
PBS Frontline Details US Financial Fraud – ‘Money, Power, & Wall Street’

Ideas and Realities

>Many have very good ideas as to what should be done about everything...

What most fail to take into account is the extraordinary differences between what is known now, and what is going to be.

I strongly suggest that a lot of what goes on will be the possessive, me - me of those wanting something of personal benefit. 

After that BS is removed, we will be left with the 'agenda' set...directions as controls and attempted subjugation of the same sort as we have now but in milder form.

>It is a We The People situation calling for all those who understand that the basic idea of 'control' is what got us where we are. This is NOT the idea. The IDEA is to offer constraints by The People, For The People.

There are to be significant changes in the worlds financial structures. The exact details are not to be published at this time. I can, and have, only given a very loose description of a few of the differences. Understand that this is designed to be an advantage to ALL. So the concerns of livelihood need to be looked at in a 'real' practical sense. The people who have honestly retired or are disabled, will continue in a 'similar' way as they have been. The 'change' entails an extreme alteration of our base monetary system from debt to equity...

>The reality is as follows.

What has been done, is to return through notification, our basic Freedoms. The support is in the documentation used, AND the fact that it is stated that ALL documentation is OPEN to amendment. The second part of this includes picking the 'right' people for that job, but more importantly, understanding what is being done AND how to make sure that the problems we have now can not be repeated.

I am actively recruiting individuals I know are aware and awake. Those who have heavy experience in accomplishing similar goals as the ones we are looking to get done. I hope that many will see examples of their work in the very near future, as I have already tasked them by enlisting their aid in some sensitive matters.

>One of the things that should be out front is the fact of the effect when an officer uses their respective powers. I note that any who offer the fairness known of officers who take action according to a situation, rather than only enforcing, are the more highly respected. This goes to the common sense application of what should be done under the idea of and reality of the impact of the action taken.

I offer that it is the professional who can make these accurate decisions, and that these methods need to be used as training for the newer officers. Thus the old idea of a true peace officer becomes evident.

>Those I deal with are looking forward to finishing the efforts we have made towards Freedom.

Know that we will back and support the basis of law, decent order, and those who actively provide this through their services.

Thank you.



Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

UntitledBrics Move to Replace Dollar With Super Sovereign Global Currency

As China is expected to rise to the status of a financial superpower within the next 8 years and eclipse the US economy by 2020, if not much sooner, Africa becomes center stage in the greatest currency war the world has seen since the 1930s, which is now shifting into overdrive.

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, collectively known as the BRICS nations, are moving forward with their plan to unseat the US dollar from its throne as the global trade currency and to replace it with a Chinese-denominated �super-sovereign� international currency.

This Geo-political game to establish global monetary dominance is by no means limited to the freeing of the world from a forced dependence on the US dollar. Instead this is merely the first defensive action of a concerted campaign of worldwide economic defence which may erupt into open warfare if the west once again seeks to forcefully continue its attempt to suppress the world economies and continue maintain and impose its own failed system upon the world.

This campaign seeks to bring the United States and its western allies to face reality that western banker-monopoly capitalism is dead and other nations will not continue to pay the price of trying to preserve it.

Ultimately the BRICS collective is going about creating a more just world economic order in lieu of the utter failed western monopoly that has dominated the planet via the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and Bank of International Settlements since the last global currency war was won by the western banker elite at the end of "World War" II, also known as the Second Imperialist War.

The defensive action comes partially in response to the attack in the latest round of "quantitative easing" in which we witnessed the I.S. Federal Reserve deliberately printing trillions of dollars in an attempt to jump-start the U.S. economy by forcing investors back into the U.S. stock market by devaluing the US dollar and prohibiting any other nations from doing so, forcing others to continue to use dollars while plummeting in real value, for example in the trade of oil, or in the exchange of currencies, while freely printing as much dollars at the US elite itself needed.

Of course, this came with the consequence that devaluing the U.S. dollar also erased the profits that nations such as China would have otherwise gained from the trillions of dollars of U.S. Treasury securities they had purchased and which had rapidly deteriorated in value over recent years.

Western nations in particular, dominated by a secretive but powerful banking elite have gone to war for far less than trillions of dollars of bad debt (as defined by the bankers), but at the end of the day it�s less about the loss of profit on an investment and more about the economic sovereignty of the BRICS nations being threatened.

The devaluation of the dollar translates into real and direct economic impacts on the economies of the BRICS nations by making their products relativity more costly and in turn harder to sell at a lower profit margin.

Clearly devaluing the dollar forces the BRICS nations to pay the tab for the economic and debt woes (blatant errors of greedy bankers, who control the western governments and media, and give themselves massive bonuses and bail-outs effectively rewarding themselves for destroying what was left of a partially-functioning capitalist economy) of the United States and Europe, while destroying the economies BRICS and the economies of many other, if not all nations in the process.

Quite frankly, the BRICS nations are unhappy about all of this as are the populations of most of the world and China has been the most outspoken nation about it in the past, albeit in very diplomatic language.

More recently attention has been placed on

President Obama has even hypocritically signed an executive order

Then there is the recent focus on

But in the meantime very few have paid attention to Africa which has now become ground zero for the western elite to once again embark upon direct theft of assets and resources, as occurred during last years bloody war to turn Africa's most stable, secure, and wealthy nation into a chaotic hot bed of terror. The BRICS alliance is perhaps also aiming to "take down" or "take on" the global banking cartel.

In South Africa the collective is pushing the Chinese currency, the renminbi, as part of a pilot program to make the currency the new standard de facto for international trade in emerging markings, which they plan on turning into a single �super-sovereign� global currency.

The hope is that this new currency will strip the global financial regime of its power and hence oppose and put an end to the United States self-allocated privilege of imposing its political and economic views on the rest of the world even at the cost of destroying it and consuming its finite resources without constraint, just to seek to do the impossible: to satisfy the insatiable appetite of the elite few.

Clearly the United States is well aware of this plan and has been making preparations to head off its demise through the use of its military force in Africa, AFRICOM, which prior to the destruction of Libya's Jamahiriya system and overthrow of non-compliant north African governments, had no real foot hold on the continent.

In this context, the American-European elite's military alliance, NATO, attacked Libya resulting in hundreds of thousands of still unreported deaths and millions of its population of only six million displaced. All this under the guise of "humanitarian intervention" smoothed over by a lying media empire attempting to preserve the west's unjustified position as dictatorial bully, usurper, exploiter and kleptomaniac extraordinaire, in Africa.

This is obviously apparent in the use of  AFRICOM to militarize the entire continent of Africa and to forcefully counter China's good relations in trade with the continent. China has been trading for over a decade with Africa without imposing "homosexual laws" and other things which the west imposes in its dealings with Africa, but, the west has been using force, and is now actively doing so via AFRICOM under the pretence of "responsibility to protect" by bombing Africa's wealthiest nation into the stone ages, and by pretending to chase Kony around while actually ensuring the entire region becomes unstable and chaotic, to aid their plunder.

While we consider all of this, let us not forget that the currency war of the 1930s ended with a military war which claimed countless millions of lives, The Second Imperialist War.

For more, The Daily Paul points us to an article which informs us that Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are taking the next step to rid the world of the the US Dollar as the global trade currency.

BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Move to Unseat US Dollar as Trade Currency

South Africa will this week take some initial steps to unseat the US dollar as the preferred worldwide currency for trade and investment in emerging economies.

Thus, the nation is expected to become party to endorsing the Chinese currency, the renminbi, as the currency of trade in emerging markets.

This means getting a renminbi-denominated bank account, in addition to a dollar account, could be an advantage for African businesses that seek to do business in the emerging markets.

The move is set to challenge the supremacy of the US dollar. This, experts say, is the latest salvo in the greatest worldwide currency war since the 1930s.

[...] Source:

The post cites the following City Press Article which explains how the world is currently in the midst of the greatest currency war since the 1930s.

It then goes onto explain how the move to unseat the dollar is part of the BRICS plan to create a �super-sovereign� international reserve currency and overthrow the current global financial regime.

BRICS move to unseat dollar as trade currency

The move is set to challenge the supremacy of the US dollar. This, experts say, is the latest salvo in the greatest worldwide currency war since the 1930s.

In the 1930s, several nations competitively devalued their currencies to give their domestic economies an advantage over others.

And this led to a worldwide decline in overall trade volumes at the time.

The north will be pitted against the entire south in a historic competitive currency battle � whose terrain has moved to the Indian capital New Dehli � where the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India China and South Africa) nations will assemble next week.

China seeks to find new markets for its currency and to lobby to internationalize it throughout the BRICS states.

For China this is not a new game. In 2009, senior Chinese banking officials issued a statement that the international monetary system was flawed owing to an unhealthy dependence on the US dollar and called for a �super-sovereign� international reserve currency.

Experts say Beijing�s first step is to internationalize its currency (by expanding its reach beyond China), liberalize it (to allow its value to be determined by the market instead of actively managing it as they currently do) and then make it a reserve currency for many nations in the developing world.

Africa�s largest bank, Standard Bank, says in a research document: �We expect at least $100bn (about R768bn) in Sino-African trade � more than the total bilateral trade between China and Africa in 2010 � to be settled in the renminbi by 2015.�
Not only will the US dollar be challenged, but also the entire international financial regime � led by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund � which has been dominant since the end of World War II.
The demand for greater political say in international affairs dovetails with China�s expected rise as a financial superpower in the next eight years.

Vargas showed the preparatory meeting projections indicating that China�s economy will have eclipsed that of the US by 2020, hence the promotion of the renminbi as the preferred currency of the south.

The renminbi has traditionally traded at a deliberately lower exchange rate, which gave a huge boost to China�s domestic economic sectors and enabled its booming industrialization and growth.

The US and other trading partners have long accused China of being a �currency manipulator�.

Last week, Brazil declared its commitment to keep its own currency � the Real � low. Its Finance Minister, Guido Mantega, reiterated his November 2010 declaration that a global currency war has broken out.

He said: �We do not want to lose our manufacturing sector.

�We will not sit back and watch while other countries devalue their currencies.�

Brazil and China cried foul last year when, through a slew of initiatives dubbed QE2 � quantitative easing Two � the US indirectly devalued its currency by pumping about $600bn into its economy to protect the economy from sliding back into recession.

The above contains some commentary from Alexander Higgins, albeit heavily corrected from a pro-western bias.

Now follows a Russia Today TV report on the subject:

Russia Today spoke to Dr Sreeram Chaulia, who is a Vice Dean at the Jindal School of International Affairs in India, about the creation of an alternative global lender by the BRICS nations and stepping away from the dollar as a reserve currency. He believes institutions like the IMF and the World Bank have outlived their uselfulness.

Normal 0 21

Since the end of World War II and the Bretton Woods agreements, the dollar has been the leading international reserve currency. Ten reasons why the empire of the dollar may quickly come to an end (

#1 China And Japan Are Dumping the U.S. Dollar In Bilateral Trade

Last year, the second largest economy on earth (China) and the third largest economy on earth (Japan) struck a deal which will promote the use of their own currencies (rather than the U.S. dollar) when trading with each other.  This was an incredibly important agreement that was virtually totally ignored by the U.S. media. 

#2 The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) Plan To Start Using Their Own Currencies When Trading With Each Other

The BRICS continue to flex their muscles.  A new agreement will promote the use of their own national currencies when trading with each other rather than the U.S. dollar. 

#3 The Russia/China Currency Agreement

Russia and China have been using their own national currencies when trading with each other for more than a year now.  Leaders from both Russia and China have been strongly advocating for a new global reserve currency for several years, and both nations seem determined to break the power that the U.S. dollar has over international trade.

#4 The Growing Use Of Chinese Currency In Africa

Who do you think is Africa's biggest trading partner? It isn't the United States. In 2009, China became Africa's biggest trading partner, and China is now aggressively seeking to expand the use of Chinese currency on that continent.

#5 The China/United Arab Emirates Deal

China and the United Arab Emirates have agreed to ditch the U.S. dollar and use their own currencies in oil transactions with each other.

The UAE is a fairly small player, but this is definitely a threat to the petrodollar system.  What will happen to the petrodollar if other oil producing countries in the Middle East follow suit?

#6 Iran

Iran has been one of the most aggressive nations when it comes to moving away from the U.S. dollar in international trade.  For example, it has been reported that India will begin to use gold to buy oil from Iran.

Tensions between the U.S. and Iran are not likely to go away any time soon, and Iran is likely to continue to do what it can to inflict pain on the United States in the financial world.

#7 The China/Saudi Arabia Relationship

Who imports the most oil from Saudi Arabia? It is not the United States. Rather, it is China.

Saudi Arabia and China have teamed up to construct a massive new oil refinery in Saudi Arabia, and leaders from both nations have been working to aggressively expand trade between the two nations.

So how long is Saudi Arabia going to stick with the petrodollar if China is their most important customer?

That is a very important question.

#8 The United Nations Has Been Pushing For A New World Reserve Currency

The United Nations has been issuing reports that openly call for an alternative to the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency of the world.

In particular, one UN report envisions "a new global reserve system" in which the U.S. no longer has dominance....

"A new global reserve system could be created, one that no longer relies on the United States dollar as the single major reserve currency."

#9 The IMF Has Been Pushing For A New World Reserve Currency

The International Monetary Fund has also published a series of reports calling for the U.S. dollar to be replaced as the reserve currency of the world.

In particular, one IMF paper entitled "Reserve Accumulation and International Monetary Stability" that was published a while back actually proposed that a future global currency be named the "Bancor" and that a future global central bank could be put in charge of issuing it..

"A global currency, bancor, issued by a global central bank (see Supplement 1, section V) would be designed as a stable store of value that is not tied exclusively to the conditions of any particular economy. As trade and finance continue to grow rapidly and global integration increases, the importance of this broader perspective is expected to continue growing."

#10 Most Of The Rest Of The World Hates The United States

Global sentiment toward the United States has dramatically shifted, and this should not be underestimated.

-- Stay tuned to Mathaba News via a variety of means, see here for details.


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Press TV: British PM Could Face “Vote Of No Confidence” At Parliament


Britain’s Conservative MP Nadine Dorries.

Mon May 7, 2012 12:35PM GMT

Disastrous council election results in Britain are piling growing pressure on Prime Minister David Cameron with Tory rebels signaling a ‘vote of no confidence’, local media reported.

Outspoken critics from within his own ranks have already launched a string of verbal attacks on Cameron and his coalition government with Conservative rebel Nadine Dorries, MP for Mid-Bedfordshire, saying that there was a strong chance the Prime Minister would be out by Christmas, British media reported.

“According to the rules of the backbench 1922 Committee, in order for David Cameron’s position as leader to be challenged, the chairman of the committee needs to receive 46 signatures from Conservative MPs to signal a vote of no confidence”, Nadine Dorries MP wrote in an article for theDaily Mail.

“I would guess that those signatures are already coming in and will reach 46 by Christmas”, she said adding that “I understood this to mean 15 percent of the Tory backbenchers, but I suppose it comes to the same amount of people”.

“They were really angry about the referendum debate on the EU when David Cameron said we would have a referendum in/out of the EU before the election. He has since reneged on that promise as well as repealing the Human Rights Act where we are not able to kick out undesirables from our country. He should never get elected in any constituency again, he is a liar and a fraud”, said the MP for Mid-Bedfordshire.

“While Britons scream out for strong policies on law and order, a stable NHS and an in-out referendum on Europe to cut us free from basket-case Southern European economies, Cameron makes gay marriage and Lords reform his priorities”, she added.

Meanwhile, respected veteran Lord Ryder, John Major’s former chief whip, warned Cameron he “won’t be the master of his own destiny for very much longer” if he failed to “take a grip”.

www.jhaines6.wordpress.com link to original article Thanks Jean

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Madison Ruppert – Landmark Lawsuit By US Home Owners Implicates Obama And Big Banks In Massive Global Laundering Scheme – 8 May 2012

5th May 2012

By Madison Ruppert

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

A new lawsuit, which is bordering on the unbelievable, implicates the Obama administration and some of the world’s largest banks in the largest international money laundering case in history.

This global money laundering network was allegedly formed during the Obama administration and helped banks rob U.S. home owners through offshore affiliates in infamous tax havens and money laundering hubs like the Cayman Island, Isle of Man, Luxembourg and Malaysia.

A press release published by Marketwatch (a website owned by the Wall Street Journal) via Marketwire on April 23, 2012, by America’s Spire Law Group, revealed that a mass tort action on behalf of home owners across the United States has been filed in the Supreme Court of New York, County of Kings.

(Read the whole story at: www.wakeup-world.com  link to original article / also mentioned by www.jhaines6.wordpress.com link to article)

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Ben Fulford – Full Update – The White Dragon Roars, Europe Rattles – Plus: Inside Report On Secret Financial Deals – 8 May 2012

The elections last weekend in Europe showed the inevitable popular backlash against government mandated austerity. The problem is that the new governments will also find their purses empty unless they start talking with the White Dragon Society. This time, they need to send official embassy representatives with valid IDs and not another batch of anonymous agents. When the new financial system starts up and the criminals are removed from the core of the Western financial system, then money will pour like rain on Europe (it already is in the non-cabal controlled part of the world).

The basic outlines of the new system are as follows: The US dollars owned by people outside of the US (and those created before 2008 in the US) will be backed by gold and a basket of commodities and other currencies. This will then become the international dollar (or perhaps international yen or yuan) and be used to facilitate world trade. The Euro will be split into a fortified Deutschemark shared by Northern countries while the Mediterranean countries will revert to their traditional currencies and devalue them until their real economies are competitive enough. This will be followed by a one off massive debt write off.
To read about the back-room maneuvers leading to the birth of the new financial system please help finance our investigations by subscribing to this newsletter or else, if you cannot afford it, ask a friend to e-mail you a copy.

The maneuvers behind the setting up the new system involve a reunion between some old shady business partners: the CIA and their Asian secret society counterparts from the golden triangle days. This time instead of dealing in heroin (although the golden triangle may soon be back in that business) they will be dealing in black gold. This will provide for the continued financing of the military industrial secret society complex until they are able to restructure their organizations so they are once again self-financed. All Freemasons, P2ers, Thule Society and other secret groupings may join the party by contacting the White Dragon Society.

The condition attached is an agreement to participate in a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and free the suppressed technology.

The old world order folk, for their part are once again resorting to terrorist blackmail. There are credible reports of a massive terrorist attack against the Tokyo area on or about May 22nd. This attack is linked to a cabal plan to force 40 million Japanese to evacuate to Korea and China. The cabalists were then hoping to open a new world financial nexus in a special zone being constructed near Pusan, Korea. Their plan involved using easy to manipulate Korean Christians as a buffer between the Khazarian rulers and their new Asian subjects.

The increased radiation hype and fear mongering is also being orchestrated by the old world order. This writer found a suspicious looking lady (actually my dog, who never barks, found her by walking in a circle around her barking) in the park near my house. This was on a rainy day following two weeks of heavy rain coming from the Fukushima area around the sabotaged (courtesy of J. Rockefeller) nuclear plants. She was standing near a nexus of accumulated rain water with one Geiger counter in her hand and another on the ground. When I asked her what she was doing, she said she was testing for radiation. I asked her to show me the Geiger counters and they both registered only normal background radiation.

The local electronic shop sells 50 dollar Geiger counters these days and all paranoid people are buying them and becoming reassured.

However, this dangerous cabal is not going to go quietly into the night and we would like to ask the US armed forces, if they are serious about maintaining a defense treaty with Japan, to round up the known cabalists (they have the names and addresses of the committee of 300 etc.) before they carry out any more mass murder.

It is also becoming clear that Chinese agents linked to Bo Xilai approached this writer in February with an offer of money. The offer was to start a joint venture between a Chinese company based in Dalian (Bo’s power base) and Fireside Stoves, a wood-burning stove import company this writer owns 10% of. The idea was to utilize Fireside’s Japan-wide network of stove dealers and roof-top construction workers to install Dalian manufactured combination solar and wind power generators on roof-tops throughout Japan.

The Chinese offered to list this planned 50/50 joint venture on the Hong Kong stock exchange and raise an initial $100 million in capital. This venture would then have been able to directly fight against the cabal’s control of the global energy business.

The Chinese agent returned later to say that the deal was off because of Bo Xilai’s arrest.

My best guess is that Bo Xilai was linked to a Rothschild faction and that P2 lodge types were somehow involved in the incident that led to his downfall. This is because P2 honcho Mario Draghi appeared on Xinhua news shaking hands with Bo rival Li Keqiang shortly after the downfall of Bo Xilai. Needless to say there is a lot of speculation involved here but the Chinese are investigating the entire issue very thoroughly and I am sure they will find out the real truth. However, they should entertain and investigate the possibility that Bo was framed, especially given the role played by the US embassy in this incident.

It is also worth repeating here that this writer is in no way a Rothschild agent. I have no Rothschild blood in me and have never received a penny from them. On the contrary, I seek the end of their secret regime of murder, terror and bribery. I also plan to charge them along with some members of the Rockefeller family with various murders here in Japan.

What needs to be seen in the coming weeks is if the US military and agencies are really the good guys who are ready to resume their role as super heroes and protectors of the planet earth. If they are, they can be assured of generous continued financing as they restructure themselves for a period of global peace and prosperity.

There is a fellow by the name of Drake going around the various anti-cabal internet sites promising pentagon action and mass arrests in June. Neil Keenan confirms that Drake is a genuine US military person authorized to speak within limited parameters. If he is for real and the military is serious, they need to force the corporate media to start reporting the truth and they need to suspend from office all politicians who have been bribed by the cabal. That means most politicians.

www.benjaminfulford.net link to original article

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Awakening Truth World Wide Blogtakradio – Guiding Lite Show – Michael Tellinger On His Constitutional Court Case And TOLEC Gives Updates On The Andromeda Council – 8 May 2012

You have to skip the first 7 minutes and 58 secondes due to technical difficulities then starts the interview with Michael and then get an human kind history lesson and lesson about the existance of money till about 53 minutes the talk is going to head towards the Constitutional Court Case. The second hour is for Tolec’s updates.

link to A Guiding Lite radioshow 7 May 2012

1st hourMichael Tellinger vs. Standard Bank

Everyone seems to feel a change in the air.  Will this change come soon?  Who is on the front lines of this change?  Is there any evidence that real people are working for this change?  Tune in as we discuss the possibility…

2nd hour Tolec-Updates re: Operating Structure, Key Protocols & Guidelines – Of The Actual Andromeda Council

Tolec and Dr. Marra will be discussing: The Andromeda Council and their latest developments…They will also dive into: life as a 4D human, what healthcare will look like, the modalities we will be using, and energy work…  Tune in, as we discuss the possibilities…

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May 6, 2012 – The White Hats Report #41 Truth That Dared To Speak Its Name

Michael Tellinger – CNBC Africa Interview On Constitutional Court Case South-Africa – 8 May 2012

Michael Tellinger is interviewed on CNBC Africa on 7 May 2012 – regarding his Constitutional Court action against Standard Bank, The South African Reserve Bank and the Minister of Finance. On 24 April 2012 Michael served a 1100 page legal document – Notice of Motion on all three parties. The paper presents more than 30 breaches of laws, bills and acts by all three parties that have been unchallenged until now. They have until around 18th May to serve their legal defence. By 28 May all papers have to be submitted after which a date for the trial will be set by the court. This is a full bench of the Constitutional Court – 11 Judges; 22 clerks; and a host of researchers to really get to the bottom of the atrocities committed by the banks against the people of the world.

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous