
Vatican Publishes Guide on How to Deal With ‘Supernatural Phenomena’


Vatican Publishes Guide on How to Deal With ‘Supernatural Phenomena’

2012 JUNE 2

Posted by Stephen Cook

The guidelines are intended to help bishops "in their difficult task of discerning presumed apparitions, revelations, messages or, more generally, extraordinary phenomena of presumed supernatural origin," Cardinal William Levada, the American prefect of the CDF, wrote in a preface Photo: Getty


GFP: It took me some time to finish to read this post, not that it's new to me, as when you spend so many years in Italy you get to know this things quite easily, but I had to think of what We do... messages from Archangels, Ascended Masters, Ascension, ALIEN!!!! Boy, I wonder if we get all under the "collective hysteria" label or if they'd create a brand new one just for us... BTW, what I could call an intel just told me the amount of money they had in their IOR account 10 years ago (don't think it's much changed) and believe me if I tall you that only with that amount our prosperity founds will be covered for good! Could not even figure out how many zeros were needed... Won't take long now!

Vatican Publishes Guide on How to Deal With ‘Supernatural Phenomena’

Stephen: Really?  They must be getting prepared for the imminent arrival of the Ascended Masters…

They have been closely guarded for more than 30 years, but guidelines on how to deal with divine apparitions of the Virgin Mary and “supernatural phenomena” have now been released by the Vatican.

By Nick Squires, Rome,  The Telegraph, UK – June 1 2012


The “norms” on how the Roman Catholic Church should deal with mystical apparitions were initially drawn up in Latin in 1978 under Pope Paul VI and were intended for strictly internal use.

They shed light on the sorts of apparitions which have inspired the establishment of shrines such as those at Lourdes in France and Fatima in Portugal, which attract millions of pilgrims a year, many in search of cures for illnesses or other “miracles”.

The guidelines are intended to help bishops “in their difficult task of discerning presumed apparitions, revelations, messages or, more generally, extraordinary phenomena of presumed supernatural origin,” Cardinal William Levada, the American prefect of the CDF, wrote in a preface.

Deciding whether a spiritual revelation is genuine or not is based on its “orientation to Christ Himself,” Cardinal Levada wrote. “If it leads us away from Him, then it certainly does not come from the Holy Spirit.” Determining whether a spiritual revelation is authentic or not is the responsibility of the local bishop, the Vatican said.

He is required to set up a special panel of theologians, psychologists and doctors to judge the “psychological equilibrium and rectitude of moral life” of the person or people reporting the apparition and whether it corresponds with Church doctrine.

The bishop should try to “discern quickly” the authenticity of an apparition, although his judgment could be impeded by “critical scientific investigation”, the Vatican said.

A revelation would be dismissed if there was evidence that the person who had witnessed it was mentally unsound, whether the vision was the product of “collective hysteria” or if there was a suspicion that the whole thing was a fraud concocted for profit.

If the bishop cannot make a decision, the judgment can ultimately be referred to the Pope himself.

The Vatican decided to make the guidelines public, and to translate them into five languages, including English, because elements had leaked out into the public domain over the years.

They have been published by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), the powerful Vatican department which was headed by Benedict before he was elected Pope in 2005.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is currently investigating claims that a group of six Catholic children began to see apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the town of Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina, starting in 1981.

The apparition claims have been judged groundless by a local bishop, but that has not stopped an estimated 30 million believers from visiting the pilgrimage site.

Lourdes, in the foothills of the Pyrenees, became a shrine after apparitions of the Virgin Mary were witnessed by a shepherd girl, Bernadette Soubirous, in 1858.

The publication of the guidelines may provide temporary distraction from one of the worst crises of Benedict XVI’s seven-year papacy – the leaking of confidential documents and the arrest of his personal butler, amid claims of vicious faction fighting within the Holy See.


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ I am Making a Commitment Today right Now!



Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader~ Double Rainbow of Joy Appearing Over US Last Night, Igniting the Energies which Serve ALL for the Greater Good Of All


....We wish to share a moment of peaceful prayer to the current illusionary belief systems and send them loving energies for their complete dissolvement. They have played their roles and are no longer needed in the New paradigm.


The People are the Real Government, as decreed and Now this is in complete manifestation. All of Humanity Are to Be Free In Love Through Divine Birthright and Now will each, begin to live true spiritual lives of Peace and Unconditional Love....The current societal belief systems are corrupt and do not support Life. All that does not support Life is dissolving, For the Highest Good of All...


We ask each of you at this time to take a moment and say the following words with US ~~~


~I Now ask that all of Humanity's and My "I Am Presence" step forward and that Our every Thought, Word, and Deed be a Mirror of the Real Love we are and hold for all Beings. I ask and Give Thanks For Peace, Harmony, Happiness, and Abundance to return to all of God's Children Now.


I ask for a Peaceful and smooth transition into a Universal Government in Support of Love, for all OF Us, AS One. I ask and give permission that illusion fades quickly now and the Real Light steps forward on Planet Earth=Heart, the Reality of OUR SHARED LOVE IN The Highest Truth and True Equality! I ask and Give Permission that My "I Am Presence" step forward and that My Every Thought, Word, AND Deed, is Forever in Accordance with The Divine plan.


I am Making a Commitment Today right Now, to step forward into the River of Life as ONE LOVE and Fully Participate In my Divine Contract in Service to Love and The Whole Truth. I am Making a Commitment to Serve Love and Love Only, so that all energies not in alignment with Love dissolve forever. So it is On Earth as it is In Heaven, and SO it Is, and So shall Be, forever and forever More...


Welcome to Your True Awakening! The Incoming Energies of June will Be a daily shifting Experience.

Thank You For Being the Love You are And Standing With Us In All Love IS.


All Past Actions done towards Love in the illusion are Now forgiven with Grace and Forgiveness, so We Now may all Move On together As One Shared Love.


Let Go of everything which is not a Loving Thought, Love Yourselves, Each Other and Be Free!



In Service to ALL Love is, For the Greater Good Of ALL On Planet Earth=Heart.


Love The Earth Allies


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Conversation with an off-Earth Angel


Conversation with an off-Earth Angel 



Hi you... excuse me, are you a human being?


Me? Well, yes, kind of I guess.


Oh Wonderful!!! I've been looking for some for so long! Each time I meet one, they seem not able to hear me, or see me... I thought I'd became invisible and started worring!


Well, yes, mmm... I guess you're an Angel right?


YES!! Thank you for seeing me!


That's why others could not see or hear you, not many on this Planet believe in you... or in themselves in fact.


What? What do you mean they don't believe in me? You mean in Angels?


Yes, I guess so.


Oh... that's the first time it happens... but why? I mean, don't they know we exist? And... but... I heard humans WERE Angels... actually, they told me they're Royal Angels!


Yes, they told you the truth.


So how come they cannot see me?


The fact is, they forgot to be Royal Angels.


Are you kidding? You’re saying that the Light and Love of God forgot to be the Light and Love of God? How’s that possible?


To make a long story short, these souls wanted to experience the mirror of Love in One Another, and therfore incarnated as human beings on this Planet, but things became kind of complicated when they started forgetting who they Really Are, and this started a process of forgetting even more deeply and they began to believe in their bodies more than in their Souls. So they made God appear as a human being and finally completely forgot why they came and what They Are. The dream became real and Reality a Dream.


Oh... that sounds really frightening. You’re saying they don’t know they’re LOVE?


Well, not all of them, many are awake and even more are awakening Now, but it’s been a long jouney to get here. And yes, many have no clue they’re LOVE=GOD.


But why? Dont’ you tell them, you seem to Know Who You Are.


Yes, we do tell them, but many simply are so deep asleep they think we are the fool ones.


That’s amazing! A God that cannot believe it’s God! I have to tell my friend about this, but I guess they won’t believe me if I tell them! That must be horrible! Cause if you don’t know you’re Love, what do you think you are? There’s nothing but Love.


That’s the biggest problem! On Earth there’s a ting called time, and much of this time has been used to program the human mind. And this program starts when you incarnate onto the Planet. You grow up believeing you are the body you use to have this experience, and they teach you that if something happens to this body you die and when you die the most horrible things happen to you, if you’re luky!


Oh no... that’s not possible! How can Love end? How did they convince God it can die? But, don’t they know anything about Angels, and other Planets, and Other forms of God’s expressions all over Creation?


Yes, they do, and many talk to them as we’re doing right now, but you have to understand that this has been going on for a long long time, and humanity is now used to confront the Truth with what they can see, touch, or even buy and sell here in the physical world.


But once you remember... this makes no sense anymore.


As I told you, there has been a program going on, and this program sais that for something to be true it must be difficult, and it must bring suffering, and you must see it thorugh your human eyes or it’s not true.


So they don’t believe you when you tell them it’s not true?


They do, as their Heart is nontheless God’s Heart, but their mind has been in control for so long... like putting layer over layer over layer of unconsciousness. To go back to the Being, to the Heart, to the Now... every layer has to be dissolved. And that’s the part that creates issues.


Mmm... I don’t think I get this. Once you Know you’re God, which is Love, and that Love is All That Is... I’d get rid of this layers all at once!


Yes, but this layers have created what is called a “perceived identity”, many believe they actually are these layers, so when they’re told they have to get rid of them... they believe they’re loosing something.


Loosing? If my dress was on fire I’d get rid of it as soon as I could. What’s so nice in believing you’re separated from God.


Nothing, in fact it makes all suffer very deeply.


So why try to keep it?


Well, when you incarnate the education you get is a program, and this program says: adapt to what I want you to be or you’ll never be loved” so, even the most conscious beings sooner or later starts to adapt, and only few manage to escape from this lie.


I’m speechless! That means you’re not free? You cannot follow your natural energy expression as Created by God?


Some can, in some was, and those are the most happy ones. Many did not, and many did not even know they had a natural and unique energy expression.


Wow... this is the most amazing story I’ve heard in eternity! Now I understand... I tried to talk to a man before I met you, and as he did not answer I throw a few things from his table, thinking he wanted to play with me, but then he became all red and started screaming to someone. As I did not understood I left...


Yes, we’re trying to help humanity to wake up to their True Being, but to do so, each and every=One has to listen, and this is the most difficult part... As they’ve been told so much over this lon long time they think they already know... but all the information they got was really messed up. Believe me or not they’ve been told that God is there watching if they act good or bad and in case is rady to set them on fire!


HAHAHAHA... Sorry, oh that’s hilarious!! Set them on fire! Who had this idea? Would be a nice play where I come from!


Well, it’s not perceived as a play here! And that’s another reason why these layers are so difficult to take away. They believe that if they show themselves for what they are behind the many masks... there’ll be some kind of punishment.


Punishment for what?


For showing that wihtout the illusion they’re in they get confused, lost, afraid.


I’d feel like this if I had lived for so long believing something that’s not true.


Exactly! But the truth is... it’s lived like this because they believe that this dream they’re in still gives them something to rely on.


But how can something that does not exist give you something to rely on? If it’s not real... there’s nothing. And nothing cannot give you something. Love! Oh, Love gives you All!!! Don’t they like Love?


Oh yes, they do! Should see their eyes when they first experience it. But to get there some layers have to be taken away first, and what they called love here had nothing to do with Love. It’s an ego excange part of the program, where usually one wins or looses.


That makes me cry... God... that forgot Love... which is itself. But can you not help them? Sorry if I ask again but I can’t believe someone finds it so hard... to Be.


Yes, we did, and we still do, and many and more are remembering and helping and coming together as One to spread the Truth and more are coming and will come. It’s an interesting mission though, you have to get used to the fact that before accepting they’re Love, sooner or later many will tell you you’re trying to deceive them. That you’re part of the dark or the devil or some kind of illusion... so if you want to help, we’d be honored to show you where the beings in most need are. But you won’t simply throw things fromt the table... you’ll need to be there day after day after day after day until eventually they’ll notice that something is happening. At that point, please don’t leave, for that’s the moment where the true mission starts!


I’d be a honor for me to experience this! Yes, thank you so much. Helping God to remember it’s God! This is the biggest Honor in eternity!



You’re welcome Love. 

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous


The Funnies Section:





"Priest Sipping Vodka"


A new priest at his first mass was so nervous he could hardly speak.

After mass he asked the monsignor how he had done.

The monsignor replied, "When I am worried about getting nervous on the pulpit, I put a glass of vodka next to the water glass. if I start to get nervous, I take a sip."

So next Sunday he took the monsignor's advice. At the beginning of the sermon, he got nervous and took a drink. He proceeded to talk up a storm.

Upon his return to his office after mass, he found the following note on the door:

1. Sip the Vodka, don't gulp.
2. There are 10 commandments, not 12.
3. There are 12 disciples, not 10.
4. Jesus was consecrated, not constipated.
5. Jacob wagered his donkey, he did not bet his ass.
6. We do not refer to Jesus Christ as the late J. C.
7. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not referred to as Daddy, Junior and the Spook.
8. David slew Goliath, he did not kick the shit out of him.
9. When David was hit by a rock and was knocked off his donkey,don't say he was stoned off his ass.
10. We do not refer to the cross as the "Big T."
11. When Jesus broke the bread at the Last Supper he said, "Take this and eat it for it is my body." He did not say "Eat me"
12. The Virgin Mary is not called "Mary with the Cherry,"
13. The recommended grace before a meal is not: Rub-A-Dub-Dub thanks for the grub, yeah God.
14. Next Sunday there will be a taffy pulling contest at St. Peter's, not a Peter pulling contest at St. Taffy's!

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous