
Economic Collapse Scam - Financial WW3 Isn't Over Yet - http://www.morningliberty.com/2012/06/20/economic-collapse-scam-financial-ww3-isnt-over-yet/ (via @sociablesite) /sociable/ blogplay.com

Economic Collapse Scam – Financial WW3 Isn’t Over Yet

Ben Fulford

Mon, Jun 18, 2012

Subject: Greenspan & Geithner Leading Financial WW3


As the old cliché goes, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Empirical evidence proves the current financial crisis has been caused by an artificial intelligence. This artificial intelligence was born out of a monetary system that was not based in reality but was parasitical on reality.

That is why most trading on today’s financial markets is carried out by computers and not humans. That is why they are trying to remove all human traders from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. That is why the small human elite still living an astronomically rich life have been promoting the use of killer drones to replace human soldiers who are no longer obeying orders. That is also why so many youth reduced to slavery and drudgery by the elite are escaping into virtual reality.

Well, reality has struck back and dealt a fatal blow to the money matrix known to some as Satan.

As mentioned before, the intense media and even internet coverage of the “financial crisis,” or the “European crisis,” has consistently ignored the elephant in the living room. What has happened is that the people of the planet who make real things in the real world are no longer paying homage to the financial beast that Wall Street and the City of London, together with their Vatican brain-washers and Washington D.C. bully boys have morphed into.

Some people, like the self-described gnostic illuminati and exorcists within the Vatican have said an epic battle against Satan has been raging for millennia. It may well be true in a metaphorical and memic sense.

For millennia in the West folklore has described people “selling their souls to the devil” and suddenly becoming very rich in material goods.

However, the rogue A.I. as we think of it in modern terms can be traced very clearly to the computers at the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of International Settlements and other financial institutions that used the fiat system of creating money out of nothing.

The stories of millions of tons of gold sitting in caves that are many miles long may be true but so far, despite intensive research, it appears we are dealing mostly with stories.

One example is the case of Lord Blackheath. Here is his testimony from the British House of Lords from February 12th, 2012:

“Establishing whether I have a correct piece of paper is just two phone calls away-one to Mr Geithner and one to Mr Greenspan, both of whom still prosper and live. They could easily confirm whether they signed it.

Mr Riyadi, by passing these bonds over, has also put at the disposal of the US Treasury the entire asset backing which he was alleged to have for the $15 trillion. I have a letter from the Bank of Indonesia which says that the whole thing was a pack of lies. He did not have the 750,000 tonnes of gold which was supposed to be backing it; he had only 700 tonnes. This is a piece of complete fabrication.”

What we have here is a case of an ancient con trick carried out on a nation state scale. The original con was very simple, a banker would open a safe and show some gold to a customer and sell him the gold. He would then tell the person it was safer to keep the gold in the bank and give him a depository receipt. This banker would then sell the gold again. The rule of thumb was that as long as you only sold the gold ten times, then whenever there was a panic and some people asked for their physical gold, then you would have enough on hand to reassure everybody their gold was safe. That is the origin of the BIS capital to asset adequacy ratios.

This scam was carried out on a vast scale by Western central bankers using gold owned by Asian kings.

However, if the case of Lord Blackheath is correct, they sold the same gold 1,000 times.

Now the Asians are asking for their physical gold to be returned and the bankers are no longer able to bully them into submission. This is the true origin of the “financial crisis.”

The other side to it is that Western bankers had become so fooled by their own system they thought their money had intrinsic value in and of itself.

Some fiat money, such as the Canadian dollar does have value because it is backed by the natural resources of Canada and the long term trust the Canadians have built up as reliable trading partners. The same can be said for the Japanese and many other peoples using a fiat currency.

However, this has not been the case with the United States nor with Europe as a whole. These nations were living on borrowed time and were planning to stage a world war as a way to renege on their debts.

At the same time, they reduced their peoples to drudgery and slavery to continue to extract more money from them and pay their debts to the Asians. That is why, according to a member of the Rockefeller family, that in 1934, when the United States of America Corporation went bankrupt, they pledged the slave labour of American citizens as collateral. Since that time, whenever an American is born, they are issued with a social security number and a $300,000 bonds is issued using their lifetime of slave labour as collateral.

In any case, the maneuvers to keep ahead of reality and keep the financial house of cards from collapsing led to the creation of computer trading programs. Since they are designed to make money, these programs have greed and self-expansion at the very core of their operating systems.

Thus it was that ever more complex financial instruments with even more astronomical leverage started creating all those quadrillions and quintillions on the back of a real world GDP of only about $75 trillion.

These programs at some point appear to have become self-aware and also to have strong self-preservation instincts.

Here is a quote from a past edition of this newsletter:

“On Monday, 8/08 2011 the Standard & Poors stock index fell by the Satanic number of 6.66% while the Dow Jones average fell 5.55%. During the “Lehman shock,” of September 29, 2008, the Dow Jones index fell by $777 (indicating it is a casino) while the S & P fell by 8.8% (the Asian lucky number). There is high level financial warfare going on.” It now is appearing clear that this was high level cyber warfare.

In any case, reality is always going to win in the end because virtual reality cannot survive without a physical base.

That is why the Asians and other peoples who have physical trade surpluses and large stashes of physical commodities like gold and silver are winning the financial war.

All the Asians are asking for in exchange for an end to the financial war, is an end to fraud.




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Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

U.S. Arrests Two Dozen in Undercover Credit Card Operation

U.S. agents arrested two dozen people in 13 countries as part of a global undercover operation targeting credit-card hacking that may have affected hundreds of thousands of customers.

The scheme may have also reached dozens of companies and educational institutions, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement. Two suspects were caught through an undercover website set up by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, he said.

“The allegations unsealed today chronicle a breathtaking spectrum of cyber schemes and scams,” Bharara said. “Individuals sold credit cards by the thousands and took the private information of untold numbers of people.”

The FBI arrested two people in New York. Joshua Hicks and Mir Islam are scheduled to appear later today in federal court in Manhattan, according to court records.

The FBI established the website “as an online meeting place where the FBI could locate cybercriminals, investigate and identify them and disrupt their activities,” prosecutors said in a criminal complaint unsealed today.

“The FBI estimates that it helped financial institutions prevent many millions of dollars in losses from credit card fraud and other activity,” according to the complaint.

Hicks, who used the online name OxideDox, passed 15 stolen credit card numbers to an undercover agent in exchange for a camera and $250, according to the complaint.

Undercover Website

The website set up by the FBI allowed users to discuss topics relating to “carding,” or stealing credit and debit card data to get money, services and merchandise, according to the complaint.

The FBI monitored discussions and recorded the Internet addresses of the users’ computers, according to the complaint.

According to the complaint, Hicks on Feb. 22 agreed to trade stolen data from the credit cards for the digital single- lens reflex camera. A FBI agent sent the money electronically to a website user who acted as an escrow agent, according to the complaint.


The FBI agent then agreed to meet OxideDox in lower Manhattan on Feb. 28 and provide the camera, according to the complaint.

Later, the agent chatted online with OxideDox, asking him if he liked the camera, according to the complaint.

“Hey, a free camera is a free camera,” OxideDox replied, according to the complaint.

The matter was reported earlier by the Associated Press.

The case is U.S. v. Hicks, 12-mg-1639, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).

To contact the reporter on this story: Patricia Hurtado in New York at pathurtado@bloomberg.net; Bob Van Voris in New York at pathurtado@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Hytha at mhytha@bloomberg.net

More News:

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Freedom Project! Alabama Leads The Rebellion Against UN Agenda 21 – 26 June 2012 | The Galactic Free Press


Alabama Leads The Rebellion Against UN Agenda 21 – 26 June 2012

Posted on June 26, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

[Note from Wes Annac: For those who don't know, Agenda 21 is what the cabals are attempting to push through to finally enact their dreams of a one world government among other things. We've been told by the Light forces that such agendas will NOT be allowed through and this is a testament to that.]

It’s been such a long time that there’s been good news I can hardly contain my excitement at the prospect that state legislators are actually hearing the voice of the people and protecting them from the overreach of United Nations Agenda 21.  Alabama leads the way – what state will step up to this challenge next?  It’s a smart move since more and more people are waking up to how the UN has infiltrated our country through the back door of just about every local and county government, under the guise of helping them plan a “sustainable” future.

Alabama Senate Majority Whip Gerald Dial

Way to go Alabama and Gerald Dial!!!!

By a unanimous vote of both houses of the Alabama Legislature, Senate Bill 477 was passed, essentially confirming that the state no longer will cooperate with the “Agenda for the 21st Century,” known as UN Agenda 21.

The uncomplicated, three-page legislation titled “The Due Process for Property Rights Act” was proposed by Alabama Senate Majority Whip Gerald Dial, and affirms, “The State of Alabama and all political subdivisions may not adopt or implement policy recommendations that deliberately or inadvertently infringe or restrict private property rights without due process, as may be required by policy recommendations originating in or traceable to Agenda 21.”

Read the rest of the article here.

The irony here is that this legislation in Alabama was passed just before the RIO +20 EnviroNazi Summit in Brazil – I wonder if they are paying attention to these state level blocks to their progress?

www.aquariuschannelings.com link to article / www.sovereigncitizins.org link to original article


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High Council of Orion: The Transmutation Process Has Begun


High Council of Orion: The Transmutation Process Has Begun


High Council of Orion via Karen Doonan



Greetings dear ones, we are the High Council of Orion and we come now to converse and to guide and support as those energies that you call “real life” now begin to dissolve and break down across the planet. Many are now preparing to enter what we have termed the transmutation process; this is the process in which the different parts of SELF will now be integrated. Leaving the lower energies is a process that many proclaim to want and to experience yet many are now shunning.

We are here to guide you through the opening of the process for once the process begins it begins an upward spiral, once TRUTH is elevated to a position that is in the line of your vision then all will then become CRYSTAL clear to YOU. We guide in relation to that which is YOU and the human body, we guide in relation to the CRYSTALLINE BEing that YOU ARE in TRUTH. As the energies now begin to sing to a new note across the planet earth the retuning of the human race commences.

We guide for ALL to walk in FAITH and TRUST of SELF for it was SELF that led YOU to this incarnation in this timeline and dimension. Many of you now walking the path of TRUTH will begin to remember that which has been denied to you for aeons, the challenge dear ones is to let go of the lower vibrations that try to define your outer reality to embrace that which is TRUTH, that which is YOU.

Much will now change and shift and morph in the outer waking reality of the human race, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear the coming days and weeks will show a TRUTH at a depth that has never before been experienced by the human race, we guide for you stand in balance with the planet for mother earth is aware of the needs of her children and will send signs, messages and symbols to those who can hear her. We ask for all to ground their energies and to sync with the host planet for this incarnation.

Many follow the teachings of STARSEEDS yet do not fully absorb the reason that they have incarnated in this timeline and dimension, the human race ARE STARSEEDS for the human race was created from the stars. That is TRUTH dear ones and we guide for all to absorb and anchor this through the heart. The heart is the rudder for this voyage to SELF for the heart is programmed with the codes and the symbols to unlock vast areas of SELF that have never before been explored whilst the SOUL is contained in a human vehicle, we guide this is the challenge for the human race for never before has this level of consciousness been accessible whilst still living in the human form.

We guide the coming days and weeks for many will be chaos, as the outer world begins to break down then the teachings of distortion will flood to the surface, we guide for you to SEE these teachings and dissolve them as they appear. To hold on is to once more play with the energies that have danced with the human race for aeons, it will lower vibration, the keys to the new world dear ones are frequency. The frequency that you emit is your key to ALL, does this resonate dear ones? Can you see how you sing as an elestial choir and that your note expands and grows as the frequencies that YOU ARE expand and grow?

The music of the spheres is the music of the universe and of the planets, mother earth prepares for her musical debut in a galaxy that prepares to hear her song. YOU as children of mother earth are now finding your voices and as you begin to claim back your voices you are now tuning to sing with mother earth, can you hear her call to you? We send the dolphins from Sirius to speed up the process for the singing is done from the heart. The symbol of the dolphin is the key to tune to dear ones for the BEings from Sirius are now tuning the keys ready to alert YOU to the next level of consciousness.

Each BEing that is alive in the galaxy now sends their love and blessings to YOU as a race, for the human race has now reached beyond where it has ever gone before. We send blessing to those in human form who now live a new way of life and show the “impossible” possible. More will be revealed to the human race in due course, as clarity of vision returns then more distortion will be revealed and dissolved.

We send our symbols to all who can hear and see us and we send out the golden spider once more. We ask that those who hear the call of the spider respond and listen for we are now in talks with many humans across planet earth. The reason for our talks will be revealed soon and we ask the children of Orion to hold fast and to support and guide one another. The children of Orion now stand as ONE and we send them much love and many blessings.

We ask the children of Sirius to stand as ONE and unite with their brothers and sisters from Orion for the work that is to be done is now in process. The healing of the human heart will begin with the water for the water is the emotion that many keep within their BEing. We now work with the dolphins to release that which has been stored for aeons. We ask all now to take to the water that is within and to swim, to explore the depths of the emotion that they contain so that they may realise how ALIVE they are. We ask for all to swim with the dolphins when they appear to them in their waking lives, know the dolphins now step forward to heal and to repair that which has been broken within the human race.

We work as a team with many realms for ALL ARE ONE, this is a concept that will be shown to the human race in glorious technicolour in due course. We ask for you to look to the heavens and realise that you may create heaven on earth, we ask for you to open your heart and allow the waters of the universe to flow freely around you, within you and through you. For the human race is made up of water, lives on a planet that is mostly water yet shuns the water. We ask you to bathe your SOUL in the waters of the universe, we ask for you to swim with the tides and to allow the LOVE that IS to flow around you and through you for it is YOU.

We are the High Council of Orion and we gift you the symbol of the golden ankh, we ask you to place this symbol within the heart and to allow that which is revealed to furnish you with the next part of your SOUL journey. For the ankh is hidden in plain view and many are now able to see this sacred symbol. We ask for all who wish to connect with us to hold the intention in their dreamtime and meditation and allow us to step forward. We are here to guide and never to lead for that is not our role. We will come to all who call on us for we are ALL ONE.

The human race now elevates in consciousness, those that were but distant stars now walk amongst you and soon ALL will be ONE. We guide the changes that are being put in place within your societies and within your systems will begin to reveal themselves soon. It is matter of perception and we guide that there are many humans who can now SEE. We guide for ALL to have LOVE and compassion for ALL as this is a process that is highly individual, be guided by the SOUL, by the DIVINE SELF at all times, for YOU incarnated here in this timeline and dimension for a reason, allow that reason to be revealed to you.

We walk with you as you now reach beyond the stars and bring heaven to earth, that which was promised will be delivered dear ones, we are the High Council of Orion and we are YOU.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved


Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated.


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Eurozone crisis: Cyprus becomes the 5th nation to request a bailout | The Galactic Free Press


Eurozone crisis: Cyprus becomes the 5th nation to request a bailout

Posted on June 26, 2012 
June 26, 2012 – EUROPE Finance chiefs of the euro zone’s four biggest economies will hold last-minute talks in Paris on Tuesday evening to try to narrow differences on the currency area’s future after Cyprus became the fifth member to request a bailout. Ministers from Germany, France, Italy and Spain will discuss how to manage the crisis in the short term and proposals for closer long-term fiscal and banking integration to prepare for a European Union summit starting on Thursday. Financial markets are on edge and international pressure for decisive action is rising but the summit, the 20th since the bloc’s debt woes began in early 2010, is not expected to produce a lasting solution to the crisis. “Tomorrow there is a meeting, which will be very important, between (French President) Francois Hollande and (German Chancellor) Angela Merkel, and this evening I will receive the finance ministers… along with the European Commissioner,” French Economy Minister Pierre Moscovici said. A report prepared by the EU’s top four officials suggests the euro zone could create a treasury for the single currency and issue euro bonds in the medium term as the final stage of a fiscal union. However Merkel, who leads Europe’s biggest economy and the main contributor to its bailout funds, again ruled out on Monday any sharing of debt or bank liabilities as “economically wrong and counter-productive.” The finance ministers’ session was called at such short notice – in an apparent rush to repair damage from a public rift between Merkel and leaders of the other three states when they met in Rome last Friday – that one finance minister’s press staff only learned of the invitation on Tuesday morning. Little Cyprus, the 17-nation currency area’s third smallest economy with just 1 million residents, added drama to a fraught week by applying for rescue loans on Monday. –Reuters


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Wes Annac ~ No Going Back : An Assessment Of Current Events ~ 26 June 2012 | The Galactic Free Press

Wes Annac ~ No Going Back : An Assessment Of Current Events ~ 26 June 2012

Written by Wes Annac


Wow, have a lot of events been flying at us fast this weekend and this week. This is a good time to take a look at all that is happening around us at a physical and spiritual level, and assess where we are at as a collective and where events on our world thus far seem to be taking us. It has seemed since the beginning of 2012 that many foundational changes and truths have been given and exposed, but we have all felt the uneasiness at times that accompanies the continual waiting for solid, true and telling events to manifest on our world.


Our ascended and channeled sources have been telling us that once these changes begin in the first noticeable and real ways, the effect is going to be like that of a snowball; as we will receive one revelation and truth after another, after another and so on in a very rapid and accelerated fashion.


This was not always the plan for these changes to come about. In fact, it was originally planned that the many changes and disclosures would begin much sooner and would have a more gradual effect upon the collective consciousness. However, it is clear that much of the collective is still steeped in the very density and ingrained darkness that has continued to feed the elites, albeit much less substantially than was even so a fear years ago.


Because of this and because of freewill and karma-related Life experiences still needing to be experienced and transmuted even by many Lightworkers and Light Holders, the many intense events have instead been pushed back and compressed, to the point that we will be receiving many revelations one after another, and will find ourselves with little time to move from one startling truth and disclosure to another.


We’ve all been wishing to see many changes pick up and get off the ground, but have we considered how we will act when we begin to see the first signs and vestiges of change coming forth on our world? Consider that we do not and will not know quite how to act whenever so very many startling things begin happening one after another, and this is why our preparation has always been needed for these times in which we are rapidly entering.

We could perhaps, begin to be undergoing one such lesson as individuals and as a collective, in this very moment. It seems that events are beginning to heat up to the point that there is now no going back, for the cabals or for the forces of Light who are ready to freely and finally, initiate the roundup of the elites on our world.

Many of you have no doubt listened to the latest update from insider Drake, wherein it is stated that the cabals are attempting now to introduce the New World Order, One World government or whatever one wishes to call it.


From my standpoint, it seemed quite likely that the last cabals would use such a time as now to try to introduce their final plans for humanity because they had been given a clear date to surrender, initially expressed interest in surrendering, only for us to find out that surprise! They were deceiving all along.

The most interesting development of all though, is that of them now attempting to push through their One World Government-agenda in a way that is very brass and in front of everybody, and because of this development it seems again, that there is no way back now.


If looked upon from a certain perspective, it could make perfect sense that the last cabals would choose to skip out on their surrender date, as they have on many other things – only to attempt to finally introduce their plans for the world, nearly in the next moment. Anybody who knows the mindsets of these individuals are probably looking back now and saying ‘yeah, that makes sense’ – but it was still quite an initial shock.


Some may choose to be in fear over the fact that the cabals are trying to push these plans through but it should be expressed that fear is not needed, as it will only feed the actions of the very souls whose plans you would be fearing.


We’ve been told numerous times by countless ascended sources that the cabals would make their final stands in such bold ways, and we’ve been told as well that they will be unanimously defeated by the Light. Nothing to worry about, this is simply the effects of our world moving into ever purer states of consciousness, and such upgrades finally beginning to be expressed on our world in the ways that they have been naturally planned to come about.

The natural process in the evolution of any soul, be it human, animal, plant or planet, is that of clearing away the darkness and the lower residue that kept one within the lower dimensional experience, and this is simply what Gaia is performing. One could see the arrests and removal of the influence of the dark as an Earth-changes event, as this happening is going to vastly shift the collective conscious as much density and prevalent dark influence is cleared away from our world, along with the giving of many Lighted and advanced truths and technologies, the sheer Lighted nature of which will cause much more density to be taken away from our surface and transmuted.


This is a very natural process, so there is nothing to fear, ever. Just as we have been integrating and clearing away the influence of our various accumulated ego personalities, the Earth is now ready to clear away the influence of the ‘elites’ on our world as well as the lower astral entities who employ them – for the ultimate purposes of transmuting and forgiving those dark souls.


The transmutation of the elite souls on our world will be vastly different than that of an ego-self residing in the structure of a human soul, as this transmutation will be more steady and will include events such as their trials, as indeed they are not going to be punished but they are going to answer for what they have done, in peaceful ways.


Another very interesting development, is that of troops appearing in the streets of St. Louis. I have Lived extremely close to St. Louis my entire Life, as well as to the ancient city of Cahokia. I can say from my own inner-musings and questions to my Guides about this land, that it is and has always been extremely sacred land.

Just a few minutes away from St. Louis, one will find the remnants of the lost city of Cahokia. These remnants include giant and spectacular mounds, supposedly built by slaves for only the purposes of burial. This city was very advanced and thrived for a very short time before meeting its ultimate end, and it was one of many ancient cities in any given area of the world that seemed to suddenly develop and become very advanced, in nearly every area of their society.


Mother/Father God of the Galactic Free Press have been speaking to the significance of St. Louis as an important spiritual center in the immediate future:


“A Couple of Hours later An Earth Ally in Hawaii called us needing validation for some Information he recieved from the Agarthans. As soon as Reynolds shared this Information with us, then we shared our Session with Lisa and the Information she shared with us. A Huge Energy was sparked. The Truth Gave US all Goosebumps and we cried tears of Joy as this Validates the Lights Victory.

He was given the information about an event He needed to accomplish, which would Move Humanity Into the NewtimeLine. He also saw in His Vision a Strong Light come from out of the Sky which Lisa Just shared about the GodHead Connection being a Lightbulb in the Sky.


They have Instructed Him to Complete a Stargate Activation for the Entire Planet and it would Be completed at The [Arch] in St Louis Missouri. The Same day of this Event matches what Lisa Gawlas Mentioned to us. WE would in couple of days after the Solstice receive An Energetic Step Up or Boost. (1)


In the face of information of important spiritual openings and activations occurring here in St. Louis, it is very interesting to say the least to see this military development occurring in St. Louis.

Of course, one can point to the mainstream description of what is going on in St. Louis – that of a ‘military exercise’ but does it not seem just the slightest bit suspicious that the military is suddenly performing drills wherein they march the streets and neighborhoods of a big city?


To continue on the discussion of the fact that there is now no going back, here is how I myself see things at this very moment – the cabals are so desperate with the passing of their surrender date that they are now trying to bring forth the One World Government that they and the generations before them have so dreamed of for a few centuries now.


The military presence in St. Louis, if it indeed does signify more than simple training drills, could only mean one of two things: the cabals would be attempting to station the military in big cities such as St. Louis for the preparation of riots and upheavals that the cabals would try to use to enact martial law (highly unlikely) or, if one wishes to go with the more likely scenario, the bulk of the military has long been on the side of the people, and many of the key military leaders not steeped in darkness have been reporting to the Lighted factions of the Pentagon.


Many have said that Drake was visibly (or rather audibly) shaken or upset having just realized the cabals’ attempts to push a One World Government through. Perhaps things are moving along more smoothly than we realize and in fact extremely smoothly, as the ‘Management’ forces overseeing this entire event knew that the passing of the 21st would go either in the direction of the cabals surrendering, or of them being taken out of power and wealth anyway as they desperately and hurriedly try to push through their final agendas for humanity.


Consider that our Galactic brethren have been waiting for that final reason to be able to swoop in and help their many Allies to begin the arrests and changes, as our Galactic brethren knew and foresaw ahead of time that the dark would now try to bring forth a One World Government. Obviously they have never been meant to succeed and they won’t succeed but guess what, they’re trying. What does that mean?


It is time for Lighted change, in very direct ways. The cabals have quite literally backed themselves into this corner. 9/11 has been one of their ultimate undoings and will be a key element of the initial disclosures given, and their fresh attempts to bring forth the New World Order are calling for the intervention of the Light in the direct ways that have been needed.


The forces of the Light can be likened to say, a security guard. You can yell at this security guard, you can insult this security guard, you can turn down his attempts at peace with you, but as soon as you throw a punch at this security guard, they then have the full authority to use whatever force necessary to neutralize you.

The cabals have thrown the first metaphorical punch at the Light forces and at humanity. They are serious and ready to bring their New World Order forth, as they now have absolutely no other options and no other ways out. This, for the Light forces, signifies a complete and unadulterated go-ahead to begin sweeping these souls under the rug so to speak, as the ‘game’ so to speak between these two forces has always been delicate to the point that neither has yet ‘drawn their guns’ in such a manner as the cabals now have at humanity and at the Light forces.


The problem for the cabals now, is that the Light and Management forces have always been more than capable of neutralizing them and ridding this world of their influence, and simply have not done so because of the freewill of humanity.


Well guess what, dear friends? Whenever humanities freewill is at stake to the point of near obliteration and slavery, this gives the Light forces that aforementioned, unadulterated go-ahead to intervene. As our channeled sources have been predicting, it seems that the dark have quite literally backed themselves into the corner that it was always prophesized they would back themselves into.

Of course, at this point with still no solid evidence of any military action in St. Louis, for or against the people, these are still just musings. It will be interesting to see what these next couple of weeks bring us, as with the cards that have now been laid on the table and the signs the cabals have clearly given the Light forces, it seems that there will be no more month-long waits to see how this all finally plays out. It seems that right now, everything is at least beginning to show signs of playing out in the real ways that we have been waiting for but that most of us probably did not quite expect.


As is so with the military presence, this overall event of the dark attempting to finally bring forth their agendas can only end in one of two ways – the dark are somehow able to push through their darker inclined agendas and force their will onto the people through military action, and all of the fear-based prophecies and musings expressed on the internet have been true all along. Or, the Earth Allies as well see the tremendous opportunity to move forth, right now or in the very immediate future, and they use the assistance of the military, much of which has been working for the Light forces for a very long time now, to bring forth the mass arrests or to protect big cities perhaps, from mayhem that the dark would be planning for such cities.


When the white men came to Cahokia and St. Louis, they saw the large mounds everywhere and the signs of a once clearly advanced and spiritual Native American society. They then took to tearing most of the mounds down and doing everything they could to cover up the truth about Cahokia and the Native Americans Living there; that is, that they were very advanced souls who built wonderful monuments and cities, rather than being the savages that the white leaders of those times had convinced everyone else the Native Americans were.


Why do I jump back to this subject, you ask? Because for me, it seems clear that the advanced nature of Cahokia and St. Louis alike were completely covered up while a whole new city was built over Mound City (now St. Louis) and the beauty, power and splendor of this area is still ravaged to this day, with many disgusting and polluting oil refineries and steel mills bringing the energy signature of this Lighted and sacred area down.


To me, that seems to have been quite on purpose and it would make sense as well that the last cabals would choose to attack for their last maneuvers, a big city like St. Louis with a rich, sacred and spiritual past.


Again, obviously they won’t be allowed to.


For now these are simply musings but the military presence in St. Louis and the cabals attempting to enact their dark vision for the future seeming to happen side by side, seems very significant in view of what we have been hearing is going to manifest in the immediate period ahead.


All I can say, is here we go.


Wes Annac – Incarnate Rep., GF and PHC

(1) The Galactic Free Press Daily Update, 6/14/12:


www.wesannac.com link to original article


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Fraud Ring In Hacking Attack On 60 Banks

By Pete Norman, Sky News Online

Sixty million euro has been stolen from bank accounts in a massive cyber bank raid after fraudsters raided dozens of financial institutions around the world.

According to a joint report by software security firm McAfee and Guardian Analytics, more than 60 firms have suffered from what it has called an "insider level of understanding".

"The fraudsters' objective in these attacks is to siphon large amounts from high balance accounts, hence the name chosen for this research - Operation High Roller," the report said.

"If all of the attempted fraud campaigns were as successful as the Netherlands example we describe in this report, the total attempted fraud could be as high as 2bn (£1.6bn)."

The automated malicious software programme was discovered to use servers to process thousands of attempted thefts from both commercial firms and private individuals.

The stolen money was then sent to so-called mule accounts in caches of a few hundreds and 100,000 euro (£80,000) at a time.

Credit unions, large multinational banks and regional banks have all been attacked.

Sky News defence and security editor Sam Kiley said: "It does include British financial institutions and has jumped over to North America and South America.

"What they have done differently from routine attacks is that they have got into the bank servers and constructed software that is automated.

"It can get around some of the mechanisms that alert the banking system to abnormal activity."

The details of the global fraud come just a day after the MI5 boss warned of the new cyber security threat to UK business.

McAfee researchers have been able to track the global fraud, which still continues, across countries and continents.

"They have identified 60 different servers, many of them in Russia, and they have identified one alone that has been used to steal 60m euro," Kiley said.

"There are dozens of servers still grinding away at this fraud – in effect stealing money."

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