entire launch area was covered in fog. According to Japanese military intelligence no foreign government agency was able to get any images whatsoever of the “failed launch.” The best guess is that the entire thing was a giant publicity stunt.

Presumably the upcoming “nuclear test,” is also some sort of negotiation and publicity ploy by cabal forces desperate to stir up trouble in the Far East. They will get nowhere.


Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is also in Washington this week where he is expected to get the cold shoulder. He will be asking for access to the vast sums of money located inside Bank of Japan computers but Obama and other Washington lackeys are not in a position to hand it over. If they could, you can be sure they would use it themselves.


Instead, a lien has been placed on the Bank of Japan claiming this institution has been engaged in illegal and fraudulent money creation since 1968. Depending on its response to the lien the BOJ may be impounded by police acting on orders from Interpol.


The best guess for fundamental regime change in Japan and the West is that the month of May will be characterized mainly by the continuing collapse of the old world order. There is plenty of talk about big events in June linked to the liberation of the West and Japan.


The White Dragon Society, for its part, has begun a systematic campaign on multiple levels to overthrow the cabal. There will not be much to see at first but just wait.




Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

UntitledMessage from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/30/12



Two test participants of equal amounts of wealth traded an equal amount of wealth with each other. A person of your elitist class traded his wealth for the wealth of someone of less fortunate means. These types of experiments have been conducted in your world for many eons. What we have been attempting to do is to carefully study the motives and behavior of the human psyche development over the many long years of your journey through means of artificial stimuli, sometimes concerning monetary gains and losses, and sometimes other situations that have tested you and measured your growth and your development in many different ways.


We are not here to play games or meddle with your lives irresponsibly. We are here conducting serious scientific evaluations and experiments to better understand the being that is human, and to better prepare you for your advancement in becoming Galactic beings and a Galactic society as well. We do not wish to see any of you suffer unduly through such experiments, and each of you that has taken part in these experiments has given us your complete permission before any of these procedures are carried out. Never are any of you selected for such assignments without discussing in advance exactly what these experiments will entail and demonstrating your willingness to cooperate in these field tests. Each of you that has participated in these tests either have been or will be rewarded in one way or another, which has also been discussed with you and these terms were agreed upon by you prior to your participation in these experiments.


We do not see you as guinea pigs. We have nothing but the highest respect for each and every one of you, and we see these experiments as extremely valuable to you and to your society as a whole, as they have been used to better prepare you for bigger and better things that await just ahead for you. You can take solace in knowing that these tests have been a great success, and due to the efforts of so many of you, your world is about to receive so many gifts that it has earned due to the efforts of individuals such as those who have volunteered for these experiments. You have done your world and your fellow human beings a great service in your efforts to allow us to learn more about your people, and we wish to thank you tremendously at this time and tell you the work that we have accomplished together could not have been accomplished without your efforts and your willing participation in these field tests.


Although we continue to complete some of these tests even up to the present day, we say to you that all these tests are wrapping up at this time as your planet and your people ready themselves for ascension and all the gifts that you have earned through such trial and tribulation. Never before has a world and a people gone through such incredible challenges before, and we wish to tell you that so many other worlds look to you in awe and in respect for what you have gone through and what you have accomplished together here. There have been such great tests of your will, your stamina and your strength, and yet here you are, standing today at the threshold of all that is possible through such challenge.


Each and every one of you are a testament to the strength, the will and the determination of your race, the human race, and we say to you we look so forward to meeting all of you, to learn more about you and to sit with you and listen to you while you share your stories of how you became the beings that you are today. We salute you, and say to each and every one of you that you should be proud of your journey and your accomplishments together. You will soon be invited to join your Galactic community, and we say to you that you will be proudly welcomed among your Galactic neighbors who have also gone through such challenges to be where it is they are today. You have so much more in common with those from other worlds than you think, and you will have much to talk about with your new friends and your familiar family in the days ahead.


Your days will be filled with meetings and conferences to better prepare you and acquaint you with your new lives as a 5th dimensional society and a member of a Galactic community. Many of you will be going through educational processes and training in many different fields and areas, as there will be much to learn about your new and rapidly evolving world. Many new advancements and technologies will be quickly implemented within your society, and many of these will take a lot of careful study on your part. These technologies and equipment cannot be misused or mishandled, and it is of great importance that many of you learn how to properly use and maintain these technologies in order to safely utilize them to better the lives of your people. We will be monitoring the use of much of this equipment and technologies, and we will not let these be misused in any way. This cannot be allowed, as much of this technology is very powerful and its misuse can have negative consequences, and therefore its use must be carefully observed for matters of safety.


Again, we do not wish to mettle overbearingly in your concerns, but we do feel it is important that we monitor certain situations over a certain period of time as your world experiences rapid development as a higher dimensional society. This is for the greater good of all, and we only wish to allow your journey to proceed safely as you experience the many changes that will bring to each of you better and more proficient lives in so many ways. Your lives are about to change greatly in many ways, and we have very dedicated and able crewmembers to assist you make these transitions as smooth as possible. There will be no limits to the assistance that we can provide you and will provide you, and there will be no limits to educational and training courses that will be made available to each and every one of you, and these will be provided freely without cost, of course, to all of you.


These courses will be made available all throughout your world, and will be made available to each of you no matter which language you currently speak. There will be no limits of what you can learn, and there will be no qualifications of any kind for any of you to be welcomed to participate in any of these courses or teachings. Your new society will be based on a system that will provide free and unlimited access to each and every being on your planet. There will be no tuitions, no fees, no taxes, no entrance exams, no qualifying grades needed or letters of recommendation. Each and every one of you will be entirely welcomed to begin training or education in any field that you desire to learn.


This is one of the attributes of your new society, and we look forward to seeing so many of you taking advantage of these new and wonderful opportunities to learn about so many new subjects that have not been made available to you up until this point. Your new world will be full of new mystery and questions, and we wish to provide you with all the answers that you seek. We wish to provide you with all the training and education you will need to become masters of your new academia and your new technologies, and we will provide each and every one of you with every opportunity to fulfill your quest for knowledge and to better utilize these new technologies to better the lives of all your brothers and sisters.


All information will be shared openly in your new society and there no longer will be any secrets or technologies withheld from you, as all matters concerning your society and yourselves will remain completely transparent, and everything that you wish to know or better understand will be made available to each and every one of you. This is how it will be; there can be no other way, as this is the way of a higher dimensional society. So much has been kept from you, and we see how so many of you make great attempts to unbury so many truths and uncover so many mysteries, and we say to you your new lives will be an ever cascading flow of information, knowledge and wisdom, and that no longer will you have to dig so long and so deep to discover the answer that you seek. All will be revealed to you and all will continue to be made available to you as you proceed into your new lives and your society grows in the light of your new day.


We are the Galactic Federation of Light.







As channeled through Greg Giles

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Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

UntitleUSDA Admits Exterminating Birds, Crops, and Bees

USDA Admits Exterminating Birds, Crops, and Bees

By Eddie Sage on 08 April 2012 in blog, Featured, News with No Comments


The USDA has been under fire recently for its admitted assault against nature, after multiple investigations have uncovered its deliberate tampering with both plants and animals alike. One such investigation has put an end to the mystery surrounding the death of millions of birds, with USDA documents revealing the organization’s role in the massive slaughter. In addition to the mass bird killings, it turns out the USDA was fully aware that a highly-popular herbicide chemical was a known bee-killer, which may have aided the bee decline. The USDA has also threatened the genetic integrity of the nation’s crops. Information has surfaced regarding the USDA’s illegal approval of Monsanto’s biotech crop, sugar beets. These crimes are simply an excerpt from the long list of USDA crimes that are continually being exposed.

In December of 2010, mystery struck the world. Reports of mass fish and bird die-offs were coming in from Texas to Sweden. The first occurrence in the series of strange events started in Arkansas, where 3,000 birds fell from the sky. In the following days and weeks, similar incidents were reported with no solid explanation. The reason has now been found, thanks to documents found on the USDA’s website. Claiming to be protecting farmers from predators, the birds were victims of a little-known government program. Like millions of other animals since the Bye Bye Blackbird program was created in the 1960′s, the birds were poisoned and killed for being considered a nuisance to farmers. It is important to take note that many of these animals don’t pose any immediate threat to farmers. 



In the 1960′s the USDA established a program referred to as the Bye Bye Blackbird program. This program is solely responsible for the mass killings of what could ultimately be millions of birds across the nation. In 2009 alone the USDA poisoned and killed over 4 million birds. The documents state whether or not the deaths were intentional or unintentional on the government website. You can find extremely large numbers, such as 22,276 blackbirds marked as intentionally euthanized. Here is some data from the USDA itself: 

Brown-headed cowbirds: 1,046,109

European Starlings: 1,259,714

Red-winged blackbirds: 965,889 

Canadian Geese : 24,519

Pigeons: 96,297

Grackles: 93,210

Starlings European: 1,259,714 

These numbers are simply the top for 2009. Let us not forget about all the other years animals have been killed since the 1960′s when the program was first created.

According to Natural News :

A Nebraska farmer was apparently complaining that the starlings were defecating in his feed meal. The answer to this conundrum apparently isn’t to cover your feed meal but rather call the USDA and ask them to poison thousands of birds. The USDA complied, apparently agreeing this was a brilliant idea. So they put out a poison called DRC-1339 and allowed thousands of birds to feed on that poison.

“Cows are supposed to eat grass. If you are running a cow operation where the birds are eating your grain and you think the birds are the problem, the real problem is that you’re feeding cows the wrong food! If you raise your cows on grass, the birds don’t get into the grain and you don’t have to poison the birds.

“You see, when one ecological element gets out of balance (feeding grain to cows, for example), it then causes another problem that must be dealt with in some other destructive way (such as poisoning the birds). This cycle of disharmony continues and escalates until entire ecosystems are out of whack. Then the USDA shows up with a pickup truck full of poison bait and goes to work poisoning animals. The solution isn’t to keep poisoning animals and trying to control populations through toxic chemicals but rather to return to holistic web-of-life farming methods that work in harmony with nature rather than treating nature as the enemy.”

The government is committing what many people would call a crime. Killing mass amounts of animals via poison is a flagrant act of violence against nature that should not be tolerated or encouraged. People aren’t allowed to hunt in certain regions of the United States, but the government is allowed to kill off animals by the millions. Something is terribly wrong with this picture.



Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous